Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001–2015): Season 5, Episode 13 - Together Forever - full transcript

Craig and his band finally get their big break when a company in Vancouver offers them a record deal. Liberty takes on far more projects than she can handle in her condition and ends up going into labor.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(Craig playing guitar)

- Porsche 91 1 Carrera.
Fire engine red.

Full leather interior.
That's what I'd buy.

- Wow, that is so '80s.

- What?!
- Flip those collars up, Mr. Manning.

- Okay,
so what are you gonna buy

after we're discovered
at the Northern Sound Showcase?

- I guess I'd invest the money,

buy a condo or... a Smart car.
Or both.




- Stop doing that!

(playful giggling)

- Craig.

Manny's on the phone for you.

- Tell her I'm studying.

- Doesn't look like studying.

- Thanks, Mom.

- Speaking of studying,

someone is supposed
to be preparing

for his history presentation.

- Who cares?

Now the showcase
is in two days,

so drop that book
and grab those sticks.

'Cause no matter what,
we are gonna win this thing.

Whatever it takes

I know I can make it through

If I hold out

I know I can make it through

Be the best

Be the best I can

And I say to you

Whatever it takes

I know I can make it

I know I can make it

I know I can make it through

(Craig): So there was
this part of France

and Germany wanted it bad.

So they uh...

crossed the border-

- And they took this detour

- Because...

well, simple...

let see, it's right here.

After that one guy killed
that archduke, uh...

(whispers )
- Franz Ferdinand.

Franz Ferdinand.

- Ellie, Gesundheit.
- Thanks.

- Europe's treaties
were all messed up,

and Germany took advantage
of it.

(Toby): So, Liberty and I
are going to represent Degrassi

at the Metro Toronto
students assembly.

- But we need your input,

so email us your thoughts,
and we'll compile them.

Meeting adjourned.

- So how are you getting
to the assembly?

'Cause I was thinking...

that if you needed a lift,
JT could drive you.

- Toby, you know
I don't talk to JT.

- Yeah, but I wish you would.
Because this sucks, okay?

I mean, I'm friends
with both of you.

- Well, I've got enough
on my plate

without worrying about that.

- How's it going, anyway?
With the baby, I mean.

- My doctor told me
to take it easier - for the baby.

He says I'm over-stressed,
but I think I'm fine.

- Well, I'm here to help -
student council, whatever.

And not just 'cause
I'm your vice, okay?

She's fine.
She's stressed but...

you know, her doctor told her
to take it easy, for the kid.

- What?
The baby's in danger?

- I didn't-
I didn't say that.

- Well, is Liberty in danger?

- Look, calm down.

Liberty's fine.

I'll make sure
she takes it easy.

- Good. So will I.

- JT, if Liberty finds out

we've been having
these little meetings,

I'm dead. Murdered.

- Sorry.

But I have to do
something, okay?

What other choice do I have?

(Jimmy ): ''And, thus,
Craig fails history.''

- My poor baby.

- It's one grade, so what?

- Um... university.

Um, getting into university.
Um... your life.

- Yeah, breathe, Marco.

They've already
submitted our grades.

Anyway, who actually
wants to go?


Okay, besides the two of you.

- Hi, I'm Ellie Nash,

future Journalism School
student and roving reporter.

- And you're so annoying.

- So El, you're...

You're really taking
next year off to like...

to follow Craig around
or whatever?

- No. She - and we -

are going to spend it
cutting our first album

after we're discovered
at the Northern Sound Showcase.

That way, no wasting
the next four years

on some useless B.A.
which is worth an F.

(Jimmy ): Gavin.

What's this little number?

Is this uh...

is this a copy of you and Darcy
singing ''Jesus Loves Me''?

- No, that's Money Money.

Our dishwasher's
their lead guitarist

and they are your competition
at the Northern Sound Showcase.

And they're good.

(clacking drum sticks)

(Craig): All right!

Wake upI
Glad to meet you

I never met you before

You came with the feeling

It drove me out my front door

Way outI
Soon together

Walking and talking
out my front door

Too late
Glad to meet you

I never met you before

Wake up, everybody

Livin'the dream
That drove me where everybody

Where I met you
and you met me

And we three grooved
to the beat

To the beat -

Appleseed came back
with a vengeance

What are we in
apprehendin' our friends

You too, little boy blue

Came back and got back
and got the flu

(Announcer): Thank you.
that was Downtown Sasquatch.

Now give it up
for Money Money!

(Money Money ):
We are not worth that much

Oh she

Only wants me for,,,

My moneyI Oh my,,,

My moneyI Oh my,,,

My my my moneyI


- Okay.

Okay, they're good.

But their ties make me
want to strangle them.

(Leo): Cute girl's got a point.

Leo Davies.

- Hey, I'm Craig.
This is-

- Gotcha.

So good show tonight.

Liked the song,
loved the vocals.

- Thanks. It's too bad
Money Money blew us off the stage.

- Oh, they're good,
but their sound's been played,

So is their look.

No depth.

- So we've got depth?

- Definitely.

The band's a little rough.

- Yeah. Not so
coordinated here.

- Yeah, but it worked.
I liked it.


I'd like to manage you.

- Uh, Craig,
Dancing With the Stars is on!

- A manager... okay?

A real, music industry manager
has signed us tonight.

- That's amazing, Craig!

- Yeah, um...

Leo's gonna work with us
to sharpen our sound.

He's going to introduce us
to A&R, record companies.

Tomorrow we have
a photo shoot set up.

- That is amazing, buddy.

And well...

speaking of potentially
amazing news,

this letter arrived
for you today.

from U of T.

- Oh wow.

Uh... I got-
I got early acceptance.

And a full scholarship.

- What?!

Oh, Craig, that is awesome!

Congratulations, buddy!

Oh, we're so proud of you!

- Craig, summer
with your band;

free university in the fall.

You're totally set.

- Yeah...

Okay. Hold on.

This is so great
and everything,

but um, I don't know
if for sure I can do this.

I mean, I have to talk to Leo first.

- Okay Craig,
I know you're excited, okay?

But this is school;

this is your future.

- My future's music.

Okay? I'm not going
to give this up.


Sorry, this is the opportunity
of a lifetime.

Wake upI
Glad to meet you

I never met you before

- Hawke,

this ain't working for me.


Marco, step over here.


And Jimmy, scoot over here,
beside Marco.

- Um wait,
isn't he blocking my drums?

- You're our chick on sticks.
You can sell it from back there.


Craig, I need you to step forward.

Forward. Yeah, good.

Okay, Hawke? Yeah?

- Uh... Leo?
- Yeah.

- I'm kind of about ''the band''.

- Dude, this is different.

See now ''the band''
is about you.

Okay, Hawke...

(loud camera click)

- Hey.
Leo said he's running late.

Um... El?

- Chick on sticks is gonna
sell it from over here, yo.

- Okay.


Northern Sound Showcase
always asks a few bands back

for their final night.

This year they've asked back
Money Money,

The Aunt Selmas
and Downtown Sasquatch.

- You're serious.

- Plus, one of the execs

is inviting his favourite band
out to Vancouver

to cut a demo with Jakalope.
Which is huge.

- Wait,
so if this record guy likes us,

we spend the summer
in Vancouver?

- Yeah, guys,
this would happen next week.

You'd be on a flight
on Sunday night.

- For how long?

- As long as it takes.
Weeks. Months.

- Wait, what-
what about school?

We have exams, papers.
We'll screw up our entire year.

- So? This is a one shot deal.

It's more important
than school.

Guys, don't worry
about this stuff.

Worry about polishing
your sound.

It's a little rough.

- Oh, but...
Rough's part of our charm.

- Rough's gonna hold you back,
Especially around the drumming.

- Leo, we'll be fine.

She'll be fine.

You have my word on it.


Okay. I thought we'd go
through the song

from start to finish,
Just drums.

- Craig, this is
a hopeless cause.

I'm not a good drummer.

- Hey, we've no time
for negativity, okay?

Let's just focus here.

- Okay.


Is that better?

- That's perfect.
Just keep going.

We got a gig at the Showcase.
Another one.

The band gets to-
- The band, the band...

The band is all
that you care about.

- This Showcase matters,

- Right now,

it looks like the only thing
that matters is Ellie.

- Manny! Manny...

- Liberty, I was wondering
if you were still here.

- Oh, we're just finishing up.

- Listen, it came
to my attention...

Well, let me rephrase that.

I'm concerned
about you, Liberty.

Your baby is due soon,
you've been working awfully hard,

and you just seem stressed.

- Stressed?

And what would give you
that idea?

- Well, with all due respect,
I think you should step aside

and you should let Toby
go alone to the assembly.

- Ms. Hatzilakos,
is this because

you don't want a pregnant
student representing the school?

- No Liberty.

It's because
I want to make sure

that you get the rest
that you need.

- Uh... Toby,
you didn't talk to her, right?

- Me? No!

No, no, no, no...

I was just...
Oh my... Look at the time!

I have to get the materials
ready for...

for the assembly.

I never met you before

Wake up, everybody

Livin'the dream
that drove me where

Threw the body where

I met you and you met me

And we three groove
to the beat

To the beat -

Appleseed came back
with a vengeance

What are we in
apprehending our friends

You too, little boy blue

Came back and got back
And got the flu

- Well, it's better.

Better, but it's not good.

See, a rough sound
is one thing, but...

Your drummer can't keep time.

- We've worked on that.

- You shouldn't have to.

There are a lot of great
drummers in this town.

- Mr. Davies, please...

I'm new, but I'm dedicated.
I'll practice all night.

- Honey, you're not
cut out for this.

Just like I'm not cut out
to fly airplanes.

Them's the breaks.

- I hope Toronto has a lot
of great singers, too.

- Okay.

Liberty: E tu, Toby?

(pained groan)

So... You used my pregnancy

to stage a coup d'État?

- Liberty, that's not
what happened.

- Really.

Then who went
to Ms. Hatzilakos, hmm?

- Okay, it was me.
I'm the blabber.

Toby ''the blabber'' Isaacs.

That's me.

But Liberty,
if I was pregnant

and, you know, my doctor
told me to slow down,

what'd I be doing right now?

- Yeah... whatever, Tobes,

I'm going to the assembly

and you're driving me.

(engine rattles and backfires )

(engine dies )

Uh... this isn't Carson Hill.

- Yeah. I know.

But my bubbie's car
doesn't seem to get that.

- I'm calling a cab.
Don't expect a ride because

traitors have to walk.

- I'm not a traitor.

- You attempted to oust me
from my presidency.

You, traitorous you.

- Look, I don't want
your stupid job.

- So why blab to Hatzilakos?

- I didn't. I blabbed to JT,
and JT blabbed to Hatzilakos.

Because this whole time
I've been trying to help him

keep up with you.

While at the same time

help you get ready
for this stupid conference.

But the only person I helped
was myself -

achieve insanity!

Come on...
(hits steering wheel)

- There's a reason

I don't tell JT
about any of this.


- Liberty?

- Oh, that's disgusting.

- What?

Why is there water
on the floor?

- Toby... It's-it's time.

- Ti-time? T-what?
What time?

Time for-

No! No. No. Not here.

Not in my bubbie's car!

- Dial 9-1-1.

But don't make a big deal
about it.

(indistinct voices over radios )

(murmur of voices )

Toby, I'm sorry.

- It's okay. You're gonna
be fine. Don't worry.

- But the assembly-
- It doesn't matter, okay?

- New song?

I like it.
Just like that.

You know, it doesn't
even need lyrics.

- It's not really
a song then, is it?

- Sometimes you don't need
all the extra stuff.

Sometimes simpler is better.

- I'm not a solo act.

- But you could be.

- I don't care.
This isn't about me.

This is about the band.

Ellie, we were gonna
do this together.

Cut our own album,

sold-out shows.
A Juno, a Grammy.

- Craig, I can't drum.

- Yes, you can.

- No, I can't.

And Marco's not much better
on bass, and Jimmy wants to paint.

Leo... God, face it,
he only wanted you.

We were just...
excess baggage.

Craig, I really think you
should go to the Showcase tonight,

just like this -
you and your guitar.

I really think you could win.

- Okay.

Let's say I do play
the showcase,

and I do win.

That means leaving.

What about Manny?

Or Joey? Or Angie?

- Don't worry about them.

They'll manage.
They'll be fine.

- What about you?

- I'll wave good-bye
'cause I have to.


Go to that club
and knock them dead.

For all of us.

(Announcer): Everyone
welcome to the stage

from Downtown Sasquatch,
Craig Manning.

The day is long

The flight and song

But I don't even listen

The blue bird hides

A piece of night

I don't even try,,,

- The adoption counsellor
is in the hall.

She's talking to your parents.

Every mama gone missing

Every papa gone mad

I'll take a chance

It's not romance

But somethin' more important

So give me wings

Let me sing
it's all been done before

For any girl that's unhappy

For any boy that is bad

Every mama gone missing


Every papa gone mad

DVD Subtitling: CNST, Montreal