Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 5, Episode 2 - Bad Blood: Part 2 - full transcript

Dwayne becomes increasingly withdrawn as he awaits the results of his HIV test. Meanwhile, Michelle finds out the real reason B.L.T. broke up with her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Would go out
with you?

And go to bed with me.

Oh, baby, you are so beautiful.

I've got to have you.

How do you raise
money fast?

My brother knew
a guy in school

Who walked through
the caf naked.

People bet him
he wouldn't dare.

He'll get


Maybe not-- there's
a staff meeting.

Could I talk to mr. Raditch?

It's very important.

Mr. Jeremiah--
come with me, please.



It's dwayne.

I was going to call you...

Dwayne, oh my god...

What's wrong?

I had a blood test done.

It's hiv-positive.


What do you mean?

It's aids.

You have to get
a test done, too.

My parents don't have to
know about this, do they?

If you don't want them to,
I won't tell them

But if there's some
other adult to talk to

I encourage you to do so.

Waiting for these test
results can be hard.

Do you think I have aids?

I don't know.

But you're at risk

Because your friend
has tested hiv-positive

And there was no condom.

We didn't need
to use a condom--
she was on the pill.

They're not just
for birth control.

Now, hold still.

I didn't have one.

It wasn't like
it was planned.

It just happened.

I wasn't going
to ask her for one.

We'll have these
test results

In about two weeks' time.

We'll book an appointment

For you to come in
and see me either way.

Okay? Dwayne?

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ got to shake the feeling ♪

♪ I've got to face
a day of school ♪

♪ what's to be afraid of? ♪

♪ I can ask a question ♪

♪ or maybe even bend the rules ♪

♪ I'm searching for a place
where I'll fit in ♪

♪ there's a way, if I look
then I can win ♪

♪ yeah, I can see
I'm not alone ♪

♪ I can face the unknown ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ in yourself you must believe ♪

♪ give it a try ♪

♪ at degrassi high. ♪

Tell her today.


Bryant, listen.

No, you listen.

I've helped michelle
through a lot of
rough stuff.

I don't want to hurt her.

If she still likes you

She's going to
get hurt, period.

Just let me do it
my way, okay?


I can only give you
five dollars today

Because I owe a lot
of people money.

Why not pay me
the whole thing?

No, I'll give you five more
tomorrow, if that's okay.

I really appreciate it.

I promise, thanks.


When are you going to pay me

The money
you owe me?

I told you, I don't
owe you anything.

You told raditch
about the bet, man.

I lost because
you snitched.

Leave me alone.

You owe me $314, man.

Hey, joey,
where's that
money you owe me?

Alex, give me time.

It's been two
weeks already.

I know, I know.

And-- go.

Hi, l.D.-- Well,
I was right.

The condom machines
are controversial.

Everybody has an opinion.

Come on.

There's no way I'd use a condom.

Suppose you're getting all
hot and heavy with this chick.

I'm not going to stop and say

"excuse me while I slip
into some latex"-- no way.

Great, thanks, cut.

Say hi to l.D.

Say hi, wave.



Oh, I guess
we're ready.

Some kids are
going to have sex

Whether their parents
like it or not.

So we should at least try

To protect them
against pregnancy--

I can tell you
about that--

And disease.

Say hi to l.D.

Say hi, looking
in the camera.


There you go.

Hey, guys.

Hey, joey.


Have you had
the speakers yet?

No, after gym.

Gee, I'm excited.

No, it's really


Joey, how about
my five dollars?

Could you give me

A couple of days
on that, please?


That's the
same hat.

I'll never, ever bet
with anyone again.

Some people let you off.

A lot didn't--
I still owe a lot.

It'll take forever
to get this car.

At least
it's still there.


And there's the one
who messed it up.

I don't know how, but
I'm going to get him.

Let's glue
his locker.

No, not good enough.

I want to really get him.

He's going to pay.

I'm not looking
forward to this.

I heard these aids
people were really good.

I think I'll sleep
through it.

I went for
radiation treatment

And they were really
nice to everybody else.

For me, they wore
gloves up to here

And they didn't want
to talk to me

And they didn't
want to touch me.

And these are medical

Okay-- questions--
anything at all.

There are no
stupid questions.

Can you catch aids
by giving blood?

Impossible. That's
a sterilized needle

And they're taking
blood from you.

You're not in contact
with anything infectious.

If you get a transfusion of
blood that's hiv-positive

You can catch it.

But blood is
carefully tested.

And I make sure

That nobody comes
into contact with
my blood.

What's been hardest
for you to deal with

When you have the
hiv virus or aids?

For me, the alienation
of loved ones.

You find out pretty fast
who your real friends are.

And they can be
very ignorant--

They think that
they're going to get it

Just by being near you.

You can't catch it
by touching.

You go to a lot of funerals,
which can be very depressing.

I've buried a lot of friends.


How do you deal with the fact
you're going to die?


That's okay-- there are
no stupid questions.

I don't think about death.

I concentrate on living today.

And I don't see aids
as a death sentence.

It's a chronic illness
that you'll be dealing with

For the rest of your
life, however long
that will be.

What did you do when
they told you you had aids?

Oh, it was... It was like
everything stopped.

I walked out of the clinic
and I went back to work.

It was the only thing
I knew how to do.

The terror-- that came later.

How do you feel about
the people who gave you aids?

You can really
depress yourself

Concentrating on
who gave it to you.

It comes down to looking
in the mirror and saying

"I have to fix it."

I thought they'd be

Like thin
and sick looking.

You sure can't tell
they have aids

Just by looking at them.

That hospital story
was depressing.

Give me a break--
he's got aids.


I'll see you
in the caf.

Dwayne, buddy--
why so interested
in aids?

Don't bug me.

You should have told
me you were a homo.

I never knew.

Straight people
get it, too.

( lisping: )
yeah, sure.

It's not very funny.

It's all a big joke,
isn't it?

What do you know
about anything?

Take it easy, man.

I'm sick of your
big mouth, okay?

You're crazy.

Couldn't you imagine cruising
for babes in this car?

Yeah, if dwayne
hadn't messed it up.

You got him!


Guess who I saw beating up
a condom machine.


How'd you guess?

Joey, you got him.

Vandalizing school property--
that's serious.

Especially for someone
who's on probation-- ooh.

No, I should show some mercy.



I'm a compassionate guy.


I won't tell raditch

As long as he pays me
the money I lost.

That's blackmail.

Yeah, isn't it great?

You are coming home
to daddy.

We got the car.

We got the car, joey.

Excellent, this is exactly
how I wanted to get him.

Good morning, degrassi.

Don't quote me on that

After yesterday's
tragic football loss.

But I was glad to see
you all out there.

And so she said to me

"nancy, what are
doing with a condom?"

And I said, "well, mum

They're giving them
to us at school now."

She had a hard time
believing that, you know.

Okay, 'bye.



Heard you guys
lost, sorry.

That's okay.

Michelle? We
have to talk.

About what?

Michelle, we've
been going out

For a year and a half.

So? As long as we
love each other.

A year and a half
is a long time.

I know...
I don't know how

I would have gotten
through last year
without you.


It's just...


I need some breathing room.

You want to break up?



What's changed?
What have I done?

I don't want to break up.

I still want us
to stay friends

Because we still
like each other.


Michelle, please
don't cry.

I can't help it.

Look, I just need some space
and some time to think.

Is there somebody else?


I think the girls' basketball
team deserves more than...

I always get stuck with
cleaning, every night.

Let's have a better
turnout next time

Which is this Thursday,
after school, in the gym.

Come in.

Oh, dwayne, hi.

Come on in, have a seat.


I have bad news for you.

Your hiv test is positive.

This will mean a lot
of changes in your life.

I know this is very
difficult for you to hear

But as we discussed
last time

It does not mean
you have aids.

It shows only
past exposure to hiv.

It does not necessarily
mean current infection.

But the virus is in your blood.

I'm afraid that you'll be facing
some pretty hard realities.

You mustn't father children.

As infection is very,
very serious for you

You must do everything in
your power to stay healthy.


I agree with having
these machines here

But I'm disappointed
about the vandalism.

These things
are for you guys.

They could help
save someone's life.

Who's going to pay
to have these replaced?


Bryant finally
told her.

For four weeks
we've been going out

And he still wouldn't tell
his old girlfriend.

So, when did
he tell her?

Sometime this
morning, I guess.

How did michelle
take it?

Bryant said she cried
like niagara falls.

What a wimp.

Not really-- I sort
of feel sorry for her.

But not too sorry.

I really like him.

So... Cindy's got
a new boyfriend, eh?

Yeah, I think
it's about time.



You don't want to know.

What don't I want to know?

You just don't.

You're obviously
dying to tell me.

Okay, I'll tell you, because
you have the right to know.

It's terrible.

He's a slug, a big slug.

Can we start from
the beginning, please?

B.L.T. Has got
another girlfriend.

I heard her
boasting about it.

Here's one for you.

drops back...

Alexa, tell me what you know.

Okay... Her name's cindy.

What a stupid name.

Any guy who'd go out
with a cindy-- forget it.

Come on!

They've been going out
for four weeks.

Four weeks?!

I heard her say

He didn't want to
hurt your feelings.

And that you cried
like niagara falls.



You never
made it on
the field.

You guys are

You lied to me.

Michelle, what are
you talking about?

You know very well what
I'm talking about-- cindy?


You said

There wasn't anybody else.

I was trying to be nice.

Nice? You call that nice?

Four weeks you've
been going out with her!

I tried to spare your feelings.

Because I cry
like niagara falls?


I can explain...

You're a pig
and a liar!

Mr. Raditch:
Attention, students:

I am more than a little
disappointed at the attitude

Some students are displaying
towards the condom dispensers.

I would have thought
that degrassi high

Would treat this matter
with a little more maturity.

There have been two incidents
of vandalism so far

And I want it stopped.

So, dwayne, when are you
going to pay me back?

Don't start that again.

You owe me $314...

Maybe more.

And you are going
to pay me

Or I'm going
to tell raditch

You busted
that condom machine.

I know you did it,
I've got a witness.

Mind your own business,
you little cockroach.

No-- you don't talk to me
like that anymore.

What'll they say
when they find out

Mr. Probation vandalized
school property?

That's why you're
going to pay me.

If I tell, you're
out of here.

Hey, man, watch it.

I've had it
with you!

Hey, man, I'm warning you.

Come on, get up,
you cockroach.

How do you like
being tripped?

You little...


Go, get away.

No, let's settle this!

I don't want
to fight anymore.

What-- are you scared?

Joey, I'm warning you--
stay away from me!

Oh, big tough guy's a wimp,
a chicken-- come on.

Didn't you hear what they said?

You're bleeding, too, man.

What are you
talking about?

Do you want this on you?

What if I had aids?

If you got aids, man,
that's fine by me.

I'll be at your
funeral, laughing.

You think it's a joke?

You think I'd joke if I had it?

I didn't do anything wrong!

I was just careless, that's all!

( sobbing: )
and now I'm going to die.

Get out of here.

I said, get out!

I've got no future.

I'm going to die.

Oh, god...

Good morning, degrassi.

There will be tryouts for
the degrassi concert band today.

Woodwinds are to report
to the music room

And brass players to
the auditorium, at 3:15 today.

Thank you.

We're at the degrassi
girls' washroom

For a few more opinions.


Condom machines should
not be provided

Because that condones sex.

It makes it easier.

If the machines weren't here

Kids would think twice
before having sex.

I can't see myself buying
a condom in a bathroom.

It's embarrassing.

I don't want all my friends
to know I'm having sex.

You're not.

I almost had the money
to buy the car.

Now I'm broke, I owe half
the school a fortune...


See you, joey.

Come here.

Listen, about yesterday--

I said some things
that I didn't mean.

No problem.



I pay and you keep quiet.


Take it!

I don't want
your money, man.

Because I touched it?

You afraid to touch it?

You afraid to touch me?

Take the money.

Now, we got a deal.

No one.

We got the car.

You feeling good?

No one.

Look at this.

You got it
made, man.

This episode of degrassi is
a dramatic story about aids.

We often think aids
won't affect us

That you only get aids
if you're gay or use drugs.

But anyone who has unprotected
sex or shoots drugs

Can get infected.

We can't afford to be ignorant

Or to think
it won't happen to us.

Aids kills,
and there's no known cure

Although there are treatments

For your physical
and mental health.

If you're concerned about aids

Talk to a school nurse,
a health teacher, your doctor

Or any adult you feel
comfortable and safe with.

If you think you may
be infected, get help.

Getting tested for hiv
can be very stressful.

Don't go through it alone.

Go to a community health center
or a family-planning center

Where people can answer
your questions.

For more information
about aids and hiv testing


You're not alone-- there
are people who want to help.