Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 4, Episode 14 - It Creeps - full transcript

Lucy becomes director and writer of her first film: a feminist horror flick starring the Zits, Simon and Caitlin, with Alexa, Tim and Heather as crew.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Interior, boys locker room, day.

All alone, the male chauvinist
heads to the showers.

Cut to: He turns on the water.

He basks in the hot spray

Unaware that
our hero approaches.

This is going to
be a great movie.

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ got to shake the feeling ♪

♪ I've got to face
a day of school ♪

♪ what's to be afraid of? ♪

♪ I can ask a question ♪

♪ or maybe even bend the rules ♪

♪ I'm searching for a place
where I'll fit in ♪

♪ there's a way, if I look
then I can win ♪

♪ yeah, I can see
I'm not alone ♪

♪ I can face the unknown ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ in yourself you must believe ♪

♪ give it a try ♪

♪ at degrassi high. ♪

On the whole your screenwriting
assignments were very well done.

Some were outstanding.

Plots were very creative.

Some pretty bizarre
yet believable characters.

Who would have thought

There was so much cinematic
talent in this class?

Now remember,
your next assignment

You're writing
for the theater.

It's a stage play.

And don't forget, these
plays are due next class.

If you haven't organized,
please get moving.



Are you going
to ask him?

With this mark?


I sure hope he goes for it.

I think you guys are crazy.

I want to write a play.

Different strokes for
different folks, erica.

Thanks for the "a+", sir.

Don't thank me,
that script deserved it.

We're tired of women
portrayed as victims.

A feminist slasher film.

I loved it.

Um... We were wondering,
for our next assignment

Instead of writing a play,
could we film this?

I don't think so.

But you said if we
want to experiment

To come talk to you.

And we really
want to do this.

We can film the whole
thing on the weekend.

Well, I won't say yes...
But I won't say no.

Putting this together
will take a lot of work.

I'll tell you what--

Figure out everything
that's involved.

I'll consider
it, okay?


Thanks a lot, sir.

Okay, we have to
get super organized.

We still need actors.

Maybe simon would
like to be in it.

He's into acting
these days.

Can we kill
wheels, too?

Yeah, and joey
and snake.

Blitz the zits.

Okay, so who are we going
to get to play the girl?

I was thinking
of caitlin.

She's done plays
and she's a feminist.

Good choice.

We can get
some fake blood.

My uncle has
this restaurant

And they get ketchup
in these big cans.

I'm sure he'll
let us have one.

This is going
to be fun.

This is going to
be a great movie.

When I'm in a tv ad,
I don't get to act.

You take those classes
far too seriously.

Come over later and
we'll listen to tapes.

Okay, I'll see
you later.


So what do you
want to do

For the play

How about the story of...

Is that shane?

I thought he
was in rehab.

You dumb jerk!

You should be
kicked in the head!

All right, listen,
I'll stay with you, okay?


I don't want him
to see me.

Let's go out
the other way.

What's he
doing here?

I don't know.

I can't believe
he's out already.

I want to see her.

What was he shouting
at luke for?

Whoa, is he weird!

He was pretty
badly banged up.

Remember, he did
jump off a bridge.

Well, the guy was stupid
enough to take acid.

Good morning, degrassi.

Track and field.

Mr. Bugler would
like to remind...

I'd like to be in it

But I'm in a lot of trouble
since my court case.

I have to do community service.

We're filming the
whole thing on Saturday.

Yeah, but exams are coming up.

There's a lot of studying.

It's the best part
in the whole film.

You'd be perfect for it.

Sorry, lucy,
I really can't.

Caitlin, you're
a feminist, right?

Don't you want to be part

Of the first feminist
horror movie?

It's a great script and
you've got a great director.

All the guys
get killed?

Aren't you guys
talking anymore?

Yeah, I'll do it.

Great, here's your script.


Hey, lucy.


Would david johnson please
return the mop and pail

To the office immediately?

A feminist horror movie?


Because a lot of
horror films are sexist.

It's a satire.

Besides, you guys
owe me, remember?

Who shot your video?

For free?

Well, what will
we have to do?

Just get killed.

You're victims.

We're not going to
look stupid, are we?

No more than usual.

So, are you in or out?

It could be fun.


Okay, okay,
we'll do it.


Yeah, you
can brutally
slaughter us.

You guys have to be here
tomorrow morning at 9:00.

See you tomorrow.

9:00, okay.

This will
be cool.

Yeah, it'll be fun.

You want me
in your movie?


Is it a good role?

You get to die
a really gory death.

Do I get lines?

Yeah, of course.


All right,
I'll do it.

How about me?

Can I be in
the movie, too?

There's only one
role for a girl.

But you can be


Really? Okay.

Be here tomorrow morning
at 9:00.

What about my script?

I'll photocopy it
and get it to you at lunch.



Bye, lucy.

Finally, a chance
to really act.

This is excellent.

She's not going to come.

I want to see her.

We got to get
out of here.

We got to go
to your school.

There she is.

We've got
the plot done.

We just have
to rewrite it.

That's going to take--
what-- an hour or two?

Maybe, yeah.



How are you?


How are you?

They're letting
me out by myself

So I guess
I'm better.

That's good.

We have to go to
class now, okay?

So we'll see you later.

Fine, go ahead and walk
away, you dumb jerks!

See if I care.

You should be
kicked in the head!

In the head?

He's creepy.

Come on, man, we
better get going.

So, hey, come on out and
lead our team to victory.

See you there!


It looks pretty

We've got the actors,
we've got sets.

We've got blood.

Okay, in lieu of the play,
I'll accept this project.


Thanks, sir.

Good luck.

Um, sir, we still
don't have a teacher

To come in and supervise
us on Saturday.

Who could we get?

Okay, I'll see you outside the
school, Saturday morning, 9:00.


Thanks a lot, sir.

There he is.

Hi, guys.

Hi, sir.

Good morning,
mr. Walfish.

Good morning.

You got

Thank you.


Can I leave
this here, lucy?


I'm nervous
enough as it is.


Oh, caitlin,
that's gross.

That's great.

I'll be in
the staff room.

Thanks, sir.


Move everything

Our first shot's
in the foyer.

Scene one, take three.

And slate it.

Okay, action!

It won't be open.

Schools are always
closed on the weekend.

Gee, debbie,
you're right.

The door is open.

Wow, is this place ever neat!

Maybe we
shouldn't go in.

Come on, don't be
such a chicken.

I don't know,
maybe he's right.

Yeah, this place
is kind of spooky.

And I thought
you guys were men.

We are men.

Then act
like men.

Come on, let's go.

Whatever you say,

You don't think those
stories are true, do you?

About those kids that
were murdered in here?

Come on, guys,
lighten up.

This is fun.

Well, I'm
going to check
this place out.

No, caitlin, don't...

Stop calling
her "caitlin."


Guys, could you try and
take this seriously?

Come on,


This isn't very
scary, you know.

I'm the one
who got the "a+".

I should
know what I'm
doing, okay?

Let's try
it again.

Snake, you got your
line wrong again.

Slate it.


Remember, you're
a little scared.


Hey, you...


Cut! Cut!


What? What's wrong?

Snake, can you
try and make it

A little more

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought the skeleton
would be standing

But it was
on the floor.

No guy would be
afraid of that.

Remember, this
is a feminist
horror film.

Oh, yeah, right.

Can we try it
again, please?


Remember, you're scared.

Okay, action.

Watch out, alexa.

Oh, sorry.

Perfect, keep going.

Okay, great.



What, simon?

Why would my character
suddenly want a shower?

Because it's in the script.

But it seems real unmotivated.

Can't you just try it anyway?

If I don't understand

I can't convey
to my audience.

Simon, don't think.


Okay, lights.


Scene seven,
take two.

Mark it.




Is anybody in here?

That's weird.

I could have sworn
I heard something.

I'm going to go in
alone and have a look.

No, johnny, don't go.

It's okay.

Okay, you're
a little scared.

You don't know
what's going on.

( whispering ):
This is dumb,
guys don't scare that easy.

Come on, wheels,
I'm still rolling.



Oh, gee.

This is so fake.

Okay, die.



That was great!

How was
the blood?


This is gross.

I need a shower.



Okay, and mark it.

Scene eight, take one.

Mark it.

And action.

Okay, you're
a little frightened.

Go slowly now.

Okay, hand.

No! Please, don't.




Keep going.

Don't, please!

Slowly dying.

No, no,
come back up.

Come back up.

And the hand,
the hand.

And cut.


Is anybody there?


Hello, is anybody out there?

Joey, is that you?

Joey, this isn't funny.

What are you doing here?

Having a shower.

So we'll pick emma up
after school.

Yeah, maybe we can go
to the mall or something.

Okay, because I have
to buy something anyway.


Keep walking.

Forget about him.

No, I should
talk to him.

You're wasting
your time.


Forget about him.

No, I'm going
to talk to him.

You're making
a mistake.


Don't you go to school?

I go to a special school.

People like me.

Luke says you're way better.

You want to go to
a movie sometime?

I don't think so.

Why not?

I just don't think we should.

Dumb jerk!

Shane, I'm really sorry
about what's happened.

But I think we both should
get on with our lives.

We have to go.

I'm fine.

Listen, maybe we can go
have a coffee sometime

Or something,
and talk.

Come on.

As friends.

That would be nice.


We're going
to be late.

I got to go.



I was just
talking to him.

Good morning, degrassi.

As we approach summer, we all
look forward to two things--

Warm weather and exams.

Yes, it's not too early
to start planning.

Exam timetables are...

Good morning, everybody.

Take a seat, please.

You're in for a treat.

It's the world premiere
of it creeps!

It's a feminist horror film

From our own mistress
of the macabre, lucy fernandez.

Lucy, would you care to come up
and introduce your masterpiece?

Um, I directed this,
but a lot of people helped

So tim, simon, alexa, heather,
caitlin, joey, snake, wheels--

Thanks a lot.

And, um, I hope you like it.

All right, everybody

Settle back and be prepared
to be terrified

Because... It creeps.

Lucy, lights.

Gee, debbie,
you're right.

The door is open.

I don't think
we should go in.

I don't know.

Maybe he's right.

Yeah, this place
is kind of spooky.

And I thought you guys were men.

We are men.

You don't think those
stories are true, do you

About those kids that
were murdered in here?

Debbie! Debbie!

What's the matter, guys?

Scared? Chicken?

We'll show her.

Let's go.

That's right.

Hey, what's wrong?

They hate it.

They love it.

They're laughing at everything.

They're not even listening
to the dialogue.

It was supposed to be scary.

Hey, it's your first film.

I think it's terrific.

It was a
big project

And you guys
did very well.

I'm impressed, ms. Fernandez.

I wanted it to be perfect.

So now you've got a goal
for your next film.

There's always a gap between
what you set out to do

And the way it
finally turns out.

You look at what you've done

And you see where you
think you could do better

And you do that
in your next one.

That's how it works.

The key is to keep trying.

Now come on back in
and see your film.

That's okay.

Come on, it's a monster
blockbuster smash hit.

And you made it.

