Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 4, Episode 10 - Sixteen: Part 2 - full transcript

Alexa, the twins, and Lucy celebrate LD's 16th birthday with her in the hospital. Meanwhile Michelle tries to juggle school and a full-time job to pay for her rent.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Happy birthday, michelle.

Thanks, dad.

It was your

He gives me a ring because
I'm supposedly grown up

Then he won't
let me go out.

I'm too young.

You should move
out and live on
your own!

I wish.

You could
stay up late...

You and that
boy... Kissing.

a racist.

And you are grounded.

You have to start
following the rules.

We had a really
big fight.

I left home.

This is it.

Isn't it great?

You can't
afford it!

I can
sell stuff.

A lot
of stuff.

Or something
very valuable.

I'll give
you $500.

Is that all?

I'm being
very generous.

My dad was really mad
I pawned the ring.

I bet.

It's mine, I can
do what I want.

But it was worth
more than $500.

When I get a job,
I'll buy it back.

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ got to shake the feeling ♪

♪ I've got to face
a day of school ♪

♪ what's to be afraid of? ♪

♪ I can ask a question ♪

♪ or maybe even bend the rules ♪

♪ I'm searching for a place
where I'll fit in ♪

♪ there's a way, if I look
then I can win ♪

♪ yeah, I can see
I'm not alone ♪

♪ I can face the unknown ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ in yourself you must believe ♪

♪ give it a try ♪

♪ at degrassi high. ♪

So, michelle--

You're a student
at degrassi high.

Babysitting and tutoring
younger kids at school.

Is that all your
work experience?


What makes you
think you're

I'm a hard worker.

Can you work
a cash register?

No, but I can learn--
I'm a fast learner.

I've hired high school
students before.

By and large, I haven't
been too impressed.

Please, I really need a job.

That's fantastic.

This'll show
dad I can fend
for myself.

When do you start?

Today after

I work four
days a week,
4:00 to midnight.

What about homework?

I'll do it
on my break.

School's no problem;
I always get a's.

A job-- your
life is so romantic.

I don't know,
I miss stuff--

Like having
someone there
when I get home.

I can't go out,
I'm so broke.

Okay-- you don't
have to buy me
a birthday present.

How are the plans?

Wonderful-- I've got
a fabulous dress.

It's so gorgeous.

How often do
I turn 16?

How often do
you buy a dress?

Charles, you go
first, right?

Okay, let's go,
you guys.

Can you two clear?


When you say your lines,
come up to the lens.

What's going on?

We're making
a video for
l.D.'s birthday.

Uh, are the
rumors true?

What rumors?

That l.D.
Has leukemia.

No, they don't
know what she has.

Okay, let's go.

Come on.

Move over
a little bit.

That's great.



And now, for your
viewing pleasure

The amazing, the incredible

M.C. Degrassi
and the desktops!


Hi, l.D., we heard you're in
the hospital for your birthday

But we know you'll get better.

So me and my buddies, well...
We made a song for you.

It goes like this.

( rapping: )
I know this girl named l.D.

She's a
nice girl
at degrassi.

We heard she was feeling sick

So we'll
soothe her
mood quick.

So you turn 16...

Uh, can we be
a part of this?



Sure, why not?

Great, thanks!

Scooter b, buster brew...

That's all for now,
this gig's been fun

We hope you're better
because the rap is done.

We hope you get better,
get better today.


That was great!

Mr. Parallel

There was
no damage.

He hit two cars!

Guys, this is
not a competition.

So, when's
the test?

Next week.

If he gets
his license

I am never
driving again.

You won't
pass anyway.


I didn't hit the old lady.

I missed her!

You should stop
at crosswalks.

You hold your hand
up at crosswalks.

It's late--
we'd better go.

Don't hit any
cars on the
way to class.

Don't hit any
cardboard women, either.

My brother says you
can have his old tv.


And mom says you're
invited for dinner
on Saturday.

Thanks-- your
mom's great.

She thinks you
haven't been eating.

I have-- not a lot,
because I can't afford it

But things will
get better now.

Now we can see
each other

Without worrying
about your dad.

I know!

This is it.

Okay, good luck.


Hi, ginny!

Hi-- you're
early, good.

You can start by
wiping the counter.

Can I come in?


Thank you.

I dropped
by earlier.

You weren't in.

I was at work.

Work? Why weren't
you at school?

It's only part-time;
I have responsibilities now.

So, this is
where you live.

It's cozy.

I guess.

Can I sit here?



So how have you been?



Came by to pick up
the pawn ticket

To reclaim
the ring.

I'll get it back.

Don't be ridiculous.

I'm not being ridiculous.

It's my ring, I'll get it back.

I can save up from my job.

That can take a while-- they
only keep things for a year.

Thank you for your faith in me.

Don't talk like an ass!

I can talk any
way I want.

Don't tell me
what to do--
this is my house

Not yours.

That ring is a family heirloom--
I don't want us to lose it.

Give me
the ticket.


Here, take it.


Oh, forget it.

Okay, camera's rolling...


And now, direct from
a shopping mall near you

The amazing, the incredible...
Amy and allison.

You know us-- we're the coolest

Totally rad girls in grade ten.

We think so,
we know so!

We've got, like, tons
of designer clothes

We know exactly how to
flirt with the teachers.

And all the great-looking
senior guys are after us!

Let's face it...

We're perfect.

Oh, sorry!

Happy birthday,

Hope to see you
back here soon!


That was good.

Thanks, guys.

Uh, alexa, I
can't make it

To your party
on Friday

Because of the
soccer tournament.

That's terrible,

I'm sorry.

There she is!

Asleep again?


What is it?

It's time
to wake up--
classes are over.

Michelle, bryant
can't come
to my party!

Uh, neither can I.


I have to work, I'm sorry.

I can't believe it--

I've been planning this
birthday since I was 13

And two of my best
friends won't be there.

It'll be okay.

Alexa, wait!

There'll be lots
of people...

Poor alexa.

Oh, no, I've got
to go to work!

But you were going
to watch us play?

I can't-- one of
the girls has the flu.

But you've worked four
nights this week.

That's great--
more money.

You're working
too hard.



You're late almost every
day, you sleep in class

And you don't
do your homework.

This doesn't
look good.

You sound like my dad.

What do you want me to do?

If I don't pay my rent,
my dad will have won.

We were to see
more of each other

Not less.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I'll be at the next
game-- I promise.

Hope you win.

Stop parallel to
the car in front

And shift
into reverse.

When you pass
the driver's door

Turn the wheel

At the rear bumper,
straighten out.

Okay, no problem.

Let's do it.

Pull up.

Parallel now.


Back it up.

Give it more wheel.

Quicker on
the wheel!

Joey, look out!

Joey, stop
the car!

Joey, stop
the car now!

You did a real
good job, michelle.

Thanks, ginny.

Go home and
get some sleep.

Good night, ginny.




Just a minute, please.




it's for you.



Michelle, hi, it's ginny--
we've got an emergency.

Helen's got the flu, and
I'd like you to do her shift.

Oh, I have school.

You can miss it
just once, can't you?

Uh, sure... I'll see
you in a while.

Also, anyone knowing
the whereabouts

Of one cardboard woman...

If I pass, they'll
buy me a car.

But you haven't
read the handbook.

I have it
right here!

Doesn't mean
you've read it.

I've looked
at the pictures.

Your intelligence
boggles the mind.

No need to study this!

Good luck on
your test.

I don't need luck.

He needs divine

You fall asleep.


I understand.

Okay, thank you.

Simon, joanne can't make
it to my party either.

She has to go to
her cousin's house.

Uh, I've got
some good news
and some bad news.


Well, that
was my agent.

I got that commercial.

Oh, simon...

That's wonderful.

And the bad news?

Uh, they're like....
Filming it...

Friday evening.

You're missing my party?

I've been trying
to change it.

You're missing
my party?

It's skippy peanut butter--
it's a great opportunity.

It might end early.

Forget it-- no one
wants to come, fine.

I'll cancel it.

Let's cancel my
whole birthday.

I'll be 15 for
the rest of my life.

Alexa, wait,
I'm sorry.

Stay away from
me you...


And, action.

And now, direct from
the mysterious east

The east side of
the school, that is

We bring you tim the terrific.

Tim here
to demonstrate

The most astounding
tricks ever.

Nothing up my sleeve...

Except arms.

I will perform
without mechanical

No devices.

What you see will
delight you...

And astound you.

You're going
to be astounded.

Observe-- on each hand,
a single finger.

My assistant will
confirm this.

One, one,
two fingers.

Now watch the magical
moving finger.

Wow! How did
he do that?

When you get
out of hospital

I'll show you how
to perform these feats.

Happy birthday, l.D.

Happy birthday.


was great.

That's the last one.



This is the worst
birthday of my life!

Simon just told me he
can't come to my party

And michelle, and...

Am I on camera?


Turn that thing
off, please.

Alexa, you should
paint your own pot.

Would bryant thomas please
come to the office?

What is it?

I don't know, but
hurry back before
your paint dries.


Hey, what's up?


Someone looking for me?

Mr. Accette

Would like to
talk to you.

I've heard
a lot about you.

I've heard a lot
about you, too...


The school called me.

Michelle's been having
attendance problems.

She's not here today.

I called her and
there was no answer.

Do you know
where she is?

I'd like
to talk to her--

Not that she
listens much.

Maybe you don't listen
too good either...


I don't suppose you understand

But I care for
michelle very deeply.

I've already lost my wife.

I don't want to lose
my daughter.

I'd like
your help.

Mr. Accette...

I'll tell you
where michelle is

Not because you want to know

But because I'm worried
about her, too.


All those enrolled
in driver education...

I don't know
how you'll get
your license

After that

I'm not the one
who almost killed
three people.

At least I didn't
knock over 20 pylons


Okay, here comes nancy.

Joey, you're next,
and then archie.


Hand this
to your instructor.


Hey, joey--

Good luck.

You, too.

How'd you do?

I think
I did okay.

Hi... I'm
joey jeremiah.

And might I say

That is a beautiful
perfume you're wearing.

My mom wears
the same kind.

Shall we?

Would dr. Novotny please
report to urology?

Dr. Novotny, to urology...

Turn the cart
this way.


You guys ready?


Lucy, wait.

Okay, ready?


And now...
The party gang!

Happy birthday, l.D.!

We made you a video
and you'd better like it.

A lot of us worked on it.


Come on, you've
got to be happy--
it's a rule.



You brought a cake?

Supposed to be for my birthday

But I cancelled the party

So we can
have it here.

But it's yours.

It's okay-- my mom
can bake another.

We can share
this one.

Happy sweet 16, l.D.

Happy sweet 16, alexa.

love it.

And now, for your
viewing pleasure

The amazing, the incredible

M.C. Degrassi
and the desktops!


Hi, l.D...

We heard you're
in the hospital

For your birthday...

They made this up
on their own...

Kind of

I know this girl
named l.D.

She's a nice girl
at degrassi...

Thank you.


What are you doing here?

I came to talk.

Later-- I'm working.

Why weren't you in school today?

You shouldn't skip--
it's really stupid.

Later, okay?

What's the


I'm michelle's father.

I'd like to talk to her alone.

If you have to,


Don't be too long.

This is a business.


How did you find me?

Bryant told me.

You talked to him?

He doesn't like me much

But he does seem
genuinely fond of you.


He's worried
about you.

And so am I.

They called
from degrassi.

They told me about
what was going on.

I'm fine.

I got the ring back.

It's not mine,
it's yours.

When you feel
you're ready,
we'll talk about it.

Michelle, you have
a bright future.

Don't throw it away
to work here.

Dad, I have to pay my rent.

Your room is
still there.

No! I'm not going back.

I can't go back
to your rules.

I can't let you
run my life

The way you
ran mom's.

I know I've made
mistakes, but I'm
trying to change.

Everything I did, I did
my very best for you.

It's not easy
adjusting to life
without your mother.

You may find this
hard to believe,
but I love you.

Now it seems
I'm losing you.

I don't want
that to happen--
I really don't.

Man, that examiner
was such a jerk.

Why do I have to
signal when there's
no one behind me?

So, you both

She told me
to change lanes.

I looked in the
mirror and signaled.

Then this guy behind me
changes his mind--

I put on the brakes.

So she flunks me!

Hi, guys!

Look what I got--
isn't this great?

( all three: )

See you later.

I don't believe it.


I can't
believe it.

You're staying
in the apartment

And he's helping
towards the rent?

That's right.

So what's
the catch?

There isn't one.

I think he's finally
starting to realize

I'm not a kid any more.

I think he's lonely.

I've invited him
to dinner Sunday.

Would you like to come?

I don't think so.

We're not exactly
ready to be buddies.
