Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 3, Episode 7 - The Whole Truth - full transcript

Caitlin learns there are two sides to every story after writing an article for the school newspaper on animal experimentation.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We need people.

You've got to come
to the protest.

I'd like to.

I'm trying to get my mom

To take care
of emma.

How does
that look?

Do we have enough
for downstairs?

What are they doing

To the
poor monkey?

Using him in

That's terrible.

They put a window
inside his head

To watch
the brain.

When they're finished,
they'll kill him.

There's a protest

This Saturday
at the university.

You should come.

Liz, do
you think

Your mom could
babysit emma?

♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪

How are the posters?


How many
are there?

Around four.

Hi, guys.


I've got all the articles,
except kathleen's.

She's bringing it this morning.

You're so

We'll be ready
on time.

This will be the best
degrassi digest ever!

I wish we had more issues.

We've got issues--

"getting fries and gravy
in the cafeteria."

I mean real issues.

Something hot.

We will continue
after lunch.

Class dismissed.

I didn't know
edgar allen poe

Wrote comic
books, too.

I don't know
why my mom

Won't let me
wear makeup.

Everyone else does.

Buy some and wear
it at school.

She won't know.

Caitlin, I finished
my article.

Thanks, kathleen.

"why degrassi should
have a dress code..."?



And it's very well written.

I don't want
to publish this.

We have to,
or we'll be short.

But it's so dumb.

There you go.

Sure you don't want me
to put some fish in it?

We'll handle


So... Where are
the fish?

This isn't your
ordinary fish tank.

"dehydrated sea creatures."

Neat, huh?

How can they come to life?


I ordered them
from a comic book.


Looks like dust particles.

Just wait-- when they come to
life, we can get them crowns

Just like in
the picture.

What's wrong with
holding hands?

It's too sweaty.

Hey, snake!

You want to
play basketball
after school?



What's wrong
with basketball?

Oh, nothing!

Hey guys-- have you seen wheels?

He wasn't in class

As usual.
As usual.

The zit remedy's going places.

I got us in

At craz-- "cra-z" radio.

That's the hottest
station in town!

They have dr. Sally,
the sexual lady.

I love her show!

They're going to
play our tape?

Umm... Not yet...
I'm still talking...

Right, joey.

It's true!

I even work there.

No way.

Doing what?


Sanitary engineer.

You're a janitor?

They call him
"mr. Garbage."

Guys, I'm in on the
ground floor of the music biz.

You get to
sweep it.

I'm kidding.


You shouldn't
torture animals.

The thing that
makes me sick...

Liz, can
I talk to you?


You're interested
in animal rights?

You should
write an article

For the digest.

No way.

But it should be in the digest.

Look, I'm not into
school newspapers.

Think of the
poor monkey.

I don't like writing.

Don't you want people
to come to the protest?

This will be
great publicity.

If I give you

Will you write the article?


Just one thing--
it has to be in

By tomorrow morning.

Meet me after school
and we'll go to my place.

Okay, great.

I'm going to get some makeup
despite what my mom thinks.

What kind is best?

Laura v, by far.

My dad works there.

Can he get me a discount?

I don't know.


Liz and I are doing an article
on animal rights.

Wow! Heavy!

But there's no room.

We'll dump kathleen's article.

Admit it-- it was pretty dumb.

But her article was in first.

We'll put it in next month.

The protest is this Saturday.

Animal rights is a real issue.

Hey, joey

So, you do windows?

Go ahead, laugh.

While you
guys are
doing homework

I'm making
important connections.

And meeting a
lot of garbage.


I wouldn't mind
getting a job.

Me neither.

My allowance is
way too small.

How do I look?


Do I look more

Much more.

The digest sure has
changed since last year.

Remember when nancy
was editor?

She didn't care
about the articles.

I know.

I hated that.

Yuck! I hate
taking pills.

So do I.

But as long as I take them

It's like I don't
have epilepsy.

I've got to go.

I have to meet liz.

Everything goes to the printers
in the morning.


I won't forget.



Liz o'rourke on
the school newspaper!

I'm not on it.

I'm just helping
with an article.

I don't like preps.

Caitlin's not a prep.

Sure she is.

Everyone at this
dorky school is.

Except you.

Hi, liz.


Let's go.

I just live over here.

Look, I see an arm!


I don't see anything.

Neither do I.

This is very discouraging.

The package promised
results within hours.

Maybe the water's not right,
or something.

That could
be it.

When do the fish go in?

Uh... Soon.

Radio announcer:
Craz, cra-z radio.

Later on we have...

Joey, I'd like
to talk to you.

Yes, sure.

My demo tape?

You found it.

The program manager
found it on his desk

This morning... Again.

Did he listen to it?


You should clean his office

Not leave
things in it.

You also forgot

To empty the
wastebaskets, again.

If you want
to stay

Do your job!

Good night,
dr. Sally.

Cindi, is there any chance

We can
change that
theme music?

Something a little more upbeat?



He's so cute!

They use rabbits
to test cosmetics.

It's torture, just so
people can wear makeup.

But they have to test
to make sure it's safe for us.

But they can use
computer models

And human tissue samples.

Why do they use animals?

Because it's cheaper.

Money is more
important than life.

You wear makeup.

It hasn't been tested

On animals.

I use earth tone mascara.

It's more expensive,
but worth it.

Do you have any pets?

I have a cat.

Imagine if it was in pain,
like, all the time.

Scientists give
animals diseases

Just to see
what happens.

That's sick.

Come on, I'll show
you the movie.

Film narrator:
Here we see actual footage
taken by the researchers.

That's horrible.

They're making
it sick on purpose.

It's not right

That 1,000 animals
have to suffer

Just so one
person can live.

...Perhaps fully conscious.

You know what?

We should do more
than one article.

We should do
a whole series.

Yes, on how they torture
animals for cosmetics.

We'll get

The whole
school involved.

Shampoo is injected
into the rabbits' eyes.

The damage is then measured

According to the size
of the area injured

And the degree of swelling.

Finally, a
really hot issue.

For these animals, death is the
only relief from constant agony.

You'd look cute
in a polo shirt.

You'll never
catch me wearing
prep clothes.

So... How's mr. Garbage?

Dr. Sally's going to use our
music for the theme to her show.

Dr. Sally?

When joey jeremiah says he'll
deliver, he delivers.

If you'll
excuse me

I'm a very
busy guy.


Hey, wheels!

Hey, how's
it going?

Are you back
for good?

My grandmother called
my social worker.

I told you she'd
do something.

If I don't go to school

They're going to put
me in a group home.

They won't
do that.

Hey, the
zit remedy

Is going to
be on craz.

Right, joey.

I'm serious!

We just have
a few more things

To work out
with the manager.

Think of it!

The radio!

Mr. Lawrence:
Anyone knowing a mailing address

For william martin...

Okay, guys,
what's going on?

I got gypped.

"sea creatures?"

It must have been
a dead package.

Here, they're

You can't believe
everything you read.

They lied?

Well, not exactly.

I bet the product
just isn't guaranteed.

Then why sell it?

To make money
off suckers like me.


Whatever happened to
truth in advertising?

So if all the kids
go to this protest

We can help
free the monkey.

You have to come.

You haven't noticed.


My eyes! Makeup!

My mom doesn't
know about it.

What type of mascara is it?

Laura v.

It's trish's.

They torture rabbits
to make this.


They put drops
in the rabbit's eyes

Until the rabbit's
eyes turn yellow

And the rabbit goes blind.

I just thought you should know.

Students willing
to help organize

This year's charity bowlathon
should sign up with ms. Avery

As soon as they can
spare the time.

Here's the article.

Everything else
is ready.


Are you sure this
is such a good idea?


Liz and I are
going to do

A whole series
on animal rights.

Then we're calling a boycott
of cosmetic products

That test
on animals.

What about laura v?

They're one
of the worst.

They do tests on
innocent rabbits.

They don't need to use animals.

Let's get this off
to the printers.

Mr. Raditch:
Your compositions
have been very good

But some
of you need
study partners.

I hope
you've studied

For tomorrow's
spelling test

Which is worth 10%
of your final mark.

Okay, class dismissed.

Don't forget-- "spelling"
has two ls in it.

This is your principal speaking.

Our thought for the day is
"the courage of conviction."

Remember-- no one
should fear the truth

Because the truth fears no one.


This is going to be

The best degrassi
digest ever.

I can't work for
the digest anymore.

Why not?

You're going to ask people to
boycott products like laura v?


If everyone boycotts laura v

My dad could lose his job.

Maybe he doesn't know
they test on animals.

He says they don't anymore.

That's what they all say.

Sorry, caitlin.

He's my dad.

I can't go against him.

Caitlin, is it true

You dumped
my article?

We'll use it next month.

What about this month?

Scientists are torturing
an innocent monkey.

That's more important
than a dress code.

They have to do
tests on animals.

They can use computer models
or human tissue samples.

Those help, but they
don't tell everything.

They can't mimic
the human system.

How do you know?

I did a project on it
in grade seven.

I got an a+.

So you think it's okay
to kill cats and dogs?

90% of animals
used in research

Are mice
and rats.

Animal testing keeps
many people alive.

What's more

A live rat or
a live human?

It's all very complicated.

Check your facts.

Come on,
one last look.

It's a waste
of time.

Holy mackerel!

Red chinese
carp, actually.

Most people call
them goldfish.

It worked even better
than I thought.

But where did
they come from?

Wow, look
at that one!

You like them?

You put them in there.

I think you'll prefer
these to sea creatures.

Ms. Avery?

I need to do
some research.

Do you have
any articles

Or books on
animal rights?

I think I can
suggest a few.

People used to
swallow goldfish live.

Gross me out!

Man on radio:
Hey, you're looking good!

Radio announcer:
When you want that someone
special to notice you

Laura v cosmetics...

Guess what dr. Sally
found on her desk?

What did she say?

I told you not
to do this anymore.

You also forgot, yet again,
to empty several wastebaskets.


I'm sorry.

This isn't working.


You have to go.

I'm fired?

I'm afraid so.


Certainly, I'll be right in.

I'll bring you
your final paycheck.

And I am sorry.


Your tape is really good.


Keep on working at it.

All right!

Thanks a lot!

All right!

♪ everybody wants something... ♪

Thank you!

Students in grade seven

Are reminded that despite
what other grades may claim

Skateboarding through
the main foyer is not permitted.

Good night, ms. Avery.

Caitlin, the
resource center
is closing.

How's your
research going?

Kathleen was right.

It's more complicated
than I thought.

Well, sometimes
the whole truth

Can be hard
to take.

So, how's
mr. Garbage?

I quit.

You did?


Dr. Sally loved the tape.

So I thought

"don't take the first offer."

Shop around!

Find something better.

So I quit.

It's best for
the zit remedy.

I never know
what to believe
with that guy.

Don't forget your
degrassi digest.

They're only
15 cents.

There's a special article
on animal rights.

Thank you.

Get your
degrassi digest!

Animal rights?!

Get your
degrassi digest.

Only fifteen cents.

Caitlin's article
on animal rights.

Our best
issue ever!

See it?

I'll go get one.


Great article.

Liz, I can't go to the protest.

What? Why not?

There's two sides
to every story, right?

I don't know if you know,
but I have epilepsy.

Last night, I did some research.

The tests they're doing
on that monkey

Help understand diseases
like epilepsy.

So? They should use
other methods.

That helps, but they still
need to test animals.

Who are "they?"

They're scientists.

And because of animal testing
they've stopped polio.

They can control
diabetes and asthma.

What about makeup?

I don't know.

It's really complicated.

It's okay to torture animals?

The drug I take to control
my epilepsy was tested

On animals.

I don't care-- I'd rather
be sick than hurt an animal.

Without it

I'd still
have seizures.