Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 3, Episode 2 - Can't Live with Them: Part 2 - full transcript

The whole school is stunned by the news of Wheel's parents.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We don't like you
hanging around
with that boy.

He always gets you
in trouble.

Joey's my best friend.

We think you shouldn't
see him anymore.

Mom, come on!

You can't let them run
your life forever.

You're almost 15.

I just want
to finish
our demo tape.

Can't you sneak out?

Maybe tonight.

All right!

Maybe, okay?

All right!

So, glad
you came over?


See? You can't take
parents too seriously.

Oh, no, they called the police.



Grandma, what are
you doing here?

I'm sorry.

Your mother and father,
they're dead.

No... No.

They're dead,
I'm sorry.


♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪

♪ ...Never give up ♪

♪ everybody wants something... ♪

Joey, did you hear
about wheels?

Parents are going
too far.

Hey, dude!

You got to hear our song, man,
it's fabulous.

I want wheels to hear it.

Last night, wheels' parents
called the police.


What they go and do that for?

Those parents
are bad news.

telling me.

Hey, you're
in grade nine.

Upstairs, remember?

Oh... Okay,
see you, joey.

Arthur, move.

Joey, raditch told me
to sit here.


Joey, sit where
I asked you to sit.

Come on, mr. Raditch.

Joey, please.

All right, all right.

I'm afraid that I have
some very bad news.

A student at this school
lost his parents last night.

They were killed
by a drunk driver.

The student involved
is derek wheeler.

A lot of you know derek

And I'm sure that
you'll want to ensure

That some flowers
are at the funeral.

His family has asked

That only family members
and very close friends

Attend the funeral.

Alex, in view of your experience
as treasurer last year

I'd like you to be responsible
for the collection.

I'll start things off.

All right, class dismissed.

We offer our prayers
of thanksgiving

For the life of
john and helen wheeler

And we join in prayers
for those who are left

Remembering derek, their son.

Grant us now the confidence
of a certain faith

The comfort of a holy hope

An assurance of your favor

And the perfect charity
with all humanity

Through jesus christ
our lord, amen.

Into god's keeping we commend
our brother here departed.

We commit his body
to the ground--

Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes

Dust to dust.

Into god's keeping we commend
our sister here departed.

We commit her body
to the ground--

Earth to earth, ashes to ashes,
dust to dust

Trusting in god's great mercy

By which we have been born anew
to a living hope

Through the resurrection of
jesus christ from the dead.

Why isn't he crying?

I don't know.

The lord make his face
to shine upon you

And be gracious unto you.

The lord lift up the light
of his countenance upon you

And give you peace.


Liz, I'm scared.

If my mom died,
I don't know
what I'd do.

I don't know what
I'd do either.


Just a moment.

It's joey again.

He's not ready
to talk to anyone

At the moment,

Well, do you know
when he will be?

I don't know when that will be.

Uh, just tell him
I called, then, okay?

All right, bye.

Thank you.

Your friend
sounds very nice.

I don't want
to talk to him.

Maybe we should talk.

It's not good
to keep things
bottled up, dear.

It's all right
to cry.

I don't want to cry.

I'm fine.

Okay, you want to talk.

Tell me what's going to
happen to me?

Maybe you'll live with us.

It's all older people
and far from school.

Maybe you could
live here.

Your grandpa has to be
near the hospital.

Then I can stay here

On my own.

Derek, you're only 14.

What would you do
all by yourself, hmm?

I can take care of myself.

Let's wait, and talk to
the social worker about it.

I don't want to talk
to a social worker

Or go to a foster home

And I don't want
fake parents!

Do you think derek's asleep?

Well, he should be.

It's after 12:00.

I didn't know
it was that late.

We should have gone
to the earlier show.

We knew, a movie
on the weeknight...


That movie was
absolutely terrible.

It didn't make any sense.

Don't you get it?

That's the whole point.

Excuse me, the point
of going to a movie

Is not to be confused.

I didn't find it

I found it provocative.



I'm so glad you're home.

Derek, why are you
still awake?

I thought you were dead.

We are dead... Dead...


Derek, we are dead.

Nancy kramer,
for a responsible
student government.

Kathleen mead for
a strong authority...


You're crazy.

You're crazy.

Superman is better
than spiderman.

Superman's boring.

But superman's
got superpowers.

Spiderman only
shoots webbing.

At least
that's better

Than flying and
stopping bullets.

That's so fake.

Yeah, spiderman's
got a girlfriend.

So does superman.

But they don't
do mushy stuff.

Spiderman always
does-- yuck!

Don't argue with me;
I'm in grade eight.

Only because you're accelerated.

Because I'm smarter.

No, because there are flaws
in the educational system.

Well, see you
on Saturday.


See you.

See you.


Who was that?

Paul, that guy
from borden.


L.D., I was just
walking along

And this car honked

Like he was waiting
for me.

Lucy fernandez
has a boyfriend.


Hubba, hubba, hubba!

We're going to
a movie Saturday.

I thought we were going

To the movies Saturday.

Oh, sorry, I forgot.

I'll tell him I can't come.

No, go with him.

We can go next week.

Thanks, l.D., you're great.

He's in grade 11...

Does he live near you?

I don't know,
I forgot to ask him.

Kathleen mead.

student council.


Wheels, man--

I've been trying
to call you.


Don't touch me.

Look, man...

I'm really sorry.


I made you a copy
of our demo tape.

It's really good.

I don't want

Your stupid tape.

And I don't want your
stupid band either.


Sure, okay.

I was just
trying to help.

I don't want
your help.

You're voting
for kathleen?


I don't know
these people...

Hey, you guys--
wheels is back.

We just saw him.

What are we supposed
to say to him?

Don't mention
his parents.

That's not right.

You shouldn't
hurt the guy.

But it's good to talk.

When my mom died, it helped me,
like sharing the pain.

I don't want
to share any pain.

Yeah, l.D.

I'm not asking
him, "so how are
your parents?"

I mean if he brings it up,

You don't have to
change the subject.

It's so unfair.

The drunk driver
is okay.

If he cries,
I'll cry, too.

( whispers: )
he's here.

Derek, good
to have you back.

If you need me

I'm available for
extra help anytime.

As promised, I did not
correct these math papers.

They were merely an exercise.

Please turn in your math texts
to page 104, please--

"isolating the variable."

If you read in this text

It says, "whatever change is
made to one side of the equation

Must also be made
to the other."

Let's start with
equation number one.

Let x = a + b.


Aren't you eating,

I'm on a diet.

It's hard getting
back in shape.

You look great.


It's so great
to be back here.

This dorky place?

Are you crazy?

Taking care of
a baby's tough.

I didn't go to one
party all summer.

At least here
I feel normal.

Who's taking care
of emma now?

This girl I met,
a waitress

Takes care of emma
during the day.

At nighttime
I take care of her baby.

That's why
I never go out.

Why don't you get
a baby-sitter?

How, with no money?

Get a part-time job.

After school
I help my mom;
then I mind emma.

I have no time.

What will you do
with your money?

The trust account
is mine when I'm 21

And I've invested

In a little company
called repco.

It's gone up
two points already.

That's why you read
the business section.

Yeah, you really have
to watch your stocks.

So what else
will you buy?

I saw this computer.

It's really great.

Hi, arthur.

Go away!

I told you never
to talk to me here.


Who's that?

My dumb cousin,

She comes
here now.

She looks like you.

She does not.

Yes, she does.

She has
the same smile.

Give me a break.

No, give me
a million dollars.

We'll accomplish more
than stef did last year.

Either of us will be better
than she ever was.

Probably-- we'll
see what happens.

Kathleen mead for
student council



My election campaign

Isn't really living up
to my expectations.

I wouldn't worry, kathleen.

There's only two of you running.

Even if you lose,
you'll still be vice-president.

But I don't want to be

I want to be president.

And I don't want to lose
to nancy kramer.

My campaign is going very well.

These posters are
a big help.

I feel so terrible
for the guy.

Who doesn't?

I have to force myself

To look at him.

Hey, guys--

You want to go
shoot some baskets?

What's the matter
with you?

Don't you have
any feelings?

Yeah, I got feelings.

I feel terrible,
all right?

That's why I got to go

Shoot some baskets.

What's the matter with me?

I mean, he's my friend.

The temporary reallocation of
room assignments for the week

Is as follows...

I can't believe

You thought I'd
treat you different

Just because your mom
won the lottery.

Being rich means
you worry a lot.

I could be kidnapped
and ransomed.

I doubt it.

So, want to go get
a milk shake?

Yeah, sure--
you're buying, right?


Hey, I'm not rich.

I was just joking.

Come on.


Want to go
to the mall?


L.D., I think
I'm in love.

Paul is so nice.

I don't like his
friend much, though.

Hey, lucy, want a lift?


I'll see you

Hey, wait!
We were going to the mall.

L.D., we can go
to the mall anytime.

Mr. Thomas and mr. Jackson

Please report
to the principal's office.

That would be good.

That would be
so much fun...


I asked you

To leave me alone.


What's this?

It's half my allowance,
like child support.

I'd give you more,
but I need bus fare.

I'm also going to get
a part-time job

To give you
more money.

I know you won't
talk to me.



I wonder what he's
giving me money for.



I thought
we were friends.

Yeah, like snake,

He won't even
talk to me.

He doesn't know
what to say.

No one talks to me.

All they do is stare.

Come on, man-- relax.

You made my parents
mad at me.

No, I didn't;

You made me go to your house.

It wouldn't have happened

If I'd gone
to the movie.

You couldn't have stopped it.

Yeah, you think
you're so smart.

I should have gone

To the movie.

Wheels, no one knew
they would die.

If you had gone

You would have
been dead, too.

You don't want
to be dead.

Yes, I do.

What are you

I should have gone
to the movie.

Stop it!

I shouldn't have gone
to your place.

I should have gone
to the movies.

They wouldn't have died.


I just wish
I was dead.

I'm going crazy.


Are you
all right?

What are
you doing here?

Same as you.

It's not fair, is it?

I just want everything
to be the same again.

I only wish
it could be.

I see them every night
like they're real.

But that's good
and it's necessary.

I'm thinking all those
things you are.

Sometimes I think
I'm going crazy.

Grandma... Me and them--

We were sort of fighting
before it happened.

Oh, derek, they didn't die

Because you had
a fight with them.

I miss them so much.

So do I.

I never thought my daughter
would die before me.

Oh, derek.

The election
is today.

to vote for me.

Kathleen mead.

Joey, are you
all right?


Take the time
to cast your ballot.

Remember, sometimes one vote
can make all the difference.

Thank you.

Hi, joey.

Look, I'm really sorry
about what happened yesterday.

It's just-- I don't know,
I can't explain.

Well, that's okay.

Anytime you want
to beat me up

That's what I'm here for.


I made you another copy

Of our demo tape.

If you ever want
to listen to it

Here it is.


Maybe I'll listen to it

It's up to you, man.


I'm really scared.

Oh, man.