Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 3, Episode 11 - Taking Off: Part 1 - full transcript

Wheels runs away from home. While hitchhiking, he is accosted by a strange man. Meanwhile, Shane disappears after taking LSD at a rock concert.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm home.

Hello, derek.

Where have you been?

School, of course.

Wouldn't you like
to see your mail?

I got mail?

It's in there
on the table.

I believe it's from
your birth father.

Hi, grandpa.

So how was
school today?


Derek, why do you
lie to me?

They phoned
this afternoon.

You haven't been there


Maybe I don't want
to go to school.

But education is so important.

Your parents would
want you to go.

They're dead.

Old bag!

Happy birthday, big guy.

I know it's sometime
around now.

For me, things are going great.

Got a two-week gig
here in port hope.

The place we're playing
is on the front of the card.

Good luck-- mike.

♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪

As you can see,
we may use this diagram

To calculate the distance
between two points--

Say, in a map.

Okay, before you go

Your school photographs
have arrived.

Notice that each
envelope contains

The photographs
and the price list.

You may come to get them.

On Monday,
return the money

For your photos
you wish to keep

And remember
to return the photos

You do not
wish to keep.

What time do you want me

To pick you up
for the concert?


I can't believe we're
seeing gourmet scum.

It's good of your mom
to take care of emma.

I hate
gourmet scum!

Archie, have you seen
derek lately?

Uh... No.

Will you
bring him this?


Thank you.

How's he doing?

Okay, I guess.

The next time you see him,
do him a favor.

Let him know
he has to come
to school again--

For his own good, and because
the law says he has to.

All right.

Oh, and archie, let him know
I'll help him catch up.

Okay, mr. Garcia.

Last year, I had
a big enormous zit.

Now this-- why me?

What do you mean?

It looks
just like you.

Braces-- I finally
get them off

And now this comes
back to haunt me.

I know, I'll burn
the pictures.

Do you have
any matches?

You're crazy!

Why are these pictures
so horrible?

Anything connected
with school

Has got
to be horrible.

Hey, luke!

Why don't we sit
together at the
concert tomorrow?


Snake and I will
meet you at 5:00.

5:00, sounds good.

See you then.

Hi, joey.

Caitlin, hi.

Listen, I wanted
to ask you

About the math quiz...

Did you get the stuff?

No, I couldn't
find the guy

But he'll be
at the concert.

Don't forget
to bring your money.

No problem.

And it's real acid?

Yeah, I've bought it
from him before.


What's it like?

It's incredible, man.

It takes half an hour
to feel anything.

You peak, and you're flying--
you'll love it.


You'll love it.

We're going
to do this?

All right!

Maybe I can help you
again after school.

Thanks a lot.

I really appreciate
this, caitlin.

Math has been like
the twilight zone
for me.

It's not that hard.

Well, see you Monday.



Thanks again.

Joey jeremiah,
in love.

Snake, she's just
helping me with math.

Anyway, she's cute.

"he gazed across
his math textbook.

"he wanted to tell her
she was beautiful

"but the sign
said 'silence.'

He couldn't get kicked
out of the library."

Funny guy!

Want to come deliver
these to wheels?

Yeah, sure.

They're getting
mad at him for
missing school.

But his parents died.

That was ages ago.

He said it doesn't
bother him anymore.

You believe that?

I just wish he'd
stop complaining.

( computer voices: )
here we go!

Stomping, stomping!

Drop kick!

Come on! One, two...

Hey, wheels,

Hey, guys.

Your pictures.

Gee, thanks.

...Two, three!

Stupid game.

Where do you get
the money to play?

I sold my bass.

You did what?

What about our band?

Joey, the zit remedy is a joke.

It is not.

When's the last time
we ever did anything?

If you'd come to school,
we'd do something.

Maybe I don't want
to go school.


How about
after this game

We get
some fries?




Here comes kamikaze ken!

T.K.O.! Stomping!

Here comes el condor!
Here comes big foot!

Living with my grandparents
is a hassle.

My grandmother's
always nagging me--

"turn down the radio,"
"clean your room."

like my mom.

But she isn't my mom.

If they keep bugging me,
I'm leaving.

Yeah, right.

No, serious.

Where would
you go?

Port hope.

Where's port hope?

I don't know, somewhere.

My dad sent me this yesterday--
my birth dad, my real dad.

Your birthday's
next month.

He can't remember everything--
who cares?

He's still with the band.

Imagine traveling all over,
playing rock.

No teachers, no rules,
no grandparents.

It'll be like that when
zit remedy gets back together.

Sure, joey.

Guys, trust me.

Have I ever lied to you?


I can change.

Joey jeremiah...

Listen, the scum
concert's tomorrow.

Maybe I can get
you a ticket.

I'm not into
those guys anymore.

What else
will you do?

Watch tv.

You're going to miss
a fabulous concert.

It's their
last one.

Dozens of chicks
will be there.

The best chicks.

You better
come with us.

Scum t-shirts!
Get your scum t-shirts here!

It's going to be
their last concert.

I'm so glad
you got tickets.

Luck, or what?

Do I look okay?

You look fine.


Keep this quiet.

Ten bucks, right?

Thanks a lot.

Enjoy the show.

Come on,
let's go, man.

Acid, man.

Hey, put
it away.

I thought
it'd be a pill.

What were
you guys doing?


So, how do
we take it?

You swallow it.

You eat paper?

Maybe you're not ready for acid.

That stuff's dangerous.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They mix l.S.D.
With strychnine.

You know what
strychnine is?

It's rat poison.

It kills rats painfully.

It can kill
people, too.

Relax, I did it before,
and I'm okay.

You don't have to take it.

I'm not chicken.

No problem.

No problem.

Hey, guys!


...And he's down
on the mat again.



I bought chicken breasts
for dinner.

I had fries.

I'd hardly call
that nutritious.

I liked it.

Derek, I asked you
to do the dishes.

I forgot.

I don't know what
I'm going to do with you.

You don't have to do anything.

Your social worker
called today.

He's concerned.

Yeah, right.

He's worried.

We're all worried.

You don't go

To school.

What do you do all day?

And where
do you go?

You must start attending school.

If not

They'll put you into
a group home.

Is that a threat?


Your grandfather
and I

Maybe we're just too old
to give you what you need.

A group home
is equipped

To deal
with teenagers.

You want to get rid of me!

No, that's not true.

Derek, wait.

Come back.

Old bag.

I don't need this.

Derek, please
come out.

Derek, come out
so we can talk
about this.

I'm getting out of here.


Just a minute.

Joey, are you awake?


It's wheels-- should I tell him
to call back later?

I'll be right there.


Hang on.


Hey, joey.

Are you crazy calling so early?

It's 10:30-- I was
at a concert last night.

I'm sorry, I need
to borrow some money.

As much as you can give me;
and I need it today.

What's going on?

I'll tell you later.

I have to call snake.

Meet me in 20 minutes.

20 minutes? I haven't
even had a shower yet.


Aw, man...

The best part
was the hair.

No, when he jumps
into the crowd.

No, no, the smoke.

No, no.

Man, you missed
an incredible concert.

it was the best.

They played
for two hours
without a break.

So, uh...


I'm taking off.

Running away?

You two are the only guys
who know where I'm going.

Promise you won't tell?

Yeah, okay.

So, did you bring the money?

Yeah, um...

Sorry, this
is all I've got
after the concert.

It's okay, I'll pay you back.

I'm sort of
broke, too.


Your grandparents
will worry.

That's why they want
to put me in a group home.

A group home?

I don't want to live
with strangers.

I still don't think

Running away
is a good idea.

You don't know
where port hope is.

It's a couple
of hours away by car.

Now all you
need is a car,
and a license.

I'm going to hitchhike.

Wheels, that's
really dangerous.

Snake, relax,
I can take care of myself.

So how are you
going to find mike?

He sent me this.

He said he was
staying here.

I'll find him somehow.

Listen, here's
a bus ticket.

At least
it'll get you

As far as
the highway.


Be sure to call us
once you get there.

Yeah, yeah.



I guess this is it.


Thanks a lot,

Be careful, okay?

I'll talk to you soon.

I don't like this.

Sometimes I feel
like running away, too.

That's not like
really doing it.

Don't worry,
wheels is cool--

He'll be okay.

Where you headed?

Port hope.

I can take you
as far as ajax.

Do you like
loud music?


Joey's mom:
I'll ask joey to call
the moment he comes in.

I'm sure he'll turn up.

Try not to worry.

Just a minute, here he is,
I'll ask him.



Do you know
where shane is?


It's his mom.

He didn't come home
last night.

Did you see him
at the concert?


Maybe you should
talk to her.


Hi, mrs. Mckay?

Did you see shane?

Yeah, he was
at the concert last night.

Do you know where he went?

No, I think he left with luke.

Do you have any idea
where he might have gone?

No, I didn't.

I'm sorry.

Okay, bye.

She called the police.

So would I.

There are so many
sick people out there.

It scares me.

♪ everybody get ready
and get into gear ♪

♪ the degrassi sensations ♪

♪ the one and only
zit remedy is here. ♪

♪ everybody wants something,
they'll never give up ♪

♪ everybody wants something,
they'll take your money... ♪

♪ and never give up! ♪

Great, thanks a lot.

Good luck.

Okay, thanks.

Happy birthday, big guy.

For me, things are going great.

Got a two-week gig
here in port hope.

Good luck-- mike.

Thanks for stopping.

Where to?

Port hope.

I'm going that way.


What's your name?

People call me wheels.

Because you
like traveling?

No, my name is wheeler.

Oh, that so?

Luke matthews?


You went to
a concert last night

With shane mckay?


Do you know
where he is now?

Uh, home, I guess.

When did you last see him?

After the concert, we split up.

He didn't go home;
any idea where he might be?


Was he talking
to anyone?


Can you tell me anything
that might help?

Did he say he was thinking
of going anywhere?

Was he acting unusual

In any way?

Had he taken any drugs?

No, he doesn't do that stuff.

I don't know anyone

Who does
that stuff.


So, uh...

What's in
port hope? Home?



I'm going to see my dad--
he doesn't know it.

Aren't you kind of young?
How old are you?

I'll be 15 next month.

I can take care of myself--
I've been around.

That so?

You got a girlfriend,


Not interested
in girls?

Sure, they're okay.

So you never fooled around, eh?


Well, you should try it--
it feels good.

Nothing wrong with
something that feels good.

So what do you do?

This and that.

I'm a salesman,
I travel a lot.

Sounds interesting.

Well, sometimes it is,
sometimes it isn't.

Well, listen, I got
some things to deliver.

It'll only be a short detour.

Say, you hear that?

Hear what?

The engine.

Sounds fine to me.

Better pull over, have a look.

Won't be long.

Aren't you going
to go check the engine?

You know, wheels,
you're a good-looking young man.

What are you doing?

Relax, it doesn't
hurt, does it?

Come on.

You've got
strong legs.

Get away!

Happy birthday, big guy.

For me, things are going great.

Got a two-week gig
here in port hope.

Good luck-- mike.