Degrassi High (1987–1991): Season 1, Episode 2 - The Big Dance - full transcript

Voula lies to her father in order to go to the school dance. Stephanie, meanwhile, experiments with liquor, gets sick at the dance and has to leave her date behind.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Voula, you
wrote all this?

Some of it, yes.

I organized it all.

I'm the editor.

This is good!

Very good, voula!

What's this,
a dance?

Papa, can I go?

You're too young
for dances.

Everyone else is going.

I don't want my little girl

with boys.

Papa, please.

Voula, it's for
your own good.

Life is like a flower.

Let it unfold.

When you're older

You'll thank me.

It will be too late.

The dance will be over.

♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ degrassi junior high. ♪

You guys want to come over?

Will your parents mind?

No, they're loose.

I'll see you
on Saturday.


Hi, voula.

Hi, voula.

Are you going
to the dance?

It'll be fun.

Everybody's going.

Hi, voula.

Oh, she's talking to me!

The school president
is talking to me!

Look, I'm sorry

For what happened
during the election.

I meant to thank you.

Can't we
be friends?

Not in 100
million years.

Really mature, voula.

Hi, lucy.

Hi, steph.

How come you don't
change at home?

Are you kidding?

My mom would
ground me for life

Or longer.

What a hick town.

All the parents
are like fascists.

Your parents let you
dress like that?

I can do whatever I like.

I can go
where I want

Dress how I want.



Have you ever asked a boy out?

Sure, lots of times.

They don't laugh or anything?

Of course not.

Please, stephanie,
this is the eighties.

Man on loudspeaker:
It's time for the annual
degrassi fall dance.

I'm hoping to see all of you

In the school gym
this Saturday...

Wheels, my man!

Are you going
to the dance?

I don't know.

I've got a date!

Really? Who?


She lusts for my body.

Who can
blame her?

She's nice.


She's fabulous!

He's so sexy.

What, wheels?

Are you kidding?

He is better
than some.

That's not
saying much.

I haven't asked her
yet, but I will.

Today or tomorrow.

By the weekend.

Hey, stephanie.

Joey f. Jeremiah.

That's f. For "footwork."

At your service.

Big dance coming up, eh?

You going?

Of course I'm going.

Did I ever tell you
I was a great dancer?

When jeremiah
hits the floor

They always
ask for more.

Good morning, class.

Morning, ms. Avery.

Okay, before we
get started today

Voula has asked
to say a few words.


As you know,
degrassi junior high

Is sponsoring a foster child.

The only
problem is

We need some
money to do it.

So if anybody has any ideas...

What if we do the
dance as a benefit?

We're having a dance
anyway, right?

So what if everybody
pays a dollar

And the
money goes

To the
foster child?

What do you think?

Oh, yeah, sure.

You can present the
check at the dance.

No, I can't.

But it was your idea.

Stephanie's the president.

She should
do it.

Okay, sure.

Well, good.

That's all decided, then.

Sponsoring a foster child
is an excellent project.

Helping less fortunate people
is a wonderful thing...

Voula, sponsoring
a foster child

Was your idea.

You should make
the presentation

Not stephanie.

I'm probably not going.

I've got too much homework.

Voula, you've got
your whole life

To do homework.

I'm not allowed to go.

I already
asked my dad.

What century is
he living in?

My parents are
really strict.

It's all how
you bring up
your parents.

You have to
educate them.

My parents are loose.

My parents are nice.

They just come from a
really little village.

You want to go?

I'd love to.

Even parents can be reasonable.

Ask again.

It's not just any dance.

It's for a
good cause.

Can I try some?

Yeah, sure.


It's a good
color for you.


What is
it, voula?


Must be a big nothing.

You wearing lipstick?

Just a little.


But, papa!

Voula, off!

You're just a
little girl.

It takes a long time

To grow up.

What was it

You were
going to ask?

I was going to ask...

There's this thing at school...

To do with the foster
child, on Saturday...


It was the only time
everyone could get together.

It's in the evening.

Saturday evening?

So we could be
with our family

During the day.

It's a meeting.

I'd kind of like to go.

Okay, sure.


Just be home by 9:30, okay?

Hi, wheels.

So, you going to the dance?


Say, wheels, those look
like dancing shoes.

No way...


Are you going to the dance?

Today is the day

I ask stephanie
to the dance.

She will remember
this day

For the rest
of her life.

Hi, guys.

Oh, hi, steph.

Um... I think
I should go.

No, wait.

Joey, could I
talk to wheels?

Alone, for a sec?

Yeah, sure.

I'll go polish my nails
or something.

Um, wheels...


I was thinking...

If you're going
to the dance

Maybe we could sort of...

Go together?


To the, uh...

Sure, great!

So, I'll...

I'll see you there?

Yeah, sure.


See you in class.

See you.

I can't believe it!

On behalf of the students
of degrassi junior high


Would like to present to you...

Enjoy yourself
at the dance.

Thank you.

I'm going to
the meeting.

What's in
the bag?

Stuff I borrowed from lucy.

I'm returning it.

Remember, home by 9:30 sharp.

If you're not
back, I'm coming.

I'm not a little girl anymore.

Hey, dad, can I use
your aftershave?

Okay, sure.

Hi, voula.


You look nice.

I'm not going
like this.

Can I change here?

You can
change upstairs.


I'm so excited.

My first dance!

Hi, lucy.


Is it okay if
steph comes?

She had
to change

come on in.

Wow, your parents
must be loaded.

This dump?

You should have seen
our loft in manhattan.

Where can
I change?

You can go

Wow, voula,
you look great.

I'm going to the dance.

Don't get
there early.

Come with us.

I've got a curfew.

I want to get
there soon.

Oh, okay.

See you later.

Save some
boys for me.

And me.



You look
really good.

So do you guys.

Ready for
the dance?

I guess.

Hey, y'all
look great.


Hi, andrea.

It's fantastic!

There's voula.


You were
allowed to come?


Welcome to the degrassi
junior high benefit dance

To raise funds
for a foster child.

I'm rompin' rockin' raditch

And I'll
be playing

The kind
of music

You want
to hear.

They treat me like I was eight.

When you're ten

They treat you
like you're six.

When you're 13, they
treat you like you're ten.

You can't win.


Look at all these bottles.

Too bad we can't get splashed.

Go ahead.

What about
your parents?

They're loose.


This looks good.

You look
great, steph!

Have a drink.

What about the dance?

There's loads of
time for that.

Come on, what
do you want?

We got drunk
at a party.

You got drunk?


Haven't you ever
been drunk before?

Yeah, of course.

Lots of times.

What's port?

Maybe you drink
it on a boat.

Let me try it.

What was that?




Go, go, go.

Please, no autographs.

Wheels, my man.

Hi, joey.


What's that?!

Smells like
oven cleaner.

Have you
seen stephanie?


She didn't show up?

She stood
you up, man.

The expression
on your face...


"vod kan" I do?

You guys!




It's my mom!

Hi, alice.


What is this?

Everything's fine.

Oh, is this good?

I love you, too.


My mom says hi.

Hi, mom.
Hi, mom.

Stephanie, that's kind of a lot.

It's just like a milkshake.

A milkshake, huh?

come on.

She won't do it.

All the way with
stephanie kaye!



Want to dance?


Girls ( singing drunkenly ):
♪ purple and blue ♪

♪ you know we'll be true ♪

♪ bringing victory
and honor to your name ♪

♪ in the work that we do... ♪

♪ and the games
that we play... ♪

Where's wheels?

Oh, wheels!

You're so sexy!

Are you wearing
mosquito repellent?

What happened
to her?

She's been drinking.

Okay, guys and gals!

Here it is--

The annual degrassi
junior high crazy dance.

Just get on the dance floor

And go as crazy as you can.

Ms. Avery and I
will be judging

Who is the
most demented
degrassi dancer.

Are you okay?

What's wrong, steph?

I'll never be able
to face wheels again.

You better
get better.

You've got
to present
the check

To the foster
child association.

Oh, no...

I can't.

Oh, I can't!

Somebody else has to do it.



I know.

Oh, no.

I got to go.


I... I got to get home.




Voula, you've
got to come.

I can't.

Come on, it's
an emergency!

Besides, stephanie should do it.

But she's
so sick.

It'll take
five minutes.

You thought
of this thing.



Is everyone having fun?


Let's have a big
round of applause

For our
school president

Stephanie kaye.


Make that voula

Editor of the degrassi digest

Who has a special presentation.

I'd like to thank everyone

For making this
such a wonderful success.

We wanted to show
the whole world

That kids
aren't selfish

And that we know that the world
is bigger than this school.

We've managed to
raise enough... Money

To support a
foster child

For a whole year.

I'd like to introduce mr. Green

Who will tell us how our money

Will help a kid somewhere else.

Mr. Green?

Thanks, voula.

First of all...

I'd like to say

What a pleasure
it is to be here

And see that there
are young people...

Everyone else
goes to dances.

I have rights.

There are
no rights


You lied to me.

I had to!

I'm a big girl.

You won't let me act mature!

How are
you feeling?

Listen, you want to
come over to my place?

You can get
changed there.

Your mama didn't
go to dances

Till she was 16.

Papa, this is a
different time.

This is where
I belong.

The dance was for a good cause.

The foster child was my idea

And I
couldn't go.

You lied, voula.

That cannot change.

I'm sorry, papa.

I know it was wrong.

I feel like such a broomhead.

I'm so embarrassed.

Tomorrow, I'm going
to call voula

And thank her for
making the speech.

I'll call wheels, too--

If he'll talk to me.

Oh, my head...

You'll feel
better tomorrow.

Soon as I go home

I'm going
straight to bed.

Maybe my mom will
make me some cocoa.