De Dag (2018): Season 1, Episode 10 - Episode #1.10 - full transcript

An all-out effort is made to find Noor. Meanwhile, Elias and his henchmen devise a plan for splitting the money. But the outcome is not positive for all.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- What are you doing here?
- Open the door.

- My mum can come home any moment!
- A good reason to open up.

- Your phone was off.
- What are you doing here?

We need to split the money sooner.

- We're in the shit.
- What's the problem?

Serge is being difficult.
He wants more money.

- Thank you. Good night.
- You're welcome. Good night.

Listen, you and Tommy
can do what you like

but I want a third of that money,
as agreed.

- Serge was your idea, you sort it.
- Okay, take it easy.

I'll talk to Serge. But we can't split
the money until 5 tomorrow morning.

I can't just disappear for a few hours,
nor can Tommy.

- I don't care!
- It's not just Serge.

- Susan knows.
- What?




- Freya?
- Sorry to react like this, but...

- Freya?
- I know you're just doing your job, but...

Now's not a good time. Yes.

- Are you all right?
- Yes, I am.

- Who was it?
- A journalist.

But it's okay.

- Where is Dad?
- They're keeping Dad there for now.


They called.
They've got some news.

Where is she?
Did they take her with them?

All we know is, she's not here.

Are those hers?

- Yes, they're...
- Murat!

... her clothes.

This will really help us.
I'll tell you how we're going to do it.

Our sniffer dog picked up
Noor's scent on the railing,

so she probably escaped.

The only problem is,
her scent is a bit too weak

for the dog to smell
exactly where she went.

It will be better with her clothing.

Our crew reports serious police activity
at the sewage treatment plant.

It is unclear what is happening but
it is connected to the hostage situation.

Sources close to the investigation
confirm this.

A team of forensic experts
has also been appointed...

This... is yours.

If you need anything, you can call
Victim Support any time, you know that.


Are you all right?

We just have to ensure we get to
those lockers before noon tomorrow

to get that money out of there.

They should give us
an equal share of the money.

They'll still get off cheaply,
the bastards.


Walter has been killed, Serge.

And you're talking about the money.
It's disgusting.


I don't recognise you, Serge.
I don't.

Oh, no. I don't believe this.

Hi, son. Hi.

I'm so happy. So happy.

Come here.

Serge, pal.

The reports of shooting when the bank
was stormed were incorrect.

What was heard were not shots,
but explosions.

Latest reports say no shots were fired
when the police stormed the building.

That was...

It is difficult to describe but...

It feels like it... like it isn't
really happening, as if it...

is happening to someone else,
not to you.

That's how it was.

How did those men treat you?

Yeah... How did they treat me?

One was very short-tempered,

The other one was
by and large a coward, spineless...

who did what his mate told him
rather than think for himself.

One person has definitely been freed.
Bank employee Serge De Coninck.

A second person, Noor Hawal,
the 15-year-old girl, is missing.

But help came too late
for another hostage,

bank manager Walter Blomme.

The circumstances of his death
are still being investigated.

Al! I can tell you at the moment
is that the person died here

but for funher information you will
have to wait until we've finished here.

Thank you.

Kristien, the public prosecutor won't
or can? say much about the fatality

but is anything known yet unofficially?

No, Wim...

How did he...

Walter was crushed alive between
the screws when he tried to escape.

And that's your fault,
I hope you realise that.

Did you really think
you'd get away with it that easily?

That it would all be so easy, that you
could just walk away with that money?

It's easy for you to talk.

You don't even know half
of what I've been through.

Not even half, mate.

Do you think it's fun to go bankrupt,

to have to sell your house
and move into a caravan?

We helped you.
I fucking gave you 10,000 euros.

Yeah, yeah. Thanks.


10,000 euros...

Your kitchen cost three times that,
for fuck's sake.

I'm facing an insurance claim
for half a million.

How on earth was I ever supposed
to repay that?

You're not going to pretend to be
the victim of what happened today?

We know you're in trouble.

You could have sorted it
in a different way.

We've helped you enough.

What you did today, mate,
you chose to do all by yourself.

And now you're going to take
the consequences all by yourself too.



No. No, hold on.
I'll come outside.

I'll come out to you, hold on.
Wait there.

I get it.

That you're angry
that we went ahead and did it.

I'm supposed to be satisfied with that,
that you get it?

That you present me
with a fail accomp/I?

- That you involve my own bloody brother'?
- At least you still have a brother.

Nils was your friend,
but he was all I had.

I know I can't get him back.

But what was I supposed to do?


"What you did is okay, Dad.

"Letting your own son go to prison
for something you did.?

And him...

And him hanging himself in there.

Taking away from me the only...

the only person
that I really, really love.

That's why you wanted to join in too,
isn't it?

Because of what happened to Nils.

And I think you're right.
You're entitled to an equal share.

Without Susan,
it would have been much less.

- He agrees to 25 per cent.
- Okay.

Then I think we'll be able
to persuade Elias too.

You think or you know?

Bring Susan along when we split it.

Then it's four against one.
He won't be able to refuse.


Listen, we should...

What are you...

Where are you going?

I'm not going anywhere.

I want you out of my sight for now,


What did the police want to know?

All kinds of things.

You're exhausted.

I'm going to bed.

Me too.
Will you be all right?

Do you mind
if I sleep in Nils's room?

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Freya?
- Yes. You called?


- Tommy, what's the matter?
- Serge says Waller is dead.

I heard it too. It was an accident.
It wasn't anyone's fault.

- Where are you?
- Ar home.

And you?

Me too.

I want to be with you.

Just for a moment.

Can't you come here?


There's nothing I'd like better
but I can't, not now, okay?

You know that.

Be patient for a bit longer, hmm?


- Right.
- I love you.

Me too.

You didn't say anything
to Serge and Susan or to Elias?

- About us, I mean.
- No, no.

I think that's best for now.

Right, try to get some sleep.


The search for the missing girl,
Noor Hawal, is stili going on.

Led by the local police,
friends and relatives

are combing the area around
the sewage treatment plant

but so far to no avail.

It remains unclear
whether the girl managed to escape

or whether the offenders
took her with them.

Earlier today, Noor's parents
made an emotional appeal

for their daughter to be released.

We would like to ask the people who...

who are holding Noor hostage... to...

Please. If you're watching this,
let our daughter go.

So she can be with us again.
Back with her little brother. Please.

Very moving images.

The police have repeated
their urgent request

for information about
the offenders and Noor.

We are also repeating
the following missing-person appeal.

Police are urgently seeking
any information

that may lead to the missing girl
Noor Hawal.

Where is Susan?

- At home.
- Why didn't she come too?

- I said she should come too.
- Yeah.

- Why "yeah"?
- She kicked me out.

- Are Tommy and Elias on their way?
- She doesn't know you're here?

Did you turn your phone off
when you left home?

- Those two are on their way, eh?
- They'll be here in a few minutes.

You know how to choose
spots to meet, don't you?


Helicopter to ground. We've done an
initial pass, cant see her with infrared.

Yusef, a lot more people have arrived.

Helicopter, okay.
We'll concentrate on other clues.

- Where can these people start?
- Thank you for coming.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Thank you for coming.


Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

- A torch too?
- Yeah.



Federal Police, open the door.

Police! The house is surrounded.
Open the door now!

Mr and Mrs De Coninck, police!
Open the door.

Welcome to the voice-mail of...

Serge, Susan? lvo De Rouck,
Federal Police. Open the door.

- Ivo, movement.
- Break it down.

- Hello?
- Annemie, it's Susan. ls Serge with you?

Police! Stay where you are.

- When?
- Right now. I've just come from there.

I meant to discuss the money
and suddenly saw the cops.

Have they arrested him?

I don't know. I just saw them
at the front door.

- He won't keep his mouth shut!
- Elias, calm down. I want...

- What' else 07a' you say to him.7
- Elias, calm down.

Don't start saying I said this,
you said that.

That's not going to help, okay?

We have to meet
and split the money now.

I was going to say the same.
I'm on my way to Tommy's.

Can you come too?
Then we'll go to the station together,

get the money... and split it, okay?

Okay, I'm on my way.

Okay, pay attention.
We're forming a new line from here.

We'll form a line till the bend
and then go into the fields again.

New people, we're keeping
two arm-lengths from each other.

Stand in one row and if your fingertips
touch your neighbour's,

you're in the right position.

Walk in line to my colleague there.

We'll form the new row there.
Try to keep that distance.

Two arm-lengths, please.
And try to walk in line.

Don't break it up too much.
Thank you.

Right, everyone.
Come on, keep together. Thank you.


At home?


Stay there, then.

Elias and I will come there. No...

There's a problem.
The cops have been to Serge's place.

I don't know. But we...

Tommy? Tommy, stop panicking
for a moment. There's no point.

Maybe they just want
to interview him again.

Yes, but we want to go and
get that money now, just to be sure.

Yes. Okay, Elias and I will be
at your place in about 20 minutes.


Good evening.
Sorry to disturb you so late

but my colleagues would like
to talk to Freya again.

But she's asleep.

I understand that,
but it really is urgent.


Freya, there's someone
from the police to see you.

Hello, you have one new message.

Oh, no, no. I went for a walk.
I couldn't sleep.

No, I haven't heard
your voice-mail message yet.

Oh. Did they say why or...

Okay. No, no.
I'll be home in a couple of minutes.

I just went out for a walk. Yes.


What's up? Yusef?

- Hold on, somethings going on.
- Do I pass it on here or...

Yes, okay.

- What's going on'?
- Who was that?

A... clue has been found.
Probably belonging to Noor.

What kind of clue?

Did they take her?


- Good evening.
- Good evening.

If I hadn't had that argument
with Noor this morning, then...

then they would never have
gone into that bank.

The day Jemima died...

she was supposed to go
to the market an hour later.

Not at the time the bomb exploded.

I asked her to go earlier
because I needed the car.

It's just being in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

It has nothing to do with blame.

- Stijn to David.
- Dam! here.

What shall we do?
Go into the fields again or...

If they took the girl with them,

there's no point letting them
carry on searching.

Okay. I'll send them home.

Sir, how certain are you they took her?

Well, I'm afraid everything
points in that direction.

What's the matter?

Have you searched
on the other side?

We should wait for Freya,
as agreed.

It was also agreed
she'd be with us half an hour ago.

- We can wait...
- I don't need this.

Get out your half, give it to me.

We'll go and get the money,
go to your place and split it.

Hopefully Freya will be at your place too
by then. Give me the ticket.

Let's go.

I'm going to stay here.


ls there something
you want to tell me?

That's a ticket from
the day before yesterday!

- Freya asked me to.
- Asked you to what?

To swap the ticket.

She thought you might run oh'
with the money.

Give me the ticket.

The ticket.

- Where is the other half?
- She's got it.

- It was your last time, wasn't it?
- Yes, I think so.

Inspector De Vos.
That doesn't sound right, does it?

I'm not changing my mind, Roeland.

I know.

It won't be the same without you.

I have every confidence
in you and Ibrahim.



Are you all right?

- I'm scared to go home.
- Why?


we've searched 100 metres
in both directions now and...

we don't think there's
much point carrying on.

That water is ice-cold.
You wouldn't just jump in.

He's picked up a scent!

Helicopter to ground. We're above
the site but infrared is negative, over.

- Noor!
- Understood. We're on the scene.

Send medical assistance
right away, over.







Yes, here! Good boy.


Take off everything warm
and lay it on top of her.

And lie up against her.

Miss, can you hear me?

- Freya.
- Mum.

- You're still awake.
- Yes.

You didn't need to wait up for me.

I know, but there's someone here
to see you.

Sorry to disturb you so late.
I'm Tommy De Coninck.

Serge's brother.
You were in the bank with him today.

I don't know if you've heard,
but my brother is missing

and I'm going around
to all the people he saw today

and then I thought... maybe...

I don't know...
Did he say anything to you?

Well, what kind of thing?

- Tell me what you're up to!
- Elias, let go of her.

Are you going to tell me?

Are you out of your mind or what?

- What are you doing?
- Shut up.

- What's the meaning of that?
- What's the meaning of this?

What was the plan? Hmm?

Splitting the money without me?
Was that the plan?

H' that was the plan,
why would I call you?

Why did he have to give
half of the ticket to you?

Where is the other half, in fact?

Where is the other half of that ticket?

I asked him to do it.

- Why?
- I was scared you'd hurt him

and run off with the money.

It's not as if you've never
done anything before.

I'd never have fucking gone
behind your back. Never.

Your brother was my boyfriend.


I want us to go and split the money.


If that's what you want, then we will.


Oh, Freya.
Sorry, but the door was open.

I need to ask you something.
May I come in for a moment?

It won't take long, I promise.

Sorry, but...
it's the middle of the night. I...

I really am exhausted.

Can't it wait till morning'?

No, not really.

There's something that doesn't add up.
But I'll be brief, I promise.

Subtitles ? SBS Australia 2018