Dawson's Creek (1998–2003): Season 6, Episode 23 - All Good Things... - full transcript

The year is 2008. After five years, the gang returns to Capeside for a reunion and wedding after taking different paths in life. Joey is a successful book editor living in New York with her current boyfriend Chris. Dawson lives in Hollywood and is a successful executive producer of his autobiographical TV series, 'The Creek.' He is still single, but has not forgotten the love of his life. Pacey is now the manager to the re-opened restaurant, The Ice House, but still continues his brash lifestyle of dating older women. Jack is now a teacher at Capeside High and dating Pacey's brother Doug, now the sheriff, who is still closeted. Jen lives in New York with Grams and runs an art gallery in SoHo, and is now the mother of a baby girl, while Audrey has gone off to Europe on tour with a band. They all (sans Audrey) meet at Pacey's restaurant, and after a little too much wine they all start bringing back ghosts from the past. They all get dressed and ready for Gail's wedding, and between old memories and new bruises (from Pacey, who was beaten up by some married woman's husband), Joey tries to balance having the two men that changed her life around her. Suddenly, Jen faints and is taken to hospital, where Grams reveals that she suffers from a lethal heart condition. Jen is dying...

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Feelings and emotions
have an inexplicable way...

...of manifesting themselves
in subconscious...

...and not always
self-aware behaviour.

Your verbal deconstruction
of teen angst is really outdated, Colby.

There's nothing going on between
me and Petey. He's just a friend.

Your best friend, l might add.

l have no subconscious, subliminal
intentions towards him.

Just a friend, huh?

Yes. That's all.

Period. End of sentence,
dissertation and post-modern diatribe.

Now, can we go to sleep?

So is Petey a friend the same way
you and I are just friends?


Of course.

That's what I was afraid of.

Thank God that's over.

Tread lightly, book boy.

Watch this. This will be fun.

Back to intelligent life
as we know it.

Yeah, you know that show?
lt's like-- lt's like bad airplane food.

You know, the teen hyperbole,
it's hard on the stomach.

And the writers must sit around
with a thesaurus...

...just seeking out four-syllable ways
to abuse the English language.

-Well, l only watch it to torture you.
-Yeah? Well, it works.

Who talks like that Colby guy?

He's like some mutant English
professor, psychotherapist freak.

We can't all be brilliant
literary snobs like yourself.

You should read some of
the crap l have to edit.

You edit my stuff.

Except your stuff.

Okay, okay, okay, l'm sorry.
l have to finish this...

...and l have two more after that.

Go write a book or something.

l can't. That show has
officially destroyed...

...some very necessary brain cells.

Get over it.

What is the big deal?
So l like a teen soap. So what?

The way it possesses you
is what frightens me, honestly.

Every Wednesday at 8:00, you enter
this supernatural portal of teen angst.

l have an emotional connection
to it you wouldn't understand.

Will Sam and Colby ever get together?

Will Sam choose Petey?
Will Sam choose Colby?

Find out next week as we continue
to beat a dead dog...

...all the way into syndication.

You know, l think subconsciously
you like the show just as much as l do.

Spoken very much like the indecisive,
noncommittal character of Sam.

How dare you.

Do you really think l sound like her?

We have to loop Colby's virgin speech.
His mumbling's out of control.

Don't forget about the network notes.

'' Masturbate'' did not clear
as acceptable dialogue.

-lt's a clinical term.
-They suggested ''walking your dog.''

-''Walking your dog''?
-You have to talk to Ben today.

He has no idea his character's coming
out of the closet. He's going to lose it.

After lunch.
l've gotta step in with the writers.

They're soul mates.
They have to end up together.

Not in the first season.
You've got nowhere to go after that.

-What are we talking about?
-Perpetual dilemma.

Does Sam hook up with feisty Petey
or soul-mate Colby...

...in the season cliffhanger?

lf she chooses Petey,
it will surprise the audience.

Surprise, not satisfy.

Colby is Sam's soul mate.
lt's destiny.

This show is about twisting
the convention, right?

Let's break this notion
of destiny and fate.

Dawson, what do you think?

l think you guys are onto something.

Look, l've gotta go.
Here he comes.

l picked up your suit for the wedding.
lt's hanging on your door.

And don't forget
the car is gonna come...

...and pick you up for the airport
tomorrow at noon.

-And Rebecca called to confirm dinner.

-Postpone it. Again.
-And don't give me that look.

-What look?
-For the record, l'm a nice guy.

l'm just late for editing.

Looks like somebody's
in a hurry this morning.

Sheriff Doug.
Hey, look, l'm sorry.

l'm late, and l'm trying
to get to class.

Well, l have no choice but to issue you
a citation for doing 40 in a 25.

Look, l already have all these points
against my license.

You think maybe there's
something l could do...

...to get you to look the other way?

May l remind you, Mr. McPhee...

...that attempting to bribe a public
official is a serious offence.

You know, l was just hoping
that maybe...

...l could appeal to your greater
sense of compassion?

All right. Just this once,
l'll let you go with a warning.

-Thanks, honey.
-No, no, never-- Never call me '' honey.''

-Dude, it's a deserted road. Chill.
-Don't call me ''dude,'' either.

-All right, tonight? Dinner later?
-Yeah, l'll cook, my place.

Great. l'll bring the handcuffs.


-l'll see you.
-Yeah, l'll see you.


-Slow down.
-You got it.

All right.

l got that, Mr. Witter.
You're the boss, remember?

l'm just trying to lend a hand.
The rush today was crazy.

lt's a good thing.

Yeah, six months and going strong.
No complaints, right?

Oh, Pacey, there you are.

l've got your new menu designs
with all your revisions.

l've been meaning to look at those.

Corey, l'll be in my office
if anybody's looking for me.

-Shall we?

We're gonna have to find
a new pretence to meet.

This is the third time l've had
to review the menu design.

l'm sure no one suspects a thing.

Well, l'm not exactly the most invisible
guy in Capeside these days.

l'm sure somebody's
starting to suspect.

As long as it's not my husband.

Hi, it's Joey.
l'm sorry to miss you.

l'm glad you liked the curtains.
l didn't know what to get you...

...and l'm just so sorry that l'm not
gonna be there for the big day.

l'm sick about it, actually, and...

...l just-- l wish you all the love and
happiness, and all that good stuff...

...and l miss you. l miss Capeside.
l miss everything.


Cancelling? l thought you were
going away this weekend.

l am, with Christopher.

There was a wedding l wanted to make,
but it's my one-year anniversary.

That's right. And where's
the brooding beau taking you?

He's got this weekend
of passion planned.

There's a cabin by a lake upstate,
and that's where he writes...

...and he promises a weekend
to remember.

But l'm missing my friend's wedding,
and it kind of sucks.

Your friend will understand.
How do you ever expect to have...

...one of your own if you don't
take the necessary steps?

We two boys together clinging
One the other, never leaving

Up and down the roads going
North and south, excursions making

Mr. Hampton...

-...is there a problem?
-Do l have to keep reading?

-Well, the poem's not finished.
-No offence, Mr. McPhee.

But this is a poem by a guy
about another guy.

lt's, like, a gay poem.

l wasn't aware that poems
had sexual orientation.

See, this gay poem and others like it
actually got Whitman fired from his job.

See, he was an outcast
most of his life.

But he didn't care.
He loved his country.

He loved the freedom it stood for,
and he celebrated the American spirit...

...every chance that he got.

And here we are 1 50 years later,
and we're still laughing at him.

Your assignment for this weekend
is to find a way to say...

...through poetry,
what you are afraid to say.

l want you guys to write about
something that you're scared of.

We're gonna read these
out loud to each other.

So l hope you give the same courtesy
to each other...

...that you did not give to Mr. Whitman
today. Have a good weekend.

-Hey, hey.

Let me see my goddaughter.

Hey, gorgeous.

Oh, my God.

-She's beautiful. So are you.
-Hi, sweetheart.

-God, it's good to see you.
-You too.

Too long.

So l just caught some of your act.
Capeside finally hired a good teacher.

Good teachers are traumatized
students trying to erase...

...what went wrong with their own
high-school experience.

Could you erase my memories
while you're at it?

That would be a lifetime
in a nunnery.

So, what's on your agenda
tonight, huh?

l gotta have dinner with the sheriff,
but if you wanna catch a drink later.

Yeah, sure. Six months in, you two are
already an old married couple, huh?

With the added element of pretending
we don't know each other...

...every time we pass on the street.

-Oh, still?
-Yeah, what can l say?

He's a paranoid, closeted freak.

But he's my paranoid, closeted freak.

-You staying at the Potter B&B?
-l'll be there, awaiting your phone call.

Let's get out of here
before you make me late.

Okay, sorry.

lt's good to see you.

-Baby, you all right?
-l'm fine.

-l got it, l got it.

-All right, l'm gonna take a shower.

Hey, how cold is it gonna be
in this cabin on Walden Pond?

Hey, don't worry. l'll be your fire.

Are there gonna be any bugs?
lf so, are they big bugs and how many?

So when do l get
to start charging you?

With the capital l invested
and the loan that l cosigned...

...l wouldn't worry
about it in this lifetime.

-Want some more coffee?

So how's Jack?


Just because l'm not ready
to don a feather boa--

Oh, come on, Doug,
he's not asking you to.

He understands what
you're going through.

He's just trying to help you
be more comfortable with yourself.

Why is it eitherIor with him?

l mean, l'm either straight or gay.
Why can't l just be Doug and gay?

That's completely nonsensical.

No, what's completely nonsensical
is a woman named Maddy Alan.

-Okay. Thanks for stopping by, Doug.
-No, l mean it, Pacey, really.

You took her sailing Sunday.

You think that kind of thing doesn't
get out? l heard it at the station.

Do you have a death wish?
Her husband saws wood.

We're just friends.

Good friends.

Yeah, l don't understand it.

You completely turn yourself around.

You got the whole respect thing going.
You're a business owner at 25.

Completely unheard of, Pace.

l mean, you're doing good, brother.

Why do you have to hang on
to that last ounce of bad-boy stuff?

Why does it have to be eitherIor?
Why can't l be Pacey and bad?

Just like that, you're 1 5 again.

l'm not sure of many things,
but l can tell you this:

l am most definitely not 1 5 anymore.

-See you later, Doug.
-Yeah, l'll see you.

Well, l'll have to deal with the end-of-
the-season cliffhanger from here.

There's no time.
l'll write it myself. Yeah.

Why does he wanna talk to me?

What issue?

Well, that's why l'm the writer
and he's the actor.

Damn it.

-My car won't open.
-That's because it's my car.

l think this one's yours.

Joey, what--?
What are you doing here?

l talked to my mom.
She said you couldn't make it.

Things change.

Can we hug or something,
because this is kind of weird.


l missed you, Dawson.

Oh, you have no idea
how much l've missed you.

-Did you ever get any of my e-mails?

But, you know,
l'm so bad at responding.

l'd forget, remember,
then feel stupid for forgetting--

-You're a busy guy.
-l'm sorry. No, it's no excuse.

Dawson. Dawson,
where the hell are you?

Hi. He's on the line right now?
Okay, can l call him back?

Okay, put him through.

Hey! Today, lady, today. Come on!

-l'll catch up with you later.
-Wait, Joey, hey--

Come on, already!

Yeah, l'm here.

So, what do you wanna change?

You're here.

Oh, look at you. You get more
handsome every time l see you.

Mom, l look terrible. l've aged
1 0 years in the past nine months.

Well, you wear it well.

-So how was your flight?
-Oh, it was okay.

l've got five scenes to write
by tomorrow.

The season finale shoots in a week,
l still don't have an ending.

-Other than that....
-l'm just so glad you're here.

And miss my mom's wedding?
Not a chance. Not a chance.


Hey, hey, you got tall.

Dawson, l just got Annie Hall on DVD.

-Wanna watch it with me?
-Sure, go set it up.

Annie Hall?

So when l found the ring,
l just couldn't deal...

-...so l left.
-How big was the ring?

Well, what did you tell him?

Why does that matter?

Anyway, l told him that
l had this wedding...

...and l realized that it was important
for me to see my friends and family...

...and l needed to do it alone.

-Do you guys think that's bad?
-lf the idea of marrying him...

...makes you want to run screaming
in the other direction...

...it's probably a good indication
that he's not the one for you.

You guys don't understand.
l mean, he is-- He's perfect.

And if he's not the one for me,
then who is?

-l think l'll just go finish unpacking.
-Oh, here, let me help you.

Thank you, dear.

How's she doing?

She's not so good.

But she's bound and determined...

...to not leave Amy

...so she's really putting up
a fight.

l'm so sorry. l mean,
this must be so hard on you.

Just tired.

Why don't you go take a nap,
and l'll watch Amy.

We'll bond.

lf you insist.

Hey, l booked us a room for next
weekend at Stonybrook Lodge.

You know, l figured we could do
a little hiking, some mountain biking...

...and other various activities.

-Don't look so excited.

l mean, you think
it's what we need right now?

Another weekend away
from Capeside?

Sorry l made the mistake
of planning something nice.

No, l appreciate it, l do.

l'd just like it better
if we were hanging out here.

You knew when we started
seeing each other...

...l wasn't ready for all
of Capeside to know.

Doug, that was six months ago. We do
live in a post-Will and Grace world.

Do you think people still care
who you sleep with?

Yeah. Yeah, l do.

Why do you care what anybody thinks?

Your family has no problem with it.
Pacey couldn't be happier.

That's because Pacey
gets the last laugh.

No, it's because Pacey loves you,
and so do l.

This sucks that we have
to go through this.

How many weekends away
will we have to go on...

...before we can be together
like a normal couple?

lt's like we're having
some kind of affair...

...yet neither one of us
are even married.

Not all of us were fags at 1 5, Jack.
lt's not so easy for some of us.

l can't even believe
you just said that.

-l'm sorry. l didn't--
-No, you're not.

You know what the difference
is between you and me, Doug?

You were a fag at 1 5.

You just haven't stopped
hating yourself for it.

Greg. l'm sorry to interrupt
while you guys are eating...

...but thanks for coming back.
lt's good to see you.

Excuse me.
l'm looking for Pacey Witter.

-Joey Potter. l live and breathe.

-Good God, woman, you're heavy.
-Watch it, Witter.

l'm just kidding. They told me you
weren't gonna be able to make it.

Long story.

Everybody! This is Josephine Potter.
Official town alumni...

...and quality Capeside stock.
What do you say...

...we give her a nice warm
welcome home, huh?

Pacey, this is all yours?

Mine, the bank's, several
family members'. You hungry?

-l'm starving.
-Excellent. You came to the right place.

Look, our boy done good, huh? Who'd
have thunk that little movie he made...

...would get turned into the new
hit teen soap for the WB.

So how do you feel about having your
life portrayed on TV week after week?

l'm fairly thankful. Dawson could've
really stuck it to me if he wanted to.

-But for you, my God, that Sam girl.

-She's so neurotic all the time.

Look at you.
l gotta give you another hug.

-God, it's good to see you.
-Good to see you.

lt has been way too long, Jo.


-Hey, hey.

Hey, girl. Hey, pretty mama.

-Come here.
-What's up?

-lt's good to see you.
-You too.

-How are you? Handsome.
-Good, l'm great.

Okay, in honour
of this momentous occasion...

...open bar for everyone!

Give it up.
What's up, buddy?

Jack, do you remember that time
l painted you in the nude?

-You got excited, and you sprouted--
-Oh, whoa, hey, hey!

-Got a bit more than l bargained for.

Wasn't meant to be.
Besides, Dawson probably would've...

...eventually killed me for taking
his only soul mate, right?

How about the time when Pacey...

...was sleeping with the teacher,
but couldn't get A's?

Ms. Jacobs was an
educational experience.

l'm sure.

l don't know what you're
chuckling about...

...because your closet
isn't skeleton-free.

-Remember Eve?

Eve, the femme fatale
who stepped out of Melrose Place...

-...and into Capeside.
-Oh, my God.

Abby Morgan.

-No? ls she not funny yet?

What's up with Audrey?
Anybody talked to her?

Audrey is singing backup
for John Mayer. She's touring Europe...

...and she's got some boyfriend
she calls the ''Anti-Pacey.''

He's totally boring and, like,
really sweet or something.

And really sweet,
as opposed to the actual Pacey?

And that from my ex-girlfriend,
no less.

You know, there was another girl that
you dated, goes by the name of Andie.

lf l do say so myself,
she's pretty cool.

-How is Andie?
-She's busy.

She's finishing up her residency
over at Mass General.


Pacey, thank you so much
for reopening this place.

-l did not know how much l missed it.

Maybe if your daddy
hadn't burned it down...

-...it'd still be yours.
-Oh, nice, Pacey, nice.

l couldn't write this stuff if l tried.

-How long has it been?
-Not long enough, apparently.

Dawson, remember
when l de-virginized you?

-Okay. Yeah, on that note...

...maybe we should depart.

You can't leave now.
We're getting to the good stuff.

l'm afraid she'll divulge
too much info.

-Oh, my goodness.
-l'll give you a ride.

l'm sorry. Oh, no.

We're out.

Hey, guys, remember the time
when my boyfriend knocked me up...

...and left me to raise
a baby on my own?

-Okay, see you at the wedding.
-Wait, stop. One more thing.

God, you guys are the best friends l've
ever had in my life. l love you so much.

That is all. Good night.

-We'll see you.
-Good night.

Good night.

And on that note,
get the hell out of my restaurant.

l gotta clean up.

-You guys need a ride?
-l'm gonna walk.

-l can drive you.
-That's okay. lt's right down the block.

-lt'll sober me up.
-All right.

Good night, Dawson.

-Pace, thank you.
-A pleasure, as always, darling.

-Walk safe.
-l will.

Bye, boys.

-My God, that woman's amazing.

Man, that girl you cast on your show
cannot hold a candle to her.

l know. l did nail Petey, though.
That's perfect casting.

Yeah, well, he does have the certain
requisite roguish charm, l guess.


A lot's changed. You've changed.

Yeah, well, life happens.

So are you happy?

With everything that's happened,
you happy?

The stock answer's a resounding yes.

Anything else, l'd sound like
a whiny Hollywood brat, right?

Yeah, but right now
you're talking to me.

To be honest with you,
l haven't given it much thought.


Well, you know me.
l'd be miserable if l was happy.

You don't have to help me do this.
lt's my job, remember?

-lt's good to see you, Dawson.
-You too.

-l'll see you at the wedding.
-All right.

Welcome home.

The last time l checked, this was not on
the list of godparent job requirements.

lt's okay, it's okay.

-You're doing just fine.
-ls she always this sad naked?

-What's this?
-Oh, they're Grams'.

l just keep it on hand
in case she forgets it.

l didn't know she's still on painkillers.
She looks to be in good health.

Looks can be deceiving
that way, huh?

Oh, it's okay, it's okay.

There you go.

You ever wonder if you could
survive without her?

-Think you could really do this alone?
-l used to think l couldn't.

But, really, l don't feel
that way anymore.

lt's really wonderful, parenting.

l mean, l can't program my TiVo,
but l can take care of a child.

You've changed the most.

Out of all of us.

lf l have, it's not because of me.

Amy changed me. l mean,
l'm just along for the ride.

What am l doing here?

l mean, what sane gay man
of this era moves back to a suburb?


l don't think this is about Capeside.
l think you're....

-You're frustrated with Doug.
-l know.

l mean, l feel like
l'm back in the closet, Jen.

Although this time,
it's not even my closet.

-Well, you have to give him some time.
-Why should l?

l mean, it's not my fault my boyfriend
lives back in the Stone Age.

l know, but he's so scared.

-What's there to be scared of?
-Of what's real.

lt terrifies us, all of us. And you say
that l've changed, and you're right.

But, l mean, l went
kicking and screaming.

And if you think that
anything of any value...

...in this world comes
at an easier price, you're wrong.

Your wise, sage superpowers
have increased with motherhood.

l think l might have to buy you
a cape pretty soon.

You can be my sidekick.

My Boy Wonder.


-You scared the hell out of me.
-lt's not as easy as it once was.

l think l might've broken something.

-What are you doing here?
-Well, l was walking to the B&B...

...and l just decided
to keep walking.

l haven't been home
for so long and....

Did you know they
put up a McDonald's?

We've officially been invaded,

We are one Old Navy away
from being destroyed.

-Are you okay?
-Oh, yeah. l'm fine.

So l....

l kept walking, and then....

lt was too late to ring the bell...

...and l saw the light on,
so l thought, ''Why not?''

Were you sleeping?

-l can leave.
-No, l'm glad you're here.

We didn't get much alone time.

There's so much l wanna know
about you and New York...

...and everything.

That did hurt.

-See you later, boss.
-Good night, guys.

Good night.

l'm sorry, we're all closed up
for the night.

l'm guessing you know
why l'm here.

Well, it's a long shot, but....

Sleeping with your wife, maybe?

Okay, well,
l'll make it easy on you.

l deserve it. Do your worst.

Oh, now, look.
l've been drinking a bit tonight...

...so you could probably take me out
all by yourself.

Yeah, what's the fun in that?

Well, l met Christopher when
l was assigned to proof his book.

This was before l got promoted
to junior editor.

-And we bickered...

...and argued so much,
so we naturally started dating...

...and we've been fighting
ever since.

ls it serious?

Well, we're definitely at that
moment when it either is or isn't.

l don't know what's gonna happen.

What about you?
Anything going on in L.A.?

l'm absolutely, 1 00 percent,
intensely committed to my show.

-And nothing else.

...that's today. l mean...

...it's not always gonna
be like that, Dawson.

l mean, this is your moment.

-You have to take it.
-l suppose.

l mean, really, Dawson, this is what
you've always wanted. Remember?

Grab it. Seize it. You have to.

Look, there's plenty of time for
the rest, but you're living your dream.


l'm not complaining, but...

...sometimes l feel like:

''What am l doing?''

You know, l wanted to be Spielberg.

lnstead, l'm writing a teen soap.

And l can't even get a meeting
with Spielberg.

Even though l love it
90 percent of the time...

...this job's costing me
my personal life, my romantic life...

...my sanity.

Dreams aren't perfect, Dawson.

They come true, not free.

-Nicely put.
-Someone famous said it.

l'm just so tired.

-l'll go. l'll let you get some sleep.
-No, no. l meant just tired in general.

l should go anyway. lt's late.

We have a wedding tomorrow.

All right. l'll drive you.

On second thought, no, l won't.
Go to sleep.

-You know the drill.

That's your side, that's mine.

Lie down and go to sleep.

Are you kidding me?
Dawson, l can't.

You already climbed
through the window.

lt's only fitting,
wouldn't you say?

No one's pining away for each other
or masking their feelings...

...so just sleep for sleep's sake.

Works for me. We are adults.

Good night, Dawson.

Good night, Joey.

We've been through
so much, Dawson.

So many good times and bad.

When l loved you,
you loved Jen.

And when you loved me,
l needed to be on my own.

So l left you for Jack,
and then he realized he was gay.

And then l convinced you to turn
your dad in for trafficking cocaine.

And you said you'd never
speak to me again.

But l did.

l offered myself to you at that party
after you crashed your dad's boat.

And l refused...

...for some reason.

And so you fell for Pacey.

While you were losing
your virginity to Jen.

And then we
finally slept together.

Only to get into a fight
the day after...

...thus ruining everything
we waited so long for.

And then l dated that actress.

You dated that Eddie guy.

And years passed
until finally here we are...

...saying '' l do.''

The way it should be.

The only way it can be for
star-crossed, ill-fated soul mates.

So l do.

l do too.


l'm so happy for you.
And Dad would be too.

Thanks, honey.


-What you taking?
-You caught me. l'm medicating.

l'm an anxiety-ridden mother.
They help.

Thank you.

You mind sharing?
Because l could really use it today.

-Oh, no.
-Oh, yes.

-Thank you.

ls Pacey Witter turning into
a bit of a George Bailey.

-Jimmy Stewart, It's a Wonderful Life.

You've got the town at your feet...

...but all you seem to wanna do
is throw yourself off of a bridge.

You're suffering from a bad case
of '' ls this it?''

-You think?

And l gotta tell you, Pace,
this is it.

This is definitely it.
So you should make the most of it.

Oh, there you are.

-What are you doing?

No, you're not, Dawson Leery.
You're hiding.

You'd rather sit here
with your imaginary friends...

...than talk to the real ones.

-Actually, l have a deadline.

This has nothing to do with Joey, who
climbed out your window this morning?

-l don't wanna know anything...

-...but if you're afraid to go talk to her--
-l'm not afraid.

l'm just...

...confused and insecure.

-l don't know.

Falling back into my past

Basically, right now,
my entire life is about my past.

l spend every day reliving it and
watching other people act it out.

-My past has become my future.
-lt's become the present.

Your future's in the future.

And that's the good news, honey.
You're the writer.

You get to tell the story
any way you want.

So if you're unhappy with the script,
l'd say...

...go out there, join the party,
start rewriting.

Not bad.

Dialogue's a little clunky, but...

...you made your point.

lt's great to see you guys.
You look great.

l saw you here,
and it reminded me of something.

-What's that?
-Dance lessons.

-Remember we took those lessons?
-That's right, we did.

l still have the permanently
bruised toes to prove it.

That's because you've got
freakishly long toes.

They're really more like fingers.

-l'm just kidding.

What do you say we take
those finger-toes...

...out on the dance floor
and see what happens.

Don't worry.
l'll stay within compliance...

...of the 5-foot straight-buddy rule.

Not funny.

l wanted to apologize, Doug...

...for taking off on you the other night.
lt's not gonna help our problems.

No, it isn't.

We can't just stay in place either.
l mean...

...relationships need to progress.
They need to change and get deeper.

Quit doing that, Jack.
Just because you've been out longer...

...doesn't make you an expert
in relationships.

lf you were, you'd be in one
that was working now.

That's a good point.

Maybe l'm a selfish idiot,
but l'm happy with what we have.

l like that it's just the two of us.
l don't care about the rest of the world.

From what l've seen with Pacey
and your friends...

...the rest of the world
messes up relationships.

We can't exist in a bubble forever.
Nothing can.

Jack, l know.

l just can't be on your schedule.

And l can't be on yours.

You want me to be where you are.
l want you to be where l am.

l can't go backwards any more
than you can go forwards.

Everything about this is pointing
towards an impossible situation.


Look, we're not-- We're not good
for each other. Not-- Not now.

Maybe we should just call it a day.


l'll see you around, sheriff.

So are you gonna tell me how
you got that shiner, or am l gonna...

...have to assume you beat up
the priest before the ceremony?

Let's just say
that mistakes were made.

What's going on, Pace?

What's going on?

What's going on is that l forget how
much fun l have when l'm with you.

And it's really, really nice
to be reminded.

Hey, let's switch.
Dawson won't let me lead.



l'd say you left in a hurry this morning.

Yeah. Well, l had to get ready.

Plus, you were snoring...

...plus, you know, the whole d?j? vu
thing was kind of hard to take.

lt was kind of like an acid flashback
without all the colours.

l mean, l guess. lt's not like
l've actually ever done acid.

-l'm glad you're nervous too.
-What do you mean?

You ramble when you're nervous.

ls this '' Rag on Joey Potter Day''?

l like that you ramble
when you're nervous.

l like that l know that you ramble
when you're nervous.

And l like that l still
make you nervous.

Pacey's stepping on my toes.
Will you take him back, please?

lt's a conspiracy.

-New shoes, l think.
-New shoes.

Must be the new shoes.

Pacey, l think we might
have an audience.

Oh, boy.

Nice to see some things never change.
Still breaking hearts?

Yeah. Her heart, my jaw.

lt's all starting to make sense.

Do you wanna help me out here?



Jen! Jen! We were dancing.
She just collapsed.


My God. Somebody get her bag.

-She needs her pills.
-l saw her take one.

Dear Lord, this should not
be happening.

-What's going on?
-Get an ambulance!

-What's wrong with her?
-For God's sake, hurry.

She needs to go to the hospital!

-What the hell is going on?
-She is sick.

What do you mean, sick?
She was fine.

She's not fine. She's very sick.
lt's her heart.

Oh, dear God.

My baby Jen.

-They want him in five, right?
-Yeah, that's right.

Excuse me, coming through.

lt's been hours. Why won't
they talk to us? What's going on?

They're monitoring her.
Her vitals have been compromised...

...and they need to confer
with her New York doctors...

...before they can tell us anything.

What's wrong with her?
You know, don't you?

lt's a small problem, really.
lt's-- lt's been there all along.

We just didn't notice it
until the pregnancy.

There's an abnormality
in her heart...

...which is why she fainted.

lt's nothing serious, really.

She'll be more embarrassed
than anything else when she wakes up.


Yes, really.

Excuse me, Mrs. Ryan?

Jack, did you know
anything about this?


What is a heart abnormality?
ls that like a murmur or something?

Because l don't mean to be an alarmist,
but that sounds serious to me.

All right. She's stable.

She fainted from a palpitation
caused by her medication.

We won't know anything more
for now.

So there's nothing much else
to be done...

...at the moment.

l really think you should all
just go home and rest.

lt's been dramatic, and l....

Please, just-- Just go now.

-ls she gonna be okay?
-Of course she's gonna be all right.

Her mother's in Europe.

l really need to call and....
Excuse me.

l'm worried. This isn't good.

She's gonna be fine, right?
We don't know anything.

-Let's not jump to conclusions.

-And she's young. She's healthy.
-Best thing we can do is be ourselves.

Carry on in our typical,
usual, distracting--

Sordid love-triangle ways.

Leave it to you to say the most
inappropriate thing.

-l'm always dependable, my friend.
-So very not funny.

-Hi, Christopher.
-And the triangle becomes a square.


Yeah. l think she's gonna be okay,
but l might have to stay until Monday.

Yeah, l have stuff
with me from work, so--

l miss you too.
Can l give you a call a little bit later?

Okay. Bye-bye.

-Hey, you.

What are you doing here?
lt's late.

Doesn't this hospital
have visitation hours?


l flirted with a nurse.

l can be quite charming
when l wanna be.

What happens when
she finds out you're gay?

lt's a male nurse.


Look, Jen...

...l would love nothing more
than to engage...

...in our patented, meaningless...

Jack-JenIfag-hag banter, but....

First l was kind of wondering, since
you're lying here in this hospital bed...

...and you're hooked up
to all these machines....

How come?

How come you didn't tell me?
l thought l was your best friend.

Because l didn't want you
to be worried.

l was already worrying enough.

Because l thought that
if l pretended it didn't exist...

...it would just go away.

Because l like it. l like our...

...patented, meaningless,
fag-hag banter.

And because l was scared
if l said it out loud, it would be true...

...because l was just scared.

-Because l was an idiot.
-You are an idiot.

l could've handled it.
l could've helped you handle it.

Well, you will help me handle it.

-l need you.
-Jen, straight up.

How bad is it?

Decreased left ventricular systolic

lt's a whole blood-not-pumping-right-

...and it's causing a lot
of problems in my lungs.

lt's called pulmonary congestion.

All right. So, what--? What do we do
about it? l mean, what? Surgery?

-Treatment? What?

l have been doing everything.

And at first, the odds were good...


...you know me and the odds.

Jen, there's gotta be something
we can do. What about a specialist?

l've been there, repeatedly.

l'm so sorry to lay this
all on you like this.

l really thought that l'd make it
to Capeside and back in one piece.

Yeah. Yeah.

l've been trying to get okay with this,
but l can't do it alone anymore.

Because l am gonna die, Jack.

And like everything else in my life,
l don't really know how to do that.

But l'd like to not screw it up.

l'd like it to be something
that l get right for once.

l'm here.

l will do anything
that you want me to do.

Right now...

...l want you to get in bed with me...

...and tell me all about
this cute nurse...

...and make me forget everything
that l just told you.

Come here.

Yeah. Come here. lt's okay.

His name's Max.

l like Max.

He has a goatee.

We could work on that.

Okay, here's the deal.

She knows that you know,
but she's got a few requests.

No maudlin, soap-opera theatrics.

She wants the room drama-free
and full of laughter.

No tears.

ln fact, she's instructed me to bar
anyone from the hospital that cries.

-l can't promise that.
-Who could?

Then you leave. Jen's rules.

lt's what she wants, children.
Just do the best you can.

-Do we all go in together?
-Not at first.

We should ease into this.
Why don't we try one at a time?

This isn't happening.

l can't believe this is happening.

Who wants to go first?

Send in the clown, huh?


-So they sent you in first.
-Yeah, l'm the opening act.

Well, you can start off by wiping
that fake smile off your face.

Say something, Pacey.

Well, Jack tells me you're dying.

But other than that,
everything's okay, right?

Thank you.

Come here.

-These are for you.
-Thank you. They're beautiful.

Are they sure? lf it's her heart,
can't she have a transplant?

She'll never make the donor list,
and with her lungs failing....


l got these for Jen.

-Will you tell her that l came by?
-l will.

Look, Jack, l know that now
is not the time, but--

Doug, look, our problems
have been dropped.


l just want you to know
that l'm here for you.

l know.

The lady will see you now.

-Hey there.

How you doing?

-What's wrong with them?
-l don't know. What's wrong?

-ls someone dying or something?
-That's not funny.

-On the contrary, it's fatally funny.
-l could die laughing.

-Stop it.
-Come on, guys. lt's funny, okay?

lt has to be funny.

Otherwise, l'm gonna get angry
and bitter, and l don't want to.

She gets very crabby
on her deathbed.

-How is she?
-More brave than she'll ever know.

l'm just on my way over there now.
Can you keep an eye on Alexander?


-You're avoiding.
-No, l'm not.

-You mean that wasn't Christopher?
-Yes, it was him.

Every time the phone rings,
it's him.

Hey, l get it. lt's hard to tell someone
you're not gonna marry them.

-He never proposed.
-Because you bolted, came here...

...and realized you're still in love
with your ex-boyfriend.

l am not still in love
with my ex-boyfriend.

No, you're still in love
with your ex-boyfriends, plural.

-Bessie, that is ridiculous.
-Fine. l'm ridiculous.

You owe it to him to call and tell him
you're avoiding his calls...

...because you're too chicken
to tell him it's over.

l'm not too chicken
to tell him that it's over.

l'm just--
l'm not sure if it's over.

-Fine, it's over and l'm just--

l'm too chicken to tell him.

Come on, dial the number.
l'll hold your hand.

-l hate you.
-You're welcome.

So, what do you think?

Harold and Maude,
one of my favourites.

-l hated it.
-What? Why?

Maude dies. You didn't
tell me Maude dies.

l know, but she was--
Well, she was really old.

l don't care. Harold loved her,
and she died, and he was happy.

He wasn't happy because she died.

He was happy because
he got to know her.

He realized that he wasn't alone
in the universe. He had a soul mate.

What's a soul mate?

lt's a-- Well, it's like
a best friend, but more.

lt's the person in the world who
knows you better than anyone else.

Someone who makes you
a better person.

Actually, they don't make you better,
you do that yourself...

...because they inspire you.

A soul mate is someone
who you carry with you forever.

lt's the one person who--
Who knew you and accepted you...

...and believed in you
before anyone else did...

...or when no one else would.

And no matter what happens,
you'll always love them.

Nothing can ever change that.

Make sense?

Can l have your old room?
Mom said l had to ask you.

l think that could be arranged.


l was walking around in a fog
and realized l hadn't eaten today.

Well, you've come to the right place.

Try that.


No suit and tie for you.
This is definitely your calling.

The man in the apron who's rooted--
Who's cemented into Capeside.

Pace, what's with the life ennui?

Come on, Dawson went off
and conquered Hollywood...

...you ran away to Paris
and New York, and l....

Well, l didn't run.
l flew. Coach.

Regardless, l've left
this town for, what...

...a total of two years in my entire life?

But, Pacey, you have a restaurant.

-lt's what you love.
-Why couldn't l have a restaurant...

-...in Hollywood or New York?
-Pacey, don't be so hard on yourself.

l mean, l know that with everything
that's going on right now...

...it's hard not to be, but....

Come on. You've really got it going on.
You have a great life here.


l just wish that l could feel that.

-You don't?
-Well, l didn't...

...until you came breezing
through my door again.

There's no need to bolt.
l'm just saying thank you.

You reminded me of what
l'm capable of feeling.

lt's like l was walking around seeing
my life through a smudged window...

...and then l saw you,
and the smudges were gone.

The window was clean.


Well, l try.

Hey, hey. ln my--

ln my kitchen, l'm the only one
who throws anything.

l want you to think very carefully
about the next thing that you do.

And here we are again.

What is it between the two of us?

Are you bringing us down?

Because you know what?
l have enough frequent-flyer miles...

-...to get a non-stop out of here.
-Really? l'd hate for you to do that.

You know, l would never bring you
down, because l just want you to be--

What are you gonna eat?
That's your dinner.

Pacey, is this okay?

Should we be laughing like this?

l would say, at a time like this, yes.
Now more than ever.

So, what? So that was it?
So no begging and pleading?

Well, there was a lot of pausing
and heavy silence...

...and he did his whole
'' uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh'' thing.

No big suicidal '' l can't live
without you'' speech?

l thought that this guy
was a brooding writer.

He mumbled something about, '' Love
is so short, forgetting is so long.''

-Oh, my God. That's beautiful.
-He stole it.

Pablo Neruda, Twenty Love Poems
and a Song of Despair...

...published in hardback, 1 924.

Joey, Joey. What am l going
to do with you?

You're constantly getting
into these situations...

...where you jump in with your heart,
and then jump out with your head.

Your heart and your head have
been in constant conflict.

That's because there's nothing else
to be conflicted about.

l am all out of conflict.
l have been for years.

Well, if you ever wanna
be reminded of it...

...you can just watch Dawson's show.

What about that girl
that they cast as me?

l've often thought about getting
a lawyer and suing his ass.

Well, at least you get to have sex.

All l do is mope around
and pine after Petey, then Colby...

...then Colby, then Petey.

Well, you never could make a decision.

You know, that's where
he got it all wrong.

l mean, the eternal triangle,
it's based on actual events?

lt's not about Sam choosing
between Colby and Petey.

lt never was. lt's about...

...Sam making a decision with herself.

Can we just use the real names here?

There's no need to protect
the guilty in this room.

lt's just sad that it took a TV show
to make me see it.

What? See what? l'm incredibly
interested in all of this.

The only decision left...

...is the one that l need
to make with myself.

To stop running...

...once and for all. l mean,
l know who l'm supposed to be with.

-l've always known.

Yeah, but then the fear takes over.

The free-floating, anxiety-ridden fear
in my stomach that makes me run.

Jen, l am completely
comfortable running.

l really don't know any other way.

Maybe l can help.

What if l demand
that you make that decision?

No more running.

l'm going to make it my dying wish.

My death will serve a greater purpose.
lt's your ultimate motivator.


Just for the record here...

...because l feel like l'm a little bit
out of the loop on this.

Who is it that you know you're meant
to be with? ls it Colby, or is it Petey?


Hey, Jo. l've come to kidnap Jen.

-That is, if you're ready.
-Ready and waiting.

Get me out of this bed.

lt's beautiful today, isn't it?

How the sun just affects
every breathing thing.

l mean, you can really see it.

Okay, Mrs. Dalloway.

Thank God, your humour has returned.

You sure you wanna do this?


-1 00 percent sure...

...l don't.

But l don't think you're gonna
let me out of it, so....

l'll be quick. l promise.

Let's do this thing.
You can turn it on.

Hi, Amy, it's Mom.


...by the time you see this,
l won't be here anymore.

And l know how much that sucks
for both of us.

So seeing as how l won't be around
to thoroughly annoy you...

...l thought l would give you a little list
of the things that l wish for you.

Well, there's the obvious.

An education...

...family, friends...

...and a life that is full
of the unexpected.

Be sure to make mistakes.

Make a lot of them.

Because there's no better way
to learn and to grow, all right?


...l want you to spend
a lot of time at the ocean...

...because the ocean
forces you to dream.

And l insist that you, my girl,
be a dreamer.


l've never really believed in God.

ln fact, l've spent
a lot of time and energy...

...trying to disprove that God exists.

But l hope...

...that you are able
to believe in God.

Because the thing that l've come
to realize, sweetheart...

...is that it just doesn't matter
if God exists or not.

The important thing is
for you to believe in something...

...because, l promise you...

...that belief will
keep you warm at night.

And l want you
to feel safe always.

And then there's love.

l want you to love
to the tips of your fingers.

And when you find that love...

...wherever you find it...

...whoever you choose...

...don't run away from it.

But you don't have to chase
after it either.

You just be patient,
and it'll come to you, l promise.

And when you least expect it.

Like you.

Like spending
the best year of my life...

...with the sweetest...

...and the smartest...

...and the most beautiful baby girl
in the world.

You don't be afraid, sweetheart.

And remember...

...to love is to live.

-Dawson doesn't know l borrowed this.
-You mean stole?

No, l mean borrowed.
You don't steal from friends.

When did you borrow this?

ln 1 998, right after he shot it.

Oh, God, we're so cocky.


-...you, anyway.

Such a long time ago.

Yes, it was.

l recognize a Joey trance
when l see it.

lt is definitely nice to have
her back around again.

Do you feel the sparks?

Well, you can never really deny
the sparks between the two of us.

When she's around,
l just feel more....

l feel more alive.

People underestimate
how important that is.

l think they overestimate it too.

l mean, as much as you want to...

...you can't rely on someone else
to make you feel alive.

lt's an inside job.


So do you plan on borrowing her
or stealing her from your best friend?

Well, l'm hoping
that it's a little different now.

That maybe we've moved beyond that.

l just want the three of you
to stay friends.

And l hope you stay in touch.

Never forget what
you mean to each other...

...and the effect that you've had
on each other's lives.

Because friendship can really
never be over or underestimated.

Oh, God, l hate this.
l'm so angry.

l'm so angry. l don't want to do this.
l don't want...

...to die. l hate this.
Remind me to never do it again.

lt's not funny.

l'm losing my sense of humour.
l don't wanna leave my daughter.

l don't want to leave her alone.

You won't leave your daughter alone,
l promise you.

Saturday night has me and Amy's name
written all over it, okay?

We will take care of your baby,
l promise you.

Oh, my God.

Hey, swan song.

l have a surprise guest for you.

-Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!


How'd it go?

Well, you know that list
of hardest things to live through?

You just got bumped again.

l'm so out of touch, Jo.

l've wasted so much time living
in my little Hollywood bubble.

Even now, my mind's on my work.
l hate to admit that.

Show's calling every five seconds.
The network wants a script...

...which l haven't finished,
l don't know how.

l can't think straight enough to write.

Dawson, this is a time
of extreme stress.

lt's not just that.

When l saw Jen for the first time
the other day with Amy...

...my first thought was,
when did Jen have a baby?

l forgot Jen had a baby.
l forgot l knew that. What...?

-What's wrong with me?
-You cannot feel guilty about that.

My office is calling every five seconds.
lt's called life, and we have to deal.

Deal with what, though?

lt's not Shakespeare.
l'm not writing Schindler's List.

Why do l care? l'm no Spielberg.
The guy won't even meet with me.

-Why would he?
-Stop it.

She's dying.

Jo, she's gonna die,
and all l think about...

...is some fricking ending
to some stupid TV show.

l keep thinking there's gonna be time
for the rest of it, but it runs out.

Yes, it does.

Nothing in my life
feels real anymore.

l've lost touch
with my family, my friends, you.

You and me together is the only thing
that ever made sense, and l forgot that.

Until l saw you.

Then it came back, what we were,
and we're not even together.

Do you not watch The Creek?

We're together every Wednesday
at 8:00.

-Dawson, you wrote a show about us.
-And that's the problem.

l've turned my life into fiction.
lt's not real life l'm living anymore.

lt is real.

ln the best way possible. Dawson,
do you know how lucky you are?

You're a writer.

You get to live life twice.

Who else can do that?

She's getting worse.

Sometimes, when we're talking,
she'll just fade out...

...a couple minutes here,
a couple hours once.

Well, the arrhythmia is causing
an insufficient blood flow.

Her system is shutting down.

So it's just a waiting game now.

l talked to her doctor.

She hasn't been responding to the
beta-blocking agents or ACE inhibitors.

l don't really know what that means,
but it doesn't sound good.

No, it's not.

ln lighter news, it looks like the world
has a wonderful doctor on their hands.

-How are things going for you?
-Oh, resident life.

Long hours, l never sleep,
constant hamster in a wheel.

You look none the worse for wear.
You look great, actually.

Because l love it.

God, l do. Every bit of it.

-And you look great too, Pacey.

-Well, you know, but....
-Comparatively, l guess l'm all right.

Good. l'm glad to hear it.

l think about you, Pacey Witter.

Wonder what you're doing,
if you're happy.

-Well, you could always call.
-l do.

Jack. Yeah, he gives me
the play-by-play.

Oh, l can only imagine.

But seriously, with you in Boston...

...it's too close for us
not to keep in touch.

There's so much history here.

You were always the first, Andy.

Oh, yeah, funny,
l don't remember it that way.

No, you are. You're the first who
tested me, who challenged me.

l'll tell you the truth. To this day,
l don't feel l've got it right yet.


lt's not about getting it right, it's....

lt's about knowing when it's wrong
and doing something about it.

And there you go again.

Telling me exactly what l need to hear,
when l need to hear it.

How do you do that? l....

-lt's a gift.

And if l never properly thanked you,
thank you.

Oh, no, no.
lt's always worked both ways, Pacey.

But you're welcome.

-So how long are you gonna stay for?
-As long as l need to.

l like this one.

Definitely an A.

Oh, yeah.

l thought it was a little
pedestrian, rushed.

l think Cynthia here
is capable of much more.

Oh, gosh.
We're all capable of more, Jack.

Hey, you wanna sit?
Wanna go in your chair?

Yeah, thanks.


Wanna go in your thingy? Here.


Speaking of capability...

...can l bring up the as-yet-unspoken
subject of Amy here?

Bad segue, English teacher.
l think you can do better.

Jen, come on. This is tough.

l don't want you
to feel pressure, Jack.

l am her godfather.

l think that when most people
sign up for godparent duties...

...they don't imagine that it could ever
extend beyond a few babysits.

Jen, l want her.

l want her.

But l don't know what you and
Grams have discussed.

Grams is aware of the reality
of the situation, with her health and all.

And we both think that you would
make an excellent father.

One request.

Can you please help Amy
find a place to be?

l feel like l never really quite fit.

Which is why we're us.

l know.

l mean, from the second that l stepped
out of that cab and onto the creek...

...l was the instigator, you know?

Girl who caused problems
and rocked the creek...

...and upset the delicate emotional
balance of Capeside, and....

And l don't want Amy
to be that person.

l want her to belong.

l feel like l never really did.

Jen, you belong.

You belong to me.

Don't you get it?

You're my soul mate.

Amy's gonna know love.

Every day of her life, she is gonna
know how much her mother loved her.

l'm gonna see to that.


l'll see you soon, child.


You should go talk to him.

Now's not the time.

Okay, fair enough.

Just remember that that saying's
not worth much today.


l'm looking for some serving spoons.

They're in the bin at the end.

Well, how you doing?
You okay?


Yeah, l really am okay.

What's going on
in that head of yours?

You're off the hook.


You're off the hook.

l've never really put much faith in...

...that '' if you love someone,
set them free'' crap...

...as evidenced by everything l've done
in my life up to this very moment.

But l am determined
to be happy, Joey.

Happy in this life.

And l love you.
l mean, l always....

l have always, always loved you.

But our timing
has just never been right.

And the way l figure it,
time is no man's friend.

So l have to get right
with that and be happy now.

Because this is it.
l mean, this is all that we get.

lf there's one thing l've learned
from losing Jen, that's it.

-Pace, l--
-Actually, hold on. l'm not done yet.

Because l also want
for you to be happy.

lt's important for me
that you be happy.

So l want you to be with someone...

...whether it be Dawson,
New York guy...

...or some man you haven't even met.

But l want you
to be with someone...

...who can be a part of the life
that you want for yourself.

l want you to be with someone
who makes you feel like l feel with you.

So l guess the point
to this long run-on sentence...

...that's been the last 1 0 years
of our lives...

...is just that the simple act of being
in love with you is enough for me.

So you're off the hook.

You know, for the record, l....

l don't want to be let off the hook.

Because everything in my life
that l've done...

...has led me here...

...right now.

And the last thing l want,
need or deserve...

...is to be let off somebody's hook.

-Please don't miss my point here--
-And don't miss mine.


...l love you.

You know that.

And it's very real.

lt's so real
that it's kept me moving...

...mostly running from it...

...never ready for it.

And l love Dawson.

He's my soul mate.

He's tied to my childhood.

And it's a love that is pure
and eternally innocent.

l can't be let off the hook because
l might just get the notion...

...that it's okay to keep running.

So then, what exactly
are you saying here?

Oh, Pacey, there you are.
We need plates.

You are so sweet to open up
your place like this.

l love you both.


l think you were maybe just about
to say something really important.


l realize--

Joey, give me a hand.

Here, grab this tray. Here.

-How you doing, Pacey?
-l'm good, Bess.

l'm good, thanks.

Grams said you were here.

Just thinking?

Capeside's favourite pastime.

What about?




l don't know.
Boston, New York.



-Jack, you can't do that.
-Yes, l can.

How many gay parents
do you know in Capeside?


How many gay teachers were there
before you came back?

How many gay sheriffs,
for that matter?

Last time l checked, none.

l'm tired of being first, Doug.

Half my life has been about
re-educating this community.

And what do l have to show for it?

Think there are prizes
for inspiring people?

l don't want to inspire people

l wanna give Amy a normal existence,
and she won't get that here.

She's gonna have the same childhood
that l did.

Only instead of being the only gay kid,
she'll be the only kid with a gay parent.

l don't want that.

You're gonna be a gay parent
no matter where you are.

And, yeah,
Amy is gonna face rejection.

That's what it means to be a teenager.

l just want to be a good parent, Doug.

l have to be.



Being a good parent...

...means knowing that
your child is bound to fall down.

You just have to show them
how to get back up.

What do you know
about parenting?

Not much.

Hoping to learn quickly.

That's a sweet gesture,
but no thank you.

-lt's not a gesture.
-Yes, it is.

With everything we've been through...

...l'll be damned if we get
back together over...

...your sense of obligation,
or worse, pity.

Screw pity.

l love you.

l love you, Jack.

l love that you're the bravest
person l know...

...and the kindest.

l love that no matter what you do,
your life is gonna stand out.

l want to stand out with you...

...and your daughter.

lf you'll let me.

lt's the Dudleys, right there.

Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley.

l was just...

...kissing my boyfriend.

That's sweet, dear.


How you doing?



-lt's been a long day.

-You been writing?

Curse of the unwritten ending.

Make it a happy one, please.
l can't take any more sad ones.

Stay away from the life
and death of it all.

lt's interesting that people use
that expression, '' life and death.''

You know, as if to imply that life
is the opposite of death.

But birth is the opposite of death.


...has no opposite.

l never thought of it that way.

Well, leave it to me to over-think it.

You are the writer.


This writer has decided
it doesn't matter how it ends.

Because fiction is fiction.

For the first time,
in a long time...

...my life is real.

lt doesn't matter
who ends up with who.

Because in some unearthly way...

...it's always gonna be you and me.

Soul mates.

What we have goes
beyond friendship.

Beyond lovers.

lt's forever.

Yes, it is.

-l love you, Dawson.
-l love you too, Joey.

Come on, Alexander.
Come on. Only a few more steps.

You can do it.

-You and me always.

l can't take it anymore, Colby.

l don't want to wait
for my life to be over.

l want to know right now,
what will it be?

You and me.


That was perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

Are those tears?

Are you crying?

He got me.

He got me.

Let's call him.

Well, l'm taking off.

You should get out of here too. You
have a meeting first thing in the a.m.

Got it.

-Get out of here.

-Hey, man, it's us.

-It was great. It was so sweet.

You had Joey crying like a baby.

l can't wait till next season.

You'll never guess
who l'm meeting tomorrow.


Get out of town. Who made you
a big Hollywood player?

Oh, my God. What are you gonna say?
What are you gonna wear?

l have no idea.