Dawson's Creek (1998–2003): Season 5, Episode 17 - Highway to Hell - full transcript

Charlie asks Joey to sing with his band at a distant biker bar club, which requires Pacey to give them a ride. Pacey and Charlie hate each other, and it takes a patient Audrey to keep them from going at each other's throats. At the bar, Joey is nervous and isn't well received by the rough audience, until Charlie helps her with a duet. They all end up for the night in a cheap motel where Joey begins to have feelings for Charlie, while Pacey and Audrey escape from their problems with sex. Meanwhile, Dawson, Jen, Jack and Grams drive up to Capeside for Lily's 1st birthday, and Dawson finds out his mother has a new significant other. Also, Jen confesses to Jack that she wants to break up with Dawson after feeling they are not right for each other, while Dawson is conflicted with the possibility of loving Joey again.

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Joey Potter. Just the girl
l'm looking for.

You have that first-name,
last-name thing down.

Does that help you keep
the ladies straight?

l don't wanna confuse you
with Joey from Amherst.

l saw her.
Didn't like the looks of her.

She's got nothing on you.

Now isn't a prime time
for obnoxious banter...

...so if the scary stalking part
is over--

Move it along? Yeah, okay.
l need you.

Don't burst into
''You've Lost That Loving Feeling.''

No, but, funny you should mention
bursting into song.

l thought we agreed to never
speak of that night again.

l thought you just meant
the kissing part.

There you are, speaking of it.

Okay, listen. We're doing a gig
upstate this weekend.

Five songs, opening act.
lt's an incredibly big deal.

We're even getting paid.
Five hundred bucks.

Wow, that's a month's worth
of hair gel.

Look, this is
kind of our first big break...

...except for the lead singer quit.

Couldn't handle the bass player
with mystique getting the girls?

No, these days there's really
only one l want.

Charlie, l'm flattered, really,
in kind of an obligatory way, but--

l need you to sing.

Excuse me?

l come to you with open arms, Joey,
purely a guy asking a girl a favour.

You really trust me
to front your band?

Absolutely. Does this
mean you'll do it?

l'll think about it.

You're totally gonna do it, aren't you?

-Here's the set list.
-l said l'd think about it.

The longer we stand here,
the longer l have to think about...

-...the reasons not to do this.
-Thank you.



This is really hot and everything,
but the thrill of knowing...

...Joey could walk in the door
any minute is wearing off.

And here you told me
you didn't have any fantasies.

You know what l mean, Pacey.

l don't. There's not a lot of blood
running through my brain.

These make-out sessions were
very old-school charming...

...but now it's moving
into the realm of slutdom.

Your car, my dorm room,
the coed bathroom.

A lady must be courted, Pacey.

So that's it, then?

-We're having that talk, are we?
-You need to get an apartment.

ls that it? And here l thought
you were dumping me.

What's to dump? l'm not holding you
back from anything, sport.

Fly out into the world, my butterfly.
Be free.

-Do l have to?
-No. You just have to get an apartment.

Seriously, l am feeling...

...all kinds of inhibited right now.

This is you inhibited?

Yeah. l mean, l can't really
let my freak flag fly...

...with all those warnings
from my R.A.

Then l definitely
have to get an apartment.

l gotta go.

Okay. Well, whatever.

Call me from wherever
you're squatting tonight.

Will do. All right.


Hey, before l forget,
guess who called?

No, forget it.
You suck at this game.

-Charlie called.
-He called again? Persistent.

-So are we going?
-He told you?

l am very engaging on the phone,

You're kidding me if you're telling me
you're not gonna do this gig.

lt was kind of fun at the bar, but--

Kind of fun? Come on, it was
verging on embarrassing.

l practically had to drag you off the
stage. You're such a media whore.

But the thing is tonight.

l mean, that means
we'd have to leave, like--

ln an hour. Charlie and l
have it under control.

l'm not riding in the van
with his questionable guitarists.

Just relax and concentrate
on your heroin chic thing.

lt so happens
l know a guy with some wheels.

What's with this Charlie petition?
He's smarmy.

Okay, let's just be honest here.

l brought down the house that night...

...but Charlie has asked you to sing.

Either he's intimidated by my talent,
which is likely, or he's hot for you.

-l don't think it's such a bad thing.
-l mean, if l do this...

...which apparently
we've decided l am...

...it's for the fun experience of it,
not Charlie, just to clarify.

Well, duly noted.

Now, let's go pick out an outfit.

And not from your closet, okay?
From mine.

ls it stupid for me to get clothes
for my sister for her birthday?

No, l think that it's great. She's
developing her own sense of style...

...as opposed to that
typical blatant nudity.

Hey, speaking of which....

Why am l having such a hard time
getting dressed?

We're going to Capeside for
a 1 -year-old's birthday party.

-Who am l trying to impress?
-You got me.

Do you mean l got you
or you're stumped?


l don't know.
Getting dressed. Carry on.

Jennifer, Dawson.
l hope you're decent...

...as l've already entered the room,
and l--

Oh, l'm sorry,
l thought you were....

Let's move on.

Joey's waiting for you
at the door, Dawson.

Thank you.

Wow, l feel really old and boring
all of a sudden.

Because Grams didn't catch
us in a compromising position?

Yes, exactly.

Not every morning has to begin with
an embarrassing Grams encounter.

l know. l know.

We should go...

...unless you want to....

l do and l would,
but l finally just got dressed.

l'm just not in the mood to be
separated from my outfit at this point.


That was easy.

Excuse me?

Aren't you supposed to want
to have sex at every opportunity?

l pretty much do. You just said
you're not in the mood.

You've been cranky, which makes me
not in the mood, so before this fight...

...you're trying to pick becomes fodder
for your show, l'm answering the door.


Are you okay? Seriously.

Yeah. Yeah, Dawson, l'm fine.



Perfect timing.
We're leaving in 1 0 minutes.

Well, actually, Dawson, l came to tell
you that l'm not gonna make it at all.

Something come up?

Kind of. lt's a long story and--

Well, l'm-- l'm going upstate
to sing with Charlie's band.

When you say it out loud,
it sounds kind of crazy.

-'' Charlie'' Charlie?
-One and the same.

Okay. Well, we're gonna miss you.

Well, l'll miss you more than Lily,
but you can't blame the kid.

She's got a short attention span.

Well, can you give this to her for me?
lt's just a little something.

l hope she likes it.

lt's bright and shiny.
She'll love it.

Have a great trip.

Yeah, you too.

Not gonna be the same without you.


ls this a new kind of orange juice?

l think it's some pulp
instead of tons of pulp.


l think l'm gonna break up
with Dawson.

-You ready to go?



l had no idea you were throwing
such a soiree.

Quite a shindig for something
Lily won't even remember.

Well, l have been
a little cooped up lately.

Lily's birthday was just a nice excuse
to gather some old friends.

Coffee's ready, Gale.

Hey, you must be Dawson.

-lt's nice to meet you.

Oh, sorry. How rude of me.

Dawson, honey, this is my friend
Nathan and his daughter Haley.

-Say hi.

This is my girlfriend, Jen.


-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too.

Well, l think l have
just about everything ready.

Except l did forget
to pick up the cake at the bakery.

Jen and l, we can do that
for you, Mrs. Leery. No problem.

-Yeah, that's no problem at all.
-Oh, thanks, guys.

So, Evelyn, Dawson,
how about some coffee?

Be right back.

Well, you can't dump him now.

Jack, it's not funny.

No, it's not, which is why we're
going together so you can fill me in...

...on what the hell is going on here.

Get in the car.

Come on!

-And you'll let me pick the music?
-lf you must.

lt will be fun, Pacey. Come on!

There are worse ways to spend
your day...

...than travelling
with a couple hotties.

True. But l still don't like
the idea of catering...

...to Chip Mark and his merry band.

-Charlie Todd.
-l don't wanna know his actual name.

-l just don't want you out of the loop.
-He's not even in our social circle.

He circled around it like a vulture,
but he's not actually in the circle.

No, but he is running towards us
with alarming speed.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Thank God l found you.

-The guys left in the van an hour ago.
-They were telling you something.

l overslept. You guys mind
if l catch a ride?

Well, l don't see
any reason why you can't.

What was your backup plan?

lf you overslept
and your ride failed you?

-Well, this is pretty much it.
-And even that's an overstatement.

-Nothing. Pace, l know this sucks.

There's not much they can do without
him, and as long as we're going....

Oh, thank you. You guys rock.

l'm really sorry, Pace.
Nobody planned on this.

l beg to differ. l'm pretty sure
laughing boy over there planned this.

'' l missed my ride.''
This guy is just stalking Joey--

Present love interest
standing in front of you.

lt has nothing to do with that.
l saw what he did to Jen.

l don't want him
to do it to another friend.

Okay, let's just enjoy this for what it is.
Wacky road-trip high jinks...

...with a motley crew
and their collective sexual tension.

Throw in a bag of pork rinds,
it's a deal.

-But you keep this guy away from me.


-lt's just....

-l think l dreamt this once.
-What are you talking about?

You and me, a big back seat.

This back seat has no implications.

-Hey, l didn't say that it did.
-This is strictly business.

All my back-seat transactions are.

Looks like we're only gonna be
a half an hour away from Salem.

l don't know that
you'd be safe there, sweetie.

What's the name of this place
we're playing again?

''We,'' huh? l knew
it would just be a matter of time...

...before you started to embrace
the life of a rock star.

You're really roughing it
old-school style.

This is a really sweet ride.
How much did it set you back?

Where l come from, it's not polite
to dig into a man's financial affairs.

So, what is the name of this
place we're going to, anyway?

The Drunk & the Dead.

That sounds like a nice family joint.

lt's awesome. l haven't actually been
there, but some of the other guys have.

We hear the crowd really gets into it.

lt's gonna be like
an actual set, you know?

Not just a bunch
of college kids killing time.

Hey, don't worry.

l'm not worried.

-Just excited?
-l'm not anything.

Yeah, right. ln your mind, you're
already imagining your gateway drug...

...and which mode of destruction
you'll attack the hotel room with first.

What's up with you and Dawson?
ls it getting old?

No, things are just
kind of coming into focus...

...because l, you know,
was so quick to jump into this...

...and tell everybody that they were
wrong and that l was right...

...and me and Dawson were destined
to be together, and it was crazy.

l just feel like that existed
in some parallel universe...

...and now it's just sort of--


lf l admit that...

...then l am really gonna
seal the deal...

...as a dysfunctional poster child.

lt's not like Steve the indie rocker
made me have...

...any profound revelations
about the meaning of love, but--

But you felt something.

No, l missed something.
That thing where you meet somebody...

...for the first time, and you get
to decide yes or no...

...with only yourself in mind.

l don't wanna be that girl that's upset
that Saturday nights aren't more fun.

Dawson doesn't deserve that.
He's had enough already.

-Jen, you should tell him that.

So your mom tells me you're enjoying
your new film program in Boston.

Yep. Yeah.

l used to dabble a bit in film
when l was in Amherst.

Nothing as advanced as you.

No, l'm just starting out.

What about that Matrix movie?

l mean, they used a lot of that
new digital technology, didn't they?


Well, this one right here,
l tell you....

Come here, Miss Lily-wily.
We gotta keep an eye on you, right?

This one, l tell you,
she gets in those crayons...

...and her momma calls her a genius.
Hi, genius.

l guess the old visual-creative gene...

...runs in everybody's blood
in this family.

Excuse me for a minute.

-Hey, Pace?
-Yeah, Chuck?

l don't mean to be a back-seat driver...

...but we kind of need to put
the pedal to the metal.

-Did he really just say that to me?

l understand that you wanna be easy
on the old girl, but we're running late.

Maybe you'd make better time
on the old hog, huh, Chuck?

Hey, now, okay, guys.
No need to auto-bash here.

Charlie, honey,
l'm sure we'll be fine.

And, Pacey, sweetheart,
a little speed never hurt anybody.

lf you want me to drive, Granny,
hey, l can hop up front, all right?


What are you doing?

Anger management.
This one's for me.

Chuckles, get out of my car.

-What's the problem?
-No problem.

-You're hitchhiking.
-You're being ridiculous.

-l'm being ridiculous?
-Here we go.

You've been asking for this
since you showed up uninvited.

l'm regretting it more and more
every single second...

...but cut me some slack
because you don't even know me.

You don't know me. lf you did you
would've already started walking.

You don't think l can take you?

Guys, guess what.
You're both very masculine...

...and the girls are impressed.
Can we go now?

Are you challenging me?

Should l bother?

You want that? Then let's go.

Let's go. Honey, could you
hold on to that for a second?

Snookums, come on!

-Come with me now.
-Let's go.

l have unfinished business--

Your Neanderthal charms
have me smitten.

Please come with me
into the woods.

That's not fair. That's not fair.

-That's not fair.

Yeah, let your woman
take care of you.

-What is his problem?
-What is your problem?

He's giving you a ride because
he's a decent person.

-Why did you have to speak?
-l don't know, l mean...

...it's a good way
to pass a six-hour drive.

You've gotta admit,
he totally overreacted.

That's a moot point.

Now, why not be a good little back-seat
freeloader and just ignore him?

There are rules about these things.

Oh, God forbid
you think for yourself.

-What is that supposed to mean?
-You obviously rub him the wrong way.

l think you're probably
his version of a chesty blond.

You think l'm cute.

l say chesty blond, and you think l'm
hot for you. This is never gonna work.

-But you're thinking about it.

Hey, if you're good...

...maybe later we could
stop for ice cream.

Okay, we're ready to go now.

-All better?

Whatever you did, l don't want
any details, but thank you.

You're welcome.

l'm all freaked out.
l mean, l didn't--

l didn't expect my mom
to be on the dating circuit.

l just-- l think that you should probably
prepare yourself for this.

Maybe not for Nathan,
but for the possibility of a Nathan.

Right, l will prepare myself...

...but right now l'm angry
and a little shocked.

lf you're upset with your mom,
just talk to her.

Well, l'm kind of trying
to talk to you.

She's moving on.

-From my father?
-Sorry. That's not what l meant.

l mean that she's moving on
with her life. That's gotta...

...make you happy
to some small extent.

-Does it?
-People need to breathe sometimes...

...and act on their impulses.

Your mom isn't gonna always react
the way you think she should.

l know that.
l'm not her keeper.

l'm just saying, l have a right
to a reaction, don't l?

-Or maybe not.
-l didn't say that you didn't.

l'm trying to talk to you,
and maybe you're trying to talk to me...

...but we're not having
the same conversation.

You know what? l am just painting
myself into a corner here.

No, l'm sorry. l'm....

l'm really thrown.
l don't mean to attack you.

You're not attacking me.

l just-- l don't want to...

...say something that
l'm gonna end up regretting.

-Like what?
-Nothing. l just--

l just want to go. l'm gonna go.

-Wait a minute. What--?
-Nothing, okay?

We were talking, and then there
was a continent between us.

-You wanna tell me what's going on?

l just want to take a breather.

l'm gonna go somewhere with Jack.


Tell me we're just
stopping here for directions.

Yeah, l'm sure the
friendly patrons of this bar...

...are just dying to help
us plucky college kids.

So it's got some character.
l'm exploring.

The guys are here.
We won't have time to rehearse.

-Are you serious?
-Joey, it's okay.

This crowd won't care much about
your singing, if you know what l mean.

You can make money off her after
the show, if you know what l mean.

-Come on, man.
-l'm just curious...

...why you brought Joey
to a place like this.

l thought she could have fun.

Maybe you'd have fun
watching her, right?

Okay, guys,
l'm standing right here.

Sorry. Guess what.
There's this chick in the back.

She's doing jailhouse-style tattoos.
Ten bucks with a shot. All right.

Let's go toughen you up.

Sounds divine.

l got my eye on you.

l don't know why,
considering the company.

Sounds like this other
band is pretty popular.

lt is not a face-off, bunny.
No need to fret, no point.

Not much means of defence
against a Sabbath tribute band.

lt's not that. l mean, l don't care.

Except that l do care.

l've been trying this whole time not to
care, but nonchalance doesn't suit me.

Something tells me
l'm not gonna win them over.

Yeah, you don't do so well
with things you don't do so well.

But it's not like you'll ever
see these people again.

The night is young.
Who knows what will strike your fancy?

l'm serious, Audrey. Playing
to this crowd is a lot different...

...than playing to a bunch of
warm and fuzzy college students.

Why did l even say yes to Charlie?

Hey, Joey?

We're on in five.
The set's taped to the mike.

l'll introduce you, and then....

You look gorgeous.


And, incidentally, you said yes...

-...because you're curious.
-l never said l liked him.

l never said '' liked,'' l said ''curious.''
Same difference, clearly.

-l have to go perform.
-l know how serious...

...you are about your music.

Shut up.

Hey, never turn
on your stylist, Joey. Never!

-Everything okay?
-Oh, a little stage fright, l think.

Maybe that's because the front row
is sharpening knives with their teeth.

When did you become Mr. Mom?
l thought you loved dives like this.

l do, for me, for the occasional wallow,
not for my friends.

And now, the girl who made
Aggressive Mediocrity...

...strive to be better men...

...Joey Potter!


-Let's go, baby!

You gonna sing or what?

All right! Take it off!

-All right.
-Don't forget about you know what!

Come on!


She's out like a light.

Well, she was quite the belle
of the ball.

So where did Jen go?

She and Jack
went to go take a walk.

l guess the party
got a little wild for them.

Actually, we had a fight.

About what?

l guess what it was about
was moving on.

Which side were you on?

Apparently, l'm against it...

...but the longer l look at Lily
the less clear my reasons become.

Sometimes there aren't
even reasons, honey.

Choosing a new direction in life, it isn't
always something that requires a list.

-You just feel different?
-You don't even mean to.

But if the choice comes down
to moving on...

...or trying to fit into the shell
of your former self, well....

l guess it depends on
what you can live with.

-l should go find Jen.
-You'll find each other.

Nobody's going anywhere,
tonight anyway.

Grams is passed out
in the guestroom.

Party animal.

-Oh, you know, we forgot to open that.
-lt's from Joey.

-lt was strange not having her here.
-Yeah, l was just thinking that.

Well, l think that l am
going to go clean up...

-...and call it a night.
-Hey, Mom?

l know.

l should've told you.

But, honey, to be honest,
l didn't know what to tell.

What l was gonna say was
it was nice tonight...

...meeting your friend.

Thank you.

Well, good night, sweetheart.

Good night.

lt's kind of like watching
figure skaters fall.

Get off!

You suck!

Oh, God, you'd think
the guy was Jimmy Page.

Yeah. Except that
it's the year 2002.

Look, Pacey. What is up
with the machismo, okay?

l wasn't gonna say anything,
but l'm thinking...

...of going home
with Rusty over there.

lt's nothing. l just....

He's just that guy.

When you and Dawson were
making that movie together...

...l had to watch him shove his tongue
down your throat...

...while you and l were still
working this out.

So l want to punch him in the face.

lf that makes me a bad guy,
l'm a bad guy.

When l see the two of you together,
it drives me crazy.

And l wish that l could
really impress you right now...

...by saying something self-assured,
but l can't, because l care.

That's the best l can do. So do you
think that we could leave...

...and just go get a burger
or something, please?

No. That's pretty much the last thing
l want to do right now.

Fine. l'm gonna go get the car.


l was thinking more along the lines...

...of checking into that motel
across the street.

-Did l miss something?
-l can't believe...

...you want to punch a guy
in the face for me, Pacey.

lt's so disturbingly cute.


Not to interrupt a good time,
but are you guys ready to go?

Yes, actually...

...there's been a slight change
in plans, Joey...

...because Pacey and l
are really tired.

And don't you think that it would be...

...a good idea if we stayed the night
in that motel?

Not really, no.

Well, you know, l understand
it's no Potter B & B...

...but wouldn't you just hate to miss out
on any of the local charm?

Hey, sounds good to me, man.
l'm-- l'm wiped.

Well, will you look at that?
The gentlemen agree on something.


The poolside breeze is tempting
this time of year.

Exotic, really.

l got us a room.

Let me guess. There were
no single beds left.

No, no, l swear. Not a one.

Are you nervous?

About what happens after the prom?
l think l'll be okay.

Did you and Pacey
go to the prom together?

We did indeed.

God, that must be strange.

Having him in there
with your roommate.

That's the way we like
to do things around here.

Aren't you the guy
who met my friend Jen?

Okay, okay.
l don't need to rehash.

So is--? ls he the only guy
you ever had sex with?

You know, that is so inappropriate
on so many levels.

l'm just trying to cut to the chase here.
Why do we always have to banter?

-Why can't we have a conversation?
-Why do we need to have one?

We don't, l guess.

Look, l just can't figure out why you
wouldn't want to make a new friend.

l mean, all the rest of your friends
are sleeping together.

Okay. You got me. You're right.

Yes, Pacey's the only one
l've slept with.

l've only slept with two people.
One in high school and then Jen.

l feel really close to you right now.

You should. l don't tell
a lot of people that.

What did you tell the girl that you were
cheating on Jen with? lt didn't count?

-Oh, right.
-lt's kind of endearing, actually.

Seeing the tired routine meet
its end before my very eyes.

God, l can't believe how much
you throw off my game.

Well, l try my best.

You know, l think
l'm gonna call it a night.

lf you ever get cold
or slightly curious...

...about the room, that is...

...it's number seven.

Good night, Charlie.

See you later, Joey.

You know, you were
really great tonight.

Thanks. You did kind of help me out.

No, you didn't need it.
l just couldn't resist the urge.

To what?

To be close to something
that amazing.

Good night.

Excuse me.

We're okay.

Long day, huh?


Provisions for the lady?

Yeah, something like that.

Those are two
of the most high-maintenance women...

...known to man, and somehow you
managed to wrangle both of them.

'' High-maintenance'' is just another way
of saying '' high-quality.''

That's a nice way of looking at it.

So then tell me something.

Why are we suddenly starting
to have a normal conversation?

l don't know, really. That was a nice
thing that you did out there tonight.

Maybe l got tired
of hating you so intensely.

But make no mistake,
if you do anything to hurt Joey...

...l will make you regret it for
the rest of your waking days.

Yeah, l figured that.
So you only kind of hate me now?

lf l were you, l wouldn't take that
so personally. lt's not a short list.

-Have a good night, man.
-You too.

-You gonna stay out here all night?
-l was thinking about it.

lf he tries anything unsavoury,
you know where to find me, right?

l think l can handle him.

After watching you lull a biker bar
into submission tonight...

...l'm pretty sure
you could handle Charlie.

lf you wanted to, you could break
his heart into a million pieces.

lf l wanted to do such a thing.

Of course.

Poor guy.

Oh! Thank the sweet Lord!

Did you have to manufacture
your own shoddy condoms?

l love the way your mind works.

But l never said that l was
going out to get condoms.

Well, you said
that you forgot something.

And you said you never knew me to be
unprepared, so perhaps l went out...

...because l wanted to extend to you
a romantic gesture.

l didn't get you anything.

What is this for again?

This is our first night together.

No roommates, no back seats,
no security guards.

-Just you and l.

Did you make a wish?

l did.

Did it have something to do
with four walls and an lKEA catalogue?

See, l always thought you were more
the Restoration Hardware type of guy.

l always knew you were a classy girl.

Well, that shows
how much you know.

How did l know l'd find
the two of you guys here?

Yeah, it's some kind of hybrid of
'' pathetic'' and '' predictable,'' l guess.

Okay, speaking of pathetic, l think
that l'm going to go check out...

...the football field.

Run a few laps,
rip out my shoulder.

Catch you guys later.


So, what happened today?

l don't know.

Tell me anything.


l got out of a cab
four years ago, and....

And you were there.

And you looked so open
and innocent and happy.

And l thought to myself
you were the boy for me.

And l kind of put--
l put everything, into that.

And, you know,
l don't doubt for a minute...

...that you're the best guy
l'll know...

...and that l wish that you'd
just marry me, because--

Well, then, why
are you doing this, Jen?

There's a reason that this
worked out in the first place.

There's a reason
that we got together.

lsn't there?

Dawson, l don't think
that this is just me.

lt was right at the time.

We needed each other.

So, what just happened?
Did we--?

Yeah. Yeah, we did.

Subtitles by
SDl Media Group