Dawson's Creek (1998–2003): Season 2, Episode 20 - Reunited - full transcript

With Dawson and Joey back together, he decides to take her out to a romantic dinner for old time's sake. But also eating out are Mitch and Nicole. On top of that, the restaurant, not realizing that there are two Leery parties, has only has one table available, forcing all four of them to sit together which immediately lights up tension. Also at the restaurant are Jen and Gail where Dawson, Joey and Jen attempt to reunite Gail and Mitch after Nicole walks out from the constant arguing. But the ploy only works temporarily. Meanwhile, Andie begins to fall into insanity when she begins changing her hair color from blond to brown, and begins having ghostly encounters with her deceased brother, Tim, while Pacey and Jack catch on and try to confront her with her mental state.

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Ok. Movement break.


Isn't anybody else
struck by the humor
of this moment,

that we're all
in the same room
at the same time?

Yeah. It is,
uh, bizarre.

I mean, the way
we all started
the school year,

and...we actually
all managed to come
out to be friends.

Yeah, like St. elmo's.

Yes, St. elmo's
from hell.

That would be
a negative spin.

I just think
it's important in times
of maudlin reflection

to incorporate
a little honesty.

You know what?
I happen to agree
with Joey.

I mean, sure,
we've all grown to
tolerate each other,

but I still think
that we're a long shot
off from 90210-land

of best friends forever.

Well, I don't know.
I kind of think
Andie's got a point.

I mean, there
has been a lot of
hanging out lately.

Like when?

Well, like right now,
for instance.


Have we even
stopped to consider

why we've all
come here together

If not, I need
to cohabitate in--
dare I say it--

a clique?



Yeah. Pacey,
when you say it
like that--

wait a minute, though.
I mean, no offense
to anybody here,

but I called up pacey
to invite him over

to watch a couple of movies.
That hardly qualifies

as group hanging out.

Yeah. But then
I invite Andie...

I invited Jack.

Well, I better not
need an invitation.

And I live here now.

Let's face it, guys.
We are this far away

from the peach pit.


Kill him.




He said
with zero enthusiasm.

You got
a new 'do.

You don't like it.

I didn't say that, actually.
He didn't say that, no.

No. New hairstyles
are judged by
immediate response.

Yours was lackluster.

Well, I think
you look fantastic,

You just don't look

Hah! Keep digging.
You're approaching China.

You know what?
I love it. I...Jack?

Love it?
He clearly
loves it.

I love it!
It's beautiful!
You've never looked--

liars, both of you.

Andie, look. Um...

Anyway, about tonight,
I was thinking maybe

a movie, dinner,
nice romantic stroll
down by the pier.

Ha! Think again.

I've got to
study for finals,
not to mention

take care of mom.

Andie, it's Friday night.

You have plenty of
opportunity to hit the
books over the weekend.

What do you say
we take tonight off?

You know, good idea.
You should. I mean,

you should take
tonight off.
I would love it,

but i'm
going to study.

Do I
deserve this?

Oh, jeez! How could I do
this? Damn it!

What's the matter?

I--oh! I have
the wrong book
for precalc.

Mrs. Sanders
is going to kill me.

Well, maybe
it's in your locker.

Yeah, well, it better
be. I'll see you later.

Ok. So...

It's the hair, ok?

extra sensitive...

She did it herself.

Well, ain't love grand?


So what's the plan
for tonight?

Eh...i don't know.

Maybe rent a movie.

Dawson, do you know
what we've done

for the past
4 Friday nights?

Be kind, rewind.

Ok, so then we
won't rent a movie.

We'll watch a movie

Har har.

It's not like
I prefer
this situation.

And I do try to make
our evenings

as spontaneous
as possible,

nothing against you,
Dawson, but...

I think because
we've been friends
for so long,

we know each other
so well that...

Our chemistry,
the only thing
it doesn't produce

is spontaneity.

Oh. Well...

That's me.

Captain humdrum.

I said "us."

Yeah, but you meant me.

I have to admit I am
a little surprised

that you're ok
with this...

Considering that
it is our one-month

for whatever
we are, or...

Were, or are...

Joey, we are
boring, trite people.

Ok? We're
absolutely incapable
of spontaneity.

We--we do things like...

Plan and organize and...

Make reservations
weeks in advance

at topnotch restaurants
to celebrate one-month

of whatever it is
we are or were


You didn't!

Supposed to be
a surprise,

until you got
persnickety on me.

I didn't get

Yes, you did.
It's ok. You're
very cute persnickety.

Oh! I did not get

Ok, that was

Um, yeah.


You could call her.


Who do you think?

I don't think I'd have
much to say to her.

And at this point,

I don't think she'd
really have a whole lot
to say to me, either.

Oh, I don't
believe that.

It's not that I don't
want to talk to her,

but...where would it lead?

I mean, maybe
I'd move back in,

a few weeks of mild

and then the inevitable
ideology clash.

I've just accepted that
there are certain people

who aren't meant
to fit in your life,

no matter how much
you want them to be.

I'm intimately familiar
with that predicament.

Oh, I am so sorry.

I didn't mean to imply
you and...

No. It's ok, honey.

What do you say

we just have a night
of good food,

good music,

good conversation,

and put the past
on the back burner
for a few hours?

I'd have to say
that's the best
offer I've gotten

in quite a while.

Oh, boy.

"Entre nous."

I wonder what that
means in French.

Oh, it means,
"just between us."

Like a secret.

Or a kiss.

Well, that was...
Slightly unexpected.

It was?


Well, we've been spending
a lot of time together
at school,

been a few dates.

It's clear that we enjoy
each other's company.

It's only natural
that things progress.

Well, you're right.
You're right.

I'm just kind of
a teenager about
all this.

I'm a little
out of practice.

Ah. See, the key is not
to think about it,

but to keep
your mind off it.

Think about how beautiful
the evening is,

how quaint the restaurant is
we're about to enter,

and even how romantic
a street lamp can be.

After you, ma chérie.

Oh. Merci.

Entre nous? That's
where we're going?

Dawson, that's
too expensive.

Come on.
The market was high.

I had a little extra
to throw around.

No, seriously,

it doesn't matter
where we eat.

Joey, we have been
together for a month.

I want to take you
to a meal

in an establishment
worthy of your beauty.

Ok. I do admit that was
a prepared statement.

Yeah, I figured.

Let's go.


I made reservations
2 weeks ago.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize
there were 2 leery parties.

There are
2 leery parties?

Well, yes.

A great i--




It's possible you're
experiencing symptoms

of what's called
complicated grief.

Your medical history
makes you susceptible

to this sort of anxiety,

following the loss
of a loved one.

This doesn't have
anything to do
with my brother.

I'm talking about
Abby Morgan.

Her death seems to have
upset you a great deal,

which ultimately
may have triggered

unresolved issues with
your brother's passing.

It's critical
we stay on top of this.

Have you seen Abby
any other times

besides the incident
you spoke of a month ago?

No. Uh, just
that one time.

Now that
I think about it,

I may not have
seen her at all.

It's ok
if you did, Andie.

No. No, I don't
think I did.

This is my home number.

I want you to call me

if you feel your anxiety
getting worse.


Also, I want you in here
early next week, and...

We can decide then

if you're in need of any
kind of medication.

Medication? Uh...
But you said

that I wouldn't have
to go back on--

it's different now.

What's going on
inside you, Andie,

may not be healing itself

The sooner we confront this,
the better.

I like your hair.


Did you tell her
about me?

I couldn't.

That's good.

What we have
is a secret.

Not for long.

They're gonna
find out, brown,

and then we're gonna have
to leave each other.

I'm not going anywhere.

Promise me?

I can't lose you.

I don't have this
with anyone else.

I mean, no one
listens like you do.

I know.

I'm so scared.

God! Why is this
happening to me?

Why me?

Shh, shh.


Hey, Gale, can I
ask you a question

that sort of breaks
our "back burner" rule?

Of course.

What kind of hope
do you hold

for you and Mr. Leery
getting back together?

Well, I'd be
lying to you

if I said I didn't
think about it
every day.

I mean, have you tried
to get him back?

Oh, a few pathetic
attempts here and there,

but it's pointless, Jen.

You can't connive
or entice love.

By definition, it has
to find its way to you.

Dawson said that you
got a job offer

to go to Philadelphia.

Are you gonna take that?

I don't know.
I'm waiting
for that sign.


You know,

one of those small
moments in life

that provides
some clarity.

A little occurrence
that lets you know

where you need to go,

who you need to be with
or not be with.


I think that sign's
a little extreme.

No, no, no. I mean,
I smell smoke.

Oh, my god.
The pot roast.

Wow. This place
is really packed.

I, um, I guess that
we're lucky

that they could squeeze
us all in together.

I'll say.


Dawson, Nicole and I

were just discussing
your summer plans.


Your father mentioned
the possibility

of you interning
in Hollywood.

You know, I have plenty
of contacts there.

I'm sure
I could set you up
with a summer job

at an agency
or production company.

Isn't that the city
that you said would,

and I quote,
"eat me for breakfast"?

Look, I'm sorry if I was
hasty in my analysis.

Apology not accepted.

Dawson, you
don't mean that.

Yes, I do.

I spent months
working on a film

that you gave
2 seconds of thought to

before annihilating.

After which,
you proceeded

to steer me away
from the business
as much as possible.

But now that you're
dating my father,

all of a sudden,

I'm worthy of an internship
in Los Angeles?

You asked me to be
truthful, Dawson.

I may not be a fan
of your work,

but I'm certainly a fan
of your enthusiasm.

There are plenty
of other opportunities
in the film business,

not just creatively

Ah, so I'm not
creative enough.

No. You're
misunderstanding me.

I don't think I am.

All right,
everyone ready to order?

Uh, yeah.

You guys go ahead.

Dawson and I will
be right back.

So this is your idea
of a romantic evening?

Joey, that woman
trashed my movie

and came this close
to crushing

every single one
of my career hopes,

and now she's
stealing my father.

What am I supposed
to do,

talk about the weather?

Dawson, I know.
I realize this.

But by letting her
get the best of you,

you're putting
a petty little battle

before us and our night.

I mean, it's upsetting.

I'm sorry.

Look, hey, for the sake
of our evening,

I will rise above, ok?

Oh, no.


Oh, Mrs. Leery.

What a delight.

Is this a French restaurant
or a French farce?

I'm gonna go get
something to drink.

You're late.

I thought
you'd come earlier.

Are you ok?

Look, we can't talk
right now, ok?

Pacey is upstairs,

and I don't want him
to find out about you.

I don't care
about him, Andie.

I care about you,

and I hate seeing you
like this.

Look, you know what?

It's just too hard
having you both here
at the same time, ok?

♪ You can hide
behind the door ♪

♪ somewhere underground ♪

♪ down the hall
you hear the laughter ♪

♪ every day's
a big disaster ♪

♪ make just one wrong move
and you're surrounded ♪


I can't just tell him.
It's not that easy.

There are repercussions
that I'm not ready
to deal with.

Why do
I have to tell him
in the first place?

Would you understand
if you were him?

No. I guess I wouldn't.

Then there's nothing
I can do.

There is...Something.

You can choose.

I won't do that, brown.

♪ Make the rules
and change the answers ♪

♪ kill the fools, they
haunt you like cancer... ♪


Joey? What...

What are you
doing here?

I'm here with Gale.

Yeah, we saw.


I'm here with Dawson
and his father

and...miss Kennedy.



Oh, god. Not good.

Or maybe not so bad.

Where'd Nicole go?

The bathroom.

I don't know if you were
watching the entrance
just now, but, uh...

Your mother.
I saw her.

And you're not
stressing out
about this?

Why should I
stress about it?

She's seen me
with Nicole before.

Dad, whether you choose
to ignore it or not,

mom is moments away
from deciding

whether or not to leave
capeside indefinitely.

Well, her decision
to leave or not

has nothing
to do with me.

It has everything
to do with you, dad.

She's not just leaving
for a great opportunity.

She's running away
from you,

from your relationship,

from your unfinished

Well, our unfinished

is only a matter
of paperwork
and signatures now.

I don't believe that,

and I know that you
don't, either, dad.

I'm telling you,

if there's even
the smallest part of you

that wants to work
things out with her,
don't let her leave.

For your sake and mine.

Hello, Gale.

I was actually
ignoring you.

I'm sure you were.

You wouldn't by any chance
be here with...

Yes, I am.

Well, that just sucks,
doesn't it?

I'm sorry?

Well, I just got here.

Maybe I should
call it a night.

Maybe. I mean, it would
only be fair to Mitch.

On second thought,

I think I'll let
Mitch decide

what's fair for Mitch.

Enjoy your meal.

You were listening
to me.

You're damn right I was
listening to you, Andie.

What's going on here?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't pull that with me, ok?
Who were you on the phone with?

I wasn't on the phone.

Were you talking
to another guy?

I don't wanna talk
about this, ok?

Will you just
please leave?

Tell me, are you seeing
somebody else?

Then who were you
talking to?

It's none
of your business.

Now would you just
please leave me alone?

No. I'm not leaving.

I mean it this time,

Andie, ever since
Abby died,

your moods have been
completely unpredictable.

Look at me, ok?

I mean, one minute,
you're all over me,

and the next, you don't
even wanna see me.

So if it doesn't
have anything to do
with somebody else,

I can't--

I can't help but think...


Go ahead, say it.

I'm just wondering

if it's maybe some kind
of medical situation.

You had to go there.

Well, it's the logical
place to go, Andie.

You know what?

If you don't like having
a wacko for a girlfriend,

then why don't you
do us both a favor

and just break up
with me?

I just wanna
help you, Andie.

No, you don't wanna
help me, pacey.

You want explanations
for things

I can't give you
explanations for.

Ok. Can you at least
explain these?

It's a photo album.

No. It's pictures
of you and your family
I've never seen before.

All right?
You had them out,

and you were
going through them. Why?

It's none
of your business.

Andie, you changed
your hair back

to look like it does
in these photos of you
and your brothers.


And coming on the heels
of a month

when you
have been acting
anything but normal,

I just find it
a little odd

that you would all of
a sudden revert back
to a hairstyle

you had 3 years ago.

Ok. So that's what
this is all about?

You're freaking out
because I went back
to an old hairstyle.

Which one of us has
the problem here?

Just tell me
that your hair

has nothing to do
with these pictures.

Give me back the book.

Why are you
acting like this?

I said, give me
back the book!


You know what, you can
stay here if you want.

But I'm really tired,
and I'm going to bed.

Thank you for squeezing us in
at the last minute.

Our pleasure.

of the house.

You're officially

entre nous'
favorite anchorwoman.

Thank you.

Look at all those
happy people.

I never thought romance
could be so disgusting.

Nice try, Gale.

But once a romantic,
always a romantic.

Oh, you think so?

Oh, I know so.

I would be
willing to bet

that if that band
started playing a song

that struck
a chord in you,

your eyes would well up
in a matter of seconds.

Well, I guess there
are certain songs

with extra meaning.

Do you and Mitch
have a song?

Just out of curiosity.

Thank you.

Sorry to interrupt.

This wine is sent
from another table

who wishes
to remain nameless.

I just find the quality
in films these days,

you know, it's just...
The story is lacking.

Promise me, when you're
a Hollywood bigwig,

you won't spend your time
trying to make

big-money pictures.

You don't really
mean that, miss Kennedy.

Excuse me?

Well, since you already
made it perfectly clear

that Dawson shouldn't have
anything to do with film,

it's a little
persnickety of you

to imply that
he may someday

be a Hollywood bigwig,
isn't it?


What happened?

It's your sister, man.

Uh, we got
into a fight,

and this
is what happened.

Oh, man.

Jack, something
is wrong.

I mean, really,
really wrong.

Last night...

I caught her
talking to herself.

I mean, she said
she wasn't,

but I heard her.

So did I.

Tonight, I mean,

she was in the kitchen,

and I thought she was
talking to somebody
on the phone.

Talking with who?

I don't know.

I mean, I didn't hear
the whole conversation,

but it sounded like

she was talking
to somebody named brown.

You know who that is.

That's my name for Tim.

When I was little,

I couldn't
pronounce "Timothy,"

so I called him
by my favorite color.


You think I'm crazy,
but I'm not.

No, Andie.

said that.

I know what you're thinking,
and I'm not.

I'm not crazy.
I'm not like mom.

I see Tim,

and he is here.

We know, Andie.

Andie. Andie.

Come on now, Andie,
open this door.


Open this door.

I want it to have
the commericality

of a when Harry
met Sally,

but with a drier,
more ironic tone

of a, you know,
Nichols and may.

Miss Kennedy, just
out of curiosity,

what exactly
was the most
lacking thing

about Dawson's film?

Oh, god. Do we have
to go through this again?

Uh, no, we don't.

I think we should.


I'm sorry, Mr. Leery,
but there's obviously

a serious undercurrent
of tension between
Dawson and miss Kennedy.

And it seems to me
that the only way
that they can have peace

is to confront the issue
that miss Kennedy
finds your son

to be completely
and totally without
talent or ability

in any way, shape,
or form.

No, no, no.
I didn't say that.

Well, what was it
that you did say?

Yeah, what exactly
did you say?

Look, I believe that
the key to success

is not only
having a dream,

but having
the right dream.

There are plenty
of people

who aspire to be
writers and directors,

but very few actually
have the potential.

Who are you to be judging
anybody's potential?

You spend a couple years
in Hollywood

before disappearing
to some small
east coast town

to teach high school.

Whatever success
you had in Hollywood,

it couldn't
have been much.

Well, then it really
shouldn't matter

what I think of
your abilities,
should it?

He's a kid with
a dream, Nicole.

Isn't it your job
as a teacher

to encourage him
to follow it?

That's a really cozy
fantasy, Mitch,

but life has a meaner
bite than that.

You know, there's a name
for individuals

who focus on life's
meaner bites.

It's called "bitter."

Well, on that note,
if you'll excuse me.

Joey, can I talk to you
for a second?

Excuse me.

Is everything
all right?

All right,
what's going on?

What are you
talking about?

You know exactly what
I'm talking about.

Not 10 minutes
after you warned me

to start practicing
a little bit of decorum,

you start pushing
every button
at that table.

You'll find out

All right, kids.

Operation reunited
has begun.

Operation reuni--
what is going on?

Don't worry.
You'll find out.

Ladies, I see you
received the wine
you asked for.

Thank you, yes.

All right. He knows.

The maitre d' knows,
and I don't know.

Just wait.
And watch.

A familiar song.

Not familiar enough,

You're not here
with me.

Well, one dance never
killed anybody.

I don't
believe it.

Maybe there's more
romance in the air
than we thought.

Or maybe we're just
really good.

Thanks for the wine.

The wine?

Yeah. It was...
Mature of you.

I appreciated
the gesture.

Oh. Well,
you know moi--

Ms. Maturity.

So, what's up
with Philadelphia?

Are you still

Considering this evening's
seating arrangements,

that doesn't seem to be
a concern of yours anymore.

Point taken.

But as Dawson's

I feel compelled

to make a quiet plea
on his behalf.

What do you mean?

He's like his father.

He's not very good
at expressing himself,

and I just
don't know...

How well he's
gonna get along

with you gone.

As first, maybe.

But eventually,
he'll be fine.

Still, if I
know Dawson,

he's never
gonna let on

just how much
he's missing you.

He could ask me
to stay.

Yeah, but, see, that
wouldn't be fair.

I mean, you deserve
the opportunity
too much.

Well, I'll miss him, too.

Song's over.


Maybe we
can Jimmy it.
I'll get a knife.

Andie, come on,
open this door. Please.


Andie, stop crying.

Go away!

I'm not going
anywhere, Andie.

Not you!


Is he in there
right now?

Is Tim in there
with you?


You're not real!


Andie, what was that?
What broke?

Are you all right?

Let me try this.

Don't come in here, pacey.

Andie, open the door!

Come on.

They don't
believe you, Andie.

They think
you're crazy,
but you're not.

Yes, I am.

I am crazy.

Who said
you're crazy, Andie?

I don't think
you're crazy,

and Jack doesn't think
you're crazy, either, ok?

Yes, you do.

No, we don't.

I believe you, Andie.

I believe that you're
seeing Tim right now

and that he's there
and you're talking to him.

But you know what?

It's not fair
that Tim can see me

and I can't see him,

so I need you
to do me a favor.

I need you to tell me
what he's saying.

I'll take care
of you.


You can't trust
anyone else.

They don't

He says you
don't understand.

You tell Tim
that he's wrong.

I may not
understand everything

that's going on with you
right now, Andie,

but I understand you.

Do you hear me?
You tell Tim that.

You have to choose,

Let me
take care of you.

I'll make you

I can't.
I can't choose.

No, Tim's right, Andie.

You do.

You have to choose.

What are you doing?

No, I don't want to.

I can't.

You have to, Andie.

You have to choose.

And I'm begging you

from the bottom
of my heart

to please choose me.

Open this door,
come out here,

and choose me.


You are so special,

and you give so much
to everybody around you.

And you know what,

I need you
more than Tim does.

And so does Jack.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

My life began
when I met you, Andie.

You never gave up on me,

so I'm not gonna
give up on you.

So, please, Andie...

For the love of god,
please come out here

and choose me.


Come here, come here,
come here.

It's ok.

You're all right.

It's ok.

It's ok.

It's ok.

She's down for the count.

So what do we do now?

Well, for starters,
call my dad.

Come on, Jack.
Think about
what you're saying.

No one's less happy
about the idea than I am,

but he needs to know.

Your father wasn't there
for your mother.

What makes you think
he's gonna be there
for Andie, huh?

She needs help, pacey,

more than you or I or
any one person can give her.

My father can afford
that kind of help.

Maybe she just needs
time to heal.

Time could heal her.

No. Not with this.

Kinda makes things

You don't know that,

Yes, I do.

I watched it happen
with my mother.

You know, at first
it was just like this.

A few minor episodes
here and there,

and then before anybody
wanted to deal with it,

she was too far gone.

The doctors, they...

They gave us this
clinical explanation.

They said that she had
repressed her grief
of my brother's death

to the point where she
couldn't experience it
with anyone

so she had to,

her subconscious
had to create someone
to experience it with.

I remember feeling
so small and helpless
when I heard that.

I wanted so badly to believe
that there was something
I could do.

There wasn't.

Go call your dad.

Thank you, Jennifer.


My sign.

I got it tonight,

though the shenanigans
were a little
parent trap-esque

for my taste.

Hey, I had short notice.

So, does that mean
you're gonna stay
in capeside?

I never thought I would.

Every part of me
wanted to flee
this town and rebuild,

but when I was holding
him on the dance floor
in my arms tonight,

I realized that I could
move 10,000 miles away,

and I'd never
let Mitch go.

He felt it, too.

I'm as sure of that
as I am of anything.

If I don't eat
another French meal
as long as I live,

I won't be too soon.

Well, I thought it was
a pretty successful


At least so far.

Ok. Um...

Confession time.

Oh, yeah?

By any chance
did you think

by planning
this romantic dinner

that we would end up,
uh, closing the deal?

Joey Potter...


You vulgar little thing.

See, I prefer the term
"consummating our
ultimate desires."



I didn't realize
the notion was
that preposterous.

It's not.

I thought about it, too.

Well, the night
is still young.

So are we.


You just said
you thought about it.

Yes, thought, Dawson.

You actually
considered it
thought about it

or you just
plain, ordinary
thought about it?

What difference
does it make?

Joey, I'm a teenage guy.

It makes
all the difference
in the world.

I considered it
thought about it.

Well, that's good.

Considered's very good.

Ok, let's go, turbo.

Be careful.

So when you say
you've considered it,

you, like,
really considered it,

or, like, you just
thought about it
considered it.

Will you just
shut up and row?


I love it
when you're forceful.

Hey there.

I'm so sorry, pacey.

You know,
you're supposed
to still be asleep.

What's gonna happen to me?


You'll go see
some more doctors

and get the right

and then you'll
be fine, Andie.

But what if I'm not?

Sorry, pal.
That's just not
in the cards.

I'm so scared, pacey.

I know you are, Andie.

I am, too, ok?

I don't wanna lose you.

You're not gonna
lose me,

not now
and not ever.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

I love you, too.

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ I don't know, but I hope so ♪

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ I don't know, but I hope so ♪