Das Haus Anubis (2009–…): Season 3, Episode 115 - Unerwartete Hilfe - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
You're not quite fit again yet.

Rest a little okay.

I'll go quick, bye.

Maybe you can have it.

If was for your wedding
with Felix

at least it suits you.

With who?

You know what, we won't
let that get us down.

Now we're just looking
for luck.

Can achieve the bad sign.

Maybe this wedding is just
not supposed to take place.


No wedding dress, no washing

when Delia and Felix have
their hands in the game.

But i can't get married
without a dress.

Rosie, it's about you

and Uncle Ursli.

Since the rest is secondary.

Look who's there.
Just now.

If that's not a good sign.

You don't believe who is here.

I have a magical connection
with this woman.

Nice that you come.

I couldn't have much time.

I think the best of all briefly.

Do you want to
save Mara?

Rosie, what is it?

What is? Who is this woman?

We ask for an explanation.

Rosie, believe me.

A wedding where
nothing goes wrong,

that does not exist.

But I can tell you one thing.

There's nothing that can stop
my brother from marrying you.


Ursli, i was
-It's nothing.

I heard there are problems
with the wedding dress.

Good that I have one
up my sleeve.

Me from our grandmother.

I know it's not white
but would

It's nice.

For this we are doing a
real Swiss wedding.

My father is dying.
-Zeno Trabas.

I know what you think of him,

what he did but

he is and will be my father

and i love him.

Yes, i understand that

but Mara can't help it
and she is our friend.

-She was really nice to you too.

Nina, i want to save Mara.

Do you really want that?

But i need help

your help.

Okay then tell me.

There is a possibility

but for that i need the tear.

The tear.

I should just give it to you.

Do you want to save Mara
or not? this is the only chance.

As long as Mara is
gone and Delia

at Nina sleep. could sleep
less upstairs right?

Yes, good idea.

Sounds great.
-Poor Mara.

Even if she can't come
she would definitely

be happy to receive
an invitation.

Do you really know
how to send an invitation

with Rosli and Osi?

Oh yes the invitation.

We are Rosli and Osi.

Yes, at least that's what
your invitation cards say.

So I already called. We
get the money back.

That's great.

They have apologized
1000 times,

the first mistake in 26
years you say.

Now we have money
but no invitation

and hardly any time.
-I have it.

We send the money
with the envelopes.

There's such an invention
that is new,

fast and inexpensive,
called email.

Next point. We don't have
any Swiss music yet.

Someone to be familiar
with and with it?

What is this


You can delete this
wonderful point, too.

-What shoud that?

Only in the evening
almost against it.

At our table?


What are you doing
very well, thank you.

Nice that your
problems are behind you.

You have to be honest and then
everything will come naturally.


That stand in the garden.

Sorry, i'm so late.

Finally everything works.

So 3,4.


Is something wrong?

No, i'm just tired.

Nina, i want to save Mara.

There is a possibility

but for that i need the tear.

It looked like a real
Swiss dance.


like a real Swiss dance

demonstrated by

That's what you really
want to do at the wedding.

I said right away.

Yes well, we just have
to practice.

The wedding is the day
after tomorrow.

Okay that's it i'm out
if you wanna act

and look 'cause it's less
idiot please.

But Uncle Ursli is really happy.

How about if

I sing more and you
dance less.

I know Ursli when
he hears my voice,

he forgets everything else.

Sing a little loud, right?

And pretty.

I am so grateful to you guys.

My god, i'm getting married.

But you already know
what you're doing.

Delia Seefeld, styling expert.

Your hair is super shiny.

And twisting is a
wonderful dress.

On the outside it's like
a even princess.

Is something?

It took you a long
time to fetch.

Are also particularly
beautiful flowers.

You are my wanderer
all my happiness.

Oh no.
No bad weather please.

That they will definitely
be gone again.

Inside a frog.

In the throat?

Yes, it sounds like it.

What is

Your hair.

What about my hair?

Look there from rain.

Very good.


Leave it.

Come on.


Should I do it?
Emergency doctor.


What kind of noise is it?

Reni no longer hits the tones.
-That's all?

I also find that Felix
exaggerates but

If she can't sing, we have
to dance.

Nurse, ambulance now.

Dude calm.
You are no help.

I'll get a glass of water.

What's going on here?

She can never sing again.

And we were the last
to hear her voice.

I'm doing well.
Only have a frog in their throat.

The food.

Everything broken.

-Why me?

Rosie, please don't cry.

I'm so sorry.

So what's going on?

Everything goes wrong.

The wedding.
It's cursed.
