Das Haus Anubis (2009–…): Season 2, Episode 22 - Das Böse trägt heute Schwarz - full transcript

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What is this going to be here?


Did you, did you kiss that guy?

No, honestly.

What are you doing here?

I think I'd better go.
-Good idea, dude.

Magnus stays.
-You heard me.

I heard him.

I said you can stay.

Nothing at all happened, he
only fell asleep here.

Oh yes, what is he
doing here?

I didn't want to be here alone.

Then you ask him.

You never have time for me.

Nonsense, what are you
talking about?

Nonsense, this is the first time
that you show yourself here.

When asking help was needed you
never had, what do you expect.

Yes, better calm down.
If then I should get upset.

You have absolutely no
reason to be upset

and then you come with this
stupid flower, makes a scene, great.

No, you are great.
And you.

An old wise man.

Do you think?


That's very unstable.

Guys, i have to see you now.

Do you know that Petkovic told
about the singer Janice Winterberg.

She's on tour in Germany.

And if we manage to get her
to appear at our test

the rest of Petkovic will
be out for luck.

Here, Janice Winterberg.

And who is this?

An English singer who loves


She's in Germany and today
prevent her.

Then she just has to come
to his farewell party

as a surprise.

Sure, this famous Janice Winter


berg definitely enjoys coming
to our karaoke festival.

When I call my father.
He knows her namely.

Just send a photo of the Petkovic
and she'll come in any case.

You each have the same
taste as you.

Send a photo of Victor and
she'll definitely come.

Hello, Mr. Rodemer.

May I ask you something?

How do you actually think Kaya?


I think you deserve
more than him.

-You see yourself.

He hardly paid any attention to
you, only ever thinks of himself

and sport is number one.

But he's really nice.

Why are you actually standing
with him?

Apart from the fact that
everyone thinks he's great and

he looks oh so good.

I don't know.

Kaya's simply

He also has his love.

You just choose the wrong guys.

But it just has to be good.

So take for his father i think

Do you think that's so bad
when I talk about his father?

No, it's okay.

Sorry, but what about
your father now?

My newspaper.

To take more of what
is not allowed.

I'm sorry.

How are we supposed to
get it all done.

The orders are impossible.

Otherwise my grandma
will be better soon.

Let's go to the park and
look for the hair.

Can we?

See you later.
-Good morning.

Don't you have any contact
with the rest of his family?

My mother?

Busy with my two little sisters.

I thought you have no siblings.

No real ones.

How old?

3 and 5 I think.

How sweet.

But wouldn't you see them?

My mother

just let.
-Come on.

I don't tell anyone either.

That they hardly notice
in private.

My mother sent me to
the anubis house.

Did you want to leave home?

She said i'm becoming too
much like my father.

Your father must have
been good too.

So you are definitely
really nice here.

Do you think?

Come here.

One day everything
will be fine

and then your sisters have a
really cool parent brother, right?

Do we have to go
party together?


Yes, that's

sure, gladly.


For Janice Winterberg.

Delia, what are you
doing here?

Hey Petkovic.

It doesn't work again.
Oh i will help you.

What do you want to fax?

Your fax.

Oh that, I forgot that.


Yes how stupid of me.
I'll get it quickly.

You just put it in here
and press this button

after you have entered the number.

Understood. Thank you
very much, Mr. Petkovic.


Victor Emanuel Rodemer.

In telephone.

Listen carefully.

Do you know the old
factory in the park?

-3 pm.

I'm looking forward to
seeing you later.

Yes and you

Look, that maybe. But find out
a lot if he's really old.

No idea but has glasses on.

Look, he has a book of
gross underline.

Oh no.

Where should have known
that his smooth said poor.

The poor one.
That stands before the man.

-And no researchers after all.

From whom? Men get older
and more beautiful.

What's that with that?
Gray hair already.

Come on.

Good afternoon.

Did you bring the eggs?

The eggs? Are they already
after cooking.

I love boiled eggs.

Piece a day.

The eggs, Nina the eggs.

So what is that?

Plant from the stone age.

I said it right away, it
doesn't come from it but here.

There are exactly three
pavilions more.

Let me take a course.

Needs help from the man.

Little, group of bees from
kindergarten is over there.

You have no business here.

Women in technology, a
burst of Max.

Oh well, how embarrassing.

Women and.
-It's well, little.

People, Max.
Karaoke CDs.

How cool what they
serve distanced?

If someone knows music
then me.

Just go away.

He thinks you are great.

How please who?

Is a cool guy, right?

The little boy, come down again.

1000 percent you, haven't
you seen I'll start.

And what should I do with that?
He could be my little brother.

Do you rave about love Kaya.

Oh no, sorry Kai.

Stop it.


Is that your performing?

Well not?

but who is even more brilliant?

Janice comes.

We have two hairs but...

But that's probably just
before the oak type.

Or the golden hamster.

We have to go on.

I'm so sorry.

I should have trusted him.
I was just scared.

I already understand
that looked strange,

Magnus sleep with me.

I give it to lately, i had
really little time for you.

Girls then do such things.

What are girls doing?
-I throw at others

to make the boyfriend jealous.

You think that Magnus is with me
because i wanted to make you jealous.

Yes, of course why else?

You can't stand on him at all.
-I don't know.

Not when you have
me as a friend.

I understand.
A little more time for darling.

Yes, that would be nice.

Yes, the king.

Waiting it on something?
-With who?
