Dark Matter (2015–2017): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

The crew stops at a space station to refuel and rest, but Six has a different agenda - revenge.

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Previously on Dark Matter.

I've got all your
memories in my head I know it.

I'm Jace Corso.

No, I'm Jace Corso.

I promise I will not rest

until I've done everything
I can to save you.

I'm programed with various
recreational subroutines,

do you like fun?


This runs counter
to your programming.

Fun remember?

The search continues
for Emperor Ishida's murderer

purported to be his own son,
Crown Prince Ishida Ryo.

We just murdered 10
thousand innocent civilians.

You Draves?


I'm looking for someone.



He's the leader of the
Procyon Insurrection.

They call him The General.

What's so funny?

He's the most wanted
man in the galaxy.

What makes you think
I know where he is?

Well he's been using
Arrakis Sadr as his base,

and since this is the
closest station to that planet,

it's a good bet his supply
line runs through here.

And to keep below the radar,
he has to be doing business

with the local criminal element.

And you're it, no offense.

And I hope your not offended

if I tell you you're insane.

Do you know how many
people he's killed?

I've got an interesting
business proposition for him.

You put me in touch with him and
I'll make it worth your while;

ten thousand bars transferred
directly into your account.

I can do better.

Twelve thousand.

You misunderstood me.

I said I can do better.

What's going on here?

Griffin Jones.

Wanted for smuggling,
piracy, murder.

It's quite the rap sheet.

And a hell of a
bounty to go with it.

What part of "We need him
alive" didn't you understand?

Sorry, boss.


What are you doing?

I was surprising you with a hug.


I don't know, I thought
you'd enjoy it.

Do I look like someone
who enjoys surprise hugs?

In retrospect no, not at all.

Let's keep it professional, ok?


How's she doing?

The corrector nanites in
her body are damn impressive.

I'd say she's about
eighty-five percent healed.

So, close enough.

We gonna bring her online?

Not yet.

She'll be good to
go by day's end.

But we're twenty minutes
out from the space station.

We gonna shuttle in?

No, we'll dock.

Well how're we gonna
dock without the android?

I'll take us in.

Just giving everyone a heads up.

We're about to dock.

If you're looking
for a seat belt,

you're out of luck.

Of course not.

I was just - adjusting my seat.

Here we go...

And we're docked.

Never doubted you.

Okay, supply run.

One, you're on
infirmary restock.

You got your list?

Got it.

Four, seeds to keep
hydroponics going.

Five, you've got gak--

Connectors, adapters, and
three-twelve sprockets.

That's what I said.

Three, you've got juice.

Make sure that um--

Where the hell's Three?

In his room.

He says he's not coming.

I'll get him.

Give him some time.

He's had enough time.

Get lost.

What's the point of knocking

if you're just going
to come in anyway?

It's polite.

Are you coming?

Got a lot of stuff to do.

Such as?

Cleaning my guns.

Working out.

Cleaning my guns.

Alright well we haven't been
off this ship in a few days.

Who knows when we'll
get another chance.

Well, you have a good time.

You need to move on.

I'm thinking "moving on" is what
I've been doing all my life.

Maybe it's time I stopped, and
considered the consequences.

Consequences imply that
you were responsible.

She was relying on
me, and I failed her.

She believed in you
with good reason.

You did everything you could.

We all owe you our lives.

Okay, same drill as last time.

We've docked under a
false registration.

Just remember--

don't draw unnecessary
attention to yourselves.

And, yes, I speak
from experience.

Think he'll come?

In the interest of us
getting some actual R&R,

I hope not.

Oh, come on.

You're all thinking
the same thing

I'm just the only one
with the guts to say it.


There he is!

Bring it on.

Let's do this boys!

Okay, what's up first?

Shops, spa, food--



Seriously, kidding, food.

Alright lets get some grub.

Eh, you guys go ahead.

I'll catch up with you.

Are you sure?


Alright knock yourself out.


Aren't you going to
get something to eat?

No, I'd rather hang with you.


What I mean is, I just need
some time to myself okay.

But we'll hang out later.





It's not garlic.



Onions, mushrooms--

No, no, no mushrooms.

It's nuts?

What is that flavor?



When you say mealworms, is that
one of those words that sounds

like something, but is really
something completely different,

like "firearms"
or "anal-geesic"?

It's pronounced "annal-jezik"

and, mealworms are
worms, well larvae.

They're protein-rich and a
hell of a lot less expensive

and easier to source than beef.

Excuse me, could
I see menu please?

So your not gonna eat that?


Griffin Jones.

Wanted for smuggling,
piracy, murder.

I had one of my boys
run a face recog

when you started asking
around about me.

Curious that way.

Hands behind your back.

How do you feel?


Why don't I remember
what happened?

If your clone returned
to its transfer pod,

all new memories
should've been sent back

and uploaded into
your temporal lobe.

Well, they weren't.

It seems your trip
was terminated early.

No bio-mass
recycling was recorded.

Your clone died.

Does it say how?

Just that we lost vital
signs at 21:34 hours

which triggered your
early wake up.

Could've been an accident...

or natural causes.

What do you mean,
natural causes?

Genetic conditions can be
transferred to the clone...

No, iIt wasn't that.

Put me back in.

Our policy states that Transfer
Travelers have to wait

thirty minutes between travels.

I don't have that kind of time.

It's a precautionary
measure to guard against

stress-induced complications.

Come on.



Just, look, I get it.

You're a cog in a big machine.

Keep your head
down, put in your time,

retire and hopefully you die
before the savings run out.

It's a solid plan,
but I've gotta ask.

Doesn't it ever get to you?

I mean haven't you
ever wanted to just,

once, stand up for yourself

and stick it to the big
faceless Corporation?

Break one of their stupid rules?

By letting you transfer
thirty minutes early?

Uh, for example.

It's your cerebral cortex.

Thank you.

Wait, wait, wait.

Do you know when I
decided I liked you?

When I didn't shoot shoot you

when you tried to
steal the ship?


When you abandoned us
on that mining planet.


Yeah, at first, I thought
you'd screwed us over

and I thought,
"Damn. I like this girl".

But then, when you came
back and you saved our asses,

I was like: "Damn.
I really like this girl."

Yeah, you guys, I mean.

You guys are great man.

I may not say it enough but--

Or at all.


But you guys--


Hey you!

What's wrong with you guys?

You're leaving me hanging fiver.

What do you mean?

We'll you're all...
getting along.

It's weird.

Are you drunk?

Of course we're drunk.

Have a seat.

Here, have some, eat.


And drink something.

What's the matter?

It's Six.

He's gone off the Station.



What do you mean,
he's not on the Station?

Where did he go?
That bastard stole our ship!

- No, the ship's still here.
- Hey, hey, hey, wait.

And so is he, kind of.

Hang on a second.

What are you drunk?

Is he here, or is he not here?

He's using Transfer Transit.

What's Transfer Transit?

It's state-of-the-art
travel tech.

You get into a "transfer
pod" and input a destination.

The pod sequences your
DNA and maps your brain.

Then, that information
gets sent via subspace...

Anywhere across the galaxy
where there's a receiver pod...

Where they create
a clone of you,

complete with your
memories and personality.

It's like flesh and
blood 3D-printing.

But the clone has
a short life span--

a few days, maybe.

It has to return to its
transfer pod before that time

so all the new memories
and experiences

can be sent back to you
before you wake up.

How the hell do
you know all this?

I read the brochure.

Hang on.

Just go back.

What the hell's
Transfer Transit?

No stop, Six would
never submit to a DNA scan.

Not after what
happened last time.

It says all DNA profiles are
kept strictly confidential.

Yeah they would have to be,

otherwise they'd lose a
lot of business fast.

Still, it's risky.

He must've wanted to go
somewhere pretty badly.

Wherever he's going,
whatever he's doing,

it can't be good for us.

You're back.

I am.

What'll it be this time?

Merchandise or more information?


I came in here earlier.


And I needed help
finding someone.

And I gave you a name
and sent you on your way.

That name again?


What was the name
you gave me earlier?


Wanna write it down this time?

Nah, I'm good, thanks.


See you around.

Not if I get it right this time.


Yeah, it's me.

He's on his way down.

Are you sure we should be
going through his stuff?

Pretty sure.


It's not right, it's an
invasion of his privacy.

You didn't have a problem
invading my privacy

when you stole my bullets.

That was different.

I thought you were dangerous.

Look, I didn't want
to get him in trouble,

I just thought it was weird

that he was keeping
something from us.

That maybe he needed our help.

I knew it!

He's been hoarding the green
not-as-crap-tastic protein bars!

He said we were out!

I got stuck eating
the blue ones.

They taste fishy!

What've you got?



Try "Six".


Try "lying hoarder"?

We can waste all day guessing.

We have to find a way
to bypass the password.

No way.

Look at it this way: you'll
be proving his innocence.


He was researching a terrorist
attack on some space station.

A lot of people were killed.

Breaking news.

We have an update on the bombing
of Station Hyadum Twelve

by the anti-corporate
terrorist group

calling itself The
Procyon Insurrection.

Over ten thousand lives
were lost in the attack

and today, investigators
released the following video.

Security footage
uploaded to the G.A. hub

before the station's destruction
clearly shows one of the

suspects believed to be
responsible for the bombing.

If you see this man, do not
attempt to apprehend him,

but call your nearest G.A.
detachment immediately.

And you thought
"I" was dangerous?

It was instinct.

I'm sorry.

Well your instincts
are terrible.

And nearly cost
us a huge pay day.

I'll be careful this time.

I promise.

Nice and simple, right?

We tell him we're taking
him to The General--

then we capture him,
alive, torture him,

and then we get him to
give up his real location.

What if he gets suspicious?

There's no reason for him to be.

His first clone took
its memories with it.

As far as he knows, we're
meeting for the first time.

You Draves?


So what can I do for you?

Whoa, whoa, take it easy.

I had nothing to do with this,
I'm just the girlfriend.

Like hell you are.

You're way out of his league.

Besides your nails don't
quite match your outfit.

They're nice and short,
ideal for handling a gun.

Last time I was here
I missed something.

Not sure what it was,

but this time I'm not
gonna take any chances.

And that means shooting
you before you can draw.

Now, I need some
information, and a shuttle.

I don't believe it.

He couldn't have
killed all those people.

Why, because he's nice to you?

You think that means anything?

It does seem a little hardcore.

Even for one of us.

It's a mistake.

It has to be.

What about Calchek?

He knows our histories,
maybe we should call him.

No it's too risky.

If we start asking
for information

we should already know,
he could get suspicious.

And if he finds out
about our memory loss,

he could consider us damaged
goods and end our arrangement.

Or worse, make a
move against us.

Other ideas?

We follow Six and
find out for ourselves.

That's a damn good idea.

We just go hang out by his
pod wait for him to wake up,

make him cough up some answers.

I mean we use the
transfer technology,

and see what he's up to.

There's no way I'm
getting sealed up

in one of those things,
all gift-wrapped

and helpless for the
G.A, no fricken way.

I'll do it.

He did it for me.

With the Android
out of commission,

we need you here, you're
our resident tech expert.

I'll go.

You go with him.

Hang on.

He, uncharacteristically,
makes a good point.

You're pretty damn
vulnerable lying trapped,

in one of those things.

Six respects you.

If there's any confrontation,

you'll be able to
reason with him.

You have to go.

...For the duration
of your travel,

your body will remain
here in cryo-sleep.

When your clone returns for
bio-mass recycling at the end of

the trip, its experiences
and memories will be uploaded,

transferred back, and
reintegrated with your own.

Is it safe?


It's the safest way to travel.

With your true body here,
you're never in any real danger.

Your clone could travel
into the center of a star,

and you'd be perfectly fine.

The possibility of
any critical complications

is extremely remote.

What do you mean by
critical complications?

It's barely worth mentioning.

There have been a
handful of incidents,

strokes, heart attacks,
the occasional aneurysm,

but a causal link back
to the technology

has never been established.

Well, that doesn't sound so--


Excellent, let's see when
we've got a slot available...

How about next--

How about right now.

Right now?

Okay, let's get you signed up.

Are you a couple?

Uh, no--

Is there a discount?

Ten percent.

Well then yes, we are a couple.

Also, a good friend of
ours was in earlier today.

Griffin Jones.

We'd like to meet up with him.

Did he tell you
where he was going?

Uh, no.

He doesn't know we're
meeting up with him.

It's a surprise.

Yeah, it's his birthday.

Well I can't divulge information
about other customers.

It's against company policy.

Also, it's definitely
not his birthday.

That's one of the things

you have to provide
when you sign up.

Let me ask you something.

Haven't you ever been tempted

to just break the
rules, and finally--

Get back at my big faceless
corporate bosses

for making me feel so
small and insignificant?

Send red team to
pick up the shipment.

Sir, I've detected an
incoming shuttle.

Headed our way.

First squad, with me.

Update us if you hear anything.

Yes, sir.

Okay, I've entered your
destination coordinates

and you're all set.

Just lie back and relax.

Hang on, what if there's
some kind of medical issue?

The system
automatically monitors

for signs of physical distress.

At the first indication,
you'll be pulled right out.





What if there's a fire?

In all station-related
emergencies, my first priority

is to awaken all travelers
and get them to safety.


Hang on, what if--

Wait, wait, hang on, hey, wait

wait, hey, excuse me,
excuse me, hello?

That's far enough.

You've got some
balls coming here.

I'm unarmed.

I'm here to see The General.

Just so happens
he's waiting for you.

You ready?


Let's go find Six.

What the hell man?!

Who are you?

Where is he?!

What are you talking about--

Oh, crap.

Who are you?

It's me, it's One.

You're Four.

The rest of the crew
is back on the Raza.

We just used the transfer
tech to follow Six

to this space station to
find out what he's up to.

Three is an asshole.

It is you.


A glitch in the
transfer process?

Can't be, this body
was constructed

on your DNA template, so--

This is my real body.

This is what I look like.

Really look like.

I'm sorry.

You're awake!

My systems is ninety-three
percent restored,

but my corrector nanites
are more efficient

while I'm in sleep mode.

Well, welcome back.

Thank you.

Why are you sorry?

You got hurt because of me.

I possess no pain receptors.

I mean you were damaged
by that other android

because I suggested that
you apologize to her.

I apologized because
you presented

a reasoned argument to do so.

I had no choice but to
respond accordingly.

Of course you had a choice.

In fact, no.

I'm a logic-based
entity, therefore,

I act and react in a
purely logical manner.

No, no you don't.

I've seen you angry,
sad, lonely, happy.

You might not
have pain receptors,

but your feelings can get hurt.

I've seen it happen.

You were jealous of Wendy.

I was not jealous.

Think of the impression
that she made on you,

when you saw her with us.

Now that I think of it, I did
experience a sensation

that could be misconstrued
as human resentment.


That was jealousy.

And you know what that means.

My programming is flawed.

No, you have feelings.


Hopefully this Draves
fellow shows up.

Look, I'm sorry.

I should've just
come clean sooner.


I don't know why I was
posing as Jace Corso.

I don't remember.

So whatever hidden
agenda I might have had,

it's gone now, right?

I know you can't
speak for anyone else,

so I just want to know
where I stand with you.

We cool?

At the moment, I think I'm
the least of your worries.

You wanted to talk to me?

We're looking for someone.

Seems a lot of people
are doing that today.

Big guy, came through
about an hour ago.

Last we heard, he was
headed in your direction.

Yeah, I know where
your friend is.

He's no friend of ours.

Then what's your
business with him?


Well, why didn't
you just say so?

Hey Griff.

Good to see you again.

So what brings you
back after all this time?

Unfinished business.

Huh, thought you were
just tired of running.

It must get really
exhausting, always having to

look over your shoulder, never
to sure who you can trust.

I imagine it's hard
making new friends

when you have a reputation
for killing the old ones.

They weren't my friends.

They were your brothers in
arms and they trusted you.

And I trusted you when
I flew that shuttle

onto the station
to take that G.A. cruiser.

You manipulated me, made me
complicit in mass murder.

You were a soldier.

My soldier.

And we were at war
and that station,

that was a legitimate target.

Over ten thousand lives were
lost, including children.

Hundreds die every day
under corporate rule,

and the Galactic Authority,

Our protectors, they stand
by and let it happen.

There's no such thing as
a bloodless revolution.

You know you were
a good soldier, Griff.



The very qualities that
now make you a threat.

You'll be dead before
your friends arrive.

Apparently they're on their way.

And my men they are more
then ready to welcome them.

You keep checking the time.

You waiting for something?


Well, Griff, timing not
really your strong suit...

What the hell was that?

I figured this was
a one-way trip,

so I set my shuttle
to go critical.

Though it did take a bit
longer than I thought.

Timing not being my
strong suit, right?

Are you kidding me.

What have you done?

He was a clone.

I know.

So am I.

So shoot, don't shoot.

It's not gonna make much of a
difference in the long run.

How'd you find me?

We asked around.

Who's your friend?

Long story.

You lied to us.

I didn't so much lie as...

slightly delay
telling the truth.

Oh, really?

And when exactly were you
planning to tell us that truth?


I don't know.

I was looking for the
right opportunity but,

when's a good time
to tell your friends

you're not who they
thought you were?

Hell, you're not who
you thought you were.

All I know is I
assumed an identity

to get onboard this ship.

As to why, I have no idea.

Right after that
incident with the real Corso,

you should have
told us everything.

Hiding the truth
makes us vulnerable.

If Corso had come back at us,

we never would
have seen him coming.

I know.

I didn't think it through.

Is there anything else
you'd like to tell us?

Now's the time.

And you!

You knew, and kept it a secret.

That's just as bad.

It's not as bad.

It was strictly for
blackmail purposes.

We don't keep secrets,

and we don't blackmail
each other either.


And you.

What reason do you have
for putting us all at risk?

It was something I
had to do alone.

I didn't want any of
you talking me out of it.

Or screwing it up.

That's an apology?


It's me being honest.

That's what you want, isn't it?

What I want is for us to be
able to trust each other.

Moving forward, no more
lies, no more secrets.

We have to have faith in each
other if we're going to survive.

But despite everything
that we've been through,

we just can't seem to do it.

Whoever wiped our memories,

probably did it to make it
harder for us to work together.

Guess what?

It worked.

It all looks good.

Are you sure?

No discernible abnormalities?

None that I can see.


Are you worried about something?

You're implying I
experience anxiety.

What are you suggesting?



Suggestive of hypersensitivity.

All the diagnostics show normal.

You're fine.

Which is more than I can
say for the rest of the crew.

What's wrong with
the rest of the crew?

The atmosphere on
this ship is bad.

The atmosphere is optimal.

It's 78.084% Nitrogen,
20.9476% Oxygen, 0. --


I mean morale is bad.

Yes, that is suboptimal.

We have to find a way
to trust each other.

I mean, if we
can't even do that,

how can we possibly
hope to survive?

How indeed.

You look like you
want to say something.

If you honestly feel this
way, why don't you tell them?

Tell them what?

The truth.

About yourself.



How was your workout?

It was good.


We've got another three hours or
so before they finish repairs

on the ship and some
of us were thinking

of heading into the station
to catch a movie.

Do you wanna come?

No thanks.

But it's Star Wars 36.

Remastered in full VR,
they say it's a classic.

Naw, I'm good.

Have fun though.

But you said we
would hang out later...

This is the Ishida Directorate.

How may I help you?

You know who I am.

I wish to speak with Hiro.

One moment.


Hello, brother.








There was a dramatic development
today in the investigation into

the death of Catherine
Moss, the wife of

CoreLactic Industries' new
CEO Derrick Moss.

The Galactic authority
identified this man,

Marcus Boone, as a
suspect in the case.

Boone is a career criminal

already wanted on dozens
of unrelated charges.

He is considered armed
and extremely dangerous.