Dark Angel (2000–2002): Season 2, Episode 13 - Harbor Lights - full transcript

Max is rushed to the emergency room after she gets shot trying to protect a little boy. While there, blood and DNA tests expose the virus inside of her. The CDC is contacted, Ames White ...

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No one's around.
Leave a message.

Hey. It's me.
I'm leaving a message.

I haven't heard from you in a while.
Just... checking in. Hoping you're okay.

All right... um...
take it easy.

Things are still weird
between you and Logan, huh?

Define "weird".

Weird as in he's still upset that the
twelve-hour window you had to be together...

got slammed shut on his fingers.

When you put it that way,
yeah. Things are still weird.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe this
cure worked better than you thought?

Far as you know, that virus bitch
could be out of your system for good.

No, I went to see Delbert
the lab geek.

He said the bug's back, full-blast.
I touch Logan, he dies.

Hey, this is the part where
you're supposed to say that...

Logan and me have been
through worse, and...

we're gonna get through this.
- Straight up.

Now come on. You're
gonna be late to work.

Tell Normal I'm sick.

Not again, boo! You've gotta
get out of this apartment.

I'm going to.

I'm just gonna get out of town for the day.
You know - take a ride, clear my head.

- All right. Sounds like you got a plan.
- Yeah. I just need to score some gas.

- Hey! Excuse me. We were in front of you.
- You snooze, you lose.

That's it.

Truck's tapped, people.
Everybody go home.

Hey, I got a rally in Portland tomorrow, man.
How am I gonna make it there without any gas?

Lots of lonely truckers out there, pal. Pretty boy
like you would have no trouble gettin' a ride.

Oh, well, I ain't leavin'
without my gas!

Joey! Joey, no!
My little boy!

Somebody help me!
Joey! Joey!

They designed her to be the perfect soldier -
a human weapon.

Then she escaped.

In a future not far from now,

in a broken world,
she is haunted by her past.

She cannot run;
she must fight

to discover her destiny.

Come on, hey! Hey! Break it up!
Take your hands off him!

Gunshot wound to the abdomen. Airway's clear, but
respirations are shallow. Pulse 135 and thready.

- Blood pressure?
- Eighty over forty and dropping.

Belly's indurated and distended.
Bullet might have nicked a blood vessel.


Good motion and sensitivity.
No indication of a spinal cord injury.

Prep her for surgery.

Hoping you're okay.
Anyway... take it easy.

You've reached my pager.
Punch in your number.

Come on, people!
Hurry it up.

- She's lost a lot of blood.
- One, two, three.

- Gotta hurry. Let's do it.
- Where am I?

Harbor Lights Medical. You've had an accident,
but we're going to take care of you now.

- I can't stay.
- Why not? Your co-pay too high?

Try to relax. We're going
to take good care of you.

Hang three units O-neg. Get
her typed and cross-matched.

- No tests.
- You'll be okay.

- No tests!
- No no no, just try to relax.

A little help, here?

- Hello?
- Hello. To whom am I speaking?

Well, that depends.
To whom am I speaking?

Sorry. This is Julie Camby; I'm a nurse in the
emergency room at Harbor Lights. And you are?

Still wondering why you're calling me.

We treated a young woman this
morning for a gunshot wound.

She didn't have any identification on her, only her
pager, and yours was the last number to call in.

Still with me, sir?

Would you mind describing
the woman you treated?

Five-six, long brown hair, pretty,
barcode tattoo on the back of her neck.

Is she okay?

Her doctor tells me she's doing fine. Been
out of surgery about an hour now, resting.

- Can I see her?
- That depends.

On what?

I can't issue a guest pass unless I know
your name. Her name might help, too.

Linda Eastman. Got it.

Room 614. Her attending is
a Dr. Colleen Harrington.

I know her. I'll give her a call. I'll explain
that, uh, Linda is a patient of mine.

I seriously doubt she'll
mind handing over the case.

- How fast can you get to Harbor Lights?
- Fifteen minutes.

Well, find out everything you can
about the people who treated Max.

See if anyone noticed anything
unusual about her physiology.

I will.

We can't risk that kind of exposure. We can't
let anyone tip to the fact that she's different.

I know the drill, Logan. I won't
let anything happen to her.

All right.
See you there.

Once we got the bleeding under control,
surgery went off without a hitch.

She should be up and running in a few days.
- Any tests run?

- The usual. They haven't come back yet, though.
- Should've had 'em back hours ago.

This place... Yesterday we ran out of
sterile gloves. Gloves! You believe that?

Bet that never happens at Crestview, though.
- Thanks again, Colleen.

No problem. Hey, listen,
Sam? Word of advice -

keep your distance when she wakes up.
- Why's that?

Girl's got a grip like a vise.

- Thanks for the warning.
- No problem.

Eastman... Eastman...

There you go.
I was just about to get to it.

Great. I'm gonna have
it run at a private lab.

No sweat off my back.

Mrs. Eastman, you really
shouldn't be out of bed, you know.

- Oh. Sorry.
- You have a visitor.

- I do?
- Your husband's been waiting to see you.

- Hello, Linda.
- Hey, you.

Visiting hours are over in a couple
minutes. Try to keep it short.

- Nice haircut.
- Nice gunshot wound.

If I knew this is all it took to
get a visit from Logan Cale,

I would've gotten my
ass shot up a while ago.

- Brought you a change of clothes.
- Thanks.

- So how you feeling?
- Like gettin' out of here.

Well, there's no need. I got
Sam Carr to take over your case.

He's going to look out for you.
Nobody'll be the wiser.

Why don't you lie down and relax?
- Yeah, okay.

Guess it would be
kinda weird if I just...

jumped up and left a few hours
after I got slugged in the gut.

Yeah, how'd that happen, anyway? Thought you
were supposed to be faster than a speeding bullet.

I wish.

I was trying to get this kid out of the
crossfire. Lost track of the shooter.

Guess you better get going.
- Yeah.

If you don't mind, I was going to come
by tomorrow, just to check on you...

see how you're doing.

Yeah. I'd like that.


- Bye.


- This is not good.
- I ran it through the PCA.

It came back as a match to that Hanta virus
that turned up in L.A. a couple years ago.

Yeah, but the protein structure's
different. Must be a mutated strain.

- Is it virulent?
- Sure as hell looks it.

The RNA's replicating like
crazy. Who's the patient?

Eastwood. L. Eastwood.

Can't be right. He was my patient.
I released him this morning.

It says so right there:
L. Eastwood.

- L. Eastman. You mixed them up.
- Oh, my God.

CDC's gonna want to know about this.
We could be looking at L.A. all over again.

- This better be important.
- It is, sir.

All right. Hit me, Otto.

Communications just intercepted a call
to the CDC from Harbor Lights Medical.

Seems they're treating a patient
contaminated by an unidentified viral agent.

The CDC dispatched a team
to assess the situation.

And I should find this
interesting because...?

Patient's only distinguishing mark
was a tattoo on the back of her neck.

A barcode, sir.
It's 452.

- Are you still there, sir?
- Still here, Otto.

Assemble the team.
We'll rendezvous in twenty.

Yes, sir.

Who are you?

My name's Dr. George. I'm with
the Centers for Disease Control.

- What are they doing here?
- Try to keep calm.

It's just a precaution until we can
determine the origin of your infection.

My what?

When you were brought into the ER yesterday,
your blood was run through a special machine.

That machine detected a virus in your system.
The hospital called us in so we could help you.

I'm not contagious.
You don't need any of this crap.

- Well, we just want to be sure.
- I am sure. I'm going home.

Please, we need to run some tests,
but I promise we won't hurt you.

We'll do everything we can
to keep you comfortable.

Oh, as long as I'm a comfortable
prisoner, that's a whole 'nother deal.

We're sealed up here.
Ready to decontaminate.

- Come on.
- Go ahead.

I'm going to have to
give you a physical test.

Check for lesions, scar tissue,
anything out of the ordinary.

- Nice try, perv.
- Mrs. Eastman, please.

Don't make me put
you in restraints.

Out of my way, now, or I'm counting to
three. You know what? No, I'm not.

It's not a good idea to exert
yourself so soon after surgery.

I'm fine.

No, you're not fine. In fact,
you've lost a great deal of blood.

If you're not careful,
you just might - faint.

- This is going to be a pissing contest.
- Sir?

Well, the CDC's hardly gonna hand her
over if they think she's a biohazard.

So what do we do now?


Well, now we, uh,...

go home. And we pray...

really, really hard that she doesn't expose
the massive government conspiracy

that we've been
assigned to cover up.

Oh, sarcasm. Very good, sir.

- No visitors. Check in over there.
- Can I help you, sir?

Yeah. I'm, uh, here to see my wife.

This facility's under CDC quarantine.
No one's allowed beyond this point.

Did something happen?

Lady on the sixth floor has a nasty bug
inside of her. CDC's here to check it out.

When you say "bug", what kind
of bug are you talking about?

- Can't let you through here, sir.
- Special Agent Ames White, FBI.

I'm here for Linda Eastman.
- You'll have to talk to one of the CDC guys.

What, are you slow? I'm FBI.
I don't need to talk to anybody.

Out of the way, bub.

I don't care who you are.
No one gets by without clearance.

Run that through our PCA and see if
you can't get a more specific match.

- You in charge here?
- I am.

Special Agent Ames White.

I understand that you're treating a
Linda Eastman. Is that correct?

- Correct. What's it to the FBI?
- She tops our most-wanted list.

I need her prepped and ready
for transport in fifteen minutes.

- You're kidding, right?
- I wish I was.

- Well, what did she do?
- I'm afraid that information is classified.

Well, classified or not,
she's not going anywhere.

I don't think you understand, Doctor.
I'm not asking you. I'm telling you.

Tell me again.

This is a matter of national security.

I'm sure it is, but until I know what I'm dealing
with here, I'm keeping her under quarantine.

I am taking her. Now.

... public has a right to
know what's going on.

Doctor, Channel Three News.
Can I get a statement?

Smile, Mr. White.
You're on Candid Camera.

What's the CDC doing
at Harbor Lights?

Now unless you want me to walk
over there and tell that reporter

that you're going to override a CDC quarantine
and expose the public to a health threat,

I think we're done here.

Thought so.

- CDC idiot won't turn her over. Not willingly.
- Has he figured out what she is yet?

No, but it won't be long before he figures
out he's not dealing with a regular girl.

If she decides she's
got nothing to lose,

she could tell him what she knows
and blow this whole thing wide open.

We have to find a way to get to her.
Terminate her before she does.

Hey, doc. Where's your body condom?
Better hope I don't sneeze.

Your test results just came in.
You're not contagious.

- Wow. Told you that about a thousand times.
- Well, we needed to take every precaution.

Hope you understand.
- Yeah. You know, we could still be best friends.

Why don't you take these precautions off
of me and I can get the hell out of here?

I'm afraid that won't be possible.
At least not yet.

Question - did you pay your
malpractice insurance?

'Cause, you know, I'd prefer a cash
settlement to taking your house and car.

You know,
when we ran these tests,...

we made some very interesting
discoveries about your DNA.

Why don't you look surprised?
- What's wrong with my DNA?

Nothing. In fact,...

these are some of the most amazing
samples of genetic material I've ever seen.

Every single matched pair
coded with information.

Not a single speck of junk
DNA in the entire batch.

I'm wondering if this has something to do
with your enhanced recuperative powers.

So now you're keeping me
here because I'm too healthy.

Would it surprise you to know that
there's a man from the FBI here?

He seems to think you're
a national security threat.

Wants me to turn
you over to him.

You can't do that.

No. I don't intend to.

I'm taking you to
CDC headquarters.

Gonna see if we can't figure
out the mystery of Linda Eastman.

Hey, don't look so down. Atlanta's
very beautiful this time of year.

Who's he talking to?

I didn't ask. He didn't say.

Come on, come on.

- There we go.
- From our ancestors. For our children's children.

From my father before me.
For my sons.

Why have you called me?

I need help. Do we have a Familiar
at Harbor Lights Hospital?

- Elizabeth Blanchard. Nurse.
- I was hoping you'd say that.

I'm always prepared to reciprocate.
You know how to reach me.

We'll be in touch.

Damn it!

Mario, could you check on 604?
Guy's monitor's on the fritz again.

Nurse's station.

- Yeah?

Line two.

- Yes?
- From my father before me. For my sons.

From my mother before me.
For my daughters.

A Familiar needs your help.

I'm listening.

There you go.

You want me to kill her?

Is that a problem for you?

I could never refuse a Familiar.

Very good.
Contact me when it's done.

- Sue? Can you cover me for a minute?
- Sure thing.


Hi there.

Dr. George wanted me to check on you,
see how his favorite patient's doing.

There we go.

What's that?

This is just a little
something to help you sleep.

I'd sleep fine if people would stop
coming in here every ten minutes.

Doctor's orders.

Come on, Max, listen.

Why is it doing that?
I feel fine.

It's probably just a glitch.
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Maybe you should go check it out.

White... has... someone... inside...

Six... three... two... six...

Now this might burn a little bit,
and then it's off to dreamland.

You're... in...

... danger.

- What are you doing?
- I'm suddenly feeling a whole lot better.

You still have to
take your medicine.

Transgenic filth. I was trying
to make it painless for you.

Now it's going to hurt.
- Took the words right out of my mouth.

Let me guess. You're one of
White's breeding-cult psychos.

You'd think after ten generations of selective
reproduction, you wouldn't have such a fat ass.

Is that supposed to hurt?
I don't feel pain. How about you?

My God. She's alive.

Stay with her. I'm gonna see if
Dr. George is ready for some help.

Let's get some help here!

All right, let me see if I can
get this straight, Doctor.

You're trying to tell me that she has
been your patient for over a year,

and you never noticed anything
unusual about her bloodwork?

She's only been to see me twice -
once for a cold, once for the stomach flu.

There was never any
need for bloodwork.

This is why you're harassing my patient?
You think she's some sort of mutant?

- Have you ever heard of Manticore, Doctor?
- Can't say that I have.

Rumor has it Manticore was a covertly-
funded genetic engineering facility.

Grew babies in test tubes and
trained them to be super-soldiers.

With all due respect, Doctor, I think maybe
you've seen one too many science-fiction movies.

Linda Eastman's escaped.

Thought we had her. She's gone.
She couldn't have gone far.

- Hello?
- Linda Eastman. I'm looking for my husband.

- Are you all right?
- Been better.

I take it that was you on
the other end of my EKG.

Yeah, it was the best I
could do on short notice.

How'd you know that bitch
was coming after me, anyway?

I hacked into White's cell.

I heard him call in a favor from
one of his no-pain, no-gain freaks.

Yeah, well, she's hurting now.

Any chance of you getting me out of
here before White finds another way in?

Yeah, I'm working on it, but hospital
security's got every exit blocked.

Damn it!
- What's wrong?

It's the damn news team. Every time they
broadcast, it interferes with my signal.

Got a feeling they're interfering with
your cell. I can barely hear you.

Yeah, I can't hear you either.

Max, get to the roof
as fast as you can.

Then what?

The top floor has been closed due to
budget cuts. It's totally abandoned.

Shouldn't be any security up there.
I need you to get to the roof, Max.

- Logan?
- ... hear me? Get to the roof.


Max? Max!

- Hey.
- Hey.

I need to get in touch with Artie McKeon.
Does your traffic report. He's a friend of mine.

Good for you. I'm busy.

- Hey!
- It's an emergency.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Sorry, ma'am, but we're under strict orders
to keep you in the confines of this facility.

- How strict?
- Please put your hands up.

Wait! I'm on your side here!

I killed them to protect us.

Do you have any idea what would happen
if the CDC discovered what you really are?

If they told the rest of the
world what you really are?

I got one for you. What if they find
out about your little breeding program?

I'm trying to help you, 452.

Sure you are. That's why
you sent that nurse to kill me.

I couldn't take the risk that
you might decide to talk.

It wasn't anything personal.

That's good to know.

I'm a practical man.

And at this point,
the only way to keep the CDC...

from uncovering who
you really are...

is to help you escape - alive.

Yeah, right.

Come on, 452.

You're only making this
harder on the both of us.

Someone might have
heard those gunshots,...

and if they did,
they'll be here any minute.

You want to go back into quarantine,
or do you want to go home?

I'm not gonna hurt you. You ever heard the
expression "My enemy's enemy is my friend"?

Well, the CDC, in their ill-fitting
rubber suits, are your enemies.

They're my enemies too,
so that makes me your friend.

Come on, 452.

I'll make you a deal.
I'll put my gun down; you come out.

Deal? Huh?

I'll take that as a yes.
Que tacet, consentire videtur.

My pronunciation sucks,
but that's Latin.

It means, "He who is silent
is understood to consent".

It's a legal term. I went to law
school. Bet you didn't know that.

See? We're sharing. We're
getting to know one another.

Now I've held up my
part of the bargain.

I'd say it's time that
you held up yours.

Chop chop, 452.
Time's wasting.

It's been fun, as always.

Bye, 452.

Max, take my hand!

Now, Max! Take my hand!

- You okay?
- Not even close.

- Better?
- Better. Thanks.

I know you saved my girl and all, but couldn't you
have brought her back in better condition than this?

- O.C.!
- What?

You have a hole in your stomach, you got
a sprained ankle, coupla cracked ribs,

not to mention all the cuts and
bruises all over the damn place.

Do me a favor. CDC ever lock me
down in quarantine, leave me there.

- Consider it done.
- Just so long as we understand each other.

Hey, do we have any more of
that soup left? I'm kinda hungry.

I'll go heat some up for you.

Well, looks like you're
in pretty good hands.

Looks like.

I got some Eyes Only stuff
that I gotta take care of, so...

- Hey.
- What?

Thanks. For... you know.


Take care of yourself, Max.

- So things are still weird between you and Logan?
- Yeah, I guess.

Man still loves you, you know.
Risked his ass to save your life.


Wasn't for him, the CDC would have
their hands on a real live transgenic.

Now all they got's a few funky lab results.
- And a whole lot of questions.

They're gonna want answers, and I got a
feeling they won't stop until they get them.

We can't hide forever.

Sooner or later,
we're gonna run out of luck...

and I don't even want to think
about what'll happen then.