Daring & Grace: Teen Detectives (2000–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - The Case of the Macbeth Monster: Part 1 - full transcript

The Rockwater High Drama Club finds the lead actor in their production of Macbeth unconscious with claw marks across his face and chest, sparking panic across the school over what is being ...

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(MultiCom Jingle)

- [Sabrina] We shall
make our grief and clamor

roar upon his death.

(low pitched growl)

- I am settled and bend up

each corporal agent
on this terrible feat.

Away and mock the time
with fairest show.

False face must hide,

what the false heart doth know.

- Good.

Ted, you gave that
speech very well.

You're really starting
to find Macbeth.

Now let's take it
again, shall we,

from, If we should fail.

Only this time, don't get
quite so far downstage

and remember to exit at
the close of your line.

When you're ready.

- If we should fail?

- If we should fail.

- If we should fail.

(menacing music)

- We fail.

Screw your courage
to the sticking-place

and we'll not fail.

(lights clicking off)

(suspenseful music)

(creature growls)

(man screams)

(clawing and ripping)

- Hey, what happened?

- What's going on?

- Ted?

- [Girl] Is he okay?


(gun shot)

- [Dick] Dad?

- [Tracy] But you're dead.

- Hardly, someone
tried to kill me.

- Hey, I'm Dick Daring.

- Tracy Grace.

- I want you and Tracy
to take over my agency

and run Daring Investigators.

(fast-paced music)


(computerized beeping)

- Three ordinary playing cards.

What's the mystery?

- Cards and hearts, maybe
it's about gambling on love.


- You would think that.

- Well, what do you
think it's about?

- Deception.

The hearts are black, not red.

Appearances can be deceiving.

- [Daring Sr.] Last night,
the Rockwater High Drama Club

was terrorized when their lead
actor was found unconscious

after a power black out.

- Ted Wilkins?

- [Daring Sr.] What
concerns police are

the claw marks across the
victim's face and chest.

- What?

- The Rockwater School Board
has asked Daring Investigators

to assist in finding
out what happened.

- Well this has got to be
some sick prank or something.

- Let's hope that's all it is.

Good luck.

- I have never seen
this school so wired.

- Calling it a werewolf attack.

- I think people are watching
too many horror films.

Listen, we got to
talk to Ted Wilkins

about those claw marks.

- Somebody's idea of a joke.

- I don't think being clawed
in the face is a joke.

Besides, I heard Ted
was a really sweet guy.

- That's no surprise.

It's always the sweet
guy that gets it.

- Bullock, those tests
come back from the lab?

- Not yet sir.

They're examining a torn
sweater, not the Ebola virus.

- They're trying to
identify the claw marks.

- Oh come on Bullock, you've
been around long enough

to know when you're being had.

How's the investigation coming?

- They're interviewing
staff and students.

Nothing so far.

This just came in.

- Ah, a request from the
principal of Rockwater High

to speak to the students
on school violence.

- Good idea.

- [Woman] Excuse Me.

- Young people have
it far too easy.

That's what's behind
teen violence.

I'm going to talk
some sense into them.

- [Bullock] Yes, sir.

- And when I'm finished,
they'll be more than willing

to help us flush out whoever's
causing all this trouble.

(toilet flushes)

- Hey Tracy, did you hear
about the Sadie Hawkins dance?

- Nicole, in case
you haven't noticed,

people have other things
on their mind these days.

- That's why the
student council thinks

we should go ahead
with the party.

It's good for school spirit.

- Well, I'm not in
the spirit, okay?

- Sure.

So, I guess I can
tell the other girls

they can take their
chances with Dick?

I mean, nobody was going
to ask him to dance,

because they know
you two are an item.

- We're not an item.

- Okay, okay.

So then he's fair game, right?

- Right.

- That's all I wanted to know.


- Hey bro.

- [Bobby] Hey, how was practice?

- Terrible.

I couldn't concentrate.

I kept thinking
about the attack.

- I've been checking it out.

Found some cool stuff.

- Legend has it that
when the moon was full

werewolves would
wander the countryside,

preying on the innocent.

- Scary stuff.

- Fantasy.

What's this?

- Dad's optic detector.

- What's it for?

- To track our werewolf.

(menacing music)

- Impossible, canis lupus,
it's wolf, isn't it, sir?

- Canis lupus.

Anybody could have
spread wolf hairs

easily as margarine
across the material.

- It says here the
pattern of hairs

could only be caused by the
slashing motion of a claw.

- If this gets out
they'll be mass hysteria.

No one sees this
report, understand?

No one.

- I can't believe I let
you talk me into this.

- Don't sweat it bro.

- So, what does this
detector do anyways?

- It emits lights
invisible to the human eye,

but when it hits animal residue

like body hair or
skin, it glows.

(dramatic music)

- We've got trouble.

- Had he not resembled
my father as he slept,

I had done it.

My husband.

- I have done the deed.

Didst thou not hear a noise?

- I heard the owl
scream and the --

Ugh, I'm sorry.

- Let's just take it again
from my entrance, hmm?

I have done the deed.

Didst thou not hear --

- No, I can't.

- What's the problem Sabrina?

- I'm still shaking over
what happened to Ted.

- Mr. Andrews, I can read
her lines if you want.

- Thanks Brett, but
Sabrina's the actor.

She has to get through this.

Sabrina, are we well enough
to give it another go?

(continues running lines)

- Since Ted's attack, no
one wants to play Macbeth.

- I tried to call
him this morning.

His mother said he's
still getting over it.

- Yeah, I'm sure
it's a sick prank.

- Maybe it's not
that black and white.

- No, this my hand will rather

the multitudinous
seas incarnadine

making the green one red.

- My hands are of your color,

but I shame to wear
a heart so white.

- Somebody's got
to know something.

- I'm gonna to go have a
chat with Lady Macbeth.

- Okay everybody, good work.

Let's take a 10-minute
break, you've all earned it.

- Hello.

Of all the ills that
plague modern society,

none has become more
malignant, more corrosive

than teenage violence.

- Sir.

- [Murphy] What?

- The speech is a performance.

You have to be more commanding

and always look directly
at your audience.

And if I may make one
further suggestion,

you're gonna lose the kids
if you use those words.

- Which words?

- Malignant, corrosive.

- They're high school seniors.

Certainly they can handle
three syllables by now.

Look, all I want is for
them to stop protecting

whoever is behind this.

- Might I suggest we try
to talk their language?

- For example?

♪ On the street and in the hood

♪ There's something goin' down

♪ That's bad business

♪ A teen thing

♪ You better check out

♪ Before it takes you out



- That's not even English.

(upbeat hip-hop music)

- [Bobby] Double latte.

- Hey Bobby.

- Hey, what's up?

- I've been at the
computer for over an hour

trying to figure out what
the police know on this case

but they changed
their access code.

- I checked out those footprints
we found in the theater.

- What'd you get?

- I compared the tracks
with various species--

- And?

- They match perfectly.

(foreboding music)

- So, you were
standing close to Ted.

Did you see anything?

- It was too dark.

I just heard a groan
and heavy thud,

when he hit the floor.

- Anything else?

- I already told the police,
that's all I remember.

- But you were right next
to him when he was attacked.

Didn't you notice anything?

- Well, there was something.

- What?

- I'm not sure exactly.

But it felt like a
cold brush of wind.

It whipped by me.

I thought it was just a draft
so I, I, didn't say anything.

- Hmm.

Maybe somebody just
left the door open.

- Uh, sorry to interrupt,
but I'm the stage manager,

and I can vouch, all the
doors were shut tight.

(foreboding music)

- Give me a synonym for monster.

- Why?

- Just give it to me.

- Uh, fiend.

- No.

- Demon.

- I already tried that.

- Beast?

- No.

- Brute?

(keyboard clattering)

- Another one.

- How many cups of
coffee have you had?

- Look, I am trying to hack
into Murphy's case file

and I know he would
give it some stupid name

like, like, monster or...

- Alright, um, creature?

- No.

- Well what about, savage?

- [Tracey] Yes!

I'm in.

Here it is.

Lab report on Ted
Wilkins' sweater.

- Leads us to believe
that the markings

across the face and chest
were canine in nature.

Most likely of the
species canis lupis.

- Canis lupis, that
confirms what Bobby found.

- The footprints?

- Canis lupis, a wolf.

- So it is a werewolf?

- It...it's not what
you think Larry.

- Yeah, you know, the
whole thing's a stunt.

- Yeah it's a sick
joke that backfired.

- So, that means the
Sadie Hawkins dance

can go ahead as planned?

- Um, yeah.

- Good.

So when ya gonna
ask me to the dance?

- This is where I leave.

- Bye.

- No, Dick.


Larry, I'm not asking
you to the dance.

- Well that's
okay, I'll ask you.

- (laughs) You can't.

It's the Sadie Hawkins dance,

which means the girl
has to ask the boy.

That's how it works.

- Should have figured you'd
be going with Dick Darling.

- Teen violence can be stopped.

It is the moral duty of
each and everyone of you,

(coughing from audience)

to pull yourself out
of your complacency.

(couching increases)

and demand of each other,
the highest standards

of honesty and decency.

(quiet laughing)

You see,

♪ On the streets and in the hood

♪ There's something going down

♪ It's bad business

♪ A teen thing

♪ You better check out

♪ Before it takes you out.

Thank you.


- Excuse me sir.

May I ask you a question?

- I don't see why not.

- Well, why weren't
the students told

that the claw marks on
Ted's face were real?

(dramatic music)

- Well, maybe if you'd
asked Larry to the dance,

he wouldn't have
opened his big mouth.

- Oh please.

- Now whole school's convinced

that there's a
werewolf in their mix.

- It makes sense.

Claw marks, wolf
tracks, a rush of wind.

I say we put up a
DVT in the theater

and see if the werewolf
shows up again.

- Yeah, okay, well you guys
keep thinking werewolf,

meanwhile I'm gonna ask around

and see who has a history
of sick jokes, okay?

- Dick, it wasn't a joke.

It was an attack.

(phone ringing)

- Daring Investigators.

Vern speaking.

- [Ted] I need to speak to
talk to whoever's in charge.

- No problem.

Who may I say is calling?

- [Ted] Ted Wilkins.

I told the police but
they didn't believe me.

- What didn't they believe, Ted?

- [Ted] That it was
real, completely real.

- And what is it, Ted?

- [Ted] The werewolf.


- Werewolf!

(teeth chattering)

- Thank you for
showing up tonight.

(menacing growl)

It is vital for school morale,
for this play to proceed.

Therefore, I'd like
you all to welcome,

our new Macbeth, Chad Miller.


(menacing growl)

Alright! Let's get to work.

Act II, scene three.

MacDuff, Lennox...

(dramatic music)

Banquo, Donald Bain.

- So, uh, how'd I do?

- You did great tonight.

- Honestly?

I don't know if I'm up
to it, it's a big part.

- You'll be fine.

Besides, you're the
only Macbeth we got.

(lights clicking off)

See you at rehearsal tomorrow.

- Why did Shakespeare
have to use so many words?

(intense music)

Now, o'er the one half-world

Nature seems dead, and
wicked dreams abuse

The curtained sleep.

Now, o'er the one half-world


Nature seems dead, and
wicked dreams abuse

The curtained sleep.
Witchcraft celebrates

Pale Hecate's offerings,
and withered murder,

Alarumed by his
sentinel, the wolf,

- So we finally got to
interview Ted at home.

He's convinced he
saw a werewolf.

- [Daring Sr.] And
you believe him.

- Guy's an honor student
he's as honest as they come.

- I'm telling you, we're
dealing with the real thing.

- [Dick] Come on, bro.

- It's possible.

- A werewolf in Rockwater High?

- Well let's look a the facts.

Real claw marks, eyewitnesses,

and not one piece of evidence
that leads to a suspect.

- So what do we do now?

- Well, werewolf folklore says

that whatever a werewolf
starts he always finishes.

- So what has our
werewolf started?

- That's what you're
gonna have to find out.

Good luck.

- Yes ma'am.

Yes ma'am.

No, we understand your concern,

but let me reassure you,
there's nothing to worry about.

Okay, goodbye.

That's 50 calls in three hours.

- How did that information
about the claw marks leak out?

- But more important, sir,
is how to contain the panic.

The parents are demanding
the school be closed down.

- That'll only feed the frenzy.

We need a strategy.

- We could call in an expert.

- In what? Werewolf lore?

- I was thinking
along that line.

- This is a police

Not a circus freak show.

Here's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna offer
a reward to any kid

with information on
who's behind this.

- How much will the reward be?

- You're the expert on teen
culture, you figure it out.

- I asked Chad Miller to
the Sadie Hawkins dance.

Oh, he's so dreamy.

- I'm happy for you.

- Oh, hey, did you hear?

He got the part of Macbeth,

so now I have two things
to look forward to,

a cool play with my
boyfriend, and a dance.

You're still not going, right?

- Haven't changed my mind.

- Oh good, 'cause I told
everybody you weren't.

- Nicole, why is this
so important to you?

- Because I don't want
my best friend hurt

if somebody asked Dick out.

- Okay, first of all, I don't
care who asked Dick out,

and, secondly, we're not best
friends, and you know it.

- We used to be.

It's because I took up with
Cheryl and Amanda, isn't it?

- Yeah well,
they're not my type.

- I'm beginning to think
nobody's your type.

Male or female.

(class bell ringing)

- Hey Dick.

Hey man, you want to
make some quick money?

Check it out, $1000 reward.

Alright, look, I say we
go from class to class

and we flush the sucker out.

One G split in half
is 500 bucks a piece.

- No thanks Benny.

- Well did you wanna solve
it with Tracey or something?

I'm hearing you two been
asking all sorts of questions.

- Like you, we wanna do our
part in cracking this thing.

- Oh, okay, well we could
split it three ways.

You know one G split
in three, is $333.33.

- I don't think so.

- What's it gonna take.

- Benny, I don't want the money.

I just wanna find
out who did it.

- Okay, I'll keep the money.

But, uh, you find out anything,
you let me know, okay?

- I set up the DVT
and it's working fine.

- Don't hold your breath Bobby.

- The werewolf will
show sooner or later.

And when it does,
we'll have proof.

- Have you ever read Macbeth?

- Um, I vaguely remember it.

Something about Macbeth
wanting to be king

and killing everybody.

- Including the king himself.

- Warning!

(horn blowing)

Aunt Claire is approaching.

- Hi guys.

I'm heading out to
my Tai Chi class.

Be back in a couple of hours.

Macbeth? That's heavy reading.

- Yeah it's this
year's school play.

- You know, some actors
won't go near it.

- Why not?

- The play's been thought
to bring bad luck.

They say it's jinxed.

(dramatic music)

- (whispers) Really?


- Looks like your reward
idea is paying off.

- You see, Bullock.

You appeal to those
kids, you get results.

- Pardon?

- Get these hooligans from
the list they sent us,

and bring them in
for questioning.

- Yes sir.

- We're gonna put an
end to this nonsense,

once and for all.

- What was that sir?

- I could not say Amen,

When they did say
"God bless us!"

- Consider it not so deeply.

- But wherefore could
not I pronounce Amen?

I had most need of
blessing, and Amen

Stuck in my throat.

- [Sabrina] These deeds
must not be thought

(continues in background)

- I must have talked
to 50 students

asking them who they think
could pull something like this.

- I checked and the police
already have three names.

- How?

- They're offering
money. (laughs)

- Macbeth is quite the play.

First he murders King
Duncan to steal his throne.

Then he murders his
best friend Banquo,

to wipe out any challengers.

- Nice guy.

- Yeah.

Except it's Lady Macbeth who
sets all the murders in motion.

She's the one who persuades
him to kill the king.

- So, moral of the story?

- Stay clear of Lady Macbeth.

- And wash this filthy
witness from your hand.

Why did you bring these
daggers from the place?

They must lie there.
Go carry them and smear

The sleepy grooms with blood.


- Great Sabrina, great!

Good work. Good work Chad.

Okay everybody,
that's it for tonight.

(dramatic music)

- [Director] You keep this up

and you'll have
Macbeth down cold.

- I hope so.

- I know so, we'll
see you tomorrow.

- So the school's
still going ahead

with the Sadie Hawkins dance.

- Yeah, I guess even werewolves
can't stop a good party.

- So are you going?

- Um, well as I understand it,
I have to be asked first, so.

- No one's asked you?

- Um, no. Not yet.

- I'm sure someone will.


(dramatic music)

(menacing growl)

- [Tracey] Who?

- A werewolf.

- Chad take it easy.

- [Dick] We got to
get him to a doctor.

- Chad, can you get up?

(menacing growl)

(MultiCom Jingle)