Daniel Spellbound (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

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The Gryphon's Egg,
if you want to live.

I would like to live.

Uh… Here's the deal, we
don't exactly have...

You and your pig will
not stand in my way.

I am the most powerful...

Well, get in the truck already.

Lucy! I always knew ice
cream would save my life.

I thought you abandoned us.

Who do you think I am? You?

-I was securing the Egg.

Eh, should have brought
a baby car seat.


Buckle up. We gotta get going.

He's stopping us from teleporting.
Okay, gotta do it old-fashioned.

Live or die, the Egg is mine.

You'll get it over
our dead bodies.

That's literally
what he just said.

The Egg should not be in the hands
of unskilled magicians like you.

Ugh, I can't get the truck
loose from his spell.

Then don't. On three, we jump.

One, two, three!

Well, game over.

It was really nice
living, for the most part.

Okay, new plan.

Let's rock, paper, scissors for
the Gryphon's Egg. Who's in?

If he gets the Egg, it's all
over for the Magic World.

Did not see that coming.

Uh, this makes
sense how, exactly?

It doesn't, like at all.

I thought the Alchemists
work for the Dark Mage.

Maybe they're mad at their boss?

He probably cheats out on
snacks in the break room.

Seems like that kind of guy.

Let's not waste an opportunity to run
away when no one's looking. Come on.

Why are you giving
the Egg to me?

'Cause I can't
carry it and Hoagie.

- Wait, what?
- Curl up tight and stay still.

All right! They
didn't even see us.



- But we have to...
- Just go!


Where is it? Where?


You will not win while there's breath
left in my body, you abomination!

This isn't over, Alchemist.


Huh? Wait, was I
just gold again?

Did you give me
a 24-karat booty?

Where's Lucy? Did she...

That Dowser drove off
in that absurd vehicle.

Where is the Egg?

Still with Lucy, headed
where you'll never get it.


Then the Dark Mage
has everything needed

for the destruction of
magic as we know it.

The Dark Mage.


Why are you talking in
the third person, Vik?

You fool.

Who do you think
the Dark Mage is?

Uh, maybe we'll all have a good laugh
about this later, but isn't he you?

I'm a ninth-level Alchemist,

a high Sorcerer of
the Fallen Temple.

Do you truly believe I would parade
around in a Halloween costume?


Hold on, Viktor, if you're not
the Dark Mage, then who is?

Dowser Santana, I've
been expecting you.

Primus, I was in such a hurry.

I teleported five blocks away.

I'm a little bit fried.

Tell me you have the Egg.


Yeah, but it was not easy.

The Dark Mage showed up to get
it, but the Alchemists fought him,

which was really weird,
and Daniel and Hoagie,

The Dark Mage… killed them.

I'm sorry.

I know you grew fond of
Spellbound and his pig,

but he was a simple Tracker
with no magic ability.

That is exactly why the Egg
needs to be under Bureau control

and not out in the wild.

I hope this Egg is worth
all the pain it's caused.

Of course it is.

The Gryphon's Egg is too dangerous to
be in the hands of unskilled magicians.

What did you say?

The filth of the Magic
World is out of control.

It needs to be stopped,
to be reined in.

The Gryphon's Egg. Now.

Yes, Primus.

Dowser Santana.

Here you go.

I'm still trying to wrap
my head around all this.

You're saying you Alchemists
are the good guys?

When the whole Magic World
thinks you're the bad guys?

They manipulate public opinion
and don't care who it hurts.

Not Lucy. She would
never do that.

Pig, the Bureau is led
by the Dark Mage herself.

She sets their
entire evil agenda.

Hey, look man, I'm no fan of
the Primus either, but come on.

You really expect us to believe
she's the head of the Bureau

and its most wanted criminal?

Oh, Tracker.

You should know more than most. The
best place to hide is in plain sight.

You knew my dad, didn't you?

I saw your initials in his book.

Ah, his notebook.

He knew you would do the
right thing with it, Daniel.

He loved you very
much, you know.

No, there's a lot about
my dad I don't know.

Duncan Spellbound
was a brilliant man.

I was in awe of him.

His work with the Bureau
left him concerned

that they had
become power-hungry,

and that Camilla Thomas
was at the center of it.

He, like me, believed magic should be
free of control, available to anyone.

He knew the Bureau was a
threat to that freedom.

I should have listened
to him much sooner.

If I had, maybe…

Lucy's not gonna just hand that
thing over to Primus McAwful.

She believes in the virtue of
magic. She's a good person.

Maybe one or two agents
still have some good in them,

but the fish rots
from the head down.

Lucy could be in real trouble.

We've got to come up with...

Wait, what is all this?

All this?

All of this is the magic
community's last hope for freedom.


You've been prepping for
this for a long time.

Yes, but thanks to your
friend in the ice cream truck,

our timeline has just moved up.

A portal spell?

We must move on the Dark
Mage while we still can.

When that portal is large
enough for our entire squad,

we'll march against the Bureau.

And now, you too
can be a part of it.

Your father would be proud.

Uh, thanks but I'm covered.

Man, all the good
stuff is wasted on you.

If I didn't have hooves...

Already thought of that.

Awesome. How does it even work?



I've gotta be the first
pig to ever blast a laser.

Does anyone else smell burning?

Asera al meketa.

Assenta dost rosa.

The time is at hand.

Yes, approved.
Finalize everything.

The portal will soon be ready.

Hey eyebrows, what you
got to eat around here?

I'm hungry.

Really? Food? Now?

Sir, I am a pig.

Uh, trust me, there's no arguing with
him when his blood sugar gets low.

There's a vending machine
near the secret entrance.

Vending machine?

You're a dude that can
turn anything into gold.

Hire a private sushi chef,
free candy, something.

Why should I team up with you,
Viktor? What do you get out of this?

It's what we get
out of this, Daniel.

Imagine how much better
your life will be

without the Bureau
breathing down your neck.

So, what, we abolish the Bureau?

No one should be thrown into prison
for tracking magic, for using magic.

The portal will be ready soon.

It's time to confront the Bureau
as your father would have wanted.

Alorium contessim explit montam,

igroatus seet florest eter.


I had a feeling you might
try something like that.

You duplicated the Egg?

Dowser Santana, duplication
spells are highly illegal.

Trust me, it's causing a
lot of internal conflict,

but I just had to
know, and now I know.

Everything I've done is
for the greater good, Lucy.

Don't judge me.

All I know is a woman I
looked up to and believed in

has been playing me and
everyone else this entire time.

I had to. There's
too much at stake.

Magic is not a toy to be played
with by gleeful imbeciles.

Few can handle its dangers.

And let me guess,
few means only you?

Not just me, the worthy!

Join with me and we'll ensure magic
is only granted to the deserving.

You're a disgrace to everything
this Bureau should stand for.

You naive dolt.

I will get that Egg from you

even if I have to destroy
you in the process.

Yeah, no.

Primus Thomas, under
my authority as Dowser

for the Bureau of
Magic Enforcement,

I'm placing you under arrest
for crimes against magic.

How dare you?

Who's naive now?


Boss sounds real mad.

Now, just got to get
you somewhere safe.

Attention all Dowsers,

Lucy Santana has
betrayed the Bureau.

She's working for the enemy and
should be arrested on sight.

Repeat, all agents are
to arrest on sight.

Santana, exit the vehicle
with your hands up.

Uh-oh. First time my prime
Employee of the Month

parking space has
been a bad thing.

Uh… are we sure this is right?

You heard the Primus.
Her word is law.

Lucy needs to be brought in.

Exit the vehicle, Santana, or
we will bust those doors down.

What the...

Fear the mighty Laser Pig!


Who gave the pork chop a gun?

Hoagie! You're still alive.

Alive, kicking, and
totally rescuing you.

You still have the Egg. Yes!

I knew you would.

Come on, let's get out of here.

How'd you get here?
What's that on your head?

Is Daniel alive too? I
saw the sword swing...

We're fine, we got turned into
gold. A long story for later.

But first, there's something
important you need to know.

Me first.

Camilla Thomas is the Dark Mage.

Wait, how'd you find out?

Jinx. Turn up ahead.

- Where we going?
- You can't talk, you're jinxed.

Now is not the time,
Hoagie. Where are we headed?

Trust me, Daniel,
and I made a plan.

And that's supposed
to give me confidence?

Say you get the Gryphon's Egg
out of the Bureau's hands,

- what are you gonna do with it?
- Keep it, protect it, watch over it.

Like you did the Fugu Rose?


And how you built factory walls

around the rarest magic items
in the world, letting no one in?

My facilities protect powerful items
from bureaucrats like Camilla Thomas.

Yeah, and anyone else.

When you find rare magic,

you don't take what you need and
leave the rest for everyone to use,

you keep it all for yourself.

Of course. As a Tracker, you procure
magical items for clients, paying clients.

Do you ever ask them what
they do with those items?

No. Nor should you.

They should have the freedom to do
what they want with their property.

So you and your rich friends plan to
take what you want and control it.

That's different than
what the Bureau wants how?

Don't you dare compare me to the
Primus and her evil organization.

I leave everyone else alone,

and I expect them to
do the same for me.

Look, trust me,

I don't believe the Bureau
should have the Gryphon's Egg.

Well then, we're agreed.

But I don't think you
should have it either.

What are you saying?

I'm saying the portal
looks big enough now.

- It's not. We still need...
- Ah!





Almost. Almost.

I think it was right… here!

Yes, this is where
I came out. Stop.

There's nothing here.


Back it up. Some of them might
make it through the portal.

Some of who? What portal?

Hurry! Through, now!

Sir, the portal is unstable.

We could be ripped apart!

That's the risk we
take for freedom.


Where'd you teleport
our truck to, Vik?

I need my ice cream.

Was this part of your plan?

Being real honest, the
plan never went this far.

Give me the Egg.

It can never get in the
hands of the Primus.

New plan. Run.

Stop them!

This farce ends here!

Whoa. We're the filling
in a sandwich of evil.

My least favorite
kind of sandwich.

The Egg.


No! It belongs to me!