#DUPE# (1992–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - No Need for Monsters! - full transcript

Ryoko drags Tenchi along for the ride when she explores a haunted cave near the Masaki Shrine! During their adventure, they accidentally awaken a "demon" who turns out to be a mad scientist!

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Ah, I am so bored.

If you have so much time,
why don't you help us clean?

No way!

I just don't feel like it.

You lazy bum.

Ayeka, I'm starving.

Well, it is about time for
Sasami to be finished cooking.

She'll come and get us
when it's ready, Mihoshi.

Girls, thanks for cleaning.

Aah! Don't mention it.

Since we're staying at your place,
it seems only fair, you know?

Well, then, in that case,

I might as well ask you to wipe
the floors while you're at it, huh?


Ah, yes, my pleasure.

You idiot.

Did you say something, Ryoko?

No, nothing.

Here, Ayeka.

Let's have some of
these to boost our energy.

Those? Ah, where'd you...

They were right over there, you see?

You took them from there?

Yup. And there were a whole bunch more, too.

Ah, this one's really hard.



Lunch is ready!

Wow, lunch!

Well, time certainly does fly.

Come quickly before it gets cold.

Thanks for taking the trouble.

And I am so hungry.

Ryo-Ohki, where have you been?

Excuse me, Grandpa.
What is that thing over there?

Ah, that thing?

Well, Sasami, there is a goblin in there.

It all happened 700 years ago.

It is said a horrible goblin came from the sky.

So people built a shrine with a
magical force field to seal in the goblin

because they were afraid of trouble.

And that, Sasami,
is the origin of the Masaki shrine.

Hey, a real goblin. Wow.

It sounds scary.

Oh, my, does the goblin exist, really?

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.

But you stay away from that place.

The 700-year-old goblin.

This could be a fun way to kill some time.

Come on, Princess Fraidy-cat,
let's go and check it out.

- Come on, let's go.
- Whoa! No, thank you!

Weren't you listening to
what Grandfather was telling us?

And I don't want the goblin to come to
life and, like, put a curse on us, you know?

And me, I would like to see the goblin.

I'm with you. Let's forget
about Ayeka. Come on. Ow!

Sasami, don't. If you go, I'll be so worried.

Besides, it's lunchtime now. Let's go home.

All right.

OK. I thought it would be fun.

But I don't want to go alone.

This walk took a lot longer than I thought.

I am starved.

I'd better get something to eat pretty soon.


It's you, Ryoko.

Welcome home, Tenchi.

You know, you didn't have to
come out to meet me, Ryoko.

R-Ryoko, what's the deal with that rope?

L-I wonder what it could be for!

Stop it!

Wow, it sure goes a
long way back there, huh?

Hey, can we go home? Come on.


Ryoko, you know Grandpa has been
telling me to stay away from this cave.

Then there's that goblin story.

You scared? Is that it, Tenchi?

No, that is not it.

Well, OK, then. Let's explore together.

You're so weird.

I don't like ordinary dates.

This is better, isn't it?

I don't know.

You know it is. Don't be difficult.

Ah, don't push me like that.

Just let me go home!

Tenchi's late.

What could have
happened to Tenchi, I wonder?

I made a nice dinner tonight.


Ryo-Ohki, what?

That's Tenchi's bag, isn't it?

Ah? What?

Indeed this is Tenchi's bag.

Oh, where did you find this, Ryo-Ohki?


Where? Where?

You tell me where he is!

Say something darn it!

I think, if Ryoko were here, we'd be
able to understand what she is saying.

Right, if Ryoko were here...

Oh, I am so absentminded. How could
I have forgotten about that woman?

I should have known.
How could I be so stupid?

Oh, yes, Ryoko must be with Tenchi

doing this and doing that. How dare she?!


I beg you, you sweet little
thing you, please take us to Ryoko.

For five carrots?

Oh, thank you. You'll take us there.

Here, this is Tenchi's scent.

Now, let's get going!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Ah, it's a dead end.

Let's give up and go home, Ryoko.

Oh, man! Look what you've done now.

What are you gonna do if we get cursed?

I'll think about that if it happens.

What was that?

Ryoko! Hey, Ryoko! Oh, no! No.

Ryoko, you were such a good person.

Well, not really, but...


Ryoko, you're alive!

What's this?

Now, what the heck? I...

"Go home, idiot!"

To hell with magical force fields and goblins.

Let's get out of here, Tenchi!



Somebody's mocking me.

Come out and face me!

Ah, this place is...

Oh, no! Ayeka, this must
be where the goblin is!

We're going in.

But what if the goblin
has been resurrected?

I'm not about to leave Ryoko
alone with Tenchi, not in this place.

Absolutely no way!

I cannot let that happen!
I am not going to allow it!

She doesn't really seem to
care about the goblin, does she?


This is where the goblin is imprisoned.

Yeah, right. No goblin, no nothing. Just rock.

This looks like a meteorite.


Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Wh-What's that?

Could this be the goblin?

It couldn't be.

Hey, Ryoko, shouldn't
we get going now? Ryoko.

Come back.

This place is nice and private.

Nobody will bother us here.

And what do you mean by that?

Look at me, Tenchi.

I think I'm gonna pass on that.

Come on, now, look at me.

I don't think so!

Tenchi, look!

I thought we came to explore the cave!

Mmm, and we did.


Tenchi! Huh?



- Oh, boy! What now?
- Ah, oh.

Look who's here. What's up now, Princess?

What were you doing in here?

Trying to seduce Tenchi.

I knew something like this was going on.

You... You are such a...

You are envious, aren't you?

What do you mean?!

Ayeka, calm down.

No! I cannot allow her to
continue like this, Tenchi.

This woman needs to be disciplined.

Otherwise, she will
become even more arrogant!

Yeah? Just how are you
gonna discipline me exactly?

As a princess, I am gifted with
beauty, intelligence, and lots of power!

Oops, was it a bit too strong for you?

I am so sorry.

That's enough, Princess.
You are so obnoxious!

An eye for an eye!

That was not too friendly.

I was just getting even.

Doesn't seem like there's a goblin here.

It sure doesn't.

Get ready, Ayeka.

Ahh, no way.

Hmm, that's heavy.

Too bad, Ryoko.

Now the game is over.

I can do it! Don't take me lightly, Ayeka!

Take this!

An earthquake?

Do you like that, Princess?

Oh, no, Tenchi! Could this be...

Could it be the goblin?

Oh, damn, it's... It's crumbling.

You caused all this, you know.

Hey, we'd better get out of here right now.


Ayeka, come quickly!

Oh, Tenchi...

Ummm. Tenchi, I'm scared.

Ayeka, don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

You leave Tenchi alone, Ryoko! Aah!

Ayeka, this way.

You can stay there if you want to.


Wow, there really is a goblin.

This is not the time to be impressed, Sasami!

Hmmph! Well, I'm not afraid of
any goblin, so eat this, goblin head!

Uh-oh. It doesn't work?


Tenchi, let's go.

Oh, Ryoko.

- It's coming toward us!
- Everybody run!

It's still coming after us!

Hurry! Run for your lives!

Aah, Tenchi!


- Tenchi!
- Tenchi!


All right, you've had enough
fun for one night, I think.


I didn't think you would
figure out who I was so easily.

Who the heck are you?

My name is Washu, the greatest
scientific genius in the universe.

You are Washu. You're the greatest.

You are Washu. You're the genius.

Washu, Washu, you're
the one! Hooray for Washu!

Washu? Washu! Ah, I remember now.

You're the most famous
mad scientist in the universe!

Aha, the scientist that
was exiled 700 years ago.

So you fell onto this planet, huh?

Somehow, the people in
those days knew instinctively

that the meteorite contained something evil.

That was why they built the Masaki Shrine.

Hmm, so you are the
goblin they were talking about.

What are you talking about?

There's no goblin as cute as me, but anyway,

which one of you broke
the seal and released me?

You swung me around so
hard, I thought I would die.

Hey! What'd I do?!

Hmm, you be a water sprite,
so you can reflect on your conduct.


Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

- Wow! She's so cute!
- Wow! She's so cute!

I just rearranged her genes and
accelerated the metabolism of her cells.

Way too easy for a genius like me.

I am such a genius!

Wow, I'm impressed, but wasn't
it kind of silly to do that, huh?

You called me silly?

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

Ribbit, ribbit!

- So adorable.
- So adorable.

That'll teach you to call me silly, yeah.



You're right. You're very powerful.
Please forgive them.

Hmm, you're interesting.

Very interesting. What's your name?

Tenchi... Tenchi Masaki.

Tenchi, huh? And you
must call me Little Washu, OK?

Uh... all right.

Looks like we have another
pretty lady in our household.

You should be happy, Tenchi.


Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

Look what happened to this storage closet.

She seems to be quite settled in now.

I must be a little rusty after
700 years of imprisonment.

I'd better work on an invention
or something to get myself going.

So then that legend about the goblin...

Seems it was a true story after all.

Tenchi, I'm telling you,
she's even worse than a goblin.

Another Galaxy Police
detective, Kiyone, joins us.

She used to be Mihoshi's partner.

Now she's under orders to
search for Mihoshi on earth,

but somehow, she doesn't wanna be here.

Oh, Kiyone, long time no see!

You see, we have the best
partnership in Galaxy Police.

I knew you would come for me, Kiyone.

There's nothing like a good
partnership, don't you agree?

Next episode is: "No Need for Partners!"

My deepest sympathy
goes out to you, Kiyone.

It's unquestionably reliable.