Cursed (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Episode #1.10 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Hi.
- Hi.



Are you all right?

I mean, was it...


It was different

to what I thought.


A good different?

Yes. No, I didn't mean it was...

It was lovely.

- Was...
- No. Uh, yes.



- Really?
- Yes.

Do I snore?

Like a Viking horn.

- Really?
- Mm.

You know, you make these whimpering
puppy noises

- when you sleep.
- That's not true.

Are you serious?


You were quiet.


Very beautiful.

You do know that?

And you.

- Don't say it.
- No, you can't go.

- I have to.
- No.

- What happens if Pendragon betrays you?
- Then you must help protect the Fey.

They don't trust me.
They follow Gawain. They won't...

Fire! Fire!

What happened?

His throat was cut first,

then he was burned.

This is Wroth and his blood vow.

My queen, the Fauns demand justice.

Do we have proof?

Wroth has claimed the southern gate road

and threatened to kill any Fey
that agree to this Pendragon offer.

My men have already been fired upon
this morning.

Nimue is offering her life
for these ships.

To refuse them is death.
I'll go see Wroth.

This is my doing. I'll go.

I can't risk anything happening to you.

Get the others in the square
and ready to march.

The Fey are getting on those ships today.

Hello, brother.

Be safe, brother.

Excuse me, sir.

I cannot sway you from this cause?

This cause is a handful of sand
slipping through my fingers.

You're not well.

Just a fever from my travels.

At my age, you grow vulnerable to drafts.

That's a poor lie. You can do better.

I fear my presence here
endangers your agreement with King Uther.

It's a risk I have to take.
There's no other choice.

There is.

By sating his thirst for revenge,
we might lure out his better angels.


Give him me.


He's longed for my head for some time.

You're mad. No. I forbid it.

With respect, you are Queen of the Fey,
not of Merlin.

I told you I don't want your protection.

Well, I have a terrible habit
of not doing what I'm told.

Something I seem to have passed on
to my kin.

In addition,

I'm the only member of this court

who stands any chance
of getting audience with Uther

and divining his intentions.

If I sense betrayal is afoot,

I'll do all I can to warn you.

I don't want to see you hurt
because of me.

I don't want anyone else to be hurt
because of me.

Well, that's just it.

You've made us all brave.

We haven't had any time.

Never wish for more time.

The gods might hear you
and grant that wish.

And I cannot sway you from this course?

To know me is to know yourself.

What does he want?

This is no time to declare war
on your own kind.

Pendragon ships are coming
to save all of us. Thanks to Nimue.

Your queen is a mad dog.

Fey that follow her
are traitors to their kind.

Your man drew first blood,
defied our queen.

She's not our queen.

And you're sure as hell not my chief.

This Man Blood is trying to save
the ungrateful lot of you.

Don't translate.

He understands me.

Don't you, Wroth?

Because you have a choice here.

You could be the last chief of the Tusks,
who stood his ground in Gramaire

until every last one
of a great warrior clan was slaughtered

over a blood vow.

Or you could be the first chief
of a new age,

who saved his people, languages,
and rituals for generations to come.

Your grandchildren will tell stories
of Wroth the Just,

Wroth the Wise,

who chose his people over his pride.


which will it be?


pays for blood.


Take mine.

Here! If that's what it takes
to save your hides, go on!

Blood pays for blood.


A brave fool

is still a fool.


Who are you?

Answer me.

You have been touched
by the Cailleach.

- Are you a kind of Shadow Lord?
- She has given you the unnatural sight.

- What did you promise her in return?
- I'm not the unnatural one here.

You have been cursed
by Dark Gods, child.

I can help you.

But only if you tell me the truth.

I saw you in the infirmary.

I saw your face.

You claim them, don't you?

You sort of claim the dead somehow.

Wait, why are you in this chamber?

Do not question me!

And make no effort to interfere,

or you will see my face again.

Have you come for Nimue?


- What's wrong? What's happened?
- Nothing.

No, I just got a bit light-headed,
that's all.

- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come.
- Well, talk to me.



I'm leaving.

- What?
- I don't belong here.

- Of course you do.
- No, I'm not one of you.

- I'm not one of them.
- We need you.

I understand what you need to do,
but I have to find another way, Nimue.

- Do you still want to fight?
- Yes.

- For the Fey?
- Yes.

Then come with me.


What's happening?

Wait, you're escaping?


You are.


Where's Nimue?

I'm not sure.

What do you need?

Snakes are stealing the furniture.

And we need to get those food stores
into the wagons.


Fair enough.

We ride.

There you are.


They're not very happy about it,

but the Tusks will ride with us.

That's good news.

You've done well.


My hands are shaking.

Please let me stay.

No. Arthur, I need you with them.

Promise me.


I promise.

I'm a bit jealous.

I always wanted to go on a ship.

Missed mine by a day.

That was the day we met, actually.

I thought you were in Hawksbridge
for my singing.

You weren't terrible.

I wasn't terrible?
I mean, that's nice of you to say.

You thought you were just
the most devastating thing ever.

I knew you were a bit treacherous.

I didn't mind that.

I lost my breath when I saw you.

You ignore my summons.

His Grace.

I cannot feel it.

I call out to him...

I reach out, and there is only darkness.

You are the avenging sword of light

in pitched battle
against the Lord of Darkness.

Did you think you could escape his touch?

His corruption?

The beast

does not tear the flesh,

it tears the soul.

Do you love me, Father?

Of course I do.

Even if I am damned?

Those are dangerous words.

We will speak of this one last time.

You were demon-born.

An abomination in the eyes of God.

But I spared you from the fire

because you could sense your own kind.

I gave you scripture.

I gave you discipline.

I forged you
into one of our sharpest blades.

I turned you against your Maker.

And I laid the first brick

on your road to salvation.

But I cannot

walk the road for you, my son.

I cannot save you from the flames.

You have to have the will

to do what is necessary.

Do you have the will, my son?

Yes, Father.

Then we shall not speak of this again.

- I just found you again, you shit.
- We don't have any choice.

Well, what's gonna happen now?

I don't know.

But if I can, I'll find you.

- I promise.
- Riders, ready!

How am I the one going
to the bloody desert kingdoms now?

Why does it have to be you?

I'm all right.

I don't care about you.

I'm not all right.

I love you, Pym.

I love you.

Born in the dawn...
Born in the dawn...

To pass in the twi...

To pass in the twilight.

I'll protect them with my life.

I know you will.

He just showed up at the checkpoint,
Your Majesty.

Hello, Uther.

Dispensed with the formalities, have you?

Are you lying to her?

The Fey girl!

Just tell me what your intentions are.

- Did you send this monkey to lie for you?
- Have you lost your wits?

Quiet, fool.
The boy can speak for himself.

"Boy," is it?

You're drunk.

That's not an answer.

I guess my wine has spilled.

Who has done this to you?

No one.

Just a fisherman.

I got caught on the wrong hook.

I would think to find you
in better spirits

on the eve
of your greatest victory as king.

You've ended the Fey slaughter,
subdued the Church,

negotiated a firm but just peace
with the leader of the Fey rebellion,

and despite all of my best efforts
to destroy it,

the Sword of Power is within your grasp.

If you dare try to claim credit for this,
we swear, we...

Not at all.

How's your mother?


Then you've done all this by yourself.

Bravo, Uther.

I'm proud of you.

We must confess we have...

longed to hear these words from you.

I mean them.

The midwife was your mother's crime,

Not yours.

If you wish to be recognized
as the one true king,

you still have a chance to earn it.
Your way.

Let's end this business
with the sword today.

And so I ask you again:

What are your intentions
with the Fey girl?

You knew?

You knew all along.

You and her, together.

Let's not dwell on the past, Uther.

You are the...

king of lies.

Will you keep your word?

You need your rest.

Get him out of our sight.

A sail!

There... sails.

The king has kept his word.

This is our chance.

She did it.

They have the biggest sails.

She's saved the Fey!


Is someone there?

Who's that?

Sir Steuben.

A raven just arrived.

"Pendragon ships are here. Boarding now."

The king has kept his word.

"All my love. Arthur."

This pleases me, milady.

They're safe.

My love.

Are you truly here?

You see me, don't you?

- Yeah, but I don't know what to believe.
- Believe your eyes.

And be grateful for the sight
you've been given.

To see death is a gift for us both.

For I don't feel so alone.


You're not alone.

I feel so ashamed.


For doubting you.
For standing in your way.

No, you never stood in my way.

You knew your destiny,
but it frightened me.

And yet here you are,
on the precipice of all that you seek.

To see between worlds,
to know the shadows' secrets.

Oh, Celia, I fear I'm not ready.

Silly bird,

of course you're not ready.

You've only just begun.

Look at what you've accomplished already.

What have I accomplished?

You have the sword.

Bring the sword
to the temple of the Cailleach,

so that your instruction may begin.
This is how you will save the Fey.

No, it wasn't given to me.

She asked me to hold it for her.

She entrusted me with it.

I know you care for her,

but this is where Nimue's journey ends,

my love.

- I'm so sorry.
- No.

I want to help her,
but the Widow stalks her.


A daughter of Death,
there's no escaping her summons.

I have to warn her.



Don't confront the Widow.
She's not of this world!

Get rid of the witch!

- Burn her!
- She's evil!

Witch! Devil! Burn her!


- Get rid of her!
- Devil witch!


She doesn't have the sword, Your Majesty.

Why not? Where is it?


- It is in...
- Do you think you're very clever?

No. No, Your...

Where's the bloody sword?

She mocks your kindness, Your Majesty.

I wouldn't waste another breath on her.

We are more than capable of drawing out
the location of the sword from her.

Indeed it would be a privilege.

Give us the witch,

and the sword will be yours by sundown,
Your Highness.

Do you presume us merciful, girl?

You presume wrong.

You are aware what awaits you

should we hand you over to Father Carden
and his Red Paladins?

Very aware, Your Majesty.

He had my mother killed.

Burned my village down. Burned them all.

I know him well.

And before it is done,

we will humble you before Almighty God,
girl, I swear it.

That's what your boys in Gramaire thought.

And Yvoire Abbey and the Red Lake.

You've emboldened this witch,
Your Majesty.

We will ask you very simply now, girl:

Where's the sword?

You will have your sword.

As soon as the Green Knight and the boy,
Squirrel, are returned to me alive.

That Fey assassin and his little spy
are our prisoners, Your Majesty.

They're not for trading.

Then you have Squirrel?


And if you don't sing for us,

he most surely will.

Touch him,
and I'll see you choked on your own blood!

- Divine forces protect me, demon.
- Enough!

If my people are not returned,
by the Hidden,

I vow you will never see
the Sword of Power.

Your Majesty,

give her to us.

Torture me.

Skin me to my bones. I'll never tell you.

I'm ready to die, Carden. Are you?

it will give us great pleasure

to be rid of you both.

You have your bloody nerve.

To make further demands on us
after we have dealt with you so fairly.

You have my life, Your Highness.

If you want my sword as well,
it comes at a cost.

Your sword?

Your Majesty,
if Carden takes, Carden's sword...

Take her away and keep her under guard

while we consider these demands.

Did I not warn you?

Come along. Quick!

In the boat.

Come on! Quickly!

Come on. Quick! Quick! Quick!


Cumber the Ice King's army!
We'll hold them off!

Pym, Kaze,
get the others to the rocks. Go!


To the rocks! This way!


Get ready!

Slaughter them all!

For Cumber!


Everyone to the back!


We've cut off the Fey convoy

from boarding the Pendragon ships,
Lord Cumber.

There will be no survivors.

You have kept your promise
to the Red Paladins.

There are more of them coming!

Fall back to the cliffs!

Look! More Viking ships!

No! It's the Red Spear!

There! You see?



Hey! Get up. Come on.

Wroth, get up.

Protect them.

As I speak these words,

my sister Dagmar is butchering
the last of the Fey on the Beggar's Coast.

The Church looks forward
to its partnership with the Ice King.

We agreed.
The witch and her kind for the sword.

But I'm told she came empty-handed.

Uther indulges her.

He debases the crown
by catering for the she-devil.

But a few hours with us,
and she'll soon know her place.

Spill her secrets.

Uther Pendragon,

the false king,

has chosen the Fey over God.


Should his men raise their swords
against you,

defend yourselves.

Kill who you must.

Just bring me the Wolf-Blood Witch.


Kill all Cumber's raiders,

but leave Dagmar to me!

Stay here!

Red Spear!

For the Red Spear!

Cumber can't protect you now.

The Ice King's throne will be mine!

Tell your sister Eydis

she's next!

Shall we play now?

You're the ugliest of them all.

Inside and out.

Kill me, fine.
But you'll still be you forever.

That's a worse hell
than anything I can think of.

The tongue first, I think.

Go on. Take it. I'll still keep talking.

I'll be in your nightmares talking,
telling you how ugly you are.

When you try and wake up,
your eyes won't open

'cause you sewed them up
like a bloody idiot!

Who is there?

Come to watch, my weeping brother?

Here's the bag of shit you ordered.









Not you. Not you!

Gawain! No!


The paladins are attacking! To arms!

Find the witch!

I wouldn't.

Does he remind you of someone?

This Fey orphan?

- You don't need him.
- Why?

Can't he smell out his own kind
like some kind of animal?

Or is that just your species?

Find cover.

You do have a reputation,

but this is the Trinity Guard.

You know their skill.

So be it.

She's here.

Who's first?

Come on! We have to go.

Come on!

Get up!

Come on.

We found her.

- Get off!
- Kill the witch!

Slay the Wolf-Blood Witch!

Hold her!

We delay God's justice no longer.

Sword or no sword, tonight...

we send you back to Hell.

What evil is this?


What are you?

I'm the Widow.


- What happened to you?
- I don't know.

I killed her, and...

then I became her.

Now I can feel who's about to die.

It's Merlin.






No. You're coming with us.

Why can't I die?

Somebody help me here.

I owe you a debt.

For that arrow.

I'm glad to hear it.

Consider us even.

I am the Red Spear,

exile of the court of Cumber the Ice King.

A court now under siege by traitors.

I'm Arthur.

We'll do all in our power
to help your people...

if you help save our queen.

If we make it to Rabbit's Cross,
we can lose them in the narrows.

Come on.

Leave me.

Leave me!

I can't go any further.

Rest here.

You watch over him.

I'm going back for Squirrel.


Iris, stop!


No, no, no! No!

No! No!






What was your name, boy?


A squirrel is an animal.

What name were you given?

I don't like that name.

It's still your name.


It's Percival.


Do you have a real name?


A long time ago, my name was Lancelot.

Out of the darkness,
there always comes a light,

blinding in its clarity,

searing in its strength,

pure as our Lord God is pure.

For make no mistake,

to smite the Wolf-Blood Witch,

God has sent us his own avenging angel.

Today, we add to the ranks of the Trinity

a new warrior of God.


Sister Iris.


we shall accomplish great miracles,
my child.