Crusoe (2008–2009): Season 1, Episode 6 - Long Pig - full transcript

Whilesetting up traps for wild pigs, Crusoe discovers a long boat on the beach, indicating the cannibals he saved Friday from have returned. They track down the ritual execution site and evidence it was used again recently. They find the murderous gang and liberate one of their unrecognizably suit-covered victims. It's none other then their former persecutor, Spanish officer Santos Santana, who claims to be reformed by his companion. Crusoe is convinced, Friday slower but turns away when told the other, which Santane wants to save at all cost, is a certain Baillom- Friday's dad.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
How about this?

The next time a hog runs uphill, we
just wait for it to come back down.

Lazy, lazy man.

I've built hog traps. Why
are we even doing this?


Look at this spear. Isn't it
exactly the same as the...

The cannibals
that brought me here.

So, they were here
more than once.

Yes. I suspect
more than often.

Until you drove them away.







This man
must have escaped.

And they hunted
him down.

Why didn't they
eat him?

There's a ritual. It is
not enough just to die.

You must die their way.
In the proper place.

There must be a place of
sacrifice somewhere near here.

They roam the islands, consuming
souls in the form of human flesh.

They fear no one. And
everyone fears them.

Except for
you, Crusoe.


'Cause I drove
them away.

This is where
he ran away from.

The power of a man
lingers in his bones.

They deserve
more than this.

I didn't drive them away.

Well, they did not
come back.

This was a recent fire.

Do you not think they'd have
learned by now, Crusoe?

They are mad,
not stupid.

From now on, we stay away
from this part of the island.

Now who's mad?

I'm not spending the rest of my
days cowering in the tree house.

We have to be careful with fires.
No smoke in daylight.

Friday. Nothing's changed.
We have guns, they don't.

We have traps near the beach
and a home we can defend.

Oh, you do not
know them, Crusoe.

You resist them once, they
come back twice as fierce.

These are men without race,
tribe or family.

Long pig
has taken over.

Long pig?

Human flesh.
Live off it as they do,

and before too long,
your mind is destroyed.

Stay close to me.
Keep near to the path.

So, they're more of
a gang than a tribe.

Do not expect you
to understand.

Oh, but I do.

CRUSOE: London was a jungle. Your
politics or religion made you fair game.

THUG: Come on. Get up!
Say God save the King.



Come on, Robinson.

So, I understand about gangs.
I do indeed.


Let's set
the other ones.

It would work better
with pigeons.

I know.
But we ate them all.

So, if anybody
uses this path,

the parrot will fly free and head
for the food at the tree house.

Mmm. Meet me half way
on this, Friday.

I don't know
what else I can do.

Nothing. You are
being a good friend.

I'm trying
to understand.

It must have been a terrifying
experience for you.

It was.
But I'm still alive.





I suppose you could say that as a
young boy I consumed my grandfather.

I'm sorry?
And my grandfather's father.

I'm sorry, no,

(LAUGHS) that went over my head wider
than a Spanish cannonball. What?


I told you that one day
I'll explain this to you.

Well, today is the day.

Yes, but explain what?

You know my people practice
a form of cannibalism.

Yes, you enjoy reminding me, especially
when we're low on goat meat.


But we have never tasted the flesh of men.
Only bones. Only family.


Well, that's
perfectly acceptable.

We do not see
human flesh as food.

You would call it
a symbolic act.

We keep the dried bones of our
dead and we grind them to dust,

adding that dust to what we eat gives
us the strength of our ancestors.

Ground up bones?

Mmm. It's one way.
Do you burn your dead?

Only when there's plague.

So you do not
keep the ashes?

Not in the kitchen.






I can even do this
without looking.

I don't think anybody
can do it without...

Watch me.

If you get one now, it's going to
be purely by accident, that's it.


Okay, now, in my mind I
see with eyes in my head

and I think,
if I am that fish,

which way will I go?




I told you.

We should take our weapons and go
to the other end of the island.

Or we can take their boat.

You cannot be serious.

If we stay on this island,
they can still find us.

If we take their boat,
they can't follow us.

Crusoe, it is suicide.

It's providence. Imagine the
look on the leader's face.

He will be furious.

You like the idea of it, though.
(LAUGHING) Oh, yes.



Hey, hey, come here,
come here, come here.


CRUSOE: Wouldn't you know it?
Susannah's Bay.

Fat Crab Beach.

What? Fat Crab Beach?

No guards posted.

Looks that way.
Let' go.


Why do you call it
Fat Crab Beach?

Why do you call it
Susannah's Bay?

Because it's a place
of great beauty.

And Fat Crab Beach
just doesn't do it for me.


Crusoe! Behind you!


FRIDAY: Crusoe!


So much for stealth.

I could have let him bite you.
That would have been quieter.

Let's get off
this island.





They brought captives.

Do you think
maybe we can...

Leave them?

(SIGHS) We cannot.


Let's get on with it.


Why are they stopping?

For banana leaves. To use for
steam in the cooking fire.

To wrap up whatever
they do not eat.

They use a powder
to preserve the meat.



Saltpeter's a preservative. I think
it's fairly explosive as well.

They'll be heading
towards the hog wallows.

Where the hog traps are.

We need to get
ahead of them.


Come on!




Here, stop, rest.

FRIDAY: I could not
get the other one.

It's all right.
It's not your fault.

Did you see the leader?


He recognized me.

You hear me?

We'll have you out
of here in a second.


Santana. Of all the
stinking ship rats.

Let us give him back.

FRIDAY: Santos Santana.

I spit on your name.

Please let me kill him.

Not yet.

But he abandoned us.

He laughed in our faces
as he sailed away.

He left us
here to rot.

He does not deserve to live.

We just risked our lives
trying to save his.

Let's at least
hear his story.

Then can I kill him?

That depends.


What's he saying?


He's praying to your God,
asking him to bless us.

And to let our souls
pass into your heaven.

Take my life if you must.
That will only be justice.

But in the name of our Savior,
I ask one thing from you.

And what is that?

Let me go back
and rescue the other captive.


He's an islander like you.

Much like you, in fact.

And a man for whom I would
gladly sacrifice my own life.

(SCOFFS) A man like you doesn't
sacrifice anything for anyone.

What can I say to you?

I am changed.


I do not think so.

What happened to you?

I was on the ship,
returning home to Spain.

But the sea got into
our drinking water

and we had to stop in one of the
islands for a fresh supply.

I was separated from
the party and taken.

There you are.

He is mad.

He has been
drinking seawater.

I wish that I was mad.

And then I
wouldn't be haunted

by the horrors
that I have witnessed.

This man and I
were bound together.

He speaks English
and many other tongues.

He helped me
to have hope,

and to find,
once again, my God.

Do not trust him.

I don't,
not an inch.

Please help me.

Grant me a musket and
powder and a good knife

so that I might go
and free my redeemer.

Now he wants a gun.

Believe me, please.
I will do you no harm.

Because, if you do, I will kill
you before you even touch him.

We must be quick.

They will soon start
preparing him.

For slaughter.

That should be Santana.

A few more adjustments
and we can reset it.

You don't
believe him?


What should
we do about it?

I really think
we should kill him.

I can't kill a man in cold blood, Friday.
And before you ask. No.

No what?

I don't think
you should, either.

We have to do
something, though.

I was going to suggest that we
should give him a head start.

Just to be fair.

What if he's
telling the truth?

You heard what he said,

and you've been through
what he went through.

Educate me
on this, Friday.

Wouldn't that
change a man?




Crusoe, you were born
with a good heart.

But Santos Santana would have
tortured and killed us for that gold.

And now he's a saint?

I do not see it.

We left that
poor soul to die.

What if Santana can make a better
job of rescue than we did?

Have you no memory of what
he tried to do to you?

You have told me stories about
your life before the island.

You trust far too
easily, Crusoe.

Remember what that has done
for you in the past.

CRUSOE: It's true.

My father told me, to earn honor
you must offer your trust

and expect
the same in return.

There was a time I did not think it
possible to be betrayed by family.

Hmm. It does look as though the ship's
been seized and the crew arrested.

What about the cargo?

Forget it, Robin.

You'll have to stand the loss
and that's all there is to it.

At least you don't have a
Spanish rope around your neck.

But you said
the crew would be safe.

Only if the letters of marque
are respected by the enemy.

They often aren't.

Can we make up the loss
on the other ships?

I don't think you've
quite understood, Robin.

This is your ship
we're talking about?

But we're a syndicate.
We share the losses.

ISBISTER: He's right. I remember this.
One ship, one share,

allocated at the discretion
of the fund manager.

Who is?

Mr. Samuel Tuffley.

So I lose everything
and they lose nothing?

What kind of a
syndicate is that?

It's all very clear
in the contract.

Not to me, it wasn't.

Why didn't you warn me?

Had I been engaged
to advise you, I would.

But I was engaged
by Mr. Tuffley.

to my father.

CRUSOE: What does he think of
his son's business method?

I think he knew
what was going on.


That doesn't make
any sense.

He said I was welcome to return
to his home at any time.

Well, maybe you should
because I've been wiped out.

We'll go to the law. I don't
care if he's my brother.

The law's on his side.

You told me once

that trusting a Spaniard
is like trusting a snake.

SANTANA: On behalf of my
countrymen, I forgive you.

And by the way,

from the latest news I heard, I
am no longer your Spanish enemy.

Though, that may have
changed again.

Your English politics
are so very hard to follow.

For a moment there, you
almost had me convinced.

I wasn't lying.

I'm doing this
to save a true friend.

I pity any soul
you call a friend.

Turn around.
Both of you.

My ship is two days away from
here by canoe. It sails in three.

If I succeed with this,
you'll be on it.

How does that
make you feel?

I'd be more inclined to believe
you, if I wasn't standing

at the point
of my own gun.

You know that golden cannon you
were so willing to kill for?

We found it,

and we threw it off a cliff.
I can show you the spot.

You could dive for it,
I'll hold your coat.

He's going to steal
the cannibals' boat.

FRIDAY: It is still here.

Perhaps he was
telling the truth.


Shh! It's me.


Why did you stop me?

CRUSOE: I stopped you
from committing suicide.

If I'm going to save my friend, I
have to kill those man-eaters.

Not with those odds, you'd have
only ended up dead yourself.



CRUSOE: There are three paths that lead
to the beach where the cannibals landed.

Once we have the captive, we'll have
to take one of these back to the boat.

Those we have not killed
will surely follow.

But that is where
Crusoe is very clever.

I have man traps rigged
on all the paths.

There is only one way
that this will work, though.

Those that fight alongside each
other have to trust each other.

I give you my solemn word as a
gentleman if you give me yours.

What about that
of your man?

He does not belong to me.
His word is his own to give.

I will give you my word

that if you break
this truce,

I will eat you myself.

I apologize for calling
you Crusoe's man.

I understand that you are as much a
brother to him as Baillom is to me.

What kind of
trick is this?

What trick is this?


Do not believe him.

Do not.

This man...


What did you
say to him?

Nothing that you
did not hear.


Keep your head forward.

Do not move.
Just listen.

Who are you?

I have come
to rescue you.

Oh, thank the gods.

Face front. Do not
let anyone hear.


Where are you from?

Who are you?


it is your son.

Am I...
Am I dead already?

No, Father,
you are still alive.

We knew. We knew you were taken.

I thought... I thought
you were dead.

I was saved.

Don't leave me without


looking at you.

If I die without...

You will not die.

I thought you were gone.

I will come back for you.



Get far away from here.
Save yourself.

Go. Go!

I am going,
but I will be back.


CRUSOE: Any signs?


What made him do that?
It's not like him.

I don't know, but he was
their prisoner like me.

I know what he went through.
He's scared.

He did not run away.

You know your man.

He's not my man, Santana,
he's my friend.

As good as any I've ever had. And
I've been fortunate in my friends.

CRUSOE: There are guards
on all the city gates.

And boat patrols
on the Thames.

I need to be able
to come and go.


To ride out to the west country
and bring in new stock

or face even greater ruin.

The west country,
is that the reason?

It's where my weavers are.

It is also where the Duke of
Monmouth is raising an army

and they've closed the gates to stop
anyone from London joining him.

I'm not joining
his rebellion.

I hope not, Robin.
I hope not.

I'm not out to make
anyone my enemy.

So what can I do?

I need a pass
to leave the city.

I think we can
arrange that.


FRIDAY: Crusoe.

Where have you been?

Holding cages.

You entered their camp?


I wanted to see if what
you said was true.

About the cages?

About Baillom.

You know this man?

Baillom is my father.

He thought I was dead.

They think I am dead.

Because I left home one
morning and never returned.

Just like you.

Yes, but at least we'll be able
to reunite you with your father.



have no pistols.

But each man is a very fierce
warrior and is not afraid to die.

Then our pistols will
be happy to oblige.

And my arrows.

A pistol is good for one shot at
close range. After that, we fight.

Crusoe, if we come
out of this alive,

I give you
my solemn word

that I will do everything in my
power to get you back to England.

I believe this
may belong to you.

Thank you.

If I show myself,
I can draw them away.

In my day, no man could run as
fast as me in the Spanish army.

And there's a bunch of
fellows who can really run.




They have
lit the fires.

The ceremony of
sacrifice has begun.




What tribe
are these people?

No tribe.

They are a scourge.
Limbs of Satan.

If you are insane
and you lose your soul,

it does not matter
who you are.

Anyone can join them.


FRIDAY: As long as you can hold
your own with their savagery.


There was a Frenchman
amongst them once.

But he's gone now.
When they cannot find prey,

they turn on each other.

This way.




When I give the signal,
close your eyes.


Remember me?

Yes, yes, I know
you remember me.

I shot a couple
of your mates.

And then I smacked one of them in
the nose with the butt of my rifle.


Yes, that's right, it's Crusoe.
Robinson Crusoe.



I told you I'd be back.

I was waiting.




I'm all right. It's nothing.
I'm all right.

Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm okay.

You sure?


You came back
to rescue me.

I couldn't leave you
with those savages.

They will be
coming for us,

and you are too wounded to make it
to the canoe before they catch us.

I'm sorry,
it's my fault.

No. Don't say that.

reach my ship

(GASPING) before it
sails without us.

Look, if I can draw them out, the
three of you can take their canoe.

Baillom, can you navigate
to Santana's ship?

Yeah, I can.

Good, then do it.

Friday, I think you
should go with them.

You can trust my father to bring
back Santana's ship to rescue us.

Nothing will stop him.

But you,

you would not survive a day here
without me to watch your back.

Okay, let's hurry.



We'll get them to follow us. Let them run
past you. Then head down to the beach

and take the boat.

I'll return for you, Crusoe,
or I'll die in the attempt.

You have my word.

I have no doubt.

Die if you must, but first you
make sure my father is safe.

If I gave you my solemn word,
would that mean anything?

I think now it will.

Nothing will persuade
you to leave with us?

No, Father.

You were
more selfish once.


When I was young.

And now,
you have changed.

You know more
about yourself

when there is only one other
person to share your world with.

He's been a good
teacher to you.

Science, English,

white man's medicine.


The world is so much
bigger than we ever knew.

It doesn't matter
where you go in it.

Never forget
who you are.

I have learned a lot
from Crusoe.

He has been
a good friend.

However far you roam,
you'll always be in my heart.

You were never
lost to me.


The next time I see you two, it better
be on the prow of a tall-masted ship

in Susannah's Bay.

Okay, wait here.



Let's go.
We don't have long.



are you all right?

Are you okay? Santana,
are you all right?


I like that one.


No, Crusoe.
He is mine.


It is gone!

I have wanted this for a
very, very long time.






They'll be coming back. I have
a good feeling about this.

This time,
it will happen.

Oh, how about you?

I'm a happy man. My father
lives and he knows I am alive.

This looks good.

I need building up. I don't want
Susannah to think I'm getting scrawny.

Mmm. There is
plenty more.

No signs of
any cannibals?

No. No sign.

You've taken count
of every last one?

Oh, yes, yes.

Well, nearly.


As soon as we
finish this.



No. Mmm?
