Crossing Lines (2013–…): Season 2, Episode 11 - Crossing Lines - full transcript

Eva thought she saw her father, whom she long believed to be dead, in Spain. The rest of the team investigates two elaborately planned prison escapes.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
So you'd just have to, you know,

demonstrate that you
could do your job, and...

they may let you come back.

What's that?


something Amanda gave me.

Oh, yeah? Any good?

Yeah, it's...

Ever hear of hand replacement?

I'm sorry?

Hand replacement. You know, uh, bionics.

Yeah, a little.

They're making a lot of strides
in it. This stuff is really...

it's really incredible.

Yeah, but...

your hand isn't missing.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Have you heard anything from Eva?

I was supposed to pick her up this morning.

Is she back from Spain?

Supposed to be.

- Eva?
- Major, I need some time off.

- When?
- Now.

For what?

I can't say.

Can I help?


How long?

I'm not sure.

An unspecified amount of time for
a reason I'm not allowed to know?


How could I say no?

Call me any time.

- Buenos Días.
- Hola.

Un café, por favor.



- Eva. Hey, it's Tommy.
- Hi.

- Hey, are you okay?
- I'm okay.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

I just needed some time
on my own, that's all.

I'm okay, Tommy, really.

All right.

All right, I've got to go now.


Talk to you soon, okay? Bye-bye.

Take care.

Good evening, Lucien.

Doctor Clarke.

You asked to see me tonight?


I've been...

I have been feeling anxious.


Well, let's talk about that.

Do you have any idea
what's making you anxious?


Alert! Alert!

Internal power outage detected!

- You stay. Keep an eye on them.
- Be careful.

Possible employee down!


All right.

The doors are not working. Got to use keys.

- Hurry!
- Come on!

- Come on!
- Come on!


Come on!

Move, move!

Come on!

Come on! Run. Go.


Come on!

Jump in! Go!

- Hey, guys.
- Hi.

Anybody know what we're doing
here at 1:00 in the morning?

No, but your guess is as good as ours.

I think we're about to find out.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

Could you play that for
me, please, Sebastian?

I regret the early call,

but I believe this to be a
matter of considerable urgency.

That is Lucien Fiori.

He's Corsican national.

He had served four years
of a 30-year sentence

at a maximum security
prison in Lille, France,

and he escaped three hours ago,

taking with him as a hostage

his court-appointed therapist.

It was an intricate,

and a perfectly executed escape.

And as is evident,

he was not acting alone.

That's an understatement.

This is not the only
escape we are interested in.

We also believe that the
same group helped this man.

- Victor Casta.
- Him I know.

He's the best safecracker in Europe.

Well, Casta escaped from a
Czech prison ten days ago.

I heard about that escape.
The prison lost power.

Both prisons suffered
facility-wide electrical failure.

Both had a vehicle filled with
explosives ram their exterior gates

and blow up.

Pretty specific similarities.

They're undoubtedly connected.

I am of the opinion that something
very well planned is about to happen,

and the team should waste
no time finding out what.

We need to be careful on this one.

Casta and Fiori have been
connected to the same criminal gang,

The Radic Group.

Kathrin and I investigated
one of their cells

a few years ago in Berlin.
They're ruthless and professional.

And responsible for
more than 140 robberies.

Are we thinking that the
other members of the group

are behind the prison breaks?

If they are behind this,

then Casta and Fiori broke
out for something big.

Exactly. We must act quickly.

- Louis?
- Yes.

Where's Eva?

Oh, she won't be with us.

Everything all right?

I hope so.


- Where are you?
- I'm in Spain.

Are you still with this Mateo?

I'm alone, Sebastian.

Listen, I need your help.


If I send you a photo of
someone, can you age it?

Um, yeah, sure, I have
some progression programs.

So you can add a beard,
or things like that?

Yeah, I mean, I'm... I'm no
artist, but, yeah, theoretically.

- Why? What's up?
- All right.

I'm gonna text you a photo
of someone in a little while.

Can you take care of it, please?

- Senorita?
- Yeah?

I'm sorry, but we are closing.

Sure, uh... yeah. Um...

do you mind if I sit here anyway?

We take the tables and chairs inside.

Of course.

Okay. Is that my bill?

Sí, Senorita.

- Wow.
- You have been here all day.

Fair enough.

You can take the rest.

- Thank you.
- Bye-bye.


Major Daniel? Nolan
Duval. I'm the Warden here.

Good morning, Duval.

My team, Seeger, Hickman,
Berger, and McConnell.

We need access to all CCTV footage.

Mr. Dorn already informed
me what your team will need.

You have access to anything that
will help catch that son of a bitch

and bring Anna back.

- Anna?
- Dr. Anna Clarke.

His hostage.

We are at your service.

Thank you very much.

The Court asked for us, so...

I guess they're actually happy we're here.

Way to go, Major. Looks like
your experiment is working.

If this is an experiment,
what does that make us?

Lab rats.

Wait a minute, are you recording this?

Yeah, all the footage from all the cameras.

Great, great, just back it up a little bit?

Why? Do you see something?

I don't know. I don't know, maybe.

Have you experienced this kind
of electrical failure before?

We've had a few problems,

but this?

Entire cells open on their own?


150 inmates rioting while
we continue to lose control.

That was something we never saw coming.


I get a feeling it was a diversion,

set in motion by an outside source.

I can look into the electrical system,

but I need someone to
set up in the server room

while I go to the control room.

- I can do that.
- You can?

Yeah, sure, no worries.

Maximum destruction.

They knew what they were doing.

Any pieces recovered?

Right over there.

Not everything is tagged yet.

Only what we were able to identify

without microscopic inspection.

Bomber crimped his wiring
with handmade vinyl connectors.

Used an optical transceiver,
but an electrical detonator.

I'm pretty sure it was a plastic bomb.

Well, I'm Sorry, McConnell,
you lost me at "crimped".

I've seen this kind of work
before. It's very specific.

It's Steven Dusek.

The Budapest Bomber?

But he's been in jail since 2009.

The staff at the prison has
not heard from your bomber Dusek

for six months, Tommy.

They let a bomber out on bail?

A very high profile
attorney arranged for it.

A very, very expensive attorney.

I wonder who paid for that.

Now, that, of course, is the
question, is it not, Louis?

Tommy, you are certain that
Dusek is involved in this?

His bomb signature's all over
the fragments recovered here.

I'll bet they match the explosion
at the Ostrava prison as well.

I'll have staff at Ostrava copy
you with the photographs they took

of the fragments they found there.

Thank you, Dorn.

Steven Dusek? That's a proper bad guy.


How often did Lucien have therapy
sessions with Doctor Clarke?

Once a week for the last two years.

She never had any trouble with him?

He has a monstrous temper,
but Anna knew how to handle it.

She's the best at what she does.

Brilliant. Youngest PhD ever at Cambridge.

Prisons don't get doctors like her.

- So how'd you get so lucky?
- Jaques Lacan.

Anna's favorite psychoanalyst.

Had it not been for her love of his work,

she never would have chosen France.

Do you think she's still, um...

Until I get proof otherwise,

I'm considering her
very much alive, Warden.

Very much.

- Okay, I'm ready.
- Okay, listen, um...

for me to gain access
to the secure network,

I need you to plug both
the firewire connector

and the remote access plug

into the main server box which
should look something like...


- I'm sorry?
- It's connected.

Are you sure?

- Main server box, right?
- Yeah.

It's done. I'm an
engineering school drop-out.

What's next?

You mean, besides marrying me?

I've never been into men with baggage,

and I've actually met your baggage, so...

- Hey.
- Hey.

I can follow the hacker's digital footprint

to see how he...

- What, already?
- No.


absolutely nothing.

This guy managed to delete
any trace of himself.

Is it possible it wasn't hacked?

Two prisons, 1,400 kilometers apart,

experienced the same system failure

at the most opportune time
for both inmates to escape?

This guy is just really good.

Best safecracker, best bomber, best
jewel thief, and now best hacker.

The dream team.

- Yeah, it's like they're...
- Us.


Come on, let's go!

Hands in the air! Everybody down!

Get down!

Come on, let's go!

Come on! On the floor!

Come on!

Come on, let's go!

One of them triggered the
alarm. We've got 90 seconds.

I'm going to look for it out in the back.

Mobile phones! Come on!

Get them out!

Come on, show me your mobiles! Come on!

Don't take too much. Hey, hey!

We got a problem here?

No, I cannot find my...

It's not here.

What do you mean it's not here?

How many ways can that be interpreted?

Keep looking!

I searched the whole thing!

Now what?


- we go.
- Yeah, shit!

All right.


- Hey, what are you doing?
- No eye witnesses.

- No! We said only if necessary.
- It is necessary!

I'm never going back to prison.

Three murders? Are we sure it's our guys?

They could easily be in Marseille by now.

True, but they aren't
really killers, are they?

Not according to their sheets.

The only thing about armed robberies

is that you know one's
going to go bad eventually.

Yeah, okay.

So, uh, let's take a closer look
at these guys as individuals.

What do we got?

Dusek, the bomber,

never been linked with The Radics before,

but he is a Hungarian
anarchist, better known for...

political statements
than robbing jewellers.

Safecracker Victor Casta.
First crime he served time for,

robbery of a jewelry wholesaler in Prague.

That's also the first known
collaboration with The Radics.

He could have had his sentence reduced

by informing on them, but he
spat on the prosecutor instead

and received two extra years, in solitary.

Two years in the hole to protect someone?

That's a hell of a calling card.

No kidding.

Lucien Fiori, the other Corsican.

Besides being a world-class jewel
thief, he was in intense therapy

with a renowned psychiatrist
for anger issues.

A psychiatrist who he took hostage,

and who the Warden
clearly has the hots for.

He never called her "doctor".
It was Anna this, Anna that.

Well, every hour that passes, the
less likely we are to find this

Anna alive.

Sebastian, what about the hacker?

I've been through the hard
drives from both prisons,

hoping I missed a trace
of him. Still nothing.

Is a hacker not leaving a
digital footprint that unheard of?

It's less likely than a common
criminal not even leaving

a single trace of DNA at
the crime scene. Unless...

Well, no, that's...


Well, unless it's Ghost Zero.

Is that a real name?

I've always thought that
he was more a myth, but...

he'd theoretically be capable
of this kind of traceless work.

Well, if it's a myth,
why can't he be a she?

Well, the story goes, he

was a computer specialist in
the Swiss Armed Forces until

he was kicked out for hacking
into his own government's secrets.

Whatever he found there

made him never want to work
for the government again.

I will call Dorn. If the story is true,

his contact with the Swiss
military could be helpful.

I can talk to him. I need
to go back to the ICC anyway.

I don't have the right kind of hardware to

find a sophisticated guy like this.

No, I want you to be with us
to check out any CCTV footage

or evidence we may find.

I'll head back to the ICC after
we assess this new crime scene.

I've got a few things
to take care of anyway.

This is not going to be a quick case.


Yeah, my, um...

hand's been bothering me a little
bit. I've got some new meds.

I've got to get.

But you're okay?

Yup. My hand's not missing, right?

Give me a list?

Yeah, I'll write it down
for you. It's all labelled.

Watch out, Ghost Zero,
Sebastian Berger is on your case.

There's your proof that it's a man.

No woman would ever
call herself Ghost Zero?

She'd call herself "Morning
Potpourri" or something like that.

You're so lucky Eva isn't here.

Yeah. Is that what you were looking for?

I think so.

Who is it?

Who's in the picture?

Uh, I can't tell you now.

Maybe no one. I don't know yet.

Listen, I've got to go now, okay?

Well, maybe I can...

Eva? Eva!


- ¿Tu has visto a este hombre?
- No.



I'll find the security footage.

They left a mess.

Their mothers would be horrified.

Kind of reminds me of the
prison, maximum destruction.

They are not subtle.

This store isn't very high-end, is it?

Normally it displays less
than 100,000 Euros of jewelry.

The Radics don't move for less than five.

I'm Inspector Fabre.

Ah. We spoke on the phone. Yes.

- Detective Hickman.
- How much was taken?

The owner won't be able
to complete an inventory

until we finish and he
can start cleaning up.

This feels more like an amateur
smash-and-grab gone wrong

than a proper, professional heist.

Yeah, except local thugs don't hack
seven digit electronic security codes

- in a matter of seconds.
- What do you mean?

Well, they got into the security room

and fried all the surveillance
footage from inside the system.

All right, so we got no cameras inside,

but what about footage from street cameras?

We are collecting that now.

Are you looking for
something in particular?

Well, if all three victims were
shot in the middle of the store,

why didn't it attract the
attention of anyone out there?

- Maybe they blocked the window.
- Maybe.

Major, there's something else.

The safe is back there, but
it appears they left it alone.

They're moving with the
best safecracker in the EU,

and they don't touch the safe?

Ever get the feeling
you're playing checkers,

and the other guy's playing chess?

Most days.


I've got to take off. I'm going to go back,

I'm going to get Sebastian's equipment.

It looks like we're going to
need all the tech that we have.


You are certain,

absolutely certain?

I see.

I see.

Thank you, Roger.


Yes, Dorn?

How is it going down there, Louis?

I wish I could say great, but...

we are working on it.

I just had a chat with
an old friend of mine,

a Brigadier General in the Swiss Army.

Did he confirm the story about the hacker?

- Oh, no, absolutely not.
- I don't understand.

Well, he responded far too quickly,

far too adamantly.

He was lying?

No. Generals never lie.

They obfuscate, and
complicate, and confound, and...

befog, but they never, ever lie.

That being said,

you can rest assured that
Sebastian's mythical Swiss hacker

is as real as they come.

You're sure?

Dead sure.

My friend will call me later
on a secure line to confirm it.

Thank you.

Perdone, Señor.

¿Conoce a este hombre?

¿Estás seguro?


- Eva?
- Dorn?

I was hoping to catch one of the team.

No, they're in Marseille
investigating a robbery-homicide

at a jewellery store.

Can I be of help?

Uh, no, no, sir. It's okay. I'm gonna
call the Major's cell. Thank you.

You're all right, though, yes?

I'm okay, sir. Just, um...

I probably need more time than I thought.

I'm kind of chasing a ghost.

- I beg your pardon?
- I've got to go now.

Yeah, Tommy, you were right.

The van blocked the window.

Why is it always clowns with these guys?

Because clowns are terrifying.

What, you're afraid of clowns?

Clowns are wankers who wear
disguises and play with children.

Okay, guys, what do we
know about these clowns?

The van has no plates. Looks
like the driver stayed inside.

Any chance you can identify him?

Let's see what the
nearby cameras picked up.

Got you.

Sebastian, you are remarkable.

- If I wasn't German, I'd blush.
- Germans don't blush?

Not at being told they're remarkable.

You can get something from that?

I have some enhancement programs.

Would it be possible to get
run-downs on all the murdered victims?

Of course.

I'm specifically interested
in their cell phones.

Occasionally, robberies
like this are inside jobs.

So there could be some numbers
on there that may be of help.

That should do it.

Maurice Tasse. He's a local.

2775 rue des Peupliers in Hyères.

Lousy severance package, Maurice.

They are killing witnesses.

This is not good for the doctor.

Sebastian, we're clear inside.

The suspect is dead.

ICC. Hickman.


Yeah, yeah. Bring her down.

Bring her down, yeah, thanks.

That's fine, thank you. I got it.


Where's Tommy?

Tommy's not here.

Can you get a message to him?

Rose, right?

You're married to Tommy's brother?


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

He's beaten in prison, every day.


I'm afraid they might kill him.

My apologies. Please, sit.


I'm Carl Hickman. I work
with Tommy here at the ICC.

I know who you are.


Here's the thing, Rose.

From what I know, and from what I've seen,

Tommy gave up a whole lot to become a cop,

and even more

to do what he did in
London a few weeks ago.

I have a brother...

who was once like your husband,

and I realized that

in trying to help him, I...

I was hurting him.

Maybe that's where Tommy's at.

Tommy's teaching him a lesson?

No, he's letting the lesson
he's earned get taught.

This is what's relevant.

Tommy is my friend,

he's a little like family,

and I don't have a whole hell
of a lot of that in my life.


why don't you do us a favour

and go home and leave him alone, all right?

Otherwise, we've got a problem,

and I'm not the guy you
want to have a problem with.

So I'm going to call the guard

and you'll meet him at
the elevator, all right?

- Tommy your family now?
- Goodbye, Rose.

He ever tell you who held you hostage?


In the bank.

Here in The Hague, you
were held hostage, right?

Tommy ever tell you who did that?

- What's your point?
- My point is the tiger.

In the robbery,

they were wearing animal masks, right?

Well, the tiger was Colin, Tommy's brother.

Oh, Tommy knew.


He knew that day. He let him go.

Spoke to him about it more than once.

Oh, you didn't know.

Well, I guess that's what family is, right?

Always letting you down.

I'm not afraid of you.

Neither's Colin.

We're Travellers.

The whole world is our problem.

Get in line.

This was on the bed.

We'll match it with what's
missing from the jewelry store.

I'm no expert, but it
all looks pretty cheap.

Explains why they left
it after the killing.

Not why they stole it in the first place.

Detective Seeger?

Inspector Fabre said you wanted
cell phones of the victims?

Their call histories, yes.

I'm afraid we have bad news.

None of them had a phone when
they went to the hospital.

And we've searched the store
again. No phones anywhere.

None of them had cell phones?

Or they were taken.

Do you reckon the bad guys still have them?

All I need are the numbers.

Looks like the cells are all together.

About 50 kilometers away.

You wanted to see me, Hickman?

Do you remember the bank
robbery in The Hague?

- I was taken hostage?
- I most certainly do.

Did you prosecute the men who were caught?

No, I did not personally, but
I monitored the prosecution.

They were each convicted and

sentenced to incarceration
for a very long time.


Did anyone identify the last robber,

the one who got away?

The tiger?

What has happened, Carl?

Do you, or anyone here,

know who the tiger was?


His identity was never revealed to the ICC.

No one I know knows who he is.

I've got to get back to Marseille.

All right.

It's almost time.

What is that?

New toy.

What does it do?

Major damage.


- I think we're ready.
- For what?

For whatever comes our way.

No tenant is currently
listed at that address.

Looks like the entire building
has been vacant since 2007.

Keep your eyes open.

We are hunting very desperate men.

Major, third floor, all the way to the end.

We found something.

Hi, it's Amanda. Leave me a message.


Hey, it's me.

I know you're not gonna
get this until morning,

and I was thinking...

I don't need any more
time to figure this out.

When this job is over, I'm...

I'm ready.

I'm home.

I'll call you in a day or two, okay?

All right, goodbye.

Oh, uh...


I love you, baby.

They left the phones, they left the jewels.

- Why?
- Why?

Maybe someone tipped them we were coming.

The French police?

It was not one of us.

Did you hear that?

Check it out, but be careful.

I'll get the ScanGen from the car.

They left in a hurry. They might
have left some actual evidence.


Help me!

Somebody, please!


We're the police.

- Hello?
- Hello?

- Doctor Clarke?
- Yes.

We're the police.

Are you okay? I'm taking this off.


Are you okay?

Come on!

Go! Go! Get in!

Get out! Get out!

Thank you.


Thanks, that's great.

- Any trouble finding it all?
- No, no, the rest is in the squad.

So how did you find this place?

Cell phones from the jewelry store robbery.

They kept them?

Well, not as smart as we thought obviously.

- Where's Tommy?
- He's not here.

There was another robbery.
They killed two police officers.

Yeah, I heard.

I sent Tommy and Arabela
to check the scene.

How is she?

She's fine...

physically anyway.

She doesn't want to go to the hospital.


Doctor Clarke? Hi.

I'm Carl Hickman from the ICC.

You're an American.

I am.

The Major says that you do
not want to go to the hospital?

No, I have access to a
villa just outside of Lyon.

I stay there sometimes.

I'd just like to be in
familiar surroundings.

I feel like that's the best way
to begin healing from the trauma.


It's hard to forgo a philosophy
that I've been advocating

most of my life.

Well, you wrote a book on it.

You know my book?

Only that it exists.

Google makes us seem smarter these days.

Isn't there a saying about a...

doctor treating himself
having a fool for a patient?

Or herself.

Hola, Senora. ¿Conoce a este hombre?


Looks like 9mm automatic.

You can tell just by looking at the holes?

It's just a guess.

Detectives, we just got off the phone
with the store's owner, Fredrick.

He's in Cannes.

He says nothing was taken from the safe

and he doesn't think anything
was taken from the floor.

Can he get us an inventory?

He's not worried about the floor items.

That makes him the first
store owner in history

not to care about tens
of thousands in inventory.

Because nothing on the floor is real.

The jewels kept out there are only display.


Why would these guys break out of prison

to steal a handful of cheap
jewelry and replicas in Marseille?

And murder six people
including two police officers.

There's something strange.

Hold on, I have to take this. Eva?

Tommy, I need you to come here.

What's wrong? Where are you, Spain?

Yeah. Someone sent me a note.

He wants to meet me today,
but he told me to be alone.

I need someone here.

What are you talking about?
Who? Who sent you a note?

Eva, I'm at a crime scene. There
were two cops shot in Marseille.

Right. Sorry to bother you.

No, look, that's not what I mean.

Listen, I can handle this alone, okay?

I'll find a way to come.

I've got to go now.
It's almost time. Thanks.

Listen, before you leave,

it would be really important
if I asked a few more questions.

It's helpful for the investigation.

Um, tell me again about

what you remember of
how they transported you.

Okay, so, like I said,

Lucien put me in a van,
someone blindfolded me,

and then we drove for hours
in almost complete silence.

"Almost complete silence?"

What did you hear?

I'm sorry, my brain's a complete fog.

It's okay. That's all
right. Trauma can do that.

- I know. I've studied it.
- Yeah.

Can I go now?

Look, just for a few hours.

I'll go back to the villa,

I'll sleep for a bit, and
then you can come there.

Maybe the surroundings
will help clear my memory.

A few hours then.


Straight to voicemail.

What was wrong?

She was upset.