Crossing Lines (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Crossing Lines - full transcript

The team investigates the death of a young red-headed woman who was found in a shallow grave on the autobahn near the German-Polish border. The Polish police subsequently found an abandoned car with strands of red hair that are a match for the victim. Sebastian Berger and Carl Hickman are dispatched to investigate and soon find a dumping ground with 7 additional corpses in various stages of decomposition. They find prospective witnesses to what may have happened but questioned separately, the husband and wife in question both claim to have killed her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What is the point of this thing
without a GPS signal?

Lara, there's a map
next to you, darling.

I need to wee.

A map? Really?

I know, a bit medieval, huh?

But it doesn't require a signal

or a 70-page
instruction manual.

[He sighs]

I need to wee.

Lara, please.

There's a map...

Look at this truck.

He will go around.

He's not slowing!

Hey, go around!

You think he can hear you?

I need to wee!

Hey! Go around!

What is he doing?

[Horn blaring]

Honey, get off!

Get off!
Get out of his way! Move over!

[Truck horn blaring]

[Breathing hard]

I really need to wee.


There's a rest stop.

Guten morgen, Kommissar Berger.

Good morning, sir.

There are parks in
The Hague, you know.

I can recommend Clingendael.

I often get lost
in the Japanese garden.

This is the Parc
de Saint-Cloud in Paris?

Where the diplomat's
last victim was found.

The killer is standing
somewhere out here,


I didn't get him.

My scangen fell short.

If I could only find a way

to extend the borders
of the scan

to not require
as precise a sensor.

Well, I'll leave you
to your work.

I can still see her smiling...

I beg your pardon?

Sienna, she...

her eyes smiled, you know?

[Sighs sadly]

I can still see them.

I can erase these files,

but not the memory.

Well, the inability
to erase a memory,

to simply hit "delete,"

is what makes us human.

You don't want to lose
that, Sebastian.

Mommy! Mommy!

I want these candies!



most important thing in life.


Sure, next to football, beer,

and an occasional nap...

Let's keep that between us.

Good to go.


No, thank you.

Grateful for the business.

Hey! I'm Ivonne.

Going over to Poland?

Yeah. Skiing, why?

Do you need a ride?

Excuse me?

Honey. It's cold.

We don't have room, sorry.

Of course we do.

We can squeeze.

We don't have room.


No problem.


[Knocks gently]


Hey, kid.

How you feeling?

Like I want to
jump out of my skin.


How is it you Americans say it?

Bugsy? Or...


I'm feeling antsy.

Wow, you got...

A lot of stuff.

Yeah, the whole team
was here last night.

Eva, Tommy, Sebastian,

and even Major Daniel
sent me flowers.

I brought you some, um...

I don't know
what you'd call these.

Logic puzzles? I...

Logic puzzles.

Yeah, they're like, you know,
a workout for the brain.

Pass the time.

That's very nice of you.


Anyway, um...

I gotta go.

I'll check in on you later.

Oh, it's okay, you don't...

you don't have to, it's...

that would be really nice.

See ya.

I'm going away on a trip.

I don't know
how long I'll be gone,

but if something
comes up for your team,

I might not be available.

Well, it seems quiet now.

but you're always looking.

I've instructed my office
to find me if you call.

It might take some time,
but I'll get the message.

Thank you very much, Dorn,
for all your help.

You weren't surprised,
were you?


When I gave you the file

and told you that the man
responsible for the bomb

was named Dimitrov,

you weren't surprised.

I asked you if you were sure.

Yeah, but you
weren't surprised.

Because I knew his name.

In what context?

He may be involved

in the drug ring
I was investigating.

I was tracking a street crew,

but Dimitrov was never
my direct target.

Is there anything else
you haven't told me?

I never kept information
from you, Dorn.

I asked you if you were sure

because I was not.

You are most welcome, Louis.

For all my help.

[Sighs happily]

[Car lurching, alert sounds]

What the...?

Come on.

What is it?

I don't believe this.

[Car creaks and rattles]

[Engine dies]

[Beeping cell phone]

Huh. Perfect.
No signal.

[Beeping cell phone]




And I'm an attorney.

What do I know about engines?

[Exhales, shivering]


There's somebody coming.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow.



Hey, hey, hey!

Oh, great.


Uh, we broke down.

We don't have room.

Are you sure, Ivonne?

Oh, I'm sure.

You heard the lady.

[Exhales in annoyance]

This is my fault

for not letting
that slut in our car?

Why do you have
to call her that?



Somebody else is coming.

[Engine growls]

[Gasping in fear]

[Horrified screams echo]

[Screams loudly]



Crossing Lines 01x04
Long-Haul Predators
Original Air Date July 7, 2013

She was found near a highway this
morning just outside Berlin.

How is this a case for us?

I've been implementing
a pattern recognition program

I designed...


It scans and correlates

within a specific time frame
and regional links

which otherwise
might go unnoticed.

All right, simple, then, yeah.

It detected
this abandoned sports car

near a Polish highway

just across the border
from Germany.

Hang on.

An abandoned car in Poland?

I'll gear up.

I mean, what's next,
speeding on the autobahn?

Or double-parking
in London, maybe?

I asked Polish Highway Police

to take pictures
of the car interior...

Et voila.

[Eva]: That is
a very red hair.

According to Polish forensics,

the hair is a match.
The dead Berlin girl

was sitting in that black
Polish sports car.

Are there plates on it?

Nope. But the controls
are all in German.

I'd say that crosses borders.

Yeah, but not ongoing.


I spoke to
my former Berlin unit.

I can scan the area
where the corpse was found.


Fine. Carl,

I need you to go with him.

What could be better
than Germany in the wintertime?

You do not travel light,




How are you?

How are you?


Eichholz, Polizei Berlin,

Detective Hickman, former NYPD,

currently with the ICC.

Good to meet you.

How did you make it
here so fast?

We actually have
our own chopper.

You've moved up in the world.

Well, it doesn't belong to me.

Still, you know
what kind of resources

we have around here.

The, uh, crime scene?

Of course. Follow me.

Victim is about
20 years of age.

A man's dog dug up the body.
No identification.

Some stab wounds
and multiple blunt trauma.

Pathologist estimates death
within the last 48 hours.

There is a connection
across the border to Poland.

Your victim's hair was found

in a car abandoned there.

Why don't I know about that?

When was the last time
you shared anything with Warsaw?

Ugh, well...

That's why we're here.

Oh, one more thing.

There's DNA on her body

that appears to be
from another source.

Preliminary testing shows
another blood type on her,

so I can text you the results.

I just need your numbers.

I haven't seen these
in a while.

So you and your girlfriend

seem to be having
a nice little reunion.


Come on,

she slipped you her cell number

by texting you blood results.

She sent it to you, too.

She had to cover.

I haven't seen her
in more than six years.

So you guys never
really had anything?

I didn't say that.



[Console beeping]

Look at that.

I've added some capabilities

to the scangen,

sort of ground
penetrating option.

What does that
look like to you?


We're here, Sebastian.

Forensics and pathology
still have their hands full,

but, so far,

at least seven corpses

in various stages
of decomposition.

We've got a dumping ground.

Might be a serial killer,
might be organized crime.

Both are territorial.

I don't know, the last victim

didn't look like the type
or motive for a hit.

No, she looks like a punker

who got hit with
a hot bag of doorknobs.

That's one way to put it.

It's apt.
Blunt force everywhere.

And the skeletal remains
of the other ones

look like they show
signs of fractures as well.

[Sebastian]: I correlated
my own database

with pan-European
missing people reports

and bodies found

along the route
of the discovery site.

So far, at least 29 cases

in the last decade
bear similarities.


[Eva]: So, they...

Pick up someone
in the Czech Republic,

kill them in Poland,

and dump the body in Germany?

That's pretty wicked, huh?

[Louis]: Cross-border,
and ongoing.


tell the local police
to send DNA samples

to the major
European authorities.

If we're lucky,
we will be able to start

victim identification.

On it.

Tommy and Eva, let me know
when you've seen

the car in Poland.

Yes, sir. Okay.

You're already looking for me?

What is that?

A dumping ground...
outside Berlin.

My God...

That image...

The victims appear to be

from Germany,

the Czech Republic

and Poland.

Do you have the time

to go before the court?

For that?



What's that?

Right there.


Looks like there is something
under where the first body was.

- Kathrin?
- Yeah?

- Right down there.
- Yeah.

- See it?
- Yeah.

Couldn't have been there long.

It would have decomposed fast.

It's from a road-side diner.

That's just
20 kilometers from here.

Kind of odd, isn't it?

DNA on the body,
matchbooks in the grave.

Outside of burying her,
whoever dumped her

didn't much care
about evidence.


Waitress barely remembers her.

Apparently, they get
a lot of young girls

with clown hair.

I forgot about your jokes.

Sebastian, surveillance camera.

Can you access that?

What's the interest of the ICC

in an abandoned vehicle
in Poland?


Excuse me?

What is he...

Hang on, just...

There's a puncture
in the radiator hose.

Too big,

too clean to be natural.

That's man-made.

You drive a while,

the engine overheats, and...

Kaputt, as our German would say.

These V6 TDIs
would probably make...

40 kilometers, max.


Let's see.

40 kilometers radius...



Yeah, looks like a rest stop.

Waitress says

the girl was inside
around sunset.

So what, around 5:00 P.M.?

Hello, Red.

He seems interested.

Uh-oh, wifey ain't having that.

Good for her.


It's the abandoned car
they found in Poland.

Looks familiar.

That is a very
distinctive-looking tattoo

on his right arm.

I'll get a picture
of it out on the wire.

I can't read
the sports car plate.

Here we go.

All right,
Sven and Sandra Liebig.

We can ask
if they saw anything.



Let's hope they're home.

Looked like they were
going on vacation.

If they're here,

it'd be a good idea
to separate them.

No sense having them influence
each other's memory.

You're going to
handle this, right?


They're just witnesses.

They'll feel
far more comfortable

talking to German officers.

He's right.

I'll take the wife.

You refused this girl a ride.


What do you mean by that?

Well, you didn't
give her a ride.

Are you saying it is my fault?

No, I was just...

I saw it on the
security camera.

You told her no.

Her name was Ivonne.

And I wanted to, but my wife...

I said she couldn't
ride with us.

I mean, we're going to
pick up a stranger

in the middle of nowhere?

I wouldn't think so.

Not only was this a stranger,
we had Lara with us.

Our baby.

Of course.
That's smart.

Well, Sven seemed to have
a problem with my saying no.

We had a fight.


You and the girl?

Why would I fight
with the girl?

I just wanted to know
what you meant.

- My wife and I...
- We had a fight.

Was it physical?


Oh, of course not.
No, no.

This was from...

I fell. Skiing.

I fell, skiing.

We were on a skiing holiday,

and that's the only reason
we were out there.

Okay, okay.

Let's just get back
to the fight.

What was it about?

What married couples
fight about.

I'm single.
Enlighten me.

It was about...

The girl, Ivonne.

What about her?

My wife, she got jealous.

Because you flirted with her?

He definitely flirted with her.

So that's why
you refused her a ride?

We were crammed as it was.

There was plenty of room.

But your wife got jealous.

It wouldn't have
mattered anyway.

What do you mean?

We broke down ourselves.

You broke down?

We were dead on the road.

Your car broke down?

And she was picked up
by this guy in a black audi.

They passed us

just, you know,
broken down there.

She wouldn't even offer
to call us a breakdown service.

You sound angry.

Well, damn right, I was angry.

I mean, how can you
leave people

stranded like this?

And now you show up here,
and you start accusing...

I haven't
accused you of anything.

Well, then
you sound accusatory.

I didn't mean to.

Well, even if I did
do something to her,

it would be within my rights.

Sir, is there something
you're not telling me?

[Text message chimes]

[Text message chimes]

Do you have any idea how your...

DNA got on her body?


[Both]: I killed her.

Make sure he doesn't see
that we took the wife in first.

I told transport.

They've been advised
of their rights,

and no one is to question them

until we get
back to the barracks.

I still can't believe this.

I don't believe this.

Well, you're the one
who sent the text message

about the DNA.

Well, clearly,
they were hiding something.

Well, it worked,
they confessed.

I know. I know.

What, are you saying
they're not the type?

The type?

Fred and Rosemary West
in the U.K.?

The Gallegos in California?
The Copelands?

Homolka and Bernardo?

There are plenty of examples

of couples
committing serial crimes.

They could definitely
be the type.

Yeah... then what doesn't
make sense?

The other couples didn't take
a five-year-old with them.

They confessed.

They break down.

The wife, already pissed
at the hot hitchhiker,

sees her again,

and they beat her to death
and conveniently dump her

where there are six other bodies
laying in the ground?

What happened to
our sports car guy?

Where the hell did he go?

Huh, Mr. Tattoo?
He's not with the car.

But they said, "We did it."


that's not what my guy said.

He said, "I killed her."

She said "I" as well.

See? It's like
they're protecting someone.

Here comes child services.

Because of the daughter.


Is anybody here?

Hi there.

What can I do for you?

Hi. We are
from the ICC.

I'm Sergeant Vittoria.
He is Tommy McConnel.

We are investigating
this vehicle.

This car stopped here
a few days ago.

Maybe you noticed it?


Well, the driver
had a tattoo on his arm?

I don't think so.

Show him the other one.

The estate car.

What about this one?

Yeah, that one I remember.

Do you?

I serviced it.
They filled up.

You must check a lot of cars.

Why do you remember that one?

The police called me out
to the highway the next morning

because they broke down.

Their radiator line
was punctured.

You didn't notice that

on your check-up?

It wasn't that way then.

You sure?

I checked.
I would have seen it.

It was all a-okay.

They did stop at
the restaurant after, though.

Maybe someone did it
while they were inside.

Well, thank you, then.

You're welcome.


[Hickman]: Where did
child services take the girl?

I believe they are
in her bedroom, sir.

Yeah, I'll get back to you.

Tommy just called

from the same rest stop
where we were.

Says the sports car's
radiator hose

was sabotaged.

The estate car apparently
had the same problem,

but the garage
fixed it the next day.

Two cars, two punctured
radiator hoses.

Do we think
the Liebigs did that, too?

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah, Major Daniel.

Yes, uh,

my name is Detective Vomacka
of the Czech Police.

Yes, sir?

Your agency put out a bulletin

on a man with a distinctive
tattoo on his right arm?

Oh, yeah.

Did you find him?


Sort of.

[Dog barks]


My name is Kathrin.

You must be very scared
right now, hmm?


Well, that's good.

Very good.

You went on holiday
with mama and papa

a few days ago, right?

Did you go skiing
in the mountains?

Did you come home
before you got to go skiing?


Did something happen?

What happened?

You don't know?

Do you know
what happened, Lara?

Did mama and papa hurt someone?

I think that will be all.

- But I'm only...
- I'm sorry.

The child has been
through enough trauma.

Excuse me,
may I ask one question,

not related to the parents?

Just one. Please?

Okay. One.

Thank you.

Look at this!

Did you draw that?

What is that?



What is it?

It's a truck.

[Knocking, door opens]


Why is she here?

And why is she handcuffed?

Where's Lara?

You see, normally, I'd want you
both as far apart as possible.

Let you both sweat
what the other is telling me.

But this...

This feels like the opposite,

like if you know
that you both confessed,

then there's nobody left
to take care of your daughter.

That's what this feels like.

You confessed?

I had to.

They told me
my DNA was on the girl.

They told me the same thing.

Which may even turn out
to be true.

They haven't tested
the fluids on her body yet.


It was a lie?

No more than your confessions.

The fact
that you both believed it

tells me that you think
it's a possibility.

I don't care what she said.

I killed that girl.

You should let her go

so she can take care
of our Lara...

That's what I'm talking about.

This is all about Lara.

It's about your
daughter, isn't it?

Lara is being
well taken care of

by a very professional
child services worker.

She's having a much better time

than any of us are.


Does she see trucks as monsters?

We... we didn't
have any choice.


They said if
we didn't fight them,

they'd kill us.


And then if we told,
they would kill her.

They'd kill our baby.


[Crying out in pain]

Have you ever
stopped to notice to see

how many of them there are?

They're everywhere.

You brought us in.

I'm sure they saw.
You have to protect her.

You have to protect
my daughter from them.


[Hickman]: Truckers.

They took them to
an abandoned tarmac somewhere,

and they made
the two couples fight.


To the death.

Did we miss anything?

Long-haul truck drivers,

hunting people like a game.

That's what we're dealing with.

[Sebastian]: Predators.

The FBI established

a highway serial killer
database in the U.S.

Over 500 suspected
serial slayings.

All by truck drivers?

European open borders.

moving from country to country

in a matter of hours.
Why not?

Using the flow of the highway
as a smoke screen,

dumping the bodies
hundreds of Miles apart.

The couple we brought in

said they were threatened,

said that their daughter
would be found and killed

if they contacted
the authorities.

Both cars were sabotaged?

Radiator hoses punctured.

come to the rescue,

offer them a ride,

then they find themselves
in some kind of a holding cell

in the trailer,
taken to an empty area,

where they have to fight
for their lives...

Against another couple.

A fight club, where someone else
takes all the punishment.

Probably had
a betting line, too.

They let the winners go.

Yeah, to remember
the rest of their lives

that they murdered someone.

Why were they allowed
to survive?

Winner takes all?

They proved worthy?

They leave witnesses
every time?


But how risky is it, really?

They've participated
in killing someone.

The truckers probably
kept evidence,

photos, videos, even.

And they threatened
the life of a child.

Maybe that's
what they're looking for.

Huh? People with kids?

[Dorn]: Louis, I'm leaving!


[Hickman]: Right there,
enhance that car.

He had a kid with him, too.

A little boy.

Where is he now?


How much of that footage
do you have archived?

A lot. Why?

Because this family
went missing yesterday

in their v.W.

Don't move.

Where are they?

How would I know?

Three cars,
three missing families.

They all have
one thing in common!


I found this hidden
in the office.

So you sabotage the engine.

Then what?

I give them a call
on the C.B.

You know what they're
doing with the people?

Don't wanna know.

Yeah, as long as
you're getting paid, right?

You wouldn't understand.

Where are they?

No idea.

Anything happens to them,

it's going to be laid
right at your feet.

All I did was call it in.

You tell that to a judge.

They just drive them around


Until they get a match.

Someone for them to fight.

Yeah, another couple.

They get a match, right?

Undercover decoy.

I'm in.

Aye. No worries.


We do have a problem, don't we?

- We need a kid.
- Yeah.

That's the beauty
of your scam, huh?

They wouldn't pick up
anyone without kids,

and cops would not be
undercover with one.

I have a son.

You do?

He's five.

We're not going to risk
an actual child.

No, wait, hear me out.

They only need to see him,


Radio check, one, two.
One, two.

Affirmative, Tommy.

We read you.


[Eva]: Hi.


these are the two police
friends I told you about.


Hi. Nice to meet you.
I'm eva.

I'm Erik.

[Eva]: He's Tommy.



Remember, just do what
the officers tell you, yeah?

Mommy will be watching.

- Okay.
- Okay.

He'll be okay.

Okay, we're going to stay here.

All right, we're good to go.

Go ahead and make
the broadcast.

Black mamba for great white.

Great white. Go ahead.

Got a hunting report.

- It's on.
- Okay.

- You okay? Yes?
- Yes.

I think we got something.

All right, heads up,
it's a truck.

Two of them.

Correction, two trucks.

Two trucks.
We're on.

Are you going to be
a police officer

like your mom when you grow up?


Yes? Good boy.

We've got engine trouble, mate.

Can you give us a hand?

Okay, now we go in the car.

We warm up in the car.

There we go.
[Whispering]: He's here.

[Whispering]: Erik.
Erik, come here.

It can't be fixed?

You okay?

All right, then, yeah,
we'd love a lift.

Thank you.

Are you sure?

It's either that

or stand out in the
freezing cold all night.

Okay. I'll get Erik.


She's just going
to get the boy.

Is he all right?



Give it to me.

Be careful.

Yeah, if I was careful,

I would have just lived off
my father's money.

Looks like they took the bait.

All right, here we go.
Soft tail.

Remember, leap frog
as much as possible.

No one moves until
you get our call.

We wait until we get visual
of the other missing family.

Let's go.

Where is the boy?

With a uniform.

He's handsome.

I guess so.

You want to talk about it?


I think if we were
an average couple,

we would know by now
we were in trouble?

If we were an average couple,

we would have been in trouble
a long time ago.

Off the highway.
They've stopped.

[Tail gate opens]

Let's go!


Get down.

Our son is asleep.

Leave him.


[Shouting voices]:
Come on! Get off!

- Come on! Come on!
- Come on, get down from there!

[Yelling and jeering]

Come on!

[Truckers chanting]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

[Truckers chanting] - Fight! Fight!
- Fight who?!

There's no one else here!

No one move in yet.

He doesn't see
the other family.

All units, hold.

[Truckers chanting]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Back to back, Tommy.

How many are there?

Too many.

[Chanting] Fight! Fight!

There's at least
a dozen trucks,

but still no family.

[Tommy]: I'm guessing there's
about 20 fellows here.

[Truckers chanting]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

They're there.

Move in. Move in.

[Truckers chanting]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

[Gunshot ricochets]

[Gunshot cracks]

One long rifle, high,

All right, you follow me.
You do what I do.


[Truckers chanting]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

[Shot ricochets]

Come on, attack!

That's your plan?

All right, come on,
or they'll kill us!

All right, come on!

Come over here!

Come on!



Are you wearing your seat belt?

Excuse me?

I won't hurt you.

I'm a cop.

Just follow what I say, okay?

[Metal clanging]

[Grunts in pain]

Hit me!

Just put me on the floor.

On the floor.

[Metal clanging, grunting]



[Wailing sirens approach]

Freeze! Police!

[Sirens wail]

[People yelling]


[Coughing and spluttering]

You okay?


We're fine.

[Hickman, remembering]:
Three cars,

three missing families.

They all have
one thing in common.

[Hickman]: We brought your
wife in for questioning.

She never did anything
but raise those children.

She didn't ask
where they were coming from?

If the parents
weren't able to fight for them,

they didn't deserve their kids.

Who did you have to fight?

I told you.

You wouldn't understand.

Yeah, a dozen truckers

make people fight to the death

for their amusement,

and you steal the losers' kids.

You're right,
I don't understand.

[Sebastian]: He's fine.
He did real good.

He's a good boy.

It was...

good seeing you again.

Yeah. Very good.

Come on.

So, this all started

because you put
an abandoned car in Poland

together with
a body in Germany.

Well, anyone would have done it
if they had my equipment.


Nobody saw it,
even with your equipment.

I just...

wanted to tell you that.

Said you haven't seen her

in six years?

Yeah, that's right.

Good-looking boy.

How old do you think he is?
About five?

If you're suggesting what
I think you're suggesting...

She would have told me.

Maybe this was
her way of trying.

[Eva]: Let's go,

The major's buying.