Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 9, Episode 14 - Criminal Minds - full transcript

The BAU call Emily Prentiss for help to find JJ, who has been kidnapped. The truth about JJ and Cruz's past is revealed.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You're gonna get us
all in trouble.

He's going to be
home soon, ok?




Don't call me that.

How many times
have I told you?

You took that
when I was watching

and he's gonna blame me.


Stop that!

I'm gonna go get help.

D-don't go.

You're sick.
You need help.

I'll be back.

Pinkie promise?


I'm sorry.
I couldn't stop her.

We have to go.



I need help.
I can't lift her.

She'll only slow us down.

Come on, put her down!
But we can't...

go! Now!

Last night, this girl,
Gina Bryant,

flagged down a police car
in St. Louis.

She was wearing nothing
but a dirty nightgown

and she was barefoot.

And she told them that she had
been kidnapped when she was 8.

That girl's gotta be
19 or 20 years old.

18. And they confirmed
her identity.

She was a foster kid
who disappeared 10 years ago.

She's been in captivity
this whole time?

Long-term hostage.
That's rare.

We got another
Ariel Castro here?

Funny you should say that.
Not funny ha ha, funny weird.

She told the police that she was
held captive with this girl,

Sheila woods, 15 years old,

who disappeared from
Nashville 7 years ago.

Also she said there was
another girl, too,

but all she knows about her is
that her name is Violet and she was older.

I'm assuming you've checked
the missing children's database.

Affirmative. There's
no Violet anywhere.

Did Gina say anything
about her captor?

Just that his name is Tom and
he was an older white dude.

And where were
they being held?

This house.
Gina took the cops there.

They found Sheila.
Sheila's at the hospital,

very ill with something
yet to be determined.

Violet nowhere to be found.

It's probably safe to assume
that she's with the unsub.

Who owns the house?

Oh, that's where it gets
even weirder.

This woman, Clara Riggins.

She's MIA, but her
checking account is active,

she pays her bills on time,
and if my math is correct,

she's 108 years old.

I might be going
out on a limb here,

but I'm gonna bet she had
nothing to do with the kidnapping.

The real question's where is the unsub
and this other girl Violet?

That's what
we're gonna find out.

Lewis is on a research assignment.
Wheels up in 30.

Can I go pee?


When? We've been
driving for hours.

Soon. I said.

I gotta go bad.

What'd I say, huh?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'll hold it.

I'll be good, I promise.

Maybe I should just
get rid of you.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

* Criminal Minds 11x14 *
Original Air Date on February 10, 2016

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

* *

"By the will
art thou lost,

"by the will art thou found,

by the will art thou free,
captive, and bound."

Angelus Silesius.

Both Gina and Sheila
were grabbed when they were 8.

And both just blocks
away from their homes.

And made a clean getaway
each time. No witnesses.

There's an excellent
chance he stalked them.

Clean getaways usually mean
they know daily routines

and are familiar
with the area.

So this guy's patient
and has a plan.

Which means
he has patterns too.

This guy's more than just
a preferential pedophile.

His victims are children,

but that's probably more
about establishing control.

Long-term captivity
is what matters to him.

We've seen profiles
like this before.

There's always a sexual
assault component to their M.O.s.

Hello, all.
I just sent you the 4-1-1

on the statements
from police reports.

Turns out the neighbors haven't seen
Clara Riggins in 20 years.

Most of them didn't even
know that she existed.

But they all know
who this Tom guy is.

According to this one lady,
Tom told her that he was Clara's grandson.

But I triple-checked. Clara doesn't have
any relatives anywhere.

Did we get a description
from any of the neighbors?

Affirmative. And they also gave me
the make and model of Tom's blue van.

It's a pretty common vehicle.

I got a long list
of registered owners.

So far the 3 Toms and Thomases
on that list all check out.

All right, stay on it.

You know I will, sir.

When we land, Dave,
you and Morgan go to the house.

JJ, you and Reid
are with me at the hospital.

We need to talk to the girls
and find out everything they remember.

Well, she's stable for now.

All we can do is wait.

So, just sit tight.

thank you for waiting.

Of course.
How is she?

Looks like she had
complications from a miscarriage.

Her infection turned septic.

We had to perform
an emergency hysterectomy.

And she has several
old scars on her back.

If I didn't know better,
I'd say they were from a whip.

Any idea when
she might wake up?

There's no way to tell.

What about Gina Bryant?

She's doing much better,
all things considered.

Malnourished, dehydrated,
a couple nasty cuts and bruises.

But she should be ok.
Physically, anyway.

Do you think she's able
to answer a few questions?

She was pretty agitated
when she came in,

so we gave her
a mild sedative.

But she has the same
scars on her back,

and she's got a bunch of old injuries
that didn't heal properly.

Broken ribs, tibia,
a couple of fingers.

I hope you catch
the guy who did this.

Do you feel better?

Much better. Thank you.



Sorry I yelled.

Daddy's just got a lot
on his mind, all right?

It's ok.

Hi, Gina.

My name's Jennifer.

This here is
my friend Spencer.


We're with the FBI.
Do you know what that is?

The police?

Yeah. Something like that.

I already talked
to the police.

Well, we're...we're
a little bit different.

Do you mind if we ask
you a few questions?

Can you tell me about
the day you were kidnapped?

I went to the park.

I forgot my sweatshirt.

But I didn't want to go home.

Why not?

That lady Trisha was mean.

Your foster mother, Trisha?
Trisha Gilmore?

Her kids, too. They said I wasn't worth
the money they made off me.

So you went to the playground
to get away from them.

I went all kinds of places.

Mostly there.

What happened that day?

I saw Violet.


The girl you were
held hostage with?

She was waiting for her dad
to pick her up.

And that's when he came.

Who, Tom?

Hey, girls, look what I have.

He had this little puppy.

He asked me if I wanted
to give him treats.

He said he went crazy
for treats.

They were in his car.

But it wasn't a car.

It was a van.

And he opened the door

and pushed me in
and he hit me.

I tasted my blood,
and my eyes were watery.

He said I'd better listen
or he was gonna hit me again.

We drove...

We drove for a long time.

But I never saw the puppy
again, though.

Never saw it.

He was so little.

I don't know where he went,
though. I'm sorry.

It's ok. It's ok.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Look what I found
in the kitchen.

and torture porn.

Also found another
toolbox in there.

That makes 3.

Well, you saw
the guy's woodwork.

He's obviously good
with his hands.

So maybe some kind of
carpenter or handyman.

Check this out.

It could be OCD.

I mean, his closet
is just right.

Clothes are perfectly folded.

You can even bounce
a quarter off his bed.

He wants total control
over every aspect of his life.

Makes sense for a sadist.

He's not gonna like being on the run.
He's gonna feel powerless.

And that's why he took
Violet with him.

Sheila Woods was probably
too sick to travel.

You know, Violet was the oldest
and helped with the abductions.

She was probably
his first victim.

Or maybe his daughter.

Well, either way,
she was important to him.

You know, I also wonder,
what happened to Clara Riggins?

Well, the bedroom
down the hall is untouched.

Looks like it's been
that way for a while.

This house
is well cared for.

He looked after it.

That could be how
he found this place.

Elderly woman
with no family

hires someone to fix
things now and then.

He's a nice guy.
He does good work.

They build
a relationship.

You think he took advantage
of Clara Riggins.


Right before
he murdered her.

I don't know, Rossi.
This guy doesn't profile as a killer.

He likes the long game.

So maybe he just
insinuates himself into her life

and waits
for her to die.

And he made sure that she came
to depend on him for survival

just like his victims.

do you have any idea

where Tom
might be right now?

Maybe his
disappearing place.

His disappearing place?

He'd always leave.
I liked it when he was gone,

even though he never
left much food.

Do you know where
the disappearing place is?

I didn't get to go.
He only took Violet

and Sheila once.

They were more special.

Why were they more special?

Because they were good.

They never fought.

But you did.

I hated to call him daddy,
and I wouldn't say my name.

What do you mean,
you wouldn't say your name?


He tried to call me that.

Did Sheila or Violet every talk about
the disappearing place?

It's a secret. It would make
Tom mad if they did.

Well, what about Tom?
Did he ever talk about it?

One time.

When he was nice.

He brought pizza.

Do you remember what he said?

That maybe one day
I could go.


Then he wanted to go
behind the curtain.

Sometimes I didn't fight
as much after Sheila got there.

Why not?

Because we had to take
care of her.

So I tried
to make him happy.

But I made sure
she remembered her real name

no matter what.

What about Violet?
Do you know her real name?


Just...just Violet.

Sometimes he called her Vi.

Did Tom ever mention
anyone named Clara?

She liked flowers.
That's where we got our names.

He called Sheila Daisy.

Did you ever see Clara?


But sometimes I was good

and he let me go
outside at nighttime,

and we planted flowers.

He said
they were for Clara.

No, it was...

it was just like
any other day.

I made her lunch,
I kissed her goodbye,

and then her school called
wondering where she was.

Is there anyone you'd
like me to contact?

Her father.

He's in Tampa.

We split up
after Sheila disappeared.

Who did this to her?


Rest assured we're doing everything
we can to find him.

So this one right here
will turn the volume up and down.

And then this one
if you want to change the channel,

if you want to watch
something different.


Here you go.
I'll be right back.

Composite sketch
of the unsub.

Garcia's running
facial recognition

against her list
of blue van owners.

How's she doing?

It's a lot.

She has no money,
no family,

a second-grade education,

not to mention a lifetime
of PTSD to deal with.

Clear the door,
clear the door, please.

103. Code Blue.

That can't be good.
Dr. Givens, room 103. Code blue.

Crash cart
coming through.

Given the amount of hospital staff and
the level of urgency,

it looks to me like
Sheila might be coding.

What's coding?

Gina, you need
to get back in bed.

Is that Sheila's room?

No, no, no.
Ok, you know what?

Let them work.
You don't want to get in their way.

No! You don't stop working on her!
You keep working on her!

No, no, no.
Is she ok?

Sheila! Sheila!
What's wrong?!

What's wrong with her?!

I have to help her!
I have to help her!

Please! Please! Please...


What have you got, Garcia?

I have a big fat hit
on our unsub.

I give you
Michael Clark Thompson,

owner of Mike's Fix-It
and Construction,

and there's a blue van registered
in the company's name.

You sent the address?

No, it's a P.O. box, sir,

and his cell phone
is turned off.

But it last pinged last night
in St. Louis,

right next to
Clara Riggins' house.

Is this him?

Get it away, please.

I'll issue the APB.


Eat. I know you're hungry.

Can we please go see them?

Shut up and eat
your cheeseburger.

Now, listen.

Just let me sleep
for a little while,

then I'll take you
to see them.

Ok. Ok. I'll be quiet.

I'll be quiet as a mouse.

I just need a few minutes.

Sweet dreams.

I thought you said
you'd be quiet.

Michael Clark Thompson's
mother died in childbirth,

so he grew up
with his father Nate,

who was married and divorced
5 different times.

And each of exes
filed for divorce

on the grounds of cruelty,
adultery, or both.

Apparently his father
had a predilection for prostitutes.

He was even arrested once
for having assaulted one.

Now, kids do what they see.

This might explain the son's extreme
misogynistic tendencies.

And his violent streak.

The apple doesn't fall
too far from the tree.

This man is smart,
and he's manipulative.

He not only was able
to take advantage

of the woman
who owns this house,

but he's somehow held 3 girls hostage
here for over a decade.

That took effort
and dedication.

This was important to him,
like a compulsion.

He gets off on having
absolute power and control.

All units be advised,

APB suspect blue van

spotted on Taft Avenue
and Buckley Road.

That's him.

Michael Clark
Thompson, FBI!

Show me your hands!

Daddy, who is that?

Show me your hands!

Now very slowly
use your right hand

to open the driver's
side door.


Remember what I told you.

That if anybody
ever found us,

daddy's the only one
that loves you.

Get out of the van
nice and slow.

Keep your hands
where I can see them.

Ah, you gotta be
kidding me, this guy.

Oh, God! Oh, my wrist!
My wrist!

Oh, what, am I hurting you?
I'm sorry.


Shut up.

It's ok. It's ok.

We got you.

She's refusing treatment.

She won't even tell us
her last name.

Well, that's because she might
not even remember it herself.

Violet probably isn't
even her real name.

It's most likely
the name he gave her.

We do need
to talk to her.

Well, you can try.
You might have better luck than I did.

It may take some time
to get through to her.

All right, see what you can find out.
I'm gonna go question Thompson.

She's probably childlike
and unsocialized, exactly like Gina.

And if she was held
captive the longest,

she almost certainly fell victim
to intense trauma bonding.

Hi. Violet?
My name's Jennifer.

And I'm Spencer.

Uh, can we go now?

Me and my daddy,
we gotta go.

When you say daddy,
do you mean Tom?

I don't call him that.

You know, that's...
that's not actually his real name.

His name is
Michael Clark Thompson.

Tom's just a name
he made up.

Kind of like your name...

Do you remember
your real name?

I need my daddy.
We need to go.

Where is it that you need to go?
Maybe we can help you.

He said you would do that.

Do what?

Ask questions and lie.

Especially about him.

We know what
he did to you, Violet.

Gina told us everything.

You found her?

Did you find
Daisy, too?

Her real name is Sheila.
Sheila Woods.

And, yes, we did.

She was super sick.
Is she ok?

I'm sorry, but, no,
she's not.

The doctors did
everything they could,

but she didn't make it.

She died.

You don't have to be
afraid of him anymore.

We can help you.

He said you would
say that, too.

You don't know
anything, ok?

I would be dead
without him.

He's the only one
who loves me.

Violet, please.

I...I gotta go.

I've been good.
I haven't done anything bad.

Can I go now?


I gave them a good life.

They were clothed, fed.

You repeatedly raped
and tortured them.

Children need discipline.

Now, if you have kids
yourself, you know what...

That wasn't discipline
and they're not your children.

The hell they weren't.
I saved them.

From what?

From their parents.

Nobody cared about them.

Where were they
when I showed up?

No one cared about them
but me.

What about Clara Riggins?

She was a nice lady.

Who seems to have

Huh. I didn't kill her.

I didn't say that you did.

No, but obviously
that's what you're thinking.

So where is she?

I went to check on her
one day

and she didn't
answer the door.

I had the key, so I let myself in
and I found her,

just lying
on the kitchen floor.

So I put her in the yard.
That's what she would have wanted.

Look, she loved that house.

She didn't want to be
buried next to strangers.

You can go check
if you want.

I told you,
I've got nothing to hide.

Nothing to hide, my ass.
He's full of it.

The preliminary M.E. report
does suggest

that Clara Riggins
died of natural causes.

I think he's telling the truth about that.
He didn't kill her.

I'm sorry, guys.
I can't stop thinking about Violet.

She could not wait
to get out of here,

like it was urgent.
It's all she could talk about.

Well, she'd been held
captive most of her life.

All this has to be
a tremendous shock.

No question about that,
but that wasn't it.

It's like she had
somewhere specific in mind

and she needed Thompson
to go with her.

Well, he's conditioned
her to depend on him for everything.

You condition someone

by doing something
over and over again.

Now, we know he repeatedly
abused them.

I don't think she was itching to
get out of here to go do that.

Maybe he did something
to reward her somehow.

What if she has a child?

Where else would you
want to go so badly?

You know,
that's not a stretch.

Sheila Woods
had a miscarriage.

Maybe Violet
brought one to term.

We did profile he might
be trying to fill some kind of void

since he didn't have
a family.

Yeah, but Gina Bryant
never mentioned any baby.

Well, Violet could have had the baby
before Gina was abducted.

Gina wouldn't even
know about it.

We, if we're right
about any of this,

that means there's another
kid somewhere out there.

Then who's taking
care of it?

I wove my webs for you
because I liked you.

After all,
what's a life anyway?

We're born, we live
a little while, we die.

A spider's life can't help
being something of a mess,

with all this trapping
and eating flies.

I don't want to listen

I'm hungry.

I know. Me, too.

You want to sing?

How about "A-B-Cs"?

You remember it?


* abcdefg *

* hijklmnop *

* qrstuv *

* wxy and z *

Don't worry. I'll be
right there with you.

Don't leave.

I promise.

Excuse me, Mrs. Woods.

I am so sorry
to interrupt here,

but...this is Gina.

She was with Sheila.

I'm sorry.

I tried to help her.

I tried.

Yeah, Garcia.

Sir, I think I found
who Violet is.

The timeline matches,
the geography matches,

everything matches.


You ok?

How is daddy?
Can we go soon?

Um, we're working on it.

You know, I still have a few questions
I need to ask you.


What's that thing?

Um, well, you can
look at pictures on it.

Do you know
this little girl?

Her name is Amelia Hawthorne,

and she is from a city
called Indianapolis.

And these...
these are her parents.

That's George and Maureen.

That little girl

is you.

You're Amelia.

Um...My name is Violet.

No, sweetie.

Tom took you away
from your family when you were only 8.

You have been gone
for 15 years.

Tom is not your daddy.

This man is.

I...I can't even begin

to understand what
you're feeling right now,

but you must be scared
and confused.

I promise you, Amelia,

I am your friend.

Ok? And I'm here
to help you.

You gotta trust me. Ok?


Can you do me a favor?

I need you to think back

and try really hard
to remember.

Did Tom...

Did he ever
get you pregnant?

Did you have a baby,

I can't talk about that.
He gets mad.

He's not here.

He gets mad if I even
ask about about...


I promised you,

I am here to help you.

Which means you never,
ever have to worry about him again.

My sisters.

Your sisters?

I got super sick.

And then my belly
got really big both times.

Both times?
It happened twice?

And then one day,
they just...

came out,

and it really hurt
like crazy,

but I got my sisters.

Lily and Jasmine.

Do you know
where they are right now?

Of course. They're in
the disappearing place.

Do you know where that is?
I can take you there.

We have to drive.
Can you drive?

Yeah, but you need
to tell me where to go.

Can you do that?

No. I don't know...
I don't know where it is.

I always sit in back.
He drives.

Well, you might remember
more than you think.

No. Daddy knows.
He can drive.

Just go and get him.
Go get him and we can go.

Go ahead. Take it.

What about you?

I'm ok.

He'll be back soon.



All right.
Thank you.

The X-ray machine
was down.

Thompson's going in now.

Amelia Hawthorne's
parents are here.

She could barely
look at their photo.

I can't imagine how
she'll react in person.

Wait. Maybe we should
give her more time.

Psych hasn't completed
a full evaluation yet.

I mean, she could
become hostile

or maybe even retreat
into a catatonic state.

We don't have time.
Amelia may have information

about the missing

that her parents
could help unlock.

It's a calculated risk,
but one I think we have to take.

I'll go update them.



Did you get daddy?
Is he gonna take us?

Uh, no, not yet.

Why not?

Uh, there's...
there's some people here

that would like to see you.


Who are they?

They're your real parents.

Baby, it's me.
It's mama.

I don't know you.

I know. I look different.

So do you.

I don't know them.

See? That's how
I looked back then.

And that's your dad.

And that right there...

Is you.

Do you remember?

Don't touch me.

Oh, Melly.

What did you say?


It's what I used
to call you.

It's short for Amelia.

All right, get a hit,
Melly, Melly.

Daddy's the only one
that loves you.

Daddy, daddy.

Get out.

Get out!
Oh, baby...

Get out! Get out!
Get out! Get out!

Get out! Get out now!

Now! Get out!

I want to go home!

I want my daddy!

I need my daddy!

Excuse us, please.

I don't think
he was done.

We know that Sheila Woods
got pregnant and miscarried.

She preferred
to be called Daisy.

And we know about Lily and Jasmine.
Where are they?

I want a deal.

Tell me where they are

and I will make sure
the court knows you cooperated.


No, no, no.

I want a deal.

If we find them alive,
then we can discuss terms.

Listen to me. The only reason
I haven't asked for a lawyer yet

is because I hate those
lying sons of bitches.

Now, you either give me a damn
deal right now or I ain't sayin' boo.

What do you want?

That's better.

I want to do my time

in minimum security.

One of those places where they send
the white collar guys,

with the TVs
and the gyms.

And no life sentence.

I won't die in there.

Is that all?

I want to see Violet.

That's not happening.

Come on. What are you
telling me,

she didn't ask for me,
not even once?

Ok. All right.

You let your pride
get in the way.

Lily, Jasmine, I only left them enough
water for a few days

and I've been gone
almost a week.

But that's on your head,
not mine.

Are we really gonna
make a deal with this guy?

I don't think
we have a choice.

You think
he's telling the truth

about their food
and water?

I do. And I think
we're running out of time.

Are we even sure the A.U.S.A.
Will approve a deal?

They just did.

Well, do her parents
know about this?

JJ's talking to them now.

I think I have a way
to use their presence

to try to get
through to her.

I'm so sorry,
I just can't...

I just can't
leave her yet.

I understand.
Take as much time as you need.

Is that him?



Hi, Vi.

Have a seat.

No, I want to be
close to her.

Not part of the deal.

Then give us some privacy.

Not part of the deal,


You got 5 minutes.

You're hurt.

Don't worry about that.
It's nothing.

I'm really sorry.

About what?

My sisters.

I had to tell them.
Please don't be mad. I had to.

Now, listen,
it's all right, Vi.

Ok? It really is ok.

Did you get
the groceries yet?

No, honey, I've been here
the whole time just like you.

But can we go now?

I have some bad news.

We can't go there today.

We can't go there
ever again. have
to go to the store,

and it's close by
the disappearing place.

And we can be fast.

You're right, you're right,
Violet, but I can't.

These police, they don't
think we should be together.

They're gonna break apart our family
just like I told you they would.


I just wanted to come in
and say goodbye

before the took me away.

Wait, when will you be back?

Not for a very long time.

A very long time.

I would give you a hug goodbye,
but they... they won't let me.

No! I...please...

Please, can I just
hug him?



Oh, Violet,
I'm gonna miss you.

My beautiful Violet.

My beautiful Violet.

What is...what is this?
Who are these people?

These are her parents.

And that gentleman right
there is her real daddy.


She knows who
her real daddy is.

Daddy is the only one
who loves you.

Isn't that right, Violet?

I love you, Melly.
I love you, Melly.


My name...







No! No!

My name's Amelia!

There's no deal.
You hear me?

There's no deal!

Oh, thank...

Ok, so, this is a little
bit of a long shot,

but you said Violet
asked if Thompson

had gotten
the groceries yet?

Yeah, she said the store was right by
the disappearing place.

Well, we profiled
he's a control freak.

He likes order, which means
there's a good chance

he went to the same
grocery store every time.

If we can figure out
which one, we can narrow the search.

Well, he would need
the same kind of space,

and he would want it close.

Sir, yes, sir.

Garcia, I need a list of clients of
Michael Clark Thompson in the area.

Methinks I can do that.
Let's see.

Bank accounts, invoices...

Bam. 83 names.
That is a scary long list.

All right, Garcia,

you can eliminate anyone
under the age of 70.

And they wouldn't just
need to be elderly clients.

They could also be
disabled in some way.

Anyone he could
take advantage of.

Oh. 12 names, then.

How many of them live
near a grocery store?

Define near.

Uh, within a mile.

Well, there are 163
grocery stores

in the greater
St. Louis area.

Two of them do.
First up

is 91-year-old Herman Coker.

He is a retired cop,
World War II vet.

No, I don't think it's him

because he's got a very
active Facebook account,

thanks to his youngest
daughter Jan who lives with him.

Ok, who else you got, mama?

Hold yourself.

Fredna Nasee.
Oh, not much on her.

She's a retired nurse.
84 years old.

She's got a daughter
that lives in Boca Raton.

Uh, they...
they don't communicate.

No phone calls,
no emails, nothing.

Send us the address.

Morgan and JJ, check it out.



Wake up.
I think they're here.


Jasmine, wake up.

Wake up, somebody's here.

Jasmine, wake up!
Jasmine, wake up! Wake up!

It's ok. It's ok.
We're here to help.

Are you Lily?
And this is Jasmine?

I can't wake her up.

I'll call for an ambulance.

* All this wreckage *

* but it's dressed right,
all this niceness *

I missed you so much!

Love you.

You're here.

You look pretty.

You're gonna need
to be patient with her.

This might take
a little time.

Yeah, I know.

* Forget everything,
goodbye *


* I'll be standing *

* in a new light, laughing *

* What will I do
in this new world? *

* The world of sun *

Stand up.

We found them both,

Too bad you took
that deal off the table.

You'd be well on your way
to Club Fed right about now.

Yeah, but don't you worry.

You're gonna make
a lot of friends.

They're gonna love you
out in the yard.

* Life, let me see you *

* on and on,
I want to see you *

* with my own life... *

* All this wreckage *

* but it's dressed right,
all this niceness *

* it's a half life *

is an act of passion,

vengeance of justice."

Samuel Johnson.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==