Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 9, Episode 10 - The Caller - full transcript

The BAU heads to St. Louis, Missouri where ten year old Andrew Taffert has gone missing. The reason it is a BAU case is that the Tafferts - father Malcolm Taffert and mother Lida Taffert - ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[telephone rings]



[indistinct overlapping
voices on phone]

Child, sing-song:
I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you.

Stop it. I mean it.
This isn't funny anymore.

Stop calling here.

Who was it?

I can't believe the police
won't do anything about it.

Where have you been?

I couldn't sleep.
I went downstairs
to watch tv

And I conked out
on the couch.

Isn't that guy
at your office
a retired cop--



Can you talk to him?

What's he gonna do?

I just want somebody
to do something.

That kid'll get bored
soon enough.


Ok, I'll talk to jake.

Andy, breakfast is ready!



Can you please
take kozmo out?

Both: Kozmo!

kozmo, come on.

Let's go, buddy.

You're gonna be late!


Andrew taffert,

You cannot
miss the bus again.

You're supposed to be up.
I'm gonna pour
cold water on you.


Andy's not in his room.
Have you seen him?

Oh, my god!

What is that?



Where is he?

I don't know.

I'm calling the police.



[telephone rings]


[indistinct overlapping
voices on phone]

Child: Did you see
what I did?

Did you see it?

We just got a call
from st. Louis.

A missing child,
a 10-year-old,
andrew taffert.

Father found
blood on the front
door this morning.

I take it no test results
on the blood yet.

No. That
would be correct.

No signs of forced entry
or a struggle

According to the initial
police report.

Mom and dad put him
to bed at 10:00,

Any visitors or workers
to the house recently?

No. But the parents say
in the last two weeks

They complained to authorities,
but police determined that
no laws had been broken.

Talking in the background.
It sounds like it's coming
from an asylum or a prison.

Except the boy called again
right after the parents
found andy missing,

And he had a different
message this time.
"did you see what I did?"

So he's taunting them.

Maybe this is about revenge.

"I'm gonna get you"
is typically a threat,

But in the case of children,
it can also be a phrase
used during play.

This sounds similar
to a cold case
from 15 years ago,

Frankie clayvin
of memphis.

I remember that
gideon handled it.

It obviously
it predates all of you.

Frankie clayvin
was 9 years old
at the time.

He never made it home
from school one day.

He was found dead
in the woods
36 hours later

5 miles
from his house.

And frankie's parents
also received

Prank phone calls
from a young boy.

I think frankie's father
was the prime suspect
at one point.

Yeah, the police actually
tapped the clayvins' phone,

Because they kept
bouncing between
different pay phones

Phone calls before
an abduction-murder--

It's a rare signature.

A dormancy period
of 15 years
is highly unusual.

If I'm not mistaken,
frankie clayvin was
killed within two hours

Which means we're
wasting time. Let's go.

911. What is your emergency?

I checked his room
this morning
and he's gone!

I can't--

We can't find him

Ok, ma'am. We're sending
a unit right away.

Police dispatcher:
We have a missing child

At 472 oakdale drive,

Last seen yesterday
at 2100 hours.

Andrew taffert, born 2003,

4 feet 7 inches,
short blond hair,
blue eyes,

Wearing an orange sweatshirt
and plaid pajama pants.

We're labeling as suspicious

And a possible abduction.

Reid: "fear is pain arising
in anticipation of evil."

Just confirmed there was
a 10-minute segment

On the unsolved
frankie clayvin murder

On a low-rated cable show
12 years ago.

Even with low ratings,
probably a half million
people saw it.

Garcia: 376,000.
It's not often I get to
correct another genius.

That makes it more likely
it could be a copycat.

There's nothing unusual
about the tafferts.

The father malcolm
is a stockbroker,

They describe andy
as a bright, well-behaved kid

Andy and frankie are about
the same age and build

With similar coloring.
If this is the same unsub,

That andy may have been
targeted by a pedophile.

It could be someone
he met online playing
video games.

If there's any connection
to the cold case, though,

There was no evidence
of sexual assault.

Just in case,
I am pulling up a list

If this is the same unsub,
he must be using another child

The original boy from 15 years
ago would be grown up by now.

Or it's possible
the calls are recordings.

Guys, I just got a message
from the local field office.

The analysis from the blood from
the taffert house just came in,

And good news--
it is not andy's.

Actually it's pig's blood.

Huh. Between that
and the phone calls,

It's safe to say this unsub
likes to play games.

Blake and I will go talk
to frankie clayvin's father.

The rest of you
head to the taffert house.

The police made us
sit and wait

Until something went wrong.

I know if feels that way,
and we're very sorry,
but we're just--

You're sorry?

You're sorry.
Do you have kids?

Sir, we don't presume
to understand how hard
this is for you,

But what we can do is
help you try to find andy.

Were there any changes
in the family routine

Any new people that either
you or your son

May have met socially
or at work?

When lida and I aren't working,
we do everything together.

We're good people.

We go to church on Sunday.

What about andy?
Did you know all of his friends?

Yes. We are very
careful about that.

We--I don't want him
around kids

So I run background checks
on the parents of his friends.

And we taught andy
to avoid strangers.

He's very cautious.

I apologize
that I yelled at you.

That's not who I am.

It's just that this whole
thing is surreal.

This kind of thing
happens to other people,

Not to us.

"I run background checks
on the parents of his friends"?

And they're selling
themselves as good parents,

Especially him.

He could be trying
to hide something.

Excuse me.

Sorry to interrupt.

Could I ask you a question?

Of course.

That if a child disappears
and the police can find him

Within the first 24 hours,
the child will be ok.

Is that right?

It's no guarantee.

But statistically, yes.

So if andy was forcibly
taken, why didn't he
scream or call out?

His parents' room
is right next door.

The unsub could have
overpowered him,

Covered his mouth, or
had a gun at his head.

Hmm. Look at this.

So the unsub
could have snuck in
while he was sleeping.

That's interesting.


I mean, almost every
10-year-old boy
has a pair, right?

I guess they're somewhere
else in the house?

But mom seems like
a neat freak.

That means he would have
had time to put
his shoes on and leave.

Which means he was
most likely coaxed out
by someone he knew.

[cell phone rings]

Hey, garcia,
perfect timing.

I have a list
of online players

That andy taffert
played video games with.

It's a short list
since his parents

Strictly controlled
his internet access

And only allowed him
to play with certain players.

5 school friends,
to be exact.

Reid: Any chance he met up
with one of them last night?

Well, if he did,
they didn't make
those plans online.

And according to p.D.
None of them knew about
andy's disappearance.

So if he wasn't
lured out by one of
his friends, who was it?

Are you sure this is
connected to my frankie?

No, sir, we're not.
But the circumstances
are similar enough

That we have to consider
the possibility.

Could you tell us
where you were last night?

Oh, I get it.

I'm still a suspect
after 15 years.

We just want to know
where you were.

Mr. Clayvin.

Did you see what I did?

What was that?

It's what that creep
said on the phone.

You have no idea
what I've been through.

We do know that
a year before
frankie was killed

That his mother
committed suicide.

So we know you've
been through a lot.

Just when you think
it can't get any worse,
it does.

What do you mean?

About a year after
frankie died,

My second wife
couldn't take it anymore.

She left me,

And I had a nervous breakdown.

I was in a psychiatric
hospital for 3 weeks.

Mr. Clayvin,
you have a phone call.

Boy: I got you, didn't I?

I told you I would get you.

[line disconnects]

It was that little boy again.

Somehow he--he found me
at the hospital.

Why didn't you tell anyone
about this before?

What does it matter?

No one ever believed me.

I would have.

There is no doubt
in my mind
that you're innocent.

Last night I was at work.

At a downtown office building.
I'm on the surveillance camera.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I triangulated the phone call
that came to the tafferts' house

At 303 a.M. Last night,
and all I can say is

That call originated from
malcolm taffert's cell phone.

Ok. Thank you.

Of course I didn't
make that call!

I told you, I went
downstairs to watch tv

And I fell asleep
on the couch,

That the house phone
woke me up.

Where was your cell phone?

In the den. I leave it there
to charge overnight.

Go ahead, check it.
You'll see.

I didn't call my own home
in the middle of the night.

There is absolutely no way
malcolm could have done
something like this.

I know my husband.

What's his relationship
like with andy?

Malcolm dotes on him.

It was like that from
the minute he was born.

I swear, he changed
more diapers than I did.

Ok. Um,

You said there were a total
of 4 phone calls

From the boy before
andy disappeared.

Were you and malcolm
ever together
for any of these calls?


It was always one of us.


House phone caller I.D.
At 3:03 a.M. Says
private number.



He could have erased
the call from his phone.

Dr. Reid. Got here
as fast as I could.

I just came from
the memphis office.

Thank you.
They had trouble
finding it in storage.

I'm going to play you
something from the clayvin
case 15 years ago.

Boy: I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you.

[indistinct overlapping
voices in background]

That's like the call we got.

You mean it's similar?


It's the exact same call.

Blake was right.
It's a recording.

This isn't a copycat.

We're dealing with
the same unsub.

Malcolm taffert would have
been in his early 20s

When frankie disappeared.

But he didn't seem
to have a connection
with the clayvin family.

He never even worked
in the same city.

[cell phone rings]

Whoever's behind this
is very tech savvy with phones.

As it turns out, the unsub

Cloned malcolm taffert's
cell number,

And the call came from
outside of the house,

A quarter of a mile east,
to be exact.

There's no way malcolm
could have made that phone call

And been back in his bedroom
by the time his wife hung up.

What's a quarter mile
east of the taffert house?

Uh, I'm seeing woods
and a reservoir.

Let's take malcolm with us.
He'll know where andy
liked to play.

Officer: Andy taffert!

We're the police!
We're here to help you!

There's an abandoned
well out this way.

Andy and his friends
found it last summer.

And I told him I didn't
like him to come out here,

Well, he ignored me.

I don't understand.

You said
there was a recording.

I'm supposed to just
talk to it?

We have to assume whoever
took andy is listening.

Now, when he calls,
try to stay as
neutral as possible.

Don't let him feed
off your anxiety.

And remember, you're trying
to start a dialogue,

So avoid questions that
have yes or no answers.

I don't think
I can do this.

You have to.

Now, the first question
you're gonna ask is,
how's andy doing?


Uh, it's right up here.

[dogs baying]

Get those up here!

Hey, guys, what--what--

He may have found something.

Mr. Taffert!
Mr. Taffert!

We don't know if it's--
andy! Andy, is that you?!

Andy, it's daddy!
Andy, it's daddy!

We don't know
if it's him yet,
mr. Taffert.

He's not talking.

Please let us
handle this.

Why--why isn't he talking?

Can you take him back
to the house, please?


Please, just go.
Just go.


Mr. Taffert!




I got you, didn't I?

I told you
I would get you.

How's andy doing?

[line disconnects]




Andy was strangled
with a nylon cord.

Do you have an approximate
time of death?

Based on rigor mortis,
I'd say 12 hours ago.

He was dead before
he was reported missing.

He was killed within
a couple hours
of his abduction,

The same m.O. As in
frankie clayvin's case.

Any sign of sexual assault?

Not on preliminary exam.

There's no sign
the clothing was removed
and then put back on.

Excuse me.

You know, the way andy's body
was found on that bed of leaves,

It almost looked like
he was sleeping.

The unsub wanted him
to appear peaceful.


Well, that's
in stark contrast

To the violent imagery
of blood on the tafferts'
front door.

"I shall see the blood
and pass you by."

The tenth plague of egypt,
the death of the firstborn.

God commanded moses
to tell the israelites

To put lamb's blood
above their door

The blood on the tafferts'
door could be related,

But the unsub's
got it backwards.

Unless he thinks
he spared andy a fate
worse than death.

The other agent said
he'd be ok.

If they found him
within 24 hours,
he'd be ok.

That's always the hope.

But we never know for sure.

Oh, god.

He was dead before
I even knew he was missing.

I didn't...

I should have
checked sooner.

This isn't your fault.

You guys can hang out
in here for now.

Can I get you anything?

No, thank you.

Excuse me.

Are they the parents?

Blake: Yes.

I'd like
to talk with them.

I'll go check.

There's someone here
who wants to speak
with you.

Would that be ok?


Go ahead.

My name is richard clayvin.

The same maniac
who killed your boy...

Killed my son, too.

I'm the only person
in the world

Who truly knows
what you're going
through right now.

Look at how bereft they are.

That's hard to fake.

There's no way
any of them are involved.

Do you have any suspects
or leads?

But we're focusing
outside the household
at this time,

So please respect
the tafferts' privacy
and allow them to grieve.

We believe the same person
who killed andy taffert

Killed frankie clayvin
of memphis 15 years ago.

The taunting phone calls
mean he's sadistic
to the parents.

Morgan: And the use
of the young boy's voice

Now, he could be seeking
revenge for some injustice
he suffered in his youth.

But then
why kill the children?

The fact that he's not torturing
or sexually abusing them

And he's posing them
as if they're sleeping
suggests remorse.

Rossi: Based on
his victim choice,

He's likely a caucasian male
in his late 30s

We know he's technically
skilled, so look
for someone

With a computer
or engineering

And based on the blood
left on the tafferts' door,

We may be looking for
someone extremely religious.

Hotch: He was able to lure
andy away in the middle
of the night,

Which suggests
he's socially skilled

Or he may know
the victim's family.

Although we only know
of one other

15 years ago, he may
have been overseas,

Or incapacitated
during that time.

So families with young sons
should remain vigilant,

And we ask that if anybody
saw andy taffert
late at night--or anytime--

With someone fitting
the suspect's description

We ask that you call
st. Louis fbi immediately.

Thank you.

Boy: I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you.

All right, now,
this is without
the boy's voice.

Listen to the background.

[indistinct overlapping voices]

The voices are dozens
of separate audio bytes
all spliced together.

All the different tracks
layered on top of each other.

Exactly. And the boy's voice

Were you able to get anything
off the background sounds?

There is something.

Woman: Pare!

Isso vai sair mais caro
a voce.

Now, my brazilian
portuguese is rusty,

But I think she saying
"stop," which is "pare,"

And then something
about more money,

Something costing
more money.

Can you replay it?


[snapping sound]

Woman: Pare!

Isso vai sair mais caro
a voce.

I hear something
right before she says "pare."

And her tone changes.
When she says "stop"
she sounds afraid,

But then the rest
is matter of fact.

So is she just pretending
to be scared?

So she could be
being paid
to be tortured.

This could be an s & m
scenario she was hired for.

This is where
a pimp works?

to our local source,

Of all the pimps in town,

This is the guy known
for imported girls.


Isso vai sair mais caro
a voce.

She's speaking brazilian
portuguese if that helps
jog your memory.

What am I,
rosetta stone?

Well, we have reason
to believe she's a prostitute.

Any of your girls,
maybe from 15 years back,
speak portuguese?

But you obviously
got the wrong idea
about me.

As you can plainly see,
I'm a...

Purveyor of fine meats.

No, leon, we were told
that you run

A pretty lucrative
business on the side.

I make a mean barbecue
sauce, but I don't make
much money on it.

You know,
I find it interesting

You haven't asked
what any of this is about.

I have a dreadful
lack of curiosity.

Well, let me fill you in.

A child was murdered

And at his home they found
blood on his front door.

You know what? It actually
just occurred to me,

But I feel like
this is the sort of shop

You could find
a lot of pig's blood.

If we had to shut
your shop down
to collect dna samples

To try to identify the source
of that pig's blood.

I don't know nothin'
about blood on a door.

But I think I do remember
something about, uh,

A couple of brazilian girls
who used to work for a...

An acquaintance of mine.

What were their names?

Raquel castro
and luisa gomez.

Raquel moved back
to brazil in '95.

That bitch? She totally
betrayed my buddy.

Did she walk out on him?

No. She married
his best customer.

[doorbell rings]

We're special agents rossi
and morgan from the fbi.

We're looking
for a marla golden.

Woman: Who is it, holly?

Hello, ma'am.
Are you marla golden?

That's very tragic,

But I don't know
anything about these boys.

Morgan: Mrs. Golden, we know
that you're luisa gomez.

Now, you can save us
a whole lot of trouble
if you'll just come clean.

I'm afraid I don't
know what you're
talking about.

Ma'am, these two boys are
dead, and their parents
are extremely devastated.

We have to find out
who killed them.

You're a mother, too.

You have a child
you left behind in brazil

That you're sending money to.

Can you imagine
how you would feel

Is something terrible
happened to renaldo?

Or holly?

When I first came
to this country,

I did things
I'm not proud of.

Did you ever do anything
involving a child?

No, I would never.

What about any s & m?

Were you ever paid
to be tortured?

Once a long time ago,

There was a couple.

And his wife was from
eastern europe or somewhere.

She was very petite.

The man wanted to
torture us with whips
and videotape it.

How bad was the torture?

For me it was pretend.
I didn't let it
get too far.

But his wife
seemed really scared.

For her I think
it was brutal.

The taffert house
is quiet right now.

Neighbors reported seeing
malcolm and lida taffert

Leave earlier today
and they haven't returned.

There's still speculation
the tafferts can't be
completely innocent

Based on an exchange
malcolm taffert had

With another
reporter this afternoon.

[turns off tv]

Are they still there?

Why won't they
just leave us alone?

Because they are parasites.

Andy didn't like this on him.

He didn't like this yellow
jacket on his monkey.

You shouldn't have said
anything to that reporter.

I wasn't going to stand by
while they accused me

He was baiting you!
Of doing horrible things

To my own child!

What are you doing?
Where are you going?

To the drugstore.
We need toothpaste.

You want me
to go with you?

I--I just need
some fresh air. Ok?


[door opens and closes]

[cell phone rings]



I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you.



[indistinct song
playing on radio]


The door was open,
the engine still running,

And the car in park.
No signs of a struggle.

So she stopped
for someone voluntarily.

Most likely somebody
she knew, but she also
would have stopped

For a police officer
or somebody
that was injured.

Anyone the tafferts
had contact with before
the phone calls began.

Malcolm taffert said
they didn't tell anyone
they were here.

Or the unsub found
their location through
some other means.

How's he doing?

just as you'd expect.

To switch from male
child victims

To a female adult
is highly unusual.

The last call went
to malcolm's cell phone.

Maybe this is personal,
just like torturing
richard clayvin

In the psychiatric unit was.

The fathers could be
the real target
of the unsub's rage.

Outside of being
caucasian males,

The two fathers
are pretty different.

Malcolm taffert's
upper middle class.

Richard clayvin's
a blue collar guy.

Their hobbies
are different as well.

Malcolm is a wine collector.

Richard likes fishing.

What about their wives?

Why was lida taffert

But nothing happened
to frankie clayvin's

Richard remarried
before frankie was abducted.

His biological mom
was already dead.

Yeah, baby girl,
I need you, boo.

Always ready and eager
to serve you.

I need the 4-1-1 on
frankie clayvin's mother.

I'll have it in a mere
1, 2, 3, 4,

5 keystrokes away. Ok.

Frankie's birthmother's
name was nadia,

She had a history
of depression

And ended up
taking her own life.

Didn't the former
prostitute say

She had
a sexual encounter
with an american man

And an eastern
european woman?

Well, could it have been
frankie's parents?

She said she was petite.
Garcia, any idea how tall
frankie's mother was?

I'm checking
autopsy records now.

Nadia was 5'8".

No, it wasn't her.

But there's gotta be
a connection here

Nadia's romanian.
Lida taffert is polish.

Then there's a third woman
from 15 years ago

Who's eastern european.
Maybe she's
the unsub's mother.

Came around the one-year
anniversary of nadia's death.

Maybe the unsub's mother
committed suicide as well.

Bottom line,
we need to figure out

Who the mystery woman is.

[chanting the lord's

There's a gps tracking app
on malcolm's cell phone.

The unsub could have easily
located the tafferts
at the motel through that.

[cell phone rings]

Around the memphis area
who committed suicide
within the last 4 decades.

It's a short list.
The most relevant name
is olga milworth,

Who was from romania.

Yeah. She was married
to an american

Named charles milworth,
and 19 years ago

She tried to kill herself
and her son.

Get this--her son survived.

What's his name?

And he was incarcerated
in arizona for 11 years

In a psychiatric hospital
for the criminally insane

Because he kidnapped
and tortured a prostitute.

That would explain
his dormancy period.
Garcia, where is he now?

Uh, well,
once he was released,

It appears he vanished.

I'm gonna take a guess
he changed his identity.

[chanting in background]

You know this man?

He looks like andy's
computer science teacher
at school.

Um...Burt solomon.

Was andy close to him?

I guess he lets the kids
play video games in class.

That could be how
andy was lured out.

And why lida stopped
for someone.

We can't say for sure,
but we definitely
need to talk to him.

As soon as we know
anything, you'll be
the first to know.

Garcia, I need an address
for burt solomon.

He's a teacher
at andy taffert's school

[cell phone rings]





Did you see what I did?

Did you see it?

What the hell
did you do to her?

Did you kill lida?!

Did you?!


Burt solomon's been
teaching at andy's
school for two years.

Rossi: It fits the timeline.
He's gotta be our unsub.

Burt solomon,
aka daniel milworth,

bought a fake I.D.

And even fake
teaching credentials.

I've got more information
on daniel milworth.

According to prison
psychiatric records,

His mom was a romanian
mail order bride.

His dad made her perform

Demeaning sex acts
with prostitutes

And then he forced young
daniel to watch.

Woman: No!
[speaking romanian]

[whip cracks]
stop! Stop!

[speaking romanian]

If the mother spoke
poor english and was unskilled,

She probably felt trapped
in her situation.

In her mind, killing
herself and her son

Was their only means
of escape.

how did the mother die?

Uh, she drive a car
into a lake.

Daniel managed to break out
a window and escape.

Blake: Any idea
how daniel milworth

Crossed paths
with the clayvins?

While he was in college,
and one of the schools
he happened to work at

Seeing the american father/
immigrant mother dynamic

Must have amplified
his negative feelings
about his own family,

Especially after
nadia clayvin
committed suicide.

And after a stint in prison,
he saw the same dynamic again

In andy taffert's parents.

But lida taffert didn't
try to commit suicide.

No, she didn't have to.

He'd killed once already
and he saw the similarity

Between his own parents
and the tafferts

And he turned them
into surrogates.

Rossi: So he killed
the boys to rescue them
from their fathers,

Just as he wished
he had been saved.

Then he may be trying
to rescue lida taffert, too.

On the last call made
to malcolm taffert's cell
and it seems to be sticking.

It's from a remote area

All right, we'll head
there. But he's good
at rerouting calls,

So let's split up.
Dave, you go to
burt solomon's house.

Got it.




All clear!

He's not here.

Someone's been
very busy here.

It's an angelfish
for cloning phone numbers.

I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you.

Did you see what I did?

Did you see it?

I got you, didn't I?

[sing-song] I told you
I would get you.

Woman, laughing:
Good boy, danny!

He used this video
to make the recordings.

I'll let the others know
daniel milworth's not here.

Morgan: All right,
thanks, rossi. We'll
keep a lookout for him.

This is it.

[woman speaking portuguese]

[whip cracks]


[speaking portuguese]

[whip cracks,

Guys, I think he's near me.

Quite the altar.

He definitely has a thing
about mothers.

I may have something.

It's a decoy.


Do you hear that?

muffled cries]

It's coming from behind here.

Daniel's father didn't
just make him watch

The sexual encounters,
he made him videotape them.

Daniel, are you getting this?

It's a secret hallway
connected to his bedroom.

Lida taffert was inside.

Rossi: "we cannot
despair of humanity,

Since we ourselves
are human beings."

Albert einstein.

Hotch: If you don't want
to be in the house,

We could certainly take you
to a friend or a relative's.

Uh, no.
Lida wants to stay.

So do I.

We feel closer
to andy here.

We understand.

And if there's anything
at all that you need,

Please don't hesitate
to call.

This will be
a difficult time for you.

But you're not alone.

Thank you.

♪ female child

♪ to make us...

♪ to mend ourselves
in thy eyes ♪

♪ while all the rivers rage

♪ to stand upon the stage

♪ alone in...

[telephone ringing]
♪ I lift my voice to singing

♪ ooh ooh

♪ ooh ooh ooh

♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh

[ringing continues]

♪ ooh ooh ooh