Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 7, Episode 24 - Criminal Minds - full transcript

The team is still attending to the latest bank robbery committed by the Face Cards. Following an explosion inside the bank orchestrated by the queen of diamonds, the team, after assessing the human casualties, find that the two surviving robbers - the "king" Chris Stratton, and the still unidentifiable queen of diamonds - have managed to escape, this method which they surmise was the queen's plan all along, with her association with the Stratton brothers and the robberies only a front for her grander plans. They also discover that Will, who was inside the bank at the time of the explosion and who was shot by Chris prior to the explosion, is probably still alive and the sole remaining hostage of Chris and the queen. After viewing the surveillance footage of inside the bank prior to the explosion, the team find out that their earlier assessment of the queen having an accomplice on the outside was only half correct, as the accomplice was one of the supposed hostages inside the bank. The team now have to figure out what the next violent move of the queen and her accomplice will be, which a worried JJ knows will now involve Will and most-likely Henry. At the conclusion of the case, many within the team, based partly on the events of the case, make life altering decisions.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Criminal Minds...


I want to see hands in the sky! Now!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen,
we are the Face Cards.

- Maybe you've heard of us.
- Cash in here.

- We got trouble! Black and white.
- Side door. Let's go!

Better pull back and see if they respond.

Shots fired. Repeat, shots fired!

The media's calling them the
Face Cards.

Seven bank robberies in seven months.

They've killed one person at each robbery.

Someone hacked the surveillance
cameras at 7 a.m. this morning.

Somebody else is watching. Who?

Her real partner, a fourth UnSub.

I want to talk to the cop
who shot my brother.

I'm gonna shoot another hostage every
60 seconds until you send in the cop.

- Morgan?
- No.

Let me go!

- I can't do that!
- Will!

Let's go in.

JJ, are you all right?

Are you okay?

Where's Will? Did he get out of there?

Where's Emily?




- Will!
- Emily!

There's an explosion
at Colonial Liberty Bank

in the judicial district.

Authorities right now at the scene say
they don't yet have a casualty count...

I can't get through.
Even the sat phone's got a busy signal.

What do we do? What are we supposed to do?

I'm gonna get over there.

Again, breaking news of an explosion

at Colonial Liberty Bank,

killing a possible 24 hostages

and an unknown number of
law enforcement agents.

What is going on here?

You didn't profile this
as a suicide mission.

Because it wasn't.
They'd never kill themselves.

What the hell do you call that, then?

They didn't improvise a way out.

They've had an exit strategy in place.

You don't learn explosives overnight.

We're looking for signatures
on the bombs.

I need every fragment of
every device that you can find,

no matter how small or destroyed it looks.

I also need eyes on every angle
in, out, and around the bank.

You have photos of the suspects.

We're going to continue to
cross-check those

against international connections.

Do you have a positive
ID on the woman yet?

- No. Not yet.
- We need more agents.

Where's Homeland Security?

They just got here.

Sir, I've see Morgan and JJ,
but I haven't seen Emily.


Over here!

- You all right?
- Yeah. They were hiding back here.

- Can we move them?
- Yeah, with help. He's unconscious.

Just let me stay with him. Please.

I can't find Will. Have you seen him?

He might be down below.

We're gonna get you out of here.

He's my love of 66 years.

My story.

Yeah. No, it's bad, but I'm all right.

Yeah, just don't come into the city.

And can you take Jack
on the bike ride today?

Great. And can you put him on?

Hey, buddy, listen,

I gotta work, so Beth's gonna take you
on the bike ride, okay?

All right, I'll see you later.

Can you keep the media busy?

- Is that all?
- For now.

- You all right.
- Yeah. You?

Do me a favor. Have that ear looked at.

If this one's parallel
to some metro tunnel,

there's a good chance it branches off.

- All right, then we split up.
- Unless it's a trick.

Well, then we're screwed.

Is this the work
of a terrorist cell?

We do not believe
they are part of any terrorist cells.

The bank heists point to them
being independent anarchists

with homicidal tendencies.

Do you consider them
serial killers?

- What was that?
- Are they serial killers?

Yes. Without a doubt,
the suspects are serial killers.

As Agent Hotchner told you,
they want you to admire them.

Leaving the cameras on
was their way to brag

about how much fear they were creating.

We need to know what happened,
specifically the UnSubs' behavior

in the minutes leading up to the blast.

You'll be interviewing the survivors.
They'll be in various stages of shock,

but any information you might get

could be the key
to apprehending these suspects.

Agent Hotchner has compiled a series
of questions for you to ask them.

Those questions are on your phones now.

Thank you.

I'm so happy you're all right.

What are you doing here? It isn't safe.

I didn't want you to be alone.

I'm not. You know,
they separate the president

and the vice president at times like this.

Are you comparing us to POTUS?

I'm saying that you
should be at Quantico running point.

Well, I'm here right now. What can I do?

Okay. I need to analyze
every frame of this video.

Morgan and JJ said that
the blast created a hole

between the underground vaults
and these tunnels.

You know, most of these older banks are

made from granite
or limestone for longevity.

So she knew to use
a combination of C-4 and Semtex

to open her escape route.

The tunnels let out
at multiple points running west.

She could still be underground.

I don't know. This is what she does.

She probably waited till the last minute
to exit. She wants to see all this chaos.

Hence we need to find the tunnel
exit closest to the bank.

Looks like it's two blocks here,
just outside the perimeter.

What have you got?

Will always says,
if you can, you leave a bread crumb.

Okay, so he was here, and clearheaded
enough to leave us a clue.

They shot him, Morgan.
Why would they take him?

JJ, I don't know,
but we didn't see any blood down there

and he's not here. Both are good signs.

Yeah, but they have him, God only
knows where or why. How's that good?

What the hell is that? You recorded it?

I'm talking to you, Izzy!

You planned this whole thing.
You didn't tell us any of it.

You set us up. You killed my brother.

No, that would be him.

How do I know he isn't your partner?

Why would I work with this guy?

Why would you do any of this?

FBI said you got somebody else.

You sound jealous.

- Who is it?
- Put that away.

This isn't about revenge,
it's about survival.

If you haven't figured it out by now,
I'm your only way out of this mess.

All right.

Let me kill him so we can get on with it.

- We need him.
- For what?

Leverage. We have to patch him up.

What, are you gonna walk into an ER?

JJ and Morgan said the UnSubs were in
an alley northwest of the perimeter.

Yeah, this footage confirms it.
Okay, I can see two figures in the car.

Please tell me one of them is Will.

See how she's turned? It's like she's
keeping an eye on someone in the back.

Does this mean Will's in the car?

- There's somebody back there.
- What's the license plate?

That's weird. They're government tags.

- Federal or district?
- Federal.

Well, they're either stolen or forged.

Who the hell are these people?

They set up roadblocks
in the district from 66 to Dulles.

Wait. So we're looking for
a black SUV with its sirens on.

That's gonna stand out.

Will's with them. I found his wallet.

It benefits them to keep Will alive.

They must have a safe house set up.

Whoever their outside man is, that's
where they're heading now.

But where? What's their end game?

There's no logical reason.
They want to create panic.

She's struck all over the world,
which says she might not be American,

but her ideology certainly
speaks to Washington.

Whatever point
she and her partner are making,

it's important that D.C. is the setting.

The brothers were from Philadelphia.

The other partner
might be homegrown as well.

Homeland's sending over
a list of possibilities.

They're not on anyone's list.

Then how do we find them?

We find the common denominators

between all 14 robberies
and we go from there.

So she's our only answer.

For now.

I'll call Easter at INTERPOL again.

Now that there's been an explosion, he
might have some ideas.

I'm so sorry about what
happened. Is your team all right?

No. One of our own
was taken hostage during the escape.

They made it out of that?

Yeah. In a stolen government vehicle.

We've seen that before.
Remember Scotland Yard '04?

A sedan was stolen from the impound lot.

Yeah, security footage
verified it was a woman,

even though she was never caught.

No, but they found the car.

She left behind some fake IDs and weapons,

and that's where she got
her moniker, Lady X.

Right. Everybody figured with that
arsenal and her ability to evade,

she was trained. Probably an assassin.

Two days later, an ambassador was killed.

Shot in the stomach. The question is,

what assassin doesn't
go for the kill shot?

This one. She's sadistic.

Yeah. Fits your profile, I take it.

Well, yeah, it's gotta be the same woman.

She killed at each robbery.

And the banks were simply a means
to fund today's explosion.

Even if she wears wigs,
she doesn't mind showing her face,

because she knows we won't find it.

We've only got one other thing to go on.
What she left behind.

What about Chad? Is there any connection?

No, no, nothing yet.

But if I had more help,

say, running the London Gateway Office,

you'd have your answer much quicker.

Yes, you should fix that.

Well, I'm trying.

You have always had bad timing.

Oh, come on, Emily. Don't you miss this?

Think about it.

Yeah, I will.

All right. Yeah, I got it.

That was the lab.
Semtex and C-4 like we thought.

Red, blue, and yellow wires in each,

old cell phone used as a detonator.

- How old is the phone?
- Ten years.

That's specific and rare.


Well, has anyone seen it before?

It was last seen
in a number of bombings in Chad.

For a signature that specific,
they must have been there to learn it.

Did Easter have any insight?

A woman they called Lady X

stole a sedan from Scotland Yard
eight years ago.

The investigation concluded she was a
trained assassin. She disappeared.

So Lady X and Queen of Diamonds
is the same person?

It sounds like it.

Garcia, look at assassination attempts
around the civil unrest in Chad.

If she was a hired gun, she was likely
taking orders from someone.

Maybe she's still working
for the same guy now.

He's still pulling the strings.

Or maybe she's found her equal.

Their obsession with
killing and domination

has culminated in what we've seen today.

Getting off on the disaster they've
created. Classic symphorophiliacs.

- Then this isn't over.
- Far from it.

No. Now that they've gotten away with
this, where are they gonna strike next?


- Yeah?
- We need help.

Oh, is that a gunshot?

He's gonna need fluids. There's a
hospital three blocks from here.

There's no time.

Fix him.

Will's definitely with them, and it looks
like he can move without a problem.

Cameras caught everything?

Yeah. The woman killed the medic.

Hey, at least Will's okay.

Yeah, for now.

Did they leave in the same vehicle?

Yeah, but it's been an hour
since the explosion.

Why haven't they left the city?

The next attack could be here.

Kevin, what have you got?

Just going through...

They did that on purpose, right?

And you saw everything
until they had Will.

Well, they made a mistake.

Leaving the cameras on gave us much
more information than they realized.

- What time did the 911 text come in?
- 9:23.

The bank opened at 9:00.

Let's go back to the beginning.
I need you both on this.

Yes, sir.

He said he'd call by now.


Yeah. Got it.

- That was fast.
- Change in location.

Get back on Pennsylvania Ave.

I'm not going anywhere
till you tell me the plan.

What are you doing?

He talks too much.

Go ahead, Officer, get him out.

And do what, just leave him here?

Yes, please.

Sorry for the mess.

Go ahead. Drive.

The explosion was a distraction
so they could escape. Watch.

Allow me to fast-forward.

All right, here's
where Chris started shooting hostages.

The fella next to him didn't even flinch.

Doesn't even break a sweat.

We know he's ex-military, but still...

His name is Matthew Downs.

That's what he told Rossi
and he wasn't lying.

History shows dishonorable
discharge from USMC in '04.

Hi, Will.

You see that?

- I want to do it again.
- We will.


You know the way.


Okay, do me a favor. Keep going.
To where Will walks in.

Okay, now watch him.

And then...

Look at her.

Her partner was in there the whole time,
just not in the way that we thought.

They shot this whole thing
like a home movie.

- He could have been killed.
- No, she wouldn't let that happen.

What the hell are they doing?

It's all part of their plan.

They've created scenarios that are
practically impossible to survive.

When they make it, it's the ultimate high.

Like an adrenaline junkie.

Nobody can find Matthew Downs.

ERT said that he helped
them, then he disappeared.

- See you later?
- You better.

- Come on, Officer.
- He's a detective.

I'm sorry, dick.

You better play nice,
just like we talked about.

- Close the gate.
- Daddy.

Hey, pal.

Hey, Will.

How are you?

Thanks for taking care of the little man.

Let me put you down
while I talk to Miss Kate.

Okay, Daddy.

You haven't been watching the news?

I heard about what happened,
but no, I didn't want the kids to see it.

- You guys working the case?
- In shifts, yeah.

Okay, well, if you need
Henry to stay, it's no problem.

- Well...
- I'm Izzy, Will's cousin.

Oh, hi. I'm Kate. Nice to meet you.

She just flew in.

She's gonna take care of him,
so it's all good.

All right, well,
if you need anything, let me know.

- Sure thing.
- Okay.

Hey, Will. Get some sleep.

You look like hell.

He's still in diapers?

I don't really do those.

You touch my kid,
I swear to God I'll kill you.

I already told you,

you touch me,

he kills her, then you.

Do you really want to do that to your kid,

be the reason he's an orphan?

Daddy, let's play.

Daddy can't play right now.

I gotta go to work.

- But this is...
- Izzy.


Can you say hi to Izzy?

Hi, Izzy.

She's gonna stay with you
till Mama comes home, okay?



I love you.

I love you.

Come here.

You're gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

All right. I love you.

Go play back there.

Well, of course Will thought Matthew
was a hostage. Why wouldn't he?

There's a good chance
Will tried to help him out.

He told him when to go for the doors

or offered to be a hostage
to save the others.

I'm sure he did.

Well, there's a flip side to this.

This guy could have
gotten into Will's head.

Is there anything you want to tell
your family in case you don't make it?

You think Will told them
about JJ and Henry?


What's wrong?

Will's license is gone.

They know where we live.

Hey, check it out, Will. Mine looks...

Looks almost as good as yours, huh?

I wasn't sure if I was
gonna need you at all,

but this way, it's more fun.

What do you want?

Well, it's simple.
You do everything I tell you,

or Izzy kills your boy.

There isn't another way out.

Okay, so don't believe the hype
you're the hero.

Today's not the day for that, Will.

Come on, we're late.

Don't do that.


Go all quiet.

What am I supposed to do?


I can't.

You can't blame yourself.

Want to bet?

I should have never left Henry today.

You were doing your job.

- I'm a mom.
- And a federal agent.

I'm a mom first.

Who had no possible
way of knowing how this day would go.

We made this deal,

Will and I.

That Henry would never be alone

without either of us.

I broke that.

He'll forgive you.

Why are you doing this?

Why am I doing this?

You ever been in combat?


But you think you know
what happens to the souls of men?

- I never said that.
- You have no idea.

Soldiers don't come back
and kill innocent people.

You were sick before you ever went to war.

You've never been.

It wasn't the same after.

They just cut you off, you know?

Everyone. Your family, the corps, country.


"We used you."

It's a betrayal.

So what did I do?

I found a new home.


You on lockdown?

No. We're diverting
all traffic. Official vehicles only.

We're just here to do a sweep.

Yes, sir. Go on through.

I thirsty.

You need to draw it.

You're silly.

Can we play hide-and-seek?

In a minute.

Come here.

My grandfather's name was Henry.

He had blond hair just like you.

He was a scary man.


Let me tell you a story.

So why didn't they take all the money?

They were a man down
and they had to get out in a hurry.

But for her, today
was less about the money

and more about the spectacle.

Everything they've said
and done was for a reason.

But what doesn't make any sense is
she switched the negotiation demand.

Chris wanted to go to Switzerland.
She changed it to Chad.

They also requested a private plane,
but no mention of a pilot.

Guys, if you think about it,

even the dates mean something.

In 2004, while she was
wreaking havoc abroad,

he was dishonorably discharged.

Then in 2008, they likely met in Chad.

And now this in 2012.

Okay, so is it a coincidence
that those are all election years

and they attacked D.C.?

Maybe this is a political statement.

No. It's more personal than that.

It's their story.


All of the details
are a part of their story.

Their timeline suggests

they were both
destructive before they met.

So we're talking about
ex-military turning on their country.

It's rare, but soldiers
become disenfranchised

no matter what the nationality.

And if he met someone
like-minded at that time,

there'd be no stopping them.

So you're thinking they met
during the civil unrest in Chad in '08.

Yeah, and one or both of them are pilots.

So if Garcia concentrates on that region,

specifically weapons
running in and out of Libya,

there's a good chance
we'll find their paths crossed.

Okay, multiple entries into Libya

from a private pilot named
Matthew Downs in '08,

but I don't have her name.

Well, because she had aliases.
It's the only way to stay a ghost.

Here's the thing. They are a couple.

Regardless of what we believe of them,

they will celebrate
themselves and their connection.

Is there anything that
happened on this date in Chad?

Oh, you are good, Emily Prentiss.

But this news is not.

Yes, there were
multiple explosions on this date in '08.

Where were the most casualties?

At a church. No, no, a train.

- Semtex and C-4?
- Yep.

Are trains still arriving
at Union Station?

Yes, but only the
authorities are allowed in.

That's why they needed Will.

She doesn't have her cell.

Kate would never
take her eyes off Henry like this.

They must have him.


We need a distraction.

I thought you cared
more about your family, Will.

He's gonna want to stay close to watch.

All passengers please
proceed with caution to the nearest exit.

Thank you.

Please proceed with
caution to the nearest exit.

Thank you.

Hotch, I got the suspect
going out the east wing.


I found Will.

Is he mobile?

Negative. He's got six transmitters on him

and this whole place is gonna blow.

All right, where are you? I'm on my way.

No, you gotta get everyone out.
Is the bomb squad here yet?

They're three minutes away.

- Copy.
- Emily, you gotta get Henry.

They're at the house.

Turn around.



- Mommy.
- Come here.

Just get everybody out of here.

I'm not gonna leave you.
Just give me a minute.

That's about all you got.

Okay, everything they
did and said was about them.



They met in 2008.

Oh, what are you doing?

Seriously, Emily, go.


Okay, hold on. Chad.


Oh! Damn it.

Okay, these are valentines for her,

so a four-letter word. Love, life, soul.

Izzy. Her name is Izzy.


Oh, God!

Prentiss, what's your status?

Prentiss, do you copy?

The storytelling's in the details.

These wires mean something.

- Like what?
- The colors of the flag of Chad.

Red, yellow, and blue.

Only one is different
from the US flag, yellow.

What do you think?

How did you do that?

I didn't overthink it.

They say I need another X-ray.


Hey, come on.

No tears. It's okay.

Henry's safe. It's all gonna be fine.

Ask me again.


Ask me.

Jennifer Jareau, will you marry me?


Oh, it's about damn time.

There's a chaplain here.
Let's just do it now.

Let's just get it over with.

Hell, no. I'm not the one
that's supposed to be in the gown.

All right, fine. Monday, then.

Clear your calendar, 'cause we
have a date at the courthouse.

The convention's still
happening tomorrow if you want to go.

That whole city on the brink
of destruction thing

kind of took the wind
out of my sails, you know?

That'll do it every time.

We didn't finish the inspection.

No need.

What happened?

There is a horizontal
crack in the foundation.

It just weakens the entire base
that the house is sitting on.

Yeah. That does not sound good.

So, our UnSub is Izzy Rogers.

She'll be charged with
multiple counts domestically,

and our international counterparts
will have their turn with her.

She will never see the light of day.

I just thought you'd like to know that.

Agent Morgan, a word?


I haven't had a chance to speak with you.

I sort of hit the ground running.

It took a lot of courage to confront me

about my drinking.

You changed my life.

Thank you.

Honestly, ma'am, that's not necessary.

A simple "you're welcome" would suffice.

I'm just glad you're back.

No, you're not.

Hang on, let me check.
Oh, wait, she's here.

Erin, don't go anywhere.
Dave wants to know

if everyone is free tomorrow night?

Well, it depends on
if he's buying. Then I'm definitely in.

Yeah, me, too.

You hear that? We're in.

Emily, look, I know
you don't want to talk about it,

but it's exactly why
we need to talk about it.

This has nothing to do
with cracks in the foundation.

No. But it's a sign.

Please don't get all free spirit on me.

I almost blew up yesterday, twice.

- I know.
- That's about as grounded

as you could get.

You want to leave, don't you?

- I didn't say that.
- It's the only reason

you would be this quiet, Emily.

Can we please talk about this later?


How long have you
been thinking about this?


Since I got back.


It's not you guys.

I love you.

I just can't grab on to my old life

and pretend that nothing happened.

Is this about Easter?


But he did ask me
to run the London office.

And you're gonna do it.

He just asked yesterday.

But you're thinking about it.

I don't know yet.


I thought buying a house
and putting down roots

was gonna fix this feeling.

It was gonna give me what I wanted.

But it hasn't.

It's bigger than that.

You think I should stay.

I think I miss you already.


I'll tell you later.

I do not like the sound
of "I'll tell you later."

It's JJ's night, and I don't want to...

All right, if you are telling me that

there is something
bad happening right now to

balance out the goodness that is tonight,

I will have none of it,
because I don't believe in that.

Although it's totally
one of the truths of life,

isn't it? The bitter
and the sweet mixed up together

in a cosmic soup that
we've all signed up for.

- Breathe. Breathe.
- I think Kevin's here tonight.

It would make sense that
he would come tonight. Don't you?

He's here. He's here and he's with her,

so I'm gonna go somewhere which is not...

Go somewhere that is not that is not here.

- Hi, Penelope.
- Hello. Hello. Hi.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Hello, Emily.
- Hi. It's nice to see you again.

Oh, it's nice to see you, too. Hey, Derek.

Hey, Beth. What's up, Hotch?

Oh, look out. Look who it is.

Little man Jack. Give me some.

Hey, guess what?

They got a really cool
fountain right over there.

You want to check it out with me?


I want to see, too.

All right, come. Go. Go, go, go, go.

How are you?

That bad?

- What?
- That's your tell.

- It is?
- Mmm-hmm.

For how long?

Uh, every since I've known you.


Well, you have one, too.

I do?

Yeah. Only I'm not gonna
tell you what it is or

- you'll stop doing it.
- I see.

Do you want to talk about it?


But not now.

First thing tomorrow.

It's a date.




Someone knows how to throw a party.

You don't mess around.

What can I tell you?
I'm the host with the most.

No kidding.

Hey, look who's here.


Okay, what's going on?

Well, we couldn't get
married without your mama.

I might have overheard
a little proposal yesterday.

And I couldn't wait till Monday.

Okay, so this is why you guys
are so dressed up, huh?

Yes. And you will be, too.

I brought something borrowed.

Mom, is that your dress?


Let's go see if it still fits.



So, nervous?

Only if she doesn't come back down.

They say that good things
happen to good people.

Today is one of those days,

and these are two of those people.

- We love you.
- Cheers.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

I've always heard every ending

is also a beginning

and we just don't know it at the time.

I'd like to believe that's true.