Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 7, Episode 10 - Criminal Minds - full transcript

The BAU team investigates a string of brutal bludgeonings in Philadelphia and is led to the city's boxing scene in search of the killer. Also, Hotch makes a connection with an attractive runner as they both train for a triathlon.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
He takes a standing eight count,

and they're back at it.

Bailey comes back in,
firing hard with a high right.

He's trying to rock him back to the ropes.

What time is it?


Something happened.

Not good, Tony.


What's going on, Jimmy?

After the fight, Ryan was bad.


What about Ryan?

He felt sick, Tony.

So I took him to the hospital, you know?

People- they started screaming at me.

They started yelling at me, T ony!

About Ryan? Are they doing tests?

Yeah, I think so.

But, see, when I went outside,

the, uh, screaming- it didn't stop.

Who was screaming?

These crazy guys, man.

They were crazy.

And I told them to leave me alone,

but they wouldn't listen.

They just wouldn't listen.

And then I saw all sorts of stuff.

Stuff? What kind of stuff?

Like, I saw my ma and I saw

my old man, and then...

...then I saw the dude at the fight.

But when I looked up,

you see, the lights, they started spinning.

Tony, it was like,

it was like God was reaching his hand down,

and he was trying to take Ryan!

Look, look, Jimmy,

y- you're punchy, J, you know?

Ryan's gonna be fine.

You had a tough fight tonight.

You got to sleep it off.

You sure?

And in the morning, evertyhing will be okay.

Yeah, you're probably right.

I'm gonna be fine.

Evertyhing's gonna be fine.

Thanks, Tony.

All right.

Geez, I hope you're training for something.

Or do you just do sprints for fun?

No, I'm, uh, I'm trying to do

this triathlon in February, so...

Oh, yeah, the FBl one.

You're an agent.

Yeah, it is the FBl one.

I'm not supposed to ask if you're an agent?

I work for the Justice Department.

Oh. Yeah.

I've seen you doing laps at the Y, too.

And you're training for surveillance?

I am doing

an MS triathlon.

It's in January, but I'm not
in as big a rush as you.

Well, I just have about 45 minutes a day.

So, you know, between work and home and-

it's hard.

How's your biking going?

Oh, I don't know.

M- My tires are inflated, I think.

Well, you know, I am not the best cyclist,

so I was going to ride this weekend,

and I could use some tips,
if you're not busy.

I... just don't know my schedule.

Yeah, or we could just
see each other out here

- or at the pool sometime.
- But I, I should find out

in the next couple of days,
and I could call you.

That'd be great.

Um... I-I have a card.



Um, yeah.

If something changes, it could be fun.

Or, at the least, an adventure.

So, uh, what made you think I was an agent?

I saw the suit.

What else could you be?


So you're going, right?

I don't know.

Well, is she cute?

Yes, she is, but I need
to focus on my training.

I don't need to be distracted.

Yes, you should be distracted.

Distracted is good.

What's her name?

- Beth.
- I like it.

And you know what they say
about riding a bicycle.

Who's getting a bicycle?


Let's get started.

Uh, yeah, okay.

Um, so two men

were beaten with a metal pipe
in Philadelphia last night.

Sam Eeks, 58- he was in town on business.

And then Bruce Thomas, 32-

he worked- oh, God-
he worked at a suit shop nearby.

Looks personal.

There was evidence of
undoing at the crime scene.

He sat them up on crates.

Demonstrating remorse.

You know, in 1976 George
Geschwendt cleaned up

the crime scene and covered
all six victims' faces.

Well, this guy did the same thing.

He even cleaned the blood off their necks.

Whichever it is, this type of aggression

coupled with his loose grip on
reality usually leads to more.

Then we can't take a chance that
this guy's a one-hit wonder.


Which is why we're headed to Philadelphia.

Wheels up in 20.

"Everybody wants to go to Heaven,

but no one wants to die. "

Joe Louis.

Okay, Rossi, out with it.

Is Hotch dating?

I don't know.

You know, statistically
widowed men start dating

much faster than females.

But Hotch is refuting the data.

It's been two years and 19 days.

Venus has aligned with Mars,
which means love is in the air

and maybe we will get weekends off.


Is he standing there?

He's standing there, isn't he?

Hello, Garcia.

Hello. Someone talk about the case.

You know, if you look at
the severity of the crime,

this guy may have experienced

a significant break from reality.

But he'd have to be pretty
cognizant to undo the crime.

That can happen with killing anxiety.

At first, a person feels the rage

that caused them to commit the violent act,

and then they feel remorse.

For some, that remorse turns
into the desire to do it again.

Soldiers recovering from
battle often experience

both emotions in rapid succession,

if not simultaneously.

Garcia, make sure that the M.E.'s reports

are waiting for us when we get there.

Yes, sir, I've already sent her an e-mail.

What was the relationship with the victim?

Local PD believes they knew each other.

That area is pretty desolate at night,

and Sam was carrying takeout for two.

They also died within minutes of each other,

and they both had defensive wounds.

Usually two random guys

don't fight the same person to the death.

Which means the UnSub is
that much more skilled.

How do you subdue two men at once?

Well, maybe he had a gun.

So why not use it?

He released more rage with a pipe.

So he hit one and then
quickly blitzed the other.

However he did it,
our UnSub has to be pretty fit.

These guys put up a fight.

Oh, come on, Jimmy, ease up.

Ease up, now.

Oh, come on, now.

What are you swinging at?

Come in behind your jab.

Jimmy, stop brawling.

You want to brawl, brawl with a target.

Come on, go to the body.

All right, time, time, time.

What are you doing?

What, what you swinging at, huh?

Let your hands go; you had the shot.

What's the matter? Come on.

Let's call it a day.

I'm sorry, Tony.

I keep thinking about my kid.

Well, your kid's been sick
since he was crawling.

What are the doctors saying?

They're running some tests.

They've done that before
and they've come up clean.

I know.

Look, are you gonna be ready tomorrow night?

I mean, The Cannon's
gonna be gunning for you.

Yeah, I'll be fine.

Look, Tony, I talked to Billie.

She's got an MMA fight where she thinks

I can make a thousand bucks.

You know how I feel about
that knuckle-dragging crap.

We haven't spent nine years
together for nothing.

Come on, Tony.

Look, Jimmy, you're a fighter.

A real fighter.

And when you're lowering the boom

on The Cannon tomorrow night,

remember what I told you:
great fighters are made, not born.

Come on.


Check this out.

The UnSub blitz-attacked
Sam over in this area

and then dragged him back over there.

That would explain why he was
able to subdue them both.

As he cleans up Sam, Bruce comes by.

Well, it makes sense.

There's no way he could attack both of them

and then drag them back to that spot.

This-this is rational and organized.

Our UnSub didn't have a psychotic break.

He knew what he was doing.

He had rage toward both these victims.

And remorse.

Yeah, but how are the two connected?

I mean, it's a crappy alley.

Nothing around here is open at night.

How about that?

The hospital?


Jimmy, wake up.

Jimmy, get up.

We got to get him to eat something.

Oh, yeah.

You know, you can do better than that.

I can't.

You haven't eaten anything

since we brought you in here last night.

You remember what I told you.

This one is a right cross...

...and this one's an uppercut.

And if we need to, we'll knock it out again.

How's it going, Ryan?

My stomach hurts.

I know.

Medicine will be kicking in any time now.

And so will the food as soon
as you eat it, okay, baby?

Can I have a moment with the two of you?



We get back in here,
I want to see that plate empty,

all right, buddy?

What's up? You run the test?

His abnormal cell count is incredibly high.

I'm afraid that Ryan's leukemia is back.

Well, we'll give him some chemo,
try some radiation.

He didn't respond to that before.

It just made him throw up.

Then we'll give him a different kind.

What kind? There isn't another kind!

Look, I know you two just divorced,

but you need to be on
the same page for Ryan.

What about a bone marrow transplant?

My neighbor's uncle got one.

He's swimming in Puerto Rico now.

That's a possibility,

but there are factors
that we have to consider.

Factors like what?

The insurance covers it, right?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

We'll run some more lab work

and then we'll discuss other options.


This is about money, Pammy.

He's playing us.

He's a doctor. Why would he do that?

Because he thinks that we can't afford it.

But we're getting Ryan that transplant.

I don't care how much it costs.

What do you got?

He volunteered here,

went to get a snack around 11:00 last night.

That's the same time as the killings.

He always went to the same
sub shop across the street.

He'd cut through the alley to get there.

Anything on Sam?

Garcia just spoke with a coworker.

Turns out they come

to Philly one week a month
and stay at a nearby hotel.

That's who Sam was getting dinner for.

- So these victims weren't together? -No.

And if Bruce is a volunteer here,

then he's a Good Samaritan type

and probably came upon the
scene and tried to intervene.

Okay, so if it wasn't personal,
then the anger was

weighing on the UnSub
prior to the altercation.

The question is, what does that stem from?

- Hey.
- Hey, Jimmy.

Whoa, Jimmy.

That's $1,500, evertyhing I got to my name.

I need you to put it on me
for tomorrow night's fight.

I can't do that.

Sure you can.

Ryan needs a bone marrow transplant.

Pam's insurance ain't gonna cut it.

Where'd you get this from?

I hocked some stuff.

I can beat The Cannon.

You said it yourself.

- Jimmy, Jimmy, I don't know.
- If you're not gonna do it,

I'll go over there and
do it myself. -Fine.

But this isn't for you, it's for Ryan.

Never saw a punching bag drink before.

What did you just say?

Hey, don't waste it on him.

Yeah, you need lots of rest

if you're gonna get knocked out tomorrow.

Do what I asked, please.

I talked to the M.E.

It turns out Sam was hit
with a pipe about ten times.

Bruce was beaten over 30.

That's either adrenaline

or an extremely high endurance level.

He had the remorse one experiences

from killing anxiety for both victims,

but the increase in hits
on the second victim

indicates that he started to enjoy it.

It could be overkill.

But overkill usually means
a personal relationship.

If the victims didn't know each other,

it's unlikely the UnSub knew them.

So what would account for
this level of bloodletting?

The primal rage could be
about the blood itself.

If he's enjoying the killing,
then he's getting aroused by it,

developing a kind of bloodlust.

Then why hasn't he done it again?

Maybe he hasn't had the chance.

Hey, yo, see you, Frankie!

So I'm the punching bag, huh?


Call me a punching bag?

Geez, their skulls were
cracked completely open.

Teeth on the ground.

His bloodlust is increasing.

He didn't clean up this time.

His remorse is waning.

This guy would have to be
in great shape to do this.

Yeah, but this sort of strenuous
killing could result in fatigue,

increase in appetite, disorientation.

Like he ran a marathon.

For some, it could also
result in convulsive episodes.

- Epilepsy?
- Sort of.

Oftentimes after you kill,
neurons in your brain misfire.

You become overstimulated,

which causes you to start seeing things.

Hey, hey, Jimmy!



You all right?

Yeah, I'm good.

Whoa, maybe you ought to sit down there.

Oh, easy, Jimmy, easy.

Whoa-ho, hey-hey.

You know what?

I'm gonna get Monty to step in for you.

No, I put evertyhing on this.

I got to win.

Yeah, but if you're not feeling well, Jimmy,

- then you can't...
- I'm fine.

All right.

We're looking for a
physically fit white male

in his 20s to early 30s.

He's killing these men,

but he's not robbing or
sexually assaulting them.

Initially we saw that he was
experiencing killing anxiety

which led him to clean up the bodies

postmortem out of remorse.

Now his remorse has subsided,

and he seems to be experiencing bloodlust.

Get 'em up, let's go!

Bloodlust means the killer is aroused

by the sight of blood.

Upon seeing it, his body releases

adrenaline and dopamine,

which is causing the violence to escalate.

The urge to become violent
is so overwhelming

that he's pulverizing his victims to a point

way beyond what's needed to kill them.

The force with which he's
doing this makes us think

he's in shape.

After killing, our UnSub
is probably lying dormant,

either recuperating from physical exertion

or possibly developing aphasia
and convulsive attacks.

Based upon the rage involved
in these kills, we believe

our UnSub is probably depressed or feels

like life is working against him.

Off the ropes, Jimmy!

Yes! Yes! Dad, that's it!

Consequently, he'll start
to put himself in situations

where he can feel the
high from drawing blood,

which he views as power
and control over his life.

...four, five,

six, seven,

eight, nine,


You did it! You did it!

We did it! Yeah, you did it! You did it!

Was the violence inflicted with a pipe?

No, this was handmade.

And you know what's interesting?

There was severe damage
to the liver and kidneys.

I mean, look at the bloating.

So he changed his M.O.

And increased his rage.

He did more damage with his
hands than he did with the pipe.

What about the orbital bones?

Shattered. Both victims'
eye sockets were broken.

This guy's got a hell of a left.

Where's the money?

I forgot to bet it.

What the hell do you mean?

That money is for Ryan.

Between training you and
getting ready for the fight,

it slipped my mind.

Well, then I want it back.

I don't have it on me. Well, then write me

- a check.
- Do I look like a bank?

Don't tell me this.

- Don't tell me this.
- Jimmy...

Don't tell me this, you son of a bitch!

You bet against me, didn't you?

I thought I was doing you a favor.

You said that I could beat him! You can,

but I knew you weren't feeling well.

Oh, no.

How many times, Tony,
how many times you scalped me?

This was the first, Jimmy, I swear.

Yeah? Prove that.

Come on, kid, we're, we're family.


Hey, Jimmy.

We saw the bodies.

All of the victims have stress breaks

in exactly the same places.

That's consistent with the
kind of accuracy you'd get

from years of fight training.

Fight training? You think he's a boxer?

It makes sense.

A fighter would have the endurance it takes

to commit this kind of
overkill on this many people

with a pipe or with his hands.

It would explain why,
at the first crime scene,

he lined the bodies up in the corner.

It's like a ring.

It makes sense about the bloodlust,

but what triggered the killings?

Garcia, I need all the
information you can find me

on the Philadelphia boxing scene.

Well, let's see,
there's Rocky one through five,

and let's not forget about that last one.


Oh, sorry, kidding.

Here we go, real stuff.

Uh, let's see.

The city produced such
greats as Tyrone Everett

and the late Joe Frazier, who developed

the Philly style of punching people,

and then the sport took off to Atlantic City

and Vegas, which put a dent
in the Philadelphia scene,

but it did not kill the
city's passion for the sport.

Got to speak to Lou, please.

Come on, man, I got to talk to him.

What's up?

A lot of people need to talk to me.

You make it quick.

How many times has my scumbag
trainer bet against me, huh?

Once? Twice?

Oh, come on, Jimmy.

Just tell me.

Been your whole career.

Wise up, kid.

How you think he got that Cadillac?

You can't be that punchy, Jimmy.

You knew that.

Hey, everybody knew that.

Both of them were beaten to death.

Looks like he used his bare hands again.

Took valuables this time.

Gold jewelry, watches,
and some cash from the safe.

Apparently this guy's a bookie, too.

Guy named Tony Cole lost
$3,000 in a fight last night.

What was the amount of his usual bet?

No more than $500.

I'm gonna call Garcia.

Penelope, how's the greatest computer tech

this side of the Mississippi?

Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee,

Garcia's gonna find what
only her screens can see.

What do you need, baby?

411 on a Tony Cole.

Okay, let's see.

Tony... was a middleweight
star back in the '80s.

And then he was in a really bad

lawn-mowing accident,
and that laid him up for a few months,

and he had to throw in the towel.

What's he doing now?

He is a trainer at a local
South Philly boxing gym.

Fits the profile;
he probably has embedded anger

for not succeeding in the sport.

Yeah, but why change his M.O.
and start stealing this time?

The theft feels like an afterthought.

Something changed in his life
and he's desperate for money.

Jimmy, I've been trying to call you.

Where's his doctor?

I haven't seen him, but we got to talk.

Hey, Dr. Surna!

Jimmy, wait!

Dr. Surna, here it is.

What is this for?

Ryan's bone marrow transplant.

What are you talking about?

You said that he could get one,
but we needed the money.

I never said that,
Mr. Hall. Yeah, you did.

Mr. Hall, I said we needed to wait-
not because of the money

but because I needed to do more tests.

- Didn't Pam tell you?
- I was trying.

Trying to tell me what?

Ryan's not strong enough to get the chemo.

No, this isn't for the chemo,
this is for the transplant.

He needs the chemo to get him
ready for the transplant,

but his body's too weak to handle it.

No, no.

He's-he's a tough kid.

I know he's a tough kid.

Mr. Hall, the cancer cells
are multiplying too rapidly.

Your son's not gonna make it.

I know that he is a tough kid,

so when is he gonna get out of here?

Jimmy, are you listening?

Ryan is dying.


He's gonna die.

If Tony is the UnSub,

why would he ransack his own place?

It was someone else, but he knew him.

There's no signs of forced entry.

Maybe someone knew he robbed the bookie,

so they came here and robbed him.

Doesn't look like anything's been taken.

TV's still here.

Yeah, except maybe Tony himself.

Look at this damage.

And the way this doorjamb is
slightly torn from this side

as if someone was holding on.

If it was for retaliation,

they would have killed Tony right here.

Maybe we got it wrong.

Maybe Tony didn't kill the bookie.

Lou was a small-time thug and he
would have had lots of enemies.

Who would have had a motive
to kill Lou and abduct Tony.

The UnSub could be one of Tony's fighters.

He'd definitely have the
strength to do both.

Hey, Dad.

How you feeling?

I'm okay.

You fighting tonight?

I'm not sure.

Whenever you box, I feel better.

Well, there might not be another
one f-for a while, buddy.

What's going on?

Everybody's whispering today.

Ma even came in here crying.

You know how she is.

Am I gonna die?


Don't even say it.

Don't even say that.

Remember what I told you?

Right in the sickness' face.

That's right.

And that's why you're getting
the blood transfusion.

Dad, I'm scared.

Don't be scared, Ryan.

You're a fighter.


I don't care what anybody tells you.

You're a fighter.

Dad, you all right?


It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

You're gonna be fine.

Whoa, where are you going?

Oh, Tony's car broke down;
I got to drop him off somewhere.

Tony will work with anyone-

those coming up, those going down.

We'll need a list of names.

Tony train any tomato cans?

Professional opponents,
guys who lose all the time.

He trained some cat named Jimmy Hall.

Guy's got the heart of a fighter,

but his technique's all over the place.

Jimmy Hall?

Didn't he win a fight last night?

Hey, there's a first time for evertyhing.

Why would Tony bet against his own fighter?

Isn't that illegal?

Money's tight, sweetheart.

Thank you.

All right, so maybe Tony
assumed Jimmy was gonna lose,

and then he was stunned
when he actually won.

Baby girl, need a little
information on a local fighter.

Guy named Jimmy Hall.

Jimmy Hall. Okay.

Oh, he has been hit with some hard knocks.

Grew up in the Kensington
section of Philadelphia,

in and out of foster homes.

Kicked out of three middle schools,

one time for beating a kid into a coma.

So he's had a violent streak.

He dropped out of high school,
found his way to the ring.

Doesn't have much of a record, though.

That's 'cause he was never really a fighter.

You think this is sublimation?

That's what it looks like.

I've heard of killers sublimating

the need to hurt by
becoming cops and soldiers,

but never boxers.

This guy's no different.

He had a subconscious desire to kill,

so he got himself into boxing
where he could do it legally.

Yeah, but it still doesn't
explain the bloodlust.

If he's been a fighter,

he's been around blood his whole career.

Well, it didn't affect him

until something triggered it three days ago.

Guy snapped and then became a serial killer.

Garcia, send me Jimmy's address.

Thanks, mama.

Yeah, here you go.


We need to talk.

Come on, Jimmy, open up.

This is our kid.

Ma'am, step away from the door.

Step away.

What's going on?

Jimmy Hall!

Jim and I used to be married.

What is happening?

Do you know where your ex-husband is?

What is going on?

He may have been involved in a killing.

Jimmy? No way.

There are two beds in there.

Does someone else stay here?

My son, on weekends.

But he's sick now.

Is your son at County Hospital?

Yes. He was admitted three days ago.

His, uh, his leukemia is back.

Did Jimmy get into a fight
after that happened?


He got into an argument
with some guys outside.

How do you know that?

It's probably what triggered the killings.

Have you seen Jimmy today?

At the hospital.

He tried to pay for our son's
bone marrow transplant in cash,

but it's too late for the operation.

Ryan's dying.

Do you know where Jimmy went after that?

Sometimes when Ryan's not feeling well,

Jimmy gets in the ring.

Helps Ryan feel better.

Oh, wait.

What is it?

He-he did say that Tony's car broke down

and he-he needed to take him somewhere.

Excuse me.

It's the hospital.


Jimmy's at his endgame.

He's probably already abducted Tony.

His desire for blood is
most likely increasing.

What do you think he'll do?

- Thank you.
- He'll put himself into

a position to see more.

All clear.

Yeah, I'm so glad you called.

WWhat do you mean, he's worse?

You son of a bitch.

No, Jimmy.

You're like a son.

- You lied to me!
- Jimmy...

I don't care...

what anybody says.

I always knew you were a boxer.

You remember what I said?

Boxers are made, they're not born.

I got a kid!

I got a kid, too, Jimmy!

What about my family?

What about my family, Jimmy?

Jimmy, please.

Jimmy, I was gonna give it back.

Don't, Jimmy.

We have cops canvassing the area,

checking every place
Jimmy and Tony ever went.

We also put uniforms outside the hospital,

just in case Jimmy goes back to see his son.

Should we check the boxing matches?

Garcia, I need a list of every

middleweight fight in the
Philadelphia area tonight.

Nothing on the docket, friend.

What about underground fights or smokers?

Uh, let me see.

Only one. The other three are MMAs.

Did Jimmy ever fight MMA?

Nothing that's been documented, no.

Most old-school trainers
won't let you cross over.

Well, if he got his
trainer out of the picture

and he needs to see more blood,
he might try that tonight.

It's just about the most
violent sport there is.

Hey, I just sent you the addresses.

All right, let's go.


You ready?

Yeah, I'm almost there.

You finally convinced
Tony to let you do this?

I didn't give him much of a choice.

About time.

Hey, we're looking for a fighter,
Jimmy Hall.

He might have just signed up.
You know, last-minute thing.

Unless he's got two boobs
he plans to tape down,

he ain't fighting tonight.

And in this corner,
weighing in at 185 pounds,

the New Jersey Nightmare,
the Punishing Pete Dunkle!

And in this corner,
weighing in at 175 pounds,

the South Philly Cyclone...

Jimmy Hall!

Hotch, we just left the
gym on Second Street.

No sign of Jimmy. You?

Morgan and JJ struck out, too.

He must be at Moody's.

We're almost there.

Yes! Yes, Dad, that's it! That's it!

Yes! Go! That's it, Dad, that's it!

Go, Dad! Go, Dad! That's it!

Hold it!

You all right?




Yeah, he's here.

What's he doing?

Why isn't he tapping the floor to end it?

'Cause he wants to be taken to the hospital

so he can see his son.

BP is 50/30.

I need to see Ryan, please.

- We need to talk to him.
- Not now.

Let's get him to Trauma.

Where's Dad?

He'll be here, sweetie.

Now, you rest.

How is he?

He suffered severe blows to the
head and he lost a lot of blood.

Can he talk?

Yeah, but he's weak, so make it quick.

I will.

Jimmy... I'm Agent Hotchner with the FBl.

I know what happened tonight.

My son is here.

I got to see him.

We know that's why you threw the fight.

We know you know what's happening.

Yeah, he's a fighter,
and he's gonna make it.

Jimmy, they've stopped the transfusions.

That doesn't mean anything.

Listen to me.

Ryan doesn't have a lot of time left

and he's scared.

He's not scared of dying.

He's scared of disappointing you.

Trust me, any chance he
has of feeling some peace

in this moment is gonna depend

on what you say to him right now.

So go in there and be his father.

Not a fighter, not a trainer.

Right now Ryan needs his dad.

Is that you, Dad?

Yeah, it's me, buddy.

What happened?

My fight didn't go too well.

Did you win?

No, I got knocked out,
kiddo, I got knocked out.


you always win.

Well, I couldn't tonight,
you know, I just couldn't.

And when I was in that ring

getting punched over and over again...

I figured out something.

Sometimes I want to fight,

but my body keeps telling me to stop,

and it doesn't matter how hard I punch,
I just, I can't do it.

And, uh, and when that happens,
you know what I do?

I let go, Ryan.

And what I've figured out is,

letting go doesn't mean
that you're a quitter.

It doesn't mean that you lost.

It just means that you
realize in that moment

that it's time to let go and move on.

So if it's time, Ryan...

it's all right...

'cause you fought a hell of a fight.

Your mother and I- we both love you.

Don't you ever forget that.

I love you, too, Daddy.

Hermann Hesse wrote,
"Some of us think holding on

makes us strong,
but sometimes it is letting go. "


Thank you.

So, Jimmy didn't lie.

Philadelphia PD just found
Tony's body in the warehouse.


So is the doomsday bike ride happening?

Yes, it is, tomorrow morning, 9:00.

But, uh, I don't know.

I'm pretty sure Haley wouldn't
want you to avoid moving on.

I'm not avoiding moving on.

I'm just not sure.

Not sure about what, going on a bike ride?

Aaron, I know you think it's too soon,

but you're no good to anyone
when you're miserable.

I'm not miserable.

Eh, maybe slightly uptight.

All right, I'll give you slightly uptight.

If there's one thing I
learned from Carolyn's death,

it's that life is short.

And you deserve to be happy.

I know.

Then have a good time.


So are your tires pumped?

I hope so.

So you haven't done a lot of biking?

No, not a ton.

But you're gonna do a triathlon?

Go big or go home-
that's what my dad always says.

Your dad sounds smart.

He was.

He passed away a few months ago.

I'm sorry.

Is your mom still alive?

Yeah, she's doing a lot better.

That's good. How are you doing?

I'm hanging in there.

So where are we going?

Uh, I usually go up Connecticut
and through Rock Creek Park

and then back down 16th.

But we don't have to do all
that if you don't want to.

No, let's do this.

If we lose each other,

we will meet back at
Dupont Circle for coffee.

Lose each other?

I thought we were gonna do this together.

The chase is part of it.