Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 12, Episode 3 - Criminal Minds - full transcript

The BAU welcomes back Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster) as they are called upon to investigate the disappearance of three women

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Dude, see the way that Heather was
checking you out in the cafeteria?

Get out. Get out.

Man, I'm serious.
She's totally into you.

Heather's kind of hot.

Ooh, Heather. You're so hot.

I love you so much.

Shut it, dweeb.

Dude, I'm telling you,
you should text Heather.

Yeah, maybe I will.


What's in there?

Hey, have a look at this.


You getting tired yet?

How you doin', huh?

You good?

You need a break, you
just let me know, ok?

We can stop.

Hey. Hey.



Come here.

Here, want some water?

Come on. No?

All right.

Let's go home.

Let's go!

The blue or the gray?


Yeah, going with the blue.

Yeah, she's gotta have her veggies.

A little...

All right, Jaynie's coming by
to walk you later, all right?

All right, Roger that.

I'll bring you a treat.

Be good.

Some things never change.

Hey, you!


Mwah! Mwah!

Aah! Welcome back!

Doughnuts? Wait, did
you happen to get...

Chocolate frosted with sprinkles? Yes.

How could I forget your favorite?

It is so great to see you.

Even if it's only temporary.

Well, when Hotch told me

the director tapped him
for special assignment,

I wanted to help out.
More so when he said

you guys still have escaped
serial killers you have to catch,

on top of your normal caseload?

Lewis is going to be
sorry she missed you.

Oh, yeah, me, too.

That's actually Luke Alvez's desk.

Really? It looks empty.

Uh, well, he travels light.

Garcia said he was ex-army.

Came over from the Fugitive Task Force ?

Yeah, you're gonna like him.

You know, the lack of
personal effects on his desk

could stem from his days
as a fugitive hunter.

He probably felt like he was never
once place long enough to dig in.

I mean, no family photos,
no significant others.

Not even a plant to over water.

I mean, this Alvez could
be a real loner type.

Somebody could have done
a real number on this guy.

An ex, maybe.

I mean, no doubt the army taught him

order and discipline,
but a desk like this

could mean he has commitment issues.

He's behind me right now, isn't he?

Luke Alvez, meet Emily Prentiss.

Hey. Hey. Nice to meet you.

Emily used to be part of our team,

and now she's the unit
chief for Interpol in London.

Yeah, she's agreed to help us out

while Hotch is off on a TDY

and Lewis works on her research.

I'm on temporary duty,
so I'll be in and out.

I'll be working on and off.

I'm on today.

Obviously. I'm just...

I'm really happy that I could, uh,

come back, you know, and help...

Truth be told, it's
pretty hard to resist

putting the band back
together again, so...

Yeah, so, I'm here to help.

Well, we have a lot on our plate.

Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.

Speaking of which, looks
like we have a case.

Hey, Garcia.

You really are here.
It's a dream come true.

Have you met Luke Alvez?

Oh, yeah, we just met.

So you know how I like to
sometimes say something clever

before I say something sad
and disturbing to self-soothe.

To that end, uh, please make sure

your seat backs and your tray tables

are in their fully upright position,

because yesterday in South Florida,

the body of a woman was found

encased in concrete in a 55-gallon drum.

Lisa Barclay, 35, single mom,

lived with her
13-year-old son

in Boynton Beach.

If she was encased in
concrete, how'd they I.D. her?

Because the M.E. was
able to match prints

from 3 of her fingers that
broke through the surface.

When did she go missing?

About a week ago.

Where did they find the drum?

At an illegal dump site.
Some teenagers found it.

Uh, local P.D. needs to canvass the area

for more possible victims.

They're doing that right now.

Any signs of sexual assault?

That is unclear at this time

because they're still removing
the concrete from her body.

Burying his victim like this may
be the unsub's form of torture.

It could be a forensic countermeasure.

Or a sign of remorse or undoing.

Unfortunately, all of you
could be right, because...

Is... is that...

An ultrasound of the drum.

Lisa Barclay was still alive
when he put her in there.

Tyron Edwards wrote,

"sinful and forbidden pleasures
are like poisoned bread.

"They may satisfy
appetite for the moment,

but there is death in them at the end."

Lisa Barclay lived
a low-risk lifestyle.

She and her son moved to Boynton Beach

after her divorce 4 years ago.

So is this the work of a jealous ex?


It appears the divorce was amicable.

The ex-husband remarried
and lives in Texas.

He sends child support
checks like clockwork.

She worked as an assistant bank manager.

If she was known as a whistle blower,

this could be a way of silencing her.

What bumps me is how the unsub

disposed of the barrel.

I mean, there's no way

that he lifted that
sucker up. It must weigh...

542 pounds, give or take.

Depending on such factors as
moisture content of the concrete,

the victim's body weight,

and the laws of displacement.

Which still begs the question,

how did he lift it?

We could be looking
at two unsubs, maybe?

Guys, I hate to interrupt, but
a second drum has been found

with a woman's body encased
in concrete inside it.


At another illegal dump site

not far from where
Lisa Barclay was found.

Two women in literal dump sites.

He must view his victims as garbage.

Prentiss, you and I will check
out the latest crime scene.

JJ, set up at the local P.D.

Spencer, Luke, talk to the M.E.


So, you still like driving
on the left side of the road?

Yeah. London's good.

And Mark? He treating you right?

'Cause if not, you give me the word.

Thanks, Rossi, we're very happy.

What about you and Hayden?
Are you still going strong?

And then some.


Agent Rossi.


Detective Ogilvie.

Good to see you again.
This is SSA Prentiss.

My pleasure. Right this way.

Careful. Hope you've
had your tetanus shots.

Here's where the second drum was found.

The unsub had to overcome
a lot of obstacles

to get the drum here.

He'd also need a vehicle

capable of supporting a lot of weight.

Maybe a pickup, dual-wheels.

What if he's mixing the
cement at the disposal sites?

It would be a messy job.

I don't see any evidence of that.

He might have used a steel dolly

to get the drum here,

but it couldn't have been easy.

So why here? The guy could have

rolled it off the embankment

of any canal in the area.

It would have sank right out of sight.


Excuse me.

The hard to reach locations,

the drums, the concrete.

This unsub is jumping
through a whole lot of hoops

to hide these bodies.

It must mean something to him.

Part of a ritual, maybe.

Drums could symbolize coffins,

the concrete, tomb or headstone.

All the earmarks of a cemetery.

Which means, this could be
his private burial ground.

Dr. Durboraw?

Dr. Durboraw. Hi.

Sorry. I didn't hear you come in.

I'm Dr. Spencer Reid.
This is agent Alvez.

The unsub may have a gender
preference, but not race.

How long had Lisa
Barclay been in the drum?

Based on the condition
of the body, about a week.

Ligature marks. He restrained her.

Have you determined C.O.D.?

X-rays showed she had
concrete in her mouth,

trachea, and lungs. She drowned in it.

I won't know more until I
can complete a full exam.

She shows severe decomposition,

but we should be able to I.D. her

through DNA or dental records of
other missing women in the area.

I see you tried dermal
tissue rehydration

to get her fingerprints.

My initial examination noted
friction ridges were still visible.

You can rehydrate mummified skin?

It's a method adapted from
an archaeological study

on Egyptian mummies.

The loose rehydrated
skin is then slipped over

a living person's fingertip and
it's used to get the victim's print.

I'm running them through the system now.

You know, we initially thought
that she was the second victim.

But the mummification indicates

that she was actually
killed before Lisa Barclay,

making her the original known victim.

I'd say a month before.

This isn't the pre-mixed
ready-to-use kind,

which means that he
went through the trouble

to mix his own sand, cement, and gravel.

He obviously has the
skills to make it himself

or access to it through his job.


I'm at work.

Hey, guys. Incoming.

Yeah, I'll be home for dinner.

No, she hasn't called.

No texts or emails either, no.

How should I know?

Look, I can't talk now.

Yeah, when I get home.

Hi. Sorry to bother you,

do you have any idea when
you'll be finished here?

It's hard to tell, ma'am.
Probably not till Friday.

But, Mom, I invited the
guys over to go swimming.

I... I know, honey, I know.

Uh, really, that long?

Sorry, ma'am.

Ok. Uh, all right, I'll tell you what.

I'll take you, Ryan, and
Joe to the movies, ok?

You can stay cool there all afternoon.


All right. Thanks
anyways. Have a good one.

Yeah, I got your good
one right here, huh?

Can you believe that
that is somebody's mother?

Mm. Well, we can rule out
Lisa Barclay's job as a motive.

According to Garcia, there's no evidence

of fraud at the bank where she worked

and nothing suspicious
about her finances.

Prints came back on
our unidentified victim.

They belong to Sharon Landon,

33, of Delray Beach.

She was reported missing a month ago.

Her husband died last year,

leaving her and a
10-year-old son named Malcolm.

Both victims were young single moms.

Each had a son and lived
in neighboring towns.

They must be surrogates.

He crossed racial lines, so it's
gotta be about single mothers.

I'll have Garcia look for a
connection between the mothers,

maybe through the sons.

Agents, Malcolm Landon is
here. He came in with his aunt.

Thank you.

Why don't you two see
what you can find out.

Why did someone hurt my mom?

We don't know yet.

But we're working really
hard to find out why, ok?

Malcolm, I bet you had a lot
of friends where you live.

That's ok, baby.

Yes, ma'am. Lots.

Have you ever noticed any
strangers hanging around

when you're out playing,

maybe a man who looked
like he didn't belong there?

Uh, a workman in a uniform, maybe?

They were always fixing stuff.

But strangers can't get in

unless they have a special
sticker on their car with a code.

It's a gated community.

My sister felt safe there.

Malcolm, did your mom
have a special friend,

a man, maybe, who would like
to take her out to dinner,

bring her flowers?

Agents, dating was the
last thing on Sharon's mind.

She focused all of her
energies on Malcolm.

She said it was just me and her,

'cause my dad was gone.

She came to all my games.

Helped me with homework.

We're making a volcano for
the science fair, and...

Thanks, Penelope.

She find anything?

There's no cross-over between
Lisa Barclay and Sharon Landon

or between their kids. How
did it go with Malcolm Landon?

Uh, well, he mentioned seeing
some workers at the condo complex.

Emily's following up.

You ok?

Yeah. You know, Sharon Landon
seemed like such a great mom.

You know? She didn't
think about herself.

She devoted her whole life to her son.

Garcia said the same
thing about Lisa Barclay.

Yeah. If the unsub was raised by
a single mom and she died young,

he might blame her for
leaving him on his own.

Punishing his victims could
be his way of punishing her.

Or she may have been an
absent or abusive mother.

So when he sees a mom doting on her son,

he may want to kill what he never had.

Another woman's gone missing.

Name's Kim Conti.

34, lives in a condo in Boca Raton.

Single mom?

Last seen dropping her son and
his friends off at the mall,

and when she didn't
show to pick them up,

he called a neighbor who found evidence

of a struggle at her home.

You two go to the condo.
I'll let the others know

and have the police beef up patrols.

Please, what do you want?

What do you want?!


Why are you doing this?

When are you gonna tell the truth?

Please... please let me go.

Please let me go, please!

Let me go!

I have a son!

He needs me.


Please let me go!

Please! Aah!

The first two victims
were killed a month apart,

now Kim Conti. He's accelerating.

Well, it takes some cojones
to abduct another woman

with the cops out in force
and all the news coverage.

I mean, he's gotta know
we're looking for him.

Yeah, well, his need-based compulsion

is making a cooling-off
period too difficult.

See, the unsub dumped
the first two victims

here and here.

And this is our current location.

We have a triangle.

What's so special about
these 3 dump sites?

It's about more than that.

It's what's in here
that's important to him.

I hate to use the word
luck in this situation,

but it was fortunate you found
the latest victim so quickly.

The concrete had no
time to cure completely.

She has the same ligature
marks as Lisa Barclay.

The C.O.D. is the same, too.

She drowned in the concrete.

Any sign of sexual assault?

I'm still conducting my exam,

but I can tell you that
based on core body temperature

and lividity, time of death
was about two hours ago.

Kim Conti went missing 18 hours ago,

but he kept her alive for some reason.

I see that there's tissue
damage. Have you tested that?

Not yet. But concrete
itself can be corrosive.

There appears to be more damage here.

Do you have a light I can borrow?


It's chemical burns.


What are you thinking?

I'm thinking concrete may not have been

the only factor in her death.

We're looking for a white
male, 30 to 40 years old,

who may be performing crude
chemical lobotomies on his victims.

It appears he's drilling
up through the nasal cavity

in order to insert chlorine
into his victims' brains.


Concentrated chlorine
is highly corrosive.

This suggests he's trying to
destroy their frontal lobes.

That area of the brain
controls impulse and inhibition.

Didn't Jeffrey Dahmer want
to create sex slave zombies?

Yes. And like Dahmer, he may be
looking for a way to find power

and control over his victims.

In this case, 30-something
single mothers with young sons.

His knowledge of the dump sites

indicates that he's comfortable here

and likely lives or works in the area.

He's probably physically fit

and may drive a large van or a pickup

in order to transport the drums.

It's doubtful that he
has any medical training,

and when his experiments fail,
he may be entombing his victims

as a forensic countermeasure.

The use of chlorine combined
with his masonry skills

suggests he's some sort of tradesman.

Let's look at
contractors, pool builders.

He could also be part
of a highway road crew.

The dump site area is important to him.

We need your help to find out why.

In the meantime, single
moms with young sons

should remain vigilant.

Thank you.

Ah, that was a fun day, huh?

Lord, I could not pry
you off those swings.

You wore me out with all
your "again, Mommy, again."

I don't remember.

Honey, I know you're worried.

I'm worried, too.

Your sister has never
been gone this long before,

but I'm sure she's gonna come home soon.

I'm not.


She's not like that anymore.

She's better.

You know, that's one good
thing about being adopted.

I dodged the crazy gene.

Oh, stop it. You know what happened.

You know she couldn't help it.

Dinner's almost ready.
Why don't you go change.

You stink like chlorine.

Hey, Rossi, the M.E. called.

She said that Sharon Landon
died from the lobotomy

and was entombed postmortem.

The unsub was able to keep
his last two victims alive

before putting them into the drums.

He must be perfecting his technique.

So then the concrete was likely
a forensic countermeasure,

not a form of torture.

It could simply be what he has on hand,

what's he's comfortable with.

The unsub's escalating. If
he sticks to his timetable,

that means he could
be hunting right now.

We need to find him before he
tries his new and improved skills

on someone else.


Me likey.

Thank you.

What do you have, Garcia?

So, I'm looking for workers

that Malcolm Landon may
have come into contact with

at the condo complex he
lived at with his mom,

and it turns out that the
complexes where all 3 victims lived

shared not only the same
property management company

but the same cable provider,
contractors, gardeners,

pool maintenance, and
security companies.

Narrow the search to
employees from each complex

that were working the days
the victims went missing.

Well, we think the same, soul
sister, because I am currently

swimming through time cards
and employment records.

And by swimming, I don't mean
like the glammy olympic way.

It's sort of a slog and
nothing really matches up.

Well, transient workers and day
laborers often provide false IDs

What about the sales of
55-gallon drums, chlorine,

and the materials to make concrete?

Yes. I have cross-matched that with South
Floridians who drive super duper trucks.


I have come up with a list

that is good and plenty,
which, by the way,

- Is my current favorite candy.
- It's that long?

Well, yeah, but there's a lot
of housing projects going up,

there's roads being paved,

and it's The Sunshine State.

Do you know how many pools
need to stay sparkling clean?

Have you found anyone who lives or works

within the geo-profile area?

Uh-uh. So far with that

I've come up with a big fat goose egg.

Ok, Garcia, keep searching.

Oh, I will leave nothing
unturned. Good-bye.

All right. We profiled

this guy may view the disposal sites

as a cemetery, hallowed ground.

It that's true, he most
likely will be compelled

to revisit the area.

But the drums have been removed.

His victims aren't there anymore.

Well, if he doesn't
live or work in the area,

there's some emotional reason
he's putting the barrels there.

We need to stake it out.

If I never do another stakeout again,

it'll be too soon.

You like 'em that much, huh?

Let me count the ways.

The ass-numbing boredom,

the greasy fast food, the cold coffee,

and may I tell you how much
I hate peeing in the woods.

Yeah, I hear you. I
could see that about you.

See what?

You like things a certain way.

Hmm? You want control.

That's cool. Everybody's
got their thing.

I see somebody as been studying
his behavioral analysis manual.

Oh, I don't need a
manual to profile you.

Knock yourself out.

You are definitely an East Coast girl.

Mm-hmm. Not Boston, Philly, um...

Not New York. Bronx born
and raised. I think I'd know.

I'm gonna say you're from D.C.

You read my file.

No. Cross my heart, I didn't.

You're comfortable working
overseas, which means

you could have traveled
around a lot as a kid.

Or maybe your parents were diplomats,

or maybe a military brat.

How am I doing?

You suck.

I mean, yeah, you were right about D.C.

And, yeah, my parents were diplomats.

And you guessed military brat.

But you're ex-army, right?

Oh, yeah, that's right.

So why the army?

My dad served, and I
was always proud of that.

I wanted to serve my country, too.

Were you in Afghanistan?

Mm-mm. Iraq.

What unit were you with?

I was with the 75th Ranger Regiment.



The 75th, huh?


Oh, I forgot one thing
about you, Prentiss.

You are definitely a cat person.


Got a Florida plate.

Garcia, I need you to
run a license plate.


Can't make out who's driving.

Belongs to a local contractor.

Freeze right there!

Move. Move back.

Don't shoot, please.

I was just getting a blanket.

Whose truck is this?

It... it's my dad's.

He let me borrow it, I swear.

What are you two doing way out here?

What are you doing out here?

Ok, get out of here.

Go home.

Get out of here.

Time to call it.

He knows we're out here.

Sounds like you spoiled a
romantic evening for those kids.

So the unsub's disposal area

is a lovers lane?

Why dump the body of grown women

in a place used by horny teenagers?

Probably the same reason they go there.

It's secluded, private.

Well, if the unsub took girls
there when he was younger,

it would explain how he knows the area

and why it would mean something to him.

Maybe he had his first
sexual experience there.

Maybe the first time didn't go so well.

Lobotomies might be his way of
creating a willing sexual partner.

Or, he could have
recently started dating

a single mother with a son.

If she mocked or rejected his sexual
advances, this could be payback.

Whatever the reason, we
have made it impossible

for him to return to the site,

so, he's probably angry.

Most likely he will devolve.

Stuart, did you break that?

Shut up.

I didn't raise you to
speak to me that way.

No, you raised me to believe
there were consequences

for my actions.

You taught me about accountability

and responsibility, honesty.

When are you gonna tell the truth?

Truth about what?

I can't do this anymore.

Do what? You're not making sense. I...

Why did you adopt me?

Why on earth are you
asking that right now?


When my husband died,
I wanted another child.


God answered my prayers. I got you.

But that's not the whole story, is it?

You know the story.

Look, I'm tired. It's late.

I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed.

I just want the truth. I
want to hear you say it!



So we said the unsub may be performing

the lobotomies on his victims

to manipulate their inhibitions.

People who experience
frontal lobe damage

often become aggressive,
with heightened sex drives.

He may want to alter the
sexual behavior of his victims.

Yeah, but when he
becomes bored with them

or the women don't do
what he wants them to do,

then he moves on to the next victim.

Thank you so much.
Guys, that was the M.E.

She's completed her
exams on all 3 victims

and found no sign of sexual assault.

Why are you doing this?

Stuart, answer me, please!

So, I was adopted because
you wanted another child.

That's what I said, yes.

Now, untie me!

Not until you tell the truth.

Even though there was no sexual assault,

the use of a lovers lane as a dump
site suggests a sexual component.

And the lobotomies are still
probably the unsub's way

of exerting control over his victims.

It could go back to his childhood.

He's trying to gain a
control he never had.

It seems primitive now,
but in the 1940s and '50s,

cutting portions of the brain
was believed to rid a patient

of delusions, nervousness.

Instead, most of those patients
experienced loss of memory,

motor skills, and language.

That happened to JFK's
older sister Rosemary.

She suffered brain damage at birth.

At 23, her father secretly arranged
to have doctors perform a lobotomy.

It was a misguided attempt
to control mood swings

and sexual behavior.


instead of trying to turn on

his victims' sexuality,

our guy is trying to
turn the switch off.

You wanted to know about your adoption.

Ok, I will. Your...

Your birth mother wasn't able to...

To raise you.

So she did the right thing.

You were only a few days old

and I... I adopted you
and brought you home.

To our happy little family.

I admit it was difficult.

I was a single mother.

Your sister was acting out.

I... I tried to control her.

But you didn't try hard enough.

You see something, Spence?

It's what Rossi said.

What if the unsub is
deliberately damaging

his victims' brains in his own
misguided hope of fixing them?

He targets single moms.

He could be trying to cure
them of their sexuality.

To turn them into what he considers

to be good, well-behaved mothers.

So most likely his own mother

or another woman close
to him has brain damage.

Garcia, we need your help.

Fire when ready.

We are looking for local women
who have or have been treated

for a brain injury or disorder.

I have 19 names.

Well, he's targeting
women in their mid-30s.

How many fall into that category?

3 women suffered traumatic brain injury

and all due to accidents.
I have a car crash,

fall off a horse, and
a surfing incident.

Any of them have damage
to the frontal lobe?

One. Lynelle Barker,
36, of West Palm Beach.

When she was 15, she was in a car crash

that killed her father, Edward Barker.

She wasn't wearing her seat belt.

Soon after that, she was diagnosed

with something called
Kluver‐Bucy Syndrome.

Kluver‐Bucy Syndrome
is a neurological disorder

associated with frontal lobe damage.

One of its major symptoms
is hypersexuality.

Lynelle would dress provocatively.

She'd sneak out of
the house at all hours.

The school was calling saying she's
kissing boys and rubbing up against them.

She was always disappearing.

She always came back.

I don't know why she's gone now, but...

I know she's gonna come home,

and the 3 of us, we will
sit down and we'll talk.

She's never coming back.

If Lynelle Barker was
acting out sexually,

she may have a husband or a
boyfriend who was upset about it.

Garcia, was she getting
treatment for her condition?

Yeah, a month ago she started seeing
a therapist and taking medication.

That's when Sharon Landon,
the first victim, went missing.

If the victims were
surrogates of Lynelle

and she was no longer
hypersexual thanks to treatment,

why would the unsub
suddenly start killing?

Garcia, can you check males 35 to 40

that would have been in Lynelle's
circle of family and friends?

Bien sûr, je peux.

The lovers lane, the crude lobotomies,

the possible sexual dysfunction...

This could all speak
to the unsub's youth.

Garcia, refine your search

to men between 18 and 25.


Lynelle has a 20-year-old
brother named Stuart.

He lives with his mother
in West Palm Beach.

16 years is a big age
difference between siblings.

Oh. That's because Stuart was adopted.

Gloria barker adopted him a year
after Lynelle and Gloria's husband

were in that car crash.

And brace yourselves,

because methinks I'm about to uncover

some family dirt of the hidden variety.

Ok, just days before
Gloria adopted Stuart,

Lynelle, Gloria's daughter,

then 16, had a baby.

And I am prying open the
sealed adoption records now.

And, um...

Yeah, guess what.

Stuart's sister is actually his mother.


And the woman he thought was his mother

is actually his grandmother.

Guys, Stuart does repairs at a
place called Blue Breeze Pools,

that have worked at
all 3 condo complexes.

Was he working the days
the victims disappeared?

Yahtzee! Go get him.

Send us his home and work addresses.

Oh, newbie, already sent.

Oh, no!

Please, Stuart, you're hurting me!

You know why?

You're a bad mother.

Or should I say grandmother?

That's right.

She told me.

I've been hoping one day you'd
want to come here with me.

Oh. No, uh, Stuart, we...

No, it's ok. See, we're
not actually related

if you think about it.

Well, not biologically, anyway.

Stuart, we're here
because we have to talk.

And this was the only place I could
think of where we'd have some privacy.

I don't want to talk.

I want you.

I've wanted you for so long.

Stop, Stuart, stop. Stop it!

Why? Why are you acting
so prim and proper with me?

I mean... you've had sex with
a lot of guys. I've seen you.

You've been watching me?

You... you've slept with all my friends.

Do you know how that makes me feel?

Damn it, why not me?

Stuart, you're my son.


When I was 16...

I got pregnant and I had you.

No. No, that... That's not true.

You're my son.

I'm so sorry.

Don't touch me!

All this time you lied to me.

You and her.

It was the only way.

No. No, you should
have told me the truth.

You should've told me the truth!

You talked to her?

She said she wasn't coming back.

Did you fight about that,
about how she was before?

No. I didn't fight with my mom

because she had sex with all those men.


I killed her because she
wouldn't have sex with me.

If Stuart believed he had
an older, hypersexual sister

he wasn't biologically related to,
he might have been attracted to her.

He may have convinced himself that it
wouldn't be wrong to sleep with her.

But what about Lynelle?

Would she really have
encouraged her own son?

The taboo of incest is believed
to be hard-wired in our DNA.

Even with Kluver-Bucy, it's unlikely
she would have crossed that line.

Which could have enraged Stuart.

Talk about a traumatized love map.

If he found out the
truth about his sister,

that could be a trigger
for the killings.

I wanted to have sex with my own mother.

Don't you see how wrong that was?

I didn't know. I swear.

But you knew what she was like.

You should have protected me.

A mother protects her child.

I was protecting you.

Oh, no. No, no, no!

She just wasn't fit to
be a mother. Don't you...

Can't you see it was better this way?

You should have told
me the truth years ago.

Please don't do this.

We both love you.

That's good.

'Cause you're gonna be together forever.

No! No!


I'm standing on her right now.



Help me!


FBI! Stay where you are!



You're under arrest.

Stuart Barker, you have
the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

You're all right. You're all right.

Oh, god.

Look at me. Look at me.

Oh, no...

You're all right. It's ok.

It's ok. It's ok.

It's ok.

It's ok.

Hey, Alvez, we're heading over
to O'Keefe's. Do you want to come?

Thanks. I've got some
work I want to finish up.

All right, let's get
this show on the road.

This lady needs to get her drink on.

Not that I need a drink.

On occasion I have one, maybe two.

3 if it's not a school night,

and not on an empty stomach,
and not when I drive.

I don't drink and drive.

Did I say anything?

No. I just... I don't want to feel

your Judgy McJudgerson looks on me

as I daintily sip my Mai Tai.

Hey, he's not joining us.

Ok, in that case, never mind.

Stay safe, ladies.

Uh, guys, you know what?
I need another 30 seconds

and then we're out of here, I promise.

All right, we'll see
you at the elevators.

- Good night, Luke.
- Good night.

You know why I don't
think he goes out with us?

It involves someone named Roxy.

Roxy? Do tell.

Hey. Nice work today.

Thanks. You, too.


Oh, you change your mind?

No. Uh, you know, on the stakeout,

you know, about me being in the 75th?

Well, I was just, uh...

I was hoping we could
keep that between us.



"Three things cannot long stay hidden."

"The sun, the moon,

and the truth."
