Creeped Out (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Creeped Out - full transcript

On her fifteenth birthday, Pearl begins to hear a voice and feels the call of the ocean.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The Curious...
they say he collects strange tales.

And if you ever
hear his whistle,

you know something creepy
is about to unfold.

No one knows where he's from
or where he's going to.

People say "He".

Truth is, you can't tell if
The Curious is a boy or a girl,

or even human.

If you had the chance
to do something anonymously

and no one would ever find out,

just how far would you push it?

Very accomplished, Samuel.

It's as if "Panis Angelicus"
was written just for our choir.

Wouldn't you agree,
Mr. Fitzgerald?

I don't think he pictured one
of them pregnant with an alien.

Yeah, I saw you, brilliant.

They need an outlet. Am I right?

"An outlet"?


My allowance didn't
come through, again.

Can I have some money?
Some of the choir...

I have nothing on me, Samuel.

Oh, that vile, online troll.

the scourge of the school.


That's what he calls himself,

too chicken
to give his real name,

takes distinct pleasure
in humiliating kids online.

And he's not even funny with it.

How do you know it's a boy?

It's someone at the school?

Samuel, you haven't been
a target, have you?

Not yet.

But if I am, I'll have
a few things to say to them.

I think whoever it is
is a coward.

Well, they may abandon us to our
fate till the end of the term.

But at least
they leave us treats.

What you get?

The usual.

Hey, Sam, do you want mine?

I still haven't worked my way
through the last lot.

Your hair looks different today,

A boy who notices.
Thank you, Sam.

I noticed.

I noticed.

And I noticed you're confident,

like, "Don't make eye contact
with me."

Right, who's coming to Zuko's?

Sammy, you coming for pizza?

Uhh, nah, I'll skip it.

It's okay, Sam. Fitzy will
bring you back a slice.

Won't you, Fitz?

And you'll never know
if I licked it.

Hey, watch this.

Anyone seen Naini's new hair?

And she likes to think
she's not part of the herd.

Found out today Fitzy took a bet

to get Naini Ramone
to go out with him.

It's all a big joke.

He likes to pretend
he's everyone's best mate.

But while he's smiling
to your face,

he's laughing behind your back.

Apparently, he's way insecure.

The funny ones are always off
crying alone in the toilets,

when you're not looking.

See you later, BillyGoat.

Hey, how was Zuko's?

In true Fitzy style, he put
the pizza slice under my pillow,

with a note from a pizza fairy.

You okay?

Whatever. At least I look like
the front end of this llama.

You can guarantee whoever did
this looks like the back end.

I'm more upset about this.

That can't be true.

You don't know about a bet?

It's Fitzy, Naini.
He wouldn't do that. Ask him.

Don't know what to believe, Sam.

Hey, Naini,

would you want to hang with me
at lunch tomorrow?

Like, just you and me? We can
talk it through if you like.

That'd be nice.

What'd be nice?

Uhh, I've got to go.
I have to get to class.

What's with her?

Sam Sanford,

you're wanted in the
Headmaster's office.

Sam Sanford,
to the Headmaster's office.

What have you done now, mate?

Sit here.

I can pay.
I just need more time.

Mrs. Sanford,
not to be indelicate,

but that is what you said
the last time.

Can you afford to send your son
to this school or not?

And if not, sadly,

Sam will have to leave us.

I'm working as hard as I can.
It's not just the fees.

There's the winter uniform
and summer uniform

and cricket whites
and rugby boots

and sailing gear
and the endless...


Why can't he apply for this?

A Riseborough Scholarship,
that would pay for everything,

wouldn't it?

That is open to treble soloists,
Mrs. Sanford. Sam is a baritone.

I can do it.

Sir, let me sing solo.

And I will prove it to you.

If he does, does he get to stay?

If, Mrs. Sanford, if.

See you at the performance.

We are not leaving this school.

What are you doing?

You scared me, dude.

I was listening to music,
couldn't sleep.

Right, well,
just don't stay up too late.

We got rehearsal first thing.

Tell me you haven't been
standing there the whole time.


What is this?

Stop! Stop!

There are times when this choir
moves me to tears.

Today is not one of them.
There are tears.

But they're the kind you get
when you step on a plug.

Sorry, sorry I'm late.
I overslept.

Ah, Mr. Sanford.

For those here who don't know,

Mr. Sanford is on the verge
of leaving us,

that is unless he can win

the coveted
Riseborough Scholarship

by performing the Mount Everest
of treble solos,

"Art Thou Troubled?"
from Handel's Rodelinda,

at this evening's recital.

Apparently, he also thinks
he can do it without rehearsal.

Young man?

Would you care to give us
a little sample

of the solo you intend
to perform this evening?

Maybe acquire a little practice
for once?

You won't be late
for this recital tonight,

will you?

No, sir, I won't.

You've proven elusive,
Sammy boy.

Sorry, got a bit on my mind
at the moment.

So I hear. Leaving?

What, you couldn't share
with your best mate?

I'm getting this scholarship.
It's not worth talking about.

I found out why
Naini's gone quiet.

Someone's been
spreading rumours about me.

What? Who?

Guess. That idiot, NoFace.

Let me have a word with Naini,
set her straight.

No, I'll do it.

And I'll prove it's the work
of that ugly, useless, coward,

who must be the biggest loser
if he gets his kicks like this.

Good for you, man.

Turns out Naini herself spread
the rumours about Fitzy,

overheard her telling someone
that Fitzy weirds her out.

And she did it as an excuse

to get rid of him.

What is this?

I know it sounds weird.
But I love frozen peas.

I'll sit in front of the telly
with a cup of them

and eat them like crisps.
Does that make me a freak?

Definitely not a freak.

Do you have anything like that?

Uhh, I chew ice.

I knew it. You're a freak too.

You know, sometimes, I feel like
you're a bit... I don't know...

closed off,

like there's a whole lot more
going on underneath.

What you see is what you get.

I thought I'd give Fitzy
a chance to defend himself.

I mean, it's not fair if
it's just dumb rumours, right?

You spoke to him?

He flipped at me, Sam,
said I'd been horrible to him

and that he didn't want to
have anything to do with me.

I'm really sorry, Naini.

You think you know someone,

You okay?

Yeah, feeling a bit off.

Allergies, it's my allergies,
Naini. I'm really sorry.

Sam? Sam?

What is happening?

Is this what the message meant?


"Moondweller, beware,

"your actions have consequences.

"From this moment forth

thou innermost troll
shall become thine outermost."

Trolls must hide.

Stay hidden until sunset.

By sunrise,
you will return to normal.

All you have to do
is stay out of sight.

I can't do that.

I can't do that.
Everyone will hate me.

I'll lose all my friends,

You have all until the Sun sets
to stay hidden

or admit to your deeds.

Otherwise, you will
remain a troll forever.

Sam, you in there?
Why is the door locked?

Uhh, kind of need to be alone
right now, Fitz.

I'm not myself.

Oh, nerves getting the better
of you, buddy?

Hey, there's some fresh pants
in the drawer if you need them.

Not helping!

Hey, Sammy boy, you'll ace it.
I know you will.

I'm sick, Fitzy.
I don't think I can do it.

You sound all right.

"Sound all right"?

Ah, Mr. Sanford.

Yes, sir?

What's with the hood?

Stage fright, sir, crippling,
I can't go on without it.

You never had
stage fright before.

I've never done a solo before.

But you're really frightened?

Terrified, sir.

Very well, just this once.
Hurry up now.

You don't want
to miss your solo.

Sam? You okay?

Yeah, okay, I've got it.
I've got it. Give me a moment.

Boy, remove your hood.

Well? What are you waiting for?

Admit your deeds.

I will take back the curse.

You will return to normal.

Admit your deeds.
Admit your deeds.

I can't.

Glad to see the back of him.

I heard his mum took him away
for some sort of treatment.

Yeah, and I heard it was
a prank, and he got expelled.

Well, I'm just glad
they found his laptop.

Or else we might
never have spoken again.

Yeah, and I'm glad you're ugly
on the outside, not the inside.


Definitely prefer it
that way round.

Words that take seconds to type

can wound forever.
But anonymity goes both ways.

You'll never know who's going
to be your BillyGoat.