Creeped Out (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Side Show pt.1 - full transcript

Ace is an amazing aromaologist in an old fashion circus, but how exactly did he get there and where does he really belong?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The Curious.

They say he collects
strange tales,

and if you ever hear
his whistle,

you know something creepy
is about to unfold.

No one knows where he's from,

or where he's going to.

Or even if he remembers
where it all started.

How much do you trust
your memories?

Are you so sure they're real?

Are you willing to bet
your life upon them?

My familiars, I am Zephaniah,

your humble guides in matters
of the marvellous,

acts of the astonishing,

and displays of
the death-defying.

I have circled the globe
to collect the great,

the cute, and the ugly

for your amusement.

Whoa there!

From the exotic wilds of Zongoa,

Palooka, Nincom and Hijinks!

From the forests
of South America,

I give you the harmonized
high-divers Gudge and Puck!

And from deepest, darkest

the unimaginable might
of Kid Herc!


And finally,
the rarest of them all,

the boy wonder,
the lightning in the bottle.

The fragrant phenomenon,

Ace the Amazing Aromarologist!

Sir, stand up if you will.

Now, we've never before,
have we?


So, there's no way I could know

anything personal about you,

You can always try, kid.

Like, for instance...

the fact that you keep your
money in your left shoe.

Hey, Hijinks! Give it back?

Madam, do I smell fear?

No, sadness.

I smell cat hair
on your clothes,

but not as it should be.

Your cat is very sick,
isn't she?


She's eaten something
that she shouldn't have.

Have you recently purchased
an English ivy plant?



This is what's making her ill.

But don't worry, when you get
home, just remove the plant.

You'll see she's her old self
in no time.


Well done, young man!

That a boy!

Let's keep away
from the boundary, shall we?

That may have been your
finest performance yet.

Did you see how enchanted
they were by your gift?

And do you know what
I've found in this town?

Don't pretend you didn't
smell it already.

Peanut brittle.

I knew before you walked up.

Thank you.

Hurry up!

Zephaniah's calling!

You're late.

It'll be nothing.

What if it's a new arrival?

No way, from this town?

Hey, sniff boy!

Want to know what I smell?

Your lateness!

Get moving, buddy.
Boss wants to talk to us.

And you "nose" who's
in charge, right, boys?

Why aren't you this funny
on stage?

Guys, quiet down, quiet down.

You, shut up!

You, shut up! You...

Thank you, Palooka.

I can take it from here.

Apologies for the late hour,
but this just couldn't wait.

Another castaway has come to us.

Like you, rejected because
she couldn't fit in.

Like you, she will make this
her home.

Here she is now.

What is your name, wanderer?


Welcome, Indigo.

There's no need to fear.

From now, you will feel
no rejection.

What others call an oddity,

we call a gift!


I'll show her the ropes, boss,

starting with the boundary.

There'll be plenty of time
for that later.

Meanwhile, you must be hungry.

Ace, would you do the honours?

Sure, come on.

Where did you come from?

A small town,
not too far from here.

I, uh, I didn't fit in.

What was the name of the town?


Wait, no, it...

it was Hollingsville.

How far did you walk
to get here?

What route did you take?

Always with the same questions.









Hey, hey.

It's okay.

I can't get... I can't get out!


It's okay!

Close your eyes.

No, no!

Trust me.

The mirrors play tricks on you.

Don't use your eyes,
use your hands.

I'm here.

Give me your hand.


It's just a wall,
like any other.

Now, just follow me out.

Thank you.

I was exploring and I got lost.

I don't know why
I got so panicked.

We're all like that
when we first arrive.

Those clowns said if I stayed
I'd have to perform,

but I don't have any talents.

Yes, you do.

Zephaniah wouldn't have allowed
you to stay if you didn't.

It'll come to you.

It was the same for all of us.

None of us know why
we can do what we do.

You just... can.

So, you're all outcasts like me.

This is where you come

when you don't fit
anywhere else.

I fit, I just...

I just never had any family.

Where are you from?

It's okay.



What, you don't know?

Of course I do.

It just... gets hazy sometimes.

What do you mean?


What do you think you're doing?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean...

What is all that?

None of your business!

Who are all those people?

Well, why won't you tell me?

Zephaniah can't know about this.

Hey, trust me.

That's what you told me, right?

The people in those photos,

they're families who have
visited the circus.

I collect them.

Sometimes, I pretend
I'm one of them.

But I started having
these dreams,

images of the outside world.

Places, things, people.

You've dreamt of your family?

I think my memories
of where I'm from

are false.

I think my dreams
are my real memories, Indigo,

and they've been getting

and the stronger they get,
the more I feel like...


Everything I know is a lie.

Does that go for all of us?

Is that why my memories
are so hazy?

Does that scare you?

I could have a family out there.

This tree, I like this picture.

Thank you for believing me.

I do hope you're settling in.

My familiars,

this day we have been rewarded
with a new addition,

a modern marvel from the dusty
plains of the Midwest.

Presenting... Indigo!

Hey, hey,

when you walk onto that stage,

it's like the whole world

You know what to do. Trust me.

She's shy, ladies and gentlemen,

and in here,
you can hear a pin drop.

Let's give her
a thunderous round of applause.

It's for luck.

Presenting the one,
the only... Indigo!

You got this.

Great job, Indigo.

Nicely done.


You knocked 'em out, Indigo.

Make way, Ace.

We have a new star on the show.

So, how did it feel
up there on stage?

Like I was... free.

See? This is why we're here.

Something the matter, Ace?

Nothing, just...

You say it like
we choose to be here.

Like we could leave.

You mean the boundary?

Just know that's for...

Our protection, yeah, I know.

But don't you ever wonder
what's on the other side of it?

We've all been on
the other side of it,

before we came here.

It just wasn't for any of us.

And how did you get here, Gudge?

I've told you a million times,
by train.

Describe it.

The train,
describe it in detail.

It was a cattle train,
slow mover.

We shared a car with 12 cows.

Name your aunts
and uncles, Puck.

The ones you left behind.

That's easy!

You can't do it, can you?

We... don't want
to talk about them.

Describe the street
that you lived on

before you came here.

It was so long ago, I...

Was it in the city,
was it by the sea?

Did it have trees on it?
You must remember that!


Don't you ever think about it?

The outside world,
where we came from?


Yeah, past is past.

That's right, Ace.

This is our family now.

Exquisite performance, my dear.

You make a wonderful addition
to our clan.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I give to you,

Indigo the Flying Sprite!

Now, we all need
our beauty sleep.

Some of us more than others.

Let's go!

You did great, Indigo.


I see you've been
making new friends.

Good night!

Good. Realistic.

What do you mean?

This is it.

This is where I'm from!

My real home.

It's the water tower
I've seen in my dreams.

Uh, I gotta go!

You truly are an enigma.

I-I know the truth!

Our memories are fake!

My home,
the one you stole me from!

That water tower, I've seen it!

Night after night in my dreams.

It's where they are!


My real family!

What nonsense is this?

You took me from them.

Faked my arrival,
kept me locked up here!

Locked up?

You are free to roam,
my dear boy.

The purple circle.

For your own protection,
to keep others out.

You really think that I would
steal someone

from their own home?

Yes, I do!

My dear boy,

nothing in this world would
give me greater pleasure

than for you to be accepted
by your loved ones,

but remember, you came to me.

You sought refuge
when you were rejected

for who you are.

I gave you a home.

We, we are your family.


That's where they live.

Where I should be!

Are you certain about this?


Then, come morning,

with the help of this drawing,
I will take you there.

But remember this,

a dream dashed
is worse than no dream at all.

Are you sure you want
to do this?

Next time on Creeped Out...


See you, Ace!

Look, that house
and the letterbox!

It's all the same!

Zephaniah has my family.

The truth is still out there
waiting to be found.

We just have to know
where to look for it.

Looking for this?

Behold the consequences

for those who break the rules.
