Coroner (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Fire Part 2 - full transcript

Jenny and Donovan must race to confirm their suspicions before a dangerous suspect gets away.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What a joke!

All you did was shack up with
a freshly widowed MILF

who's so messed up she can't
even see how broken you are!

- Stop!

Liam, man!

I'm a social worker,
but it's quietly known

that I help women get away
if they need to.

I just wanna be with you.

Donovan, I'm married.

Oh, uh...

I mean, this whole time
she was lying to me.

How did I not see what she was?

Yeah, we don't know what she is.

Kelly was pregnant.

Then whose baby was buried

in the community garden?

Kelly Hart's insurance company called.

There was an issue with the claim.

It looks like her DNA saliva sample

didn't match her son's.

Hey, what do you want me to do, Mac?

We might lose Kelly.

You need to pick her up right now.



I know you're in there!



Are you sure there isn't
anything I can do?

I just, I...

I feel bad not helping.

Why do you feel bad

when people take care of you?

Oh, uh... I don't...

No, wait, don't answer that.

That is too personal.

You can do the beans.

David, uh, my, um...

My late husband used to do most
of the cooking, but...

I'm learning.

Your husband died too?

Yeah. Yeah.

It was um...

it was sudden.

Everything's sudden.

Yeah, it is.

I know I just met you,

but I kinda feel like
I've known you my whole life.

Like you're the sister I never had.

Oh, that's yours.

What're you doing here?

Hello?! Hey!


What're you doing in my house?!

Sorry, this isn't my most
professional of moments.

It's okay, honey. Go ahead.

See you in a minute.

Oh, thank you.

So you guys were... you were on a trip?


Doing the "world scholar" thing
with our daughter.

Yeah, that's her.

But she told us her name
was Holly, not Kelly.

She was supposed to water
our plants while we were away.

I got her number off
one of those tear-offs

down at the food co-op.

Uh, she said she was studying...

environmental landscape management,

at Seneca College.

Did she give you that?


It doesn't seem so generous now,

knowing that she was living
here for free.


My name is Kelly Hart

and I need your help.

Uh... I'm sorry, I, um...

Excuse me, I have to, I have to go.

- Oh, uh...
- Uh...

Just... take the plant.

No, uh... no, I don't, I don't...

I don't want it,
but, um, just make sure

you don't throw it away, okay?

My name is Kelly Hart,

and I need your help.

My son Robbie was taken from me.

He was only nine months old
and he was taken from me

after less than one year on this earth.

I lost everything in a fire.

You calling to yell at me again?

I can't affor...

Can I show you something?

She's crowdfunding now.

My son Robbie was taken from me.

He was only nine months old

and he was taken from me

after less than one year on this earth.

Quite a performance.


Especially seeing
that it's not her child.

I-I can't afford to bury him properly.

I wanna get him a headstone,
but they say that...

A marble angel for my angel Robbie

is gonna cost $50,000 dollars.

Can you please help me?

What is she up to?

Please help me if you can.

Thank you.

Look at that.

Does it look like there's
something cropped

out of the bottom of the photo?


Will you send this down

to Lucy in digital forensics, please?


Looks like she shot the video
at the community garden.

Let's head down there,

see if she left anything behind.

Mhmm. Yup.

Jenny! Donovan!

- What is it?
- I got Lucy on the line.


That was quick.

I know, she's a genius.

Lucy? They're here.

Nothing's ever really deleted
on the internet.

It's an idea people can't get
through their heads.

Oh, juicy.

There are two babies.


Hey, Liam!

- What?!
- Can you just...

can you just keep it down?

Shh, shh, shh.

Do you hear it?

Okay, so what's going on here?

All I see is you're...

You're beating the shit out
of my daughter's walls

and you're freaking out Ross.

You don't wanna freak out Ross.

Yeah, don't worry,
don't worry. I'm gonna...

I'm gonna patch the room
after I replace the pipes.

The pipes? They look fine to me.

You know what? The guy
at the hardware store

sold me the wrong pipes!


I have the receipt!

You know, he said that
these pipes would work!

He said that I would make
the room perfect for Jenny,

you know, that's what he said,

and now it's just drip, drip,
drip, drip...

- Liam!
- Drip, drip, drip, drip, DRIP!

I hear it...

I hear it all the time.

Look, listen to me, okay?

It's all in your head.

All right?

I'm gonna go talk to him.

There's no... leak.


There's no drip, son,

and I think you know that.

Take a look.

Oh, oh, Liam! Liam?!


- Aw, Jesus.
- Where is he going?

I don't know, but I'm kinda scared

he's gonna do something pretty stupid.

Okay, I'm going after him.

The baby on Kelly's lap

was the baby we found here,

I'm sure of it.

So the other baby's Kelly's.

- The real Robbie.
- Yeah.

But is he alive or is he dead?

And, and if he's alive,
then where is he?

I'll get missing persons on it.

Malik's on Kelly.

You should've picked her up.

On what charge?

A photo of Kelly with two babies

- isn't proof of a crime!
- Look, I know,

I understand that, okay?
It's, it's just...

We have one baby that's dead,

potentially another one.

We don't know how she's
involved in this.

She tried to kill my father.

I know that I can't prove this.

But... I am right about her.

Yes, but my hands are tied.

I can kick it over to Fraud Squad,

but that's not gonna help us.

We need to figure out who we found here

and we're halfway there.

I'm gonna exhume the baby's body.

It would help if we had some
DNA to match it to.

A parent would be nice.

Yeah, but...

What parent doesn't report
their own baby's death?

Alison, please.

Someone who doesn't trust the police.



Open the door, Noor!
I know you're in there!

Open the door, Noor!

Don't make me kick it down!

Keep your voice down.

We found your son.

You can't come in here like this!

You opened the door.

It's not a good time.

I'm not the guy in the tuxedo here.

I'm Detective McAvoy, with a badge.


it's Yusef calling.

- Answer it, then.
- No!

Here's my theory.

It was your baby, in the grave,

at the community garden.

I saw the ribbon on your wrist.

Just like the one tied
to the arch at the garden.

I don't have a baby.

I'll ask him then.

Noor, are you there...

Get out!

Get out! Get out NOW!

I saw you with Kelly Hart,

Kelly Barken, whatever her name is.

You need to tell me everything
you know about her.

Your child is dead, Noor.

I can't help you
if you don't talk to me.

You can't help me.

Just tell me what happened.

If I do,

I'll never see my husband again.


I'll be right back.

His name is Tesfay.

She's the mother?


He's my son.


I killed my baby.







- Aghhh!
- Stop! Just stop!

Liam! Please stop!

I need to be alone, all right?

Leave me alone!

No, I'm not leaving!



Hey! I will tell Mom!

I will tell Mom!

Can you...

Can you, uh,

start from the beginning for me?

I can only help you if you help us.

I was cleaning the fridge.

Tesfay had a cold.

He was restless.

I was trying to get him down for a nap,

and he finally went down,

for at least a couple hours.

Then I called his name...

But he wouldn't wake up.

Was he breathing?

I don't know.



And then I panicked...

and I started doing CPR on him.

His ribs were cracked.

I felt them crack.

Then why didn't you call 911?

Would you have believed me?

And then what would happen to Yusef?

What if I went to jail?

Kelly said...

They would think I killed my son.

She told me she would help me.

My baby was already dead.

She said if the insurance company

thought Tesfay was Robbie,

she could...

Use the money to get away from Ed.

My baby! My baby!

My baby!


Said that she could solve
both of our problems.

Well, she...

This was an insurance scam!

She, she killed Ed,

she buried Tesfay
in Robbie's place, it's...

We still don't have a
shred of proof she killed Ed,

or the baby.

What's gonna happen?

- What, Malik?
- Yeah, I lost her, Mac.

She went into the store,
told the cashier

a creep was following her,

so he let her out the back door.


We need a new plan fast.

Mom, where are you? Call me!

You find anything?

The baby is decomposed.

The ribs are crushed.

I looked at Dr. Allen's
autopsy, the first one?

Mine is consistent with his.


Well, that doesn't make sense anymore.

The baby was sick.

Maybe he didn't die from crushed ribs.

I need to know the specific
cause of death, okay?

I need Mariah tickets in Vegas.

Well, I'll bring her to your
house if you can find out

how Tesfay died.

Tesfay. That's his name.

Hey, Ross.

Sorry I missed your calls.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. No, I'm, I'm coming home.

I'm coming home.



Uh... pow!

We're finally free.

And then...


Ride off into the sunset.

- Very clever.
- Yeah.

I don't know how smart it was
attacking a guy with a gun...

But I guess you got away with it.

Yeah, well, sometimes you
just have to pounce, right?

Guess so.

Anyway, we do good.


- In here.
- Hey.

He's upstairs.

- Are you okay?
- Everybody's okay...

Except for Liam upstairs.

Yeah, I'm gonna, uh...

I'm gonna go talk to him.

What do you think?
Let's get outta here.

- Give them some space.
- Yeah?

You got ID that says you're 18 on it?

- I do.
- Is it legal?

- It is.
- Let's go.

- We're going to the casino.
- Okay.



I was, uh...

Gonna patch the bathroom, but, uh...

It's too far gone.

So... I have...


I wanna fight for us.

I don't know how to get better
if I stay here.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Look at me.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.



Hello, Jenny.

- Agghhh!
- You did this!

- Ow! Please, let me...
- You!

- Jenny, let me explain!
- Shut up, Kelly! Shut up!

- Agh!
- Shut up!

You did this! You poisoned my father.

You set that fire.

You killed Ed.
You killed all of those people!

You did!




I knew if you saw your pills,
you'd take them.

Those weren't my pills.

It didn't need to be this way.

I got a call that you were
exhuming Robbie's body.

It's not Robbie.

You got me. It's not.

Too bad you won't be able to prove it.


All right. You're probably
getting sleepy...

And feeling great.

Just give in to it.

Just give in.

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey. Come here.


I love you...

And sweet Ross...

And Gordon.

Oh! Agh!

You have no idea,

how lucky you are.

My parents...

were murdered in front of me,

when I was a kid.

I hid under the bed.

All I ever wanted was a family,

and you ha-have one.

And you are so obsessed,

with your work and with death,

that you don't even appreciate them.


Just give in, sweet girl.

Yeah, it's okay.


Okay, there you go.

Just let it go.

You're tired because
you've been sleepwalking.

Remember that time you set
the kitchen on fire?

You just need to get some sleep.

You will be better off.

Everyone... will be better off.




Donovan, she set my house on fire.


Meet me at work.

- You okay?
- She drugged me.

- Not your...
- Regular drug? No.

Uh, then my guess is ketamine.

Yeah, toxicology will confirm.

It's... gotta be how she killed Ed.

She drugged him, it incapacitated him,

she put oil on the stove,
and then she shot him.

We can arrest her for what
she did to you.


But don't you want justice
for all of her victims?

I'm a murder cop.

It's kind of my whole thing, yeah.

Okay, uh...

Follow me.

All right, take it easy.




He's been cooling in
the fridge this whole time.

Kelly never buried his body?

No. She, uh, said
she couldn't afford to.

Okay, uh,

is there any liquid
blood left in the body,

that we can test for ketamine,

or any other exotic opioids,

that don't show up in a blood panel?

When he was autopsied,

the blood in the heart
vessels was cooked.

That's usually the best option, but...

- But...?
- It's a long shot,

but I think I can milk his thigh.

Milk his...?

Oh, uh, he's just gonna try
to push blood

up the femoral artery,

if there is any.

Can you hold a cup for me, please?


Is that enough?

That's enough.

Shh, shh, shh...

- Hey...
- Hey.

- You ready?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Is there money in there?

- Mhmm. There's enough.
- Enough for us to disappear?


Ma'am, stay put.

Please... no...

Not my baby, please.

I didn't do anything!

I didn't do anything!

That's my son...

I wanted to show you something.

This was right after we found him.

Okay, see how it's pink
and healthy looking?

The second time,

we took a new section from
a different part of his heart.

What are those dots?

Those are inflammatory cells.

These cells indicate that
he had myocarditis,

which is a virus.

It's rare, but...

It got to his heart.

Noor, it was the virus...

That killed Tesfay.

You didn't kill your son.

Thank you.

I'd like to thank you for...

Helping me.

You helped us, so...

I mean, personally with Yusef.

I just made a call.


I feel like, in another world,
or another time...

Things would have been different.

It's this world, this time.

May I shake your hand?

Yes, please.



- Careful, careful.
- There you go.

- I hate surprises.
- I know you do,

- but you're gonna like this one.
- I don't...

You'll like this one, I promise.

- Okay, I trust ya.
- Okay.

All right. Right... here.

Three... two...



- What's this?
- This is closest thing

I could find to your dream car.

This is for me?

Y-yes and no. It's, this is a rental.

Because we're going on a road trip!

- Are you serious?
- Yeah! Come on, get in!

- That's amazing!
- Yeah.

- No, no, no, I'm driving.
- No. Dad, you are not.

- He's driving.
- You are not driving, okay?

It's just you're gonna have
a wonderful time, but...

- I'm not driving.
- You're not driving.

Okay, uh... make sure you
charge your phone.

- Check it, often.
- I know, I know.

Make sure you give Dad his medications.

- I know.
- I know. Okay, all right.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

Oh my God,

you make me so proud, Jen.

Thanks, Dad.

- Anyway...
- Get back.

- Come on.
- Okay.

So are you sure you're gonna be okay?

- Yeah. I got this.
- Okay.

- I'll call you at the ONroute.
- All right.

Have fun! Be safe, okay?

- Ah... say it when I see it.
- Ross!

All right!

Okay, just drive up here 50 yards

and I'll take over.

- I love you!
- No.

I love you!

A lot's been going on.

Are you still sleepwalking?


I don't think I will, anymore.

I saw my sister.

In a dream?


I was in, um...

It was in this bad... moment

and she just...



Come on!

Hurry! You have to get out
of the house!

When you imagine someone like that,

helping you in a moment of crisis,

it's called "third man syndrome."

Third bunny, yeah.

Oh, sorry, it's, um...

It's just a joke from...

It's just a...

You know, sometimes I, um...

I have this uncontrollable well,

of anger... inside of me...

And, um... and it scares me

Because of...

What I did to Katie.


I know now that I didn't mean
to hurt her.

I was just a kid.

If you could go back now,

what would you say to young Jenny?

I would tell her...

I would tell her she's a good person.

And it's okay.

Good to see you.

Hey, my man. How're you doing?

Hey. Good to see you.


- Hey.
- Hey!


- Thanks for inviting me.
- No, thanks for coming.

My sister never would've
let me live this down.


- That's so sweet.
- She looks beautiful!

- Hey! Thank you.
- Yeah.

You know, Oumuamua's up there.

That's the, uh...

Space thing you're obsessed with?

We are not alone.
