Continuum (2012–2015): Season 2, Episode 9 - Seconds - full transcript

Kiera and Carlos are surprised when Inspector Dillon returns to the squad room once again in charge. He can thank Escher for his reinstatement. The squad will now be dedicated solely to ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously, on

This court finds Julian Randol
to have been acting in self-defense.

I find Mr. Randol not guilty.
That is all.

I believe in Theseus,
and I'm not the only one.

Some are calling you a hero
for killing those bastards.

He's waiting for you.
He's got some interesting ideas.

- There are agendas everywhere.
- What's yours?

If you have to ask, you're not
ready for the answer.

Many years before
I was born

was a time of unrest,
and suffering.

Public government collapsed.

In the years that followed,
everyone had to pull together

and do their share to build
a better society.

People worked at New Pemberton
and other factory cities

throughout the union, to create
a better future,

but that was destroyed
by one man

and the zealots
who followed him.



22501, you have been found
by the corporate court

guilty of civic debt default.

This is your third infraction,

therefore, in accordance
with statute 11,

your citizenship is voided.

I hereby sentence you to
a mandatory life sentence.

No-no, please!

I can repay my debts if you
just give me a chance!

Progress cannot be made if
we don't all do our share.


Welcome to New Pemberton.

Take her to the shop floor,
workstation 213.

2215 proceed to station four.

Sequencing the process,

3217 is now operational.

Workstation 5167,
increase workload to capacity.

2077. My time. My city.
My family.

When terrorists killed
thousands of innocents,

they were condemned to die.

They had other plans.

The time travel device sent
us all back 65 years.

I want to get home, but I can't
be sure what I will return to

if history is changed.

Their plan?

To corrupt and control
the present

in order to win the future.

What they didn't plan on,
was me.

Continuum s02e09

Murdering that judge ensured we'd never
get the evidence to overturn the verdict.

This is why the legal system
is automated in the future.

No human frailty to corrupt
the process.

Well, at this exact moment,
that doesn't sound so bad.

Hello, Nora.

This is from the new chief.
You should read it.

- I don't have to.
- Nothing personal.

It's politics, Dillon.
Of course it's personal.

I always knew there was
a glass ceiling.

I just didn't realize I would be cutting
my own throat breaking through it.

I was sick of the view up here,


This should be interesting.

Protecting the public
is a complex task.

We've always been hindered
by finances and politics.

It's the nature of the beast.

Fortunately for us,
people like Mr. Escher

want to ensure that
we are never again

strong-armed by terrorists
and organized crime.

Escher is going to privately
fund this department?

Piron is making a
substantial investment

in creating a safe
and secure future

for the city and its citizens.

A place that we can be proud of
in the years to come.

Escher said you would relate
to that.

Who the hell is Escher?

I'll be running this squad
under a separate mandate,

a separate budget,
and a new set of rules.

- It's time for the gloves to come off.
- Finally!

We are done waiting for Liber8 to give
us an opportunity to trip them up.

From now on, we take
the fight to them.

Starting here.
Julian Randol.

- That trial was a damned joke.
- I agree.

So while we wait around for
justice to take another pass,

I want him watched 24/7.

He's in so deep with
Liber8, I have no doubt

he will lead us back to their
leadership sooner or later.

Fonnegra, Cameron.

Young Mr. Randol is getting out
of lockup as we speak.

See if any of his buddies
show up to claim him.

Rosicki, Martinez,
my office.

That's it, folks. Get to work.

I really don't think
I can handle this.

You know what?

Don't worry, it's going
to be ok.

Dillon's right.

This is the last freedom
he's ever going to see.

This is a great day
for justice.

Now that my son's innocence
has been established,

the truth about the corruption
in this city can come to light.

Now, we just want
to go home.

You killed my daughter!

Get down!

- Was there any other shooters?
- No, we're clear.

You're in danger! You've gotta go!

On your back!

Call an ambulance!
Julian! Julian!

Julian! Here! Come on!!

- Who are you?
- I'm Rebecca and I follow Theseus.

Welcome home, Theseus.

What's all this about?

Everyone here wants
the same thing as you.

To spread your message
of a better future.

While you were in prison, your words,
your message, found us.

This is just something
I scribbled together, ok?

Random thoughts, feelings,
that's all.

And we share them! The anger,
the frustration, the vision.

Listen, I only speak for myself.
You should, too.

We're not the only ones
who believe.

No. Not interested.

Don't you want to hear
what I have to say?

I know exactly
what you have to say.

- Am I a prisoner?
- You're free to go at any time.

But I believe Rebecca and these
people have something you need.

An army of your own.

People are willing to fight
and die for you,

and for what you stand for.

If you really read that,

then you would know I can't have
anything to do with Travis.

Neither should you. Neither
should any of you.

Julian, wait!

Don't worry, he can't
resist who he is.

He'll be back.

So, no luck on the vehicle
that picked up Julian Randol,

but we're checking
traffic cams as well.

Could be Liber8
already has him.

- Maybe.
- Am I missing something?

I'm not sure what
we're doing here,

I mean, Julian's a free man.

Just because the judge
signed his release,

doesn't absolve
what's in his heart.

He is a ticking time bomb.

We have to be one step
ahead of him.

If you were alone and scared,

who would you reach out to?

- Kiera, it's not a good time.
- I know.

- How's your mom?
- I don't know yet.

Do you want me to come down?

Thanks, but I don't know
what's going on yet.

Alec, I'm...

I'm sorry, but I have
to ask.

Has Julian contacted you?

I'm the last person
he'd want to talk to.

I testified against him,

- I'll call you later.
- Yeah, later.

I'm so glad you came.

Yeah, well your note said you
had some answers for me.


Do you believe in destiny?

I don't know
what I believe in.

You are going to be
a very powerful man.

Really? Horoscope tell you that?

This isn't mysticism or superstition.
These are facts.

You know, jail was good
for one thing.

It made me realize Kagame
used me.

That's true. But he
was preparing you.

I know this sounds far-fetched,
but years from now,

tens of thousands will hang on
every word you speak.

Your ideas will ignite
a great movement.

Sounds like the part where you ask
me to drive a truck somewhere.

Julian, please stay.

- Everything that's...
- You do not know me, ok?!

But I do. Better
than you realize.

I know your potential.

I'm not here to be recruited.

This isn't about you
joining anyone.

This is about you
leading everyone!

We got something!

This just went viral,
media's picking it up as well.

Claims to be some new doctrine,

more anti-corporate
"future is now" stuff,

all the hallmarks of Liber8.

- Theseus. That's rich.
- What?

Thesius, I feel like I should
know that.

Theseus united the people of
ancient Greek mythology.

He rallied against their system,

one he thought was
archaic and corrupt.

Look who they're calling
Theseus now.

Julian is Theseus.

Are you ok?

When darkness falls
and fear sets in,

he'll be the one
the nightmares bring.

With blackest soul
and coldest core,

he'll paint a "T"
across your door.

I don't remember that one.

That was our nursery rhyme
growing up.

Theseus was the monster
under every child's bed.

Sounds terrible.

He killed tens of thousands,
created an army,

launched attacks
against cities and towns,

destroyed anyone who didn't
agree with his radical vision.

- He inspired Liber8.
- And Julian is Theseus?

That's kinda hard to reconcile.

Every monster starts off
as someone's baby.

You've come back to us.
That's appropriate.

Kagame always said it would
come down to you.

- That's absurd.
- Now here you are.

The man who will spark
the revolution!

Look, Kagame used me.

That was the extent of
our relationship.

You were comrades.

Without your vision,
there would be no Liber8.

Well, it seems to me that
Sonya's got that covered.


Do you want to know why Sonya
thinks she sees your destiny?

Sonya believes that she
travelled here from the future.

How can you trust someone
like that?

- And you're the alternative?
- Not me, no.

But be careful.

She will pin her name
on your manifesto.

She wants the world to believe
that she is their saviour.

And if she has to kill you
to do it...

You're lying.

It's supposed to be you.

It always has.

Yes. Yes, of course.

Right away.

Kagame wants you to go.


Well, I'm linked into
the city's cameras

using the RCMP's
face recognition program.

Problem is, it's really,
really slow.

One camera located Julian,
but by the time

the software was able to ID him
and report it, an hour had passed.

- Too late.
- Stay on it. We might get lucky.

- Hello?
- I need help.

- Julian, where are you?
- Look, will you meet me or not?

Great, thanks for your help.

Alright, that was a reporter
friend of mine,

said the manifesto came
from a proxy server.


What if you could save
tens of thousands of people?

Yeah, who wouldn't want
to do that?

Even if it meant killing
one person?

I know this game.

If you could go back in time
and kill Hitler?

- What's your answer?
- I would kill Hitler.

But what he did happened.
Hitler killed millions.

What Theseus did is a matter
of record in my time.

Kiera. You said it yourself.

Certain events in history
have already been altered.

Now, what if Julian's future
is one of those things?

And what if the victims
were people you cared about?

But how do you know that
for sure?

It's usually the victors
who write history.

Because it happened
to me.

People that were close
to my parents were killed

at the massacre
in New Pemberton.

I'm sorry.

I can't believe I'm actually defending
that little shit bird who shot me!

But right now,
Julian is a scared kid.

Fear is a powerful motivator.

Kiera, let's do our part
and find Julian, ok?

Arc. Alec can find
him using Arc.

Kiera? Kier...

Alec? Where are you?


You ok?

Apart from being shot at,
hunted and generally despised,

yeah, I'm great.

- How's mom?
- Recovering.

She took a bullet for me.

Yeah, I guess she thinks
you're worth saving.

Do you?


Any news?

You planning on hunting down
Julian Randol on your own?

Are you thinking about hunting
down Julian Randol on your own?

- You wanna face him alone?
- It's not that straight forward.

Look, I understand the
feeling, Cameron. I do.

He helped Kagame murder
hundreds of innocent people.

But if you actually think
this is a viable option,

I have no choice but to confine
you to desk duty

until this is resolved.

That won't be necessary.

Detective, could you give us
a second please?

We're on the same side,

There is a plan in motion
for Julian Randol.

He's going to tell Rosicki and
Martinez everything we wanna know.

- Understood?
- You're sure?

We're gonna get all the
information we need about Liber8.

Trust me. It's gonna go our way.

Got him!

What're you gonna do?

Honestly, it seems like everyone's
thought of a next step for me

except for myself.

Maybe it's time you did.

What kind of life do you want
for yourself?

How about making
my own choices

without someone telling me
who I'm supposed to be?

I'm really just trying to find
my path, you know?

- What're you doing?
- Keeping you out of trouble.

It's what brothers do.

- Agent Cameron?
- No luck finding Julian, huh?

- Did buddy feed you the intel?
- What're you talking about?

Dillon told me.

You're going to get Julian to
talk, any means necessary,

seems like you could use
my help.

This is the right thing
to do.

He's not some innocent kid.

Things he's capable of could
hurt a lot of people,

and I want to prevent that
from happening.

Are you prepared to do
what needs to be done?

Of course I am.

Do you feel like this is
all one big game?

We're just pieces being moved
around somebody else's board.

Or balls, in this case.

Ah, just a better analogy.

We all have options.

Well, it's easy for you,
boy genius.

You could have gone to jail
for a really long time,

but instead, you're here.


It's a second chance, Julian.
Don't let it go to waste.

See, no matter what I do,

some people will always
think of me as a terrorist.

That won't change.

No. No way, Alec.

- I need to know I can trust you.
- You can.

You can even trust me to get some
more quarters for the next game.

She thinks I have Aspergers?!

Well, she didn't come
right out and say it but...

she says she has some books
in her bedside table.

- Maybe she thinks you do.
- Definitely you, come on!

What are you doing looking in
her bedside table, anyways?

She loves you, man.

Well, yeah, but I
disappointed her.


You did what you had to do,
what you thought was right.

I just wish mom hadn't got caught
in the middle of all this.

She doesn't blame you, it's
me she's disappointed with.

Let's fix that, huh?

You're the one who goes we can
change our realities, right?

Reality, sure. Mom reality?

Come on.

Betty, I know you. What's up?

Dillon's playing his cards so close,
even I can't read them.

Honestly, Carlos, I'm
the wrong person to ask.

- Ok. If that changes...
- You'll be the first to know.

No more apologies, ok?

We've all done and said things
that we regret.

It's in the past.

We are gonna make a
fresh start, right now.

I don't know how easy
that's gonna be.

There are plenty of people
like the man that shot you.

They won't let us turn
that page.

Not alone, no.

But, as a family, the three
of us, we can face anything.

I'm so glad that you boys found
a way to reconnect.

You could learn a lot
from each other.

- So we're cool, right?
- Yeah.

- So what happens now?
- No clue.

Everyone seems to think I have
a destiny to fulfill,

but I mean honestly,
I don't even know

if it's even what I want.

Yeah, I know that routine.

- You do?
- Forget it.

Nobody can tell us
who we are, Julian.

We create our own future, that's
the only destiny that there is.

- Thanks, man.
- Yeah.

Wait, Kiera! You don't
have to do this!

Not so fast.

- You said you weren't going to say...
- I didn't, I swear!


Alec! Stop them!


All that talk about
changing who we are?

You haven't changed one bit.

Hey, Kiera. It's Carlos.
Remember me?

Your partner?

Where the hell are you?
Call me back.

- What's the plan?
- New mandate, right?

We do what we have to.

It's time to get
to the truth.

Kiera's gone rogue, and Martinez and
Rosicki are nowhere to be found.

- I don't know anything.
- Betty, that is bullshit!

Come on, you're lying to me!

Something's going on.

I'm not able to say.

How are we supposed
to be working together, right?

As a team?

Why are you keeping me
in the dark?

Because I told her to.

I'm just gonna...

I wasn't sure you were ready
to do what had to be done.

What'd you tell Martinez
and Rosicki?

To capture Julian Randol, get
him to confess to what he did,

and lead us to the location
of his Liber8 friends

by any means necessary.


That's how we're doing
things now?

It's what's required.

Inspector, that's bullshit
and you know it!

- Detective!
- What?

You think I like the idea
of leveraging a kid?

He is part of the cancer
that is killing this city

and when you have cancer,
you cut it out.

How many Liber8 cells
are there?

And what are they planning next?

I don't know anything,
I told you.

One last chance. Where is he?

My friend here, he don't care
how much pain you're in.

He's not going to let up
until you tell him.

So, for your own good,
where is Travis Verta?

I don't know anything,
I already told you.

He's lying.

You know what? Let's get him up.

No, please! Stop!

I'm not who you think I am!

I'm not that guy!

Are you enjoying yourself yet,

Kiera, what the hell
are you doing?!

I am not lying!


You don't understand.

I know what torture
looks like!

He's being questioned.

Is that what they call it
in the future?

He was found not guilty, Kiera,

whether you believe in
the verdict or not

you can't do that to him.

You don't understand.

I know who he becomes.

Yeah, in the future you left, but
things are changing as we speak!

Not this part.

When I got the message
from my older self,

you told me that I have
the power to shape my future.

If you really think that I
have the power to change,

so why can't he?!

Because I can see the good
in you.

You just gotta give yourself
a chance with him.

I can't.

You're doing exactly what Garza
did to me, you're not like that!

- And he's not like you!
- You don't know that!

But I do.

Kiera? Dammit!


Carlos? It's Alec. Look,
something's wrong,

I need to talk to Kiera but
she's cut off communication.

Woah, woah, woah. Alec.

I thought she couldn't
do that?

Not for long, but it's
going to take some time

to override her lock-out.

- Is she with Julian?
- Yes, and two other cops.

They're torturing him, Carlos!
I think she's gonna kill him!

Where is she?

- Get up.
- No.

Get up!

Listen, if you just let me
go, I'll disappear,

I promise, you'll never have
to see or hear from me again!

- Don't talk.
- But what...

- I said don't talk!
- Cameron..

He's a mass murderer!

You don't understand, I wasn't
the one who blew anything...

You were ready to!

You drove a truck full of
explosives into that building.

Your motives were clear.

Who you are and what
you will become is clear.

You want to martyr yourself
for a terrorist movement?

I think it's time you achieved
your goal.

Please listen to me for a second.
I will do anything for you.

I can't let you do that.

It's that simple. It
has to be that simple.

Cameron, no!



Ok, listen to me, you
don't have to do this!

I'm not gonna be whatever
it is you say, ok?

I'll be something different!

I promise! People can
change, I can change!

You are too dangerous.

Do not make a mistake you are going
to regret for the rest of your life.

The mistake would be letting unborn
millions suffer and die at your hands!

Kiera! Kiera, don't!

- Walk away, Carlos!
- I can't do that.

You were there the day
that building came down.

That was nothing compared
to what is to come.

Every child in my time
hears about the slaughter

at New Pemberton.

What are you talking about?

Kagame must have laughed out
loud when he filled you in

on your future
as a mass murderer.

My future? How could anybody
know what I'm gonna do?

- I know Kagame told you!
- Told me what?!

None of this is
making sense, okay!

Stop trying to hide your agenda,
because I know what it is.

- Your future is part of my history!
- My future?!

What kind of future is that,

Kiera, he doesn't know, ok?
He doesn't know!

That doesn't change anything.

I know the pain
that you're feeling.

The sad truth is that if we
spill blood because of hate,

then we're no better than them!

Our principles are the only
line between order and chaos.

You can't go there, Kiera, because if
you do then there is no coming back.

Please, put the gun down,


I'm sorry, I swear.

But I'm not going to do
these horrible things

that you say I am
gonna do, so please,

please just don't kill me,
okay, please!

I beg of you, please!

Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you!

So I guess I have you
to thank for my life, huh?

Yeah, don't think
the irony is lost on me.

Do you believe people
can change?

Yeah. Yeah, of course they can.

I mean, I have.

Are you sure?

It's kinda hard not
to have an epiphany

when someone's pointing
a gun at your head.


Well, that's the right answer.

Police recorder.

Listen, what she said
about the future,

about what I'd become...

Don't question a lucky break,

Just change your path.

And I mean really change
your path.

'Cause the next time Kiera
points a gun at your head

I won't stand in her way.


- And I didn't betray him.
- I know, I'm sorry.


Well, I'm sure you'll be able
to make him feel better.

It's not his fault that he needs
me more than you do right now.

I don't know if that's true.

You have your
father's strength.

You always did.

You're gonna be fine,

I see that now.

I'm glad you're back,

Where's Travis?

You told me you didn't want him
to be a part of this.

I asked him to leave.

And he did?

Your orders have weight,

You say these people
are my followers.

Gather them.

I have something to say.

You have no idea how badly
I wanted him dead.

Yeah, well you made
the right choice.

I hope so.

Because if I failed...

No, Kiera, you didn't, ok?

Look. To new beginnings.

To new beginnings.

- Oh my god.
- What's the matter?

What if this is it?

My pointing a gun at his head...
this whole experience...

What if that's what does it?

What if I'm the one
that creates the monster?

2319, you have been found
by the corporate court

guilty of civic debt default.

This is your third infraction,

in accordance with Statute 11,
your citizenship is voided.

I hereby sentence you
to a mandatory...


It's alright, my men will show
you someplace safe.

Go, go.

This way.


All guards have been


Set charges to destroy
this facility.

But first, shut off the control
chips to the workers

on the factory floor.


All those people
will be killed!

They're not people,
not anymore.

The corporations
have seen to that.

The chips in their heads as well
as the chips that they are making

in this factory is simply
the beginning, Hector.

Compliant factory
workers today,

you and I and our
children tomorrow.

We don't have to do this.

My brother, it is already done.

All over the union, right at
this moment, at this hour,

factory cities are being

You've killed tens of

Their sacrifice will save

Do it.

2215 proceed to station four.

Sequencing process finishing.