Containment (2016): Season 1, Episode 3 - Be Angry at the Sun - full transcript

Controversial videos depicting chaos inside the cordon prompt Lex to request reinforcements. Katie faces the desperate parents of a student. Teresa is shaken by a robbery at her mother's store.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Everybody, remember,

we're here to help
sick people feel better.

It is nothing to get worked up about.

- On the day you're supposed to move in with me?
- I know.

- You sure this is what you want?
- We're gonna make this work.

Guess no matter how many
stripes you got on the sleeve,

you still gotta kiss
the ring, huh, Major?

Yes, I do, Officer.

- So, what's goin' on?
- Possible flu outbreak.

Sabine Lommers. Health
and Human Services.

Dr. Cannerts has identified a
possible public health threat.

Within 16 hours, Dr.
Sanders became symptomatic,

suggesting that the virus can
replicate at an accelerated rate.

We're placing your zone of the
city under complete quarantine.

Once we're 48 hours disease-free,

our lives can go back to normal.

- I can't let you through there.
- My girl is in there.

- So is mine.
- Jana!


How much longer are they
gonna extend the quarantine?

There's some things about the cordon
I'm not gonna be able to tell you.

And you say exactly what
they want you to say.

Last night I'm a hero,
but today I'm the enemy.

Where there's a mouthpiece,
there's a secret.

Until the virus dies out,
we can't break the cordon.

Then how do we get
the healthy people out?

We don't.




What are you doing?


A real problem for people who
have found themselves trapped in...

Terrified at this point.
We have reports of...

You got this covered?

I feel like we're locking the
door on a burning building.

Preachin' to the choir, Walden.

How many more of these
do you want us to do?

Seal them all.

Unable to get to their parents.

Should be terrified
and must be so shaken.

As you can see...

All right, that's it.

Three days ago, when the
cordon sanitaire was enacted,

there was every hope that the
virus would be contained quickly.

Unfortunately, a small
number of people were exposed

within the original 48-hour window,

and we made the decision
to extend the quarantine.

Shipping containers were
placed around the perimeter

to secure the border.

The number of infected is under control,

and the cordon is working.

If the cordon is working, Dr. Lommers,

why add the containers?

A secure cordon is not only imperative

for this quarantine to work,
it's also helpful for our police

who have the rest of
Metro Atlanta to cover.

Dr. Lommers?

Since the announcement that
patient zero is from Syria,

the Syrian government
has repeatedly denied

having engaged in
bio-terrorism. Can you tell...

That would be a question
for Homeland Security.

Our focus is to contain the virus

and to get people home safely.

Well, that won't be easy
for Muslims in the cordon.

I'm sure you're aware
of Leo Greene's post.

As we work to protect
everyone in the cordon,

Mr. Greene's fear-mongering
is both irresponsible

and immoral.

How is posting those inflammatory images

any different than yelling "fire!"

in a crowded movie theater.

The actions depicted in that video

were reprehensible.

Well, isn't it a matter of free speech?

Miss Savage, social media
can be a tool or a weapon.

For every one of those videos,

I can show you a hundred
of people cooperating.

So you're saying it's
safe inside the cordon?

Major Carnahan.

Yes, if people follow the rules, it is.

Zone 6 is my territory.

I know it inside and out.

By and large, these are decent people,

good neighbors who just
want to do the right thing.

Everybody just needs to remain calm.

The more people cooperate, the
sooner this will all be over.

A reminder that safe...

Sir, you're facing me.

Next. Mickey?

Remove the jacket?

This way, please. This way, please.

This way. Please, just approach.

Can you remove your mask?

- All right, this way, please.
- Son.

You take a seat.

I didn't want to leave
without saying "good luck."

Oh, you'll be back later?

Well, I... I need to be with my wife.

She's just a few blocks away.

Listen, the only way to find a treatment

or a vaccine is to use the virus.

And since it's too dangerous
to transport the virus

out of the quarantine zone,

I'm the only doctor
who has access to it,

and I can't do any more
testing without more rats.

Please come back. I'm
counting on you, Bert.

Doctor? Take care of that.

Officer Riley, you come with me.

Apologies for the grim visuals.

Running a bit low on space.

Soon, we'll have no room
at the inn, as it were.

Help me.

What happens then?

We're moving the non-infected patients

to the nearest urgent care
facility within the cordon.

As for the infected, well...

we'll do what we can to
keep them comfortable.

So, what do you need from me?

Help with transport?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

They're not a threat.

The virus dies a few
hours after they do.

How do you know that?

'Cause the doctors who
mishandled the first

of the dead are still alive and healthy.

If we don't deal with their bodies,

we risk a host of other diseases.

We don't have sufficient
facilities or personnel here

to deal with them properly,
so we need your help.

I'm pretty sure I can't help you here.

I need someone strong,

both physically and mentally.

What exactly do you want me to do?

The only thing we can do.

Burn them.

I must declare the virus
as highly contagious

and fatal in 100 % of its victims.

I recommend we institute
a cordon sanitaire

to contain the spread of the virus.

What I need is the truth.

We are in the middle of the hot zone.

- Jana!
- If we let anyone out

Hey, stranger.

Jana, Jana, I been working all night.

I would have called you
earlier. I'm so sorry, baby.

Oh, no. No "baby."

We are definitely not
at "baby" right now.

- You're mad.
- Why should I be mad?

My hero cop boyfriend is all over TV

telling people they're gonna be ok,

so I tell everyone here to believe him,

because, you know, he's
one of the good ones.

And then I find out from Twitter

that we've all been locked
in by shipping containers.

It was classified. I couldn't tell you.

A hint. A coded text. An emoji.

You hate emojis.

Little prison bar emoji.

I wouldn't have hated that.

I'm so sorry.

I am sorry.

Yeah. Me too.

- This sucks.
- Yeah.

Here's a truth.

I don't know how long this will go.

Since the virus spread, it could
be anywhere inside the cordon.

So you need to hunker down.

Stay indoors. Ration your food.

We don't have a lot
of police in there, so

I need you safe.


You got it...

Major Carnahan.

15 years ago, in the dark ages,

this would have been a lot easier.

If you don't want a video
like that getting out again,

we need to get more cops inside.

What we need is to shut down Leo Greene.

I've seen this before in
every hot zone I've been in.

People want to be good and
follow the rules and they do

until someone pushes the
panic button hard enough

and they stop listening
to the authorities.

Which is exactly why we
need more cops inside.

We can't police the Internet,

but 50 more cops making sure that...

Lex, this isn't a parade.

This is a quarantine.

No one in.

No one out.

Right now, I need you

to go talk to Leo Greene.

Our biggest enemy

is fear...

And it's coming from him.

Shut him down.

- Not too close!
- Careful, Jen! No touching.

It's not fair that they get to go.

You know if your mom
was inside the cordon,

she'd be here, too.

Hospital lockdown is over, Mary.

We should be happy our
friends get to go home.


Hey, Mary, you wanna play?

Hey, you still looking for a phone cord?

No, thanks.

Are you ok?

I was supposed to bring some
sick Syrian kid to the hospital.

That's it. That was my job.

I have braves tickets this weekend.

I just want to go home.

You know, barbecue, sleep in my bed.

How 'bout you? You ok?

I just want to breathe.

But I can't...

Not until the last of
them gets home safely.

How many get to leave the
hospital with their parents?

Not enough.

This is the latest
from inside the cordon.

What does this mean?

Hazmat guy painted one where

the kids got infected at that party.

It caught on. It's like
the plague crosses in Europe

or how they marked the
houses during Katrina.

Hold on.

One second.

It's the police. Gotta go.

Those your contacts on the inside?

Uh, think I'm gonna
plead the 5th on that one.

You gonna arrest me?

What, and make you more famous?

You gotta stop posting those videos.

There are people at risk on the inside.

Instead of me being
able to do my real job,

I'm here trying to convince you to stop

making a bad situation worse.

You remember that storm
a couple winters back?

The snowpocalypse?

Every city and state official
knew that storm was coming,

yet still people ended up
stranded on the freeway for 2 days.

Now, don't you wonder

how that same crowd of
bureaucratic imbeciles

got those containers in place so fast?

Do you ever consider trusting the system

instead of deliberately
scaring the crap out of people?

What's scary

is that system deliberately
hiding the truth from people.

My guy at Homeland tells me
there's absolutely nothing

to these bioterrorism claims.

And Lommers just said that
exposures are under control,

yet my friends on the inside
tell me death marks on doors

are cropping up all over the place.

So which is it? What's the real story?

- Why don't you tell me?
- Whatever you're looking for,

you're not gonna get it from me.

I'm not trying to frighten people,

but maybe if I can get
them worked up enough,

they'll stop blindly trusting the
system and start asking questions.

Unlike you, apparently.

Unlike Major Mouthpiece
here in front of me.

What? You think I wanna be here?

I got cops on the inside
outmanned 400 to 1.

You think I wanna be here?

400 to 1, huh?

Is that an official comment?

Listen to me.

I'm gonna walk outta here

and try to do my civic
and moral duty to help...

- Your moral duty?
- To help the people on the inside!

- You actually believe...
- I expect you to do the same!

- Do you believe in the cordon?
- I do.

All right. I have one
question for you, then.

What happens when someone
tries to leave the cordon?


That's the difference between
me and you, Mr. Greene.

You'll never have to
answer that question.

Dr. Lommers.

Been thinking about a
plan to get cops inside.

Or families are being left...

I'm guessing Leo


said no.

These are not images you
will see on television

or in the mainstream media.

It's not happening in
some foreign country.

It's happening here.

Mr. President.

The department of
Health and Human Services

would have you believe everything is ok

inside the cordon.

It is not.

With no regard for their humanity,

your loved ones are
being sentenced to death.

Remember that guy Rigsby?

Yeah. Dead pickpocket now.

Where are you?

Cannerts has me helping with the bodies.

There's a lot of dead
people in here, Lex.

- How many?
- 12 so far, at least.

That reporter, Leo
Greene, has been posting

some pretty incendiary videos

from inside the cordon.

People are bound to have a reaction.

Does that mean you're
finally sending more cops in?

For now, we have to
make do with what we got.

I'll set up a meet point for
all the cops inside the cordon.

All right. How many are here?

Including you? 11.

- For the whole cordon?
- I want you to run point on this.

What? No. No, I'm a beat guy.

And you know I like to keep it simple.
There's gotta be some stripes...

I don't need stripes. What I
need is someone I can trust.

I need cops at ATMs, grocery stores,

anywhere people gather.

This is already been a day of
me getting the crap detail, Lex.

There has to be someone else.

Officer Riley.

You giving me an order, Major?

Yes, I am.

Don't let me down.

Seriously, Jana?

This is half of what we had yesterday.

Well, Lex said it might take a while.

Lex who lied about the containers?

He didn't lie.
He just... whatever.

He was telling the truth today.

What did he say... Exactly?

That he doesn't know
how long this will last

and we need to hunker down.

- We need to make a food run.
- How is that hunkering down?

Have you ever hunkered
down without food?

The virus could be anywhere.

Lex said it's not safe out there.

Let's take a vote. All in favor...

Sorry, Jana, but I need a vegetable.

We'll draw straws. Loser makes the run.

Winner pays.

People I've never seen before
are coming into the store.

Do you really think you
should be up on that table?

I might be dying of the plague,
and you're worried about me falling?

I'm worried about you, period.

You're not dying. You
don't have a single symptom.

I've only been in
quarantine for 20 hours,

although it feels a lot
longer, stuck in here.

People die within 48.

If you was sick, you'd be
hallucinating or something by now.

Do you think that's what
they're going through?

Amy and everyone?

Haven't heard from a single one of them.

All my friends outside
the cordon have been

texting like crazy.

Nothing from any of the
ones who were at that party.

Listen, Teresa.

You can't help your friends,

but you can help yourself.

You just gotta do whatever you can

to keep you and the baby safe.

10 bucks?

Last week, this was 5.

Supply and demand.

You gotta be kidding me.

Do you want it or not?

My mom is going to hell.

Watch out, Mom!

Quentin, knock it off!

- Ha ha!
- You're in trouble.

They're going stir crazy.

Aw, Britney should be released
from isolation any minute now.

I'm sorry. You're stuck with us.

Not as sorry as her mom.

She's used to doing stuff like
this without a guy in her life,

and now here I am 4
months in playing dad.

Well, take it from another single mom.

You're doing just fine.

Hey, that's it! All of you, 3 corners.

- Right.
- You guys!

They need fresh air.

- 4 to 6 feet!
- Well, we can't go out.

We can go...

- And you're up!
- Mary, you're on it.

Aw, that completely hit the line.

Throw me the ball.

Miss Katie? I have to go.

Throw it.

Would you keep an eye on them?

Yeah. Perfectly healthy.

Hay fever, just like I told her.

I can't wait, Miss Katie!


Got lost. I can't get home.


Thomas, let's trade places, ok?

I have to find my way home.

Help me find my way home.

I miss your cooking, Michie.

Wouldn't mind a little
nap right about now.

That's fine.

After that, you need to
head back to the hospital and

do your job.

My job is taking care of you.

Well, I'm fine.

But they say on the news that
there are more sick people now.

The doctor needs those rats.

- I don't care.
- But you do care, Bert.

That's one of the reasons I love you.

We can't know for sure he was exposed.

He had the man's blood on his hand.

Not on his mouth... Eyes.

There was no exposure to the fluids.

Dr. Cannerts...

False optimism is not your strong suit.

This wasn't your fault.

It was, actually, but thank you.

His dad called me earlier.
He got stuck at work.

The electrical plant inside the
cordon was stressed to the max.

And he's the foreman. He...

he asked me to look after his boy

while he finished up.

Our co-workers, our friends...

Lex said it was bad out there,

but I didn't know he meant this bad.

These are not images you
will see on television.

Sorry I voted against you.

Let's be honest, Sooz. You
weren't voting against me.

You were voting with Dennis.

Department of Health
and Human Services...

The men have returned from war.

Let the show of gratitude begin.

- Wait. Don't.
- What?

Your gloves. You're not wearing gloves.

- Well, I... I just took them off.
- When?

Uh... I don't know. On the way back?

Tony, did you see where
Dennis took them off?

I didn't notice.

I think he had 'em on at the store.

I think you should stay in quarantine.

- To be safe.
- Quit screwin' around, Jana.

You may have been exposed.
You've been outside.

Because we went to get you food!

Now... Suzy, I... I
sanitized my hands, ok?

Jana, they only went to the store.

Ok, look, we've all seen the news.

It's just 48 hours.

Jana, if you want any of this food,

you let us in right now.

I'm sorry. I don't like it either.

Fine. Let's take a vote.

Suzy, your vote makes 3!


Buzz us in now!





People are scared, they pay attention.

I'd love to drop the next video

while they're still
talking about the last one.

We're gonna check out the
edge of the cordon next.

You guys are bad-ass. It's
like the old days, Mel.

Except you're not hitting on me.

When this thing is over, you
guys can write your own ticket.

That'll be us, livin' the dream.

All right, get back out there.

Gotta feed the beast.

I had to do something to
take my mind off things so,

happy Valentine's day... Super late.

I used flour and water for glue.

Is it food? Is it art?

I could do like a whole
show from this place.

I'll bet you could.

Happy super-late Valentine's
day to you, too, T.

You know, I wish you wouldn't do that.

Ok, that's not good.

Ohh! Aah!

Store's closed, everybody! Go home!

Wait, wait. You can't just...

What the hell was that?

I gotta call you back.

Take all you want, Jozelle.

If you're calling
from inside the cordon,

press 1.

We're sorry. All circuits are busy.

Please hang up and try again later.

Come on, girl. Hurry up.


Take it all.

What the hell happened?

We're being robbed, and there's no 911.

Just stay where you are, Teresa.

I gotta help my mom.

T, I swear to God, I will
parachute into the cordon

- if you don't stay in that room.
- I can't just do nothing.


Hello, Harley.

Baker, we don't need that.

These boys are just leaving.

Looks like 3 to 2 to me.

Your face is on video surveillance.

Right now, I got you for expired plates.

If you drop the stuff and
go, we can leave it at that.

Be a shame for you to
go to prison for 20 years

just for some groceries.

Come on.

Get the door.


Let's go, honey.

Watch that door and check this room.

This video surveillance
isn't even hooked up.

Hey, does it matter? He bought it.

What if they noticed
that cord was unplugged?

You can afford to play games,
Jake. You're wearing a vest.

You think this is a game, Baker?

You think I like being outgunned
and outnumbered in here?

This vest doesn't get me anywhere
if enough people are shooting, ok?

The whole point is to
keep them from firing.

I'm a cop, Jake.

I didn't sign up for a suicide mission.








Congress would never let this slide.

The ACLU is gonna jump all over me.

- Dr. Lommers.
- Excuse me.

I know how we can get
more cops in there.

We use the container as a sluice,

a passageway in and out.

until we know that they're healthy.

So you're pitching a one-at-a-time plan?

It's precise extraction. I
know it sounds complicated...

What about the officers
that you're sending in there?

Do any of them have loved ones inside

that would make putting their
lives on the line worth it, or

is that just you?

We're police. We put our
lives on the line every day.

True, although I wonder
if you took a poll

asking who volunteers to
willingly enter the hot zone

just how many eager cops you'd find.

Following orders is our job.

Good. Then I'd like you to
drop this entire mission.

I got 11 cops in there
managing 4,000 terrified people

They have been sentenced
to death, Major,

if they don't follow the rules.

The rules will keep them safe.

And if we add more bodies into that mix,

even police bodies, we are statistically

compromising the people inside's
ability to remain healthy.

I have federal jurisdiction.

So I guess that's an order.

Yes, ma'am.

Where were we?

Thomas? Dr. Cannerts?

Dr. Cannerts!

Mr. Graham.

I've come to take my son home.

But he's been exposed. You can't.

I said I've come to take him home.

Mr. Graham, if Thomas is sick...

Dr. Cannerts, call 911,

- Jake, anyone.
- I already tried, Katie.

Mr. Graham, please.

Let him stay here so we
can keep an eye on him.

- You may be risking...
- You were supposed to take care of him!



Sir, you know it's not right
to wave a gun in a lady's face.

I don't want trouble.

I just want to take my son home.

Well, Thomas,

looks like you'll be going home today.

And soon, with these rats, the
doctor and I will find a way

to fix everybody right up.


Ok, Mr. Bert.

Bye, Miss Katie.

I don't see it.

Biggest news yet.

It's a fire escape. So what?

The windows are sealed from outside.

You're still missing it.

It's a ladder mount on the roof.

One smart person makes
it to that rooftop,

it's an easy leap from that fire
escape to the top of the container.

There's a way to get out of the cordon.

I don't know.

Don't go getting squeamish, Leo.

What did we say in college?

When we were smoking hash?

Always give people the real story.

Leo, the fact that Lommers
is trying to shut you down

means you're doing something right.

They lied about it being bioterrorism,

they lied about the number of bodies,

they sure as hell are lying when
they say everything's ok in here!

You don't have to expose the location.

The minute you post that it
exists, cops will find it,

Come on, Leo. Isn't that
what we're doing here?

I could make out with
you both right now.

You gotta get out of there.

Make a run for it while you still can.

Are you kidding? This is
the hottest story in the w...

It's the hottest story in the world.

What, they run out of razors already?

This is regulation in the cordon now.

What? You're the one
who put me in charge.

What's in these?

Guns, ammo, gloves, gear.

Yes, yes. That's what I'm talkin' about.

All right, so where's my reinforcements?

You're kidding me, right?

Do you know who you gave me in here?

A sergeant who took a walk when
he saw I didn't have any stripes,

a narco I'm pretty sure was hopped up,

a bunch of rookies, and a traffic cop.

I already lost 2 when they saw the odds,

and the rest aren't
exactly the a-team in here.

I know I'm asking the impossible.

No, no. You got the wrong guy.

You'd have found a way to
keep those guys from walking.

This is dead hero territory,
man. It's not my thing.

And neither was going to class
or staying out of trouble.

I wasn't easier on you then either!


Leo Greene just told
the whole damn world

there's a way to escape the cordon.

Dr. Lommers.

We're headin' out there now.

An officer inside the
cordon located the breach.

Good. I just got word from the governor.

As you secure the
area, you are empowered

to defend the cordon with deadly force.

Good luck, Lex.

- All right, sit up.
- Eyes open.

Ok, listen. Our job is simple.

The fire department outside is
gonna take down the fire escape

near the containers.

We just have to make sure no one
gets up there before they're done.

- You see 'em?
- Let's go.

- Get some on our way.
- Now, keep your visors down.

Yeah. Right around there.

- Fan out!
- All right, spread out.

Fan as you get up to...

How the hell did we miss this?

- Set 'em up on the top.
- Ok.

Hey, what's goin' on?

- Baker, hold 'em back.
- Come on.

Or you can go, Ray.

If anybody tries to breach the cordon,

your orders are to stop
them by any means necessary.

Get back! Get back!

What the hell's happening over there?

- Yeah.
- How much longer?

- Almost there.
- We're close.

What's happening in there?

Crowd thickens.

Think you can hold them?

Yeah, as long as they just
want a target practice.

- You can't make me go...
- Break it up!

Run! Run!

Full support!


Ah, don't touch him! Don't
touch him! Don't touch him!



Go, go, go!

Follow them!

Hey, Lex. Lex.

Hey, Baker, with me.

Damn it.

Sir, you are breaking the law.

Turn back now.

I need you to step away.

Sir, this is your final warning!

Step away from the
edge, or we will shoot.

Is he sick? I... I can't tell.

Doesn't matter.

No one in, no one out.
Those are the rules.

Sir, this is your final warning!

Step away from the
edge or we will shoot!


My wife and kids are out there.

If he was sick...


I'm done.

Katie, hey.

Cannerts told me what happened.

I'm sorry.

What are you even doing down here?

Turns out I'm workin' 2 jobs these days.

These are people who...

Figure someone should remember
them with some respect.

Listen, I know it's rough.

Ok? But these people in
here, they died alone.

At least Thomas gets
to be with his family.

And what if it were Quentin?

He'd want to be with you.

I just... I don't know how
this world works in here.

I mean, a man with a gun walked
in here and stole his kid,

and nobody could do
anything to stop him.

If it's like that in
here, what is it like

outside the walls of this
hospital? I mean, who's in charge?

Looks like I am.

God help us.

I don't know.

Given the choice, I put my money on you.

God's the one who got us into this mess.

Maybe he's not sick.

Maybe he's home right now having dinner

and watching YouTube, like every
other 11-year-old in America.

It's possible.


It's possible.

Have you seen the one where
the bulldog plays basketball?


And here's the other thing, baby girl.

Just because you're
my little perfect angel

doesn't mean you can't tear
'em up on the baseball field

- or the basketball court.
- What if she wants to play hockey?

Too cold. That's too cold.

Rough day, huh?

Leo Greene is pond scum,
king of the click-bait.

I mean, the amount of
lives that he risked...

Yeah, it worked. He's gained
almost a million followers

since Wednesday.

Well, I hate every one today,

except you.

You, I... I don't hate.

You're the only one at the moment.

You know, Jana, when this is over,

I, uh... I don't want to spend
another night away from you.

Me either.

Not for a really long time.

Me either.

For the rest of my life.

Me either, Lex.


let's see if they
have an emoji for that.

Ha ha ha!

I just lost my Internet connection.

Yes. So did everyone in the cordon.

But don't worry. You'll have a secure
Internet and phone line tomorrow,

but only you.

The rest of the area will remain dark.

After today's events,

things were getting away from us.

Anyway, lose control, we have
no hope of getting it back.

This was for the good of everyone.


You're looking at me like
this is somehow my fault?

I asked you to stop Leo
Greene, and you didn't.

So, if you're looking
for someone to blame,

Major Carnahan,

blame yourself.