Complications (2015): Season 1, Episode 3 - Complications - full transcript

John visits Antoine's father, the leader of the VCC gang, in prison, and tries to disentangle himself from his responsibilities with Antoine. Meanwhile, things get out of control when ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(John) Previously on Complications...
(man) Help! Somebody help!
I'm a doctor.
They coming back, man!
Sam, wake up. Someone's in the house.
We need to know how the little man's doing.
For now, he's fine.
- I'm sorry. Who are you? - I run things for Easy.
That's Antoine's daddy.
While your pops is gone, it's my job to look out for you.
You see that man right there?
He a doctor. He got your back.
I'm done. I can't be involved anymore.
Tell you what. There's a Sunny's Diner
on Marietta and 8th.
Be there tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. We'll talk about it.
Tell me again what happened?
- She fell off the porch. - Let's let her answer.
(Gretchen) She's been in here six times in a year.
She is gonna die, and we're just watching it happen.
What if we could help her, if we could get her into isolation
away from the boyfriend and maybe save her life?
Hillary, you cannot go back to your boyfriend.
[crying] I know that. He's got my car, my stuff.
- I'm screwed. - What's going on?
I went over to Hillary's boyfriend's place
to get her things, and...
something happened,
and you're not gonna like it.
What are you talking about?
How soon can you get here?
[engine turns off, parking brake cranks]
What the hell, Jed? Don't you have to work later?
I'm just amping up, getting sharp, you know.
I'm not really a morning person, so...
Look, I still say you should've let me bring my .45.
Yeah, right, after your thing in Douglasville?
Okay, I told you, Gretchen, that was not my fault.
Dude came at me.
He was on frickin' crutches, Jed, and you stole his beer.
Listen, just do not pull that sh-- here.
So what am I supposed to do, just stand here?
Jed, yes, just stand there and look like someone this guy
doesn't want to mess with.
Let's do this.
Morning, Seth.
What the hell are you doing here?
- Who told you where I live? - Your ex-girlfriend.
It's moving day, and we're here to pick up her stuff.
No, if she wants her stuff back, she can come get it herself.
You tell her I said that.
Now, get your asses off my property before I call the cops.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure the cops love you.
- Now step aside-- - Get out of here.
Okay, whoa. Calm down, Seth.
No, I'm not gonna calm down. You know why?
Because I live here. I make the rules.
And I say you go.
- Right now. - Okay, calm down.
We're walking away. Come on, Jed.
- Jed, come on. - No, Gretchen.
- We're not walking away today. - Shut up, shut the--
- [screams] - Jed, Jed!
Stop it, Jed!
Guys, guys!
[grunts] Let me go!
- Stop! [bones cracking]
Oh, God, you broke my finger!
Oh, you worried about your finger?
I will end you!
Stop it, Jed!
- Stop! - [crying in pain]
- I was just trying to-- - Choke him to death?
What happened to just standing there?
Yeah, he broke my finger!
You stay put and keep your mouth shut.
We won't be long.
[cries out in pain]
- Gretchen, you almost done? - Be there in a minute.
All right, Jed, this is the last of her stuff. Let's go.
- That bag is mine. - Not anymore.
Consider it an asshole tax.
- That's bullsh--. - You're bullsh--!
Jed, Jed!
Back off, or I'll put a bullet in your eye!
Put the gun away, Jed. Put the gun away.
We're all done, so just take the suitcase to the car, okay?
Put the gun down.
So you think you know me now?
You think you know Hillary? 'Cause you don't.
Oh, you think this was my fault?
I couldn't care less. Have a nice life, Seth.
Okay, let me ask you one question.
Why do you think, after all was said and done,
she apologized to me, hmm?
Yeah. And she was right there too,
right where you're standing, down on her knees,
begging me to forgive her. [chuckles]
That's right, begging, down on her knees,
just like she always does.
[dramatic music]
♪ ♪
(Gretchen) I don't think he's dying, but it's bad.
- I'll wait for you with Jed. - Jed? Who the hell's Jed?
He works in records at Samaritan.
It's not important. Just get here, please.
I'm on my way.
[cell phone beeps]
Hey, everything okay?
Yeah, except now I got to run. My appointment got moved up.
Well, I thought you were going to call the contractor
about getting the door fixed.
Oh, I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'll call them later.
No, never mind, it's okay.
I was going to get some work done at the office,
but I guess I can just do it from home.
Okay, thank you. I'll make it up to you.
Hey, can you grab some milk on your way home?
- Uh, yeah. Yeah. - Okay.
(Jed) This is so bad, Gretchen. He's bleeding everywhere.
Shut up and make yourself useful.
Find the linen closet.
What the hell's a linen closet?
- Get me some sheets, Jed! [Seth gasps]
Wake up, Seth. Wake up, you piece of sh--.
You don't get to die on me.
- What the hell happened? - I didn't touch him.
He wasn't supposed to fall through the coffee table.
It's just things got out of hand.
Hey, Seth, do you hear me? Can you speak?
He's been in and out. Wounds are superficial.
It looks worse than it is.
- His airway's blocked. - Okay, what does that mean?
- Is he dying? - He's bleeding into his throat.
A clot may be blocking his trachea.
I'm on probation, man. I can't go back to jail.
Seth, can you hear me?
I'm going to swipe the back of your mouth with my fingers.
Hold his mouth open.
Hey... don't bite down.
[Seth choking]
[coughing and gasping]
Flip him over onto his side.
Don't let him move.
I'm late for a meeting across town.
You need to call 911 right now.
No, that's not happening.
Gretchen, that man needs medical attention immediately.
No sh--. Why do you think I called you?
You're medical. Give him some attention!
If you don't do it, I'll do it.
- Are you crazy? - Oh, me, I'm crazy?
You nearly beat a man to death.
He got what he had coming to him, Doctor, believe me.
Anyway, Seth's not going anywhere
till he's thinking straight
and knows to keep his mouth shut.
He could've died in there,
and you're worried about covering your ass?
Not just my ass. You want him talking to the police
after everything we've done?
Okay, let's get this straight.
I'm a doctor. I took an oath.
You're asking me to let that man lie in there suffering!
I'm asking you to think about all of your other patients
who'll be suffering when your ass is in jail.
People depend on you.
You want me to cover up a crime. I can't do that.
[scoffs] Correct me if I'm wrong,
but I believe you're the one who has a meeting with a gang.
do the smart thing here.
All right...
no hospital, for now.
I'll be back in a bit.
The moment he recovers, you're gonna--
Yeah, I'll talk to him.
Just don't make anything worse.
[distant siren wailing]
- Take care of that for me. - Okay.
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, there you are.
Someone's in the waiting room looking for you.
Okay, and that someone is?
Virginia Maxson?
Her brother was one of your patients--Henry Maxson.
(John) Code blue, code blue! I need a nurse in here!
Patient OD'd on bed 15's meds.
He was fine. I looked in on him.
You told a guy you were cutting off his foot,
and you left him alone.
You're sure? I was told he didn't have any family.
I guess they weren't very close.
[clears throat]
Excuse me, Ms. Maxson? I'm Dr. O'Neill.
- You're Henry's doctor. - One of them, yes.
Can I help you?
A couple days ago, I was sent a notice of death for my brother,
but then when I called, they told me
that he had been transferred for surgery.
There were bills for both, and...
That's--I'm sorry.
That was a mistake. I can talk to billing.
That's not what I'm asking.
I just wanted to know if, um...
Is there any chance that the notice of death wasn't...
Oh. No.
No, I'm sorry, Ms. Maxson, but Henry's dead.
I was hoping that, uh... somehow--
Of course.
How did he die?
Henry had a severe infection in his left foot.
He was scheduled for an amputation,
but while he was waiting for a transfer,
he ingested some pills belonging to another patient and--
You're saying he killed himself?
I'm afraid so.
But how?
Well, the medication put him into respiratory failure.
No, that's not what I mean.
You're saying that he died here in the ER?
But how does that even happen? How do you miss that?
I was with other patients. By the time--
But you were, what, 10 feet away from him when he died?
20? You were his doctor.
I know this must be hard to understand,
but we did everything we could.
You're telling me that my brother took a bunch of pills
in your hospital, under your care,
and you didn't even notice until it was too late?
That was everything you could do?
I didn't think so.
(Samantha) No, I sent the environmental-impact study
last week.
Yeah, tell them they have it.
[knock at door]
[sighs] Uh...
Uh, listen, Conner, someone's at the door.
I got to call you back in a minute.
Okay, yeah, I will. Thanks. Bye.
- Hi, Sam. - Hey, Gary, thanks for coming.
Oh, it's my pleasure,
although I barely made it past
your personal police force out there.
Yeah, sorry. I know it's crazy, but...
You're a lifesaver, because the alarm company
needs the back door fixed before they can do their install,
and I couldn't get a contractor.
It's not a problem, but are you sure that John's okay
with my coming over?
Well, if he's not able to fix it,
then I guess he's gonna have to be.
Why don't you head back there? I'm gonna go get Ollie.
I know he really wants to help out.
- Okay. - Okay.
[distant dog barking]
Oh, my--my eye hurts.
Yeah, well, that's what happens
when you get hit with a waffle iron.
Ready, Seth? We need to talk.
[mumbles incoherently] I got to get up.
Gretchen, you broke his head. It's a total disaster!
Okay, he'll be fine, and you're making me anxious.
Anxious? You're only anxious?
[cell phone rings] - [mutters angrily]
Sh--, it's work.
Okay, pick it up and act normal.
[cell phone beeps]
- Hello? - Jed, where the hell are you?
Oh, yeah, hey, Tim. I'm so sorry for not calling.
- Why aren't you at work? - Say you're sick.
Hey, Tim, I'm sick. I have a fever.
I've got the bug that was going around.
I'm sorry. I thought I would--
- Yeah. What-- - There's a doctor here asking
about a mix-up in patient records.
Okay, I'm so sorry I'm not there for this.
I need it no later than tomorrow.
I'll see you first thing tomorrow.
Okay, that didn't sound good.
No, there's some patient records issue.
My boss is freaking out.
Patient records? What are you talking about?
I don't know. Some ER doctor's down there looking around.
Jed, are you forgetting that we stole files
from the records office?
If people are digging around in patient records,
we could get screwed in, like, 90 different ways.
We're already screwed in 90 different ways, Gretchen.
I will handle that. I promise you.
I need you to take Hillary's car,
go into work, and cover our tracks, okay?
Now, Gretchen? Would you look at me?
Stop home, clean yourself up, grab a new shirt,
put some eye drops in, you'll be all good.
I just told them I was sick.
Don't worry. You look plenty sick.
Just get in there, okay?
Let's try not to go to jail today.
Look who showed up.
Thanks for waiting.
We can make this short.
I've helped Antoine.
I've made sure he's okay, but now I'm done.
- That's it. - Save your breath, Doc.
I ain't the one you got to talk to.
You got something to tell Easy, you can say it to his face.
Antoine's father?
But isn't-- isn't he in prison?
That's right.
If we want to make visiting hours, we'd best be on our way.
No. No.
I can't. I'm in the middle of something.
I'm dealing with an emergency.
Deal with it later.
You don't keep Easy waiting.
[speaking Spanish]
[rap music playing on car stereo]
♪ ♪
[engine revving, horn honks]
Jesus, that-- that was a stoplight.
Loco territory. We ain't stopping.
It ain't my fault they put the prison
on the wrong side of town.
Hey, what do doctors pull down? Couple hundred Gs, right?
It depends on a lot of factors.
I thought about med school. Did a couple years at Clark.
Too much studying, but bio was my sh--.
Charles Darwin--
"One general law leads to the advancement
"of all organic beings.
Let the strongest live and the weakest die."
How'd you end up a doctor?
I don't know. I guess...
I just wanted to help people.
That's why I'm not in it, too many people to help already--
my mom, my kid, all kinds of people.
If I was chilling up in med school,
what would CJ be doing with himself?
[cell phone vibrating] - Uh...
Sorry. This is a work call. Do you mind if I...
[volume decreases]
John, it's Bridget.
I'm calling about Henry Maxson--
more specifically,
a deeply unpleasant conversation I just had with his sister.
- He had a sister? - A very upset sister.
She was sent a death note for Henry,
and then she received a notice of transfer.
well, that's unfortunate.
I wish I'd have been there to talk to her.
I handled it, but how did it happen?
Well, uh...
with everything that happened that night,
I was a little late canceling the transfer order,
so they must have billed by accident.
And that's all you have to say--a billing accident?
I'm sure it was an honest mix-up.
- Maybe they just-- - Fine, it's fine, John. Bye.
[cell phone beeps]
What's that about?
Just...John making my life harder.
Screwed up some paperwork.
You know, it's none of my business,
but you just--you seem pretty upset about that paperwork.
Yeah, well, thanks to him, a woman just accused me
of being a terrible doctor and killing her brother.
So, you know, there's that.
Yes, listen, people--
they say crazy stuff when they're upset.
It's just one of the many perks of working here.
- You can't blame John for-- - No. No.
He doesn't just get a pass on this.
He's calling it a mix-up, acting like it doesn't matter.
Well, it does matter.
It matters to my reputation, and it matters to this hospital.
I blame John because it's his fault.
(Gary) What we're gonna do
is we're gonna take all this old putty out.
Otherwise, the glass won't fit.
Here, give it a shot.
Whoa. Look at that. You're a natural.
Ellison Construction, back in business.
[cell phone vibrates]
Be right back.
Hey, just checking in, making sure you're all right.
Yeah, it's fine.
Um, thank you for having the police officer sent over.
I hope it wasn't too much trouble.
No, no, no, no big deal.
And, you know, I'm only a phone call away
if you need someone incredibly tough and intimidating.
- [laughs] - Don't laugh.
I took a six-week-long kickboxing course in college.
This body is a lethal weapon.
Good to know. [laughs]
[clears throat] You know I was, uh...
I was thinking about you the other day,
you know, what you're going through.
I really wanted to come over and see you.
I don't know... take care of you.
(Gary) The other night must have been scary with those burglars.
I was hiding upstairs with Mom while she called the police.
I was mostly worried about Dad.
It felt like we were waiting forever.
Ah, couldn't have been that long.
He went downstairs and yelled at them
and scared 'em off, right?
Didn't sound like yelling.
What do you mean?
It sounded more like talking.
[footsteps approaching]
Hey, how's my construction crew doing?
Well, we're doing real great, right, partner?
- Yeah. - Yeah.
Time to put in the new glass.
Hey, Sleeping Beauty, you awake?
Seth, look at me.
[snaps fingers] Look at me.
We need to have a conversation.
No, no, no, I-I got to go to the hospital.
Yeah, the hospital's where I want to take you,
but we cannot do that till we talk
about what you're gonna tell them, okay?
I'm gonna tell 'em...
I'm gonna tell 'em you smashed my face.
Seth, that's not the answer
that's gonna get you to the hospital today.
are you with me?
[cell phone vibrates, beeps]
Hey, what's going on?
(Jed) It's bad, Gretchen.
We're gonna get caught. We are so screwed right now.
Okay, Jed, calm down and tell me what's going on.
Okay, your buddy Dr. O'Neill is poking around again.
She's looking into some transfer order and a death certificate.
So they're going over everything from last week, okay?
It's only a matter of time
before they realize we stole a bunch of sh--.
No, no, no, no, no, that cannot happen!
You need to go back in there and get rid of anything
that leads back to us, Jed, anything!
You want me to go back in there?
Do you have any idea how high I am right now?
- I'm covered in sweat. - What else are we gonna do?
First of all, that's crazy. Second of all--
Hey, Brett.
Okay, even if I did, it wouldn't help.
Wes bills Medicare today.
He's not picking up his phone.
If he submits those claims with the names we stole--
You don't worry about Wes. I'll take care of that.
Just get your ass back in there.
Okay, yeah, that sounds good. Okay.
[cell phone beeping]
(Wes) You know what to do, and you know when to do it.
[beep] - Pick up, Wes.
Call me back, now.
[cell phone beeps]
[buzzer sounds]
[indistinct chatter]
How much longer do we, uh-- do we have to wait?
Relax, man.
- You on prison time now. - What does that mean?
Means you don't do nothing in this place without waiting.
[buzzer sounds, man shouting]
You Dr. Ellison?
I understand you had something to say.
Yes, yes, um...
we need to discuss your son
and my involvement with his case.
From what I hear, Toine's doing pretty good--
healing up right.
Yes, I, uh-- I looked after him.
I made sure he was safe,
but, uh...
this needs to stop.
Yesterday at the surgical center during all that...
confusion... [clears throat]
Darius said that people were getting shot.
I can't be a part of that. I won't be a part of that.
You have a ten-year-old, Doc.
Yes, yes, I do.
I'm asking you, father to father,
to look after him.
Mr. Tyler, your son is in critical condition.
He needs inpatient care.
I work at an emergency department
in a different hospital.
I can't be his doctor. It's just--
It's physically not possible.
You know, way back when, I got this dog--
big-ass German shepherd named Leo.
Real vicious to everyone else, but he was sweet to me.
He'd roll on his back every time I came in the room.
What about yourself? You got a dog?
So you know how it is, man.
I loved that dog.
People thought I was straight-up crazy,
bringing a baby home with this big old dog there.
But wouldn't you know it,
that dog loved Toine just like he loved me--
guarded his crib, let him pull on his ears and sh--.
Then one night Toine wakes up, he can't breathe.
Arms and legs all swoll up and red.
Took him down to the ER.
Turned out he got an allergy to the dog all of a sudden.
You ever deal with that?
Uh, yeah, sometimes that can happen, yes.
That night I get home from the hospital.
Old Leo rushes up to see me, tail wagging, tongue out,
rolls over on his back like he always did.
And I put a bullet through his head.
My boy...
he's everything to me.
The man who helps him, that man's my brother.
The man who doesn't...
Doc, sh--.
You don't want to be that man.
My son's your responsibility...
until I say he isn't.
Yo, Doctor. You and Easy straight?
Oh, yeah.
He made himself perfectly clear.
I'm supposed to take care of his son.
He gave me a job too. You know what it is?
Make sure don't nothing stop you from doing your job.
Yeah. Okay, I get it.
Oh, I'm not sure you do, Doc.
Why don't you tell me about this little emergency
you running off to?
I told you, it's a medical thing.
- Medical thing. - Yeah.
That you got to do on your day off in street clothes?
I noticed you got a little blood on your shirt there.
That's--Believe me, that's nothing you need to worry about.
That right? Guess what. I'm worried anyway.
Yo, CJ. Why don't you tag along with the doc
for the rest of the day, make sure he don't need any help?
- Uh, no. - No?
I'm in the middle of a very delicate situation.
I'm trying to resolve it quickly and quietly,
and I can't do it with him around.
Oh, okay. Okay.
Well, just so we clear, can't draw no heat,
can't have no distractions.
And if for some reason you can't resolve your little situation
quickly and quietly,
me and CJ are plan B, whether you want us there or not.
You understand?
I-I understand.
[cell phone vibrating]
Tell me something good, Jed.
(Jed) Okay, I got rid of every trace of us stealing those records.
- What did Wes say about-- - I haven't talked to him yet.
Gretchen, if he bills Medicare, we're dead.
Trust me, I know.
Wes, you in there?
I can see your car out here. I know you're in there.
Wes, open up!
[music playing over headphones]
Wes! Wes!
Look at me!
Gretchen, what the hell?
- Have you billed yet? - You are paying for that.
I hope you realize--
I don't have much time here. Have you billed yet?
I was just about to. You cannot just break into my condo.
Yeah, I can, if you're gonna get us all arrested.
Didn't you get Jed's messages?
Yes, I got all 17 of Jed's very freaked-out voice mails.
He should really stick to downers.
The hospital's looking for anything irregular.
If Medicare gets a bunch of bills for those patients today,
they're gonna come after me and Jed, and we're gonna get caught.
Gretch! You're being paranoid.
You're the one who came to me desperate for cash.
We had a deal. You supply patient records I can bill on.
I pay you for those records.
You can't just get cold feet because of a few--
What are you doing? No, no, no, no, no!
I told you I was in a rush.
You're insane!
(Bridget) I've known John since we were residents,
but I can't let this behavior slide.
I don't care if he was cleared by a psych eval.
You need to look into this.
Please, Bridget, slow down.
I know you're upset, but everything you're talking about
happened on the same night last week.
He painted a bright red bull's-eye
on the side of this hospital.
He's begging for us to get sued.
I appreciate your concern for the hospital's liability issues,
but is that really the problem here?
Or is this about losing a patient?
Listen, I've been there. I know how hard it can be.
Now, back when I was on a surgical rotation as an intern,
I had a guy hang himself.
I was totally devastated.
No, this isn't--
This is about a woman who was billed
for the transfer of her dead brother
and a doctor in my department
who clearly didn't follow procedure.
The more I look into this, the worse it gets.
All right, all right. You're deputy chief.
So, if you want to pursue it, go ahead.
But what about John?
Last time I checked, he was a friend of yours.
I-- Yes, of course.
I'm just...
trying to do my job.
[tires screeching]
(Seth) Help!
[sobbing] Help me!
[grunting in pain]
Help me, please.
My hand! My hand!
Wait. I'll be right back.
Mm. Mm. [coughs]
You've lost circulation.
- [screaming] - Just breathe.
- I need to look at your hand. - Don't touch it!
You're gonna have to hold still.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What is that?
- It's lidocaine. - I'm not good with needles.
(Gretchen) Dr. Ellison?
Just hold still.
- [screams] - Seth, listen to me.
This is for the pain. You want it, you got to hold still.
(Gretchen) Dr. Ellison.
This is gonna sting a little bit.
- What are you doing? - Treating his hand!
You cut off the circulation when you tied him up.
Why did you take his gag out? Piece of sh--.
- Look at what you did to me! - Shut up!
You're gonna be numb in a second.
- Shut up, you piece of sh--. - Just take a deep breath.
You trying to freakin' kill me, you psychopath?
If I was trying to kill you, you'd be dead!
- That's enough! - You'd be dead!
You're going to jail for this! You're going to jail for this!
You're the one who should be in jail, you abusive prick!
What the hell were you thinking? You just left him here?
I came right back, and he wasn't going anywhere.
Yeah, because you tied him up so tight,
he got compartment syndrome.
Shouldn't you be more worried about us right now?
Listen to me. We don't get to pick and choose who we help.
If he doesn't go to the hospital right now, he loses the finger.
Good! It'll be a nice reminder not to hit women.
You are a complete nightmare.
I wasn't a nightmare when you needed my help, was I?
We're through. The second this is done,
I'm Dr. Ellison, you're Nurse Polk,
and we are never talking again outside the ED.
That is fine with me, Doctor. I want nothing to do with you.
Wait, wait, wait. Be quiet.
- Don't tell me what to do! - Shut up!
Seth! Hey!
Unlock the door! Unlock it!
Hey, you're in no condition-- God damn it!
Let's go.
- Go! He's getting away! - I'm trying!
Why would you cut his hand free?
Why would you do that?
The last I saw him, he couldn't walk.
Well, he made a remarkable recovery, Doctor.
[tires squealing]
[car alarm blaring]
- Jesus! - What is he doing?
Driving with a concussion is what he's doing.
- Okay, well, go faster! - Oh, and then what?
I don't know. Run him off the road or something!
Watch out!
[tires screeching] - Hey, go!
Get out of the way!
There, there he is.
(Gretchen) Holy sh--!
Okay, he's alive!
Let's just leave him. We got to get out of here.
We can't leave him until we talk to him first.
We are gonna get arrested!
I have to try to save this man's life!
Hey, Seth, listen to me.
When the police get here, you must not talk about us.
I'll talk to anybody who's gonna listen.
You're both going to jail for this.
I'm involved with some very dangerous people.
Look at this. Take a good look.
This is what happens when someone gets in their way.
The people who killed this man, they're making me work for them,
and if you interfere,
if you stop me from doing what they want,
this happens to you.
It happens to me. It happens to all of us.
Tell me you understand.
I don't want to be responsible for your murder.
Please tell me you understand!
[sirens approaching]
I understand.
John! We are running out of time!
Okay, Seth, all of your injuries...
No, no... [grunting]
they are from the car crash, all right?
When the EMTs get here
and ask you how you got hurt, you tell them--
From the car crash. From the car crash.
- Okay. - Come on, come on!
- Put pressure on this. - John!
Hold that there.
[sirens continue approaching] - [groans]
[sirens wailing]
[Hurricane by MS MR plays]
♪ ♪
♪ Storm never came, or it never was ♪
♪ Didn't know getting lost in the blue ♪
♪ It meant I wound up losing you ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Welcome to the inner workings of my mind ♪
♪ So dark and foul, I can't disguise ♪
♪ Can't disguise ♪
♪ Nights like this I become afraid ♪
♪ Of the darkness in my heart ♪
♪ Hurricane ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Oh ♪
(Gary) All right, here we go again.
Dad, I just beat Grandpa at rummy.
Yeah, twice in a row.
Wow. That's great.
I called Gary to fix the door.
I know.
But the repair people couldn't get here till next week.
(Oliver) I mitered two of the corners.
Yeah, he did a great job, too-- nice and flush.
Impressive. Would never even know it was broken.
Nice job, Ollie. Thank you, Dad.
Happy to do it.
Want to play cards with us?
- That sounds fun, but, uh-- - Another time, kiddo.
Grandpa's got to shove off. Good work today too.
Sam, always a pleasure.
Thanks, Gary.
I'll walk you out.
you look beat.
What's going on with you?
Nothing. I'm fine.
I mean, I'm getting some headaches
and some trouble sleeping, but they're standard...
symptoms for adjustment disorder.
You got a scrape on your car there.
- Is that a symptom too? - Whoa.
Someone must have clipped me at the hospital.
John, you don't need to bullsh-- me.
Whatever it is, let's talk about it.
There's nothing, Dad.
Look, I know I'm not the guy
that you want to talk to nowadays.
I know you're still angry with me.
Can we not do this right now?
If I could go back and change some things,
if I could've gotten cleaner sooner--
That day at Becky's memorial--
That day was not unique.
- Might've been the worst, but-- - All right, I know, I know.
I have a long and distinguished record of being a prick.
Just wait. Let me finish here.
There's something going on with you.
If you're in some kind of trouble,
just remember...
I'm your family.
[car door opens]
[car door closes, engine turns over]
- [claps hands] - Hey.
There he is. Welcome to the day shift, my man.
You know, if I'd known it would get me days,
I would've smashed up the waiting room a long time ago.
- [laughs] - So what have we got?
Ah, you got a light load.
You got a chronic pancreatitis in four,
possible pyelo in nine.
Everybody else has been dispo'd or turfed to medicine.
Oh, appreciate it.
Hey, and just so you know,
LaToya, she briefed us all on your little breakdown.
Yeah, she said not to treat you weird, so...
expect a lot of weird today.
[both laugh]
All right.
So your arm's gonna hurt for a few days,
but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
Well, sometimes when you get hurt, your body heals,
and you end up stronger than you ever were before.
So be careful with that,
'cause you might develop superpowers.
All right, Nurse Joy's gonna take care of you.
We'll get you out of here as soon as we can.
Bye, buddy.
I have a sling. You want to put it on?
I've talked to three people already.
Well, talk to three more.
- What about Dr. Ellison? - I talked to John.
He didn't have any answers. Make the call.
Someone at Ansley has to know what happened.
What's going on?
I'm still trying to sort out this Henry Maxson mess.
Yes, really.
This kind of thing is not good
for the reputation of the hospital.
Listen, um, let me take care of this.
No, John. You've done enough here.
No, please.
I created this mess. Let me sort it out.
Do you even know how bad this is?
I talked to transpo. Know what they told me?
Someone was transferred over to Ansley under Henry's name.
How? That doesn't make sense.
Yeah, well, it happened, which is why I'm calling
as many people as I have to.
Then let me follow up.
Come on, it's the least I can do.
Fine, but as deputy chief of this department,
I want answers on my desk tomorrow.
I looked after him, I made sure he was safe, but, uh...
this needs to stop.
My son's your responsibility until I say he isn't.
Nurse Polk? You have a second?
Actually, I don't, Dr. Ellison.
I need to check in on bed 25.
No, I really need to talk to you.
I don't really care what you need.
We're done, remember?
So, whatever your problem is right now,
have someone else help you,
or fix it your goddamn self.