Code of the Wild (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Dutch Schultz's Missing Millions - full transcript

Chris and Casey Keefer are in upstate New York tracking down the lost fortune of Dutch Schultz. The brothers use Schultz's final words to guide them to where the notorious gangster may have...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We are on the road to El Dorado,
The Lost City of Gold.

Best bet for us is to key in
on the person

who made it the closest,
Percy Fawcett.

Percy Fawcett was right here.
Hey, that's over the Amazon.
We have to go.

Thousands have died searching
for El Dorado. It's like it's cursed.

My God! Look at this
place, it's Jurassic.

If we can put these things together,
I mean, we might find El Dorado.

Coral snakes, rattlesnakes,
bush fires, scorpions.

Is there anything out here
that's not gonna kill us?

Welcome to the Amazon, man.
What is that?

Look at all this.

We are the Keefer Brothers.

I am Casey Keefer,
the history buff.

When it comes to unexplained
mysteries, I go digging for evidence.

It's go time, brother!

And I'm Chris Keefer, I use my love
of technology to get us closer to
the truth.

It's the end of the earth there,

The world's greatest secrets are
hidden in the most treacherous

And there's no place we won't go in
our search for answers.

This is our Code Of The Wild.

Well, here we are, brother,
Rio de Janeiro.

This is a little bit out of our
comfort zone.

I don't know that I'm built for this
weather. Hot and sticky.

Plus, there's so many people.
It's a big city with a lot
of history. Yeah.

But we have to start here in
Rio de Janeiro,

because we are on the road to
El Dorado, The Lost City of Gold.

When the first Spanish conquistadors
came to South America in the 1500s,

they heard talk of a mythic golden
city hidden somewhere on the

In the centuries that followed,
thousands of treasure hunters

searched in vain for
the Lost City of Eldorado.

Some even paid with their lives,
leading many to speculate that the
city is cursed.

But out of all the explorers
that braved this quest,

one name intrigues us the most,
Percy Fawcett.

An English geographer, who made
many trips to South America
in the 20th Century.

This guy was a legend, man.
He spent so much time

in the deepest,
darkest places of the jungle.

He was actually mapping borders for
countries. This guy is hardcore.

What he heard when he was
in the jungle was the stories
of El Dorado, right?

From the indigenous people.
The story of The Lost City of Gold.

Many people believe that Fawcett
got closer

than anyone in the search
for the fabled city.

It's possible that he actually
found El Dorado,

but just didn't
live to tell the tale.

In 1925, Percy Fawcett sent a letter
to his wife

from a place called the Dead Horse
Camp in the Mato Grosso region of

Shortly thereafter, he disappeared
into the Amazon, never to be heard
from again.

Fawcett was presumed to have
been killed by an indigenous tribe.

And fervour over the lost city
eventually grew cold.

But now Brazilian historian,
Eduardo Gomez,

has dug up some new information
that actually suggests

that El Dorado
wasn't in the Amazon at all.

It could have been, in fact,
somewhere totally different.

This could completely rewrite
Fawcett's story

and reignite the mystery
of El Dorado.

We've got plans to meet up
with Eduardo later,

but first, we have to figure out
what propelled Fawcett

to go on this journey
in the first place.

In the 1920s, Fawcett discovered
a document

that was penned
by a Portuguese monk,

who belonged to an expedition

that claimed to have found
the ancient lost city.

It's come to be known
simply as Manuscript 512.

And lucky for us,
it's housed right here in Rio.

We're going to meet up
with Anna Lucia.

Anna Lucia is an archivist,
she's a curator.

She's an expert
on the 512 Manuscript.

Anna's gotten us access to the
archives of the National Library of

It's the seventh largest library in
the entire world,

with over nine million
items in its collection.

Hi Anna, how are you?
Hi. I'm fine and you?
Doing really well.

Good to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you.
Super excited to be here!

Chris and I are down here looking
into the legend of El Dorado.

It's a very,
very great mystery.

So this is the Manuscript right here,
that Percy Fawcett looked at in 1920,

that started him on the trail
to El Dorado. Yes.

The Manuscript, it's very old.
It's 1753.

It was damaged and it was restored.

You know it's old when you've
got to wear gloves.

And here it is. And there's
the 512, right there.

512 Manuscript right in front
of us. Look at that. No way.

It's in Portuguese. As you can see,
it was restored

and part of the text was lost.

Right. I think the magic
begins here. Yeah. Right.

So very mysterious is the person
who writes here says

that after ten years of walking

outside the outback,
looking for silver mines,

they came to a place that was
a range of mountains and they said:

I really see why he was so excited
to come. Yeah. I would too.

Are you familiar with some of the
passages about, like some landmarks

and some things like that
that were actually pointed out
in the Manuscript? They say:

I mean... Wow. The mountains
and the waterfalls

and the crystals
and the arches. Yeah.

I mean, it definitely has me fired up
to go look for this thing.

We found some evidence here
today, some new clues that

just really sets our journey off
in the right direction. It does.

Manuscript 512 doesn't offer up
any actual coordinates
for the lost city.

But it does suggest some things you
might want to look for nearby.

It is not yet found. If you are
the lucky ones

who find it, I will be
very happy for you. Yes.

Yeah. It sounds like it should be
located high in a mountain region.

Like the ethereal region. Yeah.

Before we head to the Amazon,
we really need to learn more

about the evidence surrounding
the last days of Fawcett,

from the man who's
brought it to light, Eduardo Gomes,
better known as Dudu.

Dudu is a scholar of Brazilian

and he's an expert on
the early exploration of the Amazon.

He's long had a soft spot
for Percy Fawcett.

Dudu. Hey. Good to see you.

How are you? Hey, Dudu. Chris.
Nice to see you. You got it laid
out, man.

There we go. I like that.
Let's start with a beer.

Cheers. I like that
right out of the gate.

Chris and I have been down here for
a while. We've been diving into the
Percy Fawcett story in El Dorado.

You've heard of it growing up here,
living here your whole life?


Dead Horse Camp.

Dead Horse Camp is Percy Fawcett's
last known whereabouts.

He headed north from this spot
and how far he made it

into the Amazon is anybody's guess.

But before he left, he sent his
final letter to his wife, writing:

This waterfall has to be the one

described in Manuscript 512
as the one foaming like white snow.

The Macuxi are an Indigenous people

who have lived in the northern
Brazilian region of Roraima for
hundreds of years.

Now originally they were

but now they're a small farming
community of around 8,000 people.



If Dudu's information is accurate,

then that means that the entire story

of Percy Fawcett needs to be

That right there is something
that nobody has ever heard of.

No. That is so far away
and so far north.

Never have I heard about
the Macuxi Tribe

having contact with
Percy Fawcett.

That's huge information,
because that means he actually

had to get out of the Amazon,
because this is the Amazon region.

He is actually north of that. Yes.

The Amazon rainforest
is 2.7 million square miles,

which makes it roughly the size
of the continental United States.

Now Fawcett's Dead Horse Camp was all
the way towards the southern border.

But the Macuxi, their village is

1,500 miles north in a region
known as Roraima.

That's an incredible find
right there.

That means he's gone further than
anybody else has ever even thought
possible. Yeah.

Maybe he did find it.
Maybe it's way up there.

When Fawcett first went missing, the
British searched for him for years.

In the process, they encountered
numerous tribes throughout the

Some of those encounters
actually turned violent,

which caused the indigenous people
to become very weary

about the information
they shared with the outside world.

But Dudu lived with the Macuxi
for weeks

and gradually,
he earned their trust.

Only then did they share
the secret story of their ancestors.

If this story is true, I'm dying to
know what took Fawcett to the

It would've taken months to get from
Dead Horse Camp to their village.

Do you have any idea what Fawcett
was doing this far north?

Parima Lake, I know that.

The earliest written accounts
of El Dorado say

that it was located
close to a lake, Lake Parima.

But because no-one's been able to
find it,

historians have
written it off as a fictional place.

If it could be found, it would be
a significant development

in the search for El Dorado.

I like this. Let's see
what we've got here. OK.

1794, that's old.

What are we looking at here?
Talk to me.

Parima Lake is right here
on the map? On the map?

Parima Lake. Yes.

These days, Parima is thought of
as a myth,

but because it's on this
300-year-old map,

suggests that once upon a time,
it was real.

That is huge. That is not on
modern-day maps today.

And you know, kind of,
where this is at?

Really? There have been hundreds of
people looking for this right here.

And if we can put these things
together, we might find El Dorado.

We have to go.
That's what it comes down to.

On the map? Parima Lake.
That is huge.

That's not on modern-day
maps today.

On this map, Lake Parima
is also north of the Amazon,

nearly 1,500 miles
from Dead Horse Camp,

but it's only about 60 miles
from the Macuxi village.

Perhaps this is what brought Fawcett
so far north.

And you know kind of
where this is at?

If we could actually prove that
that was a lake,

that could be huge.

That could be a big piece
of the puzzle for us.

There's been hundreds of people
looking for this right here,

and if we can put
these things together,

then I mean, we might find
El Dorado.

We have to go.
That's what it comes down to.

Since Lake Parima
is such a key landmark,

I've got to get the coordinates from
Dudu's old map to see what's there.

And I'm headed about 60 miles from
there to meet with the Macuxi tribe

to hopefully find out more about
Percy Fawcett's final expedition.

We've got a hell of a long way
to go tomorrow.

Yes. Long way to travel.

Cheers. Thanks for the beer.
Thanks for the information.
Thank you, man.

Here's to the road to El Dorado.

I'm headed to Raposa Serra dol Sol,

where Dudu has arranged a meeting
with the head of the Macuxi tribe.

His people claimed that
renowned explorer, Percy Fawcett

was there nearly a hundred years ago.

Now if the stories are true, we might
be able to pick up Fawcett's trail

and perhaps find
the Lost City of Gold.

But there's about an hour's worth
of hiking ahead of us

and we'll have to watch every step.

You can only imagine

what Percy Fawcett was up against
in terrain like this.

I mean, snakes.
There are so many things.

Look at these.
These are termite mounds?

Lizards, frogs and birds sometimes.

What is this made of?
Is it... It's from mud and saliva?


Giant anteaters,
giant centipedes...

..bushmasters... Yes.
..coral snakes, rattlesnakes,

bush fires, scorpions.

Is there anything out here
that's not going to kill us, Dudu?

The Macuxi maintain
very little contact

with the world beyond their village,
but they have agreed to meet with us.

They're weary of outsiders,
but Dudu has actually vouched for me

and believes they may warm up

if I join them in
on a traditional bird hunt.

Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm Casey.

So, I get to carry this?
This is mine? OK.

So they're actually not gonna hunt
with the headdress on...

OK. I'm ready.

Pay attention?

Hunting together is seen
as a huge sign of respect

in many different cultures.

It shows
that I'm not just some freeloader

looking for information
and giving nothing in return.

By demonstrating that I'm willing
to help provide for the village,

I hope I can win the Macuxi's trust
and they'll tell me where Fawcett


I'm going to get closer.

OK. Now they have good chance.

Damn it.

Never tried
to shoot a bird

out of the air with a bow before.

That's incredible.

It comes with knowing the land
and knowing the animals.

When I look at somebody like Percy
Fawcett trying to make their way
through here,

they didn't know the land
or the animals.

You know?

I mean, you can see it is definitely
tough survival out here.

We may not have had
the most successful hunt,

but I think I may be winning
the Macuxi over.

I'm excited to see their village
and hopefully learn more
about Percy Fawcett

and his quest for the lost city.

While Casey spends time
with the Macuxi,

I'm 60 miles southwest
in an area called Pedra Pintada.

I'm meeting a local geologist
who, hopefully, can explain to me

how a lake can disappear
and go undetected for centuries.


Hello. Nice to meet you.

It's hot here.
This is incredible. Look at that.

Amazing. Such a cool structure.
So unique.

So, what is the importance
of this rock right here?

So you believe
this rock right here shows

that this is where Parima Lake was?

Famed British explorer,
Sir Walter Raleigh,

who was obsessed with El Dorado
back in the 16th Century,

believed that the lost city was
built from gold found in Lake

If it's true that this dry land
was once the fabled lake,

it makes sense why it went
undetected for so long.

A lot of people have been looking
for Parima Lake and they could never
find it.


That's the water line right there,
you think?

On this rock?
You think at one point,

this used to be underwater
that high up, like, 15m?

That's so high. I can see that.
That is incredible.

You believe this is the centre?

What makes you believe
this is the centre of the lake?

OK. The old lake.

All of these mountains around here
have that water line right there?

The way the top of this rock
formation is rounded suggests to me

that it was submerged and that water
smoothed it out over time.

But unless you know
how to read the clues,

you might never know there was
a body of water here at all.

Surely, a trained geographer
like Percy Fawcett

would have recognised the features
of a dried up lakebed,

and thought that he might have
found Lake Parima,

which would have made him push on
in search for El Dorado.

Thank you, my friend.

After a really fun,
but unsuccessful hunt,

the Macuxi have actually invited me
to see their village,

and Dudu tells me they're willing
to talk to me

about Percy Fawcett
and the Lost city of Gold.

Are you guys familiar
with the legend of El Dorado?

So, what's he say?

And that was right around here?

Wow. I understand that your tribe
has some history with Percy Fawcett.

Can you guys give me some information
on the stories that you've heard

about Percy Fawcett being
in this area?

They're saying he was here?

Do you have any idea where Percy
Fawcett might have headed once he
left here?

Mount Roraima is one of the tallest
mountains in all of Brazil,

tops out at over 9,000 feet.

Its steep rock walls make the ascent
nearly impossible by foot.

Now the tribes of this region believe
that Roraima is the stump of a tree

that long ago bore all the fruits
and vegetables of the world.

They also believe
that anyone brave enough to climb it

is never going to return.

Could this be one of the peaks
mentioned in Manuscript 512?

If so, this could be
where Percy Fawcett met

his ultimate demise.

This is it.
This is the big festival right here.

This is incredible. Yeah.

This is amazing, guys.
Look at this.

Matches my beard. Yeah.


Fish or beef? I'm a beef guy.

Wow, does that smell good.

So good?

Really good.

So, Dudu, what is this?

Tapir? Yeah. It's really fat.

Yeah. Really fatty. Yes, indeed.

OK, here we go.

That's good. It's hot.

Yes. Yeah.

- That right there...
- hot. Hot.

How do you say dragon?

Dragao? See, he understands that.

That was a hell of a combo
right there.

It sounds like Mount Roraima
has a lot of significance.

Chris and I are looking
for the city of El Dorado.

It's supposedly
an ancient civilisation of people

that were living at the time,
that brought all this gold there.

Was there people living on
Mount Roraima ever that you know of?

So there was a civilisation
on top of Mount Roraima? Yes.

Because they can find
gold and diamonds,

tribes all over the river
that come from there.

That's why they believe that there
is a big amount of gold and diamonds

up on the mountain.
Up top there somewhere? Yes.

That's amazing. We start tying
that in with Percy Fawcett,

the story that Percy Fawcett
could have gone through here

and done the exact same thing
that we've done today,

I mean,
Mount Roraima being right there,

and potentially a civilisation
up top, we've got to go there.

Yeah. Let's do it. So he invited you
for hunting. Yep.

Now he is inviting you for dancing.
For dancing.

OK, yeah, let's do it.
I'll do the Irish jig.

Does that count here?

Awesome. Very, very good.
Work up an appetite on that one.


Are we closing in on El Dorado?

It's time to compare notes
and figure out next steps.

Dudu, let me tell you,
he's going to be mad

when he finds out
that I was hunting.

He is not going to be happy.

What's up?
What's going on? Nada.

How was the tribe?
Tell him.

I don't know if you'd want
to be there. Really?

Yeah. I mean, all we did was go out,

and meet the chief
and the head hunter of the tribe,

and play around with some traditional
bows that they built.

Come on.
We didn't just go hunting.

We went hunting
on their traditional ground,

which is huge because it all ties
back into Percy Fawcett.

So the Macuxi people believe
that Percy Fawcett 100% was there.

Really? The Macuxi say
that he was there.

He lived with them for a while.
They used to take them hunting.

When we went hunting, went to this
traditional hunting grounds.

The same spot they took
these guys, which is crazy

because most people don't think
he ever made it north of Mato Grosso.

But these guys are like,
"Yeah, no, he's here."

Yeah. So I met with Luciano
and he is convinced

that where I was at
at Pedra Pintada was Lake Parima.

He showed me this water line
and they're convinced

that back in the day,
that was Lake Parima.

He was saying
that entire region was a lake.

Well, that's huge. Because one of the
things that's tied

to El Dorado
is Lake Parima. Yeah.

It was, like,
"If you can find Lake Parima,

you can find El Dorado."
But it's all legend.

We kind of got past the legend
a little bit.

If they were here,
where did they go? Plain as day.

They're like, "They went
that way into the mountains."

Like they headed straight
through there. There's a mountain
up there called Mount Roraima.

All the pieces of the puzzle
are starting to fit together.

Lake Parima is the starting point
to finding El Dorado.

We believe
that we've discovered its location.

And only 60 miles from that spot

is where Percy Fawcett was staying
with the Macuxi

before he headed out
to summit Mount Roraima.

And Mount Roraima
is well over 9,000 feet tall.

Which would put its peak
in the "ethereal region", right?

Which is mentioned
in the Manuscript 512.

So it's sounding more and more
like that's our next stop

in our search
for The Lost City of Gold.

Hey, boys, that right there,
that's where we're going.

Yeah. Above the clouds.
That's where we're going.

That is a long way up, my friend.

I mean, that's a straight wall.

Look at that waterfall right there.
Look at that.

That's incredible.

Dude, that waterfall right there
matches the manuscript perfectly.
Yeah, it does.

It says it comes down and looks
like it's frothy white with snow.

I mean, you see how it's all like...

Just that mist and everything...
That is incredible.

I mean, that right there fits
to a tee the manuscript.

If we're ever going
to find El Dorado,

this is as good a place as any. -
This mountain touches the sky.

We've got ourselves
a giant waterfall.

We've got to get to ground.

Unreal. That's the biggest
straight drop-off I've ever seen.

And we've got a helicopter.

You know how long it would have
taken to hike that? Whoo.

Hey, can you take us down
for a closer look at the canyons?

Look at that.


What the ****?

****! My God!

That right there
will get the heart pumping, boys.

Baby. Man. Yeehaw.

It's not very often in a helicopter,
I reach for the holy **** bar.

Look at this place. I've never seen
anything like it in my life.

This is like a step back
in time up here.

Whoo! Wow! OK.

Holy ****.

That ride was the most intense
helicopter ride I've ever had.

We're here now, boys.
Look at this place. It's Jurassic.

It's unreal.
It literally is. It's ancient.

I mean, it's, like, untouched.
Completely untouched.

I can't believe we're on top
of a mountain right now.

That waterfall is a dead ringer from
the manuscript. Absolutely.

Manuscript 512, the document

that propelled Percy Fawcett
on his journey,

described the waterfall
that's foaming like snow.

Well, the waterfall that we saw
on the way up here

is definitely fitting
that description.

So why don't we hike there,
start at the waterfall

and see if we can line some
things up? Yeah.

Yeah. Yes.

I want to get a look
at this stuff up here.

This kind of stuff right here, guys,
exactly what we're looking for.

Look at these formations
right here. Wow.

See them all?

You see that? Incredible.

Let's just look around here for a
second because formations... Yeah.

..are exactly the kind of thing
that Percy Fawcett keyed in on
in that manuscript.

One of them was the three arches,
three arches of great height.

The middle one being the biggest,
the two on the sides being smaller.

That was one of the things he was
looking for, three arches.

Look at all these different ones
all the way through here.

When we were coming up
through the valley there,

it was not a lot of formations.
There was, but not like this.

So if we've got rock formations
like this all up over here,

just keep your eyes out. Yeah.
Because we might be getting close.

Right now, I can see a gorilla
eating ice cream right there on the

So I don't see any arches.
See it right on the left-hand side.

You know what I'm talking about?

Yeah, the face.

All right.
So two gorillas, but no arches.

Let's roll.
Let's do it.

I can't believe a place
like this even exists

in the same spot as the Amazon,
you know?

Yeah. Check that out.

Sweet waterfall.

Look at that thing.
God, is that beautiful.

That is incredible.
It's absolutely gorgeous.

It's got like a full rock overhang
right here.

This is absolutely unbelievable.

This entire thing.

Fresh water, overhang, vegetables.

The garden.

It's got everything. I mean,
it's got its own ecosystem.

So if Fawcett did make it this far,
we know he'd have the essentials

to sustain himself
like food, water and shelter.

Look at the colour of the water.
That's gold.

Completely gold.
There's definitely a gold tint

to that entire thing right there.
Look at that.

All of that right there. Yeah.

I don't know, man. Gold? Maybe
if you dig in that sand over there.

Who knows? Yeah.
Find a little bit. Yeah.

Yeah. You ever know.

I want to get some water
before we hit the trail.

It's amazing.

The key is to get down
without taking a shower.

That is gonna be fresh..

It's really good.
It's good fresh water.

I could use some. Yeah.

It's good. Good stuff.

OK. Let's keep moving.

This waterfall is beautiful,

but it's not the one we saw
from the helicopter.

We need to keep pushing to that one
because we believe

that's the waterfall described
in the Manuscript 512,

that's the one that Fawcett
keyed in on.

Not so much.

You got the sweaty palms back there?
I have sweaty palms, all right.

Look at that.
Straight drop.

Holy... Look at that.

Wow. Look at that.

Every time, we always find ourselves
on a cliff.

Chris doesn't like cliffs.
Heights I'm OK with.

I'm not worried about the height.
It's the cliff that gets me.

That's got to be the waterfall
that we saw. That is incredible.

This literally is the edge
of the world up here. Look at that.

The first part
of that manuscript literally said

the mountain was so high
that it scraped the ethereal regions.

Look at this.

Would you guys say that we're
in the ethereal regions...

Yeah...right now? We're getting
bombarded by clouds right now.

We're touching the sky. Yes.
It's what it comes down to.

Fawcett would have had
such a long journey to get here.

Yeah. We're talking months
into years.

A lot can go wrong
in that amount of time.

So we found the waterfall
from the Manuscript 512,

but now we need to find
the next landmark that it mentions,

so, the three giant arches,
the crystals that gleamed like fire

and the road that leads
to the dead city.

Well, the clouds are coming in
and our view is disappearing.

Just like that. Let's go.

Onward and upward.
Let's just stay away from ledges.

Look at that, man, just like that...

This is the problem
that we're facing, this cloud.

This isn't fog, this is
a cloud bank.

Clouds are starting
to roll in pretty heavy, boys.

In three seconds. It just disappears.

Yeah. We might want to think
about calling it here pretty quick.

Yeah. I mean, these rocks
are dangerous as they are.

You lose sight, then what happens?

Look at this little shelf right here.

We've got a little bit of shelter
above us.

It sticks out far enough
to keep us dry.

Unpack the tents, man.
Let's get it setup.

All right. Here's one.
Here's two. Get these out.

OK. I like that we have two of these
with us now.

See, we don't have
to go beard to beard. I know.

I thought this was supposed
to be Brazil, man.

My fingers are cold up here.
Brazil's hot when you're at
1,000 feet. Yeah.

But when you're up here at 9,000,
things tend to change.

OK. That's it. That's a wrap.

I'm calling it a night.
I don't know about you, man.

All righty.

Let's see
what the bearded one has going on.

Hey. You sleeping? You're down.

How did I know you were gonna
come in here? Cos.

I will see you
in the morning..

Aren't you excited, though?
I mean, we're on a mountain...

Will you shut the **** up
for a second?

We're on a mountaintop in Brazil.
We could find El Dorado tomorrow.

If you keep bothering me,
people might be looking for you

and El Dorado all
at the same time.

Hey Case, are you sure
you don't want to come out?

I mean, shut up!

He doesn't like that.

He doesn't like it.
That's what makes it fun.

Tomorrow's going
to be an exciting day.

Case, you got to see this view.


Look at this?
Good morning, my friend.

I'm good.

That's the edge right there. Wow.

It looks like we're on the face
of the moon right now.

It looks like it just goes off the
end of the earth right there.

We have to make some time
with this sun.

There's clouds all the way in the
far end down there. But we've got
sun right now.

If it stays like this,
we'll be all right.

So much of what we're seeing up here
matches up with the Manuscript 512.

We've just got to keep pushing
and see if we can find more clues.

Man, this thing is beautiful valley
up through here.

This valley serves as a natural
path. We're headed north by

and keeping our eyes open
for more natural landmarks.

I've got some water
here, man.

Get some water? Yes.

All good stuff.

It's all fresh water up here?

Mineral water.
Mineral water. Yeah.

All good stuff. Man.

I don't know what I like better,
the clouds or the sun

cos the sun is hot
and the sun drains you,

but the clouds,
you can't see more than three feet.

Yeah. Well, we've got a breeze,
we've got some water.

Keep pushing up the valley. Yes.

Weren't you looking
for arches, Casey?

Look at that right there.

That is arches.

Yeah. There's one there

and there's another one up there.
What does it say, one's taller?

Basically, what it said
in the manuscript was

they found one road
into the city. Yep.

And on that one road,
there were three arches,

the middle of the three
being the highest.

That's a pretty amazing structure
right there,

but problem is,
there's not three arches,

there's a bunch. I can count four
or five right there.

It doesn't say together.
What about that right there?

And there's another one down there.

You look back on this,
there's nothing back here

as far as we can see.
No, there isn't. Zero.

So it says the middle one
is the tallest

and that's definitely taller
than these two.

There's arches there.
There's arches down there.

What we know is they said they found
a road with three arches,

the middle being the tallest.

What is this is a road?

I mean, it's flat and it's between
two big rock shelves,

and it goes right up the middle
of this thing.

What if this was a road?
It does look like a road.

So, what if this is the road
that's leading up to El Dorado?

It's 100% plausible.

We think of arches in a road
as man made

being a road and arches
that we constructed.

But back then, those are the arches
and this is the road.

I'm thinking this is legit
right here.

Let's follow it. Let's just keep
making our way through this valley.

The road to El Dorado. Could be.

I like following these creeks
like this.

You'd have to think
that's what they did, follow creeks.

It's the easiest. You find
a lot of civilizations on rivers.

Hey, look at this.

What do you got?

Check that out. Wow. What is it?
It's crystal.

That's a good sign. Look at that.

That right there might be
what we're looking for.

Yeah. Are you kidding me?
What does the script say?

The sunlight gives the impression

of fire to the crystal forming
the rock.

See how it shines with the sun?
Yeah. Yep.

It also said that the sunlight gives
the impression of forming fire.

So, that mean... Could be
just the shimmer of this water.

I can see it under my hat,
reflecting off the sun. Yeah.

It looks like fire, cos it's dancing
off the water, I mean...

And it's already got
a gold hue to it.

There is a gold hue to the water all
the way through this whole valley

as we've been walking. The mineral
that's in it has that gold tint.

This could be what we're
looking for.

That right there is gonna
stick out to anybody coming up here.

It stuck out to you.
Dudu and I walked right by it.

- Yeah. You guys blew right by.
- Exactly.

We gotta keep looking.

What is that? What?

Right there in front of us.

Yeah, but it's like glistening white.

Sand? I see it shining now.

Look at on the ground
right here.

Look at all these crystals.
Look at all this!

It's all crystals. Look at this.
This whole thing is crystals.

It's all crystal.

Look at this.
This whole thing is crystal.

You got to be kidding me.

All of it. I mean, handfuls
of crystals. Look at them shining.

It is absolutely everywhere.
Look at that.

Look at this. Look at that.

Boom. No way.

Look at the crystals, man.
And look at it shine.

I never thought I could find a more
beautiful place than where we were

and we just walked into an entire
valley of fiery luminescent

Yeah. Dude,
this right here could be El Dorado.

The creek bed
is actually made of crystal.

There's a perfect crystal line going
right up to the top.

Look at this.

It's a whole top full of crystals.
Look at this.

Everywhere! It's a giant
crystal mountain.

Everything that Fawcett keyed
in on in that manuscript,
we've encountered so far,

the rock that reaches
the ethereal regions of the sky.

We're 9,000 feet up
in the clouds. Yeah.

He talks about the massive waterfalls

that foam and look like snow.
We've seen massive waterfalls.

We've got the sun giving the look
of fire though the crystal
that forms the rocks.

We're covered in crystals
on the ground.

We have Lake Parima,
which is just down the way.

Everybody thought that if you found
that lake, you would find El Dorado.

And it's that close to us. Yeah.

I mean, whether or not El Dorado
is a city of actual gold,

I have no idea, but I can easily see

how this very well
could be El Dorado.

We learned that Percy Fawcett
possibly made it through the Amazon,

further than previously believed.

And we're pretty sure we found the
remains of the long lost Lake Parima.

And what we've seen here
on top of Mount Roraima

has changed our understanding
of what El Dorado could have been.

Did Percy Fawcett make it this far?
It's really hard to say.

But the hunt for El Dorado has fresh
life after this investigation.

Well, I don't know if Percy Fawcett
ever made it right here,

but I know this,
he followed that journal to a tee,

and what we pointed out and keyed in
on is what brought us here today.

Let's get going before the weather
comes in. We've got a long way
to go.

I can put some of these crystals
in my pocket. Right, Dudu?

These are free?

Check his pockets.

subtitles by Deluxe