Clean Sweep (2023): Season 1, Episode 2 - Post Mortem - full transcript

Shelly's husband Jason, a Garda Detective, is delighted to be assigned to case, with no sense where the trail may lead. While he and his co-worker, Fiona, focus on a sex worker, Shelly realizes she may have left evidence in the de...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Did you tell
anyone else you found me?

Who else? You found me.

Most of us want to know
God's plan for our lives.

Charlie, forget about me.

I'm offering you salvation.




Fuck God's plan!

What's your plan?


What are you doing, Shell?

I, uh...

Nymeria needed out.

She... she didn't get a walk.

Well, where is she?

Here, girl!

There she is.


Good girl.

You all right, Shell?

Oh yeah, grand. Tired.

You're up early.

Yeah, the case...

I think I'm just gonna head in.

Shall I make you some breakfast?

No, no. Have you seen my bag?


Did you check the family room?

I'm off.


I'll let you know about supper.

Expected to close

under a voluntary
retirement scheme.

GKT executive awarded 7,500 euro

over out-of-hours work.

And Gardai authorities
have identified

the Glencara murder victim,
Philip Whelan, a U.K. citizen

with an address
in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Officials have not
revealed many details,

but Gardai are mounting
an all-out effort

to find the person
or persons responsible.

Detectives confirm...


Caitlin! Niall! Breakfast!

Get off me, perv!

What are you gonna do?

Asses back in your seats now!

Welcome to
the Whelan task force.

As I'm leading the team,

DG Uba will be
exhibit officer on the case.

And she will be sharing
my office temporarily

while cataloguing the evidence,

before delivering it all
to the forensic science lab

at the Phoenix Park.

I've had these crime scene
photos blown up.

Please familiarize
yourselves with them.

Do not touch
any of the evidence.

We do not want
any cross-contamination.

Right now, we know
bollocks all about our victim

or the circumstances
of his demise.

But I am confident
that we will figure it out.

DG Uba and I will
expect updates continually

until we solve this thing.

Any questions?

- No, sir.
- Nope.

- No.
- OK.

I've contacted Phoenix Park.

We'll be looking for
any Casey gang connections.

We'll look for
any gang or drug connections.

Well, keep me apprised,
Detective Uba.

We'll look to loop
in Interpol if there is.

Yes, sir.


You still haven't given
that poor lad an answer,

have you?

I don't know if I fancy him.

Something worrying you, love?

I'll see you later!


- Hiya, Caitlin.
- Have you made up your mind?

I haven't.


- No answer.
- Leave a message.

Hiya, Zelma.

It's Sean, Sean McNair
here from the Glencara.

Could you give me a ring back

at... at your
earliest convenience?

What time does she
usually come in?

Well, her shift
starts at 8:00, so...

Is she always an hour late?

No, no. She's very punctual.

You... you don't really think

Zelma had anything
to do with this, do you?

Do you know she didn't?

What time did she
finish yesterday?

Well, her shift finishes
at 3:00 p.m.,

but the girls sometimes
work till half 4:00.

And when did she
do Whelan's room?

I mean, only Zelma
would know for sure.

She has to have
the turnaround rooms

done by 2:00 check-in.

Mr. Whelan was
staying over, so...

Zelma, is that Middle Eastern?

Well, Albanian,
I think it would be.

Can we assume Zelma
is working here illegally?

I don't hire the help.

She... she... she's a good worker.

We'll need her address.

Well, you didn't cock up
the crime scene completely.

What can you tell us?

Whelan's body went over

to Loughlinstown last night.

I'm heading there now
for the PM.

Gonna need prints and DNA swabs

from all hotel staff
who might have been in the room.

We're working on it.

Best guess time of death?

I don't guess.

Rectal reading
was 22.17 degrees.

Whelan was dead more than nine,

but fewer than ten hours
when I got to him.

So, we're thinking time of death

between half 2:00 and half 3:00?

- Well, I'd say
- 14:30 to 15:30 hours.

But you wouldn't be wrong.

Can I send a cleanup team in?

- No, not yet.
- We'll let you know.


I, uh, I'm looking for Matt?

Mr. Wilson?

He... We're supposed
to bake cupcakes.

Apparently, Katie Ryan
discovered himself

wasn't Garda vetted...

They're gone
to his house to bake.

Of course they have. Thanks.

Oh, for fuck's sake.


I saw you.

Mrs. Mohan,
the eyes have walls,

don't they?

What are you on about?

I don't think Mrs. Wilson
will take too kindly

to you sneaking off
in the middle of the day

with her husband, now, will she?

Yeah, you understand now,
don't you?

- Mmm.
- Hmm.

I'm beginning
to understand one thing:

why they call you "Cunty Ryan."

Now, mind your business.

For fuck's sake!



You found us.


Look, um...

sorry about the other day.

Whisky and lonely are a bad mix.

I... I, uh, I blame
the Disney cups.

So, um, were we supposed
to do some baking

for this fundraiser thing, or...

I'm sorry.

Oh. It's OK.

I'm sorry.

Are you all right, Mrs. Mohan?


Uh, I... Yeah, I...

My son had a fit last night.

I'm just so afraid
that one of these times,

he's gonna suffocate.

Oh, Mrs. Mohan, I am sorry.


Thank you.

I have a class later, don't I?

A couple of belts
will only help.

I used to substitute teach
in Milwaukee.

Only way I got through
was with bourbon.

And gummies.

And the occasional half a Xanax.

That's terrible.

That's middle school.

Never turn your back
on the little shits.

To cupcakes.

To cupcakes.


Caucasian, male,
brown hair in a mullet style.

Middle-aged. 13.57 stone.

Facial pox scars,
various scars on body.


Armpits, chest and pubis
recently shaven.


Like a suicide bomber.

Why do you suppose
your man shaved himself so?


I don't have a fucking idea.

The lateral aspect of
the right shoulder has a tattoo.

Can you photo that for us?

So we've seen a large amount
of flooding in Cork City

and the Lee Valley.

So, what are
the three main causes?


Fluvial, pluvial, tidal?


Fluvial or river... flooding.

So this is when
the water overflows

the banks of the river,

and the water has nowhere to go,

but into fields
and streets and shops.

Sinéad, what's another way
of saying "pluvial"?

Um, just rain?

Well, extreme rain, right?

And, Caitlin, what did Logan
mean by "tidal"?


- Disgusting!
- It's Bloody Mary!

The wound paths run sequentially

through the anterior portion

of the upper lobe
of the left lung,

the pericardial sac

and the heart

and the lower lobe
of the right lung.

Remember my first autopsy?

Full Irish all over
my brand-new Docs.

I'm grand.

My kid had
an episode last night.

I didn't get any sleep.

Well, I can handle things here
if you need to head home.

Shelly can handle things there.

Supermom to the rescue.

Shelly's all right.


No, I mean it.

It's not easy.

And I can be a right gobshite.


No argument there.

♪♪ We ain't going nowhere ♪

♪ I said "Ooh" ♪

♪ You give me a rush ♪

No more whisky for him.

♪ It feels so good ♪

What are you doing?

I have no idea.


Wanna see me do Freddie Mercury?

No! Oh!

Stomach contains a measured
450 ml of orange liquid

with fragments
of partially digested food.


And now the cranium...

What are you doing?

I'm riding a bike.

What does it look
like I'm doing?

Leave those.

I'll do 'em later, or not.

I don't mind.

I do.

I like the mess.

Chaos is good.

Mrs. Mohan,
your bag's buzzing wicked-like.


Where have you been?

You're OK, you're OK.

Have you been drinking?

I, uh...

Look, let's go home.

I'm never coming
back here again!

OK. Sorry.

Get these prints
into AFIS right away.

And alert our colleagues
in Northumbria.

They'll want to notify
the next of kin,

make arrangements.

Um, you got the machine.

You know what to do.

Sorry to disturb,

but Deputy Commissioner White
has another engagement,

so if we don't leave soon...

- Thanks, Carol.
- Just give me five minutes.

You can close the door.

I was older than you.

I was 13 when I got my period.

I woke up sore one morning,

and I was wet between my legs.

So I ran
into the toilet and wiped,

and there was blood.

So I figured that was my period.

My brother was pounding
on the door, screaming.

I didn't want him to know, so...

I didn't have pads or anything,

so I just balled up
loads of tissue paper.

If you're like me,
the first one will be light,

and then you'll get
a couple more

before you get regular.

What happened to him?


Do you have a brother?


No, stop!

Um, no.

You said your brother was
trying to get into the toilet.

Did he die?

Did he have cystic fibrosis?

Oh, no, no.

No one died.

Some of the, um, foster families
I lived with had other children.

Other orphans?

Like you?


Sometimes, they had
children of their own,

so we were
kind of like siblings.

Did your foster families
love you?


Some did.

I'm gonna run and get
some chicken for supper.

I'll get a couple
of products for you.

Why didn't you warn me?


We talked about sex
and the changes in the body.

Eamon said I was disgusting.


You're not disgusting.

It's perfectly normal.

You should have warned me.


How about I get you a treat?

Magnum double chocolate?

I don't want to get fat.

You're not fat!

Then why do you care
if I eat Niall's ice cream?

That has nothing to do with you.

That's because he needs them.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Honestly, I am not one bit
worried about you getting fat.

You run about
ten miles on that pitch.

I'll be back.

What are you doing here?

The Glencara case.



Witnesses, CCTV.

- You stay away from my family.
- No, Maggie.

Uh, how do you know he was here?

We can't tell you more.

Open investigation.

Will you be home
for dinner tonight?

Until this case is closed,
it's gonna be long hours.

I'll leave a plate
in the fridge.


If I make her uncomfortable,
she must think you're my type.

Razors, Taytos, Red Bull, chicken
tikka wrap.

Hell of a last meal.


Imagine spending your last
few hours on earth here.



So, you were here
yesterday, yeah?

I... I'm here most days.

Yeah, OK.

Um, did you happen
to see this guy?

Uh, he's the, uh,
the fellow who's shot?

He is, yeah. Philip Whelan.

And receipts have him here
at the same time as you.

Do you recognize him?

No, no.

Sorry, I mean,
I ran in and out, so...

Oh well.

It was worth a shot.

It's not every day my wife might
be a key witness to a murder.


I... I better get
this chicken home, so...


Get your windbreaker.

Yeah, OK.

See you shortly.

- Later!
- See you, man.

Hello, Doireann.

What's the... what's the craic?

Come give us a snog.

♪♪ Feet roll ♪

♪ When I get there
I'm breaking your arms ♪

♪ I lose control ♪

♪ When I get there
I'll know the answers ♪

♪ Let me know ♪

♪ Let me know
when I get closer... ♪

How are you feeling?

Uh, have you seen Derek?

♪ Winterland, you're my... ♪

I'm making your favorite.

♪ Guide me in
when you head for your trip ♪

♪ Ride out of this wicked black and
into bright sand ♪

♪ Straight towards
the warm sun ♪

♪ And into his hands ♪

♪ I let me feet roll ♪

♪ When I get there ♪

♪ I'm breaking your arms
I lose control ♪♪

Zelma Përmeti?

Now, Zelma...

recognize him?

Room 223.

Did you kill him?

Did you kill the man?



Not dead. I see him.

Not dead.

He's dead now.

Uh, clean room.

See man not dead.

Why didn't you
come to work today?


Worry my children.

Policia want papers.

How long have you been
here in Ireland, Zelma?

Three years.

Have you applied for residency?

No. No.


What to happen to them?

What can you tell us
about Mr. Whelan?


Can you tell us anything
about this man?

Before yesterday, I try clean.

Sign door, "clean room."
I knock, nothing.

I enter, I see her
with this man.



Who is Coorva?




Her, co-coorva?


No, kurvë is making...


You and Whelan, sex?

No mua. Jo mua. No.



- Kurvë.
- Po.

Po, kurvë.


Day before yesterday,

Mr. Whelan had
a whore in his room?

- Kurvë two time.
- Two times?

She was there twice.

Day before, dje.

I see her in Room 223.

Yesterday, I hear "pop." Knocks.

Like a gunshot?

Do you know
what... what time this was?

Maybe 2:00 and 40?

I texted babysitter
check children.

After pop, what?


"Hello! Everyone OK?"

Kurvë says:
"Champagne cork almost hit eye."

Then I go.

I never see her.

So our killer is a woman.

Don't be so shocked, Jason.

We run companies
and countries too.

She have accent.

What kind of accent?

Not sound Irish.

Someone let the dog in!


Where is everyone?

Caitlin's hogging the telly.

Have you heard
from your brother?

- And Dad's working late.
- On the murder case.

Let Nymeria in.

Oh, shit!

Leave it!

I'm sorry.

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey!

Shhh. Come here, come here.

Stay calm. Just breathe.


Stay calm.

Stay calm, OK?

You OK? You all right?


Look at me, look at me.

Everything is grand, OK?

- Yeah.
- You all right?

- Yeah.
- OK.

Come on, let's set the table.

Oi! Nymeria! Come on, out, out!

- You OK?
- Yeah.

Who's Shelly?

My mom.

You call your mom Shelly?

She's my step.


Where are you?

I'm with a friend.



Listen, I'll be home in a bit.

- It's almost supper time.
- I'm coming to get you now.

Mom, I can make my own way home.

Here's your choice.

I can come get you right now,
or I can call your dad.

This is bullshit.

What'll it be?


You're such a bitch.


You're not gonna
hit me again now?

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have slapped you.

Put your seatbelt on.

Will you just go?

Go, come on, go!


So, how was everyone's day?


What's so funny?

Mom, what's so funny?

It's nothing.


Ah, nothing, love. Just eat.

Can I be excused?

Oh, there's no excuse for you.

Mom just burned you!

You're a complete mentaler!

It takes one to know one.

Ha! Burned again.

- No, she didn't.
- Did too.

Did so.

Yer all right ijits!

"Yer all right ijits!"

You guys finish up.

I'm gonna take
a plate to your dad.

Derek, you're in charge!


Zelma left at
about a quarter past 4:00.

OK, Baxy, let it play.

That her!


We'll hold onto you
until we find this woman.


I no do this. I help.

Is there anyone who can look
after your kids for a few days?


Now you help me and my children?

We'll do what we can.

She shoots him twice.

Medium range, then closer.

So, the first shot
doesn't stop him.

So, what, he's attacking her,
and then she pulled out the gun?

You don't bring a gun

if you're not
prepared to use it.

Right, if I want to kill him,

I shoot him in the head.

Mmm, maybe your man
didn't want to be shot.

Here's a theory:
Two days ago, they have sex.

Her plan is rob him,
but Zelma interrupts him.

So your woman
came back to rob him?

Yeah, but why leave the money?


Nothing stolen.

His mobile.

Maybe he took a really bad photo
and threatened to post it.

Well, we want the phone records.

See if you can track it down.


It looks more like a magpie.

Crows would have
a black breast and wings.

Magpies are brilliant.

The only non-mammal
to recognize itself in a mirror.

It's a hobby.

Not a bad day, Detective Uba.


You got that pint?


I was just after calling you.

I'll not be home till late.

Yeah, I figured.

I was just gonna
run you by some supper.

It's chicken curry!

Ah, don't bother.

I mean, I'll eat
when I get home.

It's no hassle.

I can run it by
in a few minutes.

No, I'll be gone.

Yeah, we've got
one stop to make.

I'll be home
in a couple of hours.


All right.

I'll put it in the fridge.

Be safe!


Ah, Mrs. Mohan!

Hiya, Pat!

I... I... I brought
some supper for himself.

Curry! Nice.

Uh, you just missed them.

Himself and Detective Uba
just left.

Yeah, I spoke to him.

Said he was just gonna
give Fiona a lift home.

Can I just drop it
in his office?

- Well, you can try the door.
- I wouldn't have the key.

- You'll buzz me in?
- Will do.


OK, come on.

Right. OK.

Come on, come on.

Sorry to bother you, ma'am,
but, uh, I just checked

with dispatch there,
and your man has, uh,

signed out for the night.


Well, uh, Pat, we, uh,
must have got our wires crossed.


Gruesome, so it is.

Oh yeah.

Looks sort of peaceful.

Almost, uh, like he's sleeping.

Do you know, Pat,
why don't you eat that?

Ah, thanks, ma'am.

Um, listen, don't, um,

don't tell him
that I stopped by here.

He'll think I'm completely daft.

- Our little secret, huh?
- Ah...

- Good night, Pat.
- Good night, ma'am.

So, Detective Mohan,

what's the secret
to staying married a long time?


Here you are.

Here I am.

Having a fire all by yourself?

It would appear so.

I didn't see
the food you set aside.

Is it in the fridge?

It isn't.

There wasn't much left,

so I'm after
giving it to Nymeria.

You all right, Shelly?

I'm grand.

I'm knackered.

Gotta take a shower.

I'm gonna finish my wine.

So, uh, we have
our first real break

in the case.

Person of interest.

A woman.

Anyone I know?

Uh, you know any sex workers?

Head of the PA's
a bit of a whore.


That's the Albanian for "whore."


Is yer wan Black?

Just her heart.

Not our killer.

Oh, Kevin emailed.

Uh, he's inviting us all around
Sunday for a May Day bonfire.

May Day is a week away.

Ah, well, Kevin burns
to his own calendar.


I don't know what I'd do
if I didn't have you

to come home to.

How was your day?


Got Niall to the bus.

Baked dozens of cupcakes.

Derek's got another love bite.

Caitlin got her period.
