Chuck (2007–2012): Season 3, Episode 12 - Chuck Versus the American Hero - full transcript

Chuck is finally ready to be accredited as special agent. His hesitation to commit for life subsides when he's allowed to pick a team for his new posting, three years in Rome posing as a millionaire. To his horror, Sara prefers to go to DC with Shaw, believing his red test proves him a killer, no longer the man she fell for, and telling the truth would betray life-savior Casey. The Ring director set a trap for Shaw, who thinks he volunteers to sacrifice his life to wipe out the LA ring HQ, but is actually motivated to defect.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm Chuck. Here's a couple of things
you need to know, or maybe you forgot.

There's one piece left to be cleaned up:
Perry. Chuck has to kill him.

You're giving him his red test tonight?

Are you kidding me?
Kill him here? Now? I can't do that.

Then you won't become a spy.

You passed the test.
To them, you killed Perry.

No one can know the truth ever.
Not even Sarah.

You are now officially an agent.
Included is a plane ticket to Washington.

You'll leave tonight.

First day. Don't be nervous.
Don't be nervous.

What floor? Five.

No, not five.

Oh, uh, heh.
I'm so sorry to bother you.

You happen to know what floor
General Beckman is on?

They told me at the front desk,
and I forgot.

You couldn't miss her.
She's little, lots of medals, red hair...

Nice, friendly conversation.
That's good. I'm glad we did that. No.


Excuse me, sir, this is a restricted floor.
I need a badge and a signature.

Sir, I can't let you examine a body
without an authorized NSA badge.

Would you do me a favor?
Just move one step?

There. Perfect.

What do you think you're doing...?

It's done.

Package is intact.

NSA, General Beckman's office.
Please hold.

NSA, General Beckman's office.
Please hold.

Thank you for waiting.

Here we are. Thank God.

How's it going? Heh.


Hello. Thank you for waiting.
Yes. I'll put you right through.

Excuse me. Hi, my name's...

Have a seat, Agent Bartowski.
The general knows you're here.

Right. Yeah.
Of course she knows I'm here.

Ow. Oh, God. These things are
incredibly uncomfortable.

Is there a place that you like to put this?

Because I'm always having it in the...
Oh, right, yes. Ha, ha.

Sorry about that. Finger always on
the slide and, you know, totally empty.

But I hear you. Safety first.

- A pleasure as always, general.
- Pleasure's all mine, Diane.

Uh, that's actually what I wanted
to talk to you about.

Your first assignment just arrived.
The CIA wants you in Rome right away.

- Uh, what? Excuse me? Right away?
- Mm-hm.

You will be posing as an independently
wealthy young expatriate.

That way your jet-setting lifestyle...

...and influential associates
won't draw attention.

It's where you'll be staying.

Uh, wow.

Obviously, you will be afforded
all the accoutrements that go with it.

Cars, clothes, a yearly stipend.

Huh? What? Yearly? Yearly stipend?

This is all moving very, very fast.
Don't you think?

The NSA has spent three years
and countless millions of dollars...

...helping you reach your potential.
There's nothing fast about it.

I get that. I do. I do, general.

And I certainly don't wanna
come across as being ungrateful...

...for the villa, or the car,
or the stipend, or....

I'm just not sure
that I am really ready... pack up and move somewhere
to live this whole new life...

...when I'm just starting to become
comfortable with the life I'm living...

...right now, you know.

What exactly did you think we were
training you for, Mr. Bartowski?

I don't really know what to say,

- I'm sorry...
- Is not an option.

Ahem. I understand
that the handwringing...

...and the second-guessing
are all part of your process.

Here's what I'm offering.

Take the week off, anywhere you want.
On us.

But afterwards,
I expect you back in Washington...

...and ready to assemble your team.
Is that understood?

Hang on. Um....

Back up a second.
What do you mean by "my team"?

You didn't think we were going
to send you to Rome alone.

You'll have your pick of our top agents.
Whoever you want.

So where will we be sending you,
Mr. Bartowski? Bali? Bora Bora?

Bob Hope Airport, to be exact.

I see. And will you be requiring
a companion ticket?

No, thanks.

She's still there.

That's, uh...
That's fantastic news. Okay.

Thank you. Ha, ha.

Enough of the suspense, babe.

One word, Devon: Africa.


That was the hospital.
I mean, I didn't even have to ask.

Out of the blue,
they just offered me a sabbatical.

I have a year off.
Do you know what that means?


We can do Doctors Without Borders,
follow our dreams, whatever you want.

- What about Chuck?
- Chuck is moving on.

You know,
I really believe that this time.

You said he was on a business trip
for Buy More, in Washington.

Yeah. He did sound pretty pumped
when I talked to him.

- Who knows where he will end up?
- Who knows? Heh.

there's nothing keeping us here. Ha, ha.

Africa. Heh.

I've never had to win a girl back, buddy.
So I stopped by the store on the way.

Got Sarah a bunch of stuff.
What do you think? Am I overdoing it?

- You think I'm overdoing it.
- No...

- I'm overdoing it.
- Well....

The chocolates are a nice touch,
I guess...

...but I don't think
you'll be able to buy her back.

I know, I know, you're right. I just....

It just finally clicked for me.
Sarah is the most important thing.

What's the point of being a spy
without her?

I've got to win her back...

...and I've only got a small window
to do it in before I leave for Rome.


- Did you say you're gonna go to Rome?
- My assignment starts there next week.

Then you are still leaving. Thank God.

I fed Ellie some story about you working.
She won't go to Africa if you're here.

I'm not going without Sarah.

Let's get you kids back together.
Shouldn't be too difficult, huh?

You seen the stallion she's dating?

Casey, do you...?
Do you ever knock or use a door?

Shaw's not some geek who likes to talk
about his feelings. He's a real spy.

Oh. Oh, really? Is that so?

You haven't heard because you no longer
work for the United States government...

...but I'm heading up
my own undercover operation.

- In Rome.
- And I get to choose my own team.

Really? Anyone? Including a civilian
with extensive military background?

Take a number, Casey.
Chuck, I speak fluent Italian.

Menu items, mostly.

- Mm-hm.
- I'd be an invaluable asset.

I gotta get Sarah back first.
Then we can start talking about a team.

What are we waiting for?
Let's help the guy.

- Yeah. So Ellie and I can go to Africa.
- And I can get out of Burbank.

And I can finally go see Rome.
Meet a nice Italian girl. See the Vatican.

Pay my respects to the Pope.

What are you waiting for, lover boy?

- Hey, um....
- You're back.

I've been calling you
for a couple days now.

You know,
there's a lot we need to talk about.

- I know. I'm sorry, I've been a little...
- Crazy. Yeah, I know.

Beckman flew me to DC.

I got my badge. It's official now.
I'm an agent.

Congratulations. You earned it.

You know, the CIA,
they're sending me to Italy.

You wouldn't believe the villa
they're putting me up in.

I'm supposed to be
some rich, young playboy.

But who cares about that?
The point is, Sarah...

- ...I want you to go with me.
- Chuck. I can't.

I get to choose my team.
Cream of the crop. That's you.

I'm going to Washington, okay?
And I'm going with Shaw.

Wait. Wait a minute.

Wasn't this the plan? There's nothing
stopping us from being together now.

- I passed my spy test.
- That's why I can't be with you.

You're not....
You're not the same guy that I fell for.

How? Why? Because I'm an agent now?
How am I not the same guy?

You killed somebody, Chuck.
I saw you kill the mole.

Sarah, I know what you think you saw
on the train tracks...

...but it's not that simple.
It's more complicated than that.

It's not what you think,
and I need you to believe me.

I don't.

Hope I'm not interrupting.

Congratulations on your promotion,
Special Agent Bartowski.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.
Yeah, it's, uh, very exciting.

So, what brings you back to Burbank?


I, uh....

You know, just, uh...
Just tying up a few loose ends.

Chuck was just wondering
if I had any last-minute advice...

...on his new assignment in Rome.

Well, you shouldn't have come to her.

You should've come to me.
I was stationed there for two years.

Come on, I can tell you
everything you need to know.

Oh, great.

- Hey. How'd it go with Walker?
- Because she thinks I killed the mole...

...she believes I'm no longer the guy
she fell in love with.

- I have to tell her the truth.
- That I killed him? Not gonna happen.

- The guy was a traitor.
- According to Beckman, so am I.

I'm lucky she didn't put a bullet
in my head.

- Get her back some other way.
- What am I supposed to tell Sarah?

Whatever you want, just not the truth.
You like being a full-fledged spy?

You like that nice villa
the CIA picked out for you in Rome, hmm?

Then you killed the mole.
That's how it's gotta be.

- Okay, how did it go? How did it go?
- Crashed and burned.

- Chuck, did you tell her how you feel?
- Forget it.

She's leaving with Shaw in the morning.
I'm sorry, it's over.

I'm gonna go get some air...

...and figure out how I'm gonna
tell Beckman I'm quitting.

There goes our chance
to ever get out of the Buy More.

Really? Is that what they teach you
in the Marine Corps?

- Hmm?
- Roll over and die?

This isn't exactly combat, Morgan.

That's where you're wrong, Casey.
Because love.... Love is a battlefield.


Hey, fellas. Need your help.

- Actually, Chuck needs your help.
- Went and lost his old lady again, huh?

How'd you know?
- We know everything.

We're the eyes and the ears
of the strip mall, my friend.

Chuck better move quick
if he wants his fro-yo ho back.

Another fella sniffing around
the Orange Orange.

Guy knows how to fill out a pair
of slacks, if you know what I'm saying.

- No, I don't know what that...
- Shh.

You want us to put a tail
on blondie's new piece?

Find out his weakness?
See what skeletons are in his closet?

Blood sample? Urine? Stool?

No. No, not... I just....
I just need to borrow something.

Whoa! Whoa!

What the crap is going on?
You guys scared the bejesus out of me.

We're here to help you
reacquire Agent Walker.

- Guys, listen, you don't understand.
- No, Chuck, you don't understand.

You're not the only one
with something at stake.

Yeah. We help you get the girl,
you help us get out of Burbank.

Think of it as a test run for Rome.
Ha, ha. What do you think?

Hey, get dressed.
Reservation's in 10 minutes.

- Reservation for what?
Get him in.

What are you doing with Jeff's van?
Go, go, go.

Target's on the move.

Guys, what are we doing here?
It's Shaw's date.

Wow. Now that guy can fill out
a pair of slacks. He's a real stallion. Huh.

Don't listen to him. We have a plan.
You got nothing to worry about, man.

Target is in position, sir.

Looks like a romantic dinner.
Sorry, Shaw.

1990 Ch?teau Latour.
Excellent choice.

Knowledge of fine wine, very classy.

He just ordered for both of them.
That's a power move, bro.

Yeah, well, the guy's a closer.

Guys, a little sensitivity
would really go a long way.

Just a smidgin. A scoatch. A dab.

We are, after all,
talking about the girl I love here.

I'm sorry.

What could you be sorry for?
This is amazing.

It's just, I'm sorry that
we haven't done this sooner.

- This is nice.
- No, it's perfect.

Being here with you.

To a new life and
a fresh start. No Burbank, no baggage.

This isn't good. Why doesn't
John here just drag him out of there?

Yeah, I'm afraid my days of legalized
body snatching are over, guys.

I'm a civilian now.
This one's on you, Bartowski.

Do not go in there too hot.
You will scare her away.

No, negative, okay?
Chuck has to lay it all on the line.

Shaw may be handsome, worldly,
and know his way around a menu...

...but he's stiff as a board.
Where's that, uh, Bartowski charm?

- You flash a smile, you go in there...
- Morgan.

Why don't you let me handle it, okay?
I've had my fair share of ladies.

Because you live in a bubble, okay?
Take a look at yourself. Go ahead.

It's a freakish bubble
of handsomeness.

Now look at me. No bubble.
I gotta be completely verbal.

Chuck, you just go in and you be fun
and you be witty...

...and you be the charming guy
she fell for. Yeah?

Okay. Okay, fine.
But what about Shaw?

Hey, just worry about the girl.
I'll take care of the stallion.

Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Shaw,
you have a phone call.

All right, target's on the move.

Agent Shaw,
I am an operative of the Ring.

If you want to save everyone
in this restaurant... will listen to my instructions
very carefully...

...and you will do everything
that I say.

Ha, ha. Shh.

Where the hell you think you're going?

Exit the restaurant
through the side door...

...and head to the back alley.

All right, we've lost visual on the target.
Bring up the phone tap.

Stay cool and nobody will get hurt.

Who the hell is that?

- Is this seat taken?
- Chuck, what are you doing here?

- I'm here for you.
- What do you want me to say?

That you'll come with me to Rome.

Well, you know that I can't
and you know why.

I don't wanna have to make a scene
in front of all these people...

...but I will literally do anything
to change your mind.

Then tell me what really happened.

If you didn't kill the mole,
then who did?

I don't want there to be any secrets
or lies between us ever again.

So please, just let me have this one.

And I promise I will never lie to you.

There you will head to a pay phone.
Southwest corner. Do it.

But do it slowly.

- Slowly.
- Not one of ours.

Take him down.

We know
exactly what you look like, Shaw.

Six-foot-two, 220, raven-black hair.
Very attractive.

Your next move
will be to wait for a phone call.

Might not happen right away,
so be patient. And then when you...

Do you have any idea
who these people are?

- What they're capable of?
- Mm-mm. Nope.

Listen... think I'm not that same guy
you met the first day at the Buy More.

You're right. Okay? You're right.
The guy that I was then hated himself...

...for not knowing
what he wanted to do with his life...

...or who he wanted to spend it with,
but now, finally now, I know.

I wanna be a spy.

And I wanna be with you.

It's just a harmless prank,
listen, you have to understand...

Who the heck are they?
Is that a Taser?

Sorry about this.


Man down. I've been tased.

I can't feel my legs. Bring a stretcher.
A wheelbarrow.

Possible change of pants.

Casey, you gotta do something.
He's gunning for Chuck.

Mm-mm. I'm a civilian now. I can't.
- Well, I can.


If you're gonna shoot me, just do it.
Put a bullet in my head.


The director wants to meet you
face to face.

What are you saying?

Sarah, I'm saying that I...

Did you see what happened?
Oh, my God.

No, I'm okay.

Next time,
tackle the guy with the gun.


Jail? Seriously? You guys, jail?

I mean, Morgan, I would've
expected this from you, or even Casey...

Now that we've all been privy
to your public-indecency problem.

... but Devon,
I never expected this from you.

- No, babe. I'm so sorry, I just...
- You know what?

Just save the apology, okay?
I want answers.

I want the truth.
I want you guys to tell me everything.

- The truth.
- Yes.

- The truth is...
- We were, uh, helping Chuck.

Chuck is in D.C., Casey.

Oh, he was. He's back to win back Sarah.

Hold on for a minute.

You guys expect me to believe
that the three of you... my husband beat up and tossed
in jail to save my brother's love life?

- Yes, we did.
- We're as shocked as you are.

And what's more,
Chuck came to you three for advice...

- ...before me?
- Yup.

Why am I not surprised
this ended in jail?

We have just received intel that the Ring
agent who tried to capture you... the same man who removed
a data drive from inside the mole's body.

The data was inside him?

He was in the process of digesting it
when he was killed.

- I'll spare you the gory details.
- Lucky he was dead first.

We believe the stolen data drive
contains highly-sensitive case files.

Your new mission
is to bring back those files.

General, if I may,
it's not good enough.

Excuse me, Agent Shaw,
you have a better idea?

The Ring agent we encountered
didn't wanna kill me.

He wanted to take me to the director.
If the Ring wants to take me, let them.

You're volunteering
to be a double agent?

I'm volunteering to be a bull's-eye.
Paint a target on the Ring from within.

I get close to the director,
and track his location.

- And then what?
Your call, general.

But I'd suggest
you launch an air strike.

Shouldn't we stop and ask what the
Ring wants with you in the first place?

- And why they want you alive?
- It doesn't matter.

We can decimate the Ring's command
structure with a single mission.

I see the merits,
but you do recognize the danger?

General, this is the moment
I've been waiting for.

We've been waiting for.

A singular opportunity.

Whatever the risk may be,
I say it's worth it.

Very good. Make it work.

Are you trying to get yourself killed?

You're asking if I'd trade my life
for the man who killed my wife?

I would.

- Well, what if I don't let you?
- It's not your choice.


This is Daniel Shaw.
I believe you've been looking for me.

I'm ready to come in.

It's done.

- Ellie. Hey. Um, look, I can explain.
- Listen...

I know what you're gonna say.
You're right.

It was immature
to get everyone involved.

- You're not listening.
- Maybe "stupid" is the word?

- I get it, I went too far.
- You didn't go far enough, Chuck.

Sarah is special.
I know it. You know it.

If you love her, if she's the one,
then you don't stop... don't quit, you never go too far.

You are a Bartowski, Chuck,
start acting like one.

Shaw, please. You're moving too fast.
You're not thinking this through.

Hey, we're spies, Walker,
let's start acting like it.

You don't have to do this.
There's gotta be another way.

It's the only way to be sure.

I have to do this. I'm sorry.


What's that?
- It's how you'll find me.

This will give Beckman
the coordinates for the air strike.

Ahem. Wow.

You just swallowed that thing whole, huh?
No water to wash it down.

Take care of her, Chuck.

Uh, where's he going?

Shaw's turning himself in to the Ring.

He's leading us to them.

He's sacrificing himself, Chuck.


Never should've let Morgan
lay his dirty little hands on Loretta.

- She's a sweet van, my friend.
- That's van's my retirement, dude.

And they took the van and they left us.
That is a slap in the face.

It's insulting. Do they have any idea
how much stalking experience I have?

If only they did, Jeffrey.
You're very prolific.

You're the Picasso of creepiness.

It's true, and this is my Blue Period.

There's the guy.

Blondie's new boyfriend. We need
to demonstrate our worth, Jeffrey.

Show them that we can stalk
with the best of them.

- What do you say, my friend?
- Let's do the dizzle.

Shaw's going on a suicide mission?

I don't care what he says,
I am not letting him go in alone.

He's not going in alone.

Chuck, what are you doing?
Shaw needs help.

I know he does. That's why I'm going in
to bring him back.

But the air strike is on its way.
You're both gonna get killed.

Why are you helping him?

Because I know
how much you care about him.

Glad you could make it.

The director's expecting you.

- You think he saw us?
- Never.

Frisk him.

Stalker's log: Stalkee is behind
a gray van with another male.

Possibly for a sexual encounter.

Both men are physically fit.
Should be lively.

Jeffrey, don't make me afraid
to be alone with you.

In case you swallowed a tracker.
Rather err on the side of caution.

They're much quieter
when they're dead.

What do we have here?

Now we can go see the director.

This is the exact model
our federal government uses...

...when cleaning up hot zones.

Murder investigations.

So does this model
come with any rebates?


Morse code. Gotta run.

It's on the house.

- Lester, I'm in the middle of something.
- Oh, yeah, no worries, buddy.

I too am a bit busy "stalking Sarah's
new stallion," as Jeffrey would say.

- You gotta be kidding me.
- Hang up, I've been insulted enough.

Wait, wait. No, no, no. You guys
are stalking Sarah's new stallion?

Yes, on our off time, to show you
what amateurs you're working with.

- Can you see him right now?
- No, we're behind a dumpster.

But Mr. Fancypants and some frat guys
were heading into a dingy warehouse.

Dude is into some kinky stuff.

Okay, listen, Lester, I need you
to tell me where you are right now.

Ah, it looks like we're at the corner
of 2nd and Alvarado.

- Oh, thank you, Casey.

I haven't used Morse code
since basic training.

I use it to talk to my Marine buddies.
What's up?

Shaw gave himself up
to meet the director...

...Chuck locked me in here,
and Beckman's gonna bomb the location.

- Shaw dies an American hero.
- Not if I can help it.

Okay, good. He's still on the move.
Thank you, Casey.

I'm sorry, I can't let you stay in here.

- Now, Casey.
- Grr!

Hey, where is he?

Nice to see you too.
Suspects have entered the building.

You guys are the most amazing stalkers
I've ever seen.

- I will tell my grandchildren about you.
- Wait.

Wanna borrow some brass knuckles?


Why would you even have... ? No.

While I appreciate that, Jeff, very much,
I don't believe in violence.

So you expect us to have your back?

- No, thanks.
- Okay, see you later.


Tracker's gone subterranean.
Location has stabilized and remains fixed.

Agent Shaw has arrived.

And the B-2 has been deployed
with bunker busters.

- What do you wanna do?
- Drop the bombs.

And Agent Shaw?

He's a true American hero.

Welcome, Daniel.

I've been waiting to meet you
for a long time.

If you're gonna kill me,
get it over with.

I don't want to kill you, Daniel.
I want to educate you.

What is this?
- A gift.

It's the answer you have been
seeking for all these years.

The camera loves you.
The camera loves you.

Happy birthday. Happy birthday.

Okay, my turn, give me the camera.

Maybe it was a bad idea to give you
a video camera for your birthday.

Your wife was quite beautiful.

Now you're just wasting tape.
This is ridiculous.

How did you get this?

We have lots of information on Eve.

Just watch, Daniel. It's time you learnt
the truth about your wife's murder.

I thought you might like to see some
surveillance footage from that night.

- No!
- This must be so difficult for you.

You didn't think
I'd come here in person.

I'll be in touch.

Three minutes to target.


No flash necessary.

- Wow, good tranqs.
- Freeze.

Drop it.

We've got a lock on the tracker.

Congratulations, Agent Walker.
We destroyed a Ring compound...

...hopefully eliminating
some of their higher ups...

...and you managed to rescue
Agent Shaw.

Once again, you and your team prevail.

I can't take any of the credit, general.
It was all Chuck.

- He saved Shaw by himself.
- Duly noted.

Well, Agent Walker, it's been a highly
memorable three years in Burbank.

I look forward to working
face to face with you in Washington.

Have a safe flight.

How's Shaw doing?

He's still unconscious but the doctors
say he'll make a full recovery.

Thanks to you.

Well, he would have done
the same for me.

I don't wanna pester you, Sarah...

...uh, or become some nuisance
that you can't avoid...

I've seen Morgan go down that road
far too many times to count.

... and since I've already given the fancy,
eloquent version of this speech before...

...right now I'm just gonna be blunt
and honest.

I love you.

One more time because
it feels really nice to say, I love you.

I feel like I've been bottling this up
forever. I love you.

- Chuck, you don't have...
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm getting out of hand, but....

Look, you were right in Prague.
You and I, we're perfect for each other.

I wanna spend the rest of my life
with you...

...away from everyone else,
and away from the spy life.

Chuck, I've made a commitment,
and not just to Shaw.

Don't go.

Don't do it. Leave with me instead.
Tonight at 7:00. Union Station.

We go to Mexico, and after that,
anywhere that you want.

I would like to go and see
the Eiffel Tower at some point...

...if that's at all possible.
Don't answer now. Don't say a word.

I don't wanna have to convince you.

I just want you to show up.

I'm gonna kiss you now,
if that's okay.

I'm gonna go home to pack.
Both summer and winter wear.

I love you, Sarah Walker.

Always have.

This is Shaw.

- You got a sec?
- Uh, yeah, sure. Come on in.

- Uh, can I get you a drink or anything?
- No, no. I can't stay.

I just wanted to come by and tell you
something about Bartowski.

Well, if you came to plead his case,
then that's really not necessary.

No, he didn't send me.
He doesn't know I'm here.

I just wanted to tell you something
in case it changed anything.

- He didn't kill the mole.
- What?

I did.

He didn't have the stones
to pull the trigger. Kid's not a killer.

Just not wired that way.

Unlike us.

Just thought you should know.

See you around.

- Casey?
- Yeah?

Thank you.

You have a nice life, Walker.

Hey. Washington will have to wait.
We have a trace on the director.

- I have the details in the car. Come on.
- I need to call Chuck.

There's no time.
You can do it from the car.

Chuck, we have an urgent situation.

Our forensic team was able
to recover this video...

...from the wreckage
of the Ring's bunker.

The woman is Agent Eve Shaw.
Daniel Shaw's deceased wife.

This is all very touching, general,
but what does it have to do with Sarah?

Keep watching. The data drive the Ring
recovered from the mole's body...

...we now believe it contained footage
of a red test...

...conducted on the night
of Agent Shaw's death.

That's Sarah.

- Sarah killed his wife? Did you know?
- I assure you...

...I had no knowledge that Agent Walker
was responsible for Eve Shaw's death.

If Shaw has seen this....
If the Ring played him this video....

Oh, my God. Oh, my God, general,
where is Sarah now?

We believe she's with Agent Shaw.

Do you have any idea where
Agent Shaw might have taken her?

I still don't have a signal.
Daniel, where are you taking us?

To settle an old score.