Cheyenne (1955–1963): Season 1, Episode 9 - Rendezvous at Red Rock - full transcript

Cheyenne comes upon a man who has just been shot. Arrested by a few riders and on the way to Laramie, a hidden benefactor frees him. Their new friendship is shaken when he finds the real reason he saved him and who he really is.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Keep your back turned
and drop your gun belt.

You heard me,
unbuckle your gun.

Put those guns away.

They bother ya?

One might go off,
and I'm wearin' a new shirt.

That's right funny now.

Give me
that wallet.

Why not?
It's not mine.

I already
know that.

Take a look
at his gun, Todd.

One chamber's empty.

Look, mister,
if you know anything about guns,

you don't keep a live charge
under the hammer.

I've known people to get a hole
in their leg that way.

We're not interested
in your explanations.

See, Logan was a friend of ours.

Who's Logan?

You ought to know.
You just shot him.

You're kinda goin' off
halfcocked, aren't you, mister?

I haven't shot anybody.

I don't see anyone else around.

I see a lot of country
around here.

Somebody could've hit him
before you got here.

You're packin' a gun
with one chamber fired,

and you're carrying
another man's wallet.

I guess
that's all we need.

get on your horse.

Where we goin'?


You the law around here?

We'll turn you over to the law.

You'll get a trial.

This, uh, Logan...

he have many friends like you
in Laramie?

Quite a few.

You object to coming
along with us?

I object,

but I'm not going
to argue about it.

? Oh, my darling ?

? Oh, my dar- ?

? -lin', Clementine ?

That's far enough.

Throw your guns
down on the ground.

Cut the big fellow loose.

Now get out
and get out fast.

Help yourself to a gun.

We better hit the breeze

before those jokers borrow
some guns and come back.

Which way ya headed?

I was headed
for Laramie, but, uh,

I don't think the climate
would agree with me.

Where you goin'?

Far, far away.

Want to ride along?

Mind telling me
why you did this?

I just don't like to see a man
hanged for someone I shot.

But don't get the wrong idea,
he drew first.

You know, it just ain't natural.


Aren't you gonna ask me why
I killed that fellow back there?

Thought I hadn't better.

His gun was only
half out of the holster.

He still drew first.

Or maybe you don't
believe that.

Make any difference?

Yeah, it does.

You'd have to be pretty fast.

I am.

I never saw you
handle a gun.

That's right.

I figure
if a man makes a play,

he ought to be able
to back it up.

I figure that way too.

I reckon he drew first.

You don't shoot so bad yourself.

Or was it an accident?

You or me?


I guess it could've been.

I'd sort of like to find out.

Got another dollar?

Let's find out free of charge.

Any time you're ready.

I'm ready.

Accidents happen all the time.

Yeah, they sure do, don't they?

Say, what do you do
for a livin'?

Depends on how bad
I need money.

You and I were
to throw in together,

we might make
quite a team.

Or are you a loner?

Most of the time.

That doesn't mean a man wouldn't
like to have a friend.

Yeah, they're hard to come by.

How'd you like to tie
in with me?

Looks like I'm kinda
tied in already.

I didn't have much of a future

till you put the run
on that outfit.

Yeah, you and I
might make quite a pair.

Sort of quiet, isn't it?

Wakes up after dark.

Been here before?

I passed through once.

Are you staying over or do you
just want them fed and watered?

We're staying over.

You'll have to pay me
the cash in advance.

Well, you got the horses.

Mister, you'd be surprised
how many people

leave horses here
and don't come back,

on account the horse don't
belong to them to begin with.

We're coming back.

What's the best hotel
in town?

We- There's only but one,

the Palace,
right down the street.


You're supposed to use that
stuff after your hot bath, Pat.

Who's got time for baths?

Got something to do?

Only what any red-blooded
young boy'd do

his first night in town.

Look for me where
the lights are bright,

and the music is gay.

Come in.

You the one who wanted
the hot...

Ooh, mister, honest.

I can't put my hands up.

Pour it in there.

Yes, sir.

It's a house rule.

I bring the hot water,

but you gotta dump
the dirty water yourself.


I didn't hear you knock.

Good thing you didn't.

Look, if it's about that
shooting outside of Laramie...

We don't know
anything about Laramie.

Just get
out of that tub.


You're coming with us.

That's a mighty poor answer.

It'll have to do for now.

Dry yourself off,
get your clothes on.

How about telling me
where we're going?

A ranch, on the outside of town,
about 10 minutes away.

There were three of them,
you understand,

and the middle one
was kinda fat,

so I said to
the little one...

I've seen lots of ranches.

What's the matter?

You know those men?

I know three of them.

They're businessmen
here in town.

So if you're
what you say you are,

you have nothing
to worry about.

how to prove it.

I don't know
the big one.

I do.

Who is he?

He used to be
a friend of mine.

Let's go.

Ah, come on, honey, let's forget
it and have a good time.

There's one of them,
Mr. Grayson.

Well, take some chairs,

I reckon that "gentlemen"
doesn't include me.

That remains
to be seen.

Where's Pritchard?

Checking on the other one.
He'll be along.

if you'll excuse us, please.

Of course.

Come, Joan.

Sit down, Bodie.

Would you care
for a drink?

Can't really say.

I only drink with friends.

My name's Grayson.

Among other things,

I happen to be president
of the Stockmen's Bank.

I suppose you're wondering
why you're here.

No, I know why I'm here.


'Cause I seldom wear a gun
while I'm taking a bath.

Mr. Bodie, I can assure you
this is not a joking matter.

Maybe you'd like
to give me a better reason.

This afternoon, you rode into
town with a man named Pat Keogh.

Is there a law against that?

In these cases,
we make our own laws.

Hung many strangers lately?

I told you this was not
a joking matter.

Then maybe you ought to tell me
what I'm doing here.

I assure you we're doing
all this for a reason.

How long have you known
Pat Keogh?

What difference does it make?

Is he a friend of yours?

I wouldn't call him an enemy.

He saved me from looking up
the short end of a rope.

Would you care
to explain the circumstances?

I'd enjoy to.

Four days ago,

I was held up
by three respectable citizens.

Something like these three.

They weren't the law, but they
were going to put a rope

around my neck
for something I didn't do.

Keogh kept them
from hanging my hide up to dry.

Does that answer your question?

What else do you know about him?

What else do I need to know?

Now, if you'll excuse me...

I wouldn't try to leave
if I were you.

Hello, Cheyenne.


It's been a long time,
hasn't it?

A long time
and a long ride from here.

You know these people?


So long, Pritch.

Look me up at the Palace Hotel,
but knock before you come in.

Stay a while.

I don't like your friends.

Did you ever know a lawman
to have any friends?

Least you didn't come in here
with a gun in your back.

That wasn't my idea.

I'd hate to think it was.

Take your hands off me, Pritch.

Maybe this'll change his mind.

Why don't you keep out of this?

Looks like you've already waved
that gun around too much.

Cheyenne, you and I have known
each other quite a while.


You can go if you want,
but I'd like to have my say.

All right.

Tell the rest of them
to stay out of it.

I'm tired of being
pushed around.

That's fair enough.

Do you know who Pat Keogh is?

Yes, he's a friend of mine.

He's the number-one criminal
in this territory.

We think he's responsible
for at least

half a dozen robberies
in the past year.

Robberies in which
six men were shot.

Four of them died.

You sure it's Pat Keogh
you want?

Maybe not for all of them.

The pattern is never the same.

The man we're after
covers a pretty wide area.

Sometimes he works with
confederates, sometimes alone.

But one thing we do know.

The operation is always
carefully planned in advance.

Keogh spent a few days here
a couple of months ago.

You still haven't
answered my question.

Are you sure Pat's your man?


That's why you're here.

Are you close enough
to Keogh to get...?

Good night, Pritch.

Cheyenne, I know what I'm asking
and I know how you feel,

but Keogh
is a cold-blooded killer.

You can't turn us down.

I have to.

I have to treat him
the same way he's treated me.

As a friend.

I can't turn on him
for no reason.

Mr. Bodie,

we're prepared to offer
a certain amount of money...

You haven't got that much money.

All right, Bodie,
if that's your attitude,

I suspect that
your stay in Red Rock

may not be too pleasant.

You running me out of town?

If you care
to put it that way.

Come to think about it, I can't
see any good reason for staying.

In case you change your mind,
I'll be at the Palace, room 36.

I think you're making a mistake,
Mr. Pritchard.

It's obvious
he and Keogh are partners.

His first act
will be to warn him.

Holding him here would have
tipped our hand too.

I've known Cheyenne a long time,

but I've never known him
to be outside the law.

How long has it been
since you last saw him?

A year,
maybe a year and a half.

Yeah, people change.

I'm not sure they do.

? Oh, I killed a man they say
So they say ?

? Oh, I beat him on the head ?

? And I left him there
For dead ?

? Yes, I left him there
for dead ?

? Blast his eyes ?

Oh, Mr. Keogh.

I'll buy a drink for the house.

Drink up, boys,
we've got a live one.

How can he carry on like that

with what we got
coming up tomorrow?

Pat don't ever think about
what's coming up tomorrow.

Don't you know that?

How about
another little drink?

Oh, no,
I don't think I should.

Oh, drink no longer water,

but use a little wine
for thy stomach's sake.

Well, that's
from the Bible.

First Timothy, 5:3.

But I didn't think you-

Just want you to know
you're in good company.


Come on,
have a little drink.

Well, I guess
it's all right.

Oh, sure.

Oh, there's
your friend.

Kind of handsome,
isn't he?

That's not quite the word
I'd like to use for him.

Do me a favor, honey.

Go sit at another table
while I talk to my friend.

Oh, but I'd like
to meet him.

You will.

Now, go on, will ya?

Took you a long time
to take a bath.

Had a lot of dirt
to get rid of.

Where'd you come from just now,
the stable?

Sort of took
the long way around.

Thought you didn't
know anybody in this town.

Seems like somebody knew me.
And you.

It don't make much sense,
does it?

Anything makes sense
when you've got three guns

stuck in your ribs.

What they want to know?

Everything I knew about you.

What'd you tell them?


I don't know anything
outside of the fact

that you threw in with me
when I needed help.

You put the gun away now, Pat.

Okay, partner.

Hey, Millie.

meet my friend Cheyenne.

It's my pleasure.

Oh, mine too.

Oh, come on,
sit down, sit down.

She thinks
you're handsome.

Oh, now, Pat.

Think I'm going
to argue with her?


Never argue with a woman.

? As the blackbird
In the spring ?

? 'Neath the willow tree ?

? Sang and piped
I heard him sing ?

? Singing Aura Lee ?

? Aura Lee, Aura Lee... ?


? Maid with golden hair ?

? Sunshine came along
With thee ?

? And swallows in the air ?


Millie, I came
to take you home.

Don't think she wants to go.

I think
maybe she should.

Who is this little fella?


He's been courtin' me.

Can't win
all the time.

I don't like to lose.

Come on, sit down, have a drink.

No, thanks.
Come on, Millie.

Tom, please...

Leave her alone.

She's having
a good time.

Let her go, Pat.


I'm an old-fashioned boy.

I brought her here,
I'm going to take her home.

I don't think so, mister.

Now, look, if you don't
want a drink, get out.

You're spoiling my evening.

I don't want to fight with you.

Why not?
Not enough backbone?

What do you want me to do?
I'm not wearing a gun.

Now you got a gun.

All right, Tom.
I'll go with you.

No, you won't.

Leave him alone,

I'm not
doing anything.

I just don't think
he's gonna take her home.

'Cause I don't think
he's man enough.

You don't want
a weak-kneed calf like that.

You want a man, like me.



Oh, Tom!

If you need witnesses, mister,
you got two right here.

We seen him draw first.

Yeah, that's right.

I don't think I'll need any.

Coming, partner?

Didn't have to
kill him, Pat.

He was trying to
kill me, wasn't he?

Did you give him
any choice?

Man doesn't know how
to use a gun, he shouldn't try.

What would you have done
if it had been me?

Same thing.

Sure of that?

Yeah, I'm sure.

There's a difference between
shooting at rocks

and shooting at people.

You see, shootin' to kill
slows most men down.

There's just a few of us
it don't.

That's why if we ever tried
to shoot it out,

I'd put you down.

Yeah, maybe you would.

Ah, what are we
talkin' about?

We're friends, aren't we?


I, uh-
I just happened to think.

I never did finish
that song.

See you later.

I've been waiting for you.

What made you think
I'd be here?

I heard
about the shooting.

I was there.

I know,
that's why I was waiting.

I guess that's the shortest
friendship a man ever had.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

You mean,
you've changed your mind?

You know that already.

This is something I'm not
going to be proud of, but...

I guess Keogh's
got to be stopped.

Why do you think I've spent
a year trying to run him down?

I'll play along with you,

but I don't know
the others in this, so...

let's keep it between us.

All right.

But don't take any chances
with Keogh.

He's dangerous.

Get in with him.

Find out why he's here.

Ain't you up kinda late?

What about yourself?

Ran out of women.
Small town.

Why you all packed?

I'm pulling out, Pat.

Just waiting up
to say goodbye.

'Cause of what happened
down in the saloon?


Well, then, why?

By request.

Man named Grayson
suggested that this town

might not agree with me.

Never figured you
for a fellow who'd run.

All depends.

It's easy to leave a place

if you don't have
a reason for stayin'.

What if you had a reason?

I could think about it.

How'd you like
to make some money?

Big money.

Fine, but that's not
an easy thing to do.

Why not?

Where do people keep money?

Well, I never owned any more

than I could carry
around in my pockets.

But I understand some people
keep it in banks.


We planning to hold up a bank?

Not the way they got it figured.

Or you either.

I don't have anything figured.

You don't have to.

Get a good night's sleep,
we got a big day tomorrow.

Nice place, huh?

Real nice.

Ever see it before?

Not in the daylight.

Don't look so worried, Bart,
he's with us.

How's it going?

Like a clock.

Griggs left with the old lady
10 minutes ago.

Get the horses out of sight.

Grayson a friend of yours?

I'm willing to like him,

but I'm not so sure
he'll be willing to like me.

All right, Bodie,

I'm forced to agree
to any terms you might mention.

Now, where's my wife?

'Fraid you'll have to ask
my partner.

Ah, your wife's all right,
Mr. Grayson.

She'll be all right as long
as you do as you're told.

I suppose you have a price.

What is it?

Fifty thousand dollars.

Fifty thousand?
I don't have that much money.

Your bank has.

Are you proposing
that I loot my own bank?

It's easier for you
than it would be for me.

You have the combination
of the vaults.

And what if
I refuse?

You won't.

You see, your wife
is with a friend of mine.

If I don't show up
by 5:00 this afternoon,

he has orders to kill her.

That's just in case
you put a posse on our tail

after you bring back the money.

we have your daughter here.

That's just to make sure
you come back.

Mr. Grayson.

Better do
the way he said.

The money's unimportant,

but if any harm comes
to my daughter or my wife,

I give you my word, you'll never
know a safe night's sleep

from now until you die.

Because I'll be looking for you.
And someday I'll find you.

How's it feel to be rich?

I haven't seen
the money yet.

He'll bring it.

What about his wife?

I never make a play
I can't back up.

? Aura Lee, Aura Lee ?

? Maid with golden hair ?

? Sunshine came
Along with thee ?

? And swallows in the air ?

Oh, Mr. Grayson,

I was just going up to the bank
to see you.

I wanted to tell you how-

Oh, Pritchard,
I-I haven't much time right now.

I'll try and get in touch
with you later.

Going somewhere?

Oh, just some papers
I'm taking home to look over.

You're going home kind of early,
aren't you?

Yes, I-I have a headache.

there's something wrong.

What is it?


I-I just don't feel very well.

This whole thing's
got me upset, I guess.

Did you know Keogh is missing?

And the other two men
that came in last Monday?

I didn't know that,
I suppose they've left town.


You know, Grayson,
if you want me to help you,

you've got to do everything
you can to help me.

I realize that.

It's just that right now...

Well, I've got something else
on my mind.

You'll have to excuse me.

Wouldn't think
it'd take a man this long

to rob his own bank, would you?

Maybe he changed his mind.

He'll bring the money.

Yeah, he'd better.

You have this whole thing
set up, Pat.

Why'd you cut me in?

I told you,
friends are hard to come by.

You got something good,
you let your friends in on it.

Friends? What would filth
like you know about friendship?

Well, she does have
some spirit after all.

I hope you're wrong.

I hope my father
doesn't bring you the money.

You're dirty,
you're rotten, you swine.

Oh, now you're getting excited,

Why don't you just go in there
and you can think of some names

to call me in private?

Thought we were partners?

That's right.

I saw her first.

Thought all you did
was take hot baths.

Stay away from me.

You've got to listen to me.

Don't touch me.
I'm not gonna...


I sort of hate to intrude,
but Grayson's back.

Don't feel too bad, honey,
we might pass this way again.

Turner, get the horses.

Good to see you back.

We were beginning to worry
about your wife.

Where's my daughter?

She's all right,
she's in there.

Here's the money.
I suppose you want to count it.

No, I'll take your word for it.

I think you're honest.

I've lived up to my part
of the bargain,

now, would you
take me to my wife?

Oh, she'll be back some time
tonight, after we're long gone.

What assurance
do I have of that?

My word?

Why should I
take your word?

Why not?
I'm taking yours.

Come on, let's go.


I followed Grayson.

Why didn't you stop them
before this?

I couldn't, Pritch.
They've got Mrs. Grayson.

I don't know where.

Got to string along with them
till I find out where she is.

Turner just bought himself
some ground.

How's he?

He's not going to cause
any trouble.

Well, come on,
let's get out of here.

It's getting kind of late.


It's after 4:30.

Nice watch, isn't it?

Where did you get it?

Turner was carrying it.

He probably stole it
from somebody.

Hey, this is a good place
to make camp, huh?

Yeah, but we're supposed
to meet Griggs and Mrs. Grayson

before 5:00.

That doesn't give us much time.

Oh, we got all the time
in the world.

You're going
to meet Griggs here?

I'm not going to meet him
at all.

Griggs never did know anything
about spending money.

Besides, 50,000's
hardly enough for two.

What about Mrs. Grayson?

What about her?

You told Grayson that Griggs
would kill her

if we didn't show up by 5:00.

Yeah, I'm afraid
he'll do it too.

I told him.

Where is she, Pat?

You're the only man
I ever really took a liking to.

The first one
I was ever wrong about.

It's a real shame.

We both made the same mistake.
I had you figured wrong too.

Where's Mrs. Grayson?

Were you in with Pritchard?

Where's Grayson's wife?

I'm not about to say.

I'm just going to ask you
one more time.

Where is she?

I'm a gambling man.

Put the gun away
and I'll tell you.

You'll tell me now
with a gun in my hand.


My way or nothing.

Pat, I mean business.

Where's Mrs. Grayson?

I guess that's something
you'll never find out,

unless you're willing
to gamble on it.

Twenty-five minutes to 5.

Got to hand it to Turner.

If you're going to steal
a watch, steal a good one.

I won't hit your hat
next time, Pat.

You won't even shoot next time.

'Cause the way you figure,

that would be like
killing Grayson's wife.

You do shoot real good,
don't you.

The next one
will be that much closer.

Twenty-four minutes to 5.

It's a 20-minute ride
from here.

Throw me the watch.

Don't drop it,
it's liable to stop running.

You got me figured right, Pat.

I won't kill you now,
but when 5:00 comes,

as far as I'm concerned,
Mrs. Grayson's dead...

and so are you.

We're partners, remember?

If she dies,
they'll hang you for it.

That may be true,

but you won't be around
to see it.

Twenty-three minutes, Pat.

It won't work, partner.

If you want to know
where she is, put that gun away.

That way she's at least
got a chance.

All right, Pat, you win.

Where is she?

On her way home.

Griggs was a little squeamish
about killing a woman.

So I told him to hold her
until 4:30 and then let her go.

Anytime, partner, I'm waiting.

But remember what I told you

about the difference between
rocks and people.

I'm going to put you down.

It's your game, Pat,
you make the move.

You're full of surprises,

aren't you, partner?

I'm sorry, Pat.

We might've-
We might've been good friends,

if things had been different.

Yeah, we might have been.

What's the answer?

No difference between...
me and a hunk of rock?

I...guess I should've
thought of that.

I don't know what
brought you back here,

but just drop your gun
before you start explaining.

Mr. Grayson, is your wife home?

Yes, the doctor's with her.
She's all right.

It's Keogh.

The money's in here.

Wait a minute, Bodie.

Pritchard was
killed here today.

You think bringing Keogh in
makes your skirts all clean?

Pritchard was a friend of mine.

I happen to have been working
with him.

Can you prove that?


I'm afraid
you'll have to prove it.

Listen, mister,
I lost two friends today.

One of them
I had to kill myself.

Now, I'm going to ride
out of here,

I hope you have the sense to put
that gun away and stay quiet.

I wonder if he was
telling the truth.

I guess we'll never know.