Chesapeake Shores (2016–…): Season 5, Episode 8 - Where or When? - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously, on
Chesapeake Shores...

Well, Sarah, Mike Herrmann's
gonna be the new captain,

and you're gonna be the
new lieutenant, if you want.

I don't think that
I'm feeling for you

what you're feeling for me.

You don't have to
say another word.

Is there anything I can do to
get switched to another P.O.?

Do you have that agreement

about dissolving
our partnership?


I had time to think.

The car is packed and
the plane is ready, sir.

Cancel the plane.

We're staying in
Chesapeake Shores.

How far along are you?

Judging from your
blank expressions,

I'm the first to tell you...

You're pregnant.




We're gonna have a baby.

We are.

You're gonna be a mom.

And you're gonna be a dad.

But we shouldn't tell
anyone for the first...

What do they say?

Oh, the book says
the first trimester.

It's gonna be so hard
to keep it from everyone.

But it's best.

Until we know for sure
that everything's okay.


I know that you
talked to the Chief

about the lieutenancy,

and I know that you're not
ready to stop going on runs, but...

I didn't turn it down.

I accepted it.

You did?

Yeah, I think it's
time I moved up.

I could teach those
recruits a thing or two.



♪ The miles are
getting longer It seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ To the place where I belong ♪

♪ And where your love has
Always been enough for me ♪

♪ I'm not running from you ♪

♪ No, I think You
got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret This
life I chose for me ♪

♪ I said these places
And these faces ♪

♪ Are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm goin' home ♪

♪ I'm goin' home ♪♪

He shoots...

he scores!

Well, here we are.

Dad's crew did such an
amazing job on this place.

Your very own law office.

[phone rings]

[gasps] Your very
first phone call!

Who has this number?


That's a very good question.

[Abby chuckles]

Connor O'Brien, Attorney-at-Law.


Uh, yes, Gran,
you are my first call.

[siblings chuckle]

Uh, I don't know, I'll ask.

Abby, is Jay coming
over for dinner again?

Uh, yes, I think so.

- Again?
- Yes, "again".

Thank you.

Uh, we are having
Jay's favorite...

- Pot roast.
- All right.

Let's get out of here,


Oh... just one finishing touch.

All right.


Ah. That's an impressive sign.

- Right?
- Let me take a picture.

All right.

All right...

[turning bolts]

- All right.
- There he is. Oh!


Hey, remember, I told you...

Starting your own
business was risky.

The mail's here.


Uh, hey, are you sure

you want me to take
that Cleveland trip?

Yeah, I think it's time.

You can put 'em in line.

Use your New York City "big
business" scary-face on 'em.

Okay. You mean, uh, this face?

[gasps playfully] Giddy-up.

That was scary.

Good. I still got it.

Actually, Evan Kincaid

wants me to speak with
his board in Pennsylvania.

I guess it's on the way.

Sounds like one of
my old business trips.

Yeah, actually, you know
what? You take the next one,

because I do not want to
become an absentee parent.

- No. You do not.
- This package is for you.

Would you open it, honey?
I've gotta finish these plans.


- Okay.
- What?

Uh, someone's "cremains".

- Someone's what?
- Ashes!

Somebody's ashes.

[letter rustles]


you were a great friend of mine.

We got each other through
the toughest times of our lives.

For old time's sake, would
you scatter my poor ashes

over the Chesapeake Bay islands?

That's where I spent the
happiest times of my life."

That's sweet but sad.

Yes, it is. But who is it?

Doesn't say.


Oh, that is great.

Yes. This weekend.

[chuckles] Thanks, Carter.

It means the world.


[exhales contentedly] Mm!

That was Carter Milburn,

one of the most influential
art critics on the East Coast.

When he shows up this weekend,

Erin Kinley's jaw
will hit the floor.

She's gonna see that I still
have some connections myself.

You must,

if you can get someone to
come all that way to help you.

Oh, Carter would
do anything for me.

He owes me... big time.

That sounds like
an interesting story.

One you're probably
better off not knowing.

[chuckles as the phone rings]


Oh, yeah, hey, Donna.

Okay. Are you sure?

Okay, thanks very much. Bye-bye.

That was the post office.

I called them to see
if they could find out

where that package came from.

- The urn?
- Mm.

Did they?

Yeah. Came from a nursing
home in Culpeper, Virginia.

Turns out they're the
ashes of a "Eugene Segar."

Eugene Segar?

Oh, I sure don't
recall that name.

Neither do I.

- Well...
- [Mick laughs]


Have I told you how hot you look

with that wedding ring on?

Oh, I was just thinking
the same thing about you.



I'll go.

No, it's my turn.

Let's go together, husband.

All right, wife.



[Jess] Hello, Mr. McNear.

Oh, so at least the bell works.

Sorry. How can we help you?

You know that your
birds have made a mess

all over my new Lexus?

Oh. They're not
really "our birds."

But we'll be sure

to alert the "bird
board" immediately, sir.

Are you being sarcastic?

Sorry. No. We're...
We will clean your car.

Also, the Wi-fi
here is very spotty.

Took me forever to
sign in this morning.

I apologize for that, too, sir.

I'll check the
modem immediately.

I hope your breakfast

- was satisfactory.
- It was...


Although the butter
patties were too cold.

It ripped a hole in my toast
when I was spreading it.

Won't happen again.

I'll be sure to
warm them myself.

See that you do.

If he's so miserable, why
does he keep staying here?

I don't know.

Maybe he's one of those
guys that loves to complain.

So then we are giving
him what he wants?

Well, precisely.


Can I help you?

Yes, I was hoping to
see Lieutenant O'Brien.

Well, she's very busy studying
the building codes and can...

Ooh, is that a gift?


Is it for me?

Not exactly, but open it.


I know, they're so cute.

I just couldn't pass them up.

Now all we need is a tiny horse

and little tiny cows.

That can be arranged.

- [knocking]
- Oh.

Hey, Lieutenant, the
building code meeting

got moved up an hour.

Okay, great. I'll be up in five.

[groans wearily]

When can we
start telling people?

Keeping this a secret
is starting to get to me.

Yeah, you and me both.

Maybe we should just
tell them this weekend.

Why not?

Just the families.

Yeah, they deserve to know.

So I'm only gonna
be gone for four days,

and the girls say
that they're fine with it.

Obviously, Gran and Dad
can take care of them, but...

They want a little
extra aunt attention?


We'll be there.

- With bells on.
- Great.

Where are you going, anyway?

Uh, I have to go to Ohio
to put out a fire for Dad,

and then, uh, Evan wants
me to speak with his board.

- "Evan"?
- Evan?

Yeah, he's flying
me to Pennsylvania,

so it's on the way.

- He's flying you?
- To Pennsylvania?

Yes. Is there an echo?

Oh, my gosh, you guys!

There's nothing going on
with me and Evan Kincaid.

Oh, of course not.

No, but this is a
classic move, though.

The "Whisk Away."

The Whisk Away? Is that a thing?

A thing?

Have you never heard
of the Whisk Away?

He whisks you away
to some romantic spot...

In Pennsylvania?

She's obviously never
been whisked away.

Oh, it's so sad.

Have you really never heard
of a simply working relationship

between a man and woman?

Yeah, I've seen
it millions of times.

[Jess] But we've
seen you two together.

Palpable tension.

[words catch]

There is tension because
he makes me tense.

Not in a good way.

And has it ever occurred to you

that Evan might
have feelings for you?

[Jess] And what about
your feelings for Evan?

[gasps, then stammers]

[groans irately]

[grumbles in gibberish]

♪ She's gettin' Whisked Away ♪

[giggles] So whisked.

[Megan cringes and sighs]

[gulls crying]

Do you really have
to carry that thing

around with you
everywhere you go?

Well, I can't just
leave it at the office.

I don't understand.
You read the letter.

How could I mean
so much to this guy

when I can't even
remember who he is?


There's someone here to see ya.

Ha! Carter!

[laughs, gushing] Megan!

Oh, it's so good to
see you! Look at you!

This is just exactly
how I pictured you...

Down by the shore,

with the sun glistening
off the water, it's...

Oh, it's idyllic.


Carter Milburn,
this is Mick O'Brien.

[unimpressed] Of
course. The ex-husband.

And you are?

Nell O'Brien,

the mother-in-law.


Son, there's no such thing
as an "ex" mother-in-law.

Ah. [chuckles dryly]



how was your flight?

It was abysmal.

I'm telling you,

what they pass off as
first-class nowadays

is just a joke.

[Megan chuckles politely]

Well, we should run.

Uh, we will be back for dinner.

Erin Kinley should be
there just about now.

With her claws out, no doubt.

I can't wait to clip them!

Mick? You're sure you
don't want to come along?

Oh, I'm sure he'd be
bored with all our art talk.

Yes, you know us country
folk... We bore easily.

- [Carter chuckles drolly]
- Well...

we'll be back soon.

[Gran] Uh-huh.


I don't think I like him.

[Gran] I don't like him either.

So, what are you
going to do with this?

I haven't the foggiest.

I can't very well
spread his ashes

if I don't know who he is.

Surely, there has to be
an obituary on this man.



you know,

that's really sad.

I'll light a candle for him.

Light one for me while
you're at it, will you?

Darling, I'm always
lighting one for you.



- Hey, Connor.
- Hey.

Can I get you something?

You know what? I
could go for a beer.


Hey, I wanted to talk to you

about that issue with
your parole officer.


I contacted my friend at
the parole commission.

Look, I can't pay for
this, just so you know.

Nah. It's my first job as
an independent attorney.

It's pro bono.

Thanks. I really
appreciate that.


Oh. Bless you.

Sorry. Ugh, allergies.

I was cleaning out the,
uh, the storage room,

and, uh, there was tons of dust.

So? What'd you find out?

Well, the usual complaints

about how under-funded they
are and how hard his job is.

Uh, but I'm really sorry
to tell you this, Luke,

but it's really hard to
change parole officers.

You have to file a
formal complaint,

with cause, and
if it's not upheld,

you're stuck with the same P.O.

Yeah, then Sullivan would
really have it out for me.

Afraid so.

However, my friend, Barry...

The guy at the
parole commission...

He's gonna keep
looking into it for you,

see if he can pull some strings.


Oh! Your beer.

Thank you.

No prob.

So, I'm gonna be
meeting Bree here tonight.


Tell her yet?

No. No. Not yet.

I'm trying to get up the nerve.

It's surprising how seldom it
comes up in conversations.

You know, "What's
your favorite music?"

"What's your favorite color?
Hey, have you been to prison?"


But... I'm gonna
tell her tonight.

- Yeah?
- Yep.

All right. Good man.


Oh, Bree. Hey!

Hi, Jerry.


could I see you this afternoon?

I wanted to talk in my office.

Yeah, sure.


Am I in trouble before
I even get started?

Oh. No, no. Nothing like that.


It's just, I, uh...

You know what?

Never mind. I'm sorry.

No, no. What... What is it?

It's just...


I saw you at the wedding

dancing with Luke Tatum.

Oh. Okay.

And... I recognized
him from high school...

Jerry? Jerry.
- And...

[chuckles awkwardly]

What I said to you has
nothing to do with Luke.

No, no, no. I... I
know. I'm not...

I'm not jealous.
That's not what this is.

I just...

[sighs] I remembered
hearing something about him.

- Oh...
- And...

I couldn't remember what it was.

That doesn't...
Let's not do that.

Look, Bree, how well
do you know Luke?

I know him well enough.

Did you know he
just got out of prison?

I have a friend in
the legal department,

and he did some research,

and it turns out

that Luke Tatum did time
for assault and battery.

Three years, Bree,

at North Branch
Correctional Institution.

He didn't tell you, did he?

Bree? Bree, wait! I...

- [footsteps]
- What's up, Jess?

You know how we have so
many five-star reviews on Yelp?

Yes, I do, 'cause you
tell me all the time.

We just got our
first terrible one.

Our first bad review!

That means we're
officially in business.

That's not funny.

To be honest,

I thought it was your sisters
writing those five-star reviews.

You know they're not doing that.

We get good reviews
because we deserve them.

We definitely didn't
deserve this. Look.

Ooh... one-star?

That is pretty brutal.

I don't recognize the name.
I think it could be a fake.

Do you think it could
be Mr. McNear?

Ooh, does it mention
cold butter patties?

No, but it covers
everything else.

Jess, we can't please
all the people all the time.

Bad reviews are just
part of the territory.


I am going to be professional

and respond to this
reviewer very nicely

and offer to make it up to
them if they should return.

"Sub-par roasted salmon"?

Are they insane?

My roasted salmon is
nothing short of magnificent.

[voice rises] What... an idiot!

See what I mean?


Hey. How are ya?

Were you in prison?

Who told you?

Doesn't matter.

[sighs] What
matters is you didn't.


Look, I was gonna tell you.


I'll never really know
that, though, will I?

No, you won't.

You were convicted
of assault and battery?


And you probably want
to know if I did it, right,

or if I was
wrongfully convicted?


Did you do it?

I did it.

I wound up with
three years in prison,

a year off for good behavior.


Why assault and battery,
or why good behavior?


Why didn't you tell me?

Because I didn't
want you to look at me

the way you're
looking at me right now.


And Erin, three
lawyers have looked at

that so-called agreement
that you have with Driscoll,

and they found major holes.

[Gran] Ah-hah.

Son. Good day to ya.

Hey, Mom.

- Good shopping.
- Thanks!

Megan and Carter make
a good team, don't they?

Indeed. They do.

Do you think they
have a history?

A history?

You know what I mean.


she was in New York

on her own

for 17 years.

I imagine she had a
history with someone.

Didn't you?


Did you tell her about Martha?

That's ancient...



Okay, maybe there's a
little tiny bit of something...

I mean, he is right here. Now.

Yeah, well...

why don't you
talk to her about it?

I don't know if I
have that right.

I don't even know
where we stand right now.

We've just been, both
of us, sort of drifting.

No declarations have been made.

Maybe it's time you did.

I love you.

I love you more.






I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to
tell you that way.

You did exactly
what you meant to do.

Okay, maybe I
shouldn't have butted in,

but I care about you.

And I just... I think you should
know what you're getting into.

Okay, but, Jerry,
what I'm getting into

is my own business.

And I don't think you have a
right to judge Luke that way.

You don't know what
he's been through.

- Do you?
- I...

[words catch]

I suppose he gave
you some sob story.

No, he didn't.

He did not do that.

Because I didn't
give him the chan...

You know what? Never mind.

So, between the
Maryland Art Foundation

and the lawyers finding holes
in the agreement with Arthur,

it looks like...

Megan O'Brien has done it again.

Driscoll exhibit can open
here on Chesapeake Shores.

[Megan] Well,
nothing's definite yet,

but it looks like it.

[both chuckling]

- I'll be right back.
- Mm-hmm.

[cellphone rings]

[Carter] Hey, Findley.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just
getting more wine.

You want some?

Mm. I'm fine.

You don't like Carter, do you?

Hey, he saved your art
show. I think that's great.


But you don't like him?

Not particularly.

Is that a problem?


I just...

We can't like all
the same people.

No. I guess not.

Was there ever anything
between you two?

You mean, did I ever date him?


But that was a long time ago.

I'm just asking.
I'm not jealous.

I didn't say you were.

Wow. I guess we haven't
had that talk yet, have we?

What talk?

About what happened during
the time that we were apart.


[Abby] Hey, Dad. Do
you have a second?

Sure, what's up?

Well, I contacted
the nursing home

where Eugene Segar died,

and I think I found something.


Well, I printed off a photo

from the obituary
in the local paper.

They gave you the wrong name.

It's Eugene David Siegal.

[quietly] I'll be
a son of a gun.

That's Buzz!


Hi! Uh...

two Mango Mambos,
please, with everything.

Dad, why are we here?

What, you don't
like Mango Mambos?

No, I do.

I just... I thought you were
gonna tell me about Buzz.




Do you remember this place?

I spent some of my
happiest hours here.

Juicy Juice has only
been here for a year.

That's true.

But do you remember
what was here before that?

The Crab Shack?

And before that?

I have no idea.

The Windjammer.

Best bar in town.

Best people. The best bartender.

Was Buzz a bartender?

He was the best bartender
on the East Coast.

He could make a
perfect Margarita.

Great tequila,
fresh-squeezed lime juice,

not too sweet,

and just the right
amount of salt.


he could listen to your
problems for hours.

Mm! Just like a therapist.

No. Better than a therapist.

How many therapists do you
know that serve fried peanuts?

[laughing] Well, I
could ask around.


That was the summer
that your mom left.

That was...

pretty rough on all
of us, I think, huh?

[Abby sighing deeply]

Yeah, I remember.

You never talked about it.


it... it was just such
a tough year. I...

I was working 17-hour days

and, uh, wasn't
home hardly at all.

She had you guys alone...

and-and then one
day, I got this...

[shaky breath]

[tearfully] ...I got this
three-paged letter.

Seems she didn't want
me to come home anymore

if I was gonna...

[sniffles and sighs]

I thought I had to
be strong for you

and your brothers and sisters.

I was brought up
that way, you know?

I know.

[Mick breathes deeply]

But here, you know, with Buzz,

I could talk about
anything and everything.

I'd unload on him

and he'd unload on me.

We'd argue about
politics, baseball, football...

but mostly... [sniffles]

he just let me
talk and talk and...

when I was all
talked out, he'd say...

"Yeah... that must be tough."

And you never knew his name?

I didn't think he
knew my name either.

I was always
"Margarita, rocks, salt?"


I used to come here every
Wednesday after work.

That was a crazy
summer. You remember?

Jess almost flunked first grade.

Connor broke his arm.

Bree locked herself in
her room with her notebook.

You acted out like crazy,

and Kevin got mono.

And Mom left.

Yes. There was that, too.

Hence the, uh, flunking

and the arm-breaking

and notebook and the mono.

I tried to be there
for you. For all of you.

I just... I just did
not know how.

[Abby sighs deeply]

You did okay.

You didn't think so at the time.


Well, I was young.

I was young, too.

Thank you.

Well, I'm glad Buzz
was there for you.

Yeah. I didn't...

I didn't realize how
important he was to me

until I came by one day

and this place
was all closed up.

Out of business.

Never got a chance to thank him.

Well, now you can.


Thanks, Buzz.

- To Buzz.
- To Buzz.


[telephone ringing]

Hi, Evan.

You ready to go to
that board meeting?

Uh, yes. Where
should I meet you?

Open your office door.

Your chariot awaits.

You don't have an
actual chariot, do you?


That'd be so cool.

I'll get my bag.

May I, Abby?

- Thank you.
- [phone ringing]

Hey, Bill.

How are you?

How does Thursday sound?

Sounds good.

We'll make it happen.

Mandrake, make a
note... Bill on Thursday.

Get him a gift.

My discretion, sir?

You always know best.

Sorry, Abby.
Business never stops.

Now, Mandrake...
[taps trunk twice]

to the helipad!

Yes, sir.

Heli-what, now?

They haven't even responded!

Who hasn't?

The person who left
the horrible review.

I wrote them a nice reply,
offering another stay here,

and nothing.


Nada. Do you know
what that means?


Means it wasn't
even a real customer.

Because a real customer
would've taken me up on that.

Are you sure about that?

I bet it was Ben Fogerty.

Who's that?

You know! The guy that runs
Shoreline Motel on Route 40.

He hates competition.

I bet he's trying to
run us out of business.

I gotta call him and give
him a piece of my mind.

No... Jess! Just...
Just let it go.

Okay, then I'll write a
bad review for his motel.


How do you spell "abysmal"?

Jess, come on!

Be the bigger person.

Okay. Where's the fun in that?

It's fun because...

Okay, it's not fun, but
it's the right thing to do.

Why is doing the right
thing so unrewarding?

I don't know, honey.



A-B-Y... [laughing]

[claps lid shut]



Here we are.

Sorry about the
turbulence over Harrisburg.

It's okay, you can't
control the weather.

Please tell me you
can't control the weather.

[chuckles] No, not yet.

That'd be a heck of an app.

Mm. This is a beautiful place.

Thanks. It's one of my getaways.

Your what-aways?


- [door opens]
- Hello, Evan.

Tea is on the deck.

Henrietta, you are a lifesaver!

I'm gonna change.

Mandrake will show
you to the deck.

I want to talk to you
before the board meeting.

Okay. About what?

A private matter.

Uh, where's the deck?

Some distance. I'll
get the golf cart, Abby.


[Mandrake] Can I
get you anything else?

I think I have every
sandwich known to man.


Tell me there is Nutella
and banana on whole wheat.

Just as you like, sir.

- Text if you need anything else.
- Thank you.

That Mandrake is a marvel.

A magician.

- Very good!
- Mm.

You have everything you need?

And then some.



I really wanted talk to you.

It's important.

It's the real reason
I asked you here.

It's obvious we have connected
in a very profound way,

and I realize this might
sound kind of sudden,

but... [chuckles] hear me out.

- [phone rings]
- [Evan sighs]

Darn phones.

Never a moment's peace.

Let me silence this.


[chuckles] Where was I?

Um... important...

we connected, might
sound sudden... okay.

I think we both know
what I'm gonna say,

so why don't I just say it?

Excuse me, sir, but
it's Warren in Bali,

and he says it's urgent.

Warren always says it's urgent.

Um, I'm sorry, Abby.

Please excuse
me. I'll be right back.

Hold that thought.


[video call ringing]

Uh, Jess? I'm patching in Bree.

I'm having a predicament.

[gasps] A two-sister

Bree? You're on with Jess.

I need some help.

Where are you?

Uh, at some castle
in Pennsylvania!

I want to go to a
castle in Pennsylvania!

Stop. Listen. Focus.

Okay. I'm here with Evan,

and I think you're right... I
think this a "Whisk Away".

What did we tell you?

We told you.

Okay, that is not helpful.

What did he say?

So, he said

"I need to talk to you.
We've made a connection."

And "this might seem sudden..."

- He said that?
- What did he say next?

Nothing. He got called
away. What do I do?

What do you want to do?

Take his helicopter
and fly away?

[annoyed] He has a helicopter?

Jess. Focus.

I gotta go.

[Bree] Okay. Call us back!

[Jess] Call us back or
we'll never forgive you~

Apologies. A tropical storm

is playing havoc
with a project in Bali,

but I'm back.

Told them to hold my
calls so we can focus.

Okay. Focus on what?

I was saying

that we have a real connection

and though it may seem sudden...

Evan, I have to stop you.


I can't let you go on. I...

I am flattered, really, but...

my feelings for
you are entirely...


- boy.
- Wait a minute.

Did... Did you think...?

I didn't think...

My sisters thought,
and they got in my head.

[laughs] You thought I
was gonna ask you out?

- Well...
- No!

No. Nothing like that.

I was gonna offer you
a job at my company.

Because we have a connection?


I think you're one of the
smartest, sharpest people

I've ever met,

and I want you to join
The Kincaid Group.

Wow. Well, firstly,
I'm... I'm flattered.

I already said that, but
for different reasons.

Um, secondly...


- No?
- No.

I'm not leaving O'Brien
Construction and Development.

It's the family business.

Means everything
to me and my dad.


I like that.


Loyalty's good.

Loyalty's admirable.

I know...

what if I bought
O'Brien Construction?

- [laughing]
- Then, technically,

- you'd still be working for...
- Evan.

You can't keep buying things.

But I can, Abby.
That's the beauty of it.

Well, I appreciate
the offer, but, um...

I'm perfectly happy where I am.

All right.

I respect that.

Here is what I was
prepared to offer you.

[stunned chuckle] Oh.

Will you reconsider?


Evan, there are more
important things than money.

A lot of people say that.

Not many mean it.

Well, look at it this way...

Would you rather have a
Nutella-and-banana sandwich,

or truffles and caviar?

Well, why don't we go
to that board meeting?

[Bree] You can't
teach creativity.


what am I doing here?

[students laugh]

I'm here to show you that...

you already know
how to be creative.

Every time you
tell a story or a joke,

every time you sing a
song or make a sketch,

or make an excuse to
get out of something...


you're being creative.

So, here is what
I want you to do.

I want you to write me something
that tells me who you are.

Not who you used to be,

and not who you want to be...

Who you are, right now.

Your best day, your worst day...

2,000 words.

And don't use your laptops.
Use pen and paper, okay?

Go ahead.


All right, I think that's
all the time we have.

Um, now, I don't want you
to hand those papers in.

I want you to hang onto
them till next week, okay?

See you then.

[indistinct chatter]

I didn't realize you
were auditing this class.

Yeah, I just wanted
to check it out.

Oh, and, uh, here
is my assignment.

I'll just be outside,

if you want to
talk about it after,

or, um...

if you don't, I'll understand.



[clears her throat]

This is well-written.

It's a good thing
you're not in my class,

or you'd blow the curve.

[Luke chuckles]

Well, I'm more interested
in the content than the style.

The content was very moving.

Look, Bree, I don't...

I don't want to make
any excuses for what I did.

I'm just glad you
gave me the chance

to explain why I did it.

I can understand.

Yeah, well, the jury couldn't.

Bree, I... I understand.

You know, if you
want to go, I... I get it.

I'm sitting right here.

[chuckles in relief]

Well, what now?

I don't know!


This is very new
territory for me.

- [phone rings]
- Yeah, I should get this.

Sorry. Ahem.

Oh. It's, um, it's my P.O.

Parole officer. I...

Yeah. Take it.

Hi, Mr. Sullivan.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'm
on my way right now.

I just gotta...

I'm just a bit late.

I know. It won't happen again.

I'm aware of that.

I'll see you soon, sir.

You're aware of what?


If I mess up in any
way, I go back to prison.

That's the reality.


and you're late because...?

I came to see you.



You should go.


- Go!
- Okay. Yes.

I do. Bye.

Okay. Bye. Okay.


Okay, Buzz.

We're going for a
little airplane ride.

But I warn you,

I've got some
stuff to talk about,

so I hope you're
still a good listener.


[engine starts]

Mandrake will take
you to the airfield.

You'll make it to Cleveland
with plenty of time to spare.


And about earlier...

Oh, please, it's
already forgotten.

Is it? Because you brought it up

quite a few times.

Well, you have
to admit, it's funny.

Well, look at how
you phrased it.

"This might seem sudden."

[Evan laughs]

Okay, maybe I did
phrase it a little weird.


But I was just trying to steal
you away from your father

in a business sense.

This wasn't some "Whisk Away".

So that is a thing?

Well, I've never tried one.

On purpose, anyway.

Tell me, if this had
been a Whisk Away...

Which it wasn't.

Okay, but if it had
been... Hypothetically...

What do you think?

Any pointers?


Well, uh...

if I had been in the mood to
be Whisked Away by someone...

I suppose I would
have been "whisked".


Hypothetically, of course.

[phone buzzing]

Must take this.

Have a great time
in the Buckeye State.

[Evan, in Spanish]
Hola, ¿qué tal?

Sí, estamos dispuestos

a comenzar la
construcción en un mes.

I cannot figure him out.

Many have tried, Abby.

[Evan] Sí, ¡¿en serio?!

Ok, que le vaya bien.

[all laughing]

I hope your father gets back.

It's gonna be dark soon.

Yeah, I'm sure he's fine.

Mom, he's been flying for years.

I know. But I worry.


Anybody need anything?

Mm. I could use
another coffee, please.

You got it.

So, Sarah, how is
it, being lieutenant?

Oh, it's great.

It's a lot of paperwork...

Going over the town map,
restructuring fire codes...

Much more exciting
than fighting fires.

Meanwhile, my
husband delivered a baby

in the freezer section
of the supermarket.

To be fair, the mother
did most of the work.

Besides, you love
this new responsibility.

I have to get used to it.

Why? What... What do you mean?

Oh, hey! Bree.

How was your first day
as a college professor?

Oh, uh, I'm just
a visiting lecturer.

And, um, it was intimidating.

Yeah, just...

so many eyeballs staring at you,

expecting you to teach
them something, you know?

But I realized that I could
learn a lot from them.

Well, the students
teach the teacher

just as much as the
teacher teaches the student.


This is decaf, right?

Mm-hmm. Always is after 8:00.

Yeah. Then why am I so jittery?

Maybe because you sunk
all of your life's savings

into a new business,

and you're not sure
if it's gonna work?

[all laughing and jeering]

Oh, right. Thank
you for reminding me.


Oh, it is getting dark.

Your dad knows I hate
it when he flies at night.

Mom, I'm sure he's fine.

Yeah, he's probably
already landed.

Ah. You're right.

You know, I'm just
gonna go call the airfield.

He's probably gabbing
again with the ground crew.

I hope he gets here soon.

What's the hurry?

Nothing. It'll keep.

So, uh, Connor, how's
the new law practice going?

Slow but sure.

I have a couple of clients.

I have a zoning dispute

and two neighbors fighting
over their property line.

Sounds about as
exciting as my work.

- Sarah.
- You know what you should do?

You should look into
those Internet review apps

and sue them for libel.

Let it go, Jess.


They said that Mick
hasn't come back yet.

The last radio contact
they had with him

was at 4:30.

They tried him just now.

They got nothing.
