Chesapeake Shores (2016–…): Season 5, Episode 10 - That Old Feeling - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
Chesapeake Shores...

[Mick] I'm sorry to
have worried you all.

You're safe,

and that's all that's important.

[Evan] Mick, it's a
miracle you're alive.

Don't tell Abby how
bad this really is.

I don't want to worry her.

This is your last
drug test, Tatum.

It came back positive
for amphetamines.

[Connor] Apparently,

I came as close to having
a heart attack as you can

without actually having one.

Shouldn't you be in bed?

How would you feel
if I asked Abby out?

I've run into a bit of bad luck.

Investments, whatnot.

Hon', you okay?

- I don't feel very good.
- Sarah!




Thanks for everything.

Dr. Baum says you can
call him whenever you like.

I don't want to talk to him.

I don't want to talk to anyone.

I understand.

Can I get you anything?



It's just Dr. Baum says

you need to keep
your strength up.

I don't care what Dr. Baum says.

Thank God we didn't tell
anyone about the pregnancy...

and Kevin, I don't want
anyone else to know about this.

The thought of going
over it and over it again...

I just want this to be
between you and I.


You know, whatever you want.

I love you so much, Sarah.

I love you, too.


♪ The miles are getting longer ♪

♪ It seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ To the place where I belong ♪

♪ Where your love has
always been enough for me ♪


♪ I'm not running from ♪

♪ No, I think you've
got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret this
life I chose for me ♪


♪ I said these places
and these faces ♪

♪ Are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm goin' home ♪


♪ I'm goin' home ♪♪

[Evan] Mandrake,
I'm faced with a...

what's the word?

[Mandrake] A quandary, sir.

That's it.

I want to ask Abby O'Brien out.

So I gathered.

I want to declare
my feelings for her.

That sounds stupid, doesn't it?

Affairs of the heart
often sound foolish, sir.

Of course, I have a rival.

Very nice.


A schoolteacher.

Sounds like a
good match for her.

Yeah. So, I want
to make a gesture.

That would seem appropriate.

But what?

It can't be anything
to do with money.

No, sir.

It can't be too big.

That would scare her off.

Can't be too small,
or she wouldn't notice.

It needs to be considerate,
kind, and heartfelt.

Can't be done.


She's coming back from
her business trip today.

She didn't want to
inconvenience anyone,

so she was gonna take an
Uber home from the airport.

That is considerate of her.

I could pick her up,

holding a single rose.


Or I could just pick her up,

drive her home.

Pick her up, by yourself?

Well, if you drove us,

you'd be making the gesture.

I see.

Sir, may I ask
how long it's been

since you've
actually driven a car?

It's like riding
a bike, isn't it?

You never really forget?

Perhaps we could do a few
turns around the parking lot,

just to refresh your memory.

Do you think I need to?

The key, sir.

All right.

Hey, so why did you
invite us all over for brunch?

Do we need a reason?

We're just here to celebrate

your mom's triumphant art show.

Oh, I wouldn't
call it a triumph.

Actually, it was such a triumph.


- Congratulations, honey.
- Thank you.


Sorry we're late.

We had to put out
a fire at the B&B.

- A figurative fire, I hope.
- Yes.

Oh, apple pancakes?

[clinking glass]


my son, Mick, and Megan
have an announcement to make.

Well, as you know,

Abby's been my right
hand at the office this year,

and we were just
discussing this on the phone,


Well, I might as well just
come right out and say it.


I've decided to take a year off.

Your mom and I
are going to travel.

We are gonna take a
trip around the world.

Well, that's it.

Don't everyone cheer at once.



Hi, I'm your driver.

May I?

What are you doing?

Picking you up at the airport.

I can see that. Why?

Why not?

How was Cleveland?

Cleveland was fine.

Cleveland was good.

I like Cleveland.


We just want to
say that we're sorry

for how we reacted to your news.

Yeah, it's, uh...

it was a surprise,

but we're really
happy for you guys.

Thank you.

So does this mean you're...


I guess it does.

The idea takes some
getting used to, huh?


- No!
- No, no...

We're just glad that
you two are happy.

Very glad.


Oh, I hope everybody is.




I was just getting some air...

Air, I know.

What's wrong?


I'm fine.

I'm perfectly fine.

[choking back tears]

Oh... honey.

What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm really
happy for you two.


Yeah, I think it's great
you're getting back together.

Then why are you crying?

Why couldn't you have
done this 20 years ago?

I know.

[Abby] Thank you
so much for stopping.

I was famished.

Mm, no problem.

That is the best chili
burger I've ever had.

You say that about
everything you eat.


You know what Warren Zevon said,

"enjoy every sandwich."


You know, I was very surprised
to see you standing there

with your little sign, Evan.

Well, Mick's in a cast,

I didn't want you to
have to take an Uber,

so I decided to make the
ultimate human sacrifice.

Picking someone
up at the airport?

- Exactly.
- Hmm.


Do I have something on my face?

Oh, no.

No, I've just never met
anyone quite like you, Abby.

That's nice.

Seriously, I have
so many questions.

I can't quite figure you out.

That's funny,

I was just saying the
same thing about you.

Listen, I know we
got our wires crossed

back in Pennsylvania.

I know.

But that misunderstanding
got me thinking.

What if it wasn't such
a misunderstanding?

What do you mean?

Would you go out with me?



Like a date?


Like a date-date?

A date-date.

A full-on date.


Evan, you're a very
bright, fascinating person...

I like where this is going.


Mm, don't like that.

I mean...

we're working together,

and I think we
should just stay...


- Keep it professional?
- Mm-hmm.

Sounds like a plan.

But if I may suggest
an alternate plan...

A business strategy

I find very effective

when making important decisions

is to ruminate for a while,

to think about it,

sleep on it.


So don't decide right now.

Think about it.

You and me, going out,

not talking business,
not talking soil samples,

not talking old ships,

just... talking,

about life.

Okay, I will think about it.

Sleep on it.



Now you do...

You have some
chili on your face.

May I?

Oh. [laughing]

Oh, no.




Ah, you're back.

[sighs] Yes.

Connor's huddled with Dad,

Jess is crying with Mom.

I can't leave you people
alone for a second.

I know, it all falls apart.


How are you?

Oh, it would take
too long to explain.

How was Ohio?


I got everything under control.

Good coffee.

I thought so.

Okay, the weirdest
thing just happened.

Tell me.

Evan just picked me
up from the airport.


And then we went
for chili-burgers,

and he asked me out.


I knew it!

What did you say?

That I would think about it.

So, what do you think?

I'm confused.

That's interesting,

'cause you always just
said that he annoys you,

and that he drives you crazy.

Well, he does.



But you're still interested?



- Give me that.
- Sure.

I just...

I just wonder if he's
this really sweet guy,

underneath all that oddness.

And what about Jay?

I think my life has
gotten very complicated.


Cheers to complicated.


Don't write a play
about me, okay?

Now, the way I see it,

there's really
only two violations

they can try and nail you for.

Being late for appointments
and the failed drug test.

Well, that's enough.

I admit the drug
test looks pretty bad,

but we can get the
appointments off the books

pretty easily.

You said you had car
trouble the first time.

Do you have a bill
from the tow truck

or the garage?

Yeah, yeah, I think I kept it,

or either way,

I could call the towing service.

Okay, and what about
being late for the last one?

I was visiting your sister

at the University of
Maryland campus.

Okay, and why did you do that?

He needed to talk to me.


Why do you keep saying "okay"?

Just trying to convince
myself it's okay.

All right, if we
get a nice judge,

they might forgive
the late appointments,

but we have to figure out

what happened with
that failed drug test.

Now, Luke...

I'm going to ask
you one more time.

It was a false positive, right?

I swear, on my honor.

All right.

Then we have to invalidate
the positive drug test.

I just got a call
from the court house.

Do you want the good
news first or the bad news?

Always good news first.

They switched judges.

Now Samantha
Ellington is presiding.

That's great news.

She's a real softie, in the
legal sense of the word.

Uh, bad news?

They rescheduled your hearing.

That's why they
had to switch judges.

Uh, rescheduled it to when?

3:00 tomorrow afternoon.

It's okay.


Let's just get back to work.

[Jay] Nope.


No, that's not it.

No, it's not happening.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to take a picture.

Of what?

This year's perfect moment.

Do you think you'll
know it when you see it?

I usually do, yeah.



I actually have a collection.

Of what?

Perfect moments of the year.

Well, pictures of them.

Uh... do you want to see?


Yeah, they're just...

they're moments where
it all came together.

And you had your
camera with you?

That's right.


Yeah, I have a few on here.

Most are on my computer at home,

but here...

This is the one
from three years ago.

You see that?

[Abby] What is that?

That's the Green Flash.

The what?

It's rare,

but sometimes,

there's this
green flash of light

right as the sun goes down.

It's a type of mirage

where the atmosphere
refracts the sunlight.

That's beautiful.

It's more than beautiful.

It's perfect.

Oh, yeah.

This is the one
from the year after.

It's a breaching orca.

Isn't it beautiful?

It's perfect.

That's what I said.


Where's last year's?


I don't think it's on here.

How come?

You have three years
ago, the year after that.

What happened to last year's?


Well, um...


[Abby laughs]

That's me.


We were at your house,

on the Point,

and the sun hit you just right,

and you laughed,

and you...

you looked perfect.


There she is.

Megan O'Brien,

Art Impresario,

basking in the glow of
her glorious achievement.


All I did was make
a few phone calls.

It was Arthur's night.



how do you explain
all the job offers?

Job offers?


three Manhattan
galleries called,

inquiring to see if
you'd be interested

in being a buyer
for them, that's all.

But you told them
I'm not interested?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
I told them that.

That just seemed to
make them more interested.

- Life's funny that way.
- Yeah.

Yeah, but I told them
you'd put all that behind you.

I have.

It's funny.

You know, I remember
the first time I met you.

You were one of
the youngest curators

the Met ever had.



My time in New York was amazing.

I learned so much about myself.

But now I realize
that this is home.

Right here.


Oh, uh...

I did have another conversation
with a colleague of mine.

Ben Salinger at the
Getty in Los Angeles.


He wants to talk to you
about being a curator there.

The Getty?

Wouldn't it be fun to
get back in the game?


[exhales in shock]

Are you having
something on your mind?

What? No. No, nothing.



Are you having
someone on your mind?

Of course not.

Hello, Nell, Abby.

I brought you something.


Homemade brownies.

Well, how nice of you.

He bakes.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

So... you bake?

I bake.

My Uncle Kirby
is a terrific cook,

and he taught me a few things.

Well, they smell delicious.

They're also dairy-free,

so Caitlyn can have
some if she wants.

You remembered?

Your family is very memorable.

Well, I'm glad the O'Briens

are having a
positive effect on you.

Uh, sit.

Tell me about this Uncle Kirby.


for starters, he's
not really my uncle.

I just call him that.

He's a guy my mom dated.

He's a long-haul trucker

who saved every
dollar he ever made.

Really believed in me.

Loaned me the stake
to start my first business.

I owe him a lot.



Well, tell Kirby
these are delicious,

and dairy-free, wow.

He's a genius.

A lactose-intolerant genius.

- To Kirby.
- To Kirby.

I think he'd like you.

Well, I'd like to meet him.

He can be pretty
tough to track down,

but for you, I'd
make the effort.


I have to make a very
important phone call.


Well, can't stand in the
way of important phone calls.

I hope Caitlyn
likes the brownies.

One thing...


did you sleep on it?


I'm still sleeping on it.


Nice dream you're having.

Honored to be included.


you have nothing on your mind?

That's not funny, Gran.


It's not funny.

You have to eat,

and you have to rest.

I can eat while I work.

You can't rest while you work.

Sure I can. I can multi-task.


I'm worried about you.

I'm worried about me, too,

but right now I'm just
more worried about Luke.

Well, you're not going
to do him any good

if you stroke out in the
middle of his parole hearing.

Sure about that?

I think I might get a little bit
of sympathy from the judge.


I'm serious.

Just rest for a while.


How long?

An hour?

15 minutes?

- A half-hour.
- Sold.

I'll lie down on the couch.

No, because then you'll
just be going over the case

in your head.

How do you know me so well?

We're very much alike.

Okay, so, what do I
do for half an hour?

Mini s'mores?



That is very funny.

Don't laugh.

This is serious therapy.

Here we go.

Is this really gonna work?

Trust me.

Now, what did you
do with your family

around that fire pit?

We talked and sang songs.

What songs did you sing?

I am not singing songs with you.

What songs?

♪ There's... ♪

♪ An old ship sailing ♪

♪ Down the alley-alley-oh ♪

♪ The alley-alley-oh
the alley-alley-oh... ♪


♪ There's a big ship sailing
down the alley-alley-oh ♪

♪ By the end of
Septemb... [pops lips]... er! ♪


That's really good.

Thanks, thanks.

Gran taught me that.


Okay... moment of truth.


It looks good.


- Taste test.
- Here we go.



- Very good.
- [laughs]

Want another round?


Line 'em up, bartender.


The secret is picking
the perfect marshmallow.

They are not all the same.

I didn't know you knew that.


Ooh, what about this one?



Something wrong, Kevin?


No, I just wanted
to see you guys.


What is it, Kevin?

I just love Sarah so much.

Honey, whatever it
is, we're here for you.

We just, we wanted to wait
until after the first trimester

to tell everyone that
we were pregnant...


Honey, that's so wonderful.

Yeah, but then we had...

We had a miscarriage.

Oh, God.


I'm so sorry.

[voice breaking] Sarah
didn't want me to say anything.

You know, she made me
promise not to say anything,

and I get it.

I understand, because
she's grieving, you know?



I just really need my family.

Of course you do, honey.

Kevin, you have to
deal with your grief, too.

You've both had a loss.

Your father and I know
about this kind of grief.

It happened to us, too.

It did?


The most important thing to know

is that you can
get through this.


With love, and support,

and time.


Oh, honey...

[Jess whispers] Are you awake?

I'm going to write an email.

[whimpers] No...

3:00 a.m. emails are
never a good idea.

Trust me.

No, this is a good one.

I'm going to write it to Mom.

Write it, but don't send it.

Well, I wrote it all in my
head while I was lying there.

I just need to get it down.


So type it out, save it,

then read it over
in the morning,

and then send it,

or not.

All right, I hear you.

I just, I finally figured out

what I should have
said to her last night.

How I forgive her
for leaving me,

leaving all of us

for 17 years.

Well, whatever you do,

just make sure you sleep
on it before you send it.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

[typing rapidly]


[yelps] Ooh! What? What?

What is it?

I did something.


You sent a 3:00 a.m. email?

4:39 actually.

I was really getting into it.

I'm sure you were.

I thought "What the heck?"

and I just I sent it!

How bad is it?

I don't know, I'm
afraid to read it over.

I'm sure it's not that bad.

Is there an "unsend" button?

There really should
be an "unsend" button.

Can you tell if
she's read it yet?

You ought to be
able to tell that, too.


You should talk to her.

Is it that bad?

It's that honest.

Connor, did you
sleep here last night?


I didn't sleep anywhere.

The hearing is in a few hours.

How do you think
it's going to go?

You know, to be honest,
I really do not know.

I keep going back to your...

your drug test.

Where is it?

Where is it?


Yeah, thanks.


Hey, I know all
about being frazzled

from lack of sleep.

When I was having
to sleep in my truck,

I could barely
get an hour or two.

Wait a minute.

Did you ever take
anything to help you sleep?

[Jess] Hi, Dad.

Hey, honey, what's up?

Is Mom here?

I went by her
house to talk to her,

she wasn't there.

Yeah, she's out on the porch.

Oh, great.

I'm heading off to work.

Uh, do you know if
she's checked her email?

I think that's what
she's doing now.



Whatcha doing?

Ah, just thinking.

About what?

My life.

My... choices.

My kids.


What are you doing?

I'm so sorry.

I woke up in the
middle of the night

with the perfect idea
of what to say to you,

and David said, "Don't
send emails at 3:00 a.m."

but I thought, "What the heck?"

and I wrote it,

but I didn't say
all the nice things

that I intended to say,

and although everything
I said was true,

it wasn't the whole truth...

so I hope you can forgive me.

I haven't read my email yet.


Then don't.

Now I have to.

Oh, hey, Mick.

I just stopped by to
say goodbye to Megan.

Hey, Carter, she's
out on the deck.

You can wait inside if you want.

Oh, thank you.

You, uh...

you heading back to New York?

Uh, yeah, and then onto L.A.

Oh? What are you doing there?

She didn't tell you?


I didn't mean all of that.

Yes, you did.

I am happy

that you and Dad are
getting back together.

That doesn't mean I
didn't hurt you, Jess.

I left you...

when you needed me,

and I can't make up for that.

I always thought
it was my fault.

Oh... no.

Honey, no,

it wasn't.

Well, part of me believes that,

and part of me doesn't.

Then I will just have to
spend the rest of my life

trying to convince you, won't I?

Well, there was one more thing

I meant to put at the end.

[sighs nervously]


I love you.


What are you doing?

Just listening to a podcast.

True crime?

It gets my mind off things.

Can I get you anything?

No, I'm fine.

You're not fine, Sarah.

No, I'm not fine,

and no, you can't
get me anything.

Okay, so maybe it'll
help to talk to somebody.


No, it wouldn't.


I need to talk to somebody.

I had to talk to somebody.

You did?

I spoke to my folks about this.

- What?
- I had to...

No, you told them?
- Yeah...

The one thing I asked
you! The one thing!

- Sarah...
- No, just go.

I'm not gonna go.


Stay then.

Here he comes.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

I had to consult with someone.

This is my doctor,
Carla Murrieta.

Your doctor?

Are you okay?

I'm fine, it's not that.

I'm an expert witness.

I'll explain later.

Now let's keep you
out of prison, okay?


Listen, uh...

maybe I'm bringing up

the elephant on
the shoreline here,


I have feelings for you.

Um, but, to be honest,

there's this guidance
counselor at school,

Cam Matheson.

She's very sweet and nice,


well, I...

I kind of like her,

and I think she likes me.

I see...


I might want to start
something with her.

That is unless...

That is...


I'm not trying to giving
you some ultimatum here.

That's not what this is.

I like being your friend.

I love your family,


I need to know

if I'm just in the friend zone,

or if there's hope
of some other zone

in the near future.

You did it, Connor!

I didn't do anything.

It was Dr. Murrieta.

Hey, you found out

he took an
over-the-counter sleep aid.

The active ingredient,

combined with the antihistamines

caused his false positive.

And you are a free man.

Well, a man on parole.

Not in prison.

- [chuckling]
- No...

and I owe that to you,

all of you.

You believed in me.

No one else did.

Thank you.

I'm glad it worked out, Luke.

Mm, this is so good.

Did you really make this?

I did.

Well, Mom gave me moral support.


It's wonderful.

To the chef.


[glasses clink]

Just think, pretty soon,

we will be eating like this
by the canals of Venice.

Do you mean Venice,
Italy, or Venice, California?

Italia, per favore.

You didn't tell me,

about your job
offer from the Getty.

[scoffs] Well, it
was hardly an offer.

That's not what Carter said.

I wasn't interested.

Listen, I don't pretend to
know everything about you,

but isn't that your dream job?

Yeah, it was.

I've let it go.

Because of me?

Yes, actually.

Megan, I want you to
really think about this,


Do you really
want to let this go?

Well, you're taking a year off.

Yeah, but if somebody
came to me tomorrow

with an offer to, I don't know,

expand the Kennedy Center,

I'd have to give it
some serious thought.

Well, but...

would you take it?

Honestly, I don't know.

But I don't want you to
pass up your dream job

for me.

Unless you're absolutely sure.



I brought you my
grandmother's homemade recipe.

Oatmeal with brown
sugar and raisins.

That's sweet of you.

I know he told you.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't want him
to tell anyone.

I'm fine.

That's what I said, too.

I had my miscarriage after Jess.

We lost a baby,

like you,

and I, uh,

I just wanted to put
it out of my mind,

but you need to grieve,

at your own pace,

and you can't let anyone
rush you through your grief.

I won't say it goes away,

but the... sharpness,

it dulls.

The experience changed me,

and as much as
the road to get there

is one that I wouldn't
wish on anyone,

there is a silver lining

in truly learning
your own strength.


you are one of the
strongest people

I ever met.


Oh, honey.


What's wrong?

I should have seen it coming.

Seen what?

Did you talk to your Dad?

He did it.

Did what?


I went to the bank today

to get some funds
for the new furnace

and the dishwasher,

and they told me that...

that my trust fund
had been cleaned out.

Oh, David...

And the only other person
who has access to that,

obviously, is my father.

He couldn't...

He wouldn't.

I called him,

over and over again.

It goes to voicemail,

and my mom doesn't
know where he is.

What does this mean?

I don't know.

I gotta...

Uh, I gotta fly up
to Boston and...

and find out what's going on.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Thank you.


♪ When you're all alone ♪

♪ When you're far away ♪

♪ And the one thing
you need right now ♪

♪ Is a good night ♪

♪ And then a better day ♪

♪ When we all sing ♪

♪ Because we remember how ♪

♪ So think of me ♪

♪ And just believe ♪

♪ You've got someone
you can hold onto ♪

♪ On me you'll lean ♪

♪ I'll be your friend ♪

♪ When these hard
times cut right through ya ♪

♪ And you'll see ♪

♪ This soon shall end ♪

♪ And we'll all
sing hallelujah ♪


How are you?

I'm fine.


When Trace left,

I thought things would
at least get simpler.

Oh, oof.

Life doesn't get simpler.


I have Evan asking me out...

Mm-hmm, you told me.

And now Jay has
expressed his feelings.

Ah, finally.

About time.

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

Jay's a great guy.

He stuck by me through a lot.

And he's cute.



But Evan is...


You know, he's this
crazy, impulsive guy, and...

let's face it, he fascinates me.

And he's cute.


But I don't know

if I want to be
with either of them.

I don't know if I want to
be with anyone right now.

Dying alone does
have its attractions.

You know what I mean.

Abby, what does
your gut tell you?

My gut?

My gut is
notoriously unreliable.

No, the last person I
should be listening to

is my gut.


Oh, David,

I was so worried.

What happened in Boston?

Did you find out anything?


He left.

He left the country.

No, he fled...

Oh, David.

And I don't know
where he's gone.

All his offices are padlocked,

and the Feds are looking for him

for wire fraud and embezzlement.

It's a nightmare.

Oh, your poor mother.

She's devastated.

So is my sister.

He kept them in the dark.

He kept us all in the dark.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.



[Connor groans]

That's two in a row!

Want the crisp?


[cell phone rings]

That's Margaret.

Excuse me.

I'm just gonna take
this. I'll be right back.

You good?



I've been thinking
about what you said.


And you're right.

I do need to be
honest with myself.

The Getty...


that is a life-long dream.

All right.

So is traveling
the world with you.

- Is it?
- Mm-hmm.

So, can I have both?

I don't know, can you?

Well, I talked to the Getty.

They said if I worked
there for a year,

I can take six months
off to do whatever I want.

Six months?

Mm-hmm. Six months.

It's a long time.

It is.

Mm-hmm. Carter arranged it.


Mm-hmm. He's guest curator there

for the year.

He's gonna be
working there, too?


Is that why he set this up?

So he could have you with him?

Is that what you think?

You can't just believe

that I earned this
on my own merits?

Mick, I made
something of myself,

and I am good at what I do.

Why can't you see that?

Oh, I can.

I do.

It's Carter I don't trust.


But, honey, can't you trust me?

Trust you not to leave me again?

I don't know if I can.

Okay, here goes.

I support you.


Hi, it's Abby.

Um... so I was just
calling to tell you

that I have been
thinking about you,

and, um...

I think maybe we
should give this a try.

Call me back. Bye.

Who did you call?


I wanted to see

what a real O'Brien
firepit looked like.

Well, you could teach
them a thing or two

about making s'mores.

I don't mean to brag,

but I did get the
Trail Adventure badge

in the Brownies.

I knew you had
leadership potential.



I think you deserve a
badge for great kissing.

Now you're going
to make me blush.



What is it?



[screams in shock]

[Margaret shouts] Mr. O'Brien!

Help! I need help!

It's Connor!

He's having a
heart attack! Help!

[Connor gasping for breath]

[Margaret] It's okay.

It's gonna be okay,
it's gonna be okay...

[Connor gasping]
I can't breathe.

Who's got a phone?


Call 9-1-1.

Stay with us.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, hey, I think we've got
somebody having a heart attack.

511... Chesapeake Shores.

Mick O'Brien.

Yes, hurry, please.
