Chesapeake Shores (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 2 - The Way We Were - full transcript

Nell tries to save the Wish Fountain. Abby discovers a never-opened letter that she sent to Trace. Mick inherits a sailboat and reunites with his brother Thomas. Bree welcomes an old friend back into her life.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
NARRATOR: Previously
on Chesapeake Shores...

Please tell Bree I'm here to
return this. She left it unguarded.

And tell her that she had
no right to write about me.

TRACE: Abby, when I left, it was hard.

But I'm back now and nothing's changed.

I'm worried I'm making that
mistake too with Danielle.

- I thought you guys were good.
- Sometimes, not so sure.

Give me one more chance, I
will never hurt you again.

[SOFTLY] I'm sorry.

I have something for you. From
the estate of James Nelson.

Excuse me.

Is this, uh, slip 32?


Uh, I think there's
supposed to be a boat here.

Let's see where you... No,
you want D-32. D is for "dry."

I'm shocked someone's coming by for her.

She's been sitting for 30 years.

- Thirty years?
- Yeah.

So that must make you
Mick O'Brien, new owner.

[SIGHING] Yeah, I guess it does.

Guessing you probably wanna
haul her, strip her for parts.

So, what do you wanna do?

Hey, so, um, Donovan Wylie's still here.

Considering his traveling,

this might be the longest he's stayed anywhere.


Oh, my goodness. Ha-ha.

Your Little League trophies.

- My parents kept everything.
- No wonder they wanted to clean the attic.

Now they're filling up mine.

You know, I'm just wondering,
uh, why he's here at all.

What do you mean?

I mean, doesn't he have
someplace else to go or a family?

Donovan? I guess he did.

From what he said, it sounds
like he doesn't see them much.


That's lonely.

When you tour this long,
you don't know anything else.

You just get used to it. Keep moving.

When the tour comes through
Baltimore, you gotta see Donovan.

He is an amazing storyteller, and
the audience is singing every word.


When the tour comes through Baltimore,

I'm only interested in the opening act.

Play your cards right, I might
be able to get you backstage.

- Mmm.
- What'd you find?

Oh. Just your letterman jacket.

Ooh! You didn't take this
thing off in high school.

- Come on.

- Okay, I feel ridiculous.
- I think it still looks great on you.


Abby, is everything okay?


Yeah. I just remembered that
I have a lot of work to do...

so I should probably
get going. Give me some.

- Okay. Heh.
- I will see you later.


♪ Plane ticket already paid ♪

♪ I'm gone ♪
♪ But it don't mean nothing ♪

♪ I'm close even though I'm far away ♪

♪ That's how I remember you ♪

♪ Stuck here on the red-eye special ♪

♪ I can't wait to see you again ♪

♪ So don't think of me ♪
♪ Not being around ♪

♪ Just listen for the
sweet, sweet sound ♪

♪ Of the taxi pulling up the driveway ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon ♪

♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da ♪
♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪♪

- BREE: Is this a bad time?
- ABBY: No.

I love being interrupted while working.

Good. I mean, I understand. Um,
which... when you're done working...

would you mind
reading my manuscript?

Heh. Why would I want to do
that? Jess read a part of it...

- and you two are still not speaking.
- Oh, no. We're speaking.

Yeah, it's just that the
sentences are shorter.

Fine, she read it. She thinks it's
about the family. It's not, okay?

She read a small part, about a
little girl who waits outside...

for her mom to come home every night.

Bree, that sounds exactly like Jess.

No, it's exactly like...

all of us, which means it's
not about her, it's about loss.


Hey, Abs, Jess needs your camera, please.

Mine's still getting repaired.

I'm taking pictures of the B and B.

It's in my closet, top
shelf, on the right.

- I already looked there.
- NELL: No, it's in my closet.

- Heh-heh-heh.
- Gran, you borrowed my camera?

I had some important
business at city hall...

and I needed one with
more of those megapixels.

Uh, should I even ask?

No. Not unless you
wanna be an accomplice.

Come on, I'll show her where it is.


Honey, I don't think it's all you.

It's David too. He hasn't
called her in two days.

And Jess is starting to lose it.

- Two days? They talk every two minutes.
- Do you not have a home?

After a week of night shifts,
my refrigerator's empty.

By the way, who made
this? Because it's amazing.

- I did. I'm glad you like it.
- KEVIN: Mm.

And that is my lunch.

You want it back?

- Is there more of that?
- Yes.


Goodbye, sweetheart.
Don't work too hard, okay?

- Oh, somebody went flying.
- Had to.

- Beautiful day, tailwind home.
- And a happy man.


- Hey, getting some work done?
- Not as much as I would like.

So, um...

Connor's staying with Jess, huh?

Uh, yeah. Until he finds a place.

- Well, good for him.
- Dad.

No, no. It... It was time.

You look like you've seen a ghost.


I just feel like I can't
get away from the past.


Well, considering where we live,
that's pretty hard to avoid.

What's that?

- A letter.
- To Trace.

Uh, yeah, that I wrote...

- a week before Wes proposed.
- Why?

- Uh, that's just it, I don't... I don't know.
- He never opened it?

Hm. No.

No, and I don't remember what I said.

I just remember...

one night I woke up, and I started
writing and writing and writing...

So, uh, why do you have it?

Move your feet.

You are a horrible guest.


Why? I'm just going over an amendment
to the Endangered Species Act.

Okay, fine, but you're
a horrible brother.

Uh, still not following.

When I poured your
coffee, I was sniffling.

When I dropped off your
quiche, I was holding in sobs.

- I'm trying to be strong.
- I thought you had allergies...

or hiccups or trying to be strong.

Okay, I guess I am a horrible brother.


It's David.

Or more precisely, the lack of David.

Jess, I'm sorry.

I know everyone thinks that
I'm strong and put together...

and driven and responsible...

Whoa, whoa. That's... that's Abby.

I'm trying to be more
like her when I'm upset.

- Jess?
- Yes?

What happened between you and Bree?

What do you mean? Heh.

Well, not that I mind,
in fact, I like this...

but you never ask my advice, ever.

I mean, you did when it was
only us in the house, but...


Wait, are... ?

- Are you channeling Abby?
- Trying.

Bree isn't very good at keeping secrets.


- That was actually pretty good.
- Thanks.

Listen, Jess...

everything's gonna be all right.

I promise, okay?

And if you let me go get you some
coffee, we can talk about...

David, I just want to talk about David.

- Connor.
- Yeah?

You actually are a really good brother.



DONOVAN: I like them
changes. That something new?

Maybe. You know, I don't know yet.

Mark's been pushing me
for new material, so...

Mm. Most of the time, people
wanna hear me play my hits.

I start out something new...

everybody starts to wonder
why they came to see me. Heh.

How do you handle that?

You hear 30,000 people
yelling your name...

you just give them what they want.

Finally, I get to hear the "poor
Donovan Wylie" routine. Heh.

What's next? No champagne
on your private jet?


- You interested in finding out?
- What are you talking about?

I just got a spot at Stagecoach.
You could join me on my set.


That's in like two days.

- What? Just pick up and go?
- You don't wanna miss this.

Forty-eight hours, there and back.

- I'll think about it.
- Yeah, you will.


KEVIN: You seem worried.

Yeah, it's what I wrote.

I know. End of your play
doesn't make any sense.

When the woman crushes
the rose thing at the end?

- I don't think anybody understands it.
- It's symbolic...

of how our past memories
become part of...

You know what? It's not important.

- It's about my book.
- Oh. Oh.

- Oh, the book about our family.
- Okay, it's not about our...

Never mind. Never mind!


I was always taught that
you write what you know.

- How do you know where to draw the line?
- You don't. At least not always.

Oh, that's a horrible answer.

No, it's an answer you
don't wanna hear right now.

Before every mission, we were
given rules of engagement.

Okay? A line in the sand.

But that's just not
how life works always.

You need to make it up as you go.

Okay, what if you think you
might have crossed the line?


Try not to make the same mistake twice.

[SIGHING] Right.

- Ms. O'Brien?
- Yup? Oh, Bree, please.

Sierra Van Gheem. I can't tell you
how excited we are to have you here.

We all thought you
were living in Chicago.

Yes, yes. I thought I was gonna
be living in Chicago by now too.

So the cast can't wait to meet
you, and I have to ask you...

a couple questions about that ending.


Uh, um, what are you doing here?

Bree. I'm on a publicity tour
for Forever Caroline.

Oh, the, um...

I carry it in my store. It's
another bestseller. Congratulations.

You hated it, didn't you?

No more than I hated
It's Always Caroline.

- I expected as much. Good for you.
- Mm.

Um, so my question still
lingers: what are you doing here?

I saw that they were doing
your play in Baltimore...

and I thought it'd be fun
to see some local theater...

so here I am.

ABBY: "... would be preferable to
the devastation in her wake."

Oh. So...

you're mad at Bree too?


Honestly, uh...

Bree's manuscript is not
the first thing on my mind.

Did you know Connor is
a really good listener?

Oh, you're talking to Connor now.
I mean, his advice is horrible...

and he has lots of it, but...

he really knows how to stay quiet.

So I take it you're
thinking about David.

And Bree.

Bree's manuscript is
number two for me also.

You know, maybe Bree is right about me.

Maybe I ran away. Maybe...

that's what I do.

You are Fiona. It makes sense.

No, I am not Fiona.

- [BREATHES DEEPLY] Everyone thinks that I'm so...
- Strong, driven...

put together, responsible?

When I am pretending to be
you, that's what I think of.

Maybe I'm none of those things. Maybe...

being strong is not who I actually am.

That is exactly what I would have done.

I know, right?




- Thank you so much, Bree.
- Oh, no, thank you.

- Thank you so much for inviting me.
- Of course.

Um, so I have to ask, how
do you two know each other?

- Bree called me a hack.
- What?

BREE: I did not.
- You said my novel was...

- page-turning and interesting.
- Oh, you really did call him a hack.

She then invited me to her bookstore.

- And then?
- And...

I was not a good guest.


But I was hoping for an
opportunity to redeem myself.

- Oh, I love sequels.
- Of course you do.

- I will see you guys later.
- BREE: Okay.

I loved your play.

How the crushing of
the rose symbolized...

how our pasts haunt our present is...

Thank you.


Well, Bree, it's been
nice seeing you, so...

It's what? I'm... That's it?

You're just gonna... ?

- You're not gonna... ?
- I didn't think I'd actually see you...

and if I did, I was certain you
would not want to talk to me...

- so I'm completely unprepared.
- Mmm.

- Oh, which is a lie.
- Yes.

I rehearsed, but I've lost every word...

though I'm fairly certain that
"sorry" punctuated multiple sentences.

Oh, well, that sounds
interesting and page-turning.

Right, yes. And so
I'll cut to the chase.

Sending in your manuscript
to my publisher was a mistake.

I'm not Martin.

I would still undoubtedly
dislike Martin intensely...

and you look absolutely stunning.


that's not even remotely hackish.

But while our pasts do
indeed haunt our present...

I was hoping that it wouldn't
necessarily affect our future.

Whoa, look, it's robber baron
Mick O'Brien stealing tools.

I left them here when I was
helping Trace with the Bridge.

Considering the fact you were
involved in remodeling the place...

I'm surprised it's still standing.

- To be honest with you, so am I.

- So you back in town now?
- For a little bit, yeah.


you wanna talk about the trust?

Not really.

I figure you'll honor
the original deal anyway.

It took a while to convince
Douglas, but, uh, ultimately...

But you can be very persuasive?

When I need to be, yes.

But maybe not very good when
it doesn't suit your interest.

You're not very good
at getting to the point.

I'm just saying that maybe

you didn't try all that
hard to help Connor out.

I tried very hard. And considering
your name is on the door...

maybe you should have
owned that mistake.

I have, believe me.

So now you need to sit down
with Connor and clear the air.

You figured that out how? From
all your years of parenting?

No, but from having
the same father as you.

- MEGAN: Hey, Mick! Look who's here.
- Robin, hey.

- Gosh, what a long time.
- ROBIN: Yeah, 13 years.

I went to visit her
in Arizona last year.

Remember that little clinic she started?

Fifteen doctors now.

- My favorite part was our hike in Sedona.
- And that Red Canyon Spa day.

MICK: Sounds nice. What
brings you back here?

We're heading to Bali.

To renew their vows. Which reminds me...

- I have a surprise for you.
- Oh.

- Come on. In the car.
- ROBIN: Yeah?

- What?
- Hmm? Nothing.

All right.

I know you're going to tell
me to give the letter back.

Uh, yeah, but...


yeah, you should probably give it back.

Was that a statement or a question?

It was a little bit of both.

You know, last night, I saw...

I don't even know what I saw.

Thing is, I remember how I
was feeling when I wrote this.

It was right when things were starting
to move really fast with Wes...

and I wanted to tell Trace how I
was feeling and why I was feeling.

And I don't remember what I said...

and I'm worried that
maybe I said too much.

Why didn't he open it?

Oh, I wish I'd never,
ever found this letter.

And I wish I never saw it.


CONNOR: Two bedroom, one bath.

I can write off the
other room as an office.

Does it have a fireplace?
Because if it does, don't rent it.

Uh, no, but the building has a pool.

- BREE: Oh, hey, Connor.
- Hey.

Um, I need to talk to you about boys.

CONNOR & JESS: Seriously?

Yes, I need your valuable advice.

- Absolutely. Being a boy, I'm an expert.
- Great, so...

- I ran into Simon.
- You what?

I ran into Simon at my
play, or Simon ran into me.

- How'd the play go?
- He loved it...

- and understood the ending.
- What was the ending?

I'm starting to feel I've been
wrong about him and what he did.

- Simon's in Baltimore?
- I wasn't being fair to him...

because I saw him as Martin, and,
really, he's nothing like Martin.

So I might have invited him here.

- Might have?
- I said it low, I'm not sure he heard.

- So, what do I do?
- If you call, e-mail or text...

it's a double invite,
which looks desperate.

If you don't do anything and
he didn't hear from you...

you missed your chance, so
if you wanna see him again...

- you have to...
- Text as if he's someone else.

Apologize. When he texts back,

text that you're
excited to hear from him.

Then turn off your
phone, wait one hour...

and see what happens.

- BREE: Thank you.
- You're welcome.


Hello, Trace.

Dad, what are you doing here?

- Last box, I promise.
- Heh.

Your mother and I found some
of your old baseball cards.

- Place is looking good, Trace.
- Thanks.

- Something to drink?
- Coffee?


- I can't believe you kept those cards.
- I've got something to show you.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hm.

Reggie Jackson, 1969.

You bought me that for my 11th birthday.

I remember. Mr. October.

Here. Let me see that.

Talk about ambition.

He left everything in Oakland
to make it in New York.

I think that's why
you liked him so much.

Must have been.

You know, Trace, I know why
you collected these old cards.

Because it was my thing too, right?
Gave us something to talk about.



deep down, I thought
you were gonna make it.

- Let me see these cards.
- All right. Who you got there? Hm?

- These are mint condition.
- Dennis Eckersley.

- [LAUGHS] Yeah.
- Remember that sidearm? Heh.

That was not... Hey, that
was not the worst part.

When I started to learn the alphabet,

Kevin would come teach me my ABCs.

- That's not bad, that's actually nice.
- KEVIN: Right?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. How does the
song go? A, B, C, D, E, F, P?


Funny now, but it was
humiliating in kindergarten.

He got me back. He put red
food-coloring in my soap...

- before my date with Betsy Will.
- She asked if he was contagious.


SARAH: Okay, well...

the day I became a firefighter,

I stayed at my parents'
on a blow-up mattress.

And at night, my brothers picked
it up and put it in the pool.

- Classic.
- Nice wake-up call.

It was November, and
they took out the plug.


No stories, Danielle?

Mmm, not really.

My brother and I kind of
stayed out of each other's way.

- We should do this again some time.
- Mm-hm.

Yeah, next time, maybe we
should do it in Baltimore.

- You must know places, Danielle.
- Maybe, it's just...

It's so hard to find time. I'm
literally working every night this week.

- Really?
- I literally haven't left the office before 10.

CONNOR: Well, hey, I
know what that feels like.

Have your picture taken
with our beloved mayor...

and make a wish.


Oh, thank you. Four? Okay, here you are.

- Here. Make it good.
- Looks like it's going well, huh?

[SOFTLY] It's great.

that Robin's back in town.

She is. We're having
lunch with Mick and Thomas.

- Oh, good.
- Come on. Why don't you join us?

- I don't think so.
- Why not?

Nell, it's been 10 years. I
know she'd love to see you.

You know, I have to wait. I have
to wait for Abby and for Trace.

And then there's a whole bunch of
errands that I really must run today.

But you enjoy, okay? Okay.

Oh, welcome. Here you
are. Four wishes for you.

Make them good, okay?

There she is. Fun times.

- Hi, Gran.
- Oh, you're late.

- I'm sorry.

- Aw, thank you for coming, Trace.
- Yeah, of course.

- I appreciate you being here.
- No problem. Good to see you.

- Thank you.
- Uh, you're leaving?

Well, you know, heh...

politicians need to be the
stewards of the community.

And they need to follow
the will of the people.

- ABBY: Gran, what?
- Well, I think, begosh and begorrah...

that our beloved mayor...

- needs to follow my lead.
- ABBY: Ha-ha.

You have fun, okay?

BOTH: Okay.

- How did she rope you into this?
- She gave me my schedule.

- Told her I had plans, she told me I didn't.
- Right.

TRACE: Here you go.

Hey, ahem, do you ever think about...

what would have happened if
I'd come back from New York?


Like, what would've happened...

if you hadn't found out
I was with Wes? Or...

what if we had actually talked
when you came to New York?

I don't know.

Maybe we'd be different people.

But something tells me
I'd still be here with you.

- Really?
- Really.

- And happy?
- Obviously.

I mean, we're happy now, aren't we?


Abby, no matter what happens, or
how crazy it gets on the road...

I'll always be there for you.

You know, you could buy a book.

- Do I get the family rate?
- Yup.

- Nice.
- Retail plus 10 percent.

- Wait, what?
- I gotta pay for the place.

Hey, how was your
double date, by the way?

Oh, it was great. It was totally great.

I wanna stop by the fountain before
I pick up the keys to my new place.

- Awesome.
- Heh-heh.

- Oh, hello, Connor.
- Cheerios.

I don't think he knows what that means.

So you did hear me.

No. No, I didn't.

But I did enjoy the series of texts.

Especially the part...

- where you turned your phone off for an hour.
- I didn't do that.

- Mm-mm.
- Oh, no?

- Really?
- No.

- Oh, really?
- No.

Um, so, what's new? Are you
writing Eternal Caroline?

Carry on, Caroline?
Caroline in Carolina?

Wrong on all three counts...

- though I might write that last one.
- Ha.

No, I'm taking a break from
Caroline, penning a new novel. Uh...

Definitely a more serious work,
Dublin's Last Sunset.

A purely uninteresting and
decidedly uncommercial piece...

that will most assuredly fail.

- Really?
- Mm.

- Good for you.
- Well, thanks to you...

I will be broke, homeless...

- but artistically satisfied.
- Thanks to me?

It was the multiple times
being called a hack...

by a fabulously-talented writer.

- By the way, I love the new place.
- I know!


So the actual ceremony is called
the mekala-kalaan...

- which we're gonna do at sunset in Bali.
- Oh, so romantic.

- Where you had your honeymoon?
- Yup.

What's it been? Can
it be 30 years already?


And after Bali, what then?

I'm gonna spend as much
time as I can in Arizona.

I'm going to adjust my
schedule to be with Thomas.

Oh, good for you.


I'm sorry, this is our travel agent.

Oh, you know what?

That makes me realize, I
forgot to make a phone call.

- Be right back.
- Okay.

Some things never change. Heh-heh.

Nothing really changes
around here either, does it?

Wow. Thirty years, Robin.
That's pretty wonderful.

- It is, but it's been tough.
- Mm.

We spent the majority of our marriage

trying to figure out how to save it.

- So why'd you stay married?
- Because we love each other.

Neither of us wanna give
up on the good things.

- I'm happy for you.
Mm-hm. - Thank you.

So, um, is that why you came back here?


What? Mick and me? Oh, no.


I just came back for the kids.

Really. When Abby came home,

we all just managed to
find our way back here.

Yeah, that's... That's all.

- Yes, that is all.
- Fine. Okay.

So, what prompted you guys to try again?

Well, I started to think about
it when I saw Megan back in town.

- Yeah, but we're not together anymore.
- I know, but still you...

There's a chance for something.

And then Robin and I started to talk.

And I realized that we
deserve something more.

You've tried before.

And this time, we're gonna try harder.


Well, it just seems that after
30 years of trying harder...

Same thing over and over...

expecting different results,
definition of insanity?

Something like that, yeah.

Thanks for the support, Mick.

JESS: What do you think
about a purging ceremony?


Well, day three...

David still hasn't called...

which means he probably fell
off the face of the Earth.

Which isn't flat, I know.

But I wonder if I could just...

take all my problems,
put them in one place...

set them on fire...

and then, poof, they'd be gone.

- Ha-ha. I don't think it works like that.
- Tsk. I know.

- But it'd great, wouldn't it?
- Oh, yeah.

[SIGHING] It would be great.

What do you think, Kev?

Purging ceremony?

Throwing all my troubles into
a fire and setting them free?

I've tried that. It doesn't work.

People always have secrets.



How you guys doing? Hey,
good to see you again.

Have a good night.

How's it going?

I got the jet.

Wheels up at 9.

You coming or not?

About that, um...

I don't think it's such a good
idea for me to leave right now.

Trace, people tell themselves
all sorts of things...

to make them feel
better about their lives.

Maybe you're not helping anyone.

Maybe you're just hurting her.


I don't know about all that.

I stayed in Chesapeake
Shores for one reason.


She's the love of my life.

Yeah, I know.

You're not gonna give up, you
and Abby are gonna make it work.

Trust me. You're me 20 years ago.

- And you're happy now?
- It's all I ever wanted.

I'm doing it.

I wish somebody told me back
then what I'm gonna tell you now:


it's better to just pull the Band-Aid.

Tim, Luke, Willie.


It's a real nice jet, Trace.

Free champagne. Heh.


Maybe the last one will be
Bon Voyage, Caroline.

- Or Rest in Peace, Caroline. [LAUGHS]
- Oh, even better.

BREE: Mmm.

How are you, Bree?

I'm fine.

You know, not great.

Editing the novel has been...


- How so?
- Well...

I'm 1-for-2 with my family reading
themselves into my characters.

Two-for-two when Abby
reads it, I'm sure.

- But they're not them.
- But they are... in a way, and that's fine.

You write what you know, and
you're close to your family.

I'll remember that when
they run me out of town.

Ah, look.

I know that you would
never try to hurt anyone.

And in time, maybe your
family will see that too.

Is that what happened with yours?

When I wrote The Red Palace...

my obsession with the Russian
Revolution was so off-putting...

I don't think anyone in
my family got past page 24.

I should have written
about the Ming dynasty.



- Ah!
- Oh!

- Oh, I didn't mean to scare you.
- Oh. Oh...


- Ah, how was your lunch?
- It was great.

- And I brought you some cherry pie.
- Ooh.

Thank you, Megan.

You know, I thought sure that this
would get the mayor's attention.

That poor guy. He never should
have picked a fight with you.


Ah, well...

So you think at some point maybe
you might wanna talk to Robin?


Because she's here.

She's not here.

Not really.

Not for long.

Maybe this time will be different.

Megan, you know, you have to...
You have to close a lot of doors...

- before you can open a new door.
- Mm-hm.

It seems to me like Robin and Thomas
are always opening the same door.

And that's why you don't like her?

I don't dislike Robin.

- She's... She's a good woman.
- Mm-hm.

It's just that as a
parent, I'm a parent...

and I want more than
anything in the whole world...

for my child to be happy.

And I don't think Robin ever has,
ever could, or ever will do that.



Your pie.

I'm sorry.

Thank you, Megan.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

- How's it going?
- Good, hey.

The four of us should get
together again. That was fun.

Take over for a second.


Come here.

You know the other day when I went
to Baltimore to drop Bree off...

- at the theater?
- Yeah.

I saw Danielle come out of
a restaurant with some guy.


Well, the other day at Sally's,

she said that she never left the office.

It's just an expression.


But they seemed close.

Maybe it doesn't mean anything...

but you're my brother, I
don't want to see you get hurt.

So you see my girlfriend coming
out of a restaurant with a guy...

automatically assume she's cheating,
and you don't want me to be hurt?

I never said that she
was cheating, I'm just...

- telling you what I saw, to protect you.
- Oh, protect me? Right.

Well, thank you. Thank
you very much, Kevin.

While you're at it, you should
keep an eye on those two.

They've been scoping out
coins in the fountain...

and I think they're
about to make their move.


ABBY: Uh, you know the other day...

when you asked me if everything
was fine and I said it was?


It wasn't.

I've been thinking a lot about
the week before Wes proposed.

Abby, heh...

we don't have to go back there.

- I like where we are.
- No, me too.

Me too.


when we were going through
your boxes from the attic...

I found this.

You never opened it.

I got it when I came back from New York.

I didn't want to. I
didn't see the point.

Weren't you curious?

I was.

But I saw the way you looked at Wes,
and I just wanted you to be happy.

Whatever you wrote, it
wasn't gonna change anything.

Well, you kept it.

Because it was from you.


do you want me to open it?

No. Heh.

Then what do you want to do with it?

It's time for us to let go of the past.


- Okay.
- Yeah.


TRACE: This is a new
one. I hope you like it.

♪ Fifteen years was the time it took ♪

♪ To fill the pages of this book ♪

♪ And though what's written ♪
♪ Can't be changed ♪

That's the last one.

Ah, wonderful.

- Thank you very much.
- Thanks.

Have yourself a great day.


♪ Where heroes win and love prevails ♪

Hey, Danielle, how are you?

Yeah, I just signed
off on the new place.

I miss you. Do you wanna
get together tonight?

Okay, well, tomorrow, then?


Okay, well, I'll give you
a call tomorrow afternoon,

and we'll figure something out.


Okay, bye.

SARAH: So how are you doing?

Okay, I guess.

Connor's not doing so well, though.

He somehow turned this into blaming me.

Yeah, sometimes doing
the right thing stinks.


Hey. Oh, thank you.



♪ But love ain't always a fairy tale ♪



♪ But if you take a look ♪

♪ Inside that storybook ♪

♪ You just might find ♪
♪ Your happy ending ♪

The last time we were boxing books...

things didn't turn out
exactly as I'd hoped.

Oh, well, now that we
are unboxing books...

how would you like it to turn out?

If I was writing it,

I would leave it open-ended
so there could be a sequel.

- Hey.

- I love sequels.
- I know you do.

Maybe instead of a sequel,
though, we could just...

add a few more chapters.

So this story does continue?

I mean, I am kind of intrigued
to see what could happen.

Yeah, so am I.

I much prefer stories
with a happy ending.

Oh. Oh, you think that's
where this is going?

Oh. Well, this is a first draft.

- I'm hopeful.
- It does read well.


I think this is some of my best work.

JESS: He misses me!

Aah! I got a letter.

He was traveling, and
he didn't have a signal.

Oh, did I just interrupt? I totally did.

I can wait unless you don't want me to.

- Wow, this is really awkward.
- Hi, Jess.

David's inviting us to
Maine to meet his parents.

- Us?
- No, Bree and me.

- Me?
- Okay, they didn't really invite you...

and I don't really want to
be around you right now...

but I need you, and you
owe me, so I'm inviting you.

Oddly, that makes sense.

- Maine!
- Yeah.

- We're going to Maine. Aah! Ooh! Ungh!
- Okay.

So, uh, Maine.



I didn't realize they put a
sail on the S.S. Minnow.

That's funny. That's very funny.

You should try comedy.

How'd you find me?

Unless you're planning on
floating your bedroom in the bay...

or you're terrified of barnacles
growing on your front door...

there's really no need to...

coat your home in antifouling paint.

What do you think?

Eh. It's nice.

It's gonna need a lot of work.

How's the electrical and the pumps?

A mess.

- The deck and the joints?
- Worse.


- You know, I'm still angry.
- Yeah, I know.

You have no right to tell
me how to live my life.

You're my brother.

What about your son?

Connor's a whole different story.

You remember Dad's Pearson 38?

I loved that boat.

It's the only time I'd
ever get to talk to him.

Well, more likely, the only
time he'd ever talk to me.

How's the rigging?



But you know, like all boats...

- there's always something to do.
- Ain't that the truth?

But it's going to be good.

It's gonna be good.

NARRATOR: Next time
on Chesapeake Shores:

- You can always come with me.
- I'm no groupie.

- That's not fair.
- Let's do something else.

- CAITLYN: Fine, not like he's our dad.
- DAVID: Dad, Mom, Alex.

Meet my girlfriend, Jess.

I know you'll do what's
best for you and the family.

- You're wrong about Danielle.
- You know, at least I tried.

You're not seeing someone else, are you?