Chesapeake Shores (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Forest Through the Trees - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Chesapeake Shores.

It's gotten very
complicated around here.

We cant do this Thomas.

Uh... Why are you here?

How are you and Sarah doing?


I just dont believe I belong here.

You're quitting?

(Phone Ringing)

If you make a promise to the
fairy queen, you have to keep it.

What ever you say... your highness.


It must be so strange standing up here

singing and looking out at an audience.

That's what it's all about.

Connecting with people,
making them feel what you feel.

Can you pull up 22A and B, Tim?

No, it's too exposed.

It's so different talking
to people in a boardroom,

it's plans and numbers,

not fear and happiness and love.

Yeah, well it's a
little scary sometimes.

But in that moment, when
everyone's feeling the same thing,

there's nothing better.

You built a really special place here.

Well it's not exactly Nashville,

but that's what makes what I have here

in Chesapeake Shores work.

It's the way I want it.

Push the backlights 10%.

And tomorrow, I get to do
my other favorite thing,

which is spend time alone with you.

No cell phones, no texts, no e-mails...

just the two of us.

Okay, yes.

Even when we're together we're apart.

There you go.

You just performed your
first country song on stage.

So how'd I do?

The crowd goes wild.

Bring down the house lights!

♪ The miles are
getting longer, it seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home, to
the place where I belong ♪

♪ Where your love has
always been enough for me ♪

♪ I'm not running from ♪

♪ No, I think you got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret this life
you chose for me ♪

♪ I said these places and
these faces are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ I'm going home ♪



You wanna go to
medical school in Bolivia?

No, Stanford is my first
choice and then Bolivia,

but why not?

You've been staring at
that page for half an hour.

Oh yeah?

- Yeah.
- Okay, here's what I don't get.

Sarah and I have been along
out and having a good time,

enjoying each other, and
then she just disappears.

That's a total guy move.

Oh yeah, we're the
only ones that do that?

Well, it's easier to blame the guys.

If you're a woman it is.

You know what I think?
You should talk to her face to face.

See what's going on.

Do what Dad would do,

- and I can't believe I just said that.
- Yeah.

Well I think you should all
be listening to your father.

Or avoid him.

Have you told Dad that
you quit the law firm?

Not yet. I was going to
tell him last night,

but it was late and I didn't
want to barricade my door.

I should probably text message him.

Or talk to him, face to face.


Or you could travel to Bolivia
while there's still time.

And you know what?
I think I'm gonna come.

Because of our mother,
Simon Atwater is back in town

and he's staying at Jess's B&B,

and now I have to
hide out until he leaves.

Bree, you need to meet him face to face.

What is wrong with me?

You know what? It's not that simple.

Relationships do not have
to be that complicated.

Oh I know that.

But we're O'Briens, we
over complicate everything.

Well, when it gets over complicated,

if you promise not to
complicate it even more,

maybe Nana will give you a cookie.

I cannot believe I'm doing this.

I can't believe
you're doing this either.


Good morning.

Excited about camping?

I used to love it.


And I'm worried about
leaving Carrie and Caitlyn.

They'll be with Wes.

They'll be fine.

It's because first trips
make-or-break relationships.

Yeah that's true, there's
something about 24/7

that something always comes out.

Except not for you,
it's going to be great.

You and Trace... stress free.


Dad, do you think we
can talk for a minute?

What do you think?

Who's ready for camping?

Not me.

Are you sure about this?

It's gonna be great, trust me.

I haven't been camping in
so long and I don't like bears.


We're gonna string up the food,
I'm gonna build a campfire,

and you have me to protect you.

You're gonna protect me from a bear?

I have been known to
take out a bear in my day.

Abby, you have nothing
to worry about, okay?

We're gonna have an amazing time,

just the two of us.


You're so excited.

It's like a summer camp out here.

Do you think I should remove
anything breakable from inside?

Oh no, they'll find it.

They've got the scavenger vibe.

Here you go.

Jess, Jess...

We gotta talk.

No, we need to cook and serve and avoid.

Mostly avoid.

- Hey.
- Hi.

You're an expert on romance, right?

Not really, no.

But you write about it?


Help me out with this one.

I kissed David the other night.

Brilliant, good for you.

Yes and no.

See I wanted to, and then I
decided that I didn't want to

and then I freaked
out and did it anyway.

It's like a romance novel, right?

Well, yes and not even slightly.


Okay, I've decided that
the kiss did not happen.


I have too much going
on in my life right now,

and I can't deal with the kissing.

So you just want to forget about it?

I already did.

So, I made the decision that
Bennett, Beecham & Findlay,

while an being excellent firm,

was not the right place for me.

I'd be lying if I told
you I wasn't disappointed,

it's a great firm.

It's going to be tough
finding another job.

I understand that, but I
didn't feel like I belonged.

Life is never what you want it to be.

Sometimes you tough it
out and sometimes quitting,

you know, sometimes
that's the right thing to do.

But Dad I just... Dad!


What should I do now?

That's for you to decide.

That's it?

What is it you want, Connor?

I don't know, I want anything.

- I want some advice.
- Hold on.



When? When did that happen?

Oh no, how's Melissa doing?

No no, I understand.

Sorry, we're not quite open yet.

Oh... hi, it's you.


How's the Inn?

Chaotic, yet entertaining.

A number of younger guests seem
intent on destroying the place,

and apparently your sister
and the cook shared a kiss.

Jess kissed David?

I'm sorry.


It just seemed for a
moment there that you were

somehow taken aback by the news.

Oh... no.

Yeah, that look on your face just now.

Surprise, disappointment,
you like the cook!

I liked the cook, past tense.

It was for like five minutes,
I was very confused.

Anyway, I re-gifted him back to Jess.


You re-gift birthday presents,
you can't re-gift a human being.

Okay, that makes it sound pretty bad.

Maybe because it is?

So I was wondering why I
received a delightful e-mail

from your mother and not from you?

Because she's trying to save
me from myself which is ironic

because she's the reason I need saving.

Jess did mention something about that.

You know what?
I think it's best if you just leave.

You know what? You've never once
asked me what I want to do.

Because it doesn't matter.

I mean, it does matter, but...

I spent the last seven years of my life

very concerned about
somebody else's feelings,

and for once I'm trying to
just not complicate things.

Too late, I'm afraid.

Atwaters are known to
over complicate things.

Of course they are.

Seriously, my family can
take the simplest moment

and completely mess it up.

Yup, O'Briens too.

Well, this is probably not such
a good thing to have in common.

Come on.

Mind if I...?

Sure, go ahead.

It's not like we
haven't done this before.

What's that?

Eat each other's food?

Yeah, although usually
I'm the one eating your food.

I think they have a date.

You know, it's amazing to me
that Mick was so horrible

for so many years, but his
kids all turned out great.

A medical student, an
inn owner, a writer,

an MBA, and a lawyer at
Bennett, Beecham & Findlay.

Not anymore, Connor quit.


Good for him.

Does Mick know?

He found out this morning.

I'm guessing he does not understand.


Thank you.

Listen, I thik you'd be
better off concentrating

on the problems between you and he.

Mick not burying me in front of
the whole town

doesn't change the fact
that he's still planning on

plowing over 100 acres on the bay.

Well if that is the problem, fix it.

It's complicated, Mom.

Well, we O'Briens are very
good at complicating things.

That's true.


So maybe it wouldn't kill me
to keep it simple for once?

That's my Thomas.

Let's eat.

So, not gonna ask me how the MCAT went?

Sorry, how'd it go?

Great, thank you for asking.

Did I do something wrong?

No, I...

I just don't want to
make this complicated.

If you want us to be easier,
we could do that too.

Easier would be better right now.

You know what's easy? Dinner.

How is dinner so easy?

Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day,

so there's a lot of pressure.

And then lunch is
usually someone else's food,

and that's theft.

Then you have dinner,

it's the time when you rest so, easy.

Not to mention that right now,

you really have no other
option but to go out with me.

And how's that?

I'm eating all your food,
so odds are by dinner

you'll be starving.

See? It's easy.

Are you sure we have to go this far?

Because you know, I think
I saw a hotel back there

and I'm pretty sure they
probably have room service.

Oh, come on!

That's not the girl I used to know.

Trust me, it's going to be worth it.

What if something happens out here?

Whoa, I don't have any cell service.

What're you doing? Give me that phone.

- No, it's my phone.
- Abby, I said no phones.

It's only 24 hours.

You'll live.

You're allowed to take a day off.

This is about us.

You're going to enjoy
it, even if it kills me.

You know, my sisters
said that first trips

make or break relationships.

You're going to take
advice from those two?

They said the reality
never meets the expectations.

Well, then I guess you're
gonna have to be disappointed.

Well, this is beautiful.

What I don't understand is
how they drew on the floor.

Wouldn't we have seen them?

I don't even remember
them coming in here.

At least they'll be leaving soon.

You know, I wish we could forget
them instead of the...

What? There's nothing to forget.

- The kiss?
- What? Nope.

I don't feel bad about what we did.

I don't remember what we did.

Is it so wrong?

Yes, because I will mess this up

and you're my friend and
I don't wanna lose that.

Well then, what do we do?

Maybe we need the one person

that will keep us from each other.


We need Bree.

You know when I first came out here,

it was on that little
two stroke motorcycle

I had back in high school.

My dad was yelling at me for spending

all my college money on the bike,

so I decided I'd show him by
riding it out to California.

But the bike seized up
just over that ridge,

so I came down here to
let the engine cool.

I probably sat over there for hours,

never did make it to California.

It really is peaceful here.

Yeah, this is the place for me

that puts it all in
perspective, you know?

How you doing over there?

Yeah no, I'm just a bit tangled.

You got a lot of slack on that line.

Why don't you reel it in a little bit?


There you go.

You know, I think I'm
getting the hang of this.

You're a natural.

You know, I only ever do
stuff like this with you.

Well, that's the point.

Out here we're not what we do.

Or someone's son or
daughter, or mother or sister.

We're just us, you know?

I think I forget what
that's like sometimes.

Oh, oh!

- Trace? You got something?
- Yeah! What do I do?

Reel it in.

Come on, nice and easy.

Keep the line down.

- Like this?
- Yeah, there you go.

It's almost here.

You caught a fish!

- I caught a fish!
- That's dinner.

You're here about the Art Walk?

Is that what you're working on?

It's going to be big, Mick.

I've got local artists,
musicians, vendors...

Are you okay?

I lost a good friend yesterday.

Jimmy Nelson.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that
you guys had kept in touch.

We hadn't... I think we meant to, but,

life gets...



So what happened?

They're not sure, but he
just had a physical recently

and everything checked out fine.

Heart, lungs, blood pressure

and then yesterday morning,
he just didn't wake up.


We hadn't talked in years, but
he was one of my best friends.

I remember him.

Yeah, the Sunday
Night Expatriate's Club.

Every week, we'd sit by
the water and talk about

leaving Chesapeake Shores
and going everywhere.

I remember you used to talk
about going to Machu Picchu.

Yes, and then life got complicated.


All right listen, if you
need any help with the event,

you can count me in as a sponsor.

Thank you.

You know what's more
complicated than the O'Briens?


That's a horrible generalization.

Maybe, but it's true.

I'll prove it to you.

If I were to write a novel
that was infinitely better

than anything you've ever
written, what would you say?


Right of course, but
you wouldn't mean it.

Okay, if it makes you feel any better,

I'd also be sad.


Because I was able to write
something better than you?

No, because it wouldn't be that hard

to write something better than me.

If I were you, I'd
aspire to better writers.

Dead writers.

I love dead writers.

Okay, you're making
this kind of difficult.

Good, because I'd also
be terribly jealous.

There it is!

You admit it, men are
impossibly complicated

and they cannot handle a woman...

Jealous that with your talent,

you'd end up with a writer far
more accomplished than I am

and we wouldn't even
be having this talk.

I'd be jealous of who you were with.

Well, I rest my case.

You are very complicated.

And disgustingly charming.

Your Grandma mentioned
I might find you here.

Maybe one of the only
places I have left.

Did she mention that, too?

She might've.

You want to shoot?

Oh no thanks, I'm good.

Well if you're not here for a game,

I guess you're not randomly
walking along the beach.

What's up?

I came by to tell you
that it was nice to hear

that you left Bennett,
Beecham & Findlay.


It's not a place for individuality,

for doing anything meaningful.

Trust me, I had that option too.

And what changed your mind?

Well, instead of shuffling
papers for major corporations,

I wanted to use my law
degree to affect policy change.

Anyway, that was it.

Just lawyer to lawyer,
I wanted to let you know

that you made the right choice,

regardless of what your dad thinks.

Hey, how busy are you right now?

Oh, I'm swamped.

I'm playing basketball
alone in the middle of the day.


Well listen, I have
this case in New York.

They need another attorney
to do some litigation

to protect the Hudson Valley area.

It might not be all
that interesting to you,

but I could use the help.

Uncle Thomas I appreciate
it, but I don't know...

No worries.

It's just a few days of research,

but I can farm it out.

- Take care, Connor.
- You too.

Hey, Uncle Thomas?

I always felt bad for pistachio.

You felt bad for ice cream?

It's the underdog, it never gets picked.

Every ice cream deserves a break.

See now you made my ice cream feel bad.

I think your chocolate will get over it.


So, is that why you
became a firefighter?

To help those who can't help themselves?

Maybe, and is that why you enlisted?


Me, too.

I can't do this...

I'm sorry.

I thought I could do this, but I can't.

Do what?

Kevin, I...

lost someone very close to
me three years ago and...

It's okay.

No, it's not.

It's why I act tough.

Hoping that I won't have
to feel this way anymore.

Your husband...

was he a...


He was in Mosul.


I'm so sorry...

Yeah, me too.

How did it happen?

They took out half his unit, ambushed.

There was nothing anyone could do.

And all I could do was
try to become someone else.

Someone tougher.

And to help others.

It keeps me sane.

And I never like to
see pistachios suffer.

There's nothing worse
than melting green things.

It ain't easy being green.

I can't believe you did all this.

The fire and the fish, it's incredible.

Well, you caught the fish.

That is right, I did.

You know, I think that I
could last out here for years

if I had to.

You wouldn't last a week, city girl.

Yeah well, you couldn't handle New York.

You're right, I hated it
the first time I went.


You know Trace, I really am so sorry.

For what?

For leaving and not saying goodbye.

Yeah I was pretty stunned,

then angry, for awhile.

I just couldn't understand
why took off on me like that.

I wish I did that differently.

I never wanted to hurt you.

Everything happens for a reason.

You leaving made me
realize what I had to do.

Because of you, I went to Nashville.

I saw you going after your dreams,

so I went after mine.


I just knew that if I saw you,
I would never be able to leave.

No regrets.

You're not the same
person you were then,

and neither am I.

But we're here now.


Come here.

Trace, there's no music.

Sure there is.


♪ I feel like I'm falling ♪

♪ Seriously falling hard for you ♪

- Morning beautiful.
- Good morning.

I smell coffee and food, and the forest.

Well, I can take responsibility
for the first two.

Room service.

Thank you.

So, what does my wilderness guide

have in store for us today?

Well, I was thinking maybe a 20
mile trek up the Appalachian,

some foraging for lunch, and
we could free climb the summit.

I heard the view's spectacular.

Uh huh.

Or, maybe we could have some alone time?

Yes, I vote for alone time.


Kevin, wait up.



I wanted to apologize for yesterday.

You have nothing you to apologize for.

Yeah, I do.

I never thought about you,

about how me telling
you about my husband...

I came home.

My best friend died.


that's it.

I got lucky.

And I thought I could do this again,

but I can't.

The funny thing is, I don't
think I can do it either.

Thanks for dinner, ice cream...

I had a fun time, too.

I always liked this place.

I remember when you bought
it, it was pretty run down.

Yeah, it was.

You think I was going to tear it down,

build something new?

No, of course not.
Why would anyone ever do that?

Well, you did a nice job.

Well thank you.

I didn't come here to capitulate.

I'm not giving in on the Trust.

I thought we were just
going to have a cup of coffee.

So here's my handsome sons.

Brought you some muffins
to go with your coffee.

So... everybody getting along?

So it seems.

Maybe we could at
least talk about reducing

the scale of the development.

Just so we don't have
to talk about the weather.

Mick, I'm trying to
make some headway here.

The Trust is about trust.

All right,

let's talk about the Trust.

Okay, it's about time.

I forget.

So where in England are you from?

Actually not from England.

Tacoma, Washington, born and raised.

Woodrow Wilson High School. Go Rams.

Wait, seriously? No!

Born in North Wales, raised in London,

educated at Oxford.

Are you stalking me?

It's on the inside of the
jacket cover of your book.

Oh yes. But, believe it or not,
I have been to Tacoma.

What, why?

Yeah no, that's really
where I met Caroline.

And it was a complete tragedy.

Oh come on, please.

Somehow I do not believe
that your love life is sad.

Oh, it is the worst.

Okay, all right, prove it.

And let's up the ante.

Last piece of heavenly cheesecake,

David's heavenly cheesecake,
for the saddest relationship.

Okay, you're on.

So there was a Caroline

and I spent ten years

searching the world for her,

only to discover that she
never even knew I existed.

Did she not have the internet?

This is a long time ago.

I just got a cell phone, okay?
But I win.

What? No, you think that's sad?

When I went to surprise
Martin in Chicago this summer,

I ran into him at a restaurant
with a very tall brunette

by the name of Samantha,
emphasis on the "tha,"

and she was wearing my favorite coat.

- The navy peacoat?
- Yup.

Anyway, Martin saw me, he calls me over

and he greets me with a "Hey buddy!"

and a high five.


She wins, I'm sorry.

That's sad.

That is sad, but not sad enough.

Whoa, is that fair?

I don't think it's fair if you
get to eat your own cheesecake!

This is America!

Whoever wins wins, okay?

So, sophomore year of college.

Her name was Emma, we were
in English Lit together.

We walk home from school
everyday holding hands,

we were inseparable.

Okay, this is meant to be sad?

Wait for it!

Then she meets Ricardo Hubbs.

Dumps me immediately, I was devastated.

Well Ricardo Hubbs
does sound very exotic.

He was very exotic.

Anyways, I wrote down how I felt,

why I felt, and I send it to her.

A week later, she sends it
back, graded with corrections.

Yeah, and the worst part is
she gave me a failing grade.

Oh no, bravo!

Thank you, thank you.

Whoa no, we still have one more.

Jess, it's your turn.

- I don't have a story.
- Everybody has a story.

- I don't!
- Tell us a sad story.

Okay, umm...

I met this guy and...

we spent a lot of time together.

An awful lot of time together

and I was feeling something
that I'd never felt before.

So that's that.

- That's it?
- Yes.

That's your story? That's horrible.

- I know.
- There was no middle, there was end.

Your beginning was
weak and rushed, and...

And uh...

And I vote we that just
share the cheesecake.

- Great.
- Yes!

To the most pathetic foursome
I have ever had lunch with.

- Yeah!
- Cheers!


It must have been hard
hearing about her husband.


I never met him, but...

I feel like I know who he was.

We were in an MRAP,

riding patrol just outside of Kabul.

The sun was on the horizon,

it was golden, quiet.

I was in the back because
Tom Allesandri wanted

to ride up front, he really
wanted to ride shotgun.

Guess what happened?

Our front right tire hit an IED.

Everything just went white.


I don't really remember much after that.

The thing is, you know sometimes...

I want to call Tom.

You know, I just want
to see how he's doing,

talk about family or
girls or whatever...

Then I remember that his
phone doesn't ring anymore.

There's no reason for it!

I should've been the one
in the front seat, Dad.

That should've been me.

Sarah brought it all back up.

I just feel like the only
reason why I met her

is because I'm the one
that switched seats.

You never talked about this before.

Yeah, I was kind of hoping
it would just all go away.

It's all so random.

You know, I've been thinking
about it too, lately.

People you leave behind.

And I think that no matter the
reason we're here

and they're not, we have
a responsibility to,

to live not just for ourselves, but

for them as well, you know?


Okay, you were right.
I had a wonderful time.

I'm glad you trusted me.

Yeah, I needed this.

We needed this.

It's always been easier when
it's just the two of us, huh?



the thing is with your music
and Nashville, I just...

I need to know if
you're gonna be around,

because it's not just me anymore.

Remember when I told you I
was gonna make you a priority?

I meant it.

Just keep in trust me,

I'll show you I can be
the man you need me to be.

Come on, let's hit the road.


back to reality.

Not yet.


"Barely there" pink
for all of us, please.

Okay wait, so Trace can build
a fire with his bare hands?

Dancing under the stars by
firelight. Are you kidding me?

Romantic moments like
that don't just happen.

Yeah, it was pretty great.

Great? It sounds magical.

The only magic in my life is that I
kissed David and then I un-kissed him.

Wait, only you could un-kiss someone.

- Is she losing her mind?
- No, but I am.

Simon is in town and
he won't leave me alone.

Why is that a bad thing?

I'm sorry, I was gone for one night.

How have your love
lifes changed so much?

Says you.

Excuse me?

We both noticed your
Claddagh ring is turned around.

So my ring accidentally turned around.

Please, you're Abby O'Brien.

Nothing accidental ever happens to you.

When the heart is turned
inward, it only means one thing.

Abby's in love.

Okay, we changed our mind.


Oh, because...


You're blushing.

This is excellent.

There are precedents here
I've never even considered.

- You noticed?
- Yeah!

Yeah, I decided to
get a little creative.

I'm glad I asked you for your help.

I get why Bennett, Beecham
& Findlay wanted you.

I hope the work wasn't too boring?

Boring, no!

I kind of started enjoying it.

You know, whenever you land, Connor,

promise me you'll find a job that speaks

not just to your talents
but to your soul.

Life's too short to just work for money.

But I don't think lawyers
should work for free.

Oh no no, I couldn't.

Thank you Uncle Thomas,
but I did this as a favor

and I really want to keep it that way.


You know when you work
in environmental law,

you still have clients.

The only difference is your clients

can't speak for themselves.

So I speak for them and we thank you.

Well, I speak for myself and...

you're welcome.

You'll be fine.

Trust yourself, you'll figure it out.

- What's up Kevin?
- Hey, congratulations, Trace.

Thanks man.

What're you talking about?

- For your video.
- What video?

♪ But when I see your
face old memories ♪

- Someone posted this?
- Yeah and everyone's watching.

80,000 views and it's growing fast.

Looks like you're famous.

More like stunned.

♪ Here comes the free fall ♪

You do realize that
my book is upside down.


Brilliant, well done.

Thank you.

Nice, that is somewhat better.


I've been wondering if...

you might be interested
in reading something

that I've been writing.

I'd be honored to.

What's it called?

All Our Yesterdays. Nice.

- Macbeth, Act V, Scene 5.
- Yeah I mean, you don't have to.

If you don't want to,
I totally understand,

you do not have to.

Mostly I'm just really
terrified of criticism.

I'd be honored to read it.

Okay, all right.

Well, thank you for taking the...

You know, I went to culinary school.

I'm not exactly sure how
to fix a sprinkler head.

You're doing great.

How would you know?

I don't, I'm just
trying to be encouraging.

You always are.

You too.

You know, hypothetically,
if you spend a lot of time

with someone, you get
to know them really well.


I'm pretty sure this guy you mentioned

feels the same way about you.

The sprinkler's still broken.

Should we run?


♪ Well I'm not crying over wasted time ♪

♪ Wasted words ♪

- Hey Trace.
- Hey.

What's going on, you
said you wanted to talk?

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Looks like Nashville isn't over.