Chesapeake Shores (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Freefall - full transcript

After Mark offers Trace and his band a worldwide tour deal, Trace and Abby worry about how it might impact their future together. As Nell ponders a lost love from her past, Abby, Jess, and ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Chesapeake Shores...

I'm not trying to be
Carrie and Caitlyn's dad...

but I wanna be there for them.

Uh oh...

I ordered a thousand?

He paid the entire costs of the books...

Ten thousand dollars!

He's pulling out of the deal.

He gives me false information that'll...

destroy my brother's reputation...

and I don't use it?

I have this case in New York...

- I could use the help.
- Aah.

You wanna resign with a major label?

Maybe we shouldn't waste
this opportunity.

Everything is just changing so fast.

♪ Didn't think I'd
see you here tonight ♪

♪ But I guess I really
should have known ♪

♪ Well I guess I went
and let things fall away ♪

♪ And I promised you
that I was gonna change ♪

♪ But it's too late ♪

I love that song, but
it always makes me sad.

That line: "I promised you
that I was gonna change",

but it's too late."

It s just a song, Abby.

I do not believe that you believe that.

Everything you ve ever
written is from your heart.

Sometimes when you write what you write,

it s true at the time,
some people change.

Songs don t.

Hey Abby?



Come play with us!

You don t have to go.

I know.


So what're we gonna do?

We're gonna play tag!

♪ The miles are
getting longer, it seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home, to
the place where I belong ♪

♪ Where your love has
always been enough for me ♪

♪ I'm not running from ♪

♪ No, I think you got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret this
life you chose for me ♪

♪ I said these places and
these faces are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ I'm going home ♪

Welcome to the
Chesapeake Shores Art Walk!

As you venture in, you'll walk
by art, and face painting, and...

You forgot writers!

Jess, you're not helping.

And writers, too!

Remember that we are
all artists at heart.

We hope that you are inspired to find

the art that is inside of you.

That's it, Kev! Kev
packed my blue dress shirt.

We hope that you find
the art that's inside you

and just put it out there
and share it with people!

Oh my gosh, I'm just sweating!

Why did I even say I was gonna do this?

That was really good!

- I liked it!
- That was your best yet.

I m just not comfortable speaking
in front of so many people.

So many is why it's so fun.

For you. I do it all the
time, and I hate it.

I feel like people just look through me.

Or are about to throw things at you.

All right that s it, I'm not doing it.

Hey, does anybody know who is this?

And why he's in our attic?

I found him shoved behind the flume.

Gran, do you?

I don't know, but it's
an interesting photograph.

Girls, I love your artwork.

- Thank you, Nana!
- Thanks!

Maybe he was in the attic
when we first bought the house?

Well then that makes him my mystery man.

I think I m going to
hang him at my booth

and let people make
up stories about him.

Where he's from and what he did.

What his biggest regrets are.

Well that's a lovely idea.

Don t take my stuff.

I don t even like that shirt.

Oh come on, you love the shirt.

Okay, let's have a toast to Kevin.

Well, let's have a pancake to Kevin.

To his new apartment.

May you have warm
words on a cold evening,

may you have a full
moon on a dark night,

and may your path
home always be downhill,

right to the front door.



Good job.

One, two, three, four!

♪ I could ride the wind, walk on water ♪

♪ Leap tall buildings
at a single bound ♪

♪ Whatever comes, it don't matter ♪

♪ Because I can fly
ten miles off the ground ♪

♪ The way I feel right now ♪

All right, the harmonies on that
second chorus still need some work.

What do you think about
bringing it up a fifth?

- Yeah, piece of cake.
- Cool.

Okay, that brings us to Odd Man Out.

Is there a problem, John?

It s not a problem, it s more just...

trying to understand what
we re still doing here.

After two weeks, we know these songs.

Yeah, but we don t know
the dynamics of the show.

What songs, what order,
where to find the big moments,

where to bring it down.

Just seems like an awful
lot of work for an Art Walk.

Springsteen played Ashbury Park.

Yeah, the Rolling Stones plays
dives before they tour...

And we re playing a fair for free.

I got a family to support,

if I'm not out on the road making money,

I just don't much see the point.

Look, we're all making sacrifices.

Yeah, I don't see Trace making any.

We're in his club, in his hometown,

he still gets to be with his girlfriend.

Don't even go there, John.

I'm not keeping you from your family.

You can go back to Nashville
anytime you want.

All right, okay?

I m just a little bit tired.

I just don't know how
many shots we're gonna get.

If you don't want to sign
with Mark Hall, fine.

But what about one of the other labels?

We can't just stay here

spinning our wheels
in Chesapeake Shores.


I can't believe I'm saying this...

But lets call Mark.


Pick it up on that second chorus again?

Look, all I'm saying
is that I want to talk.

Which is exactly why
we don't need to talk.

Because needing to
talk implies bad news.

Jess, I m leaving.

You re leaving me?

- Who blurts out a break up?
- I'm not breaking up with you,

I'm breaking up with the Inn.

I need to leave it, not you, for awhile.


And don't say I don't pay you enough

because I clearly don't,
so that can't be the problem.

No, the sort-of-paying is okay.

And I like working here, and I like you.

But my family needs me for awhile.

Wait a minute, do you hear that?


It's the Inn.

It's saying, "Wait!
Don't break up with me!"

I need you and Jess cannot deal
with this right now, okay?

The Inn and I need to have to talk...

- Hey Dad?
- Yeah?

- Dad, can I talk to you for a sec?
- Sure.


I want to talk to you about...

what I've been doing since I
stopped working at the law firm.

Great, I'd love that.

I've been doing
research for Uncle Thomas,

for the foundation.

- I figured something was up.
- And he offered me...

There was a full time
position available,
and I took it.

I know this isn't what you originally
thought I'd be doing, but...

No, I was just gonna say, if it's
something you like, then I wish you well.

You're not upset?

Connor, it doesn't bother me that
you're working for my brother.

What bothers me is that you've
been so secretive about it.

Yeah, I didn't know how'd you react.

Then that says a lot
about us, doesn't it?


So when did they say they want

the completed first draft
of your manuscript?

In order to publish it by next summer,

they needed it by last week.

So what are you doing?

I'm typing like crazy and sending

in chapters dated back to July.

That's good, is it working?

I don't think so, they just
don't think I can tell time.

I would think that you'd
be a little happier?

I am happy, I just...

it bothers me Simon didn't ask
my permission before sending it in.

Maybe he forgot?

You forget birthdays,
you forget your keys,

but you don't just accidentally submit

somebody's manuscript and
forget to tell them about it.

- Yeah.
- Am I right?


Wow, I know you've been
looking for sponsors,

but you got...

Ford Warriors in Pink?

They supported our cause
and made a big impact.

It's true, they do a lot to raise funds

and inspire those in the
fight against breast cancer.

- That's why I'm wearing this scarf.
- Well they sound very dedicated.

In all the right ways.

Unlike Simon Atwater...

Don't mind her.

I actually like this one too.

Cory and I had a great time
at Carrie s birthday party.

Thanks again for inviting us.

Of course, I was so happy
to finally meet Cory.

I've heard so much
about him from Carrie.

Oh really?

Yes, apparently he's quite
the kickball player.

According to Cory,

Carrie's got a pretty mean kick as well.

- Well, that's high praise.
- You have no idea.

For Cory to even mention
a girl, that's huge.

Well, here you go.

Wow look at that, a
little light reading.

Just sign the confidentiality agreement,

and the room is yours.


- Real quick, just one question for you.
- Sure.

Do you think this is a good deal?

Douglas, that's for you to decide.

Don't get me wrong, I'm
going to read all of this,

but I know you represented
Matt Fox in the original deal,

and I've heard rumors of why he left,

your reputation in New York is
that you're a straight shooter,

so, I'm just going to ask you straight:

did Matt Fox leave because
this deal went sour?

Is this a good deal?

Honestly, it's a great deal.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Okay great, thanks.

Good luck.

You look exhausted.

Doing double duty. I moved into
the new apartment this morning,

- and I start classes on Monday.
- Congrats on your new place, but...

Wait, you got accepted into
medical school that quickly?

Paramedic training.

It's only seven months,
thanks to my Army background.

What changed?

I decided I should be
doing what I want to do,

not what people expect me to do.

Putting people back together again?

Yeah, but for now it's just
two bookshelves and a dresser.

I would've helped but
every time I build one,

there s always extra pieces.

You know there's not
supposed to be, right?

Which is why I can't
put books on my bookshelf.

All right well, that is surprising.

You seem like you'd be
handy with a screwdriver.

I know, but when it comes to tools,

I m pretty much useless.

So of course, they put me in charge

of building the firefighting
booth at the Art Walk,

which I'm 100% certain will collapse.

On the plus side, after I rescue
the same people that I injure,

I'll probably get a medal.

Well, good luck with that.

Maybe you could help?

Rescue people?

To prevent me from hurting them.

Maybe you could help me build the tent?

If it s anything like last go round,

tours are typically two
weeks on, one week off.

Well that s not so bad.

It really isn t.

I hired two new people
to help out at the club,

- so it'll be like...
- It'll be like you never left.

I do like this club.


And I've been seeing the
bookings you've been making.

Looks like the band's
going to be pretty busy

in the next month or
so, some decent clubs.

- Maam.
- Hi.

So, I figured if I was
going to re-sign you,

I needed to show you and not tell you.

You can go ahead and
roll that out if you'd like.

I had it mocked up just this once,

but if you agree, there
will be thousands of them.

What did I tell you?

Re-sign with me, as a band,
and in four days

you'll be joining our biggest
act on tour in Atlanta.

Where in Atlanta, what clubs?

Not clubs, arenas.

Playing for thirty thousand people,

a twenty minute set
opening for Lena Brooks.

Seattle, Denver, Dallas,

LA, San Francisco, then Europe.

You re going everywhere...

And it's for six months
with an option for two more.

- Honestly, I thought you'd be excited.
- I am, but I'm also not.

Because now I have to rush
the last third of my book,

and I don't even get to
consider how my family

is gonna feel if this gets published.

Not only are we O'Briens complicated,

we re also joined at the hip, so...

I have an emergency!

- Hi Simon!
- Hi!

Jess, it's always an emergency.

No, this is an actual, real emergency.

- David is leaving me.
- What?

Okay, he's not leaving leaving me,

but he's leaving the B&B.

Apparently he's rich,
or a crook, or both.

Okay, I don't know where to start.

I'm clearly not over Sarah!

- Hey.
- Hey.

I don't know if I have enough
money to pay a new cook.

Wait, I thought you and Sarah were over?

So did I, but now I'm building her tent.

Oh, that's nice of you!

Okay, so how much were you paying David?

I don't know. When I actually paid him?

Not much.

For the first month, I only
paid him for the food mostly.

Wait, David paid for the food, too?

I think I paid him back?

It doesn't matter anyway, he's rich.


Or wealthy. I don't know,
is there a difference?

Do you ever talk?

Lately, it's mostly just kissing.

So, Sarah's friend-zoning you?

I hear when you re friend-zoned,
it's pretty much impossible to get out.

Yeah but I'm actually fine with it.

- Really?
- No.


Trace, this is the big time!

An arena tour is not
just about the music,

it's a major production.

Look, we've been down this road,

and this is exactly what I don't want.

What we do to be turned into
some overproduced sideshow.

Over produced or not,
we're getting the chance

to play for an audience
of thirty thousand.

Yeah, well, still.

It's a lot of travel.

All first class, with actual roadies.

No more hauling in gear
for two hours before shows.

- Heck, that sounds nice.
- Yeah.

But it's six months on the road,
I mean that's a serious commitment.

I just don't think we're ready.

You don't have to pull the plans, Mick.

We're not negotiating
construction today.

No? Why is that?

Without Matt Fox, you're
not developing this land.

- No?
- No, I hear things.

You don't have a partner anymore, Mick.

Well, I would check my
sources if I were you.

Sometimes when you get
information under the table,

you don't know who dropped it.

Sometimes you do know who dropped it,

and sometimes you know it's true.

Has Connor spoken to you recently?


He just told me he's
working for you now.

Good for him.

You're not implying that Connor
gave you the information, are you?

Of course not.

I'm just glad he told you
that he's working with me.

I thought it would be
better to come from him.

And you figured that out
from years of parenting?

From years of being your brother.

He needs to be able to stand up to you.

You know, I was thinking at some point,

you and I would be
able to honestly talk.

It's not that we can't honestly talk,

it's that we just
fundamentally disagree.

It's time to stop fighting, Mick.

The Trust is dead.

Yes, the Trust is dead.

Okay go.

Welcome to the Chesapeake Shores...

What's wrong with me?
My heart is racing...

Okay Mom, this is what you need to do.

You need to just try
to wallow in the worst.

Imagine the worst thing
that could happen,

and then realize that it never could.

Oh Abby, that is so not helping!

Nell, what do you think?

I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.

I was looking at the photo, the boy...

His biggest regret.

And darling, that was
terrible advice you gave her.

I heard that wallowing part.

I just cannot do this!

Abby, will you please
just introduce Trace?

I'm just getting used
to saying goodbye to him.


Him and his band were
offered a six month tour.


Abby, is he going to do it?

I don't know.

- Now you re wallowing in the worst.
- Yeah, and it's not helping.

See? That's because we O'Briens
are not good at wallowing.

You know, sometimes its nice
to just dip your toe in...

You could have people
doing that for you.

Yeah that's true, but when
I set up my own equipment,

it's exactly the way I want it.

Look Trace, I admire you
for sticking to your guns,

keeping your music real, but do
you realize what I'm offering?

You're piggybacking off a national tour

that's costing millions to produce.

See that's the difference
between you and me, Mark.

When you talk music,
all I hear is money.

Because whether you like it or not,

they're the same thing!

But you knew that when you came

to me the first time, didn't you?

I had other priorities then...

Trace, I've been doing
this for a long time,

and every now and then,
I've been lucky enough

to be able to tell
musicians they can spend

the rest of their lives
doing what they love.

So when they don't jump at the chance,

in my experience, they're either scared,

and you don't look scared,

or they're afraid to
leave something behind.

Or someone.

Let me tell you the one
truth I know about success:

You can't have it all.

Attach Pole E to Junction
23 with an A-38 screw.

Way ahead of you.

Then attach the support beam to
Junction 23 with an A-27 screw.

You know, I'm really impressed.

That I can build a tent?

That you decided to become a paramedic.

It seems like you.

It does, doesn't it?

I like this.

You and I, hanging out, friends...

Although I'm not sure you re going

to want to be my friend after this.

What's the problem?

Are tent kits supposed
to have extra pieces?

Okay, he's not gonna let go.

I know, I was just checking.

Good idea.

I just need to balance...

You got it, can I let go?

No, no, not yet.

You got it, Carrie!


My turn, my turn!

So you're really not going on tour?

I decided that the timing wasn't right.

I have too many responsibilities here.

Okay, I'm letting go. You ready?

- Yeah.
- Nice!

It seems like such a huge opportunity.

Look, you came back to Chesapeake Shores

because you wanted
to be here, same as me.

Leaving now, with the
club and everything...

It just wasn't the
right time to walk away.

Can I go one more time?

But don't let go until I say.

Okay, I won't let go.

I got it!


So, the new chef... will have
to be able to start on... Monday.


Why do you have to go so soon?

Okay, the job entails breakfast,
and afternoon cookies

that are to be served
with wine and cheese.

Why is he doing laundry?

And laundry and lunch, sometimes dinner.

This is a bed and breakfast,

the operative word being breakfast.

Oh, he also does gardening.

Electrical, guest services...

Handyman work, landscape,
irrigation, sprinklers.

He also gave the high school $10,000

when I accidentally bought 1.000 books.

- You what?
- You knew?

That's crazy!

Whoa, my sister isn't crazy!

Why didn't you say anything?

If you wanted me to know,
you would've told me.

- You get me so well!
- You're fired!

- I m not even hired.
- All I want is to get to know you.

Okay, my father is Dennis Lyle Peck.

You're a Boston Peck?

Your family owns everything.

Not everything, just a
little bit of everything.

- Wait, you really are rich?
- My family is, yeah.

So why do you work here?

- Why do you live in a tiny apartment?
- And why do you work here?

- I already asked him that.
- Right.

Because I didn't want
to be a Boston Peck.

People treat you differently.
I wanted to be a chef,

and if I stayed there,
they would've groomed me

to sit on company boards,
which is boring.

I wanted to make it on my own.

Okay wow, so that explains the $10.000

and how you survive without
me paying you most of the time.

Wait, you don't pay?

I do... when I can.

But now my Dad is sick and he wants me

to take over, just until he recovers.

- In Boston?
- Yes, and overseas in Paris.

The Paris in France?

That'd be the one.

From what I heard,
and you know how rumors

move around Wall Street,
is that Matt Fox asked you

to sell out your
brother and you refused.

That's an interesting one.

I also heard you went
toe-to-toe with Fox.

Now that's impressive.

Well, you know how rumors work.

I do, especially when I'm
pretty sure that it's true.

Or maybe I just want it to be true.

When the legend exceeds the
truth, you print the legend.

Ultimately I think people believe
what they want to believe.

Indeed. Personally, I
don't like dealing with Fox.

It's one thing to
have a killer instinct,

and a whole other thing
to actually enjoy the kill.

I'll tell you another thing I've heard:

Abby is the only one to tell
Fox he's wrong and survive.

That is true.

Well, good for you.

All right, shall we
get down to business?

How fast do you need the
money to finance development?

Permits and plans are ready.

We can go anytime.

Okay, and what about your brother?

What've you heard?

I heard the battle isn't
over between the two of you.

Unfortunately, that part is true too.

Okay, so you sure that you're not
gonna have a problem with this?


Yes, I'm sure.

All right.

- It's gonna be fun.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Well, we have a few other
things that we should...

I can't believe my
Dad would suspect that

I would tell you
anything about the Trust.

I know.

When he asked me if you were the one
who told me that he lost his partner,

I couldn't believe it and I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

The funny thing is he was just
talking about keeping secrets

and I come to find out he
was keeping one of his own.

I told him it wasn't you.

Did he believe you?

I don't know.

So what do I do now, Uncle Thomas?

He's my dad.

And I'm not, so you need to talk to him.

Face to face.

So that's it, huh?

Connor, I don't know how to be a dad,

but Mick and I, we spent
most of our lives not talking,

and that didn't fix anything either.

So be inspired and...

find your art!

In you...

Nell, a little help?


I know who the boy is.

Dillon O'Malley, I took that photograph

the day I left Ireland.

And although I wonder
what his biggest regret is,

I know mine.

I never told him how I felt about him.

So, about your speech.

Never mind what you think
you're supposed to say.

Megan, you tell me what you want to say.

I just want to tell
people why art is important.

Well then forget about the words.

Think about what you're feeling.

You think about what you want to say,

how you feel it, and then
feel it from the heart, okay?

So, I traded a Martin for an author

who may or may not also be a Martin.

At least he has attractive
an English accent.

Grandma Nell prefers Irish accents.

Me too!

Accents are a total game changer.

I do know that Trace
isn't going anywhere.

I thought you said he was going on tour?

He decided not to go.


- No.
- Oh.

That's not so good.


Abs, he's giving up everything for you.

Normally I would say that's amazing...

Gran, help me out.

Look Abby, every relationship
has to have balance.

It's like a cosmic scale.

And if you don't both
respect each other equally,

one is going to disappear.

And I left Trace for New
York and had my chance.

If I don't let him go,
he will always resent me.

Okay so, what's the problem?

You're being oddly
more distant than usual.

Yeah, umm...

Simon, I think you should
just go back to England

or wherever it is that you're from.

- England.
- Yeah, I think you should go back.

- Bree?
- Yeah?

I'm not Martin.

I'm not even remotely Martin.

I don't even know who Martin
is, but how he treated you,

I'm not a fan of Martin.

I'd never change your words, I'd
never change what you say

and if what came out of you was hurtful,

or loving or kind...

But you treated me the way Martin would.

In order to help me, you
made decisions on my behalf.

I can't do that again.

Even if your intentions are good...

You know, Bree, I've always believed
that life is more about...

- Re-writing than writing?
- Exactly!

And I wish that I
could re-write what I did

and I promise that if you
give me one more chance,

I will never do anything
to hurt you again.

- I'm gonna regret this...
- No.

A million times, but...

if I don't do this,
I have to face the fact

that seven years in Chicago
taught me nothing.


I'm sorry.


I'm gonna blow up the kitchen.

Relax, there's almost no chance
that anything will explode.


Well, 80%.

80% that it will explode, or it won't?

Jess, the oven...

You're doing fine.

Right, okay.

Why didn't you tell me who you were?

It wouldn't have changed anything,

I still would've hired you as my cook.

I just wouldn't have felt
bad about not paying you.

Don't forget the parmesean shavings.


I wanted to tell you who I
was for the longest time,

but I didn't want it to
change anything between us.

I wanted you to see me for me.

And not as a Boston Peck?

When you say it that way,
it sounds kind of silly.

The Inn is gonna be okay.

Which leaves just me.

When you leave, don't
say goodbye to me, okay?


Don't do it...

We have wonderful local artists,
and fantastic musicians too.

All of which represent the
very best of Chesapeake Shores.

Uh... Kevin?

Is this good or bad?

I'd say that it's bad.

You re not going to try
to save me, are you?

Because I don't think
you'll get a medal for that.

Trust me, you don't need saving.

You know these last two months,
with you and the girls,

it's been everything
that I've ever wanted.

And I never want to lose that again.

I know that I can't have
everything that I want right now.


what are you talking about?

Look Trace, I know that you
would do anything for me.

And the girls.

And what makes this the hardest
thing in the world is that,

I can't let you do that.

This is too big of
an opportunity, Trace.

You will regret it, I'll regret it.

Abby, what are you doing?

I love you Abby, I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.


I love you, too.

I don't know if I can
handle losing you again.

I can't handle losing you either.

But if we're meant to be,
then this isn't the end.

Hey Thomas.


I'm leaving for California tonight,
I thought I'd check this out first.

Have a safe flight.

I'm going to Machu Picchu.


Yeah, you know I've always
wanted to go since we were kids.

We never do leave some
things behind, do we?

We leave enough behind
and then we move on.

So where does that leave you and me?

I don't know.

I know you're gonna
fight me on the Trust

and Connor's probably gonna join you.

Eventually I'm hoping
it'll be business as usual.

That's not a threat, right?

No, it's just an observation.

I never threaten people I love.

Oh, I almost forgot.
I've got a new partner

and we're gonna break ground
as soon as I get back.

- Have fun in California!
- I may not be going.

Suit yourself, I'll send
you a postcard from Peru.

He's cute.

He is.

He d probably break our hearts.

Oh, definitely.

You know what s really sad?

We are very impressive women.

We are capable, we're
motivated, we are good sisters,

we're great aunts,
you're an amazing mom...

But we just cannot
get men right, can we?

No, not even a little right.


Maybe all we need to
do is get rid of men.

You know, we'll just
hang out, the three of us.

There'll be no men to mess up our lives.

- No complications.
- No disappointments.

No surprises.

No more broken hearts.

- My sisters.
- Yeah.



And welcome to the
Chesapeake Shores Art Walk!


Art is a way to share
truth, beauty, dreams.

So today as you walk
past exhibits of painters,

potters, musicians, jewelry makers,

chefs, and writers, be inspired!

Share the art that's inside you
with the people that you love.


And now, it is my great
honor to introduce a band

that shares their art
with every note they play.

The great and wonderful
Trace Riley Band!


♪ You met somebody now ♪

♪ I bet he's pretty good for you ♪

♪ I thought I'd know somehow ♪

♪ How to handle falling through ♪

♪ But when I see your face ♪

♪ Old memories come crashing
through these walls ♪

♪ Whoa, here comes the free fall ♪

♪ I was really hoping you'd be here ♪

♪ Saying you remember when ♪

♪ Now all of me wishes
I'd never seen you ♪


♪ Now I need you, here I go again ♪

♪ You met somebody now ♪

♪ I bet he's pretty good for you ♪

♪ I thought I'd know somehow ♪

♪ How to handle falling through ♪

♪ But when I see your face ♪

♪ Old memories come crashing
through these walls ♪

♪ Whoa, here comes the free fall ♪

♪ Here comes the free fall ♪

♪ Here comes the free fall ♪

♪ Didn't think I'd see
you here tonight ♪