Chesapeake Shores (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Secrets, Lies, and School Supplies - full transcript

The lanterns aren't the only flames glowing as Abby and Trace ignite their romance in "Secrets, Lies, and School Supplies," the season two premiere of "Chesapeake Shores." As Abby and the rest of the O'Briens prepare for the town's annual lantern festival, Trace must return to Nashville to face a mistake from his past. Meanwhile, Mick takes his granddaughters back-to-school shopping while covertly working on a business deal that is bound to cause family conflict. Jess is overwhelmed by both a busy weekend at her bed and breakfast and the news that her long-estranged mother, Megan, has returned to town for good. Amidst the joy of a small town celebration, Bree must decide if she will move to Chicago to produce her play. As the festival nears, Trace and the O'Briens attempt to put their own challenges aside so four generations of O'Briens - including grandma Nell - can come together for the lantern festival.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What happened?

Look, I just want
to get out of here.

I gotta get to the hospital.


I got a call from my mom.

That's why I left the way I did.

Something happened to my dad.

Is he okay?

I don't know.

All I know is that
my mother called me

from the back of the ambulance

and I just spent eight
hours in a jail cell.

Well, why were you arrested?

I got pulled over for speeding.

There was a warrant out
for my arrest from Nashville.

What? Why? Are you serious?

I just bailed you out of jail.

The charges were
filed after the accident.

Look, I don't have time
to get into this right now.


Okay, and then
I got an attorney.

I was hoping he
could make it go away,

but I guess he couldn't.

You told me it was
just an accident.

I wasn't sleeping enough,
and I got behind the wheel...

that's when John got hurt.

You know, for
weeks I sat outside

his hospital room
through two surgeries.

You know, I wanted
to be there for him,

I wanted to tell
him how sorry I am.

I never should've
driven that night.

I should've stayed in Nashville,

I should've been there for John.

Look, can you just drop
me at the hospital please?

I can find my way
back from there.

Of course, of course.


You okay?

What happened?

It's his heart.

I'm so glad you're here.

♪ The miles are getting
longer, it seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home, to
the place where I belong ♪

♪ Where your love has
always been enough for me ♪

♪ I'm not running from ♪

♪ No, I think you
got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret this
life you chose for me ♪

♪ I said these places and
these faces are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ I'm going home ♪

So this is the
exciting part, okay?

The reason why we light
the lanterns is because

during the War of
1812, when the British

sent three ships up
the Chesapeake...

Dad, the lanterns are
about the end of summer.

A celebration. Fun, y'know?

For your information, Connor,

I am the very
definition of fun, okay?

So that night, there
was a terrible storm,

it was too dark to see,
the ships were sinking...

Oh no.

I have to go into work early.

Girls, I am so sorry, but...

I'm not going to
be able to take you

back to school shopping today.

I hate work.

Me, too.

I know. Sometimes, I do too.

You promised it'd be today.

I know, sweetie.

I was really
looking forward to it.

This is why you moved home.

You are literally surrounded
by a back-up plan.

I will take two of my favorite
granddaughters shopping.

We're your only granddaughters.

You are?

That's funny, I thought I
saw a couple more here.

Wait a minute, let me see.

I thought I saw one
behind you, right here.

Right there!

Do you even know
what size they are?

Of course I know
what size they are.

Well, how about this?

How about grandpa
gets you started today

and then I will take
you on the weekend?

Okay, that'd be fun.

I love you guys so much.


Jess is texting me again for
the fourth time this morning.

Aww, the B&B is
full for the first time.

She's probably a
teensy bit overwhelmed.

Don't coddle her.

She's perfectly capable of
running her own business.

Yeah, I know...

I let all of you fall down
and scrape your knees.

You can't fix things for her,

otherwise she's never
gonna figure it out.

Okay, here is the shopping list.

There's not much...

Two dresses, a pair
of... you know what?

I don't need a shopping list.

I raised five kids, I know
how to back-to-school shop.

In fact, there's nothing more
important in this life than...

[Cell phone ringing]

Oh hey Sam, how are ya?

I'm glad you called back.

Listen, I wanted to talk
to you about that deal.

Yeah, it's about
the Simpson deal.

No no no, it's still viable...

Well I guess summer's over.

Back to being Dad.

So, you're definitely
moving back to Chicago?

Writer in residence?

I mean, that's an
amazing opportunity.

Guys, I get to
mount my own play.

And I get to be paid to do it!


What... no no no.

This has nothing to
do with Martin, okay?

We are over.

It's so done.

Mostly, I think.

(Whispering) Not really.

Well, that's cleared up.

Whoa, here's one:
two bedroom, two bath,

hardwood floors,
utilities included

and a balcony by the pool.

You guys are really
gonna live together?

Of course we are.

We aren't.

Come on, it's a no-brainer.

Oh really?

I'll be working in
Baltimore for the DA,

and Kev is going back to
med school at Johns Hopkins.

Don't you think you should see

if you get the job first?

I will get the job, okay?

All that's left
is the interview.

I'm great in a
room, I'm a closer.

You went out
pretty late last night.

Were you with Trace?

Who's Trace?

He's just a friend of Mommy's.

Uh girls, actually could
you please run upstairs

and brush your teeth and
get changed for shopping?


Thank you!

Hey hey hey,
plates plates plates!

You can do it.

You haven't introduced them yet?

They have a new
city, a new house,

a new school.

I think they're
good for right now.

Okay, fair enough.

About time!

I said it was a
matter of life or death!

But you always say it's
a matter of life and death.

What's wrong?

It's a disaster.

I'm overbooked and,
I... I have a full house.

Well call the last people
who made a reservation

and just tell them...

I can't!

I don't have phone
numbers for them.

And there's a couple who
brought their German Shepherd

and another couple
who only speaks French...

And the wi-fi is out.

And I put a red sock in
with the sheets and towels.

That explains the pink.

Apprécierez les scones.
Il n'y a pas de levure.

Everyone loves him,
he speaks French.

He's not who I thought he was.

Who is he?

I have no idea.

He's helpful, but confusing
in multiple languages.

Well, confusing or not,
you have bilingual help.

Which means I'm
going to go to work,

because I'm already late.

Abby, I can't do this.

I don't know why
I thought I could.

Jess, you can do this,
you're already doing it.

You just need to make a list

and figure out what
you need to do next.


You're right, I can do this.

I just need to make
a list, a long list.

What comes first?

First, you breathe.

[Alarm beeping]

My sheets are dry.

Please let them be white again!

I never should've
gotten behind the wheel...

I should've stopped
for the night,

but it was three o'clock
in the morning, I just...

You know, I just lost
focus for just a second.

Well they're charging
you with Gross Negligence

because you were
behind the wheel,

and you were
responsible for all of them.

But it was an accident!

We were all tired.

We all decided
to get in that car.

But John's the one
who didn't walk away.

So what do we do now?

Well because you
missed your arraignment,

they're extraditing you
back to Nashville without bail.

Is that really necessary?

Or you can go back
on your own accord,

plead to the judge
who issued the warrant,

and if you're lucky,
she will grant you bail,

and you fight the case.

Now the good news is you
weren't doing anything illegal.

Kyle Hadden.

I went to law school with him.

I already let him
know you'd be calling.

You found my favorite spot.

Yeah, it's like
finding a phone booth.

These places
don't exist anymore.

I know, isn't it wonderful?

Well, if you're
looking for something

completely obsolete, then yeah.

I mean, who buys
books at a bookstore?

Well, I do.

I guess that
sounds silly to you.

Eh, it's a bit silly, but
you are a romantic.

Uh Martin, I'm really
looking forward to going back

to Chicago and doing
the play, but umm...

It's just gonna be work, okay?

I'm not going back there
to be with you, okay?

Yeah look, I get it, I hurt you.

I don't blame you
for being mad at me,

but I promise, I'm going
to make it up to you.

Yeah, sure.

Oh, I made a few
notes on your play.

It's not really a big deal.

I'll see you in Chicago.

Bree, you're a
very talented writer.

But I just... I want
you to be a success.

Okay? Okay.

So construction
is back on track?

Yeah, we're back on schedule
and onto the next project.

I believe that's the senior
community north of Orlando.

I can bring up...

No, that one's next.

The O'Brien Family Trust?

100 acres across the bay.

I just found out my brother
is looking for a loophole

to turn it into a
nature preserve.

Can he do that?

He can, but my father
would've hated it.

That land is O'Brien
land, now and forever.

Developing it will keep Thomas

from being able to
do anything with it.

Since you own the property
together, can't he stop you?

No, he can't.

My dad made me the trustee.

Which brings me to a thought.

Why don't you get Wylie
up there with his team

to get the survey
started right away.

If he didn't want to
develop in the first place,

why would he do this?

Because he's my brother.

And because he didn't
think I'd find a partner

with enough cash
to get this going.

And now, I am going shopping.


Yes... with my granddaughters.

With your finance background,

you're the only one here
who can handle Fox Builders.

I worked with Matt
Fox years ago.

Yeah, I was told Fox
appreciated your honesty.

I told him he was wrong and
when he didn't believe me,

I proved it.

You might be the only
person alive who actually did.

Well I almost lost
my job because of it.

Fox has his own
team of analysts,

but they just want
an outside consultant

to go through all his
new real estate proposals.

Lucky me.

Abby, he's a New York client.

This is a huge
deal for our office.

Yes but Del, going
through all of these projects

is going to take days...

Or even weeks...



How you feeling?

I'm fine.

Where's your mother?

I sent her home
to get some sleep.

She's been here round the
clock since they brought you in.

Axel's with her.

Oh... good.

They said it was a heart attack.

I heard.

You know, my father had one too.

I guess it runs in the family.

Looks like you're gonna have
to take better care of yourself.

Looks like we both do.

Dad, I gotta make a
quick trip to Nashville

to take care of a few
things, but I'll be back.

Okay, good...

and try not to miss
the lantern festival.

The what?

The lantern festival?

I've never missed one...

until this year.

You kept going?

Every year.

And I kept them all.

It helped me remember...

the nice times.

Get some rest, Dad.

I'm sorry, we're
completely booked up.

I'm not looking for a room.

I'm just... wait.

You're the cook, right?

Yes, the cook and
the gardener, and...

just about anything else.

David Peck.

I've heard a lot about
you from Bree and Jess.

Jess was very lucky to find you.

I'm her mom, Megan.

Remember, we met?

Right, yeah! Nice to see you.

She's great, by the way.

And inside, if that's
the way you're heading.

Yup, that's where I'm headed.


What are you doing here?

I thought you went
back to New York.

I did.

I was hoping that we
can have lunch tomorrow.

I'm busy... I'm booked.

In fact by tomorrow, I'm
going to be overbooked.

Running a B&B is not easy.

Let me give you a hand.

Can we not do this right now?

I've got six loads of
pink sheets and towels

in the washer and dryer and
I'm trying to bleach them back.

I just want to talk, Jess.

We don't... we don't talk.

Well, maybe now we can.

What does that mean?

I'm moving back to Chesapeake.

Why now?

I guess now seems
like the right time.

With all you kids home.

So you needed
all of us to be here

for you to decide it's
time to be our mother?

It just feels like
the right time

for all of us to reconnect.

Well, I never left so I guess

reconnecting with me
wouldn't be enough?


I never stopped being
your mother, honey.

I love you.

I need a little help here,
I want to make us right.

Okay, it's just...

I'm sorry, but I'm all grown
up now and you're a little late.

[Alarm ringing]

My towels are dry.

You know, she
looks a lot like you.


Answer, answer, answer.

Hi, it's Abby, leave
me a message.

Please, please, please.

Hi, it's Abby, leave
me a message.

Abby, call me.

I need to talk to you.

I really, really, really
need to talk to you.

So, what are we looking for?

I'm not sure exactly.

My dad said something about
memories back at the hospital.

And then my mom said every year

before the lantern
festival, he'd come in here...

It's like stepping back in time.


Y'know, when I
left for Nashville,

all I wanted to do
was forget the past,

get as far away from
Chesapeake as I could.

Then you realize you left
behind what you needed the most.

Trace, your dad's gonna be okay.

What was that for?

I've made a lot of
stupid mistakes in my life,

but being with you is the
best decision I ever made.

And that's why I made it twice.




Jess, what're you doing?

You hate running...

Looking for you! What
is wrong with you?

I called you 87 times and...

why're you in such good shape?

What's wrong?

I said it was important.

Well you always
say it's important.

Yeah but this
time, it actually was

and I really needed you,
and you didn't answer.

Okay okay, I'm sorry, Jess.

Are you okay?

Mom is moving home.

She bought a house and
she's going to live here.


You knew?

You knew about this
and you didn't stop her?

I didn't know for sure.

She said that she
was thinking about it...

Why would she do this?

Maybe because
everyone else moved home

and she wanted to, too?

Well it's a little late!

Jess, it's not just about you.

Her other kids live here, her
grandchildren live here now.

I can't believe
you're taking her side.

This is not about sides, okay?


I have to get to work.

You have to get to work?

My work is drowning in
pink sheets and bad wi-fi.

I'm overbooked which
means tomorrow,

people are going to show up

and I'm going to have to
throw them out on the street.

My first year in business
and I'm failing fast.

Okay well maybe Mom
could actually help you?

No, I don't need a mother.

I just need someone
who answers my calls.


Mr. Riley, have you been
briefed that the meeting

here today is whether
or not I'll grant you bail?

I have.

You're also aware that
moving back to your home town

doesn't explain why you
missed your arraignment?

Your honor, if you give
my client some latitude,

I believe he can explain...

Your client has had
months of latitude.

Moving out of state is no
excuse for ignoring a court date.

Issuing a bench warrant is
not something I take lightly.

Yes your honor,
which is why Mr. Riley

returned to Nashville
immediately on his own volition.


Do you have anything
to add, Mr. Riley?

Yes, I do.

Look, I want you
to know that I take

full responsibility
for what happened.

I never should've
gotten behind the wheel.

I was no condition...

I think all my
client means to say

is that he is not a flight risk.

Arraignment is in two days.

We'll set up a time.

Mr. Hadden, please make
sure your client shows up.

So the Bay was completely dark,

and the three British
ships were sinking.

Every single British
sailor would've died

if not for the people
of Chesapeake Shores,

who all lit lanterns.

Oh, can we make lanterns, too?

I think that is a fine idea.

So, the people of
Chesapeake took their lanterns

to the shore, the British
sailors saw the lanterns,

and they all swam to safety.

So, the greatest battle
of Chesapeake Shores

never happened.

It was won by love, not by guns.

That's a nice story.

Oh, thanks.

So that's why, every
summer, we celebrate

the end of summer
by making lanterns

and put aside our
differences to just be at peace,

if only for one day.

I'm sorry, I don't
think we've met.

Norm Fisher.

I work for your brother, Thomas.


I thought you were
for Illuminate the Bay.

No, mostly just to ask
you why there are stakes

in the ground inside
the O'Brien Family Trust.

Stakes in the ground
mean fire hydrants,

fire hydrants mean development.

Or they just could be
wooden stakes in the ground.

So that's what you
want me to tell Thomas?

Well, I'm kind of a
face-to-face kind of guy.

Thomas is litigating habitat
destruction in the Everglades.

Oh, that's very impressive.

I'll have to talk to him about
that when he gets back.

But right now we're
making lanterns

and celebrating a battle
that never happened.

Except some battles
are unavoidable.

That's true.

But today they are, and
I'm with my granddaughters.

Say hello to Thomas for me.

I will.

That man doesn't seem happy.


That's because he
didn't get any ice cream

before dinner like you
guys are gonna get.


So the positives about
moving to Chicago

are that I get to mount a play.

A play with my name on it.

I get to work with actors and

I get to be paid
to do what I love.

Which is like a
million dollars a week,

so that's good.

Good! Good is good.

Okay, you're not listening.

I am listening, I'm just
also trying to get work done.

But you're the
multi-tasking queen.

This shouldn't be a problem.

I have a lot on
my plate right now!

Well, don't worry.

It's not like I'm
asking for help, okay?

It's not like I don't
know what I have to do.

I know what I have to
do, I just hate the answer.

Which is what?

He completely changed my play.

None of the words
are mine anymore

and he's going to be staging it,

so I don't even know if
it's worth it to go anymore.

Ugh, Jess!

Oh I'm so glad she's
texting you for a change.

I tried the tough love approach.

It didn't work.

Told you.

Okay, we're all here.

Sit down, let's
get this over with.

Why are we here?

I'd like to whoop
Kev one-on-one.

Like last time?

Hey, whoa whoa,
I was coming back.

I needed to talk to all
of you and I didn't want

to do it in front
of the girls or Dad.

Okay, just... it's okay.

Mom is moving home, she
bought a house over on Elm St,

and Jess is freaking out.

Why is Mom moving home now?

Isn't it a little late for that?

Exactly! Thank you, Connor.

Can't we just give her a break?

We're all grown ups.

Mom's not going
to change anything.

Yes, she is.

She'll be around all the time.

Jess, I love you
but, don't you think

maybe it's time for
you to grow up a little?

I'm sorry, but it's true.

You cannot blame
Mom for everything

that goes wrong in your life.

That's unfair.

Jess, not everything
in life is fair, okay?

I mean, just...

Sooner or later you're
gonna have to figure out a way

to make your life work
with or without Mom.

And it doesn't
help that everything

is going wrong at the B&B.


Well yeah, mostly everything.

I mean, I tried to do
the reservations right,

the laundry right,
everything right,

and everything's a mess.

So... do it wrong.

Okay no offense, but that's
like really bad Connor advice.

Offense taken.

It's true.

Jess, I've spent my entire
life doing things the right way,

and you haven't.

You do things well,
because you do it your way.


Worse comes to worse,
you fail just as badly.


You're right...

The wrong way...

it'll be fine.

So, our Hemingway suite,

with our special pink
sheets and towels,

is our most exclusive room,

and a free upgrade
because of the lantern festival.

In fact, our last guest was a
famous Chicago playwright

who enjoyed its spectacular
views and creative energies...

Umm Jess? Hi!

Can I have a moment?

Absolutely, okay.

What are you doing?

I'm renting out your room.

I'm sorry, I am overbooked
and I need the space.

I don't think you can do that.

Like, legally?

No, like you should've asked me.

Well... you didn't
answer your phone.

And you're moving to Chicago!

I haven't moved yet, have I?

I'm right here, right now.

If it makes you feel better, I
had to give up my room, too.

It's now officially known
as the Founder's Suite.

Wrong is totally
working out right.

Where is my stuff?

It's at Gran's! One second.


I thought you left for Chicago.

Uh, no, not yet.

But I might have to leave
sooner now that I'm homeless.

She's doing a great job.

Great job stealing homes...

She almost cracked
for a second there,

especially when
your mom showed up,

but she managed to
glue herself back together.

Will you show them
how to work the shower?


So David's been amazing.

Oh that's interesting,
he was just saying

the same thing about you.

That's good, now
you can finally find out

if he's somebody
you really like.

What, because
you're out of the way?

I was never really in the way.

But okay, if you want to make
it official you can have him.

You can't re-gift
a man, can you?

I don't know, I
think I just did.

Well anyway, I
don't even want him.

Well, me neither.

Good, so neither of us want him.

Nope, not even a little.

Not even a little.


[Phone ringing]

Hi, I was hoping you'd call.

How're you holding up?

I'm doing okay, but my
lawyer's not too happy.


He wants me to keep my mouth
shut and do the talking for me.

Well that's probably
good advice.

I can't do it anymore.

You know, I gotta
stop running from this,

take full responsibility,
and accept whatever comes.

Well, I'm proud of you.


All right, well uh,
I'll talk to you later?

Okay, I miss you.

Miss you too.

Well, this is perfect.

Even with Gran gone,
we can gather together

as a family and
eat this wonderful...


It's my famous mac and
cheese with meatballs.

Where is this famous?

Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

Well, it looks wonderful.

So how was everyone's day?

Mine was perfect, spending
it with my granddaughters.

Best day ever.


Well, I had a great day.

I went to work and found
a missing piece of a puzzle.

Oh, good for you.

My day was
glorious until I rudely

got kicked out of my house.

Hey, I solved about
100 problems today

doing exactly what
Kevin told me to do.

You gave away my room, Jess.

I gave away my room, too.

Yeah, but I'm the one who
gets to be angry about it.

I am choosing not to be angry.

Even though Mom moving home
should make everyone angry.

Oh, I'm guessing she
never told you either?

I'm honestly a bit
stunned, Mr. Riley.

After all this time
avoiding the charges,

I thought you'd mount
a better defense.

I don't have a
defense, your honor.

I'm completely at fault
for what happened to John.

But it was a mistake.

A mistake I have to live
with for the rest of my life.

I only ask that the judge
uses her discretion in the case,

considering my client's history.

Mr. Riley has never been
in trouble with the law.

Duly noted.

Frankly I'm inclined to impose
a fine and some jail time.

But yesterday, I
reached out to John Rawl,

the injured party,
and he sent me a note.

A man of few words.

Mr. Riley?

Dear Judge Patrick.

What happened that night may
have been Trace Riley's fault,

but it could've
been any one of us.

We were all pushing too
hard, we all knew better,

and it was his turn to drive.

If you blame him, you
might as well blame all of us.


Charges reduced to negligence.

$500 fine, time served.

Does that work for
you, Mr. Hadden?

Mr. Riley?

Absolutely, your honor.

Yes, ma'am.


Mr. Riley?

You should thank your friend.


Well, you could've warned me.

I was afraid you'd try
and talk me out of it.

Why would I do that?

This isn't going to be a
piece of cake, you know.

Do you want to come in?

No, it's late.

I just wanted to
come by and say hello.

I'm sorry I didn't
tell you first.

You don't have
to tell me anything.

But you might want to think
about why you came back.

Are you doing it
for the kids, or...

are you doing it for yourself?

I thought you guys went to
Baltimore to look at apartments.

- We were.
- We weren't.

But we decided that
it would never work.

I realized that I
couldn't live with Kevin.

Oh really?

Yeah, he's just too neat for me.

We decided to play ball instead.

What're you reading?

Bree's new script...

The Last Dress.

Catchy title.

Yeah, apparently that's
all that Martin liked.


You want to take on the winner?

Or are you gonna duck out
again like you did last time?

No, I realized I haven't
finished shopping yet.

Watch this.

Caitlyn, Carrie!





I made it through all
the domestic contracts.

There are some concerns
with long term developments

with adjustments that need
to be made for inflation...

Well that's great, Abby.

So all of the projects
looked okay going forward?

Everything except for one.

It's a solid deal, with Matt Fox
taking on a business partner

to develop a huge area of land.

100 acres on Chesapeake Bay...

With my dad.

Hey John.

Trace... what're you doing here?


just wanted to thank
you for that letter

that you wrote to the judge.

It was the truth.

I heard your last
surgery went well.

Yeah, I'm recovering nicely.

That's what my physical
therapists say to me

when I go there
three times a week.

Look John, I really
came by to tell you that...

I'm not accepting your apology.

I just thought after you
wrote that letter to the judge...

I didn't write
that letter for you,

I wrote it for me.

Linda says that living
in the past isn't healthy,

it's time to move on.

Well, whether you
want to hear it or not,

I am sorry, John.

Doesn't matter to me.

You showed me who you are
when you walked away from the band.

From your best friend...

left me with nothing.

And that's what
you are to me now.


Does Gran know
you're in her bed?

She's in Ireland.

Homogenized milk,
pure cane sugar,

17% butterfat, ice
crystals and air.

Jess, what part of
giving my room away

do you think can be
healed with ice cream?

You know what? This
is not gonna fix anything.


Are you still going
back to Chicago?

I don't know.

I wanted to go to see my
play produced, but look at it!

None of the words are
mine anymore and I hate it.

Well at least if you go,

you don't have to deal
with Mom being home.

You know, your life doesn't have
to change unless you want it to.

I know.

Oh, we should wake Abby.

We can't, it's late.

And she told me
I need to grow up

and take care of
my own problems.

Well, this isn't a problem.

This is ice cream.

She needs her sleep and
I need to leave her alone.

She's got kids and
boyfriend and work and...

Are you eating ice
cream without me?

We thought you were asleep,

but we were just
about to go wake you.

Well, I brought my own spoon.

Come on, get in here!

Did you bring your own pint?

No, I'm gonna
have some of yours.

Okay, I have orange.

Oh, okay!

A little mint?

Oh, it's so good!

Here they are.


Hi guys.

We had coffee.

Wow, aren't you lucky?

You have stuff
all over your face.

Can you guys run upstairs
and get ready for the festival?

- Okay.
- Okay, sure.

Wash your faces.


It wasn't real coffee, it
was just hot chocolate.

No, dad.

The O'Brien Family Trust?

How'd you find out?

Because my firm has
been hired to analyze it.

Well, that's good
thinking on their part.

You'll have information
that no one else can get.

You orchestrated it.

You made sure they came to us.

Oh, I can't tell
people to what to do.

I just...

make suggestions here and there.

You said that you'd
never develop that land.

I know...

things change.

Mommy! Come look
at the backpacks.

Wow! Okay, I'll be right there.

I want to talk to
you about this more.

Yes, ma'am.

Dad? Coffee?

Thank you, honey.

You're welcome.

So I hear you're thinking
about not going back to Chicago.

Yeah, I'm not going.

I think that would
be a big mistake.


Because your voice is unique.

You tell the truth about
people in your writing.


I hope that this is helpful.



I know that you love
writing on that old typewriter,

so this is just for traveling.


Honey, it doesn't matter
whether you write on a typewriter,

or a computer, or a
pencil, or a crayon.

They're your words and
only you can write them.

You should never forget that.

Well, thank you.

You're welcome, Bree O'Brien.

Do you know why I
call you Bree O'Brien?

Um, because you
like me as a friend?

When you were a little
girl, you used to leave

these notes around the
house for me and your mom.

Sometime it was "I love you."

Sometimes, "Don't yell
at each other so much."

And sometimes it was,
"Please don't go to work today."

Yeah, I was six.

I didn't know what I was doing.

Well, you did know
what you were doing.

You had something to say,
and you always signed your name

Bree O'Brien because you
wanted me to take you seriously.

Your words mattered
then, and they matter now.

I can't do what you
do, but I do know

that life is more about
rewriting than writing.

And if you don't like
what's on the page,

change it.

You'll always have a
home to come back to,

if you need a blank
page to start again.


Oh, unless of course your sister
rents out your room and then...

it's off.


All right family, running late!

Abby! Bree! Jess!

Kevin, Connor, let's go!

Come on guys,
we're gonna be late.

Good good, the O'Brien's
are complete if you guys hurry.

Come on, we gotta go.


Oh my gosh, look who it is!

There's my family!

Oh my babies!

Oh golly, oh sweet child.

You had to go back to
your roots to find your roots?

Oh don't be a smart aleck, you!

I'm gonna walk with you,
because I always have.

All righty.

Let's do it!

So did you find what
you were looking for

in Ireland, Mom?

I found in life there are
many mixed blessings, son.

And that it's better to have
50 enemies outside your home,

than to have one
within your home.

Thomas called you, didn't he?

And I'm not letting either
one of you destroy our family.

Children! Come!

Come be with your nana.

Jess and Bree O'Brien!

Aunt Mary?

Hi, how are you?

How's little Nell?

Oh, not so little.

She's getting married next
week at the courthouse.

Oh, wow.

She and her fiance are
only home for the weekend

before they both have to leave.

Oh, is he in the
Peace Corps, too?

Yeah! So, why don't you
set next Saturday aside...

Okay, wait.

Courthouse? She needs a wedding.

Why don't we do it at my B&B?

Sweetheart, there's no
time to plan a wedding.

Oh, no no!

Just leave everything
to me, it'll be perfect.

Oh my! I can't wait to call her.

She's going to faint.

Thanks Jess.

Of course!

So, you're going to give
them the most special,

most magical
night of their lives?

Wait, what did I just do?

♪ Oh beautiful for
spacious skies ♪

♪ For amber waves of grain ♪

♪ For purple
mountain majesties ♪




Trace, what's up?

How you doing?

Good to see you.

Carrie, Caitlyn, I want you
to meet my friend Trace.

Nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

Is this your first lantern walk?


My father used to
take me all the time

when I was a little boy.

Is he here?

Not this year.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, me too.

Would you like a lantern?

I'd love one, thank you.

♪ America! America! ♪

♪ God shed his grace on thee ♪

♪ And crown thy good
with brotherhood ♪

♪ from sea to shining sea! ♪