Celebrity (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - #get_famous - full transcript

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♪ Come watch me ♪

[opening theme music playing]

[coins jingling]


- [whirring]
- [chiming]



[coins jingling]


♪ Come watch me ♪



[doorbell chimes]

[items clattering]

- [woman] There's a saying.
- [upbeat music playing]

"Fame is a blank check."

"And the world will cheer you on
even if you take a dump."

- [camera shutter clicks]
- ♪ Sh... Sh... Shake ♪

- [phone chimes]
- ♪ Sh... Sh... Sh... Shake ♪

- [chiming continues]
- [jingling]


- ♪ Hey! ♪
- ♪ Sh... Sh... Sh... Shake ♪

- [whistles, whooshes]
- ♪ Sh... Sh... Sh... Shake ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five... ♪






[jingles, dings]


♪ One, two, three, four ♪

[whistling continues]


[indistinct chatter]

[phone chimes, whooshes]

[woman] A single photo got them
three billion won in annual sales.

This hole-in-the-wall diner
hit the jackpot.

All thanks to that photo I uploaded.

♪ You think you can afford me?
You better think again ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

[woman] That's right. Hi there.
I'm kind of a big deal.

An e-celebrity
whose words are powerful enough

- to make things like this possible.
- [chimes]

Of this bunch, I'm the cream of the crop.

A power influencer.

♪ Three, four, five... ♪

Seo A-ri.

Hold up.

Who just posted,
"She's just an attention whore"?

My, my. I used to be like you once.

I was oblivious to this world.

In a recent survey,
elementary school students

picked a YouTube creator
as the person they looked up to the most.

This speaks to the importance
of getting one's name and image

out there in modern society.

These top YouTubers are said to make
over two billion won in annual revenue.

And I'm here to tell you more about that.

[A-ri] A world in which one's rise to fame
can make anyone money.

"Really? How?"

I was curious, of course,
but I pretended not to see, not to care.

I didn't pay any attention to it.

Why spend time watching others
live the good life,

when my own life is a dumpster fire?

I'd just get jealous.

Let me ask you, and be honest.

Have you ever had this thought before?

"Sure, they're annoying,

but I'm curious."

"What exactly do these people
do for a living?"

"What kind of job allows them
to go on vacation four times a year

and buy all these luxury items?"

"Who are their parents?"

"What do their husbands do?"

"And just how much money do they have
that allows them to drink, eat,

and party every day during their lives
to the fullest?"

And one day, I woke up to find out
that I had somehow joined their ranks.

This means that 1.3 million people

are watching me eat
and spend money every day.

The reward for holding up a product
is five million won a pop.

My products sell out in 10 minutes.

You blink,
and I just made ten million on ads.

Add my personal brand...

You do the math.

- [upbeat music continues]
- ♪ All my ladies to the front... ♪

I don't even know
how much money I make a day.

This is what it's like
for the top one percent of influencers.

What do you say now?

'Cause earlier,
you called me an attention whore.

You think this is enough to...

grab your attention?

♪ All right ♪


- [phone chiming]
- [upbeat music continues]

[phone chimes]


[music building]

[dramatic sting]

[A-ri] I told you.
My life used to be a dumpster fire.

You're dying to know
how I turned it around, aren't you?

Well, there's a secret to that.

Sort of a cheat code.

In this place...

This world of...

fame and celebrity.

We'd all like a taste of the good life.

[upbeat music continues]

How did I become a celebrity,

what's the reality of this world,
and how can you gain entry?

Isn't that something
everyone would like to know?

Remember that cheat code I mentioned?

All right, I'll tell you.

I've been itching
to tell someone for a while.

But... keep one thing in mind.

That you must question everything,

and believe what you want to.

Now then, for the first cheat code,
shall we start with a hashtag?

This is going to be a pretty long story.

Hope you've got some popcorn.

[upbeat music playing]




Wang Ro-la?

This is crazy.
They're trying to kill each other.

Hey, look at this.

Biniimom and Wang Ro-la
are dragging each other through the mud.

What are you talking about?
Who is Biniimom?

Whoa. God, that's even crazier.

You don't know who Biniimom is?

This, the Binnie Shoe.


[A-ri] Right, I admit.

I didn't know who that was
at the beginning.

[pensive music playing]

[sighs] Has she lost her mind?
Oh, so you want to go there?

[Biniimom] Come on,
let's meet up and talk, okay?

We had a good thing going.
Let's not do this.


That ungrateful bitch.

How dare she?


[A-ri] From a star CyWorld user
back in the day, to a blogger,

then to a star on social media.

From shoes
that she supposedly designed herself,

then clothes, bags...
Selling out every product she uploaded,

Biniimom was one
of the top e-celebs out there.

That was the day.

The day the curtains rose
on this awfully scandalous

and brutally glamorous affair.

[tires screech]

[dramatic music playing]

[woman sighs]

- [jingles]
- [whooshes]

"Everyone knows
Jin Chae-hee's a total airhead."

"Everyone except her, that is."

"When I call her
a sweetheart sarcastically,

she takes it as a compliment,
that idiot, LOL."


Ugh! Goddammit, these fucking bitches!

[breathing heavily]

[dramatic music continues]

Oh, Chae-hee! It's not here.
We changed the location.

- Hurry, everyone's already there.
- [Chae-hee scoffs]

- [keypads clicking]
- [phones chiming, dinging]


[phones continue chiming, dinging]

- [jingles]
- [whooshes]



- [chimes]
- [whooshes]

Can everyone please turn off
their notifications?

First, we need to discuss
how to deal with this situation.

[woman 1] Uh, the thing is,

my followers are blowing up my feed
asking about what's going on.

Same here.

I've got to take care
of my followers first.

- Doesn't that apply to all of us?
- [woman 2 sighs]

Do you have more followers than me?

I told you all to put them down.
You bitches are starting to piss me off!

- [phones chiming]
- [screen locks]

Let's do as Chae-hee says.

Angela, you too.

Chae-hee, that was not cool.
Watch your language.

You wouldn't know
since you're not on social media.

You have no idea what a big deal this is.

I do know you're throwing
a tantrum right now.


She has a reason to be angry.
Please understand, Si-hyeon.

Everyone here is an influencer.

I know you came all this way,
but this is important.

Would you mind if we talk business?
I'm sorry.

[exhales] Please don't mind me.
Go about your business.

[woman 3 chuckles]

[sighs] I'm sure you all
have seen by now, but earlier today,

Wang Ro-la released her chats
with Biniimom online.

I guess Wang Ro-la wanted
to start something with Biniimom.

Problem is...

in most of their chats,
they're talking behind our backs.

[upbeat music building]

- [upbeat music continues]
- [mechanical chiming]

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]


[phone whooshes, chimes]


[woman 2] "She used to be a real nobody,
and I helped her grow."

"Now that bitch copies my every move
and even my products."

[chuckles] Well, that's how she dissed me.

My full name is all over social media
and the major forums right now.

[woman 4] They also mention my initials.

All the luxury goods I sell
are knock-offs,

and my husband and I just act
like we're happy for social media?

Apparently, I got breast surgery?

[laughs] That's bullshit.

I mean, what does she want?

Should I pop these babies out
to prove they're real?

Ugh! Those crazy fucking bitches!

I mean, why drag all of us
into their catfight?

Sure, Biniimom's a total fucking bitch,

- but what's up with Wang Ro-la?
- [chuckles]

Weren't those two totally inseparable?

- Wang Ro-la used to be Biniimom's maid.
- Chae-hee.

They had a fallout recently, and Biniimom
was in the process of ditching Wang Ro-la.

She tried to kick her out
of our group, right?

- Yeah, that's right. Last time, Biniimom...
- [door opens]

- [gasps]
- [scoffs]

- [woman 2] Biniimom!
- [dramatic music playing]

What's everyone doing here?

Weren't we going to meet

- at the Chinese restaurant?
- [chuckles]

- Bitch!
- [Biniimom] Could it be...

that you were trying
to have a meeting without me?

[A-ri sighs] Oh, so a row broke out?

A row?

A fight broke out between
two female influencers on social media,

but the others
are getting caught in the crossfire.

That's the gist, right?

Oh, is that what a row is?

Here, most people refer to it
as World War Three.

A world war? Seriously?

What? Are they saving the country?

No, these are strangers bickering online.

She's not just some stranger.
Biniimom's my Insta buddy, okay?

Ah, I've been wondering
why you wear those ugly shoes.

So they're from this Insta buddy of yours?

I keep telling you, they're an "it" item.
Look, okay?

Um, even celebrities
wear Binnie Shoeshoes.


You follow all these people? Why?
You don't even know them.

Yeah. Their stuff is fancy to look at.

- It's amusing too.
- [phone chimes]

[A-ri] Stare at it all you want. [sighs]

At the end of the day,
these are total strangers.

Oh, come on. You don't know that.

If I keep copying them,
I might someday become...


Why don't you copy me for a change?

Number one in door-to-door sales. Hmm?

You were in last place again last month.
What a legend.

Hey, Seo A-ri!

Think about ways
to improve your performance

instead of whatever that is.

This is no time to live vicariously.

Keep this up, you'll get fired.

Fine, just watch the road, witch.

[A-ri] Even expensive cosmetics
all use the same ingredients.

This one's almost identical
to the one in the brown bottle.

[women] wow.

Oh my, I'm not supposed
to be buying so many. What do I do?

With these babies,
you're making money the more you buy.

- Oh yeah?
- Oh!

- Well, it is super moist like you said.
- Here. See how my skin glows?

Just apply this after you wash your faces.

It won't even take that long. Two weeks.

No results? You'll get your money back.
That's my personal guarantee.

Young lady, you've got a way with words.

- She's gonna bleed our wallets dry.
- She's great, right?

I was tight with her mom.

Her family used to be very wealthy.

She grew up around the finest things,
so she's got quite an eye for what's good.

[woman 1] That's right!
Her outfit kind of radiated

- that rich person aura.
- [maid] She's not like us.

- She's not.
- This one? Fifty thousand won online.

- [woman 2 gasps] Really?
- Seven thousand won at the thrift store.

- This cost you 7,000 won?
- [woman 1] Oh my, it looks expensive.

Tell me where you bought all this
so I can tell my daughter to get me some.

[woman 1] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ladies, I'll give you all my tips,
but please look at the cosmetics first.

- Oh, all right.
- [maid] Stay focused, ladies.

Hey, this one sprays! Oh my, hey!

Give it two weeks. A miracle will happen.

- You'll see a miracle.
- [woman 1] It's organic.

It doesn't smell like makeup at all.
It's practically scentless.

- Wow.
- Take your time and check it out.

It really has no smell
because it's all organic, right?

[woman 2] Hey, check this out.
It's perky now. It's already perked up.

[woman 1] Oh, it's so soft.
We'll see a miracle in two weeks?

- [maid] We'll look ten years younger.
- [woman 1] Ten years? [laughs]

[woman 2] At your age? Ten years, my foot.

[woman 1] You're just jealous.

[woman 2] Jealous?

[indistinct chatter]

[pensive music playing]

[maid] Do you have any
skin whitening products?

Ugh, these freckles
just keep showing up. It's killing me.

Of course I do.

What's this?

This has five times the vitamin C content
found in conventional cosmetics.

[AI voice] "Your car" has arrived.

[whimsical alert chimes]

- [women gasp]
- [AI voice] "Your car" has arrived.

[tires screech]

- Oh no!
- [woman 1] The car...

- [women gasping]
- I think Mrs. Yoon is here. What do I do?

[woman 1] What do I do?

You said she wasn't coming back
for a while!

- Oh God!
- Tell me, what should I do?

[maid] Hey, shut up!

You guys take these and get outside.
A-ri, hurry up and wrap it up here, okay?

- Hurry up.
- [woman 2] Okay!

[maid] Clear it out! Put it away!

Call me later, okay? Got it?

[maid] What are you doing?

- You have to get out!
- [A-ri] Almost done.

- [maid breathing heavily]
- [lock beeping]

- [both gasp]
- [lock chimes]

Well, I thought you would be occupied.

Welcome back, Mrs. Yoon.
I thought you'd be out for longer.

Things change.

I'm back earlier than planned.
It wasn't the best lunch situation.


How do you know about all that?

Did you hear it from your sister?
About Biniimom?

[man] Nope, from Chae-hee's boyfriend.

An, the lawyer. I play golf with him.

Chae-hee must have kicked up
quite a fuss over the phone.

And on the tenth hole,

he apologized out of the blue,
and ran off freaking out. [chuckles]

Chae-hee's got quite the temper, that one.
I guess he went to calm her down.

Why do you go to these meet-ups?
It's not exactly your cup of tea.

Because of Chae-hee's nagging?

Well, that's part of it.

But also, it's common practice
to advertise through influencers nowadays.

It helps whenever
the foundation's hosting events.

I mean, then why don't you
just manage your own account?

Why put up with the hassle?

Yoon Si-hyeon,
the chairman of Haeum Foundation.

That name and title alone
should be enough.

I'll pass. [chuckles]

You know I just prefer
to operate discreetly.

By the way,
what are you doing about your sister?

She's all worked up saying
she's going to recruit your help

to sue Biniimom and Wang Ro-la.

I'll take care of it.

I'll just butter her up a bit, you know?

Honey, this situation
doesn't merit such an extreme response.

[line ringing]

Oh, I'm getting a call from your sister.

[inhales] I'm going to pick up this call.
Can you stay on the line for now?

[phone chimes]

Oh, Chae-hee, where are you?



[pensive music playing]

- [door opens]
- [gasps]

A-ri, hurry up and come out.




[car chimes]

[dog barking in the distance]

- [lock chiming]
- [door unlocks]

- [sighs]
- [lock chimes]


You're here? [chuckles]

Hey, look at this. Hmm?

How does your mom look? Hmm?

- Wow, Coco Chanel in the flesh.
- Right?

It's just perfect for me.

I mean, remember how I was really into
this kind of fashion back then?

- Mom.
- [chuckles]

Someday, everything's
gonna blow up in your face.

People trust you with their clothes.
You can't just try them on.

- [scoffs] What is there to blow up?
- [A-ri exhales]

It's not like the quality goes down.

Besides, what if it does? [chuckles]

Once I'm done fixing them up,
there won't be a trace.

Not one. [chuckles]

We hit rock bottom ages ago,
yet madam sees fit to keep up appearances.

Take them off. They aren't your clothes.

No way. Mmm.

I mean, this kind of fun keeps me going.

I don't run a clothing alteration shop
in Gangnam for nothing.

I know, right?
The store isn't making any money,

but the rent is high.

You know we barely made rent this month?

God! Money, money, money, money.

Can you stop talking like a commoner?
It's completely unattractive.

I am a commoner.

Oh wait, living like this is Gangnam,
we're even lower. An untouchable?

Oh please.

Hey, I raised you for 18 years

as the privileged daughter
of a rich family.

We're of noble origins, you and I.

Well, in reality,
our lives our a dumpster fire.

It's been like that for 13 years, hmm?


[door opens]

- That place you went to today...
- [A-ri sighs]

...did you manage to sell a lot of makeup?


[pensive music playing]


That's the thing on social media
Jeong-sun was talking about.


[screen unlocks]

- [chimes]
- [beeping]

[A-ri] Funny, isn't it?

To think the famous Seo A-ri
didn't have an account at the time.

But it's true.

I was busy dealing with real life.

It's not like I had time to follow
that kind of nonsense.

[phone continues beeping]]

[phone chimes]


- What if...
- [sighs]

...all of this had just ended
right then and there?

Then the next decision,
and the one after that,

and then the next.

What if I had made
different choices back then?

Would this chain of events
have never occurred?

What would've happened?

Would the Seo A-ri of today

have been a different person?

[A-ri] The boss has some nerve

making me get his wife's
birthday present for him.

That's because
you have amazing fashion sense.

I get to shop vicariously,
then I'm vicariously satisfied.

You enjoy doing this
during our lunch break?

Of course I do.

We're talking Bulgari here. For real.

Hey, do not let it show
that you're running errands for someone.

Act like it's for you, totally natural.

That way, I'll get to try on one
of their diamond wristwatches. Get it?

[chuckles] Not even a little.

You do so.

[jazz music playing faintly]

[A-ri] Nope, it's not for me.
I'm here on an errand.


The "B.zero1" necklace.

This one. The rose gold.
I'll take that one.

[case slides open]

Ugh, Min-hye, you really went overboard.

How else am I gonna de-stress?

Spending money's
the only thing that helps.

You aren't gonna buy anything?

Oh no.

These are all your kinds of clothes.
They aren't exactly my style.

Chae-hee says she's gonna sue Wang Ro-la.

Angela and Ji-na
are still thinking about it.


My husband would kill me if I did.

He already hates my social media presence.

He won't even take a selfie with me.
He says it would ruin his reputation.

Oh please.
Nobody cares about doctors anymore.

He has some nerve
acting like you're beneath him.

[chuckles] That's why I envy you.

I mean, your husband's so supportive,
and he's just the sweetest man.

You've got some followers, thanks to me.
Mention his hospital online.

- That ought to change his tune.
- It's not like I hadn't considered that.

But my public image
is really taking a hit.

That really pisses me off.

- What'd you say?
- [sighs]


I worked so hard to build this image,
and that bitch...

[sighs] How do I teach Binii a lesson?

Biniimom? Not Wang Ro-la?

What is it?
I thought you and Binii used to be close.

That fucking bitch
talked shit about me first.

What did she say? I copied her?

Who has more followers right now?


I have more followers than anyone.


- Well, that is true.
- [sighs]

[exhales] Let's go to Bulgari.

I might feel better
if I buy myself some new jewelry.


[Jeong-sun grunts, giggles]

Isn't is heavy? Let me carry it. Hmm?

You mean the necklace?

Just take a photo of me. Hurry.

Is that why you wanted to tag along?

[Jeong-sun] Get a clear shot.
I'll be posting it to Instagram.

- [camera shutter clicking]
- Should I hold it like I don't care?

I've seen celebrities
just put it on the ground.

That's just tacky.

Sure, people that are out to show off
their designer goods might do that.

"I'm so rich. I can spend
as much as I want on expensive things."

But if you really know the value
of a luxury brand,

you should know how to treat it with care.

That's a more classy attitude,
don't you think?

- [Min-hye scoffs]
- [camera shutter clicking]


[gasps] Oh!

[chuckles] Oh my God.
A-ri, it's you! Seo A-ri.

[chuckles] Don't you remember me?

It's me, Oh Min-hye.

[Min-hye chuckles]

- O... Oh...
- [Jeong-sun] What?

The real Oh... Oh Min-hye?

It... It's you, isn't it?

The Luna Chic Oh Min-hye? That's you?

[Min-hye chuckles]

Girl, it's so nice to see you.
How have you been?

- This is crazy.
- Oh yeah.

[whimsical music playing]

[Jeong-sun] You had no idea?

Oh Min-hye. She's one of
the hottest celebrities right now.

I didn't recognize her
because her face changed so much.


[Min-hye] Okay.

Sorry, A-ri.
We just released a new product.

Gosh, it is such an honor
to meet you, Ms. Min-hye.

I also follow you.
We're buddies on Instagram.

Oh my, really? Oh, thank you.

Would you mind if I took a selfie with you
for bragging rights?

- Of course not.
- [Jeong-sun and Min-hye chuckle]

- [Jeong-sun chuckles]
- [camera shutter clicking]

[Jeong-sun chuckles] Thank you so much.

Min-hye, is this that friend?
She is, isn't she?

Yup. This is the friend
that went to the Ivy League.

[A-ri coughs]

Isn't that right, A-ri?
You went overseas to Yale, wasn't it?

Anyway, you went to some school there.

- The thing is...
- I brag about you sometimes, you know.

- That I have a friend at an Ivy League.
- Mmm.

[Min-hye] It's something to be proud of,
having a friend like that. [chuckles]

[inhales] So tell me. What are you up to?

You pursue your own career,
or working for daddy?

She was super famous.

Crazy rich, A+ student,
great fashion sense...

A-ri would wear something,

and all the other kids
would try to imitate her.

Oh wow, you really have it all.
I'm so jealous.

So what are you doing?

Now I'm working as
a door-to-door makeup...

Ah! A-ri just works on putting on makeup,
and wearing clothes, and partying.

[chuckles nervously]

God, you know how it is
with these super-rich kid types.

They're born into privilege,
so they just eat and party.

Working hard to survive? Well,
that's for the average Joes out there.


[Jeong-sun groans, chuckles]

[smacks lips] Well, that sounds like you.

God, I was jealous of you then.

Now I'm even more jealous. [chuckles]

[phones chime]

- [sighs] God, I'm going crazy.
- [chiming continues]

My phone keeps blowing up, you know?

Right. You seem busy,
so we should really get going.

Oh, A-ri, we should connect.
What's your handle? I'll follow you.

- Let's follow each other.
- What?

That's fine. I'm not on social media.

You're not? Why?

A girl like you, you'd be so popular.

Give me your phone number.
I can call...


Ms. Min-hye,
why don't I just send you a DM?

Yes? If you follow me back,

I can relay whatever your message is
to A-ri. [chuckles]

I should follow you?

Why is that necessary?

I mean, that works, A-ri, right?

Phone calls are old-fashioned.
It's all DMs now.

She should do that, okay?

I'll tell you my handle.
Does that work for you?


[Jeong-sun chuckles]

- [A-ri chuckles]
- [upbeat music playing]

- ♪ Hey! ♪
- ♪ Everybody says "Who that girl?" ♪

♪ Ice on my neck, VS and pearl ♪

♪ Drank too much, I need to sit ♪

♪ Call me "Young Queen B"
I'mma rule the world ♪

♪ Ooh, high heels I got already ♪

♪ Ooh, every bag 20 ♪

♪ Ooh, Black Card, A1 credit ♪

♪ Ooh, you're never gonna get it ♪

- ♪ Step out, broke boys... ♪
- [treadmill beeps]


♪ Back off, step out... ♪

[Min-hye] Finished today's 40-minute run
after a series of grueling meetings.

Being tired is no excuse
to let yourself go.

[Min-hye sighs]

Now then, honey, here.

- Whoa, hold on.
- Uh, should I stay here?

- Right. Okay, here. Uh...
- [camera shutter clicking]

[both chuckle]

[man exhales]

[Min-hye] Look at him.
What choice do I have but to love him?

- My husband, my treasure.
- [chimes]

That's right, I'm a fool in love.

- [phone thuds]
- [sighs]

Say, "Ah."

- [gasps] Are you insane? I'll gain weight.
- Oh.

Then at least have some juice.
I just squeezed some fresh fruit.

I can't, that's all sugar.

Those Gabin Society members
are skin and bones.

It stresses me out
when we take photos together.


Water, please.

Getting you water now.

- [man grunts]
- [Min-hye sighs]

- [man hums]
- [Min-hye groans]


[exhales] Oh.

[ice clanking]

Honey, I've mentioned Seo A-ri before,
haven't I? My friend for high school?

Oh, the Ivy Leaguer?
The pretty and popular one?

I ran into her at Bulgari.

[sucks teeth] She's still full of herself,
just like I remember.


She must still be doing well
if you ran into her there.

Does she look rich?

You hated her 'cause she wouldn't stop
bragging about how rich she was.

[sighs, smacks lips]

I'm thinking of inviting her
to come to the party.

- You know, the party this weekend.
- Weren't you going with Biniimom?

- You're gonna change that?
- Of course I am!

Binii is royally fucked,
thanks to this catfight.

Besides, there's no way
I'm going with that bitch anymore.

You have a point.

You're right. If she's an Ivy Leaguer,
she's probably on your level.

- That's right.
- Mm-hmm.

- Should I DM her?
- Mm-hmm.

[Min-hye breathes deeply]

[keypad chimes]

Oh God, please! Go! Just go, please!

Ugh, why are you acting like this?
I said no.

God, it's a celebrity party.
Oh Min-hye, huh?

The Oh Min-hye asked you to go with her.

Say you'll go, and take me along.
Just take one selfie there, please!

What would I even wear there?
They probably have a dress code and stuff.

There should be some nice clothes
that are in for alterations.

[Jeong-sun] Oh my God. Really, ma'am?


There's this one sleek dress.

Wear that to the party, A-ri, okay?
Talk about perfect timing.

- [A-ri] Ugh, Mom!
- [gasps]

You really think I'll wear
someone else's stolen clothes?

You scared me.

It's not stealing, A-ri.
You're just taking it out for a stroll.

Stop it, enough!

You, go home.

Get out now!

Ugh, I'm having some fruit
before I go, witch.

[A-ri sighs]


[sighs] Oh, so pretty.

[sighs] You're the best, Hyeon-young.

I so wanted a full set
from the Serpenti collection.

[keypad clicking]

[woman] Wow. Good for you, Min-hye.

Put it on my card.

[Min-hye exhales]

Oh God, it's crazy.

- Did I spend 30,000,000 won today?
- Thirty million?

- [woman] You really are stunning, Min-hye.
- [Min-hye] Right?

[Jeong-sun] God, that's amazing.

Min-hye just bought
a premium-tier collection

right on the spot. [exhales]


You're really gonna throw this away?


It's old, and I barely use it anymore.



Uh, then, maybe can I have it?


[gasps, exclaims]

Burberry, wow. [gasps]

How did Min-hye...

[pensive music playing]

[pensive music building, halts]


- [pensive music continues]
- [phone chimes]

- [keypad clicking]
- [phone chimes]


- [keypad clicking]
- [chimes]

[phone chimes]


[pensive music continues]

[music fades]

Good morning, ma'am.

Make sure she does prison time.

Five years. No, ten!

She has to pay for trying
to come after me.

[man] Honey, I told you already.

Uh, something like this,
the most she'll get is a fine, okay?

Just a fine?

That's bullshit! No, I want her in jail!

- Just do it for me.
- Of course I want to do it,

- they mistreated you.
- [sighs]

[man] But from a legal standpoint...

All right, we get it. Hmm?

- We'll do as you wish.
- Really, Tae-jeon?

I mean, I don't see why not.
We are Taegang, right?

Just proceed as our client wishes, hmm?
Let the law firm handle everything.

And forget about it.

Uh, yeah. Okay, sir.

- [knocks on door]
- [Chae-hee chuckles]

- Honey.
- Huh?

- What are you doing here?
- [chuckles]

- A moment?
- Mmm.

[Si-hyeon sighs]

I dropped by because I was worried
your sister might try this.

But are you really going to file a suit?

No, don't worry.
I'm only going to pretend, okay?

Don't you know Chae-hee?

I told her what she wants to hear
so she'll forget about everything.

I'll just play along.

You should pretend you don't know
and forget about it too.

You must be tired
from looking after Chae-hee.

She's a bit quirky, my sister.

No, I'm fine.

Take good care of her, hmm?

Ever since she was little,
you were the only person she'd listen to.

[footsteps approaching]

[man 2] Sir?

- It's time for the meeting.
- That's right. Let's go.

I'll take care of it, huh?


[pensive music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, isn't that Jun-kyoung?

- Jun-kyoung...
- Chae-hee, hold on a sec.

[Chae-hee] What?

Just let him be.
Don't call him, he's on his way out.

Why? We haven't seen him in a while.

- We should at least say hi.
- No, it's fine.

I heard you were here,
so I dropped by on the way to pick you up.

- We'll be pressed for time as it is.
- Oh, the party?

Okay, fine.
I guess I can catch up with him there.

What do you mean?

- Catch up with Jun-kyoung?
- Yeah.

Jun-kyoung should be there.

His company's sponsoring
the party tonight.

[Mrs. A-ri gasps] Oh! [chuckles]

Ah, a perfect fit, right?


These clothes were meant for you.

Aw! [giggles]

You know, girl,

you can thank your mother
for winning the genetic lottery.


You ruined your daughter's youth,
and now you're laughing about it?

I'm not the one
who ruined the business, okay?

Blame your dead dad.



what finally changed your mind?

You were so set on not going.

I'm just a little curious

- about what these people are like.
- Huh?

God, never mind this.
I'll just wear my own clothes.

Hey, what's this? Why?

I can't wear this.
It belongs to someone else.

[Mrs. A-ri sighs] Hey.

Are you that desperate to make
a laughingstock of yourself?

Saying, "I'm destitute
and wear cheap, off-brand crap"

to these women with luxury items.

Is that your plan?

[grunts] Just wear it, and go.

Just wear it a little,
and let's, um, dry-clean it.


Come here.

Oh, look.

Look how gorgeous you are, A-ri.


[pensive music playing]

[sighs] I'm sad enough sending you off.

Don't dress like a bum,
or you'll break your mother's heart.

[Mrs. A-ri groans]

[Chae-hee] Should be about a month
since Jun-kyoung got back.

I heard he was gonna
take over the company.

I guess you didn't hear.

[Chae-hee sighs]

Si-hyeon, why don't you wear
that Saint Laurent dress?

That would've been perfect.

It's being altered.

A thread came lose
while I was cleaning up.

Oh no, that beauty?

[scoffs] Saving it for later
was a bad idea.

Why keep it packed away
when you could be wearing it?

Hurry up and finish preparing.

- We're almost there.
- [Chae-hee sighs]

[upbeat music playing]


[crowd screaming]

[camera shutters clicking]

[crowd cheering]


[girl screams]


[cheering continues]


[crowd continues screaming]

- [indistinct chatter]
- [clamoring]

- [gentle music playing]
- [cheering fades]

- [Jun-kyoung] What is this? This is why...
- [A-ri screams]

What are you doing?

Who do you think you are?
You can't touch me.

I'm so sorry.
I took you for the wrong person.

Oh really?

Of course you thought I was someone else.
That's what they all say.

You know, perverts.

Not at all. That's not true.

I really thought
that you were someone I know.

[camera shutter clicks]

Hey, what are you doing?

- Phone number.
- Huh?

Give me your phone number
so I can report you.

I have a motto I live by.
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

But in these cases,
I don't deal with people myself.

- I let the police handle it.
- The police?


You know how often I run into perverts
like you on the subway

day after day on my way to work?

Yeah. I reported them all.
Of course I do. That's why I pay my taxes.


Something funny?


Taxes, the subway... I mean,
things were getting so interesting.

How so?

[sighs] Playing dumb?
You've got some nerve.

Fine. I knew you weren't
going to give it to me.

The photo was so I could report you.

[Jun-kyoung] 010, 0040.


Did you not hear me?
You need me to repeat that?

[Jun-kyoung chuckles]

To think there's another person
that owns that outfit,

that's also interesting.

Do give me a call.

I'll look... forward to it.

[whimsical music playing]

["Sins" by Glen Check playing]

♪ It never felt too right ♪

♪ Love without a fight
Do you feel it? ♪

♪ I see a halo around your head
Are you an angel from the skies? ♪

♪ Are you... ♪

[Min-hye] Hey, A-ri! [chuckles]

You're here!

Ooh, what is this?
You look so pretty today.

- Any traffic?
- [A-ri] No.

[Min-hye] Isn't this place amazing?
It's great, isn't it?

This is my BFF I told you all about.

A-ri, these are my friends. Say hi.

Nice to meet you. I'm Seo A-ri.

- [woman 1] You remember me, right?
- [A-ri chuckles]

Oh my, a Saint Laurent tweed.
Now there's a rare sight.

[Angela] You look so pretty.

My, my. You dressed to kill
to keep up with your friend?

I sure did.

I didn't want Ms. Ivy League
to hog the spotlight.

- [all gasp]
- Really? You went to an Ivy League school?

[Min-hye] Yeah, she went there.

Min-hye, stop.

Why? Nothing wrong with bragging.
It's not like you made it up or something.

A-ri's fashion is just out of this world.

She used to be super famous.
Everyone knew her in Gangnam.

Gangnam, Gangnam...

It's enough
to make someone from Hannam cry.

[Min-hye] Oh please.
You live in a penthouse!

- [women chuckle]
- [Angela] Pretty face, model student...

Your family, is it also...

Of course it is.

Our moms were also best friends
because both our families were loaded.

[Ji-na] Wow, do you just surround yourself
with these people?

Did you get straight A's too?

Don't talk about my grades.

Can't have everything like old A-ri here.

[women chuckling]

Oh! Over here!

[Min-hye chuckles]

Ah, here comes someone else
who meets A-ri's specs.

[women chuckle]

Si-hyeon, over here.

[woman 1] Chae-hee, over here.

[woman 1 chuckles]

- Oh my, they're so pretty!
- [Angela] You guys are so pretty!

[Min-hye] You look so elegant today.

Thanks so much.

Who's this? This is a new face.

[Min-hye] Seo A-ri. A friend of mine.

- A-ri, this is Chae-hee.
- [Chae-hee] What?

That dress...

Si-hyeon, isn't that your dress?
Saint Laurent?

[Si-hyeon chuckles]

[Biniimom] I'm not allowed to go in?

What are you talking about?
I have a fucking invitation.

[man] I'm sorry,
but I can't find your name on the list.

[Biniimom sighs]

Sweetheart, do you know who I am?

- I'm Biniimom, goddammit.
- [man sighs]

Please step aside.

Other VIPs are waiting to enter.

[indistinct chatter]

[Biniimom sighs]

How did you get your hands on it?
It was super hard to get.


I also got on the waitlist for that dress,
but couldn't get it.

Where did you buy it?

Milan? Paris?

Uh... Um...

A-ri, where was it?


[Angela] Please share
some shopping tips with us.

- Where did you get it?
- Come on, don't be shy.


The thing is, I...

This is...

This is...

The thing is, this...

Um, it's...

[Si-hyeon] London, wasn't it?

I remember an employee
at the New York store telling me

that the last one in stock
could only be bought in London.

- [Chae-hee] Oh! [chuckles]
- [Angela] Right.

Oh, London?

Hey, is this an Ivy League bonding moment
for the two of you?

I'm a design major.
I wouldn't call myself an Ivy Leaguer.

[Chae-hee] Si-hyeon,
when you talk like that, it's so annoying.

[women chuckle]

A-ri, do you have some tips?

Oh, my cousins are trying to send
their kid off to the Ivy Leagues.

[woman 1] God, me too.

My husband just keeps going on
about Ivy this...

[A-ri] No.

That would be hard for me to do.


I didn't go to an Ivy League school.

I got into

an Ivy League school,
but I didn't end up going.

I'm not an Ivy Leaguer,
so I guess you could say...

I'm a college dropout.

- [woman 1 gasps]
- A-ri, why didn't you something earlier?

Well, I just did, so that settles that.

I think I should go now.

[Biniimom] Hey, Oh Min-hye!

[indistinct chatter]


[all gasp]


[dramatic music playing]

[A-ri] That was the moment

when I discovered
the hidden cheat code for this world.

To be honest, I went to the party
that night because I was curious.

"What kind of people live like this?"

"Who are they, and what do they do
that makes them so much money?"

And then, right when I was about to leave,

embarrassed of my own sad existence
and feeling rejected...

- What are you doing?
- [Biniimom] It was you!

You're the one that took me off the list.

You, how could you do this to me?

When I met you,

you only had a measly 3,000 followers.
You begged me to help.

Didn't you tell me you wanted
to be my best friend, huh?

Sucking up to me, latching on.

Like a fucking leech.

- Like a parasite!
- [Min-hye] Shut the hell up!

- [exhales] You're lying.
- It was all thanks to me!

You used to be nothing.

You got access to my connections.

Thanks to me, your follower count grew

because you hoard your face
on my feed, you bitch!

[all gasp, scream]

[Min-hye breathing heavily]

[A-ri] Ah.

So that was it.

Don't you know how you got famous?

[A-ri] "Become famous."

It was because of me.

That's why you approached me.

- [A-ri] Approach a celebrity.
- [Biniimom] "Can I mention your name?"

"Can I use your photos?"

Borrow someone else's power.

That's how you became someone.

- By leeching off of me!
- [Min-hye screams]

Become their parasite.

- [tires screech]
- [Min-hye exhales]

Wait, what?

What do you mean?

Seo A-ri started a livestream?

[woman] It's true, Min-hye.

Turn on the livestream.
People are going nuts!

What are they talking about, dammit?
What kind of bullshit is this?

Si-hyeon, it's me.

I know. I'm watching it right now.

But this doesn't make any sense at all.

Chae-hee. A-ri, she's...

"She's just pretending.
It's all an elaborate act?"

- Well, sure. That's to be expected.
- [Si-hyeon gasps]

The Seo A-ri you all know...

[Min-hye gasps] Oh!

There's no way!

No way. You can't be Seo A-ri.
[breathing shakily]

That's right.

The number one e-celeb
with 1.3 million followers

who rose to fame

That Seo A-ri...

Seo A-ri is...

She's dead.

- But you died.
- [dramatic music playing]

Seo A-ri, you're already dead.

[A-ri] That Seo A-ri...

She's dead.

- [dramatic sting]
- [dramatic music continues]

Then what am I? Who could I be?

Wouldn't you like to know?


Are you scared yet?


Especially you.


[keypad clicks]

Who killed me?


The one who's afraid
I might still be alive.

I'm talking about you.

[closing theme music playing]

[music halts]