Catfish: The TV Show (2012–…): Season 8, Episode 22 - Jeanette, Kiara & Patrick - full transcript

Helping Jeanette find her catfish turns crazy when Nev and Kamie find out Jeanette's cousin Kiara might be dating the same notorious catfish in real life.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Kiara,
for the last six months,

has been dating a girl
named Gabby in real life.

But the whole time,

Gabby has been catfishing
Kiara's cousin, Jeanette,

using a fake profile.

- What?

- And Kiara is still
making excuses for Gabby.

- Sorry, Jeanette, but I do
want to get back with her.

- I just need help making it
clear to my cousin

that she's a complete liar.

- This thread is filled
with stories about Gabby

catfishing different people
from New York.

- This girl takes the cake.
- She's like--she's clever.

- She is the catfish queen.

- What the hell is going on?

[dramatic musical sting]

[upbeat music]

[singers vocalizing]

- ♪ Yeah, we're dancing
in the afterglow ♪

[computer dings]

- Good morning!

- What did you do to your dog?
- Oh, God.

Doesn't he look so sad?

He got a little infection
in the paw,

and now he has to wear
the dunce cap.

- Honestly, it barely
looks like he even notices.

- [laughs]
He does, trust me.

If you see his eyes right now,
they're literally like this.

- [laughs]

All right, you ready to rock?
Let's dive on in.

Oh, we got one, here we go.
"I really need your help.

"Hi, Nev and Kamie.
My name is Jeanette.

"I'm 28 from Long Island,

"and I am a visual merchandiser
for a big retail chain.

"A few months ago,
my cousin, Kiara,

introduced me to this guy,

- ♪ Close my eyes,
I can embrace you ♪

- "Patrick is 35,
served in the military,

"is smart, handsome,

and has a good job at the FBI."

- What?
- [laughs]

- Oh, God.

So what, everything has
to be kept a secret,

he can't reveal too much?

- Well, let's see.
Wait, actually this is good.

"We would speak every day
via DM.

"We eventually were texting,
but Patrick was

"always complaining
about his broken phone.

"Our conversations
became infrequent,

"and I began to think

"there was something strange
going on.

"Then things really got weird.

"When my cousin, Kiara,
introduced me to Patrick,

Kiara was dating Patrick's
cousin, Gabby, in real life."

- Oh.

- "Kiara and Gabby seemed
to be very happy.

"Honestly, it all sounded
like a romantic comedy,

but it turned out
to be more of a horror show."

- ♪ I can't tell
what's real or not ♪

- "I confided in my cousin

"that I was suspicious
of Patrick.

"One day,
Kiara did some digging.

"She found some really messed
up things in Gabby's phone.

"They had a huge fight,
and Kiara told me

"that she thinks
Patrick is not real.

"I want to know the truth

"about who Patrick
and Gabby are,

"because I am still not sure
who I was talking to.

"And even though Kiara knows

"Gabby might have been
lying to us,

"she's willing to forgive her
and take her back

"because they are in love,
which I think is a mistake.

"I'm not sure what
this girl is capable of.

"I would truly appreciate
your help.

Thanks, Jeanette."

- ♪ I can't tell
what's real or not ♪

- It sounds to me
like she found out

that Gabby is also Patrick.

- Wow, so then this could mean

not only would Jeanette
and Patrick's relationship

be over, but in real life,

Kiara and Gabby's relationship
could also be over

if it's not already over
after that fight.

- Right.
There's a lot at stake.

All right,
I'm gonna text Jeanette.

Jeanette wrote back.

She says, "Hi, Nev!
Yes, let's talk!"

[notification chimes]
- Hey.

- What's up, Jeanette?
- How are you guys?

- Great, we read your email
and we were sweating.

I mean, the drama,

and the intrigue,
and the mystery.

- It's a great story.

And it sounds like
it is far from over.

- Yes.

- You got to fill us in
with all the details

so we can know what's going on.

- Absolutely.
I'll start from the beginning.

I know Patrick
through my cousin, Kiara,

and her girlfriend, Gabby.

I met Gabby
three, four months ago.

She came with my cousin
to my job.

We went out to go eat
after I got off from work.

And my cousin mentions, "Hey,
we should hook up my cousin

with your cousin, Patrick."

And Gabby pulls out her phone.

She starts showing me,
like, his Instagram.

I'm like,
"Okay, he's attractive."

Gabby kept pushing him on me,

showing me
more and more pictures.

I was like, "Okay, yeah.
He's cute, I get it."

- So you were into it?
- Yeah.

And that's kind of
how we started conversating.

- And had Kiara ever talked
to Patrick

before he started talking
to you?

- Yes, they were in contact.

They were getting to know
each other's families.

She had communicated
with him before.

- Hmm.Okay.

- What was the vibe for you
about Patrick

in those first few weeks?

- Our conversations
were really, really good.

We were messaging constantly,

just getting
to know each other.

And it was really easy.

He actually says right away
that he's a fed.

So I was actually impressed.
I was like, "Wow."

- I feel like a real fed
wouldn't say, "I'm a fed."

They would say,
"I work for the FBI."

- Right.
[both laugh]

To me, I just thought,

"Maybe he trusts me
because I know his cousin."

- But you've never talked
to Patrick on the phone?

- No.

- I'm pretty sure,
if you're in the FBI,

you have to have
a working phone.

- Right.

He kept repeating how
his phone was still broken

and how he hasn't had a chance
to get it fixed.

That's when I kind of started

to feel like
there's something he's hiding.

So at one point,
my cousin calls me one night,

tells me, "I think Patrick
might be fake."

So I asked her.
I was like, "What's going on?"

From what I know, Kiara
and Gabby, they would fight,

and she was having
a bit of trust issues.

And she tells me,
"I went through Gabby's phone,

and I saw a whole bunch
of pictures of Patrick."

Like, everything that he has
on his Instagram

is on her phone saved,

but she asks Gabby,
and Gabby denies it at first.

So I start doing a little bit
more digging at this point,

and I eventually find
the real guy.

- The guy in the pictures?
- Yes.

- Interesting.

- I send that to my cousin.
She shows Gabby.

She's like,
"You can't lie to me.

Look at the real person
right here."

She's like,
"Okay, I'll admit it.

But it's not me, I promise.
I'm covering for some guy."

- You don't buy that, do you?
- No.

I got so weirded out.

She's definitely a big liar,
but I don't think

it's concrete enough
for my cousin to really see.

This is where I would
really appreciate your help,

making it clear to my cousin
that she's lying.

- Right.
- So obviously,

your cousin is
all mixed up in this.

What do you know about Gabby
and Kiara's relationship?

- They had met five months ago
online through a dating app.

She had nothing but
good things to say about her.

Like, "Oh, she's really nice.
She treats me so well."

And my cousin rarely ever spoke
about any partner

she's ever been with
to me like that.

This was the first girl
she brought

to meet the family.

She had never brought another
girl to meet the family.

And I met Gabby.

She was really, really nice
at that time.

She just came off so generous
and, like, genuine.

I was like, "Wow,
I really like this girl."

You know, the fact that they
were talking about the future

together was like, this is
pretty freaking serious.

- Do you think
there's a chance

that Kiara is still
holding out hope somehow

that things could work out
between them, you think?

- Yeah, but she has to see
that she's insane.

She still has all those things

that Gabby said
to her lingering.

I've seen people like this
that are manipulators.

And then, when they get caught
in a lie,

they manipulate people
to turn things around.

- Right, and Kiara was bringing
Gabby around to the family,

so if this is her first
serious girlfriend,

that's obviously a reason

why Kiara is not willing
to just let it go.

- You are concerned
that, like,

based on
Gabby's manipulation tactics,

Kiara might still be willing to
or vulnerable to Gabby

kind of winning her back.

- Exactly, and that's like--
my main priority

is protecting her
from who Gabby really is

'cause she's still trying
to get with my cousin.

- Okay, well, look,
I mean, at this point,

we got to figure this out.

Send us all the stuff
you found ASAP.

- Absolutely.
- And let us do some digging.

And we'll get back to you.

- We could be potentially
doing a bust.

The Female Bureau
of Investigation.

- Exactly.

That's what I need.

- Talk to you soon.
- All right, talk to you...

- I feel like I just stepped
into another dimension.

- I'm just so curious what this
Gabby, what does she look like?

- What does she talk like?

- We know she has
the gift of gabbing.

- Ah!

- I feel like Jeanette
basically cracked the case,

but with all this Gabby
breakup-makeup drama,

we need to get Jeanette

something more concrete

- Let's do it.
I can't wait anymore.

- All right,
so let's just dive into this.

There is an email
from Jeanette.

Whoa, that was fast.

"Hey, Nev and Kamie.
Here's what I have."

She's got Patrick's
phone number and his Instagram.

"The real photos of Patrick are
a guy named Jonathan [bleep]."

- Jeanette is on it.
- She gave us his Instagram.

And then, here's Gabby's info.
Gabriella [bleep].

And we've got her Instagram,
her phone number.

And then, here's a picture
of her and Kiara.

So here's Kiara on the left
and Gabby on the right.

All right, where do you
want to start?

- Have we seen pictures
of Patrick?

Like, what does he look like?

- All right, let's go
to Patrick's Instagram.

So this is the fake profile.
Here he is.

- He's a stud.
- Right.

All right, so the most recent
actual photo.

- Who's that

that said, "Hey there, mister!
I miss you.

I hope you're doing well"?
Who was that?

- Good question.

We could reach out to this girl'cause

why would she post on
this account we know is fake?

Unless she's just another girl
that he's catfishing.

- Or it's another
made-up account made by Gabby.

- Maybe.
Send her a message.

All right, let's go--

somehow she found the profile
of the real guy, right?

Oh, here we go.

So Patrick is actually
a guy named Jonathan.

- Look, and he's an actor.
- He's an actor.

- Should we message Jonny?

- Yeah, I guess
we should, right?

Okay, send.

So should we look up
Patrick's phone number?

- Yeah.
- I'm searching

whoever Jeanette's
been talking to's phone number.

Okay, so clearly, Patrick's
"phone number" is a text app.

That doesn't surprise us.

All right, let's look
at Gabby's Instagram.

Here we go.
Ah, private.

- She has to have other,
like, accounts.

- That's true.
We could search that profile.

- There is a Facebook profile.

- Well, it looks like her,
doesn't it?

- That's her,

but this page hasn't
been used in a long time.

- Yeah.

- What if we just
searched her name?

- Here's this thing.

I don't know exactly what
this is, "The Jersey City."

So let's see what this is.
Look at this.

"You know the cute
redhaired bartender

"with the Hungarian accent,

"Well, she happens
to be impersonating men

"on the Internet.

Check it out for yourself."
Oh, and then look.

Here's this
Gabby [bleep] Tumblr thread.

[dramatic musical sting]

Oh, my God.
This is incredible.

- Oh!
- "I was catfished by Gabby.

Her name is Gabby [bleep].
She lives in Queens."

There's even another one.
A different person.

"The girl is Gabby.
She poses as his cousin."

- Wow.

- Another girl says
she knew Gabby in real life

and caught her
catfishing her friend.

Oh, my God, these threads are
filled with stories of Gabby

catfishing people
from New York.

- So is Gabby
some horrible, crazy monster?

- Look, there's a ton more.

I mean, we've just scratched
the tip of the iceberg.

- Oh, my God!
Poor Kiara.

This girl has to be stopped!

- So Kiara had
started dating Gabby.

Everything was perfect.

Even her cousin,
Jeanette, liked Gabby.

Then, what could be better?

Oh, Gabby's got a super
handsome cousin named Patrick,

so Jeanette starts talking
to Patrick.

Things are going great.

Then he starts getting weird
about his phone.

It turns out Gabby lied.
Patrick's not real.

And now, we discovered

that Gabby's got a history
of doing this stuff.

- This is juicy.

- I mean, these threads are
filled with stories of Gabby

catfishing people
from New York.

- She's like
a super mega catfish.

- 2017, 2014.

Some of these posts
go back six years.

- This girl has to be stopped!
[phone vibrates]

- Oh, I'm getting a phone call.

This is Nev.
Who is this?

- Sarah, are you

- Wow, all right.

We're filming an episode
of "Catfish" right now,

and we came across a comment
that you left

on the profile of Patrick.

So I was just curious, what's
your relationship with him?

- And you're Internet friends?

- Wow.

- Are you able to join, like,
our Zoom call right now?

- I'll text you right now.
[notification chimes]

There we go.
- Hello.

- I'm very curious
about all of this.

- Okay.
- I've seen the show.

So I have to say, like,
I am a bit concerned.

- Mm-hmm, Sarah,
how did you meet Patrick

in the first place?

'Cause I have tattoos,

and I saw that
he was in the military.

He was a paratrooper,
which my grandpa was,

so I just kind of sent him
a message saying,

"Thank you for your service."

And it just grew into
a really nice friendship.

And my husband's spoken
with him.

- Who was his cousin?
- His cousin's name's Gabby.

And, you know, we have spoken
on Facebook a number of times.

There was a time
where Gabby, at one point,

reached out to me and said,
you know,

Patrick had had some
type of car accident,

and, you know,
he just wanted to let us know

that he's gonna be okay.

- Hmm.
- Oh, there he is.

What's up, husband?
- Hey, hubs.

So you both have heard
Patrick's voice on the phone.

- Yes.
- What does he sound like?

- He has a thick accent.
He's Hungarian.

- Interesting.
- Mm-hmm.

- So let's sort of just explain
what's going on here.

This is probably the profile
you know for Patrick, right?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Well, so this guy is actually

this guy, jonnykillrose.

- Oh, my God!
- He's an actor.

- Oh, my God! Oh, my God.
- No way.

Jonny Rose.

- So we know that whoever
you're talking to

claims to be Patrick...

- Okay.

- At least isn't the guy
in the pictures.

- Oh, my God.
I feel so silly.

- So let's explain.

We got contacted by a girl

whose cousin was dating a girl
named Gabby in real life.

- Okay.

- The same Gabby that I think
you know is Patrick's cousin

and a catfish that's actually
behind the Patrick profile

that you've been talking to.

- Oh.

This is crazy.
- Definitely is.

Well, let me ask you what phone
number do you have for him?

- Oh, um, hold on.


- 917?

- 917-[bleep].

- So let's do a quick search.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


[Sarah gasps]

That confirms that Patrick
is clearly linked to Gabby.

- So Gabby is essentially
both profile?

- Well,
that's the simplest solution.

But you've talked to a man,

which means that there's now
definitely at least some guy,

unless it's just Gabby
doing a voice.

- This is--this is
[bleep] crazy.

- Well, have you ever felt any
weird vibes from Patrick ever?

- Never had anything
that led me to believe

that he wasn't
who he says he is.

He's done me no wrong,
you know?

- Right.

- Like, he's just been

He's been good to me.

- I've had normal conversations
without her.

I mean, we've messaged
back and forth.

He just seemed like he was
always just a good person.

- Supportive.
It's crazy.

- For sure.
So here's what we need to do.

We're gonna keep doing
some research on our end,

and then we'll compare notes.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- You guys have a good night.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Thank you so much. Bye.

- Oh, my God.

Gabby and some Hungarian man--

unless it's just Gabby
doing a voice,

are connected and talking
to people on the Internet.

And weirdly,
according to Sarah,

some of it seems to be
very innocent and friendly.

- Very weird.

- Should we just keep looking
at that Tumblr?

- How can we contact
the bloggers?

- I think we can go
to BeenVerified.

And you can do
a username search.

So who do we want
to search the most?

- This one posted a lot.

Let's start with
Thislove[bleep] person.

- All right, let's search this.

♪ ♪

- Aha!
- Brittany [bleep].

There's phone numbers
and everything.

This is incredible.

I'm just gonna call it.
I want answers now.

♪ ♪

- Hello?
- Yeah, hi.

I'm looking
for Brittany [bleep].

- Oh, cool.

My name is Nev
from the MTV show "Catfish."

Have you heard of that?

- It is.
- Yes!

- Oh, wait.

Can you jump on a Zoom call?
That'd be great.

- All right.

All right, I'm gonna text you
the Zoom link--okay.

[bell rings]

- Hi.
- What's up?

- Hi.
- This is crazy.

- Okay, so just take us back
and tell us what you know.

- My best friend Miranda
was working at this bar.

And Gabby was her coworker.

So Gabby, like,
convinced her to move

into this apartment with her,
so then they were roommates.

- Oh.

- And from the day
that I met Gabby,

I just got these like
weird vibes from her

that she was very, very kind
of obsessed with Miranda,

like totally,
totally possessive of her.

She wasn't allowed
to talk to me.

She wasn't allowed
to hang out with me at all.

If we had plans, Gabby would
kind of force her to cancel

by like having some nervous
breakdown and crying

and not letting her
leave the apartment.

So very quickly,
it turned more into

like a single white
female situation.

There were nights
where Miranda would text me

that Gabby
fell asleep in her bed,

when she had her own room and
her own bed right next door.

- Well, we know that Gabby
has since at least now

started openly dating women.

- Is Miranda gay?
- No, not at all.

But in the mix of, you know,
being friends with Gabby,

Miranda starts dating
some guy named Chris

that Gabby introduced her to
as her "cousin."

- [gasps]

- The big red flag for me
was Chris told Miranda

that the reason he could never
meet up was he was a CIA agent.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, we've heard it.
We've heard it. Yep.

- But in our story, he works
for the FBI, not the CIA.

- Right.

- Wow.
Yeah, she needs help.

- The weird thing is we also
just talked to this girl

who has been friends
with "Patrick,"

but like she's actually
talked on the phone

with her husband to some guy.

- Yeah, Miranda spoke to a guy
on the phone too,

who we later found out,

I think,
was maybe Gabby's brother.

- Did he have a thick accent?

- Yeah, Hungarian.

- So yeah, same guy.

But does Gabby have an accent?

- Yes.
- Oh, she does.

- Also, I have someone that
you should probably talk to.

Around the same time that
Miranda was dating Christian,

there was another girl named
Sam who was also dating him.

- All right, well,
definitely send us

Sam's contact info
if you don't mind.

- No problem.
- Thanks.

- Cheers.
- Later.

- Bye.

- What?
I need a cleansing.

My spirit is full of Gabby
and her [bleep].

I'm exhausted.
[phone chimes]

- Oh, I have a text.

"Hey, Nev and Kamie!
Here's Samantha's number."

Oh, wait a second.
Look at this.

"I know her story is even
crazier than Miranda's."

[phone chimes]
- Oh, I have a text.

"Hey, Nev and Kamie!
Here's Samantha's number.

I know her story is even
crazier than Miranda's."

All right,
I'm sending the Zoom link.

All right, so I texted her.
Crazier stories.

I mean, Miranda lived
with Gabby.

[phone chimes]
Oh, we just got a text--

ooh, from Samantha,
that was quick.

"Hi, Nev, sure,
definitely have some stories."

- Oh, my God!

I can't take it.
I can't take it.

[bell rings]

- Hey, how you doing?
- How are you, guys?

- Wow. All right, we're good.
- Good.

- So we're neck deep
in Gabby [bleep]'s poo.

- Yes.
- It stinks.

- And we hear you have your own
pile of it

you can share with us.
- I do. I do.

So it was 2014,
I started online dating.

I meet some guy
who was absolutely gorgeous.

His name was Christian Wagner.

And we would send pictures
back and forth.

He'd send me pictures
of his dog.

- Sure.

- And then we'd have
some drinks,

and it would get a little,
you know, racy.

So I'd be like, "You know,
when are we gonna meet up?

When are we gonna
see each other?"

He was like, you know,
"I can't.

But my friend Gabby,
you would really love her."

- Oh, my God.

- "You should meet up
with her." Yeah.

- Did you ever meet up
with Gabby?

- I did not.

And then I started to get
a little suspicious.

"Why can't you even call me?"

He said, "Fine, I'll call you."

And then this very strange man
called me

that did not match up
to the picture.

- Hungarian.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

- Then I said,
"I want you, you know,

to send me a picture
of you holding my name

that says 'Samantha' on it,"
which I have.

- Huh.
- Yeah.

- And then I started to look
on the Internet,

and I put in his name.

And I found Miranda, who's
another girl this happened to.

- Mm-hmm.

- So then it all, you know,
came, you know,

"This is it," and freaked out.
Done with online dating.

- Right.
- But then it happened again.

She catfished me twice.

She made up another person
probably like a month later,

a BMX biker named
Patrick [bleep].

But I was obviously
on my guard.

So I said,
"I want you to make me a video.

And I want you to say

what I'm telling you to say
in this video."

Sure enough, I get an Instagram
of Patrick [bleep],

the guy in the pictures
that she was sending me...

- So I'm like, "Done.
You know, awesome."

And then again,
I started researching.

And I found the guy that was in
one of his pictures,

then I found "Patrick [bleep]."

- Oh, my God.

And I said, "I have a video
on my phone of you saying,

you know, 'Samantha,
I'm coming to see you.'

I've been having
this relationship with you

for almost a month,"
and he was like, "Oh, my God.

A girl reached out to me."
He was auditioning for a movie,

and she needed him
to say the lines.

- [laughs]

- "Samantha, I can't wait
to see you in New York."

- Wow. Oh, my God.
That's so smart. And like--

- I mean, she went far.
- Devious.

- Oh, my God.
- You know, I'm so happy

that you guys are doing this

because we talked so much,
like, when he didn't exist,

I was so hurt
and so, like, upset.

How does she sleep at night,
like, doing this to people?

Like my heart--I cried.

[somber music]

- But did she say anything?

Like, what was her excuse?
Did she admit it?

- No, she just deleted

Once I confronted her,
she deleted everything.

- Right.
- You know, I moved on.

But I mean, I can see her
really hurting somebody.

- The sad thing is she's still
doing it to multiple people.

Hopefully, we can put an end
to all of this.

All right.
Well, thank you, Samantha.

Sorry, you know,
you went through all that.

- Thanks for reaching out.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

What is happening?

- This is honestly
one of the weirdest,

most complex catfish stories
I think I've ever heard.

- This girl takes the cake.

She is the catfish queen.

- If we found this,

there's probably dozens
if not hundreds of others.

We've got to make sure

Kiara isn't getting mixed up
with this girl anymore.

Hopefully we track down Gabby

and put an end
to this madness.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Good morning, guys.

So got up
a little extra early today

so I could come
to Central Park,

give my body a reset.

After a long night
of Gabby investigations,

I needed my favorite run.

Super inspiring.

A lot of people
have been talking lately

about how big cities
are struggling,

hard hit by the pandemic.

But let me just tell you

New York City is defined
by its people.

And the people of New York City
are always happening.

[bleep] awesome.

Proud of this place.

- Hey.
- Hi.

This morning, I went for a run.

And I don't know,
I'm feeling good.

- I had to work out last night.

I needed endorphins.
I needed new energy.

- I know.
- Like, obviously,

Kiara's love life
is hanging in the balance.

But this Gabby girl
has done so much damage.

She's capable of anything.

- So let's just see
what Jeanette's up to.

Oh, there we go.

- Hey.
- Hey, guys.

- What's up?
- Jeanette, how are you?

- I am so anxious.

- Well,
yesterday was a busy day.

- Oh.

- We worked overtime
on this [bleep]

'cause there was so much.

- What?

- Yeah, this Gabby girl
has been at this

for a really long time,
but we'll get there.

- This is wild.

- So we obviously want
to talk to Kiara.

- Kiara's wrapped up
in this romance.

- And she could be dealing
with someone really dangerous.

- I want to know it all.

And I want to tell her
as soon as possible.

- I feel like we should just
bring Kiara in now

and explain it to you and her
at the same time.

- I think that would actually
be a good idea.

- From your email,
we have a number for Kiara.

So I'm gonna text your cousin.

- Yeah.
I spoke to her last night,

and she's still
so torn up about Gabby.

Like, to me, I thought Patrick
was a big enough deal

for her to say,

"Okay, this is it.
That's the end."

But I'm seeing that it's not.
So I'm nervous.

- Yeah.

[bell rings]

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- What's up? [laughs]

- Nice to finally meet you.
- She's so cute, right?

- Seeing you guys reminds me
so much of my younger cousin

and I, we're like this.

- And I love her.
Got to protect her.

- As you already know,

Jeanette reached out
to us to find out

what if anything we could
discover about Gabby.

- Yes.

- But before we get into
all that,

I just want to hear your story

about your relationship
with Gabby.

- Like, before all this stuff
that's going on now,

I fell in love.

I'm not gonna lie,
I fell in love with her.

I met her, like,
on a dating app,

which honestly, even seeing
her picture on the dating app,

I was just like, "Wow."
Like, "She's beautiful."

And I was blown away
that she was real.

And from there,
things just zoom!

- ♪ I'm not sorry,
I'm not sorry now ♪

- Our connection
was really fast.

Every day, I was at her house,
spend the night together, 24/7.

- ♪ I'm not sorry now ♪

- Did you guys
move in together?

- No, but that was actually
one of our plans.

Like, we spoke about
living together.

We spoke about me
carrying a kid.


- That too?
- Wow.

- Wow.
- Yeah. [laughs]

- ♪ Do you remember when ♪

♪ We were happy? ♪

- My mom was not really
accepting of me dating a girl.

And this was actually the first
girl that she allowed.

And seeing them
together was amazing.

- Wow.

- To the point that they went
to the store and she was like,

"Well, this is
my daughter-in-law," you know?

- Wow.
- And that felt good to me.

Like, it was beautiful to me.

- That's a really big deal
to finally feel that way.

- Yeah.

- ♪ You never meant
to pull me down ♪

♪ But that's what happened ♪

- Can you just kind of explain
where things went wrong?

- When her birthday came

this is what got to me,
was that her friends,

they didn't know
I was her girlfriend.

And this whole time,
I thought they knew.

And I was just like,
"What the hell?"

So that's when
I went through her phone

and I saw everything.
- Ah.

- Like, the pictures
of Patrick.

Like, it was just too many
pictures of Patrick on there.

- This is when Kiara calls me

and tells me she set me up
with a fake person.

- What got me even more upset
is the fact that

when I brought it up to her,
she just denied it.

And I was just like,
"I saw what I saw.

Why can't you fess up?"

- So when was the last time
you saw Gabby?

- That day.

- The day of the photo fight?
- Yes.

- And have you been
talking at all?

- No.

Just a bunch of missed
calls from her.

And who knows?

I'm honestly just scared.

I want--
[laughs] Sorry, Jeanette,

but I do want
to get back with her.

[tense music]

- I can tell that you still
have very strong feelings.

And I don't want
to diminish that.

I just want to show you
what we found

and let you decide for yourself
what's best for you.

- Just hit me with it.

- I'm gonna share my screen.

- I'm so nervous.

- The first thing
you're looking at here

is Patrick's Instagram
created by Gabby,

which obviously
you're familiar with.

Even though
it's a fake profile,

there's this comment
on this photo.

"Hey, miss you so much.
How is everything?"

And it was this person, Sarah.
So we ended up talking to her.

We actually FaceTimed with her.

Her and her husband have both
had a friendship with Patrick.

- What the hell?

How long has this been
going on for?

- For years.

And they even talked to him
on the phone.

- What?
- Patrick.

- Stop.

- Who is this voice
they were speaking to?

- We don't know.

- Gabby does have a brother,

Maybe she had her brother
speak on the phone.

- No, her brother
doesn't know English.

- Really?

- Yeah, he's not even here.
He's in Hungary.

- Oh. But someone was
doing the talking.

Unless it's just Gabby
doing a voice

because we searched
that phone number

and it came up registered
to Gabby [bleep].

- [scoffs]

- We then did a Google Search
for Gabby [bleep], New York.

And as you can see, there's
a couple different blogs

with dozens of people

who have had these
fast friendships with Gabby,

that she's introduced
to her cousins.

- Oh, my God.

- There's the [bleep] picture.

- Whoa!
This is a lot.

- So here's one.
"Gabby and the other waitress

"who was victimized
were roommates.

"Gabby set her up
with her cousin Chris,

claimed he worked for the CIA."

- Oh, my God.
- "Sent photos of a model

"from Sweden named Christian

and set up an Instagram
under Chris Wagner."

- Oh, my God.
- We figured out

who posted that
and messaged her.

And it was a girl
named Brittany.

She knew right away

and had been waiting
for the last six years,

for the story to come out.

- Six years?
- Oh, my God.

- Brittany basically told us,
"There's this other girl

you should talk to
named Samantha."

And we Zoomed with Samantha,
who had a very similar story.

She met a guy on a dating app
named Christian.

And they were talking
for a few weeks

and like she felt herself
falling for this guy.

And so she was like,
"Okay, hold on,

"I got to make sure
you're legit.

"Send me a picture of you
holding a piece of paper

with my name on it."

She gets a picture of Christian
holding her name.

- Finally,
they're gonna hang out.

He's like,
"Actually, I can't make it.

But you should hang out
with my cousin Gabby."

- Are you serious?

- It never happened.

But she ended up finding out

that Christian
was actually Gabby.

- Oh, my God.

- And this is where it gets
even weirder.

- Gabby catfished Samantha
a second time.

- Except this time,
she was more skeptical.

So she said, "Send me a video."

And he did.

- She got a video from the guy
in the photos.

- What the [bleep]?

- Samantha contacts the real
guy in the videos and is like,

"Hey, I got this video
from 'you.'

How did this even come about?"
And he goes, "Oh, my God.

I got hit up
by this girl named Gabby,

who said
that she was a producer

or she was making some movie

and she wanted to cast me
in the movie

and that she needed me
to recite these lines

as my audition tape."

- [gasps] No way.

- No [bleep] way.

- She's like--she's clever.
- I got to hand it to her.

The bitch is kind of smart
but on a crazy level.

[ominous music]

- Kiara, based off what we're
telling you,

Gabby isn't at all
who she claims to be.

And this is not just a couple
women that are being affected

by whatever she's doing.
There are others too.

- You know, obviously,
what she said about,

"I'm just covering
for my friend,"

whatever that means,
it's [bleep].

And I'm just curious
how you're feeling right now

based on what we've told you.

- Sorry, I'm not talking much.

It's just--it's a lot.

When we first started,
I explained to her,

all I wanted was honesty, like,
that's all I care for.


So for her--all this,
it's like, what the hell?

[somber music]

- And some of these
relationships were friendships.

It's hard to understand.
Nobody can really figure out

what the point is
of all of this.

- Yeah, I don't get it.
I don't get what's her point.

♪ ♪

Sorry, it's just...


- ♪ It ain't enough
to see me ♪

♪ If you don't wanna hear me ♪

- It's a lot.

- ♪ Is this a game
we're playing ♪

♪ Who the hell could win? ♪

- Just can't believe like

how far can someone
go like that, like--

- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.

- ♪ If it's a game
we're playing ♪

♪ Man, I don't wanna play it ♪

♪ I'm just saying be kind ♪

♪ Be kind to me ♪

[pensive music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Are you okay?

- Feel like my heart
is going to my ass.

- Kiara, this is
your relationship.

Are you believing it now

that Gabby isn't at all
who she claims to be?

- I will sound like
a [bleep] fool

if I say no, like--yeah, like,

there's so much [bleep]
on Google.

- I'm sorry it happened
this way. This sucks.

- Seeing all those things
on that page

just makes me so upset.

That is so sick.

I am so [bleep] naive.


[phone blips]

- Oh, whoa. I just got
a text back from Jonny,

who is the guy in the pictures
on Patrick's Instagram.

I'm gonna invite him
to the Zoom.

For all we know,
Jonny's friends with Gabby.

And I don't know.
I have no idea.

- Come on, Jonny.
Give us some clarity.

[dramatic music]

[notification chimes]

- Howdy!

- Hey.
- Hey, Jonny.

- Hello.
- How you doing?

Sorry to pull you away
from the course.

- The boys.

- Well, I'll try to make
this quick for you.

As you can see,
we've got some people here.

Kiara here,
for the last six months,

has been dating
a girl named Gabby.

Gabby kept talking about this
cousin she has named Patrick

and actually convinced Kiara
to set her cousin Jeanette up

with Patrick,
and long story short,

the fake profile for Patrick
was using photos of you.

- You're Patrick.

- Hi, Patrick.
- Right. You're Patrick.

Gabby also
called you Christian.

This girl's been using your
pictures for lots of accounts.

- That's wild.

- Have you ever had
any interaction

with a girl named Gabby?

- No.

- Did anyone ever
contact you asking you

to hold up a piece of paper
with someone's name on it?

- Hmm.

- But you would only hold up
your own name if anything.

- Right.

- So maybe she got one
of those photos and--

- Photoshopped it.
What the [bleep]?

- Do you have a good
Hungarian accent?

- I do not at all.

- You've obviously
been uninvolved.

But someone's been using
your photos now

for a few years at least.

- Well, I'm sorry
I couldn't be of more help.

- Thank you for just,
you know, checking in

and giving us
a little bit of time.

- Happy hunting.

- Remember, Jonny,
keep your head down.

Let the club do the work.

- All right, y'all.
- Thanks, Jonny.

- Bye.

- Oh, my God.

- Jonny is not in on it.
But we definitely know

that she's living
multiple different lives,

talking to different people
as different people.

So, Kiara,
what do you want to do?

'Cause obviously, you haven't
talked to her for three weeks,

you could leave it alone
and just walk away

and just be done with it.

You could confront her about it
and see what she'll say.

Obviously, we're encouraged
to try and get through to her

and maybe help her
in some way to stop doing this.

♪ ♪

- I want her to get help.

She needs to get help
but keeps doing stuff.

I--I want to hear her.

Like, I want to hear
what she has to say.

- Right.

Gabby has been trying
to get in touch with you.

Maybe the best way
for us to do this

is for you to just text her.

- [exhales]

♪ ♪

- You got this.
You can handle this.

- Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

[phone chimes]

- So wait, so what does it say?
- I said,

"If you want to confess
everything to me,

then join this Zoom."

- Strictly business.

[phone chimes]

- She's asking if I'm the only
one in the Zoom.

- Tell her, "No, I've got
some friends with me."

- Why hide?

She's been doing a lot of that.
We're not doing that.

- And if she joins, we can see
what she has to say

for herself,
give her an opportunity

to admit
the things she's been doing.

- And if she is honest,

then she can just
explain herself, so...

[phone chimes]

- Did you send that?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- So what's up?

Did she say
she's coming in or--

- Currently, I just told her
to stop stalling.

I was like,
"Because if you ever loved me,

you should give me
the answers I need."

[notification chimes]

- Oh.

- Gabby?

[dramatic music]

- [scoffs]

- I just told her
to stop stalling.

I was like,
"Because if you ever loved me,

you should give me
the answers I need."

[notification chimes]

- Oh.
- Gabby?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Obviously,

you know Jeanette
and you know Kiara.

Not sure if you know
me and Kamie.

We got involved
because the profile

that you are associated with
might have been fake.

And so here we are.
We've got a lot of questions.

But before we get into that,

we just wanted
to give you an opportunity.

Others might not give you
that opportunity.

But we thought, let's see what
you have to say for yourself

before we start
asking questions.

- I better just go with
the questions for now.

- All right.

So tell us what went down
with you and Jeanette.

- Yes, I was talking
to Jeanette as Patrick...

[somber music]

- So I'm confused.

So you pretended to be Patrick

to get validation
from my cousin?

- Yes. Because I'm not really
talking to anybody

about our relationship.
Nobody knows about it.

- So you made
the Patrick profile

so that it would appear

as though
you had told your cousin

that you were open about
your relationship with Kiara?

- Yes.

- Then why create
this fake cousin

and carry on a romantic
relationship with Jeanette?

- I guess I was just
going with it.

- It was you.
You weren't going with it.

You made it.
You said to Kiara,

"We should set my cousin up
with your cousin."

And then you yourself,
as Gabby,

showed Jeanette pictures
of Patrick

and kept telling her
how great he was,

like you really made
that happen.

- I shouldn't have done it.

It was just there
laying around and--

- That's complete [bleep]
'cause you've done it before.

[tense music]

- Have you ever
done this before?

- Uh...

♪ ♪


I just talked to a girl

once before behind
a fake profile, but--

- Once?
- Yes.

♪ ♪

- Okay, so, Nev, do you want to
come out with it or should I?

- We are just in a position now

where Kiara is giving you
an opportunity to come clean.

But before we tell you
about all the conversations

that we've had with people,

I'm gonna give you
one more chance,

even though you definitely
don't deserve it,

to drop the act
and say something to Kiara

because you broke her heart,
and I don't even know

why she's even giving you
a chance to talk to her.

But you've got one chance.
And so far, you're blowing it.

- You're talking about
the current situation

with Jonathan and Kiara?

♪ ♪

- Listen, Gabby, I'm gonna do
you a solid and let you know,

we have spoken
to multiple people.

We have names,
we have timelines,

we have all the information.

So it would be in your best
interest to be honest

and cut the [bleep].

We know Chris.
We know Patrick.

We know Miranda.

We know Samantha.
We know Brittany.

We know Sarah.
We know her husband.

We know everyone.
So it is now your turn.

Why don't we start with Sarah?
Do you know who Sarah is?

- Yes, I know Sarah,

but I don't know
the other people.

- Okay, that's a good start.

- There is a male voice
that's been talking to Sarah

and her husband
at least five to ten times.

So who is that?

- It was just a random guy.

- The same random guy
every single time?

- No, it was
two different ones.

- Okay.

- With Sarah,
we just talked as friends.

It was somebody who could
pour out her problems to me,

and I could pour out
my problems to her.

- But they weren't
your problems

'cause you were talking
to her as Patrick.

And we talked to other people
who were

in romantic relationships
with you posing as a guy.

- I am really not sure what
exactly you're talking about.

- Is that because
there are so many,

because we know about you
contacting the BMX rider

to ask for the video of you

pretending to be a producer of
some kind of movie or whatever?

I just need you to understand
that we know already.

It is your turn.

This is your chance.
Tell us the truth.

- I don't know this story.

Like, I really don't know

what BMX rider, what you are
talking about right now.

- You don't know
Samantha in Jersey?

- I don't know any Samantha.

- What about Miranda?
- And Brittany?

I admit to the things
I've done.

But these three different kinds
of people and BMX rider

and Samantha
in Jersey City is just--no.

- Maybe we can
clear this up then.

Why don't we bring
some people into the Zoom

so we can clear this up?

[notification chimes]

All right, there's Samantha.

- Hi.

- Oh, and there's Brittany.

- I admit to the things
I've done.

But these three different kinds
of people and BMX rider

and Samantha
in Jersey City is just--no.

- Maybe we can
clear this up then.

Why don't we bring some people
into the Zoom

so we can clear this up?
[notification chimes]

All right, there's Samantha.

- Hi.

- Oh, and there's Brittany.
- Here we go.

Perfect. Okay.
Hi, ladies.

- I don't know
any of these people.

- You don't know
these people, Gabby?

- I don't know
either of them, no.

- You don't know me?

- I really don't.

This is the first time
I'm seeing you.

Do you remember
Christian Wagner?

Do you remember
Patrick [bleep]?

How dare you?

- But I don't know you.
- Gabby, we all know it's you.

And there's so many of us.
There are so many girls

who have so much information
on you.

And all the phone numbers
you've used

and what you've done to people.

Like just own up to it so
you can go on with your life.

- And Brittany?
You don't know Brittany?

- I don't know Brittany.

- You don't know Brittany?
- I met you face to face.

And you had an attitude
the second that I met you.

And then you made it
your life's mission

to try to make
my best friend hate me.

So to sit there and say
that you don't know me

when I literally
sat 10 feet from you--

- Who is your best friend?

- You know who
my best friend is.

- Who is your best friend?
- It was your roommate, Gabby,

that wasn't allowed to go hang
out with her best friend, hmm?

- Gabby, we're talking
about Miranda.

- My best friend, and I'm
the one that figured out

that Chris Wagner was fake,

When Miranda and I
did more research,

we found other girls
that had been victims

going back as far as 2012.

So this has been going on
for many, many years.

- I don't know you.
I don't know you.

- I have all of the messages
from you, Gabby.

I've saved all of them.

The guy that you reached out
to in Australia,

he has the message
you sent him.

"You're gonna be in a movie,"

asking him to portray
this character saying my name.

- To me?
- He has it documented.

- I just want to give you
one more opportunity, Gabby.

Do you know Samantha?

And do you know Brittany?

[tense music]

I really don't know her.

- You're a liar.

- She may not remember you,

She's done this potentially

to dozens of other women,
you know?

- Dozens of girls.


- Bye, Samantha.

- I just hope
that you grow from this.

And I hope you learn from this.

And I hope you understand that
when you hurt one person,

you hurt everyone around them
that cares about them.

- I understand that.
- Good luck to the other girls.

I hope you get some answers.

- Thank you, Brittany.

- Not everything she's saying
is true. That's the problem.

- That's the problem?

- You got Kiara sitting here,

and she actually wants
to give you a chance.

But you need to tell
her the truth.

You don't know Brittany?

- Okay, so I remember her now.

- I don't think she's the one
who made that thread.

There was already a thread
about you

and other people were on it.

- It's really easy for somebody
to be attacking me out of anger

or get their friend
to attack me or anything.

- So all of these strangers,

they have no connection
to each other.

But they're all just out
to get you.

What reason would they have
to make up the same

collective "lie" about you?

- They know each other somehow.

- The two women who were
on here do not know each other.

They only know each other
because of you.

- I did catfish Miranda.

- Okay.

- I pretended to be a guy
so I can talk to her, yes.

- But, Gabby,
there are so many.

- But I don't know
any of these people.

Miranda was the only person.

I truly don't know
who Samantha is.

- So randomly,
Samantha has just decided

that she wants to accuse you,
doesn't make any sense, look.

- You're not telling the truth.

So who is this guy that
you said you were covering for

when Kiara
went through your phone

and found out what she found
out about Patrick

to tell Jeanette?
Who is this guy?

- I didn't say that.

- No, you told Kiara

that you were covering
for a guy.

- She said that at first
before me leaving or anything.

- So now you're saying
that Kiara is lying.

- I wasn't covering
for anybody.


- Look, just so you know,

just right now,
while we've been talking,

Samantha just sent me a bunch
of different phone numbers

that she still has saved
from the different guys'

dating profiles that she talked
to five or six years ago.

Okay? And I just searched
those numbers right now.

And one of them
is registered to you.

Here it is. I mean,
is that your phone number?

- Yeah, it was when I lived
in Jersey City.

- So how do you explain
that Samantha,

the woman that you say
you have zero idea who she is,

has a phone number for you
that you don't use anymore?

- Just for fun.

Everyone's just doing this
for the [bleep] of it.

- No, but I--

I don't know that person.

- Okay, Kiara.
What do you want to know?

- I want the truth.

But it's like it's not
even coming out, like--

- She knew my number back then
from somebody, I don't know.

But I don't know
who that person is.

- Oh, there's more.

She's been blowing my phone
up with screenshots.

- 'Cause she's [bleep] pissed.
- Right.

So these are all
like screenshots

she's been sending of messages

between her
and different profiles.

The conversation she had with
that guy Christopher [bleep],

who was the BMX rider.

And here's a picture
that she photoshopped.

- Here's the [bleep] picture.
- "Hi, Samantha," something.

"You're pretty. Yup!" I mean,
that's, like, obviously phony.

And that number that we know
is linked to Gabby,

like, here's a screenshot
of it calling her.

- Gabby, like,
what the [bleep]?

- I don't know
who that person is.

Like, I wish I did.

- This is your old phone number

calling Samantha tons of times.

- That's the proof right there.
You just saw the phone number.

I don't know how much clearer
we have to get.

- Yeah, I don't know,
but you told me--for Sam, I--

- Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, look, I'm done with this

I'd like to try and help you.

But I can't do that
if you don't want to be helped.

So, Jeanette, you don't need
to be on this anymore.

- I have, like, the answers
we were looking for.

But, Kiara,
you can't get trust from her.

There's a lot of other people
out there

that can give you that.

You can do way better.

Come on.

You shouldn't even
talk to her at all.

But it's not up to me.

Thank you so much, guys.

- You too.
- Take care.

- I know we've already helped

She's gotten what she wants.

Gabby, we genuinely are here
to help you.

And the fact that you are
sitting here and lying--

- I was--

- The fact that you are
sitting here

and lying in everyone's face
and making everyone look crazy,

that is just really messed up

because when you're coming
from a place of love

and somebody meets you
with [bleep],

that doesn't feel good.

So if you do want to finally
be honest with Kiara,

that's up to you.

- All right,
I'm done with this.

We're gonna take a [bleep]
break, take some time,

let all this sink in.

Gabby, you need to think
long and hard

about what you're gonna say
when you come back.

Drop the act
and say something real.

[line ringing]

- I can't.
I can't with this girl.

- No, I don't even know.

- I'm just like,
I want to help.

Look, I take what we do
seriously and I feel like--

- I just--I hate liars,

boldface liars like that.

I'm just like, "Girl! Girl!"

- Just give me something.
Just denial.

It's so infuriating.

She's like, "No, I don't know.
I don't remember."

- She has to have more to say.

It's like all her skeletons
in her closets are here.

For her,
it was probably terrifying.

So I feel like, why not
give her another chance?

- I think we gave her--look,
let's get back on the Zoom.

But I'm not helping.

I think this needs
a delicate hand.

you guys can keep talking

and see if we can start
to get some real answers.

- Let me try
a different approach.

- Let's do it.

I'm sorry and I'm sorry
that I got frustrated.

But like, Gabby, you're coming
at this from one place,

Kiara's from another place.

We're all trying to meet
in the middle here somewhere.

So rather than hearing
from me,

I'm so tired of myself,
Kamie, go ahead.

- Well, Gabby, that was a lot.

Kiara has an open mind
and an open heart.

She really cares about you.
And she really loves you,

and I can tell
that you care about her too.

- I wouldn't be here
if I didn't care

about you and your feelings.

- So if you want
to talk to her,

you're already
in a vulnerable place.

There's no better
time or place.

- Honestly, I don't even know
what's real anymore.

I don't know what to believe.

even if you speak right now,

I'm like...

Yes, I was behind that profile.


I had it laying around
because, yes,

I've done it to some
other people before this.

But it's the truth.

And I was not feeling
comfortable with myself

is why I hid behind profiles
of other people.

- You played it off that
you didn't know Samantha.

You still don't know her
or you want to confess

because I saw the messages,

I saw the picture where
Patrick, your cousin--

- I was really surprised.
I wasn't expecting that.

Like, I might not
recognize her,

how she looks like right now
or her name,

but like there is proof
against me, probably,

but I'm not denying any of it.

- Right, I understand.

But okay, it's just funny
how, like,

why couldn't you just tell us
that a second ago? Why did I--

- I'm sorry.
- Right.

- I don't know
how to explain it.

I can't even make sense
of myself right now, but--

- Try.
We want to hear.

- I--my situation
and where I come from

is very different than people
that grew up here in America.

And a lot of people
don't understand

how it is where I come from,
to always live up to standards

and expectations
by your parents, family.

- Is that all surrounding
your sexuality?

- Yes.

You know, you want to be you
and be out there.

But at the same time,
you're ashamed of it

because that's what you are.

I know what I did is messed up.

And I shouldn't have
involved Jeanette.

And I'm really sorry
that I put her through that.

- What I still cannot

and wrap my brain around
is Sarah and her husband.

That wasn't even
a relationship.

That wasn't a situation

where you were
exploring your sexuality.

- Yeah. So she just hit up
that profile.

And unfortunately, I became
good friends with somebody,

just not through myself.

- A platonic friendship.
- Yeah, she's been married

the whole time.
There was nothing.

- That was made clear.
There was nothing like that.

- Yeah.

- She said it and her husband
said it too.

They said it was
never like that.

But that's why I'm saying.

Yeah, a lot of the [bleep]
that you did was [bleep] up,

but it didn't necessarily
ever feel malicious.

- I just like to be there for
people when they need somebody.

- And that's great.
That's a quality that people

like in people that they
consider to be their friends.

- I never really had,
like, friends.

I suppress myself so much
that I think I wasn't even...

- We were all trying to figure
out what you had gained

by being any of these
other people.

It's family.

I think a big thing
that you are lacking, Gabby,

in your life
is a sense of community,

people who accept you
and understand you as you are,

where you are right now.
You don't have to be,

you know, on the front
of a [bleep] pride float.

But I think that surrounding
yourself with more community

that understands you.

One thing that I know
about queer people

is that you can create
your own family.

Doesn't have to be
your family in Hungary.

It has to be the people
who accept you as you are now.

- You make a lot of sense.

But I have never actually
thought about before, like--

- That's what I want you to do.

But then I also think it's
important for you to ask Kiara

if she wants to be a part
of that healing with you.

- That's the part that just
sucks right now.

It's like...

- Kiara, people who have
big hearts want to help

and be there for that person.

But you just have to make sure

you're giving
an amount of yourself

that doesn't leave you
vulnerable yourself

to then being hurt.

So you can help her and you can
try to be a part of fixing

whatever it is that's going on
with her, but like it's tough.

- Honestly, when it comes down
to everything,

I want you to get help.

I feel like you need somebody
to talk to.

I feel like you need someone
you can be honest to.

I don't feel like
I'm that person

that you can be honest to

because you wasn't
all this time 'cause

honestly, I'm like, you know--

[voice breaking]

I just feel like
I've just seen enough.

You know, what about me?
Like, I just can't.

I can't.

- I think, Gabby,
one of the best things

that Kiara is asking for

is for you
to take care of yourself.

So if you get someone
that you can talk to,

there are plenty of resources,

especially for people
who are queer,

everyone needs it.
There's not one perfect person

on the face of this [bleep]
Earth, except Beyoncé.

But that's different.

There are plenty of imperfect
people on this planet, so...


- Thank you. I understand.

- And look, Gabby,
if you can get control

over issues
you've been struggling with,

people can learn,
they can change.

And hopefully,
it's up to you now.

Our pleasure to help
kind of dig a little deeper.

And now I think
the ball's in your court.

- And I think that this is
the first step.

Kiara, same for you.

- Thanks, you guys.

- I will be thinking
of both of you.

- All right.

- Thank you.
- Good night.

- Yeah. Good night.

- Holy hell.

Didn't I say we were in hell?
You thought it was a joke.

- I mean,

we went to a very dark,
dark place on that one.

♪ ♪

- ♪ I wait to land ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't say it
like it's over now ♪

♪ Don't say it
like it's over now ♪

- Are you guys saying
"I love you"?

- Yeah, I mean,
that's the whole reason

why she came to Nashville
in the first place.

- This girl has her teeth
sunk into him.

- There's hundreds
of Taylor Hollands.

Like a needle in a haystack.

- There's three people
in the car.

- Someone's definitely coming
towards us.
