Catfish: The TV Show (2012–…): Season 7, Episode 18 - Nick & Jasmine - full transcript

Nev and Max try to help Nick determine if the person he kissed during a mysterious blindfolded rendezvous is actually his online love, Jasmine, or someone entirely different altogether.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- You went to see her,
but you didn't see her?

- She blindfolded me.
- What?

- This is 50 shades of cray.

This place looks rough.

- Yeah, this is where you
throw the dead bodies.

This is an assassin's

[ominous music]

Nev's going inside.

♪ ♪

Before we read this email,
I think there's one thing

we need to get out of the way:
a prayer for...

- Love.
- For love?

- We should do
a ceremonial song

and possibly dance

to hope that this next episode
brings love.

[percussive music]

- ♪ Love, love, love, love ♪

- [laughing]

Let's see what we got.

"Was the truth
right in front of me,

and I didn't see it?"

Well, that's intriguing.

"Hey, Nev and Max,
my name is Nick.

I'm a 29-year-old
single father from Philly.

In August of 2017,

I saw Jasmine, a single mom,

on a dating website,

so I took a shot
and gave her my number.

She called me that night.

We stayed on the phone
until we fell asleep."

- ♪ One look and you can
take me down ♪

- That is a rare
and special thing.

The only person I've ever
done that with is Laura.

- Your first girlfriend,
you didn't have that with?

- No, I never--no.
- I had that.

- "I was so into her,
I actually ended things

with these other two girls
I'd been seeing."

- Whoa, player alert.

- ♪ One step at a time ♪

- "I was sure
I had found the one.

"For a couple months,
everything was going well.

"Finally, Jasmine
gave me her address,

and I went to her apartment."

- ♪ One step at a time ♪

- "I met and talked to her,

but here's
the really crazy part."

- What?
- "I still don't know

"who she really is,

because she never
let me see her face"?

- Wait a minute.

- Did they, like,
talk through the door?

- Maybe it was Halloween,
and she...

- Trick or treat.
- Had a mask on.

How did he not see her face?
- Weird.

- ♪ Girl you make me crazy ♪

- "She says she has serious
anxiety and body image issues.

"At first I understood,
but now it's just frustrating.

"I need your help
to figure out what's going on.

Looking forward to hearing
back from you, Nick."


- This is a real

- Let's call this guy.

- [laughs]
- Nicky!

- Nick.
- What's up, guys?

- What's up?
- What do you do in Philly?

- I'm armed security

for a government
contract site.

- Damn.
- Whoa.

- Sounds pretty serious.
- Eh, it can be.

- And you have a kid?
- Yes, a girl. She's nine.

- Nice.
How did you meet Jasmine?

- Five months ago,
I met Jasmine on a dating app.

She was beautiful,

and she had her
Snapchat listed,

so I shot her a message,
and then, you know,

we would comment back and
forth on each other's posts.

- But did she ever
send you snaps of her?

- Yeah, and they were all
in real time.

- So, wait,
when she's uploading snaps,

they're not coming
from the camera roll?

Like, they're live?

- Yes.
- That's promising.

And you went to see her?

- Yeah, we're very
confused about this.

- Yeah, but you didn't see her?

- Well, the first time
I went to see her,

I just seen her shadow
at the window.

We talked on the phone.

Seemed like she had
a lot of anxiety.

I didn't want to force
anything on anybody.

So I left.
- Okay.

- I went back
some weeks later.

The door was cracked.

She turned me around,
and she blindfolded me.

- What?

- Yeah, she put
the blindfold over.

Eventually she gave me
a kiss on the lips.

- So...
- Whoo!

- Does she--
- Steamy, steamy.

- Does she--
- This is 50 shades of cray!

Okay? This is--

This is some weird
[bleep], man.

- It is, it is. I agree.

- I can't believe you kissed

and still don't know
for sure if she's her.

- I can't believe it either,
but I mean,

that's just a testament
to how much I care about her.

- I got to know.
I hope we can figure this out.

- Me too.
- Don't let anyone

blindfold you till we
get there, okay?

- All right, sounds good.
- Later.

- [exhales]
- I've said this before,

but this could be the craziest
story we've ever heard.

- They kissed.
- Wow, that's amazing.

All right, let's go.

- ♪ My life
as a seminal fake ♪

♪ And I'm only ever thinking
of a terrible thing ♪

♪ It's not like I had reason
for leaving you ♪

♪ Thinking I could fix it ♪

- It's a beautiful spring day.

- It is.
Spring has sprung in Philly.

- Yeah, but we're not here
to smell the roses, okay?

We're here because Nick
is in what might possibly be

the most convoluted catfish...

- Conundrum.

And this is it.

- ♪ Is it indifference
for deference's sake? ♪

- That's his place, right?

Who's this guy?

- How you guys doing?

I'm Jimmy, Nick's cousin.
- Oh. Oh, nice.

- I'm just leaving him

- You obviously know
why we're here.

Did Nick fill you in
on everything that's going on?

- All I know is that
he was Snapchatting a girl,

and I really didn't
pry into it.

- Is he a private guy?
- For the most part.

- Can we get a definition
on a fugaze?

- Like, phony.

- We'll let you know
what we find out.

- Nice meeting you.
- All right.

You, too, man.
- All right.

[doorbell chimes]

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Hi. What's up?

- Glad you came out.
- Nick.

- We met your cousin
on the way out.

He said he was
a little in the dark.

- Yes. I'm a private person.

I really didn't tell
too many people.

- Wow. This is nice.
- Look at this.


- So why don't you
just walk us through...

the relationship, where--
how you met.

- So I came across
Jasmine's profile.

We're on this dating app,
and she's very beautiful.

She's a single mom
and a nurse.

There's some qualities there
that I--like, you know,

I think she--she's mature.

I don't think she would
jerk me around a little bit.

There was a Snapchat username
on the profile.

I added the Snapchat,

and then we would just comment
casually back and forth.

- And in the snaps,
does she ever show her kid?

- Yeah.

- And she's snapping
you directly?

Not from the camera roll?
- Right.

Every time I would question

the Snapchat would kind of,
like, pull me back in,

'cause, like,
"I'm going to Disney,"

in real time, the Snapchat's
her in Disney.

I feel like people
can fake other social media,

but not Snapchat.

- And then
you started texting

and talking on the phone?
- Yes.

It would be, before we knew it,

eight hours on the phone.

- Whoa.
- Eight hours?

- ♪ I got lost in your love ♪

♪ ♪

- When you see chemistry
like that,

feelings naturally
start to develop.

So we arranged to meet up,

and I parked in front
of the apartment.

I looked up,
and you could see, like,

a shadow behind the shades.

We were on the phone,
and you can hear the anxiety.

She's breathing heavy.

You know,
"I can't--I can't do this,"

and so I just--I left.

So then we meet up again.

It's Valentine's Day.

I got a teddy bear,
and she came down,

and we talked a little bit
through the door.

I hear her voice, and then she
eventually brought a blindfold.

She turned me around,
and she put it on.

She was holding my hands,

and then, um, we talked
for a little bit,

and then she kissed me
on the lips.

- You never touched her?
You didn't hug or anything?

- No, she wouldn't let me.
She, like, had my--

- She was, like,
holding your hands down?

- Yeah, and I didn't know
if she--at some point,

she was gonna pull
the blindfold off

and be like, "Okay,"
but then I realized

that it's not gonna go
any further at that point.

I kind of got frustrated
a little bit,

and so I just--I left.

- You never thought about just
hanging outside her place

until she goes to work?
- Mm, I have.

There's one time
that I went there

because I was just fed up.
I ordered a pizza.

The driver comes.
He knocks. No one answers.

He leaves the pizza there.
I sit. I wait a little bit.

- But you never saw her?
- No.

- Have you tried searching
her phone number?

- I did reverse
phone number searches,

but I've never come up
with, like, a name,

and I did the reverse
image searches,

but I couldn't find anything.

- You did everything you could.
- Yeah.

Let's see this girl.
- Let's see her.

- You can just keep scrolling.

- She's very cute.

- This girl does not look
like she's shy.

- When I've questioned her
about that,

"You don't seem to be shy
when you're posting, you know,

on Snapchat or whatever,"
she would say, like,

"You don't see the process

to be able to work up
the courage to post that."

- Oh, here.
- That must be her kid.


- Cute. What's this?

- I had gotten her tickets

to the Demi Lovato
concert for Christmas.

- She went to the concert?

- She was Snapchatting live

from the concert
all night,

and then she sent me
videos of it--

- Did you see her
at the concert?

- No. No.

But she never asked me
for anything.

She never asked me for money.
I've helped her out with money.

- How much?

- She said she had car troubleone day,

so I Venmoed the money,

total about 600 bucks.

- Will you be able
to forgive her

and look past the deceit

if she's not the girl
in the pictures?

- Uh, I don't know.

I got to be able
to trust you to--

for you to be
around my daughter,

but I'm thinking, like, okay,

this can't be, you know, B.S.

- Well, we're gonna
have to find out.

- Appreciate any help
you can give.

- All right.
- Thank you.

I'll see you guys.

- Holy [bleep].

- Crazy fugaze.

- This story is insane.


he really has done
his homework.

- The pizza? Classic. Classic.
- The pizza, great one.

Well, the good news is,
we know where she lives.

- We could stake her out.
- This is crazy.

I mean,
hopefully we'll catch her.

- ♪ I don't want to wake up ♪

- All right,
let the games begin.

- All right, email from Nick.
Here we go.

Jasmine's information.
"Hey, guys.

"Here's all the stuff you
requested from me on Jasmine,

her phone number."

There's a Gloucester City,
New Jersey, address.

"There's a lot of apartments,

"but I know it's the first one
on the right.

"I also included
some screen grabs

from Jasmine's
friends list on Venmo."

- He's got a lot of stuff.

- Her Venmo friends,
let's start with that.

I guess once you Venmo someone,

you can see their friends
to see who's paying who.

- Scroll down.
- Okay.

[dramatic music]

- But look, this guy, Jay G.,

it looks like he's from MTV.

- That's so random.
Let's look him up.

- He's an MTV personality.

- That's a weird coincidence,
that one of her friends

happens to be this guy from
a bunch of other MTV shows.

I'm gonna send him a message.

"Hey, Jay, we need to talk.

Give me a call."

All right, so here are
some pictures of Jasmine.

- Nick tried, but let's run
some of these pictures.

I do not believe that they
don't come up anywhere else.

♪ ♪

- Nope.
- Nothing.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Whoa.

- Whoa, we got a hit.

- There's an Instagram,
dash [bleep].

So there--
- Same girl.

- Wait, what's this?
- Different name.

- Her name is Jasselene,
not Jasmine.

- What?
- Wait a minute.

Let's send her a message.

"Hey, Jasselene,
would love to talk."

Great, hopefully
she'll get that.

- Let's search
the phone number too.

♪ ♪

- Oh.

- All right, we got a hit.

- No name,
but there's an address.

It matches the address
of where he's gone to meet her.

- That's true.
That's great.

She lives
where she says she lives.

- But how come that--oh,
we got a call from Florida.


- Oh, oh, oh, my God.

I--you got my Instagram
direct message?

- Thanks for calling me back.

This is Nev, and I'm with Max.
Can you FaceTime?

- Okay.

Oh, hey.

What's up, Jasselene?

- So your name is Jasselene?

- Do you know and talk
to a guy named Nick?

- Okay.

Do you know that there
is someone

using your pictures?

- Whoever is talking to Nick
has a lot of photos of you

that she's sent.
- And video.

- Video of you and your kid
in the pool.

- Fourth of July.
- Yeah.

- Ah, okay.

- She says it's her son.
- Wow.

She's constructed a whole
narrative around your pictures.

- Can you really do Nick
a favor and just kind of say,

"Hi, my name is Jasselene,"
et cetera, et cetera?

- Sure.

- Thank you so much
for getting back to us.

That's huge help.

- Bye.

- All right,

so it's not the girl
in the pictures.

- No.
- Confirmed.

- But then who is this girl

that he's been talking to?

- So, look,
we've got an address.

Let's you and I,
tomorrow morning,

drive up to the address.

Let's see if she'll talk to us.

We know she's not comfortable
telling him the truth.

Maybe she'll tell us the truth.

Bottom line is,

we know Jasmine isn't
the girl in the pictures.

The big question now is,
who's Nick been kissing?

- All right,
the investigation continues.

Let's head over
to Jasmine's apartment complex.

Maybe we talk to a neighbor,
see if we can poke around.

- All right,
going from Pennsylvania

to Jersey, which is--oh.

[phone ringing]

It's a New York number.


- This is Max. Who's this?

- Oh, yeah, hey, Jay.

- MTV Jay.

- You have something to do
with MTV, right?

- Oh, wow, a twofer.

So, Jay, we're here
in Philadelphia

helping a young man out,
and he saw her Venmo friends,

and one of the people that
she was connected to was you.

- Well, I guess more

did you ever have
a financial exchange

with a girl named Jasmine?

- Maybe.
- Cross-reference this number.

All right?

- [bleep].

- Uh-oh.

- Really?

- Who is it?

- How do you know her?

- And did you guys
ever make plans to meet up?

- Did she ask you for money?

- She almost had you.
- She's catfished you, bro.

- Block her number.

- Bye.
- Well, that's crazy.

- That's insane.

So she's had
multiple fake profiles.

- Yeah.

Here, I guess this is it.

So that's a strip club.

- Whoa. Wow.

- This place looks rough.
- Jeez.

This is where he let her
blindfold him?

Are you kidding me?
- Jeez.

Oh, this road is--

- Would you let someone
blindfold you in this area?

- So that's--
this building burnt--

are they tearing it down,
or are they putting it up?

I--he said it was the first one
on the right.

Are these just,
like, abandoned?

I can't tell.

This is where she most
recently said she was living.

- All right, what do we do?
- Let's keep driving.

- There's, like, a dead
man's creek behind here.

This is where you throw
the dead bodies.

The wood chipper out front?

I mean--
- Well, that's--

- There are a million ways
to dispose of a body here!

The place where they're
filling in the concrete.

- Right.

- I mean, this is a--
an assassin's playground.

- Yeah, this is rough.
It has to be this place.

Nick told us,
"You drive in,

and it's, like, the first
building on the right,"

and that's this one,

and this building is recently

or is in the process
of being demolished.

- So this is it?
This is where she lived?

It's burned down?
- Let's check it out.

Well, there's some people.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Excuse me.
Just a quick question.

Do you know when
they started, like,

demolishing this building?

- Was it recently?

- Have you--you've
been here for it?

- Oh, okay.
All right, well, thanks.

- We make a TV show
called "Catfish."

- All right, well, thank you.

♪ ♪


Well, that was interesting.

All right, we got to call Nick.
- We got to call Nick.

'Cause it's--it's gone.
Her apartment...

- Right.
- Is gone.

- It's gone.

- Nick.

- We got some weird,
wild information.

- Nick, the place you went
to visit her,

it was the first
building on the right?

- Literally when you drive in?

- Okay, we're gonna head
over to your place.

We got--we got to talk.

- All right,
we'll see you soon.

- It's just--
- She's gone.

- That's really shady.

- That the building
is abandoned?

- Yeah!
- Right, well she--

So now we--she's gone.

We don't know where she is.

- She's a total question mark.

We know nothing about her.

- Oh, boy, here we go.

- Let's go tell Nick.

[tense music]

- Hey, what's up, guys?
- What's up?

- Hey. How are you?
- Hey there, man.

- What's up? How you doing?
Nice to see you.

- All right, we got some things

to talk about.
- All right.

- I'm trying to think
of where to start.

So here's what we were
able to find.

- Okay.
- First of all, we noticed

that one of the friends
on her Venmo

is a guy from another MTV show,

and when we gave him
Jasmine's number,

he had it saved under Leilani,

and he remembers
that she DMed him,

and he thought she was cute,
and they chatted for a minute.

- She's had multiple
fake profiles.

- So definitely
very interesting.

We kept going.
We did an image search,

and we found this Instagram,
dash [bleep],

the same girl
who you've been talking to.

So we FaceTimed with her,
and sure enough, there she was,

the girl from the pictures.

Her name is Jasselene...

♪ ♪

And we got her to record
a little message for you.

- Hi, Nick. I'm Jasselene.

You haven't
been talking to me.

- ♪ Headlights ♪

- I'm sorry.

I hope you figure out
who it was.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Caught in a coma ♪

♪ But you would have
never known ♪

- It's a lot to take in.
- Mm.

- ♪ Hey, now ♪

- I'm just speechless,
a little bit.

- ♪ It comes so slow ♪

- Kind of pisses me off a bit.

- ♪ That we were bracing for ♪

- Which means you kissed...
someone else.

- Yeah.

- ♪ What's the hurry? ♪

- That's crazy, 'cause
I have a lot of, like, stuff

from different day where--
so that means

that someone's been following
this person for...

- ♪ Close your eyes
but it will not disappear ♪

- Wow, that's nuts.

♪ ♪

- Here's what's even
more interesting.

When we drove over
to Jasmine's house,

almost all of the buildings
in that housing complex

have been destroyed.

Like, torn--they're
tearing them down.

- Yeah.
- Look at this.

- That's [bleep] weird.

- The building was abandoned.

- Nick, when was the last time
you went to visit her?

- Beginning of March.

- Look, man, you've been having
a five-month-long relationship

with a fugaze.
- Yeah.

- This person owes you
an explanation.

- Unfortunately,
we're running,

you know,
pretty low on options.

- Right.
- Let's just call.

Let's call.
- All right?

- Okay, sounds good.

- You guys hang tight,

and I'll go make a quick call.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[line ringing]

- Yeah, hi.

Is this, uh, Jasmine?

- This is Nev from "Catfish."

I'm in Philly with Nick.

He reached out because he was
hoping we could just help

finally get you guys
in the same room,

you know, face-to-face,

- [sighs]

- It's rough, man.
- Yeah.

- How do you feel?
- Kind of betrayed.

- All right, so look.

We also know that you're not
the girl in the pictures,

so Nick knows that now.

So what's your name?

- [sighs]

- Nicole, okay, great.

Where are you?

- Great, so that's close.

I would love to create
a scenario

where you would feel
comfortable meeting up with us.

- Do you have feelings
for Nick?

- I know it seems overwhelming,

but it won't be as bad

as I think you probably
imagine it will be.

♪ ♪

- [sighing]

♪ ♪

- I know it seems overwhelming,

but it won't be as bad

as I think you probably
imagine it will be.

- [sighing]

- You'll feel much, much better
once you meet up with him.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- You'll meet up with us?

♪ ♪

- Wonderful.

We could presumably
meet up this afternoon.

♪ ♪

- All right,
but I'm counting on you.

- All right, thanks, Nicole.

♪ ♪

- What'd you get?
- Well...

she says,
"I'm in South Jersey."

"Okay, what's your name?"


You don't know anyone
named Nicole, like--

- No.
- No. Oh!

- Hey!
- We got an address.

♪ ♪

"We will see you in a bit."

All right.

- Let's get her.

- ♪ I think you think
I'm gonna leave you ♪

♪ I think you think
I'm gonna go ♪

- We really have no idea
who this is.

It's incredible.

- How do you feel
about this right now?

- It's not even the point
of what this person looks like.

It's just the fact that even
if you weren't trying to,

you sold me on someone else.

I may have, deep down, known
that it may not be that person,

but you still--it doesn't
change the fact

that I've gave you
multiple opportunities

to be honest, and you lied.

- That's true.
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- All right, we're rolling up.

Who--who are we about
to meet here?

- This is it.

[suspenseful music]

All right.

[ominous music]


♪ ♪

- Hello?

- Hello?
- Hi.

- Oh, hi.

What's up?

- What are we going to get?

- Take your time, no rush.

I guess it's--you're--
it's okay if you're nervous.

Just try to, you know, relax.
Take some deep breaths.

[heavy breathing]

♪ ♪

Take it slow.

♪ ♪

Why don't you tell me
how you're feeling?

- Nervous, okay, I understand.

We're three very friendly guys
out here, myself included.

We just want to say hello

and chat for a minute...
whenever you're ready.

- Do you want me--can
I just come in, maybe, first,

and then
we can go out together?

- Does that work?

- I'll come in first.

- The door's opening.
The door's opening.

Nev's going inside.

Nev has disappeared inside.

♪ ♪

- He got further than me.

- You don't have to be upset
or worried.

You'll feel better,
and he'll feel better.

Couldn't have--couldn't pick
a nicer guy, all right?

♪ ♪

- Give me a second.
- Come on out.

At least let me hold your hand.

- Give me a second.
Oh, my God.

- Come on.
You got this.

You're already there.

You're already there.
It's over.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

Oh, my God.

- Someone's coming out.

♪ ♪

- Good, good, nice. That's it.

Almost--that's almost
all it is.

♪ ♪

- You know this person?

- This is Nicole.

We're taking our time.

♪ ♪

Come on.

♪ ♪

Nicely done.

♪ ♪

Nick, Nicole.

- Nice to meet you.

- You've been the one talking
to Nick the whole time?


- So...why?

You've had months
to just be honest.

- I don't want you to think

that I'm some type
of a malicious person,

'cause I'm not.

When I made the profile,

I didn't even really
talk to anybody,

but then when I started
talking to you,

it was just, like--it was easy,

because you're just, like...

[somber music]


Let's just be real.

You wouldn't look at me
the same way

that you looked at that person,

because I am not...


[somber music]

Sometimes I don't
feel good about myself.

♪ ♪

- The hard part's over.

Look, I know this was a lot.

We want to know why
this started

as much as you want
to share with us.

♪ ♪

- Um...

I'm sorry.

I can't--I can't--

I can't do this right now.

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Leaving it all unsaid ♪

♪ ♪

♪ 'Cause I've grown to need
this pain ♪

- What do we do now?

- We should give her
some space.

We should go.

She definitely
seems to be struggling with--

- The anxiety problem
seems real.

- Yes.

- ♪ I'd tell you but I can't ♪

- Let's regroup tomorrow
and see where we stand.

+- ♪ Please don't make this
hard ♪

- Yesterday was very

- There's still
a lot of questions,

so let's call Nick,
see how he's doing.

[phone line ringing]

- Yo, Nick, what's been
going on with you?

- It might be good to tell him
what's been going on

so that he can be there
to talk to you

about this after we leave.

- Gentlemen.

- Oh, what's up, guys?
- How you guys doing?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- All right.

- Well, so I don't--
did you--

have you guys talked at all
about yesterday?

- Not really.
- The whole thing and--okay.

So what do you know about Nick

and this relationship
he's been having?

- Not--not a lot.

All I know was that

he was talking to a girl
over social media,

showed me a picture of her
once, and that was really it.

- Why don't you tell Jimmy

about your relationship
with Jasmine?

- So...she was a fugaze,

and she wasn't what I expected.

She was really nervous.

You could tell she had
anxiety issues, you know?

She was, you know,
crying a good deal,

and we--that's basically it.
I mean--

- Whoa, whoa.
- Oh, okay.

- You're missing all
the good stuff.

- Okay.
- There's a little more

to the story.

- I got to confess,

on Valentine's Day night,

I pulled up
to her apartment complex,

and she was scared
to see me face to face.

She's like,
"So to feel comfortable,

I don't want you
to look at me just yet."

She's like, "I'm gonna try
to come out, but turn around.

I'm gonna put--I'm gonna
blindfold you."

[dramatic music]

[both laugh]

- Please tell me you said no.

- No. I turn around.

She blinds-fold me,
and then eventually we kissed.

- Wild.
- It was--

- Yo, what?

Yo, this is--that's gas.

- What are you saying?
- [laughs]

- What's the word?
- "Gayus"?

- Gas.
- What's that?

- It's, like,
a South Philly term.

It just meant, like--
- I don't know.

- Gas, it just means crazy.

- "Gayus"?
- G-A-S, gas.

- He's got it tattooed on him.
- Let me see.

- Gas.
- Gas.

- [laughing]

- You're gassing--
you're gassing me.

You've heard that, right?

I know that term.
- I mean--

- The way you say
it sounds so different.

- "Gayus."

- Well.
- All right.

- All right, so now you know.

He's confessed to you
this--this wild relationship

he's been having
for the past five months.

- That's--it's crazy.

I don't even know what to say.Like...

God, I'm surprised I--

you really didn't tell me
about this.

- I didn't tell
a lot of people.

- Yeah. That's crazy.

- Maybe next time,
it would be good...

that someone else does know
what's been going on

so they can kind of be there
to talk to you.

All right, so now

we got to try and see
if she'll meet up with us.

You know, yesterday
was a little touch and go.

Let's text her.

"Hey, we'd love to meet up this
afternoon and talk some more.

"Happy to meet anywhere
you're comfortable.

We have a conference room
at the hotel."

[suspenseful music]

- Oh, what'd she say?

- "Fine, I guess."

Okay, great,
so let's go back to the hotel.

- Great.
- Jimmy, it was a pleasure.

- Always a pleasure.
- Jimmy.

- This was fun.
- I'll keep you posted.

- So we'll see--see
if she shows up.

- Are you ready?
Are you nervous?

- I to see.

- You're gonna be okay.


[somber music]

All right.

♪ ♪

- How are you feeling?

- It was just
miserable last night.

- Something that might actually
make you feel better

is giving closure
and answers to someone

that I'm sure you feel guilty
about hurting and lying to.

- All right, so Nick,

do you want to just kind
of clarify some things?

- So just basically...
what's true, what's not?

- Do you have any children?
- No.

- Okay, you don't have
any children.

The way Nick tells it,

he was following "Jasmine"
on Snapchat.

She was posting what appeared
to be live snaps.

How did you do that?

- I had a iPhone 6,

and I was using my 7
to actually take, like--

- You were taking pictures
of real girls' chats, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- And recording them
with your phone?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- The Demi Lovato concert?

- What about it?

- Did you go?

Was it fun?
- [laughs] Yes.

- Stuff that you made me
send you,

but I just want to know, like,

how much more were you
willing to accept

before you were gonna
tell me the truth or--

- From early on, I said,

"I do not accept
gifts from guys."

- No, and that--I--

- And I said that
several times to him,

and I was like, "No, but
I'm going to pay you back,"

and he says,
"No. Like, I'm--"

- I'm not asking for it back,
to this day.

- [stammering]
- No, wait.

- I'm just explaining
the story.

That's all. I'm not--
- Right.

- I'm not trying to say
anything else.

- Right, that's fine.

- Can we ask you about Leilani?

- Leilani?

- We talked to a guy
named Jay G.

He had your phone number in his
phone for a girl named Leilani.

- This is not the first time
you've gone through this.

You made it before the whole
Jasselene-Nick, right?

'Cause this was a least
a year or two prior.

So that was you?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- Okay, if there's
anything else you want to say

or feel like you need to say...

- I didn't--and I'm gonna
talk to you.

I didn't think that I was going
to have this profile,

talk to somebody like the way
that I talk to you,

and kept it going.

You are a great guy.

You didn't deserve that at all.

You really--you really didn't,

and my words, you know, like,

I know they hold no weight...

but I am seriously sorry
that I did this to you.

♪ ♪

- Just--I just want
to know, like,

if what we had was genuine.
- Yeah.

- But are you in love with him?

- I truly am.

Like, the way you are
is just absolutely perfect.

♪ ♪

I have no excuses
for what I did,

'cause I know I hurt you.

♪ ♪

He was such a big part
of my life.

When he passed,
my whole world crumbled.

I just packed on the pounds,

and I just felt really low
in my life,

and I just wanted
to talk to somebody.

I made the profile,

and I'm sorry
that I put you through that.

♪ ♪

- I accept your apology.

I'm not against talking.

It'll maybe take a day or two
for me to process everything,

um, but I don't have
a problem, you know,

being friends moving forward.

I've definitely
learned things from this,

and hopefully you've learned--

- Oh, I definitely--

learned a lot.

♪ ♪

- Catfish adjourned.

- Bring it in.

Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

- Listen.
- See you later, Nicole.

[upbeat music]

You all right?
- Yeah.

- You got catfished, bro.
- I did.

I got fugazed.

[computer chiming]

What's up, guys?

- What's up?
- Nick!

- I'm chilling.
How you doing?

- Looking good, looking good.

So what's been going on?

Have you talked to Nicole?

- Uh, we text back and forth
here and there,

but nothing close
to anything like we used to.

- So friendly texts?
- Yeah, yeah.

- And you don't get
the sense that

she's been trying
to make more

between you or--
- Nah, nah.

I told her--she's trying
to change her life around,

that I would give her
some support or whatever.

- That's nice.
Are you dating?

- I'm single right now.
I'm just trying to keep busy.

- Remember, no fugaze.
- Yeah.

- Know when you see one,
but never be one.

- That's right.
- No fugaze.

- All right, man.
- All right.

Have a good summer, guys.
- See ya.

[computer chiming]

- Hey, Nicole.
- Wow.

Look at you.
- You look great.

- Thank you.
- What's going on with you?

- Working and living.

- How are you feeling
about everything?

- Everything that happened
I was, like, freaking out,

but I think the show was
the perfect thing for me to do

because I was trapped
in my own self,

and then once everything
came out,

it's just like--I'm me again.

The profile's deleted,

and I don't know,
I've been good.

- You just have a new,
fresh energy.

- You're glowing.
- Yeah.

- I'm happy.

- You and Nick have actually
stayed in touch, right?

- Yeah.
- Are you still into him?

And finish school, and--
- Do you, Nicole.

Do you.
- Lovely to speak with you.

- You too.
- Stay happy.

- I sure will.
- Bye, Nicole.

- Well, what more
can you ask for, right?

- That's what--why we do this.

- That's what we've
done together...

- It's a great gig.

- For the past seven years
on this show,

but I know you have something
you need to say.

Please, why don't you tell
our wonderful fans,

um...that thing?

- Uh, okay.

Um, hey, guys.

Uh, the time has come, sadly,

for me to move on
from "Catfish."


♪ ♪

Working on the show for
the last seven years has been

one of the most meaningful
experiences of my life.

I've learned a lot
about myself and my country

and human nature in general.

Nev and I have become

and our bromance has blossomed
before your eyes.

Get away from me.

Stop looking for excuses
to touch me.

- We finish each
other's sentences.

It's so adorable.

Scorpio lives in Atlanta.

Travels a lot.

- Along the way, I've made
some incredible new friends,

from people
who've been on the show

to people who watch the show
and stop me on the street,

and especially to the people
who make the show with us,

but this is just something
I've got to do.

It's no secret
that I have passions

straddling two careers,
as a TV host and a filmmaker.

I feel like it's finally time
for me to make my exit.

If I've learned one thing over
the course of making the show,

it's that we all have

especially online,
to ignore people's humanity

and flatten them in our minds
into a monster, a liar,

a profile pic with no feelings
or other qualities,

but when I've met them
and heard their story,

I realized that they were
just a human being,

real and complicated.

They're just people,
people who've been hurt,

people who want to be loved.

So, although I have
a heavy heart,

I'm also excited for everything
that's to come for me,

for Nev, for the show,

so thank you for watching,

thank you for the love,
and don't worry.

I'll drop in once in a while

to check that Nev
is not too lonely without me,

but for now, I've got to go.

- Oh, Max, I--you know,
we're--you know,

we're going to keep
making the show.

- I know.

- And we're going to find
a new co-host.

We're gonna be trying out
a number of different people

over the course
of the next, probably,

you know,
eight or ten episodes.

- It's gonna be like

- We'll find someone,
and you guys will love them,

and the show will continue,
but this is it.

We got to say goodbye.
I could sit here all day...

- I don't want to--
- Not saying goodbye,

but I think we got to do it.

Come on.
- All right.

One time,
I'll give you this hug.

- [laughs] Yeah.

First reciprocated hug.

- [laughs]

Good luck, buddy.
