Castle (2009–2016): Season 4, Episode 6 - Demons - full transcript

National TV ghost-buster Jack Sinclair is killed on camera while investigating the famous New York McClellan house, site of 8 previous 'suspicious' murders. His cameraman Barry Bavetta resigned after a fight that day but has an alibi. Beckett and Esposito being skeptics, Castle mainly teams up with Ryan. The root of Sinclair's fear for the house and its very architecture prove key to discovering both another older murder and a list of present suspects, enabling to set a fitting trap.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Living room, 9:03 P.M.

EMF level spiking off the chart.


Is anyone there?


I can see it.




Dad, are you using me as a shield

- against flesh-eating zombies?
- No.

No. I just wanted you
to have a better view.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are you going? I think--

I really think we're
safer in pairs.

Sorry, dad. You're gonna
have to fend for yourself.

I'm skyping with Ashley.


Right in the middle of
father-daughter zombie time?

Can't you do it later?

He's not available later.

He's got a dorm meeting and
then a seminar after that.

I know he's busy,

and you are very thoughtful

to be so accommodating,

but a healthy relationship
is based on mutual respect.

I mean, think about what kind
of signal you're sending

if you're the one always
rearranging your schedule

at the other one's
every beck and call.

I mean, if you just
drop everything...

the very moment that--
I'm sorry.

Oh, hang on.

Detective Beckett.

I'll be right there.

I'm worried about Alexis.

I think her not
getting into Stanford

has upset the balance of power
in her relationship with Ashley.

Oh, Castle, I wouldn't
worry about that.

I mean, Alexis is a girl,
and Ashley's a teenage boy.

I'd say she still holds
most of the power.

The "Ghost Wranglers" are here?

Okay, that's why I
love these guys.

Why doesn't it surprise me
that you actually watch

that ridiculous show?

Ridiculously awesome.

Jack Sinclair is hands down

America's most
accomplished ghost hunter.

Um, Castle...

Jack Sinclair is the
name of our victim.

And the hunter
becomes the hunted.

He was here doing a
special about the house,

you know, for his TV show.

Why this place?

It has a bit of a history.

You mean, paranormal history?

Look, detective, I'm not saying

I believe in that stuff, okay?

But I've owned the McClaren house

for over 20 years,

and when the phone rings
about this place,

odds are, it's not
a busted toilet.

Anybody live in there now?

Not for years.

It's hard getting tenants
to stick around.

So when this Sinclair guy called,

I figured, what the hell?

Maybe he could clear
the place up,

make it rentable.

But after what just happened...

Wh-what exactly did just happen?

His throat was slit
almost from ear to ear.

Jugular, superior thyroid,

common carotid, left and right--

you name it, it's been severed.

Well, that explains
all the blood.

Here's what I can't explain--

depth and nature of
the wounds tell me

that the killer got up
close and personal.

So then where are the footprints?

Not just that.
Look at the blood spatter.

You cut all those arteries,

and the spray is gonna come fast

and it's gonna come strong.

I'll say. It went everywhere.

But it shouldn't have.

Some of it should've
landed on the killer.

Yet every drop of it
landed on the floor.

This spray is completely


It doesn't make sense.

Unless the blood passed
right through the killer.

Are you saying a ghost did this?

Please don't encourage him.

I'm saying,

maybe Mr. Sinclair
finally met a wraith

he couldn't wrangle.

Lanie, who called this in?

I'm... Jack's producer.

I worked with him for
the last four years.

Okay, Lulu, we just need to know

everything that happened
before you called 9-1-1.


Jack went in the house
at around 7:00.

And then he went on lockdown
a few minutes after that.

Uh, he locks himself into
the house for the night.

It's standard protocol
for ghost hunters.

Uh-huh. And was he in there alone?

We always do a clean
sweep of the place

right before we start.

So he--he locked the
doors, and then

I went into the tech
van to watch the feed.

And were the cameras
rolling the whole time?

The infrared cameras
are to detect

unexplained thermal anomalies.

Living room,

9:03 P.M.

EMF levels spiking
off the charts.

That's an electromagnetic
field meter.

That's a tool of the
ghost busting trade.

It's used to measure spikes
in paranormal energy.

Let's just watch.


Anyone there?


I can see it.


It sounds like he was begging
his killer for mercy.

What happened?

That--that's it.

That's when all the camera
signals cut out at once.

And what could
explain the picture

suddenly going out like that?

I don't know.
It's never happened before.

Well, there was that last
episode of "The Sopranos."

No, there's no way.

Jack had to have been in
there with someone else.

Did he have any enemies,

anybody that he was having
problems with recently?

No, not that I know of.

He... he did show up
to lockdown upset.

Do you know where he
was coming from? No.

He pulled up in a cab
and grabbed his gear

and just went inside.

Did anyone else have
keys to this place?

Just Jack and Barry B.

Barry Bavetta.
That's Jack's cameraman.

Where is Barry?

Doesn't he usually do
lockdown with Jack?

He and Jack had an
argument this afternoon.

Things got pretty heated,
and then Barry just quit.

Could he have
programmed the cameras

to turn off like that?

Actually... yeah, he could.

Barry Bavetta checked out of
his hotel in a hurry at 7:30.

Mm. That's enough time to
make it back to the house

by 9:00 when Jack was killed.

Barry's phone is still going
straight to voice mail.

Well, the manager gave
me his credit card info,

so if we're lucky he's
out there using it.

All right, I'm gonna start
scrubbing this footage

from inside of the house.

Maybe there's something in there
that can implicate this guy.

Right. Hey.

We're still on for dinner
tomorrow night, right?

Oh, yeah.
Jenny's totally psyched.

She's never really hung out
with Lanie before, so cool.

Well, just to let you know,

Lanie's gonna be getting
off a double shift,

so she could be a little cranky.

Oh. Maybe we should reschedule.

I mean, isn't the whole point

for Jenny and Lanie to get along?

Nah, she'll be cool.

Just, you know, don't say
anything controversial.

Like what?

What's controversial?


Bingo? Don't talk about Bingo?

Barry Bavetta's been busy,
and so has his lap.

Dude has racked up

a hell of a tab at a strip club

by the airport.

First charge, an hour
after the murder.

Sorry to interrupt
your fun, Barry.

We heard you were racking
up quite a bill.

Or is that billing quite a rack?

So what, getting a lap
dance is illegal now?

Look, I was just blowing
off some steam.

Haven't had the best day.

Yeah, so we heard.

Your producer said that
you and Jack Sinclair

had a falling out today.

So this is about Jack? Yeah.

We got into it.

Wasn't the first
fight we ever had,

but I made sure
it'll be the last.

Why don't you tell us
what happened, Barry?

Jack screwed me over
is what happened.

He told me last-minute

I wasn't going with him
on lockdown tonight.

Any reason?

The only one he gave
was, he's the boss.

But... it's 'cause he's jealous.

Worried I'm gonna walk
off with all the credit.

Why is that?

Because the episode
we're doing tonight,

the McClaren house, was my idea.

I did all the research.

Jack didn't even want
to do the damn show.

Why wouldn't Jack want to do

a show about a haunted
mansion in New York?

That sounds like ratings gold.

Jack's weird about New York.

He was brought up
here, but he's got

some strange aversion
to coming back.

He tried to torpedo
the whole thing,

said he wouldn't be caught
dead in that house.

And you decided to
prove him wrong?


Jack Sinclair was killed in
the McClaren house tonight.


Barry, why didn't you give
your keys back to the owner?

Uh, I'm--I was--

I was, uh, upset. I forgot.

Is--is--is he really dead?

You were the one who set
up the cameras, right?



So you knew exactly
where they were placed

and how to avoid them when
you snuck back in the house.

You even knew how to program them

to turn off at a certain point.

Whoa, whoa. I did not kill Jack.

I wasn't even there.

I got stuck in the security line
and missed my flight to LA.

I went to the strip
club right after that.

You can check that.

So TSA has Barry

going through security
at 9:15 at JFK.

There's no way that
he was in the house

at the time of the murder.

Plus, tech checked
out those cameras.

They weren't programmed
to turn off.

The only thing Barry's
guilty of killing

is time at that strip club.

So... if Barry's not our guy,

I think it's time we
revisit the possibility

that our killer's a--

If you say ghost, I'm
sending you home.


Have you figured out

another way to explain
the blood spatter?

No, I haven't, but I will.

Apparently Jack
Sinclair was very upset

when he arrived in a
taxi cab tonight,

so let's find out where
that cab picked him up

and what he was doing there.

Roger that.

You'll see, Castle.
This will turn out just like

every other murder investigation.

Once we find out more
about our victim's life,

the details surrounding
his death,

everything will be explained.


maybe not everything.

I was reviewing the footage
shot inside the house tonight

looking for signs that
someone else was there--

a-a shadow, a
reflection, something.

Instead, I found, uh,

well, you better
see for yourself.

So I slowed down the video.

Watch the tripod
in the background.

There. You see it.


I'm sure there's a perfectly
simple explanation

for all of that.

There is.

They're here.

Whoa. Did you get any sleep?

Not a wink, but it was worth it.

After researching the history
of the McClaren mansion,

I think I know what happened

to our victim, ghost
hunter Jack Sinclair.

- That coffee's for you, by the way.
- Oh.

Oh, the--the other one. That's...


I'll make you a--
I'll make you one.

Um, since the McClaren
mansion was built

in 1898,

bodies have been piling up

faster than a Tarantino movie.

Eight killings in all,

starting with the original
owner, Robert Pettigrew,

strangled, 1903.

All the way to Melanie Benton,

hacked to pieces in 1991.

The current owner, Steve Fuller,

tried to have the
house torn down,

but it was declared a landmark
by the society for historic--

I'm sorry, Castle.

I appreciate your work. I do.

But what does this have
to do with our case?

Just getting to that.

It seems that in almost
all of these killings,

the killer claimed that there
was a--ready for this?

That a demon was responsible.

A demon? Really?

I'm not making this up.
It's in the books.

A demon killed Jack Sinclair.

So what's our next step?
Are we gonna stake out the house,

wait for the demon to show up,
zap him with our proton pack?

That's not a real
thing, you know,

that real ghost hunters use.

Real ghost hunters?

Isn't that a contradiction
in terms, bro?

Okay. Does anyone have anything
pertinent to our case?

I do.


I tracked down that cab
our vic took last night.

The driver's trip log says

that he picked up Jack on
the corner of 38th and 9th.

Have uniforms canvass the
area with Jack's photo.

Let's see what he was up to.

Oh, and phone records, too.

Maybe that'll shed
some light on things.

I think I can shed some light

on why Jack didn't want
to do the show here.

Talked to an old high school pal

that Jack had breakfast
with a couple of days ago.

Turns out that our vic
actually used to live

right near the McClaren house.

Said that he used to walk a
couple blocks out of his way

just to avoid walking past it.

Said it gave him a
creeped out feeling.

You see? I am telling you,

there is something going
on with this house.

The last people... well, to--

the last people that lived there

moved out four years
ago in a hurry.


I don't know, but I think
it's time we found out.

Knock yourself out, Castle.

- You're not coming?
- No, I've got a murder to solve.

I'll go.

- Ooh. That's a look.
- Yeah.

I get these a lot.
Just start walking.

- Let's go.
- Faster.

I just saw Ryan downstairs.

I can't believe you let him go
chasing ghosts with Castle.

Yeah. Maybe Shaggy will
keep Scooby out of trouble.

Besides, you never know.

Maybe they'll come up
with something useful.

Oh, you want useful?

Because I just spoke to CSU.

They found fingerprints
at the scene

from a real live person, so...

His name is Ron Berger.
He lives in Queens.

- They're picking him up now.
- Does he have a record?

Yeah. Chuckles did eight years

for armed robbery with a knife.

He's also dabbled
in B&E, which makes

breaking into a locked house
no problem for this guy.

When did he get out of prison?

Five weeks ago.

Ohh, finally a lead
that makes sense.

Oh, it gets better.

Ron has a history with our vic.

"Ghost Wranglers" did a piece
on five points correctional,

and Ron was featured.

Claims he was sharing
his cell with a spirit.

Well, that's prison
overcrowding for you.

Apparently, Casper was being
a little too friendly,

touching Ron in all
the wrong places.

- Molested by a ghost.
- Mm-hmm.

Wow. Some people will do
anything to get on TV.

Yeah, except it backfired on him.

Ron became the laughingstock
of the prison yard.

He got all pissed off,

and he wrote the show a letter.

"I'm gonna make
Jack Sinclair bleed

for what he did to me."

I wrote that letter, yeah.

But that was as far as it went.
I-I didn't kill him.

Where were you last
night at 9:00 P.M.?

I was at home, watching cartoons.


You can ask my mom.

Well, we have a problem,
Ron, because we found

your fingerprints inside
the McClaren house.

I-I-I can explain that.

I'm waiting.

I-I can't violate my parole.

I can't go back to Five Points,

not--not in that cell,
not--not with that...


You're worried about your ghost?

Ron, you're looking at murder.

You've got a flimsy alibi.

Your fingerprints are all
over the crime scene.

You had means, motive,
and opportunity.

All right, all right.

I was there.

Just, uh, not last night.

About a month ago.

I was there because of Jack.

He--he called me after I got out.

Jack Sinclair called you,

after you threatened him?

To apologize for the
prison show thing,

and he--he had a request.

What kind of a request?

Uh, it was a strange one.

He wanted me to take pictures
inside the McClaren house.

- Why you?
- It was locked up.

So, uh... I had to break in.

Did he give you any reason for
asking for those pictures?

Okay. We're gonna need
to see the photos.


So tech analyzed the SD card.

Time/date stamp was
not messed with.

- So then Ron was telling the truth?
- Well, about the photos.

I'm still not buying the whole
"touched by a phantom" routine.

I wonder what Jack wanted
with all these photos.

You know, all of the pictures
are of just one room--

the living room.

That's the same room
as the crime scene.

So Jack hired Ron
Berger to take pictures

of the very room he
was gonna die in.

That's creepy.

That's not creepy, Castle.

I'm sure it can all be explained

and I bet you that living room

has absolutely nothing to
do with ghosts or demons.

The living room, definitely.

That was the epicenter
of the activity.

Ms. Boyer, when you
say activity...

We didn't buy it either.

We had heard all about
the McClaren house,

it's history.

We laughed about it.

At first, everything was fine.

Then it started--
lights going off,

strange noises, doors slamming.

Did anything violent ever happen?

One night, uh,

we heard noises from
the living room,

we went downstairs,

found the whole room trashed.

Tables flipped over,

books ripped apart,
pictures smashed.

Oh, my God. That's terrible.

Is that when you
decided to move out?

Not without a fight.

We found this woman. This, um,

ghost hunter.

Said she was the best.

Said all other ghost hunters
came to her for help.

But she took one look, and
told us to run like hell.

Yeah, what was her name?

Um... Mercy.

That's right. Mercy Lagrande.

"Mercy, I can see it. Mercy."

Maybe Jack Sinclair

wasn't begging for
mercy when he died.

He was saying her name.

Mercy Lagrande,

real name, Mercedes King,

runs an unlicensed business
doing paranormal consultations.

There's a reason why
she's unlicensed.

Check out this rap sheet.

We've got ID theft,
fraud, check fraud,

and impersonating a
religious official.

Look at where her business
is located--38th and 9th.

That's on the same block
our vic caught that cab.

So Jack paid Mercy a visit,

and then goes to the
McClaren house upset.

Hours later,

he says Mercy's name
right before he dies.

So the question is, how is
she involved in all of this?

Uh, well, you know, uh,

Ryan and I would be glad
to go check this out

if you guys are too busy
solving that murder.

I did what I could to help him,

but I'd say it wasn't enough.

Why did Jack Sinclair
come to see you?

I've been in the McClaren house.

He was going to face
whatever's in there,

and he wanted my advice.

Which you gave him... for a fee.

I'm not a charlatan, detective.

Someone with Jack
Sinclair's experience

wouldn't be seeking
my counsel if I was.


If he was that good, why
would he seek your help?

This was not like any
other house to him.

When he took the assignment,

the dreams started.

Just glimpses at first,

bits and pieces of a room,

but then the dreams
became nightmares--

figures, bodies.

Whose bodies?

He didn't know.

But the more we talked,

the more it became clear to
me, these weren't dreams.

Well, what were they?


He witnessed great evil.

Repressed it all these years.

But the memories were too strong.

They were coming back.

And what was he
remembering exactly?

A woman,

a lot of blood, a
man with a knife.

Who was the man?

He said the face was blurred
but getting clearer.

I told him,

if he returned to the
room where it happened,

it might all come back to him.

"Mercy, I can see it."
That's the murderer's face.

Jack recovered the memory
just before he was killed.

The last murder in that
house was 20 years ago.

I read about the case.

There were no witnesses.

Oh, there was one.

Jack Sinclair was there

the night that woman died.

He was there.

The pictures aren't pretty.

Melanie Benton,

sliced up in the McClaren house

on the night of April 20, 1991.

One guess where she was found.

The living room.

Give that man a prize.

So 1991, Jack
Sinclair is what, 11?

Still living in the neighborhood.

I'm betting this is the
murder he witnessed.

Yeah, but how did
he witness a murder

without the killer knowing?

I did some digging.
Jack had a paper route,

and the McClaren house was on it.

Okay, so Jack shows up,
maybe to collect money,

hears screams, and he peers
in through those windows.

He started having dreams
about what he'd seen

all those years ago, and he
wanted to make sense of them.

And that's why our vic hired
Ron Berger to break in

and take pictures
of the living room.

Was there ever an arrest made?

No, which means the killer
is still out there.

So Jack Sinclair is just
about to recover his memory

and possibly ID our killer,

and he's silenced.

Who was the investigating
officer on the case?

I've been retired ten years,

and I still think about this one.

I was the first one on the scene,

and I gotta tell you, the pictures
don't even do it justice,

what Matt Benton did
to his poor wife.

Matt Benton?
You think that Melanie was killed

by her own husband?

Well, the neighbors complained
about constant fighting.

We put out an APB on Benton

the night that Melanie
was murdered,

but he got away, and he's
been on the lam ever since

so it doesn't take a
genius to put it together.

Did you ever hear anything
about his whereabouts

after he disappeared?

We got one tip once about
him being in Europe.

But that--that's gotta be
a good 15 years ago now.

So somebody spotted him?

No, he sent postcards
to his brother.

They were postmarked Vienna.

What did they say?
Do you remember?

They all said the same thing--

Benton claimed he wasn't
responsible for his wife's death,

something about a demon.

Really? He claimed there
was a demon involved?

I know. Like anyone's gonna
fall for that, right?

I mean, what kind of jackass did
he think he was dealing with?

Did you ever follow up on
any of those postcards,

detective Smith?

We got Interpol involved,

but without any hard
evidence against the guy--

no murder weapon, no
witness-- you know,

I don't think they ever
took it too seriously.

And what if a witness
came forward now,

would that change anything?

That would change everything.

It sounds more and more like
Matt Benton found out about Jack

and decided to keep him quiet.

But how did Matt find out

that Jack was recovering
his memories?

I have an idea about that.

I was rechecking our
vic's phone records.

It turns out, a week
before he died,

Jack Sinclair called

the law firm of Lockhart,
Whelan and Benton.

Benton? As in--

Pete Benton, Matt's brother.

That's the brother that Matt was
sending those postcards to and--

Pete could have
easily alerted Matt

that someone was
asking questions,

the wrong kind of questions.

My brother sent me those
postcards over 15 years ago.

I gave them to the cops.
I haven't heard from him since.

And no contact since then,
Mr. Benton?


Not even after talking
to Jack Sinclair?

Jack Sinclair?

The ghost hunter.

He was killed in the
McClaren house last night.

I never spoke to Jack Sinclair.

Well, his phone records
show otherwise.

I get calls every year
from some TV producer

looking to exploit
my family's tragedy

and the legend of the
McClaren mansion.

Look, it's a shame, whatever
happened to this guy.

But if he called here,
I did not talk to him.

And I certainly haven't
spoken to my brother.

So if we check your
phone records,

we won't find calls to Vienna?

We're an international law firm.

We have clients all over
Europe, including Vienna.

We're gonna need access
to those phone logs.

Then you need a warrant,

and you don't have
enough to get one.

Mr. Benton, your
car is downstairs.

The law firm's car service
of choice is Execu-drive.

Here are Pete Benton's
billing slips

going back a month or so.

Was there any unusual activity?

Uh, daily routine's the
same to and from work,

except for four days ago,

when Pete authorized
a pickup at JFK,

international terminal.

Okay. So maybe Pete did have
his brother on speed dial.

Where'd they go?

Fairwyck hotel.

All right, let's take
this down to the Fairwyck

and see if anybody
recognizes Matt Benton.

Actually, I had tech mock up an
aged-up version of the photo,

- you know, Matt 20 years later.

Wait a minute. Don't you guys
have dinner plans tonight?

Uh, we can move it to...

some night when Lanie's not
coming off a double shift.

Uh, actually, Lanie's really
looking forward to it.

You know what? No worries.
It's on my way home.

You sure?

That I don't want to
be the one to blame

for ruining Lanie's night out?
Oh, yeah. I am sure.

Honestly, Richard,

how do you plan to solve
a 1-day-old murder

by reading a book about
a 100-year-old house?

You sound just like Beckett.

There has to be a reason why
all these things happened

in the living room--

all these murders, uh,

the tenants who had their
furniture smashed,

all in the same room.

Maybe that demon of yours

did not like the furniture.

You bring in a decorator,
snazz up the place...

All this nonsense might stop.

Less like Beckett.


No need of snazzing up here.

Look at you. Wow.

You're really taking these Skype
dates with Ashley seriously.

I'm going to a party.

Ash was supposed to
call me hours ago,

but I'm tired of waiting.

Oh, good for you, sweetheart.

Have a good time.

Thanks, dad.
I'll be back by midnight.

Thank you.



Did you see that outfit?
Should I be worried?

Ashley's the one who
should be worried.

Trust me, if he could see how
she looked going out now,

he wouldn't be so quick
to leave her hanging.

Oh, isn't this funny?
It's Ashley.


It's almost as if

he was listening in
to our conversation.

Listening in.

The architect for
the McClaren house,

he's from Scotland.

I-is that important?

It's the key.

Two words--

laird's lug.

Laird's lug?

Literally "lord's ear."

It refers to the hidden
alcove above a dining hall

of many Scottish Castles.

The host could use it to
eavesdrop on his guests.

I think I've either had too
much wine or not enough.

Seamus McClaren, builder
of the McClaren house,

grew up right next
to Edinburgh Castle,

notable for its laird's lug.

The concept so tickled him,

he put modern versions of it
into several of his houses.

So you're saying that
the McClaren house

has a hidden alcove?

It explains everything.

How come the killings only
happen in that one room?

How does the killer seemingly
appear and disappear at will?

Answers that have, thus
far, remained elusive.

Speaking of which, how
did your canvassing go?

I came up empty.

There's absolutely no
evidence that Matt Benton

was ever at the Fairwyck.

Maybe the evidence of his
return will be in that alcove.

It's worth a shot.

We'll go first thing
in the morning,

see what we come up with.

You want to go now?

Well, unless, of
course, you're afraid.

- Yeah, right.
- No, I get it.

I mean, it is a haunted house.

- I'm not scared, Castle.
- No, no, you're right.

You're right. I mean, the
demon has tasted fresh blood.

Its--its thirst may not be
slaked with just one victim.

Okay, come on.

Listen, if-- if
you're not scared,

- just say it.
- No.

Come on. You know you want to.

I don't want to say it, Castle.

For me. Please.

I ain't afraid a' no ghosts.

Thank you.

I don't know, Castle,
there have been

a lot of murder investigations
in here over the years,

and I think they would've
found a secret room

if there actually was one.

Not if it was hidden well enough.

You know, you're gonna regret it
if we actually find this room.

Why is that?

Because then you're
gonna have to admit

that there is no demon
behind all of this.

There's nothing more than a boring
psycho killer hiding in a a room.

Well, unless it's a psycho
killer posessed by a demon.

Why are you so determined
to find the supernatural in all this?

Why are you so determined not to?

You know what? I am just
following the evidence

wherever it may lead,

and as a cop, I'm
going to consider

every possible
worldly explanation.

And what if there is none?

Well, then I'm open
to the alternatives.

- You? Skepticus Maximus?
- You know what?

Just because I don't
talk about it nonstop

doesn't mean I don't
believe in another plane.

I've actually had
my own experiences.

Get out! Like what?

When I was a little girl,

my parents rented a
cabin by a lake

and when I had to go
to the bathroom

You know what? You're
just gonna think I'm crazy.

No, no, no. Go ahead,
tell me.

And on the way there

I heard this voice

"Kate, Kate."

It was coming from this room

that the owners had locked up

and told my parents.
never to go in it.

Except that night there was this
weird glow underneath the door.

Then I heard the voice
again: "Kate".

And so I walked up to the door

and this time it wasn't locked.

And I turned the doornob and I opened
it up and then I saw it.

What was it? What did you see?

Ah, ha ha. Very funny.

Yes, you got me.

How long have you
known me, Castle?

Of course I don't
believe in ghosts.

What was that?

Well, that's odd.

No, that's more than just odd.

This is the same
sequence of events

that preceded Jack
Sinclair's murder.

Except Jack only had an
EMF meter.

I've got a gun and a flashlight.

With dead batteries.

I could swear I just
put in new ones.

I know I saw some matches by
one of these candles here.

- Wow, Castle. Mature.
- Right. Sorry.

Yeah. Here we go.


That was not me.

So maybe there's a draft here.


I think I feel it right here.

Give me a boost.

- Okay. Ready?
- Yeah.

Oh, God, Castle.

- Oh, yeah, this is easy.
- Ohh.

Castle, come on. Just hold still.


That's the noise on the tape

right before Jack
Sinclair was killed.


I'm gonna go up. Ready?

Grab my legs.

Castle, I said legs. Okay?

Oh, legs.


Not as sorry as I was.

I'm around dead people all day.

When I get home, I
want a live one.

I was tired.

I can't believe we waited
this long to do this, babe.

Yeah, yeah. It really did turn
out to be a perfect night.

I would like to propose a toast.

I know that it's kind of corny,

but it's me so,
well, there we go.

Uh, to best friends,

now and forever.


And to the future newlyweds.

- Cheers.
- You are so thoughtful.

You know, Kevin said you guys
made a great couple, but...

I had no idea.


When are you two getting married?

Isn't this awkward?

Yeah, well, secret passageways

aren't supposed to be the
most convenient of places.

The killer could have hung
upside down from this bar

when he slit Jack
Sinclair's throat.

That would provide you with
your demon-free explanation

of the undisturbed blood spatter.

Look, Castle, I
appreciate the assist,

but I could do
without the massage.

What are you talking about?

Aren't you rubbing my neck?


Deep breaths, Castle.

It's just a rat.

There's something over there.

Come on.

Hidden passageways, secret rooms?

I don't know, Castle.

The mystery of the
McClaren mansion's

looking less supernatural
by the minute.

What is this?

It's a magnetic field generator

to knock out the video
feed to the cameras.

Boy, someone planned
very carefully

how to kill Jack Sinclair the
night he was filming here.

It's taxing the power supply.

That could explain the
lights flickering

just before Jack's death.

You know, the magnetic
field would also explain

that tripod moving that
we saw in the video.

Castle, look at these marks.

There was a bed here.

Matt Benton could've been here

for days before Jack
even showed up.

You know, this house has
been largely unoccupied

since the Melanie Benton killing.

Maybe the reason they
couldn't find Matt Benton

is because he never left.

He could've been living
here the whole time.

And maybe he's here right now.

Open the door.

Oh, my God. My heart.

I was so scared.


Really?! Really?

I am throwing away this coat.

Look, his cuffs are monogrammed.


Looks like you were
right, Castle.

Matt Benton never did leave
the McClaren mansion.

Dental records confirm it.

That's Matt Benton.

Tech really needs
better software.

- Cause of death?
- Don't know yet,

but I'm guessing it wasn't
the world's longest game

of hide-and-seek.

How long was he in there for?

Still waiting on
the test results,

but the prelim reports on
the tissue samples suggests

he died about 20 years ago.

Okay, so then odds are he
was killed at the same time

his wife Melanie was.

So the killer hides Matt's body,

making it appear
as though he fled,

framing Matt for
his wife's murder

and throwing everyone off the
trail of the real killer.

And it worked, too, for 20 years.

Yeah, until Jack
Sinclair showed up.

- Let me know about the test results.
- Okay.

How'd that double date go?

I-I just...

You guys... one thing.

If Matt was killed 20 years ago,

then how'd he send those
postcards to Pete 15 years ago?

I think it's time we took a
harder look at Pete Benton.

Don't ask about the date.

Look, I said I'm sorry, okay?

I didn't mean to jinx the dinner.

"This really is the
perfect night."

Jenny got a little
caught up in the moment.

"When are you two
getting married"?

That's a question you do not ask.

All right, you know, it's--

it's not entirely
you guys' fault.

You guys have a big fight after?

Big fight? No.

Mega fight? Yes.

The point is... we, um,

we decided that we're
gonna cool things off.

- What, you mean split up?
- Yeah.

Just until we both
figure out what we want.

Man, I'm so sorry.


Look, brother, if you
need me for anything,

you know I'm always
here to-- what?

Well, maybe nothing, but...

this lightbulb...

is brand-new.

Are you kidding me?

Detective, this is
bordering on harassment.

I told you everything I
know about my brother.

Not everything.

You were engaged once,
weren't you, Mr. Benton?

To a Melanie Wendell.

Until Melanie broke it off

and married your brother instead.

Things didn't work out for us.

I didn't expect Melanie
to stay single forever.

But you never married,

because you never got
over her, did you?

Who really sent those
postcards, Pete?

Did you send 'em yourself?

What the hell are
you talking about?

My brother sent me
those postcards.

You and I both know
that's not possible.

Your brother has been
dead for 20 years.


We found his remains
in the McClaren house.

It's over.

You think I killed my brother?

You think I killed Melanie?

Where were you that night, Pete?

I'll tell you exactly
where I was.

I went to dinner with
my friend Marie--

7:30, Cafe Jouer.

We were out by 9:00.

We stopped at
Dorian's for a drink.

I had a 7 and 7.

Our server was Patrick.

When something like that happens,

it's burned into your brain,

every detail of what happened
the night you heard.

I couldn't forget it if I tried.

We're gonna have to
verify your story, Pete.

So... my--

my brother didn't kill Melanie?

We don't think so.

I've always assumed that he did.

Matt had a terrible temper.

He was convinced that Melanie
was cheating on him.

Was she?

Wouldn't surprise me if she was.

Matt thought it was
somebody at work.

It wasn't someone
Melanie worked with.

I just tracked down
George Banner,

Melanie's manager at Fly-Wide
Travel from 20 years ago.

He said Melanie had
two coworkers,

both guys... uh-huh.

Married... still.

- To each other.
- Oh.

Well, Fly-Wide was in a
high-rise in midtown.

So maybe it was someone
else in the building.

Let's get a list of all the
tenants that were there

when Melanie worked there.

I'm not sure that's necessary.

Remember the lightbulb I
took from that secret room?


Well, I traced
the serial number.

It belongs to a lot that was
sold by the manufacturer

directly to Fuller
estate management.

- As in Steve Fuller?
- Owner of the McClaren mansion.

That means that Fuller knew about
that room and didn't tell us.

There's only reason why
he wouldn't tell us.

Because he's the killer.

Maybe Matt Benton was right
about Melanie having an affair,

only wrong about who she was
having the affair with.

And when things
went bad, he killed her,

killed Matt, and stashed
his body in his own house

where he knew no
one would find it.

And he planned on
destroying the evidence.

He wanted to have
the house torn down

right after those murders, but
it was declared a landmark.

So he used that
passageway to scare off

tenants like the Boyers,
growing the mansion's legend

so that no one would
want to live there.

And then when Jack Sinclair
came sniffing around,

he had to kill him, too.

You guys.

Great story. The DA
will never buy it.

It's all circumstantial.

She's right.

Anyone could've put
that bulb in there.

We have no proof.

But we will.

And I think I know just
how to get Mr. Fuller

to give up the ghost.

- Think he'll show?
- I don't know.

- You told him about tomorrow, right?
- Yes, Castle.

He thinks we're going through
that wall in the morning.

So if Fuller's our guy,

he should be coming for
Matt Benton's body tonight.

If he's our guy.
I mean, he might not be our guy.

And yet, there he is.

Of course, he might just be
here to fix a busted toilet.

Need a hand with that, Fuller?

Detective Smith?

Detective Beckett.

It was... you...

all this time. Why?

You know, he was abusing her.

Terrible things.

I don't think a month went by,

we didn't get called
up to this house.

And one day, I stopped by in
the afternoon to check on her.

You were the affair.

It wasn't an affair.

It was love.

Then why'd you kill her?

I didn't mean to. It just...

She wanted to call
it off with me.

And I couldn't let that happen.

And Matt Benton?

The way he treated her,
he deserved what he got.

And as the lead officer,

you knew you could steer the
investigation off yourself

and on to someone
they'd never find.

And then you sent those postcards

to keep your suspect alive.

I had 'em think that he did it.

It was his fault anyway.

What about Jack Sinclair?
How'd you find out about him?

I promised Fuller that I would
solve this case one day.

I asked him to keep me
informed of any developments.

So that when Jack contacted
Fuller about the crime scene,

he called you.

And when we told
Fuller we were gonna

check out that room tomorrow,

he called you then, too.

You're both very smart.

But you're forgetting one thing.

This house is haunted.

Thanks for the gun, detective.
I really appreciate it.

You know, I felt bad about Sinclair.
I really did.

But he knew too much
about that night,

stuff that wasn't in the papers.

So he had to go.

Get on your knees.

Don't worry, Castle.
He's not gonna shoot us.

That won't fit the legend.

Any more helpful hints you'd care
to pass along to our killer?

On your knees.

I don't think so, Addison.

Y-you see, the demon

only really kills when
no one's looking.

And tonight, we have an audience.

They recorded your
full confession.

You have a right
to remain silent.

So busted.

Ghost busted,

thanks to Lulu.

It's the least I could
do for him, you know?

For Jack.

So Fuller had no idea
about that room?

Well, like we said before,
anyone could've grabbed

the lightbulb from another
part of the house

and placed it there.
I guess Smith did it.

He's in with the DA
right now writing his confession.

Yeah, well, what I don't get is,

if he was so in love with
Melanie, why would he kill her?

He said that a demon
made him do it.

Just laying the groundwork for
his insanity plea, I'm sure.


Oh, come on, Castle,
even you have to admit,

haunting, every death,

everything even
remotely connected

to paranormal activity
in the McClaren house

can be explained by
that passageway.

I don't know.

What about last night when
we were in the living room?

How about the door, the
light, the candle?

Old wiring, drafty house.

Or maybe it was something more.

Think about it, if you
hadn't gone looking for

the draft that blew
out the candle

you would never have
found the passageway

or Matt Benton's body.

Spell it out for those of us
that are paranormally impaired.

Maybe someone wanted us
to find that passageway.


Jack Sinclair's ghost

was helping solve his own murder.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

I will admit to that possibility

- if you admit there is no demon.
- Done.

Did anyone see...

That was weird.

Hi, dad.

Hey, you're up late.

Playing Skype-tag with Ashley?

No. We finally connected.

Ah. Was it everything
you hoped for

in a peer-to-peer video
conference and more?

Honestly, it was...


I mean, he was preoccupied,
and I was tired.

And this whole time-difference
thing is a real drag.

Nobody said that long
distance was easy.

Yeah, but is it supposed
to be this hard?

Well, I can tell you this...

Any relationship

that lasts longer
than a breath mint

is going to have challenges.

But if a relationship
doesn't work out,

it's usually not because
of the challenges.

It's usually because

the relationship wasn't
strong enough to begin with.

Does this help?

- Not really.
- Yeah.

But this always does.

I can promise you this.

If two people believe in
something, really believe,

anything, even the impossible,

is possible.


flesh-eating zombies?

Oh, especially
flesh-eating zombies.

Now where were we?

Yeah, right there.