Castle (2009–2016): Season 4, Episode 1 - Castle - full transcript

Castle is grieved when Becket, once regaining health, tells him to leave her time without calling for months. Yet when she returns to work after therapy, Ryan and Esposito tell Castle help them keep the case of her mothers killers going, behind ex-IA by-the-book-Captain Victoria Gates's back. They work out the only remaining angle are bank files lost in a fire, according to decorated officer Rod Halstead definitely no arson. Becket grudgingly passes her gun exam, but can't perform in real danger anymore in their assigned case, the ingeniously staged murder of a rock band member's girlfriend. The boys find Becket is the next, last logical target, and are surprisingly offered safety for all if the case is laid to rest, but things turn out differently.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Castle"...

They killed my mother.
What do you want me to do here?

Beckett, everyone associated
with this case is dead.

Walk away.
Well, last time I checked,

it was my life, not your
personal jungle gym.

I know you crawled inside
your mother's murder

and didn't come out.

The same way you hide in
these nowhere relationships

with men you don't love.

You know what we are, Castle?
We are over.

Captain Montgomery's
part of the conspiracy.

He's been lying to
us the whole time.

Did you kill my mother?

No, but she died because
of what we did that night.

Then who killed her? No, Kate.
I give you a name. I know you.

You'll run straight at him.

I might as well shoot
you where you stand.

Now they're coming.

Castle, get her outta here.

No! Please!

Where is she, Roy?
You can't have her.

You can't hide her from us.

So that was what,
your last stand?

I'm just gonna kill her anyway.

No, you're not.

And he's not.

I saw to that.
You're done, Lockwood.

We both are.

No one outside of
this immediate family

ever needs to know about this.

As far as the world is concerned,

Roy Montgomery died a hero.


Oh! Oh, no!

Kate. Stay with me, Kate.
Find the shooter!

I love you.

I love you, Kate.

She's tachying out.

Come on!

Pulse ox... respiration...
Set up for intubation.

78 over 56.

Come on, Kate.
Don't you die on me.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

Single GSW to left chest.
Do not die.

Come on, girl. Come on.
Set up for a chest tube. Trauma one.

Switch. We got this.
This is my friend.

You understand me?
She's my friend.

Then let us save her life.

31-year-old female.
GSW to the left chest.

Crashed on the way in.

Trauma room is prepped.
Trauma team's on the way.

Okay, stop compressions.

We have a rhythm.
Let's check for breathing.

We need a second line.


Uh, her breathing is shallow.
Let's get her on the table.

One, two, three.

Page Dr. Kovaks.
Tell him he has to take over.

Who is she?

She's my girlfriend.

What do you mean, you
couldn't find him?

I want security checkpoints
at all entrances and exits.

No, he didn't just disappear.
If there's any surveillance cameras

within ten blocks of that place...
Damn it.

I want that footage on
my desk in an hour.

I want statements from everyone.

No. One hour!

Okay. Okay.

How is she?

They just took her
to surgery, but...

We need a chest tube.

BP's 86 over 60.

Where's that chest tube?

Behind you.

Come on, Kate. Come on.
Stay with me.

Stay with me, Kate. I've got you.

Damn it!
Bleeding in the left chest.

SATs are 88.
Tension pneumo's relieved,

but she's still decreased.

Okay, we can't wait.
Set up for intubation.

You can't operate on her.
She's your girlfriend.

She's dying. I'm not waiting.

You were at a funeral, Kate.
How the hell did you get shot?

What about the shooter?

Gone? How can he be gone?

We don't know, but he
left his weapon behind.

It's a Mark 11
modified sniper rifle,

favorite of special forces.
We're checking for prints now.


Dad. Oh, my god.

Shh. It's okay. It's okay.


Where's Katie?

Where's my daughter?

BP's 80 over 60.

78 over 56.

There's too much blood.

Where the hell are you
bleeding from, Kate?

Pulmonary vein. Clamp.

I got you, you son of a bitch.

3-0 silk.
Blood pressure's still dropping.

Got here as fast as I could.
31-year-old female,

single GSW to the chest.

It's okay, I got this.

Left tension pneumo
alleviated a chest tube,

which revealed significant
bleeding in the chest.

I said, I got this.

The bleeder was a left
inferior pulmonary vein,

which Dr. Davidson just clamped.

Josh, step aside.

Already in.
Just let me sew her up.

You did what you had to.

do what you're supposed to.

Dr. Davidson.



Here's the 3-0.

A sniper? At a funeral?

We think the people who sent
those guys after Montgomery

targeted Beckett.

I tried to get to her. I tried--

Hey! Oh!
Who the hell do you think you--

Dad! Dad! You did this!
This is your fault.

BP's still dropping.
SATs are falling as well.

She must be bleeding
somewhere else.

Where? There's no blood.

You pushed her to look
into her mother's murder!

She was shot because of you,

and Montgomery is dead because of you!
Leave him alone!

Stop it! Stop it, all of you.
Just stop it!

I won't have you acting
like 3 year olds

while my daughter's
fighting for her life.

Her pericardium's distended.

She's bleeding into it.
That's why there's no blood.

It's compressing her heart.

BP's dropping. 65/45.

Got it.

Bullet grazed the ventricle. 3-0.

She's going into V-Fib. Paddles.

He's right, you know?

This is my fault.

Richard Castle, don't you
dare blame yourself.

You are not the one who shot her.

Charge to 10. Charging.




But I put her in the crosshairs.

Still fibrillating. Charge to 20.


I told her how I felt.

I told her I loved her.


Mr. Beckett?


Your daughter is out of surgery.

Will she be all right?

Well, during the surgery, she
experienced cardiac arrest.

Now we were able to get her
heart beating again on its own,

but... we'll need to
watch her very closely.

When can I see her?

Well, once the nurses
get her settled,

we'll bring you back to her.

The rest of you should
go home, get some rest.

I don't know about you, bro,

but home is the last
place I'm going.

Not till we catch the son
of a bitch who did this.

Right behind you.

We're fine. Go.

Are you okay?


The shooter's rifle.

It's clean for prints.

Lab's running trace
right now for DNA.

Well, what about the gun?
Can we track the gun?

According to the DOD,
the serial number

matches a weapon that was
issued to one martin holst,

a navy seal who was killed
in action seven years ago.

His body was recovered
in a subsequent mission,

but the weapon was not.

Anything from the canine unit?

Dogs picked up a scent.

Traced it to the west
side of the cemetery,

but then they lost it there.

In a sea of cops, how does
this guy go unnoticed?

He may not have.

Half the guys we talked to
said they remember seeing

a groundskeeper taking cover
from the shooter behind a tree.

But according to
the grounds staff,

none of them were in the area.

He blended in during the
chaos and then disappeared.

If this guy's some pro for hire,

he could be halfway
to Cuba by now.

Then we'll go to Cuba
and find his ass.

It just doesn't make any sense.

It was supposed to be over.

Montgomery sacrificed himself.

Killing Lockwood and
all of his guys,

he said he was ending it.

He said he was doing
it to keep her safe.

So if the plan was
to keep her safe,

then why the hell are they
still coming after her?

I don't know, bro.

God knows who else is involved.


Yeah. Are you sure?

No, this bracelet
looks good on you.

It's not diamonds.

Hey, Castle.

I'll see you after rounds.



You're staring at me.
I must look really bad.


I just never thought
I'd see you again.

I heard you were opening
a flower store,

so I thought I'd pitch in.

They were all here
when I woke up.

I think they're mostly
from the precinct.

I don't think I'm gonna
live this one down, Castle.

Oh... probably not.

I hear that you tried to save me.

Yeah, I, uh...

You heard?

You don't remember
me tackling you?

No, I don't remember
much of anything.

I, um, remember that
I was on the podium.

And then I remember
everything just going black.

You don't remember...

the gunshot?


They say that there
are some things

that are better not
being remembered.


I keep seeing his face, Castle.

Every time I close my eyes,

I see Montgomery lying
on the hangar floor.

You shoulda let me go in there.

They would've killed you.

Oh, you don't know that.


I'm really tired...

Right now.

Of course.

Of course. We'll talk tomorrow.

Do you mind if we don't?

I just need a little bit of time.


Sure. How much time?

I'll call you, okay?


United States Capitol.
How may I direct your call?

Congressional offices, please.

Hold, please.

Hey, Beckett.
What are you doing here?

I didn't think you were
back till next week.

Yeah, well, two months
of listening to crickets

in my dad's cabin...

was driving me nuts.

It's okay.
You don't have to make excuses.

We know you missed us.
That's why you couldn't stay away.

Shut up.

So? Anything?

Still nowhere.

Well, what about
the groundskeeper?

The guy's a ghost.

We ran face hits on
surveillance, license plates.

Nothing panned out.

We did get DNA Off the weapon,

but there were no
matches in the system.

We flagged it, though.

Uh, didn't Castle tell
you about all this?


That's weird. Why wouldn't he--why
would he hide that from you?

He's not hiding anything.
I just haven't see him in a while.

How long is a while?

Pretty much since the shooting.

Why? What happened?

Nothing happened.
I just needed some time.

What, he left you alone
for three months?

You guys, it wasn't his fault.

I told him that I would call.

Well, why didn't you?

He was here with us every day,

working the case,

for months.

He'd still be here

if the new captain hadn't
kicked him to the curb.

She kicked him out? Why?

Apparently, uh, her precinct's

got no room for a
dilettante writer

playing cop.

Captain Victoria Gates,

a.k.a. Iron Gates.

As by-the-book as they come.

She cut her teeth as a detective
with Internal Affairs.

Wow. That's not gonna win
her any popularity points.

Yeah. It's like she brought her
distrust of cops along with her.

Well, one thing's for sure,
she's no Montgomery.

Hey, she hasn't talked to Castle.

She doesn't know about the bank yet.
What bank?

Uh, well, we weren't getting
any traction with the shooter,

so Castle suggested we check out

Montgomery, McCallister
and Raglan.

See who they might have been in
business with back in the day.

We know those guys were getting
fat ransoming wise guys.

Maybe they used that stash

to pay off the guy that
ordered your mother's murder.

Yeah, so Castle thinks he
found the bank they used.

So there's a money trail.

The only problem is,
the bank closed down.

No one knows where those
old records ended up.

We were working to locate them

when Iron Gates shut
down the investigation.

W--she shut the case down? Why?

No new leads on the shooter.

And we couldn't tell
her the rest of it

without implicating
captain Montgomery.


If my mother drops by,
you can call her ma'am.

Call me sir or captain.

Detective Beckett.

Back on active as of today.

Detective Beckett.

Your reputation precedes you.

Youngest woman in the
NYPD to make detective.

You beat me by six weeks.

I didn't realize that
people kept score.

Everybody keeps score, detective,

especially those downtown.

Looks like you passed
your psych eval,

so, uh, welcome back.

Thank you.
Uh, I-I'll also need my gun.

Not until you requalify.

I'm sorry?

You were on disability
for three months.

Regs says you don't
get your piece back

until you requalify.

And what about my case?
What do regs say about that?

Three months and no leads,

and every day, more homicides
coming through that door?

How long did you expect me to
let those folks tread water?

There were good
people on this case.

There just isn't
anything out there--

I'm sorry, sir, but with all due
respect, those people aren't me.

Excuse me?

The people that you had working
this case, they're not me.

Look, I don't know
what kind of shop

Montgomery was running here,

but it'll be a cold day in
hell if I let a cop--any cop--

investigate their own shooting.

My precinct is no
place for vendettas.

Do we understand each other?

I want my gun.

So you gotta requalify.

It's no big deal.
It is a little insulting, but--

Where are the files
on the money trail?

Castle's got 'em.

What were we supposed to
do, leave 'em here so...

Gates could find 'em?

First thing she would do

Is open an investigation
of Montgomery.

You want to see the files,

you're gonna have to talk to him.

Whatever you do,
don't get caught.

Oh, come on.

What's she gonna do, bust
me down to traffic?


It's not like it was before.

We go against her orders on this,

we could all lose our badges.

Yeah, Ryan.

Yeah, what do you got?

He is paranoid...

but right.

Well, then...

I guess I better not get caught.


We got a fresh one. 18th and Lex.

You coming?

No. I think I'm gonna
sit this one out.

If she keeps looking into this,

we could all lose our jobs.

What about her life?

The shooter's still out there.

How's she supposed
to live like that?

Hmm. Someone had a party.

Victim is Sonya Gilbert, 27.

This is her place.

Sonya Gilbert?

As in paparazzi-favorite
party girl?

Multiple GSWs to the chest.

The killer used the pillow
as a poor-man's suppressor.

Gunshots to the chest, huh?

Good thing Beckett
sat this one out.

Beckett's back? Yeah.

She hasn't called you either?
Not for weeks.

Victim's sister found
her an hour ago.

They were supposed to
go shopping today.

Alarm system was activated
around 10:00 last night,

right after the victim
and her boyfriend

were seen returning home.

It wasn't deactivated till
9:00 am this morning.

Boyfriend was spotted leaving
the apartment right after that.

Time of death?

Between 3:00 and 4:00 am.

This boyfriend have a name?

Vic's sister identified
him as a Dale Landers.

Mm. Drummer from
particle equation.

They've been dating
for six months.

"People" magazine. What?

Get a unit to his last known
and get an APB Out.

Dead celebutante,
heavy-metal drummer--

Castle would've loved this one.

Hey, you think maybe Beckett
can talk the new captain

into bringing him back?

She left him hanging
for three months.

What makes you think he's
gonna want to come back?

Well, that makes you
my favorite fan.



I can't believe I'm
meeting you right now.

You're my favorite author.

Thank you for coming out.

How are you? Hi there.

Who should I make it out to?
And your name is?

And your name is? Sure can.

How you doing?
How are you?

Thanks for coming.
And your name is?

And who should I make it out to?


You can make it out to Kate.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for the hard work.

Next time I write a book,
I'll be sure to come by.

Thanks very much.

Castle, wait.

I did, three months.
You never called.

Look, I know you're angry--

Oh, you're damn right I'm angry.

I watched you die
in that ambulance.

Did you know that?

You know what that's like,

watching the life drain
out of someone you...

someone you care about?

I told you, I needed some time.

You said a few days.
Well, I needed more.

Well, you shoulda said that.

Castle, look, I
couldn't call you.

Okay? Not without
dragging myself into...

everything that I was just
trying to get some space from.

I needed some time to just
work through everything.

Josh help you with that?

We broke up.

I like the dedication.

It seemed right.

It must have been hard,
writing that ending.

Yeah. Yeah.

Given the circumstances, yeah.

So why'd you guys break up?

I really, really liked him.

But that wasn't enough.

After my mother was killed,

something inside me changed.

It's like I built up
this wall inside.

I don't know. I guess I just didn't
want to hurt like that again.

I know I'm not gonna be able
to be the kind of person

that I want to be,

I know I'm not gonna...

I'm not gonna be able to have

the kind of relationship
that I want...

Until that wall comes down.

And it's not gonna happen

till I put this thing to rest.

Well, then I suppose we're
just gonna have to...

find these guys and
take 'em down.

That doesn't mean
I'm not still mad.

The boys told me
about what you did,

following the money trail,

trying to track down
who the cops paid off.

I just wish it led somewhere.

I mean, I found their files.
When the bank closed,

they took all the dead
account paperwork

and stored it in a
warehouse in union city,

but a couple years
after the move,

a fire broke out, and the
files were destroyed.

It's just another dead end.

How'd it happen?

It was an accident.
It was old wiring.

Are you sure?

Yeah, there was an investigation.

Well, did you see the report
from the fire investigator?

No, but...

really, a warehouse fire?

Seems an awful lot of trouble
just for a couple of files.

That's no more trouble than
they've already gone through.

I mean, we have to
read that report.

It's just, there's
this one problem.


How are you gonna help
if gates kicked you out?

I only let her kick me out

Because there was
no reason to stay.

Oh. She'll take me back.

And I want Castle back at the precinct.
Y-yes, Mr. Mayor.

Yes, sir. I understand.
Today. No more discussion.

Okay. I--

You think you're clever, Mr.

going around my back like that?

Well, let me tell you the score.

I don't care how powerful
your friends are,

you screw up at all on my watch,

and I'll prosecute you to the
fullest extent of the law.

You understand me?
Yes, ma'am.


Now get out of my office.




or that pal there

embarrass me like that again,

I will bury you.

Yes, sir.

Now, um,

if you don't mind...

I'd like my gun back.

Showing her up with the mayor?

You might as well have
beaten a beehive with a bat.

Well, it worked, didn't it?

Besides, it sure was great

seeing her face twitch like that.

Sonya Gilbert?

Yep. Guns, drugs, and
love gone wrong.

Where are you with the boyfriend?

APB's out, but he
hasn't been home

and none of his bandmates know where he is.
What was his motive?

The usual.
He and the vic had been fighting.

He was in love, she wanted out.



I pulled the report on
the fire from records.

Check the date.

That warehouse burned down three
weeks after my mom's murder.

That can't be a coincidence.

Someone was destroying evidence.

Evidence that could lead
to your mom's killers.

But the investigator
ruled it an accident.

And there's nothing in
there to suggest arson.

Maybe someone altered it.

There's an easy way to find out.

Just ask the man who wrote
the report--Rod Halstead.

Unless they got to him, too.

No. He's alive and on the job.

Now get your ass over
there and find something

we can use to reopen
the investigation.

Ryan! Esposito!

Yeah, we were just...

yeah, we were just getting
a drink of water.

Yeah, is that thing broken? I just--
Saddle up.

We just got a hit on the APB.

A beat cop IDed
Sonya Gilbert's boyfriend

heading into the band's
rehearsal garage

on the lower east side.
You, too, Beckett!

Hide this.

Hey, you ready for this?

You're kidding, right?

Okay. But we got point.

Let's go.

What the hell were you thinking,

coming here, Dale, huh?

Please, bro! I just need some
money to get outta town.


NYPD! Let me see your
hands right now!

Let me see 'em!

Let me see 'em!
Show me-- Landers, don't do it!

Put 'em in the air. Come on!

Get on the ground.


Drop it or I'll drop you!
Drop it now!

Okay, okay, okay!

Drop it right now!
On the ground!

Get on the ground!

Don't move.

The same caliber that
killed Sonya Gilbert.

Hey, it's not my gun, man.

I swear. It's not my gun.

Sit your ass down in that chair.

Why don't we start
with why you ran?

Or maybe why you were pointing
a gun at a police officer.

Or maybe...
you want to talk about it?

About what? Kate, I saw you.

So what happened that night?

When you saw that gun, you froze.

It's nothing.

Your hand was shaking.
That's not nothing.

Castle, it's my second day back.

That's all. It's no big deal.

And if it happens again?

It won't.

Where are you going?

Find out who burned
down that warehouse.

Find out who killed my mom.

Come on, Dale.
We know you killed her.

Just tell us why,

and we'll tell the DA
that you cooperated.

The gun's a match, Dale.

I told you, it's not mine.
Then why were you holding it?

We have witnesses who saw
you enter her apartment

and then leave.

Yeah, that's right.
I-I was there, okay?

And then...

Look, man, I-I don't know.
I-I-I crashed.

And when I woke up, there
was all this blood

and--and this was in my hand.

So what are you saying,
Dale, you sleep shot her?

Is that your defense?


Look, I--I'm saying,
it wasn't me.

So... you went to bed

and you slept through
your girlfriend's murder?

Six shots?

You must be a heavy sleeper.

Motive, opportunity,
possession of the weapon.

Looks like a murder-one trifecta.

His bandmate, Mitch Yancey there,

said he was looking for

some money to get out of town.
I don't know...

All right, contact
the DA's office.

Have them file charges,
and let the family know.

Yes, sir.

Where did Castle and
Beckett go off to?

They, uh...

they had another lead
they were looking into.

Another lead?

You caught the guy.

Yeah, they were double-checking
eyewitness accounts.

Since it's a high-profile case,

Beckett wants to make sure that
we don't make any mistakes.

Well, that's good to hear,
'cause we wouldn't want her

making any mistakes,
now would we?

Warehouse in Union City?

Yeah, yeah, I remember this fire.

The report said it
was an accident.

Yeah, that's right.

And you're sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.

And this report hasn't
been altered in any way

since you filed it?

No. Why?

Mr. Halstead, this
is very important.

Was there anything that you
didn't put in that report?

What do you mean?

Anything that might indicate
suspicious activity.

Well, if there was
anything suspicious,

detective, it'd be in the report.

Power surge to the junction box--

one-in-a-million event.


So at no point did
anyone pressure you

into keeping some information
out of that report?

You are way outta line here.

I'm out of line?
I'm not the one who falsified that report.

Beckett-- get out of my station.

Who set that fire?
Who had you cover it up?

Get out!

You tell them that I'm
coming after them!

And you tell them
that I'll find them!

What the hell are you doing?

He's lying.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.


I need you to get me
everything you can

on Rod Halstead.

Yeah, and send it
to my apartment.

I don't need Gates looking
over my shoulder.

You got it.

That was Beckett.

How'd it go with Halstead?

She wants to pull some files.
He cut a deal yet?


You know what I don't get?

What's that?

Our time of death
is around 3:00 am.

Now if Dale's our shooter,

why'd he hang around
for another six hours

after he shot Sonya?

Likes to cuddle.

I don't know. It's not like
blowing away your girlfriend

is a rational act to begin with.


If I'm asking the question,
the jury's gonna be, too.

This guy's got multiple
citations for valor,

commendations from the mayor,

He's literally saved dozens of
people from burning buildings.

It's hard to believe
this guy's dirty.

Yeah. Well, we've been
surprised before.



Does he intersect with
anyone else in the case--

uh, Montgomery,
Raglan, McCallister?

No, there's nothing in the files.

Might have known them socially.

But we've been over their
lives with a fine-tooth comb.

He's never come up once.

Okay, so maybe he was a
target of opportunity.

He might have needed the money.

Nothing in his financial records
to indicate any problems,

and given his record, he's...

Given his record, what?

I'm just saying, what
if he's not our guy?

What if the fire was an accident?

It wasn't an accident.
I know it wasn't an accident.

You can't know that.
I can,

because if this was an accident,

Then I've got nowhere to start.

If this was an accident,
then I've got nothing.

The guy who shot me is gone.

Dick Coonan--gone.

Hal Lockwood--gone.


My mom-- everybody
is gone, Castle.

Missed you for dinner tonight.

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
I was working.

You were with Beckett.


I thought you said you
weren't going back.

I'm not.

Look, I'm not.
It's just this one case.

Yeah, well, there's
leftovers in the fridge.


Mr. Castle.

I'm a friend of roy Montgomery's.

I'm calling about
detective Beckett.

We need to talk.

Do you have any idea who he was?

Just that he's a friend
of Montgomery's,

that he owed Montgomery his life.

He said Montgomery
sent him some files--

files that, if they ever got out,

could hurt some very
powerful people.

They were using those
files as a threat

to keep Montgomery's family
from every being harmed.

Beckett's safety was
also part of the deal.

But they went after her anyway.

He didn't get the files
until after she was shot.


He says she's safe now...

on one condition.

She can't go near the case.

If she does, he can't
guarantee her safety.

If she digs, they will kill her.

And this man, you believe him?

I do.
Then you have to tell her.

If I do that, she'll
put on blinders

and run out into
the line of fire.

I can't let that happen.

You are not going to
change her, Richard.

She's gonna keep going out there

and she's gonna keep digging.

Not if stop her.

She'll listen to me.

I can steer her away.

For how long?

I'm not gonna lose her again.

So I guess it's not just
for this case, is it?

How much did you hear?


Look, it's really important
you don't say anything.

All right? Especially to Beckett.

You act like this
is all about her,

but you were standing
right next to her.

You could've been shot.
Hell, I could've been shot.

That's why I have to do this,
to make sure they stay away.


You need to grow up, dad.

You're a writer, not a cop.

Stop pretending.


Do you remember what you told me

the first time I brought
up your mother's case?

That if you got started
again, you wouldn't stop.

You said it would
probably destroy you.

Yeah, well, I didn't
have any leads then.

We don't have any now.

Look, Castle,

I got a little
emotional last night.


I'm fine.

No, you're not.

And you know you're not.

You've been back here three days.

You're already in a freefall.

I'm not telling you to walk away.

I'm just saying... give it time.

You know, just until you
get your bearings again.

How am I supposed
to get my bearings

when someone out
there wants me dead?

By not letting them
rob you of your life.

I promise you,

we will figure this out.

We're gonna find them

and we're gonna make them pay.

Just not today.

Castle, if I don't do this,
I don't know who I am.

You're who you always were.

You're the one who
honors the victims.

You're the one who can bring

Sonya's family some peace.



According to the DA,
we just turned a slam-dunk case

into a hail mary.

Yeah, super cop over
here had to keep digging

so, you know...

CSU found trace residual
of, uh, barbiturates

in the vodka glasses,

which means Dale and
Sonya were both roofied

when they got back
to the apartment.

Well, it still could have
been the boyfriend, right?

I mean, he could've
meant to roofie her,

but roofied them both instead,
not that that makes any sense.

But what other
explanation is there?

There was no one else
in the apartment,

and according to the
security system,

no one else entered
or left the apartment

between 10:00 pm and 9:00 am.

Which means the boyfriend has
to be the shooter.


Unless what?

The killer was in the
apartment the whole time.

When they came home,

they thought they were alone.

Meanwhile, while they're
out of the room,

the killer... slips out,
spikes their drinks,

and then slips back into his
hiding place, where he...

Or she...

waits for them to pass out.

Literally lying in wait.

That's creepy.

And then a couple of hours later,

he slips out again,
grabs the pillow,

and bam, and then he...
Or she...

wipes the gun clean and
puts it into Dale's hand.

He wakes up, he panics, he runs.

All the while, our killer...

bides his time,

waiting until the
body is discovered

before he makes his...
Or her...

escape. Gentlemen, would you?

One, two, three.

The bloodstain on the
bottom of the mattress

dripped down onto the carpet.

There's no drip marks
in the middle.

Your light?


Someone was here.

Looks like they found a
killer hiding place.

Hiding under a bed for hours

while the girl you
just shot bleeds out?

You gotta be one sick bastard
to do something like that.

It's actually pretty clever.

You commit a murder

and frame an innocent man
all at the same time.

And then you get away with it

because the police already
think they have their killer

and no one's looking for you.

Mitch Yancey.
That's Dale's bandmate.

Let's go.


Let's go.

You okay?


I don't even think--

Put your gun down!


I said put it down!


let me walk outta here, okay?
That's all I want.

Don't... don't...

don't move, Mitch!

I'll shoot you. I swear.

Take it easy, Kate.

I just need you to let me go.

Take it easy. You've got this.

You've got this.

Put it down and stay back.
Stay back.

You don't want to
do this, Mitch...

because I will have
to put you down.

Do you understand?

Put that gun down, now.

Turn around.
Hands behind your head.

Mitch Yancey, you're
under arrest.

Turns out Mitch

had been seeing Sonya
secretly for a year,

all the time she was with Dale.

Mitch insisted that
she leave Dale,

but instead, she broke
it off with him.

So this was Mitch's plan
to take care of them both.

He knew Sonya's security code,

but to frame Dale, he knew that
the system couldn't record

anyone else entering or
exiting the apartment

around the time of the murder.

So he used a key that
he'd stolen to slip in

hours earlier in the day.

All right.
Cut the boyfriend loose.

I'll brief the press and let
them know we have a confession.

So how's it feel?

It's not enough.

But it's...

enough for now.

Thank you for having
my back in there.

That's what partners are for.

Oh, and hey...

we'll figure it out.

That wall inside won't
be there forever.

You're right.

I do need to grow up.

And that's why I'm
doing what I'm doing.

Everything that's happened
happened because of me.

And I need to be there for her.

I owe her that.

Does she make you happy?

Yeah, she does.

Is it enough?

It's enough for now.




Don't grow up too much, okay?


It's me we're talking about.

You're probably surprised
to see me back here.

I bet most cops never come back

after they pass their psych eval.

Everyone's different.


What's on your mind?

I don't even know where to start.

Well, why don't we start
with the shooting?

Is any of it coming back to you?

I lied....


What do you remember?

I remember everything.