Castle (2009–2016): Season 2, Episode 10 - One Man's Treasure - full transcript

Sam Parker's corpse is found in a garbage chute. However he's identified not only by his wife Helen, but also by a fiancée, who only knew him as 'bachelor' Jake Holland. Also under this second identity he got his present job, at a company which overtook by mans of innovation his first employer's. His brother-in-law found out and was due a big loan. Meanwhile Becket accepts to supervise Alexis's police internship.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
One Man's Treasure
There are two kinds of folks
who sit around thinking about how to kill people:
psychopaths and mystery writers.
I'm the kind that pays better.
Who am I?
I'm Rick Castle.
I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?
Every writer needs inspiration. And I found mine.
Detective Kate Beckett.
Beckett. Beckett.
- Nikki Heat? - The character he's basing on you.
And thanks to my friendship with the mayor,
I get to be on her case.
I would be happy to let you spank me.
And together, we catch killers
We make a pretty good team, you know?
Like Starsky and Hutch.
Turner and Hooch.
You do remind me a little of Hooch.
♫ ♫
♪ burning bush ♪
♪ burning rubber ♪
♪ burning thirst ♪
♪ ooh, I've got a crush on you ♪
♪ skull and bones ♪
♪ rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ ooh, I've got a crush on you
♪ laser eyes ♪
♪ ooh, I got a crush on you ♪
Oh! Oh! Oh.
Check your six, Maverick.
This is your captain up and on the mountain.
Listen up, ladies and gentlemen.
Our fugitive has been on the run for 90 minutes.
We're in the pipes. Let's keep our feet dry this time.
Jungle radio, this is One Delta Bravo.
Eyes on suspect. Requesting backup, over.
Requesting permission to deploy
laser-activated radioactive immobilizer.
Permission denied.
Really. Richard.
I have all of these new lines to learn
before my play goes into rehearsal.
I'm goin' in.
If that comes any closer, you're gonna have
Black Hawk down on your hands. Oh!
What's all this?
Official police tactical training.
Oh, hey, dad. Did you get a chance to sign
that permission slip I gave you the other day?
Haven't you learned to forge my signature yet?
Ah. Credit cards? Yes. Permission slips? No.
It's my civics class.
Every student has a 3-day volunteer internship at one of
the city's agencies... law enforcement, sanitation, fire.
Oh, go with fire. They have the best calendars.
I went with law enforcement.
Detective Beckett already said it's cool
if I volunteer down at the station.
Oh, well, as a member of the NYPD volunteer squad,
I would be happy to show you the ropes.
Actually, Detective Beckett is giving me
my orientation course tomorrow morning.
Then I would be honored to carpool with you
or share a cab.
Prelim suggests the victim died
of a single gunshot wound to the chest at close range.
- Any signs of struggle? - Contusions coming up here...
- Uh-huh. - And here.
But it's likely a result of his tumble down the trash chute.
What are you doing?
Well, I can't breathe through my nose.
I happen to have a very acute sense of smell.
Suck it up, Castle. Real cops deal with worse.
Yeah, not to mention medical examiners.
Do you know how long I have to shower
before heading out on a date?
No, but if you need someone to time it for you,
- I'd be happy to... - found it!
It must have fallen out of his jacket on the way down.
Yep, that's our guy.
All right the name is Sam Parker.
And the driver's license has his address placed in Connecticut.
Maybe he's visiting someone in the building.
You mean dropping by?
Ryan here.
Thanks, bro.
Esposito's up on 15.
Says he found out where our guy was shot.
All right. Let's go.
From the blood spatter, our guy was shot right here.
He was shoved head first down the chute.
A kill who cleans up after himself.
Very "American Psycho."
He probably wanted to get out of the building unnoticed.
Figured that the dumpster wouldn't be emptied
for a couple of days.
He didn't count on a tenant on the seventh floor...
a hottie... seeing the body drop
As she threw out her pizza box.
Is she distraut? Because I can be very comforting.
- CSUs? - Team's on its way.
Neighbors didn't hear the shot.
Ah. Poor-man's silencer.
He must have picked it up from this pile here
and then thrown it back when he was done.
How did a clean-cut suburban guy end up this far from home
dead and thrown out with the trash?
Are you ready? Here we go.
I know Alexis already talked to you.
I just wanted to make sure that you're really okay
with having her here.
I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't.
Well, yeah, but you're busy,
and I just don't want her to be in the way.
Big Castle is the one who likes to get in the way.
I'm sure little Castle will be a pleasure.
Sam Parker, age 38.
Lives in Connecticut with his wife Helen and his two kids.
Wife's en route to the morgue to ID the body.
We contacted the leasing office,
and they don't have a Sam Parker listed as a tenant.
So he probably was visiting someone.
Uniforms are canvassing. No hits yet.
CSU's working to untangle the prints,
but since it's a common room, there's probably dozens of them.
However, the chute handle, doorknob and soda bottle
were all wiped clean.
All right, let's go visit the wife at the morgue.
Maybe she can tell us what he was doing in the city tonight.
And if she doesn't know, that tells us something, too.
Uh, here you go.
Oh, fresh. And hot and hot and hot.
He doesn't make me coffee.
You okay?
It's never easy, no matter how much experience you have.
Oh, my God.
I'm Detective Kate Beckett. I am with the NYPD.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
Do you have any idea who did this?
We are doing everything we can to figure that out.
Um, excuse me. We're in the middle of an identification.
That's why she's here.
And you are?
I'm here to identify my husband.
Oh, my God.
Excuse me, your husband?
What's your relation to the victim?
I'm his fiancée.
I'm sorry. What did you just say?
I'm his fiancée.
Dude, you are so busted.
♫ Castle 2x10 ♫ One Man's Treasure Original Air Date on November 23, 2009
Sync, corrections elderman
I don't even know how to get the two of them out here.
I'm just scared that...
Is that our vic's wife?
The wife is over there.
Come again?
- Mm-hmm. - Wife.
Oh, boy.
I know. Isn't it delicious?
Okay, who do we talk to first?
Mm. Okay.
I know this is difficult Miss Reed,
but if we could ask you, a few questions.
How long did you know Mr. Parker?
His name's Jake. Jake Holland.
According to his, uh, driver's license,
It's Sam Parker.
It was all a lie... even his name?
Where did the two of you meet?
At work.
A-a girlfriend of mine said that there was this great guy
in her department, and did I want to meet him.
- And when did you two last speak? - This afternoon.
He called to say he was on his way back to the city.
His father is in the hospital upstate.
He has late-stage Alzheimer's,
and Jake would drive up to see him every...
I'm so stupid.
He was spending the weekends with...
His wife.
So you were intending to see him tonight?
We were going to get takeout and watch a movie.
A neighbor stopped me in the hallway
and told me that the police had been there,
but when I called, nobody could tell me anything.
I-I guess now I know why.
Because we ID'ed him as Sam Parker.
Somebody at the morgue
confirmed that a body had been picked up at his address,
so I went down there.
When he proposed,
I told my best friend, and she was all,
"you've only known him six months."
But I didn't care.
He was the one.
How could he do this?
This is insane. Who is this woman?
Sam would never. He... he loved me.
Our kids meant everything to him.
Apparently there was more to it
than just the affair, Mrs. Parker.
Your husband was using a false name at his job.
W-well, I don't understand. Why would he do that?
We're still trying to figure that out.
But from what we understand, he met Ms. Reed at his office.
He... he started there about six months ago.
He had been passed over for promotion at his old firm.
And there are not a lot of opportunities
in green solutions, so
he took the job even though it was in the city.
Green solutions as in environmentally conscious?
He did corporate consulting...
How to reduce waste, save energy.
It was a passion of his.
That's very commendable.
Well, all that working and commuting
were running him ragged, so he found a cheap sublet.
It was hard, but if it all worked out,
we were gonna move down to the city
So that we could all be together.
Mrs. Parker, did you have any idea
that your husband was having an affair?
I know what you're thinking.
Why didn't I notice the signs?
We have two children together. We do not have a nanny.
So every second of every minute of my day
is about my kids.
And if the was an issue,
I'd call Sam on his cell phone,
and he would always answer.
I never...
Never thought I'd be sitting here
justifying my marriage.
With the wife,
it was "only call my cell during the week" routine.
With the fiancée, he pulled out the trusty
"I can't call you from the hospital" act.
Man, my girlfriend freaks out
if I don't check in, like, every hour.
You do check in, like, every hour.
Sometimes more.
This guy had both of these women believing
that they were his one and only.
People believe what they want to believe.
Till the dead truth sets in.
What, you think one of 'em caught on to what Sam was doing?
And didn't take too kindly when they discovered
they weren't the only woman in his life.
Mm. I don't know. They seem pretty shocked to me.
Yeah. To me, too.
But we gotta cover all of our bases.
Both of them had soft alibis.
The wife said that she was watching TV while the kids
were upstairs sleeping,
and the fiancée said that she was home alone
getting ready to meet him.
We'll run phone and financials, see if anything pops.
Thank you.
Could I run...
Do you think he would've gone through with it?
Through with what?
Marrying Sarah, if he hadn't gotten killed.
Well, that was a pretty big rock he put on her finger.
With the fake identity he had set up,
the county clerk's office never would've flagged him
for someone who was already married.
Yeah, but Sam was pretending to be Jake before he met Sarah.
I don't understand the fake identity.
Maybe to land the job.
I understand fibbing on your résumé
but changing your identity?
The math doesn't quite add up for me.
You know what math doesn't add up for me?
- Hmm. - Two wives.
- One wife too many for you? - Two wives too many.
Seems like the common denominator in that equation
is you.
(Regina Spektor's "The Calculation" playing)
♪ you went into the kitchen cupboard ♪
♪ got yourself another hour ♪
♪ and you gave... ♪
Good news.
I'm finally embracing the lecture you gave me
on the importance of organic food.
You made my lunch?
You think I'm gonna let you risk your life
on the vending machines and stale doughnuts
Of the break r...
You look so... Grown-up.
Well, gram said presentation is vital.
Oh, I forgot my phone.
That ever happen to you with me?
One day, you look and you see your boy is all grown-up?
I'm still waiting for that moment, actually.
I set you up for that, didn't I?
Okay, so this is the property room.
It's where we keep all the items
that we find at crime scenes
that aren't classified as evidence.
Sort of like a lost and found?
Um, sort of.
Why don't the victims' families claim this stuff?
Well, loved ones are aware of the big-ticket items,
like rings and watches.
But things like sunglasses and lighters,
those usually go unclaimed.
Are these case numbers?
Exactly. So the idea is to get rid of
all of this stuff and stick it into storage.
But before we do that, we have to catalog it
just in case someone comes in with a claim.
Okay, so you need a description of every item,
along with its corresponding case number
downloaded into the database.
Mm-hmm. And I know that this isn't exactly
what you were thinking of when you asked to volunteer,
but we're low on manpower, and this would be very helpful.
Don't worry about it. This place is gonna be
So organized when I'm done, you won'even recognize it.
I bet I won't.
- Detective Beckett. - Huh?
I know my dad can sometimes be a handful.
And by "sometimes," I mean all the time.
but I want to let you know you don't have to worry about me.
I'm all about getting the job done.
- Beckett. - Sir.
Alexis? She's fine.
You know, her first day of preschool,
I hid outside in the bushes all day
just to make sure she was all right.
The first time my son went to summer camp,
I followed the bus all the way to the Adirondacks.
You two are both either very sweet or very creepy.
Super let us into Sam Parker's apartment.
- Jake Holland's apartment. - Same guy, bro.
Yeah, just trying to keep it straight for everyone.
Anyway, there was no signs of a struggle, and Sam's bag was...
Jake's bag.
Still sitting by the door from when he came home
from visiting his family in Connecticut.
Which explains why we found the Sam Parker wallet
on him when he was killed,
as opposed to this one we found in his dresser.
Jake Holland's wallet.
It's got his driver's license
with his New York address, work I.D.... the whole shebang
Oh, please tell me
that's the old double-sided picture frame gag.
The lovely fiancée, which can easily be swapped out for...
The wife and kids
should they ever visit daddy in the big city.
The big news is, we found this sitting on the kitchen counter.
There's a voice mail you're gonna want to hear.
I'm not gonna let you get away with this,
you worthless piece of trash.
If you don't call me back tonight,
Then my next call is to Helen.
Someone caught on to Sam's double life.
Ran the number. Belongs to one Charles Depetro.
Depetro, that's his wife's maiden name.
It's hyphenated on her driver's license.
Mm-hmm. Charlie is Helen's brother.
He found out what Sam was up to.
And decided to take out the trash.
Mr. Depetro, I can understand the instinct of protection.
If I had a sister and her husband was cheating on her,
I'd want to set him straight, too.
That's not why I left the message.
Did you know that Sam was cheating on Helen?
Not until she called me last night and told me he'd been killed.
Then what did you mean when you said,
"I won't let you get away with this"?
He owed me money.
So Sam borrowed money from you?
20 g's. He needed it to cover the mortgage.
He had already borrowed against the equity in the house.
And what was the arrangement?
He said he needed a couple months.
When he started the new job in the city,
I figured he'd be making more dough.
Helen didn't know about this?
He didn't want her to worry, and as long as he paid me back,
I said it'd be our secret.
And did he pay any of it back?
Not a cent. He kept saying he was pulling in less money.
I thought he was lying.
Why take the job that far from home and force Helen
To deal with the kids on her own?
Comes out now he wasn't doing it for his family.
He wanted the freedom to cheat on my sister.
Brother's alibi checked out.
He was was working late when sam/Jake was shot.
Any word on Parkers' financials?
Yeah, they're a paycheck away
from defaulting on their mortgage.
You know, the brother said that Sam was pulling in
less money at his new job. If Sam was strapped for cash,
why would he quit the job he had to take one that paid less?
Didn't his wife say he was passed over for a promotion?
Maybe it was a pride thing.
Yeah, but you factor in the sublet not to mention gas,
That's a high price to pay for pride.
Yeah, well, never underestimate the fragility of the male ego.
Oh, see? That's just a stereo...
Don't, don't. That's...
She is baiting us, all right?
Just ignore her. She'll lose her witchy powers.
You wish.
All right. Let's go off to Parker's office.
Lose something?
Um... Where... where, uh...
Where's my broom?
ha. Yeah.
I was looking.
For the record, I did not.
I don't know. Maybe I should've seen it.
His résumé was almost too good to be true...
Top of his class at Berkeley, Stanford Business School.
He must have really needed this job to lie so bad.
So there's no other reason you can think of as to why he lied?
When you hired him, did you look into any of his references?
Of course I did, Detective. I called them all myself.
And I got nothing but glowing recommendations.
For a guy who didn't exist.
I'd like to take a look at a copy of his résumé
if you still have it.
I'll have human resources e-mail it over to you.
Uh, before we go, did you know that Mr. Parker
was romantically involved with one of your employees?
Sarah. Yeah, she's... one of my best engineers.
Ever notice any drama there.
Drunken fighting at an office party, that sort of thing?
No, never.
They actually seemed like a pretty solid couple.
And she must be going through hell right now.
We're sorry.
The number you have reached is not in service.
Please check the number or try your call...
that's the last one.
Every single reference he gave is suddenly out of service?
When, according to his boss,
they were all up and running six months ago?
So who was answering the dummy lines?
Let's get a warrant for all these numbers.
I'd like to know who they were registered to.
This guy went to so pretty serious lengths
to get this job.
They must have amazing dental.
I don't know where you got this work ethic,
but it certainly was not from me.
How's it going?
Pretty good. The computer was a little glitchy at first,
but that's because no e had run a software update
in, like, two years.
Plus, it picked up some viruses I had to zap.
I am realizing that you are way overqualified for this job.
Told you she was a smarty.
But I do have one question.
Like you said before,
Most of the items here are pretty junky and meaningless.
I did find this, though.
Oh, it's a brag book. So you can brag about your kids.
I used to have one in my wallet. Now it's on my phone.
Some of the pictures are really old,
Like they're one of a kind.
It seems like something worth returning,
Only it wasn't tagged or anything.
Yeah, but the problem is, is without a case number,
It's difficult to find out who the victim was
and how to get this back to the family.
Okay. So then it just goes in the storage box, right?
I'll tell you what.. I'll give you a list
of all the Detectives who possibly worked this case.
Show them the pictures. Maybe it'll strike up a memory.
Only don't bother them if they seem busy.
You're one to talk.
Thanks so much.
mm-hmm. Excuse me.
- Hmm. What's this? - Dad!
Okay, I'll be right there.
The fiancée's here. She wants to talk.
Have fun.
I knew she looked familiar at the morgue,
but I couldn't place it at first.
So you're saying that last night
Wasn't the first time you had seen Helen Parker?
Well, there was something about her face.
And then it hit me... I had seen her
in front of Jake's apartment a couple weeks ago.
Was she leaving the building?
No, she was sitting in her car across the street.
And you're sure it was Helen Parker?
I'm sure of it now.
A positive identification
from all the way across the street in a car?
I made a note of it because the way she was staring at me
was... creepy, like she was sizing me up.
Ms. Reed, the past 24 hours have been...
overwhelming to say the least.
It's not uncommon for witnesses' memories
to be confused after a traumatic event.
We just need to be absolutely sure.
Look, I know what I saw.
She was sitting in a silver Hybrid
staring at the front of the building.
And did you tell your fiancée about this?
No. At the time, I just dismissed it.
But now... it makes me wonder
if I'm the only person in the whole situation
Who didn't know what was really going on.
Silver Hybrid.
I guess Helen did know about her husband's affair.
That would be a pretty strong motive.
You came all this way because she told you some crazy story
about me being parked outside the apartment?
Mrs. Parker, we have to take every lead seriously.
Did you ever think that maybe she made this up
to take the attention off of herself?
- She was specific about your car. - A silver Hybrid? That's...
that's like saying somebody was wearing black shoes.
That still doesn't answer the question.
In the six months Sam had the apartment,
I never went there.
You never popped down just once for a date night?
I mean, Connecticut's not that far a drive.
Well, when you have 2 children under the age of 10,
popping down for date night midweek is...
Nearly impossible.
Sam came home every weekend,
and I would see him then.
Okay, well, we just needed to check.
It's possible that Ms. Reed was mistaken.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe she was the one
that knew he was lying?
We're considering every scenario.
We got a lot of hang-ups last month.
Do you think that's a coincidence?
Did you tell Sam about it?
I did. He said it was telemarketers. But...
it... it was her.
How can you be sure?
I know she has our phone number.
She's called since Sam was killed.
Sarah called you?
She called about the funeral details.
Can you believe that?
If she thinks she's gonna show her face here,
she is sadly mistaken.
Was that the only time you heard from Sarah?
No, she... she called this morning and left some ridiculous message
about getting things back from Sam that she had given him,
and then on and on about some pen
that had been her grandfather's.
We were married for ten years and eight months.
If she thinks that her 6-month affair
can hold a candle to that...
I'm not giving her anything.
That was a long drive.
I can see why he got the apartment in the city.
So... I did some background on Parker's job situation.
Turns out that his old employer,
Connecticut Solutions, has been circling the drain.
Over the last couple of years, they've lost
half their market share to his new employer,
New York Recycle.
Sounds like Sam was abandoning a sinking ship.
To join the winning team.
Supposedly New York Recycle came up with some new technology
that turned out to be a game changer.
Apparently these two CEO's have been major rivals from day one.
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, Kobe and Lebron...
Jolie and Aniston.
We get the picture. Rivals.
Yes. My point was, maybe that why Sam faked his résumé.
He didn't think that New York Recycle would hire him
if they knew he was from Connecticut Solutions.
Well, that makes sense.
Thank you. no way.
You're kidding me.
Uh, thank you. You've been very helpful.
Hey, the warrants just came through on the numbers
on Sam's résumé. His references' phone numbers?
They're all billed and registered
to Connecticut Solutions, his old firm.
Okay, why would they set up
dummy phone lines and give phony recommendations?
They wanted Sam to get hired.
He wasn't passed over for a promotion.
He was planted at New York Recycle
as a corporate spy.
I mean, this is the guy who organized the potato sack race
at the labor day picnic.
Well, there's considerable circumstantial evidence
that he was planted here by his former employer.
We just don't have the proof yet.
Well, obviously, no one wants to get to the bottom of this
more than I do.
So you'll have our complete cooperation.
What do you think Connecticut Solutions was after?
It's our battery recycling technology.
I'm sure you both know you're not supposed to dump
your batteries in with your trash.
Batteries need to be disposed of properly,
or else the acids and the heavy metals will leech out into...
- And get into the water table. - Exactly, yes.
The problem is, storing battery sludge can be quite expensive
but we figured out a way to actually recycle the stuff.
So when you bid on a contract to haul away old batteries,
you can do it cheaper.
Which is why Connecticut Solutions
lost half of its market share to you.
The bottom line is, they can't compete.
Was Sarah Reed on the team of engineers
- that developed that technology? - Yeah, that's right.
Well, that's probably why Sam Parker went out of his way
To romance her... for access. That's pretty smart.
Pardon me, but don't you mean despicable?
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Would you mind if our forensic IT Team
took a look at Sarah's computer and Sam's... Jake's... as well?
They should be able to tell us
whether your security was compromised
and whether he got ahold of anything proprietary.
Anything we can do to help.
Okay, thanks.
Forensic IT has taken possession of Sarah and Sam's computers
You know, there's a lot of corporate secrets
I could see sending a spy to steal,
but all this skulking around for some battery sludge?
Well, like the man said, it's a business like any other.
But whoever runs Connecticut Solutions
is gonna have a hell of a lot of explaining to do.
Is it true?
Ms. Reed?
What they're saying, is it true?
Look, I can't go into details,
but there's evidence that Jake was trying to steal information.
Then it was all an act?
Now that... that doesn't mean he didn't care about you.
That's exactly what it means.
He never loved me.
He was just using me the whole time.
This guy was good.
He was running a secret e-mail client
From inside a hidden partition in his hard drive.
For my partner here.
He set things up so that
he could send e-mails outside of the company network
In case anyone ever came snooping.
What kind of e-mails?
I speak computer.
This however...
looks like chemistry.
Was he communicating with anyone in particular?
All these-mails were to the same guy.
Andy Berman. He's the CEO of Connecticut Solutions.
He must have been who Sam was reporting to.
They exchanged a bunch of e-mails a couple months ago,
Then nothing till the night Sam was killed.
And what'd that one say?
"Call me. We need to talk."
Okay, yes, it's true.
Sam e-mailed me the other night, and I called him.
From a pay phone?
At a gas station near my house.
Very cloak and dagger of you.
He said he needed to meet me in the city.
He said he finally figured out
how New York Recycle was pulling it off.
So you admit that you planted him there
to steal their battery technology?
They've been underbidding us left and right,
Stealing our business.
Getting our hands on their recycling method
was a way to level the playing field.
They weren't gonna share it, so I offered Sam
a $1-million payday if he could get ahold of it.
And when he called and said he completed his mission,
You rushed right over.
The thing about Sam is, he and I had been down this road before.
What do you mean? He... he'd told you he'd found it before?
I wasted hundreds of thousands on research and development
With the stuff he brought me.
The chemical formulas were never complete.
So when my engineers tried to fill in the blanks
and test them, we failed every time.
Finally, we ran out of money, so a couple of months ago,
I had to cut Sam loose.
If sam wasn't working for you, what was he calling about?
He said he needed to show me something.
- What? - I don't know.
I drove into the city to meet him at his apartment,
but as I pulled up, there were cops all over the entrance.
I got a bad feeling about it,
so I turned around and I drove home.
That's very interesting story, Mr. Berman.
But I have a different ending...
One where you went upstairs to Sam's apartment
and he told you that he finally found the real thing.
You said so yourself.
Your company didn't have the $1 million to pay him.
So you did the one thing that you could.
You killed him and you stole it
in a desperate attempt to save your sinking company.
I would like to call my lawyer now, please.
That was pretty cool, the way you filled in the story there.
I think I must brubbing off on.
That sounded dirtier than I meant it.
Yo Beckett,
dispatch just got a call out of Connecticut.
New Haven PD have two women involved in an altercation.
Speaking of dirty...
And the ladies in question are asking for you
Before they're taken in for booking.
For me, why?
- Oh, no. - Oh, yes.
They're holding Helen Parker for assault
and Sarah Reed for trespassing.
A wife and fiancée cat fight.
Please tell me we can stop for popcorn on the way.
Ms. Reed was trespassing in the detached office.
When Mrs. Parker confronted her, an altercation ensued.
She tried to rip my purse off my arm.
Almost dislocated my shoulder.
Ms. Reed, what were you doing in the Parkers' office?
She wouldn't give me back my pen.
- Your pen? - My grandfather's fountain pen.
- I gave it to Jake wh... - Sam! His name was Sam!
I gave it to him before I knew he was a lying sack.
And she wouldn't give it back to me.
I looked for it in the office. There was nothing there.
I have no idea what she's talking about.
Oh, really? Huh. Well, then what do you call this?
That was in the office?
Yes. It was right there in the drawer.
How she could've missed it, I don't know.
Unless, of course, she was lying and never bothered to look.
Ms. Reed, I understand how you're feeling,
But breaking into someone's home...
No, this is my grandfather's pen.
I never would've given it to Jake if I had known.
Ladies, I'm wondering
If maybe we can put this whole nasty episode behind us.
She broke into my house. God knows what else she stole.
Do you mind if I take a look at the purse?
Not at all.
Happy now?
Is everyone okay? Can we all just walk away?
If I ever catch your face around h...
For crying out loud, give it a rest!
No wonder the guy had an ulcer.
I would, too, if I was married to you.
An ulcer?
What are you talking about, you crazy lunatic?!
Look! Look! Hello. Ladies, look!
I understand that you're both angry and feeling betrayed,
but taking it out on each other
isn't going to help.
So you can both press charges and make a bad thing worse
or you can calm down and walk away.
Option number two is a limited-time offer.
Aw. Love you.
see ya.
Please tell me you did not sleep in the break room again.
I went home.
I just couldn't stop thinking about
that cat fight last night.
Ooh, would you think less of me if I said me, too?
I kept thinking that that was a long way for Sarah to go
Just to pick up that pen.
And that whole thing with the ulcers was,,,
Oh, I know.
That was a great "Desperate Housewives" moment,
The way Sarah just rubbed Helen's face in it.
The thing is,
there's nothing about an ulcer in Lanie's autopsy report.
Sam had a clean bill of health.
Then what was Sarah talking about?
The boys are looking into it right now.
But according to Sam's date book
he had doctor's appointments every Tuesday
for the last three weeks.
Well, if he was being a hypochondriac about it,
They would've told him right away he didn't have an ulcer.
So what was he doing every Tuesday at 1:00 pm?
Another woman?
So the doctor's office has no patient records
for Sam Parker or Jake Holland.
Car service Sam was using confirmed
that he gave the doctor's office as his destination
when he was scheduling the cars... oh, thanks, Elise.
But I talked to the drivers.
Sam changed the destination once they picked him up.
The first week he headed out
to this residential address out in Long Island.
The next week he drove out to New York Recycle's
Processing plant up in Paramus.
And then last week, he hit the port out in Newark.
Sam wouldn't have wanted Sarah to get on to his 007 routine.
So maybe he was slipping away to do his spying.
At some house on Long Island?
-So another woman. - She and Sam were taking
long, romantic walks at Port Newark.
Why you gotta ruin the dream?
Listen, Sam was changing his destination last minute
with the car service because he was trying to hide something.
So let's look into the addresses
and see why he felt the need to give Sarah a cover story.
State law requires a 10-minute break
every five hours.
Thanks, dad. I needed this.
So how goes your property room sleuthing?
Not amazing.
Oh, no. What happened to that,
Uh, list of Detectives Beckett gave you?
I just hit my last dead end.
Oh, well, what's important is, is that, uh, you tried.
I know.
I just really wanted to get those pictures
back to the victim's family.
I mean, I'd want them if they were pictures
that you'd carried around.
If you are imagining a scenario where I am
No longer here and watching over your every move
and protecting you from every danger,
I can assure you, that will never happen.
I'm just saying, I think it's important.
No, you're right, but remember,
There's a reason why a lot of this stuff goes unclaimed.
I guess I just need to focus on cataloging
for the rest of my time here.
And before you know it,
you'll be retired from law enforcement
and back in the eleventh grade.
Thanks, dad.
For what? You're wcome.
You just gave me a new lead.
So I'll finish your cocoa.
Two relationships.
Can you imagine the stress of trying to pull that off?
Uh, from a literary point of view.
Hey. What'd you guys find?
Well, we canvassed using a picture.
We came up with a longshoreman in Port Newark
who remembered Sam.
Apparently he'd been asking about shipping manifests.
Sounds random.
The longshoreman couldn't help him, so Sam moved on.
What about the address from the first Tuesday?
Oh, here's where gets good.
The Long Island address
is the ridence of a single mother...
Lauren Branston... and her 6-year-old daughter.
I told you it was another woman.
Our love triangle just became a love square.
Nope. Still a triangle. Different name, but that's...
The fiancée, Sarah Reed.
Well, it looks like Sam
wasn't the only one hiding his identity.
The engagement, the relationship,
we know they were all fake.
Love is a hard thing to disprove, Detective Beckett.
This is a copy of your real driver's license.
And this is your social security card.
And this is the employment record from New York Recycle
Under an assumed identity.
Nothing like a fresh start.
We did a little digging.
Turns out New York Recycle isn't the first company
you've worked for under a new identity.
A girl's gotta make a living.
Here's what I'm thinking...
Lance Carlberg figured out that Sam was a spy.
He contacted you, an expert in corporate espionage,
And asked you to intercept him.
I was just doing my job.
Leading a man on isn't a crime, is it, Detective?
Should be.
I'm not looking into the leading on part.
I'm looking into a murder,
And you had access to Sam's apartment,
And you were hired to take care of him.
I was hired to get in his way.
It was supposed to look like I had access
to classified information.
So when I struck up a flirtation, he thought
the relationship would give him the access he needed.
Once you had the relationship, what was the plan?
I just had to leave my laptop
lying around his apartment once or twice.
My keycard ended up in his laundry one weekend.
Men think they're smart.
The trick is to keep letting them think it.
Um... So what was on the computer?
Lance was feeding Sam these partial chemical formulas.
He thought it would keep
Connecticut Solutions going in circles.
Why not kill two birds with one stone?
Keep the enemy close and run Connecticut into the ground.
And what makes you think
That Sam was falling for your routine?
Well, I wondered at first,
Because he wouldn't sleep with me.
And then I realized that he was being faithful to his wife.
So I pretended to buy his whole "I'm old-fashioned" thing.
He thought he was playing me.
He was.
This is Sam's autopsy report.
Hmm. Sam didn't have an ulcer.
He was seeing a doctor for it.
No, that was just a story. He made you.
No way. I would've been able to tell.
Oh, I hate to burst this little "alias" bubble you got going on,
But Sam found your house in Long Island.
He knew you were more than just a flirty engineer.
He played along not to arouse suspicion,
But I think you already knew that.
You knew that he made you and that he found
the secret method, and that's why you killed him.
I think that sounds like a...
great spy versus spy story,
but there is one problem.
The night Sam was killed, I was at my daughter's recital,
and there's about 20 other parents that can vouch for that.
I like her... for the murder.
You see that crazy look in her eye?
That's crazy-killer look.
Yo, Sarah's alibi checks out.
Dance teacher puts her in the front row
- at the time of the murder. - She's still got crazy eyes.
He never loved her, she never loved him,
and they both thought that they were playing each other.
Which still doesn't explain who killed him.
We're missing something.
The pen.
If Sarah's relationship with Sam was a fake...
then why did she give him her grandfather's special pen?
And what was Sarah really looking for
in Sam's office last night?
Nothing. This doesn't make any sense.
We went through Sarah's purse.
If there was something in it, we would've found it.
Castle, what are you doing?
I'm writing a scene.
Let's say Sarah found
what it was she was looking for.
She had it in her hand.
That's when she would've heard Helen coming out of the house.
She would've had to have
gotten rid of whatever it was that she found...
Great. You want to write the part where we find it?
So Helen would never know.
Ah. What do you know?
Power mode is still on.
We're gonna need some tape.
These are the pics that our vic took
while he was supposedly at the doctor.
According to New York Recycle, they ship
their battery sludge up to the recycling plant in Paramus.
You don't need a boat to get to Paramus.
Secret method, my ass. They weren't processing it.
They were switching labels and dumping it.
That Sam was quite the Erin Brockovich, wasn't he?
There was no secret method to battery recycling.
You shipped the sludge out on cargo barges
and dumped it in the ocean.
The money you saved on storage and processing
you just put into your own pocket instead.
Listen, I know my rights.
And I don't have to say anything.
You sold a bill of goods to your customers.
You promised them that they were gonna help save the world.
Instead you poisoned it for money.
What happened, Carlberg?
Sam confront you, threaten to ruin you?
I didn't kill anyone.
And you...
You have no proof.
Actually, I do.
We ran ballistics. It's a match.
We found it in the dumpster outside your apartment building.
Had you recycled, you might have gotten away with it.
(Mads Langer's "Fact Fiction" playing)
The night that your husband was murdered,
He went back to his office
to grab the last few pieces of evidence he had collected,
and by then, Carlberg had already become suspicious.
When he realized that your husband
was contacting his old boss for help in exposing his company,
Carlberg attempted to buy his silence,
but Sam wouldn't accept the bribe.
Of course not. Not Sam.
You said that the environment
was the most important thing to your husband.
Well, he died trying to save it,
and we thought that you should know that.
Thank you. ♪..Without me ♪
♪ say you're falling apart ♪
♪ let's pretend you've missed me ♪
- Hey. - Hey.
Check it out.
The EPA Is shutting down New York Recycle. ♪ wouldn't you say you were lonely ♪
♪ and love say was breaking your heart? ♪
Anna Noles? No, I don't know any Anna Noles.
I do.
Uh, yeah, send her up.
So who's Anna Noles?
The pictures I found belonged to her mother.
Really? How'd you track 'em down?
It was something you said, dad,
about me retiring from law enforcement.
It got me thinking, what if the officer who had
originally worked the case had since retired?
Nice work.
I'm very impressed you were able to close this case.
Thank you. I-I mean, I know it's not like
The important stuff you do, but I...
You know, when a person loses someone,
This is important.
♪ mm ♪
I bet that's her.
♪ mm, mm, mm ♪
You know, maybe you should talk to her.
♪ remember the night you were with me ♪
♪ fell asleep by my side ♪
Thank you.
♪ strangers together, your hand in mine ♪
♪ I fell in love with her longing ♪
She's a chip off the old block, isn't she?
♪ let's just say that she never found out ♪
♪ who it was ♪
♪ she never found in me ♪
Sync, corrections elderman